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⟦2f7266b05⟧ TextFile

    Length: 49700 (0xc224)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »INSTALL_NOTES«


└─⟦6ac9a67ca⟧ Bits:30000548 8mm tape, Rational 1000, access 1_0_1
    └─ ⟦78f173837⟧ »DATA« 





       Installation Procedure








       __________________________ Copyright  1992 by Rational

          PN 507-003288-003

          This document is subject to change without notice.

          Rational and R1000 are registered trademarks and Rational
          Environment is a trademark of Rational.

          Rational, 3320 Scott Boulevard, Santa Clara, California



       1              __________________________________________________







       __________________________ Overview

          Estimated time for installation: 2 hours.

          This package is composed of:

                Rational_Access Release1_0_1 tape

                These installation instructions

                Rational_Access Release1_0_1 Release Information.

          When installing the Rational_Access release, you can view the
          upgrade process as a series of phases.  These phases must be
          performed in a serial manner in the order specified.

          RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1                         1\f

                Assessing the impact of the release on the user

                Verifying prerequisites to the installation

                Installing the release on the R1000

                Installing the release on the Workstation

                Cleaning up

       __________________________ Assessing the Impact of the Release

          In this phase of the installation, you will assess the impact
          of the release on the user community and the machine.

          r   1. Users will not be able to use Rational_Access during
               installation.  During installation the Rational_Access
               server will be killed and the new Rational_Access server
               will be started.

          r   2. Rational_Access_Commands in !Machine.Editor_Data will
               be over written.

       __________________________ Verifying Prerequisites to the

          In this phase of the installation, you will verify that the
          prerequisites for installing this upgrade have been met.  Do
          not proceed with the upgrade until all prerequisites have been

          r   1. You have read this entire install note.

          r   2. You have read the entire Release Information.

       2  RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1\f

                                                Chapter 1:  Installation

          r   3. You have at least one of the configurations listed in
               the supported configurations section below.

       __________________________ Supported Configurations

          Rational_Access Release1_0_1 supports the following

          r   1. A R1000 running Environment D_12_7_3 (or later) and

          r   2. A IBM RS/6000 running AIX 3.2. or

          r   3. A Sun Sparc workstation running SunOS 4.1.2 with one of
               the following X Window Systems:

                     MIT X11R4 with MWM

                     MIT X11R5 with MWM

                     Sun OpenWindows 2.0 (not recommended)

                     Sun OpenWindows 3.0 (not recommended)

               Rational recommends MIT X11R4 or X11R5 with the Motif
               Window Manager.

       __________________________ Installing the release on the R1000

          In this phase of the install, you will restore the tape which
          contains a release world located in
          !Machine.Release.Archive.Rational_Access.Release1_0_1.  This
          release world contains nested archives which will then be
          restored to complete the installation.

          The following steps utilize the procedure Do_Step as described
          in Appendix Do_Step.

          RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1                         3\f

          r   1. Load the Rational_Access Release1_0_1 tape into the
               R1000's tape drive.

          r   2. Log in to the Environment as user Rational, which must
               be a member of group Privileged.

          r   3. LOAD_TAPE           [10 Minutes]
                                     This step restores the
                                     Rational_Access Release1_0_1 tape.
                                     This step can be executed from any
                                     command window.  Answer the mount
                                     request at the Operators Console.
                                     There should be no errors.

          r   4. Traverse to

          r   5. INSTALL_RA          [30 minutes]
                                     This step will execute the steps
                                     necessary to do most of the
                                     installation on the R1000.  After
                                     each step you will be asked if you
                                     want to continue the installation
                                     (an answer of "QUIT" will abort the
                                     install).  Review any logs
                                     displayed by the step before
                                     continuing to the next step (an
                                     entry of "..." in the log indicates
                                     no errors).  The section INSTALL_RA
                                     contains more information about the
                                     steps executed by this step and
                                     possible errors.  The steps may be
                                     run individually if desired.

       __________________________ Installing the workstation software
       from the R1000

          Use these instructions to install Rational_Access on
          workstations and fileservers from the R1000.  If you prefer to
          install the workstation software from the workstation, see the
          section Installing the workstation software from the

          In !Machine.Release.Rational_Access.Release1_0_1 there is a

       4  RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1\f

                                                Chapter 1:  Installation

          procedure called Workstation_Install which allows you to
          install the Rational_Access software on the workstation
          entirely from the R1000, that is, you do not have to log on to
          the workstation to do the install.

