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Length: 32285 (0x7e1d) Types: R1K_ARCHIVE_DATA, TextFile Names: »DATA«
└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« └─⟦458657fb6⟧ └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3 └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« └─⟦9b46a407a⟧ └─⟦this⟧
procedure Initialize;with Activity; with Debug_Tools; with Error_Reporting; with Io; with Log; with Profile; with Library; with Program; with Operator; with Link_Tools; with Compilation; procedure Initialize is begin Io.Set_Output ("!Machine.Error_Logs.Machine_Initialize"); Io.Set_Error (Io.Current_Output); Activity.Set ("!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"); Operator.Enable_Privileges; if not Operator.Privileged_Mode then Log.Put_Line ("Could not enable privileges.", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg); end if; Library.Context ("!Machine.Error_Logs"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Housekeeping;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Daemons;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Network;"); if Link_Tools.Has ("Install_Subsystems", "?", Link_Tools.External, "!Machine") then begin Program.Run ("""!Machine'L.Install_Subsystems$"".Install_Subsystems;"); exception when others => null; end; end if; Library.Context ("!Machine.Error_Logs"); Program.Run ("""!Commands"".Gateway_Class.Boot_Time_Initialization"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Terminals;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Servers;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Print_Spooler;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Site;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Mail;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Cross_Compilers;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Design_Facilities;"); Io.Reset_Output; exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Fatal), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Initialize;procedure Initialize_Cross_Compilers;with Debug_Tools; with Error_Reporting; with Io; with Program; with Simple_Status; with String_Utilities; with System_Utilities; procedure Initialize_Cross_Compilers is File_Name : constant String := "!Machine.Cross_Compilers"; File : Io.File_Type; procedure Close is begin Io.Close (File); exception when others => null; end Close; function Get_First_Token (From : String) return String is begin for Index in From'Range loop if From (Index) = ' ' then return From (From'First .. Index - 1); end if; end loop; return From; end Get_First_Token; function Get_Remainder (From : String) return String is begin for Index in From'Range loop if From (Index) = ' ' then return From (Index + 1 .. From'Last); end if; end loop; return ""; end Get_Remainder; procedure Start_Compiler (Target_Entry : String) is Target_Name : constant String := Get_First_Token (Target_Entry); Params : constant String := Get_Remainder (Target_Entry); Caller : constant String := "!Machine.Initialize_Cross_Compilers." & Target_Name; Context : constant String := "!Targets.Implementation."; Routine : constant String := "Start_Compiler"; Activity : constant String := "!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"; Job_Id : Program.Job_Id; Status : Program.Condition; procedure Await_Elaboration is begin if not Program.Started_Successfully (Status) then Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unable to start compiler", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Simple_Status.Display_Message (Status)); end if; for I in 1 .. 