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Length: 24881 (0x6131) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13 └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16 └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Asaopen; with Device_Independent_Io; with Job_Segment; with Gateway_Object; separate (Actions) package body Model is package Asac renames Asa_Definitions.Commands; package Diio renames Device_Independent_Io; Annotations : constant String := Asa_Definitions.Main_Class_Directory & ".ANNOTATIONS"; Annotation_Types : constant String := Asa_Definitions.Main_Class_Directory & ".ANNOTATION_TYPES"; Associated : constant String := Asa_Definitions.Main_Class_Directory & ".ASSOCIATED"; procedure Image_Name (Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle; Visible : Boolean; Read_Only : Boolean; No_Image : out Boolean; Show_Property_Image : out Boolean; Id : out Dc.Image_Identity) is Gateway_Object : constant Dir.Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (Handle); S : Ss.Condition; begin Show_Property_Image := False; Id := (I1 => Dir.Unique (Gateway_Object), I2 => 0); No_Image := True; if not Read_Only then S := Check_Writeable (Handle); Logger.Status (S); end if; exception when Profile.Error => Logger.Error ("Image construction is quitting after errors", Raise_Error => False); end Image_Name; procedure Build_Image (Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle; Visible : Boolean; In_Place : Boolean; First_Time : Boolean; Read_Only : in out Boolean; Image : Dc.Image_Id; No_Image : out Boolean; Underlying_Object : out Directory.Object) is Action_Id : Action.Id; C : Ro.Context; Directory_Exists : Boolean; File_Exists : Boolean; Has_Destroyed_Gateway : Boolean; S : Ss.Condition; Gateway_Object : constant Dir.Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (Handle); Gateway_Full_Name : constant String := Dir.Naming.Get_Full_Name (Gateway_Object); Host : constant String := Asap.Data_Host (Handle); Model : constant String := Asap.Data_Context (Handle) & Unix.Context_Separator & Asap.Data_Name (Handle); use Gateways; begin No_Image := True; Underlying_Object := Gateway_Object; if not Read_Only then if Ss.Error (Check_Writeable (Handle)) then return; end if; end if; Ro.Acquire (A_Context => C, Status => S, Machine => Host, Instance => Asa_Definitions.Asa); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); if not Is_Up_To_Date (Handle, In_Context => C) then case Asas.Action_When_Out_Of_Date is when Asas.Abandon => Logger.Negative ("The gateway object " & Gateway_Full_Name & " may not be up-to-date. Use Asa.Accept_Changes " & "to update it"); when Asas.Accept_Changes => Logger.Positive ("The gateway object " & Gateway_Full_Name & " may not be up-to-date. Changes are being accepted"); Gwo.Close (Handle, S); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); Action_Id := Action.Start; Accept_Changes (Gateway_Object => Gateway_Object, In_Context => C, Model => Model, Comments => "Automatic Accept_Changes issued by " & "Build_Image from object " & Gateway_Full_Name, Work_Order => "<DEFAULT>", Action_Id => Action_Id, Has_Destroyed_Gateway => Has_Destroyed_Gateway); Action.Finish (The_Action => Action_Id, Do_Commit => True); if Has_Destroyed_Gateway then Logger.Error ("Gateway object " & Gateway_Full_Name & " has been destroyed while accepting changes. " & "Unable to create an image for it."); else Gwo.Open_Object (Object => Gateway_Full_Name, Slot => Gwo.Main_Slot, H => Handle, Errors => S); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); end if; when Asas.Continue => Logger.Warning ("The gateway object " & Gateway_Full_Name & " may not be up-to-date."); end case; end if; -- -- Before calling asaedit we check the existence of the file, -- because asaedit won't tell much it they do not exist. -- Ro.File_Exists (The_File => Asap.Data_Context (Handle), In_Context => C, Status => S, Exists => Directory_Exists); Logger.Status (S); if Directory_Exists then if Read_Only then Ro.File_Exists (The_File => Asap.Data_Context (Handle) & Unix.Context_Separator & Asap.Data_Name (Handle), In_Context => C, Status => S, Exists => File_Exists); Logger.Status (S); if not File_Exists then Logger.Negative ("Remote file " & Asap.Data_Context (Handle) & Unix.Context_Separator & Asap.Data_Name (Handle) & " does not exist"); end if; end if; else Logger.Negative ("Remote directory " & Asap.Data_Context (Handle) & " does not exist"); end if; declare Remote_Annotations : constant String := Unix.Temporary_Filename (Asac.Annotations_Extension); Remote_Annotation_Types : constant String := Unix.Temporary_Filename (Asac.Annotation_Types_Extension); Asaedit_Command : constant String := Asas.Bin_Directory (Asap.Data_Host (Handle)) & Unix.Context_Separator & Asac.Asaedit & ' ' & Asap.Data_Context (Handle) & Unix.Context_Separator & Asap.Data_Name (Handle) & ' ' & Asac.Start_Node & ' ' & Asap.Asa_Node_Number (Handle) & ' ' & Asac.No_Warnings & ' ' & Asac.Annotations & ' ' & Remote_Annotations & ' ' & Asac.Annotation_Types & ' ' & Remote_Annotation_Types; Rm_Command : constant String := Unix.Remove & ' ' & Remote_Annotations & ' ' & Remote_Annotation_Types; begin Logger.Note ("Copying file " & Annotations & " to " & Remote_Annotations); Ro.Put (From_File => Annotations, To_File => Remote_Annotations, In_Context => C, Status => S); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); Logger.Note ("Copying file " & Annotation_Types & " to " & Remote_Annotation_Types); Ro.Put (From_File => Annotation_Types, To_File => Remote_Annotation_Types, In_Context => C, Status => S); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); if Read_Only then Execute (Command => Asaedit_Command & ' ' & Asac.Read_Only & Unix.Command_Separator & Rm_Command, Interactive => True, In_Context => C, Timeout => Ro.Wait_Forever); else Execute (Command => Asaedit_Command & Unix.Command_Separator & Rm_Command, Interactive => True, In_Context => C, Timeout => Ro.Wait_Forever); end if; end; Ro.Release (A_Context => C, Status => S); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); exception when Profile.Error => Logger.Error ("Image construction is quitting after errors", Raise_Error => False); end Build_Image; --[bug] -- Due to a bug in DISPATCH, the CMVC operations are called with an -- handle that it not open under the action used for the operation. -- To avoid locking problems, we immediately close the handle and -- reopen the same object with the appropriate action. However there -- is still an interesting issue: when the handle is reopen for the -- post operation (with a new action), a locking error may be -- detected, and the post operation may be called with a closed -- handle. We have to live with this... -- function Reopen (Handle : in Gwo.Handle; Action_Id : in Action.Id) return Gwo.Handle is Result : Gwo.Handle; S : Ss.Condition; The_Object : constant Dir.Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (Handle); begin Gwo.Close (Handle); Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => The_Object, H => Result, Update => False, Action_Id => Action_Id, Errors => S); Logger.Status (S); return Result; end Reopen; procedure Pre_Check_In (Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle; Subobject : Directory.Object; Response : Profile.Response_Profile; Action_Id : Action.Id; Errors : in out Dc.Error_Counts) is The_Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle := Reopen (Handle, Action_Id); C : Ro.Context; Has_Destroyed_Gateway : Boolean; S : Ss.Condition; The_Action : Action.Id := Action_Id; Gateway_Object : constant Dir.Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (The_Handle); Gateway_Full_Name : constant String := Dir.Naming.Get_Full_Name (Gateway_Object); Host : constant String := Asap.Data_Host (The_Handle); Model : constant String := Asap.Data_Context (The_Handle) & Unix.Context_Separator & Asap.Data_Name (The_Handle); begin Profile.Set (Response); Ro.Acquire (A_Context => C, Status => S, Machine => Host, Instance => Asa_Definitions.Asa); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); if not Is_Up_To_Date (The_Handle, In_Context => C) then Logger.Positive ("Accepting changes from model " & Model); Gwo.Close (The_Handle, S); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); Accept_Changes (Gateway_Object => Gateway_Object, In_Context => C, Model => Model, Comments => "Automatic Accept_Changes issued by " & "Check_In from object " & Gateway_Full_Name, Work_Order => "<DEFAULT>", Action_Id => Action_Id, Has_Destroyed_Gateway => Has_Destroyed_Gateway); if Has_Destroyed_Gateway then Logger.Warning ("The gateway object " & Gateway_Full_Name & " has been destroyed while accepting " & "changes. Cmvc.Check_In is unable to proceed"); Action.Finish (The_Action => The_Action, Do_Commit => True); Errors := (Warnings => 0, Errors => 0, Fatal => True); return; end if; end if; Ro.Release (A_Context => C, Status => S); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); Errors := (Warnings => 0, Errors => 0, Fatal => False); exception when Profile.Error => Errors := (Warnings => 0, Errors => 1, Fatal => False); end Pre_Check_In; procedure Pre_Cmvc_Copy (Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle; Subobject : Directory.Object; Release : Boolean; Controlled : Boolean; Joined : Boolean; Source_View : Directory.Object; Destination_View : Directory.Object; First_Call : Boolean; Do_Not_Copy : out Boolean; Response : Profile.Response_Profile; Action_Id : Action.Id; Errors : in out Dc.Error_Counts) is The_Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle := Reopen (Handle, Action_Id); C : Ro.Context; Has_Destroyed_Gateway : Boolean; S : Ss.Condition; The_Action : Action.Id := Action_Id; Gateway_Object : constant Dir.Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (The_Handle); Gateway_Full_Name : constant String := Dir.Naming.Get_Full_Name (Gateway_Object); Host : constant String := Asap.Data_Host (The_Handle); Model : constant String := Asap.Data_Context (The_Handle) & Unix.Context_Separator & Asap.Data_Name (The_Handle); begin Profile.Set (Response); Ro.Acquire (A_Context => C, Status => S, Machine => Host, Instance => Asa_Definitions.Asa); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); if not Is_Up_To_Date (The_Handle, In_Context => C) then Logger.Positive ("Accepting changes from model " & Model); Gwo.Close (The_Handle, S); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); Accept_Changes (Gateway_Object => Gateway_Object, In_Context => C, Model => Model, Comments => "Automatic Accept_Changes issued by " & "view copy" & Gateway_Full_Name, Work_Order => "<DEFAULT>", Action_Id => Action_Id, Has_Destroyed_Gateway => Has_Destroyed_Gateway); end if; Ro.Release (A_Context => C, Status => S); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); Errors := (Warnings => 0, Errors => 0, Fatal => False); Do_Not_Copy := False; exception when Profile.Error => Errors := (Warnings => 0, Errors => 1, Fatal => False); Do_Not_Copy := True; end Pre_Cmvc_Copy; procedure Post_Cmvc_Copy (Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle; Subobject : Directory.Object; Source_Object : Directory.Object; Release : Boolean; Controlled : Boolean; Joined : Boolean; Source_View : Directory.Object; Destination_View : Directory.Object; First_Call : Boolean; Response : Profile.Response_Profile; Action_Id : Action.Id; Errors : in out Dc.Error_Counts) is The_Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle := Reopen (Handle, Action_Id); Archive_File : Diio.File_Type; C : Ro.Context; S : Ss.Condition; type Access_String is access String; pragma Segmented_Heap (Access_String); Context : constant String := Asap.Data_Context (The_Handle); Host : constant String := Asap.Data_Host (The_Handle); Model : constant String := Context & Unix.Context_Separator & Asap.Data_Name (The_Handle); Gateway_Object : constant Dir.Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (The_Handle); Archive_File_Name : constant String := Dna.Get_Full_Name (Gateway_Object) & ".Archive"; Remote_Tarfile : constant String := Unix.Temporary_Filename (Unix.Tarfile_Extension); Cd_Command : constant String := Unix.Change_Directory & ' ' & Context; Tar_Command : constant String := Unix.Tape_Archive & ' ' & Unix.Create & Unix.Archive_File & ' ' & Remote_Tarfile & ' ' & Model; Rm_Command : constant String := Unix.Remove & ' ' & Remote_Tarfile; My_State : Access_String; procedure Process (State : in out Access_String; Line : in String) is begin pragma Assert (State = null); State := new String'(Line); pragma Heap (Job_Segment.Get); end Process; procedure Execute_Script is new Asaopen.Execute (State_Record => Access_String, Process => Process); begin if Release then Profile.Set (Response); -- -- Acquire a connection. -- Ro.Acquire (A_Context => C, Status => S, Machine => Host, Instance => Asa_Definitions.Asa); Logger.Status (S); -- -- Find the associated files. -- Execute_Script (In_Context => C, Model => Model, Template_Name => Associated, State => My_State, Status => S); Logger.Status (S); -- -- Archive all the files, from the appropriate directory. -- Execute (Command => Cd_Command & Unix.Command_Separator & Tar_Command & ' ' & My_State.all, Interactive => False, In_Context => C, Timeout => Default_Timeout); -- -- Upload the tar file. -- Diio.Create (File => Archive_File, Mode => Diio.Out_File, Name => Archive_File_Name, Action_Id => Gwo.Action_Id (The_Handle)); Ro.Get (From_File => Remote_Tarfile, In_Context => C, To_File => Archive_File, Status => S); Logger.Status (S); Diio.Close (File => Archive_File); -- -- Delete the remote tarfile. -- Execute (Command => Rm_Command, Interactive => False, In_Context => C, Timeout => Default_Timeout); -- -- Release the connection. -- Ro.Release (A_Context => C, Status => S); Logger.Status (S); end if; Errors := (Warnings => 0, Errors => 0, Fatal => False); exception when Profile.Error => Errors := (Warnings => 0, Errors => 1, Fatal => True); end Post_Cmvc_Copy; procedure Pre_Make_Controlled (Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle; Subobject : Directory.Object; Save_Source : Boolean; Allow_Controlled : out Boolean; Response : Profile.Response_Profile; Action_Id : Action.Id; Errors : in out Dc.Error_Counts) is The_Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle := Reopen (Handle, Action_Id); C : Ro.Context; Has_Destroyed_Gateway : Boolean; S : Ss.Condition; The_Action : Action.Id := Action_Id; Gateway_Object : constant Dir.Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (The_Handle); Gateway_Full_Name : constant String := Dir.Naming.Get_Full_Name (Gateway_Object); Host : constant String := Asap.Data_Host (The_Handle); Model : constant String := Asap.Data_Context (The_Handle) & Unix.Context_Separator & Asap.Data_Name (The_Handle); begin Profile.Set (Response); Allow_Controlled := True; if Save_Source then Logger.Negative (Asa_Definitions.Asa & " gateway objects cannot be source-controlled"); Errors := (Warnings => 0, Errors => 1, Fatal => False); else Ro.Acquire (A_Context => C, Status => S, Machine => Host, Instance => Asa_Definitions.Asa); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); if not Is_Up_To_Date (The_Handle, In_Context => C) then Logger.Positive ("Accepting changes from model " & Model); Gwo.Close (The_Handle, S); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); Accept_Changes (Gateway_Object => Gateway_Object, In_Context => C, Model => Model, Comments => "Automatic Accept_Changes issued by " & "Cmvc.Make_Controlled from object " & Gateway_Full_Name, Work_Order => "<DEFAULT>", Action_Id => Action_Id, Has_Destroyed_Gateway => Has_Destroyed_Gateway); if Has_Destroyed_Gateway then Logger.Warning ("The gateway object " & Gateway_Full_Name & " has been destroyed while accepting " & "changes. Cmvc.Make_Controlled is " & "unable to proceed"); Action.Finish (The_Action => The_Action, Do_Commit => True); Errors := (Warnings => 0, Errors => 0, Fatal => True); return; end if; end if; Ro.Release (A_Context => C, Status => S); Logger.Status (S, Interactive => True); Errors := (Warnings => 0, Errors => 0, Fatal => False); end if; exception when Profile.Error => Errors := (Warnings => 0, Errors => 1, Fatal => False); end Pre_Make_Controlled; procedure Terminate_Server (Reason : in Dc.Termination_Condition) is begin if Reason = Dc.Gateway_Class_Deactivated then Switch_Registration.Stop; end if; end Terminate_Server; end Model;