          Workstation_Install requires rsh to be available on the
          workstation, if rsh is not available, use the instructions in
          the Installing the workstation software from the workstation
          section of this document.

          Your session on the R1000 must be considered a trusted host on
          the workstation when installing the workstation portion of
          Rational_Access.  The R1000 is considered a trusted host when
          there is an entry for the R1000 and the user installing the
          software on the R1000 in the .rhosts file of the user listed
          in the Remote_Username parameter of Workstation_Install.

          For example, if you are installing Rational_Access on a R1000
          named MY_R1000], as the user RATIONAL, and you are using the
          username TECHREP for the Remote_Username parameter of
          Workstation_Install.  The entry in the .rhosts file in the
          user TECHREP's home library on the workstation would be:

          my_r1000 rational

          The procedure Workstation_Install will add the entry to the
          .rhosts file if necessary.  The .rhosts file will be restored
          to its original condition when the install has completed.

          Note: If Workstation_Install is aborted, the .rhosts file may
          not be restored to the original version.

          Workstation_Install will not modify any files or create any
          directories on the workstation without approval from the

          Note: Remember that UNIX is case-sensitive so be sure you are
          using the right case for usernames, etc. when installing/using

          r   1. On the R1000, traverse to

          r   2. Create a command window and execute the procedure

               Be sure that the user you supply for the Remote_Username
               parameter has write access to the directory you supply in

          RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1                         5\f

               the Remote_Directory parameter.  The location
               /vendor/rational/Rational_Access/Rev1_0_1 is used in the
               examples below, however, Rational_Access may be installed
               in any location on the workstation.

               For example, to transfer the files to a workstation
               called "my_sun", with a username "root" and a password
               "root_passwd", use the following command:

               Note: When installing Rational_Access on a server, use a
               directory name which is common on all machines, and make
               sure the appropriate filesystems are mounted read-write.
               i.e. "/vendor/rational" instead of

               Workstation_Install (Remote_Machine => "my_sun",
                                    Remote_Username => "root",
                                    Remote_Password => "root_passwd",
                                    Remote_Directory =>

                                    Response => "<PROFILE>");

          The procedure takes about 5 minutes.  If errors are displayed,
          correct the problem and run Workstation_Install again.

       __________________________ Installing the workstation software
       from the workstation

          The Rational_Access workstation software can also be installed
          by executing commands from the workstation.  Use these
          directions if rsh is not available on the workstation, or if
          the workstation's system administrator prefers installing the
          Rational_Access software from the workstation.

          The lack of detail in this section is intentional.  If the
          installer does not know enough UNIX to use these directions,
          use the directions in the Installing the workstation software
          from the R1000 section of this document.

          r   1. Create a directory for the Rational_Access software on
               the workstation
               (/vendor/rational/Rational_Access/rev1_0_1 in these

       6  RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1\f

                                                Chapter 1:  Installation

          r   2. Traverse to the directory created in the above step.

          r   3. Use ftp (in binary mode) to copy
               from the R1000 to a file named rational.Z on the
               workstation and
               Release from the R1000 to a file named install_release on
               the workstation.

               The procedure
               Workstation_Install can be used to create the directory
               and transfer the files to the workstation.  If you want
               to complete the install manually, enter NO to the prompt
               "Perform installation of Rational Access on workstation?"
               from Workstation_Install.

               The following dialog is an example of using FTP to
               transfer the file Ws_Files from the R1000 to a file named
               rational.Z on the workstation.  The file Install_Release
               must also be transferred to the workstation in a similar
               manner.  This example assumes a R1000 named my_r1000.

               # ftp my_r1000
               Connected to my_r1000.
               220 Rational FTP Server version Delta
               Name (my_r1000:root): operator
               331 Username OK.  Please enter password:
               Password: -- enter password
               230 User logged in, current context !USERS.OPERATOR
               ftp> binary
               ftp> get
               (local-file) rational.Z
               200 PORT info updated
               150 File status ok; connecting to, 5.35
               226 Transfer is complete; Closing data connection.
               local: rational.Z remote:
               2564096 bytes received in 51 seconds (49 Kbytes/s)
               ftp> quit
               221 Session complete - closing connection

          r   4. Install the workstation software using install_release.
               install_release takes one argument which is the location
               that Rational_Access will be installed on the

               # csh install_release

          RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1                         7\f


               Takes about 5 minutes to complete the execution of

       __________________________ Rational Access fonts

          Rational_Access is delivered with it's own sets of fonts.
          These fonts come compiled for Sun workstations running MIT X11
          or OpenWindows, and IBM RS6000 workstations.  Font sources are
          included for other X Servers.