100 loop begin declare Name : constant String := System_Utilities.Job_Name (Job_Id); begin if Name'First = String_Utilities.Locate (Fragment => Target_Name, Within => Name, Ignore_Case => True) then return; end if; delay 5.0; end; exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Cannot get compiler job name", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); return; end; end loop; Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Compiler has not changed its name", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => ""); end Await_Elaboration; begin if String_Utilities.Locate ("Motorola_68k", Target_Name) /= 0 then -- with Common, Control, Stream, the Start_Compiler procedure -- does not return until all components are started. Program.Run (Program.Current (Subsystem => Context & Target_Name, Unit => Routine, Parameters => Params, Activity => Activity)); else Program.Create_Job (Program.Current (Subsystem => Context & Target_Name, Unit => Routine, Activity => Activity), Job_Id, Status); Await_Elaboration; end if; exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Start_Compiler; begin begin Io.Open (File => File, Mode => Io.In_File, Name => File_Name); exception when Io.Name_Error => -- file does not exist return; end; begin loop Start_Compiler (String_Utilities.Strip_Leading (Filler => ' ', From => Io.Get_Line (File))); end loop; exception when Io.End_Error => Close; end; exception when others => Close; raise; end Initialize_Cross_Compilers;procedure Initialize_Daemons;with Io; with Daemon; with Program; with Error_Reporting; with Debug_Tools; with Disk_Daemon; with Time_Utilities; use Time_Utilities; procedure Initialize_Daemons is function "=" (L, R : Disk_Daemon.Threshold_Kinds) return Boolean renames Disk_Daemon."="; subtype Volume_Number is Disk_Daemon.Volume_Number; subtype Bytes is Natural; Kbyte : constant Bytes := 1024; Mbyte : constant Bytes := 1024 * 1024; subtype Threshold is Disk_Daemon.Percentage; -- eg, 10 means 10% subtype Threshold_Kinds is Disk_Daemon.Threshold_Kinds; type Threshold_Array is array (Threshold_Kinds) of Threshold; function Min (Volume : Volume_Number) return Bytes is begin if Volume = 1 then return (10 + 25) * Mbyte; else return 10 * Mbyte; end if; -- A Suspend threshold corresponding to 1 block is clearly worthless, -- regardless of the size of the disk. Thus, you would expect there -- to be some minimum absolute number of disk blocks to be included in -- the suspend threshold. Assuming you recover from hitting the -- suspend threshold by rebooting and elaborating just DDC, the -- minimum needs to be higher than 10 Mbytes. You need to account for -- swap space for the environment on volume 1. end Min; function New_Garbage (Consumed : Bytes) return Bytes is begin return (2 * Consumed) / 100; -- 2% of Consumed -- GC has some tables whose size is a linear function of capacity. GC -- produces new garbage while it is collecting the old garbage. The -- amount of the new garbage is a linear function of capacity. We -- assume that GC will produce 2% new garbage for the garbage that it -- reclaims. end New_Garbage; function Suspend (Volume : Volume_Number; Capacity : Bytes) return Bytes is Fixed : constant Bytes := Min (Volume); Variable : constant Bytes := 2 * New_Garbage (Capacity); begin return Fixed + Variable; -- Assuming all of Capacity is garbage is clearly pessimistic. We -- leave twice as much space as should be required because (1) failure -- to leave enough space results in a restore from backup, and (2) the -- procedure for recovering from hitting Suspend is very unfriendly -- causing people to end up trying it 2 or 3 times, each wasted -- attempt producing more garbage. end Suspend; function Get_Threshold (Kind : Threshold_Kinds; Volume : Volume_Number; Capacity : Bytes) return Bytes is begin if Kind = Disk_Daemon.Suspend_System then return Suspend (Volume, Capacity); else declare Next_Kind : constant Threshold_Kinds := Threshold_Kinds'Succ (Kind); Next_Amount : constant Bytes := Get_Threshold (Next_Kind, Volume, Capacity); Headroom : constant Bytes := Capacity - Next_Amount; begin return Next_Amount + New_Garbage (Headroom); -- We assume that the headroom is ALL garbage when GC starts, -- which is clearly pessimistic. The formula leaves enough -- space for a complete GC cycle started AFTER the threshold -- is reached. end; end if; end Get_Threshold; function To_Percent (Value : Bytes; Capacity : Bytes) return Threshold is begin return Threshold ((Value * 100) / Capacity); end To_Percent; procedure Set (Volume : Volume_Number; Capacity : Bytes) is Thresholds : Threshold_Array; Next_Threshold : Threshold := 0; begin -- Compute theoretical Thresholds for K in Thresholds'Range loop Thresholds (K) := To_Percent (Get_Threshold (K, Volume, Capacity), Capacity); end loop; -- Adjust for at least a 1% difference between thresholds for K in reverse Thresholds'Range loop if Next_Threshold >= Thresholds (K) then Thresholds (K) := Next_Threshold + 1; end if; Next_Threshold := Thresholds (K); end loop; -- Preset thresholds to known, legal values for K in reverse Thresholds'Range loop Disk_Daemon.Set_Threshold (Volume, K, 1 + Threshold_Kinds'Pos (Threshold_Kinds'Last) - Threshold_Kinds'Pos (K)); end loop; for K in Thresholds'Range loop Disk_Daemon.Set_Threshold (Volume, K, Thresholds (K)); end loop; end Set; begin -- Set Disk Daemon thresholds based on disk capacities for Vol in 1 .. 4 loop if Disk_Daemon.Exists (Vol) then Set (Vol, Disk_Daemon.Capacity (Vol) * Kbyte); end if; end loop; -- Snapshot parameters Daemon.Snapshot_Warning_Message (20.0); Daemon.Snapshot_Start_Message (False); Daemon.Schedule ("Snapshot", 30 * Minute, 15 * Minute); -- note that daemons are scheduled by default Daemon.Set_Access_List_Compaction; begin Program.Run_Job (S => Program.Current (Subsystem => "!Commands.System_Maintenance", Unit => "Smooth_Snapshots", Parameters => "", Activity => "!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"), Debug => False, Context => "$", After => 0.0, Options => "Name => (Smooth Snapshots)", Response => "<PROFILE>"); exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Daemons.Smooth_Snapshots", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end; end Initialize_Daemons;procedure Initialize_Design_Facilities;with Debug_Tools; with Error_Reporting; with Io; with Program; with Simple_Status; with String_Utilities; procedure Initialize_Design_Facilities is package Dt renames Debug_Tools; package Ss renames Simple_Status; package Su renames String_Utilities; Activity : constant String := "!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"; Caller : constant String := "!Machine.Initialize_Design_Facilities"; File_Of_Pdls : constant String := "!Machine.Design_Facilities"; Pdl_File : Io.File_Type; procedure Close is begin Io.Close (Pdl_File); exception when others => null; end Close; procedure Start_Pdl (Pdl_Name : String) is Uc_Pdl_Name : constant String := Su.Upper_Case (Su.Strip (Pdl_Name)); Command_Options : constant String := "Input | Output | Error => !MACHINE.DEVICES.NIL"; Registration_Procedure : constant String := "REGISTER_PDL"; Job_Id : Program.Job_Id; Status : Program.Condition; function Get_Context (From_Command : String) return String is Begin_Quote : constant Natural := From_Command'First; End_Quote : constant Natural := Su.Reverse_Locate ('"', From_Command); begin return From_Command (Natural'Succ (Begin_Quote) .. Natural'Pred (End_Quote)); end Get_Context; function Pdl_Subsystem return String is begin if Uc_Pdl_Name (Uc_Pdl_Name'First) = '!' then return Uc_Pdl_Name & ".PDL_DEFINITION"; else return "!TOOLS.DESIGN.RELEASE." & Uc_Pdl_Name & ".PDL_DEFINITION"; end if; end Pdl_Subsystem; function Registration_Command return String is begin return Program.Current (Subsystem => Pdl_Subsystem, Unit => Registration_Procedure, Activity => Activity); end Registration_Command; function Pdl_Invocation return String is begin return Caller & " (" & Pdl_Subsystem & ')'; end Pdl_Invocation; begin if Uc_Pdl_Name'Length = 0 then return; end if; Program.Create_Job (Registration_Command, Context => Get_Context (Registration_Command), Options => Command_Options, Job => Job_Id, Status => Status); if not Program.Started_Successfully (Status) then Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Pdl_Invocation, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unable to Register " & Uc_Pdl_Name, Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Ss.Display_Message (Status)); end if; exception when Io.Name_Error => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller & ".Start_Pdl", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Invalid_Pdl_Name", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Uc_Pdl_Name & " cannot be found."); when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Pdl_Invocation, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Dt.