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Length: 3475 (0xd93) Types: TextFile Names: »V«
└─⟦25882cbde⟧ Bits:30000536 8mm tape, Rational 1000, RCI_RS6000_AIX_IBM 2_0_2 └─ ⟦b8efda8ac⟧ »DATA« └─⟦7061b4ee8⟧ └─⟦dea849e77⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Io_Exceptions; package Basic_Io is type Count is range 0 .. Integer'Last; subtype Positive_Count is Count range 1 .. Count'Last; function Get_Integer return String; -- Skips any leading blanks, line terminators or page -- terminators. Then reads a plus or a minus sign if -- present, then reads according to the syntax of an -- integer literal, which may be based. Stores in item -- a string containing an optional sign and an integer -- literal. -- -- The exception DATA_ERROR is raised if the sequence -- of characters does not correspond to the syntax -- escribed above. -- -- The exception END_ERROR is raised if the file terminator -- is read. This means that the starting sequence of an -- integer has not been met. -- -- Note that the character terminating the operation must -- be available for the next get operation. -- function Get_Real return String; -- Corresponds to get_integer except that it reads according -- to the syntax of a real literal, which may be based. function Get_Enumeration return String; -- Corresponds to get_integer except that it reads according -- to the syntax of an identifier, where upper and lower -- case letters are equivalent to a character literal -- including the apostrophes. function Get_Item (Length : in Integer) return String; -- Reads a string from the current line and stores it in -- item. If the remaining number of characters on the -- current line is less than the length then only these -- characters are returned. The line terminator is not -- skipped. procedure Put_Item (Item : in String); -- If the length of the string is greater than the current -- maximum line (linelength), the exception LAYOUT_ERROR -- is raised. -- -- If the string does not fit on the current line a line -- terminator is output, then the item is output. -- Line and page lengths - ARM 14.3.3. -- procedure Set_Line_Length (To : in Count); procedure Set_Page_Length (To : in Count); function Line_Length return Count; function Page_Length return Count; -- Operations oncolumns, lines and pages - ARM 14.3.4. -- procedure New_Line; procedure Skip_Line; function End_Of_Line return Boolean; procedure New_Page; procedure Skip_Page; function End_Of_Page return Boolean; function End_Of_File return Boolean; procedure Set_Col (To : in Positive_Count); procedure Set_Line (To : in Positive_Count); function Col return Positive_Count; function Line return Positive_Count; function Page return Positive_Count; -- Character and string procedures defined is ARM 14.3.6. -- procedure Get_Character (Item : out Character); procedure Get_String (Item : out String); procedure Get_Line (Item : out String; Last : out Natural); procedure Put_Character (Item : in Character); procedure Put_String (Item : in String); procedure Put_Line (Item : in String); -- exceptions: Use_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Use_Error; Device_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Device_Error; End_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.End_Error; Data_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Data_Error; Layout_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Layout_Error; end Basic_Io;