          It is possible to use other fonts with Rational_Access.  Use
          the -fn and -fb options when starting Rational_Access to
          change the font used.  For more information about specifying
          fonts used, please refer to the users guide.  Using
          non-Rational supplied fonts may cause things like frame
          borders to not be displayed correctly.

          There is a program called checkfonts in the bin directory of
          Rational_Access.  This utility can be used to check to see if
          the Rational_Access fonts are installed on the X Server.  By
          default, checkfonts checks fonts for the display specified in
          the environment variable DISPLAY.  The -display option is used
          to specify a different X display.  For example, "checkfonts
          -display rational:0" checks for Rational_Access font
          visibility on the rational:0 display.

          There is another program in the bin directory called
          install_fonts.  Use this program to install the
          Rational_Access fonts on Sun and IBM RS6000 workstations, if
          necessary.  To install the fonts:

                Traverse to the bin directory of Rational_Access.

                Type install_fonts and press [#Return#].

                Answer the prompts displayed by install_fonts.

          If you are using a X Server other than Sun or IBM, you will
          have to install the fonts on that server manually.  In the
          fonts directory, there is a directory called source that

       8  RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1\f

                                                Chapter 1:  Installation

          contains the source files for the Rational_Access fonts.
          These source files must be copied to the X Server and be
          compiled and installed for that X Server.  The commands used
          to compile and install the Rational_Access fonts are different
          on different X Servers, see the documentation for your X
          Server for information about installing fonts on that X

       __________________________ Gaining visibility to Rational_Access

          Once Rational_Access has been installed on the workstation (by
          Workstation_Install or install_release) steps must be taken to
          give users visibility to Rational_Access.

          In the Rational_Access directory on the workstation
          (/vendor/rational/Rational_Access/rev1_0_1 in the above
          examples) the following items are of interest:

                bin: This directory contains the Rational_Access
               executables, the script to start Rational_Access (named
               rational) and the font installation procedures.

                fonts: This directory structure contains fonts in both
               source and compiled forms.

                man: This directory contains man page files for

                app_defaults: This directory contains the application
               defaults for Rational_Access.

                config.csh: This script can be used to gain visibility
               to Rational_Access for C shell users or C shell
               equivalent users.

       This script can be used to gain visibility to
               Rational_Access for Bourne shell users or Bourne shell
               equivalent users.

          At a minimum, users need visibility to the script rational in
          the bin directory.

          RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1                         9\f

          Depending on how the Rational_Access fonts were installed,
          users may have to take steps to gain visibility to the fonts.
          If the Rational_Access fonts were installed in the default
          font path, users would not have to take additional action to
          gain visibility to the Rational_Access fonts.

          If the Rational_Access fonts were installed in some other
          location, users would have to take additional steps to gain
          visibility to the Rational_Access fonts.

               Use the xset program to add the Rational_Access fonts to
               the X server's font search path.  For example, if the
               fonts were installed in /fonts/ra, then try the command
               xset +fp /fonts/ra.  The X server must be running for
               this to work.  This will have to be used each time the X
               server is restarted.

               Put an xset command entry for the font directory in the
               user's .xinitrc file.  (The name of this file also varies
               from vendor to vendor.) This file contains shell commands
               that are executed when the X server is started by this

               There may be other ways to add the Rational_Access fonts
               to the X server.  See the vendor's windowing system users
               guide for more information.

          If messages in the form of "X Toolkit Warning: can't
          convert.." are displayed when starting Rational_Access, the X
          Server can't find the Rational_Access fonts.

          The rational script will attempt to gain visibility to the
          application defaults.

          Users may also want to modify their MANPATH environment
          variable to gain visibility to the Rational_Access man pages.

          A shell script called config.csh or is built by the
          Rational_Access install procedure.  Users can gain visibility
          to Rational_Access by executing

          source config.csh



       10 RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1\f

                                                Chapter 1:  Installation

           from the Rational_Access directory.  It is suggested that
          users add the entries of the corresponding config file to
          their initialization procedure.

       __________________________ Testing the New Release

          This phase provides a minimal amount of testing.  If any
          errors is encountered during testing, please refer to the
          Troubleshooting appendix for corrective actions.

          r   1. Go to the workstation and execute rational in a shell
               prompt.  Make sure that there are no error or warning

          r   2. Click on the entry On Key Bindings in the Help menu.  A
               help dialog box will be brought out.  Make sure that the
               text file do contain help in it.

          r   3. Click on the entry On Environment in the Help menu.  A
               dialog box will be brought out.  Type cmvc in the
               Pattern: text field, and click on Filter.  Make sure that
               there are entries shown under Filtered Topis:.

          r   4. Connect to the R1000.  And try promoting a command with
               the F8 key.