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Start_Pdl; begin begin Io.Open (File => Pdl_File, Mode => Io.In_File, Name => File_Of_Pdls); exception when Io.Name_Error => -- File does not exist return; end; begin loop Start_Pdl (Io.Get_Line (Pdl_File)); end loop; exception when Io.End_Error => Close; end; exception when others => Close; Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("UNHANDLED EXCEPTION", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Dt.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Initialize_Design_Facilities;procedure Initialize_Dtia;with Program; with Debug_Tools; with Simple_Status; with Error_Reporting; procedure Initialize_Dtia is package Dt renames Debug_Tools; package Ss renames Simple_Status; Activity : constant String := "!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"; Subsystem : constant String := "!Tools.Dtia_Rpc_Mechanisms"; Elaboration : constant String := "Elaboration"; Caller : constant String := "!Machine.Initialize_Dtia"; Job_Id : Program.Job_Id; Status : Program.Condition; function Elaboration_Command return String is begin return Program.Current (Subsystem => Subsystem, Unit => Elaboration, Activity => Activity); end Elaboration_Command; begin declare Command : constant String := Elaboration_Command; begin if Command'Length > 0 then Program.Create_Job (Elaboration_Command, Job => Job_Id, Status => Status); end if; end; if not Program.Started_Successfully (Status) then Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unable to initialize Dtia", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Ss.Display_Message (Status)); end if; exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("UNHANDLED EXCEPTION", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Dt.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Initialize_Dtia;procedure Initialize_Housekeeping;with Library; with Scheduler; with Access_List; procedure Initialize_Housekeeping is begin Library.Destroy (Existing => "!Machine.Temporary??", Threshold => Natural'Last, Limit => "<All_Worlds>", Response => "<Errors>"); Library.Create_World ("!Machine.Temporary", Model => "", Response => "<Errors>"); Library.Set_Retention_Count ("!Machine.Temporary", 0, Response => "<Errors>"); Access_List.Set ("Network_Public => Rwcd", "!Machine.Temporary", Response => "<Errors>"); Access_List.Set_Default ("Network_Public => Rwcd", "!Machine.Temporary", Response => "<Errors>"); Library.Compact_Library ("!Machine.Error_Logs"); Library.Compact_Library ("!Machine.Queues.??'C(World)"); Scheduler.Set ("Background_Streams", 3); Scheduler.Set ("Stream_Time 1", 2); Scheduler.Set ("Stream_Time 2", 58); Scheduler.Set ("Stream_Jobs 1", 3); Scheduler.Set ("Foreground_Time_Limit", 300); Scheduler.Set ("Max_Detached_Wsl", 5000); Scheduler.Set ("Max_Attached_Wsl", 4000); Scheduler.Set ("Min_Ce_Wsl", 150); Scheduler.Set ("Max_Ce_Wsl", 500); Scheduler.Set ("Min_Oe_Wsl", 75); Scheduler.Set ("Max_Oe_Wsl", 750); Scheduler.Set ("Min_Server_Wsl", 75); Scheduler.Set ("Disk_Scheduling", 0); end Initialize_Housekeeping;procedure Initialize_Mail;with Program; with Debug_Tools; with Error_Reporting; procedure Initialize_Mail is begin Program.Run ("""!Machine.Transfer"".Initialize"); Program.Run ("""!Machine.Transfer.Distribute"".Initialize"); exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Mail", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Initialize_Mail;procedure Initialize_Network;with Debug_Tools; with Error_Reporting; with Ftp_Server; with Program; with Tcp_Ip_Boot; with Network_Product; with Ftp_Product; with Rpc_Product; procedure Initialize_Network is begin if Network_Product.Is_Installed ("TCP/IP") then begin Tcp_Ip_Boot (Exos_Prefix => "!Tools.Networking."); exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Network.TCP_IP_Boot", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end; end if; if Ftp_Product.Is_Installed then begin delay 15.0; Ftp_Server.Start; exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Network.FTP", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end; end if; if Rpc_Product.Is_Installed then begin delay 15.0; Program.Run_Job ("""!Commands"".Archive.Server", Context => "!Machine.Error_Logs", Options => "Output => !Machine.Error_Logs.Archive_Server_Log," & "Name => (Archive Server), " & "User=NETWORK_PUBLIC, Password=()"); exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Network.Archive", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end; end if; end Initialize_Network;procedure Initialize_Print_Spooler;with Queue; procedure Initialize_Print_Spooler is begin Queue.Restart_Print_Spooler; end Initialize_Print_Spooler;procedure Initialize_Rcf (Target_File_Name : String := "!Machine.Rcf_Targets"); -- Elaborates the RCF by running Start_Rcf_Main. -- -- Once the RCF has been successfully elaborated, each of the Targets -- entered in "!Machine.Rcf_Targets" is registered. -- -- Each entry in "!Machine.Rcf_Targets" must be a valid RCF target key name. -- For a Target_Key to be considered valid, a customization must exist in -- "!Targets.Implementation.Rcf_Customization."Target_Key"'View". -- -- For example, an entry of "Rs6000_Aix_Ibm" in "!Machine.Rcf_Targets" -- would have to be accompanied by a subsystem with the following name: -- "!Targets.Implementation.Rcf_Customization.Rs6000_Aix_Ibm" -- In this subsystem could be any number of load views, the most current -- of which must reside in the machine's default activity. In this -- view should be a valid customization as described in Rational Remote -- Compilation Facility Customizers Guide.with Debug_Tools; with Directory_Tools; with Error_Reporting; with Io; with Log; with Error_Reporting; with Profile; with Program; with Simple_Status; with String_Utilities; with System_Utilities; procedure Initialize_Rcf (Target_File_Name : String := "!Machine.Rcf_Targets") is Target_File : Io.File_Type; Register_Context : constant String := "!Targets.Implementation.Rcf_Customization"; Job : Program.Job_Id; Condition : Program.Condition; Rcf_Name : constant String := "Rcf_Compiler"; Delay_Count : Natural := 0; Rcf_Compiler_Failure : exception; use Directory_Tools; begin Program.Create_Job ("""!Targets.Implementation.Rcf_User_Interface'Spec_View.Units"".Start_Rcf_Main", Job, Condition, Options => "output => !Machine.Error_Logs.Rcf_Compiler_Log"); if Program.Started_Successfully (Condition) then while String_Utilities.Locate (Rcf_Name, System_Utilities.Job_Name (Job)) = 0 loop Delay_Count := Delay_Count + 1; if Delay_Count > 60 then raise Rcf_Compiler_Failure; end if; delay 2.0; end loop; Log.Put_Line ("Rcf Compiler Started", Profile.Positive_Msg); else raise Rcf_Compiler_Failure; end if; if Object.Is_Ok (The_Object => Naming.Resolution (Target_File_Name)) then Io.Open (File => Target_File, Mode => Io.In_File, Name => Target_File_Name); while not Io.End_Of_File (Target_File) loop declare Stripped_Target : constant String := String_Utilities.Strip (Io.Get_Line (Target_File)); begin Program.Create_Job (Program.Current (Subsystem => Register_Context & "." & Stripped_Target, Unit => Stripped_Target & ".Register", Activity => "!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"), Job, Condition, Context => Register_Context); if Program.Started_Successfully (Condition) then Program.Wait_For (Job); Log.Put_Line ("Registered Rcf target " & Stripped_Target); else Log.Put_Line ("Failed To Register", Profile.Error_Msg); Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Rcf", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unable to register rcf target " & Stripped_Target, Error_Reporting.Warning), Explanation => Simple_Status.Name (Condition)); end if; end; end loop; Io.Close (Target_File); else Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Rcf", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("No Rcf targets will be registered", Error_Reporting.Warning), Explanation => "Bad target file name: " & Target_File_Name); end if; exception when Rcf_Compiler_Failure => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Rcf", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unable to start rcf", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Simple_Status.Name (Condition)); when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Rcf", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Initialize_Rcf;procedure Initialize_Servers;with Debug_Tools; with Error_Reporting; with Program; procedure Initialize_Servers is begin delay 15.0; begin Program.Run_Job (Program.Current ("!Tools.CI", "CI.Login", Activity => "!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"), Options => "Name => (Console Command Interpreter)", Context => "!Machine.Error_Logs"); exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Servers.Ci", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end; end Initialize_Servers;procedure Initialize_Teamwork_Interface;with Program; with Debug_Tools; with Simple_Status; with Error_Reporting; procedure Initialize_Teamwork_Interface is package Dt renames Debug_Tools; package Ss renames Simple_Status; Activity : constant String := "!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"; Subsystem : constant String := "!Tools.Design.Rdf_Teamwork_Integration.Teamwork"; Initialization : constant String := "Initialize_Teamwork"; Caller : constant String := "!Machine.Initialize_Teamwork_Interface"; Job_Id : Program.Job_Id; Status : Program.Condition; function Initialization_Command return String is begin return Program.Current (Subsystem => Subsystem, Unit => Initialization, Activity => Activity); end Initialization_Command; begin declare Command : constant String := Initialization_Command; begin if Command'Length > 0 then Program.Create_Job (Initialization_Command, Job => Job_Id, Status => Status); end if; end; if not Program.Started_Successfully (Status) then Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unable to initialize Teamwork_Interface ", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Ss.Display_Message (Status)); end if; exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("UNHANDLED EXCEPTION", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Dt.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Initialize_Teamwork_Interface;procedure Initialize_Terminals;with Operator; with Telnet_Product; with Terminal; procedure Initialize_Terminals is begin Terminal.Set_Logoff_On_Disconnect (Line => 16, Enabled => False); -- for I in 17 .. 20 loop -- Operator.Enable_Terminal (I); -- Terminal.Set_Disconnect_On_Logoff (Line => I, Enabled => false); -- end loop; if Telnet_Product.Is_Installed then for I in 240 .. 244 loop -- for I in 240 .. 240 loop Terminal.Set_Disconnect_On_Logoff (Line => I, Enabled => True); Terminal.Set_Logoff_On_Disconnect (Line => I, Enabled => False); Operator.Enable_Terminal (I); end loop; end if; end Initialize_Terminals;
INDEX: ⟦12c54c21c⟧ R1K_ARCHIVE_INDEX DATA: ⟦274c33adf⟧ R1K_ARCHIVE_DATA, TextFile
0x0000…0015 ⟦e4d729873⟧ 0x0015…07b1 ⟦7dc6a33a2⟧ 0x07b1…07d6 ⟦37bf5972b⟧ 0x07d6…1c4a ⟦f44a07755⟧ 0x1c4a…1c67 ⟦74489c12c⟧ 0x1c67…3492 ⟦1f08c22c5⟧ 0x3492…34b9 ⟦ca9c28602⟧ 0x34b9…45cc ⟦849a19f91⟧ 0x45cc…45e6 ⟦dd5a59065⟧ 0x45e6…4c83 ⟦4b0d2c196⟧ 0x4c83…4ca5 ⟦15fa2eb42⟧ 0x4ca5…5227 ⟦b00834769⟧ 0x5227…5241 ⟦1e3bac229⟧ 0x5241…5469 ⟦c0bcd93f1⟧ 0x5469…5486 ⟦85774ba36⟧ 0x5486…5d23 ⟦d3b258ae9⟧ 0x5d23…5d46 ⟦59fc75f21⟧ 0x5d46…5dbd ⟦fe019b40a⟧ 0x5dbd…616c ⟦1d4e33392⟧ 0x616c…70b3 ⟦145c6b2d2⟧ 0x70b3…70d0 ⟦e66053310⟧ 0x70d0…7404 ⟦6d8dcbe53⟧ 0x7404…742c ⟦9762fd6c8⟧ 0x742c…7b52 ⟦e69546f5e⟧ 0x7b52…7b71 ⟦2e40aab7b⟧ 0x7b71…7e1d ⟦260b3b572⟧