       __________________________ Cleaning up

          In this phase, you will perform some cleanup activities.

          r   1. Go to
               Logs and print out the file Do_Step_Execution_Time.
               Return this printout to Rational along with other
               feedback from the Feedback appendix.

          r   2. CLEANUP             [3 minutes]
                                     After you have confirmed that the
                                     release has been successfully

          RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1                        11\f

                                     installed, this step will destroy
                                     the release and archive libraries
                                     for this release of
                                     Rational_Access.  If the install
                                     must be repeated (on the R1000 or
                                     workstation(s)) after this step is
                                     run, the Rational_Access product
                                     will have to be restored from tape.
                                     Watch the output from this step for
                                     objects that could not be
                                     destroyed, you may want to take
                                     additional steps to clean up these
                                     objects.  Objects to be destroyed
                                     by this step are:

          r   3. On the workstation, the file rational.Z can be deleted.
               The install procedure installs both the executable code
               for Sun SPARC and IBM RS6000.  Therefore, to save disk
               space, delete unwanted executable, namely
               bin/access-sparc or bin/access-rs6k.  If the installation
               is intended for both platforms, the previous two files
               should not be deleted.  Please note that the above files
               are mentioned with respect to the install directory.

       12 RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1\f


       A              __________________________________________________



                      Procedure Do_Step




          The majority of the steps which must be performed for this
          installation utilize the procedure Do_Step (included as part
          of the release tape and located in !Commands) to execute the
          required sequence of commands which implement the step.  This
          procedure must always be executed from a command window in the
          release library


          Each step which utilizes procedure Do_Step will be of the form

          <STEP_NAME>                [<TIME TO EXECUTE>]

          where <STEP_NAME> is passed as the parameter to procedure
          Do_Step which performs the necessary actions to complete the
          step, <TIME TO EXECUTE> is the amount of time the step takes
          to execute (this may be expressed as a range, in which case
          the lower values is typically the minimum, and the upper value
          is an estimate of the maximum), and <DESCRIPTION> is a
          description of what the step does, including any action which
          you will need to manually perform.  For example:

          RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1                        13\f

          FOO                        [5 Minutes]
                                     This step is an example of the
                                     format used for steps which are
                                     executed using procedure Do_Step.
                                     To execute step FOO, you would go
                                     Access.Release1_0_1 and in a
                                     command window, execute:

                                         Do_Step ("FOO");

                                     which would result in automatic
                                     execution of all commands required
                                     to implement this step.  If you
                                     needed to take any manual action in
                                     addition to executing Do_Step, it
                                     would be noted as :

                                     r Perform some manual check

                                     If any errors occur for this step,
                                     you should always fix the problem
                                     before proceeding on to the next
                                     step.  Each step is defined by a
                                     fragment of Ada code which is
                                     executed by Program.Run.  These
                                     fragments are stored in the Steps
                                     file located in the Command_Data
                                     library of the release.  In the
                                     event you want to modify a step,
                                     you can use the "PROMPT => <STEP>"
                                     form when invoking Do_Step.  See
                                     the spec of procedure Do_Step
                                     (located in !Commands) for more
                                     detailed information.

          Warning: If you interrupt the execution of Do_Step (by using
          Job.Interrupt such as CONTROL-G) it is possible that certain
          interactive commands executed by some steps, such as
          Common.Definition, may fail with an exception and display a
          message such as

          Unable to read file due to Constraint_Error (Null Access)

          In general, this message has no negative impact on the
          execution or completion of the step, and can be ignored.

          Note: When multiple steps are executed, you will be prompted
          between steps with the following:

       14 RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1\f

                                          Appendix A:  Procedure Do_Step

          Continue with <Step Name> step (Continue | Skip | Quit)?
          [Continue] : [input]

          Select the action to be taken, one of Continue, Skip, or Quit.
          Continue (the default if PROMOTE is entered without typing
          anything) results in the step <Step Name> being executed.
          Skip will skip <Step Name> and prompt with the step following
          <Step Name>.  Quit results in termination of Do_Step without
          further steps being executed.

          RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1                        15\f

       16 RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1\f


       B              __________________________________________________







          Error: "Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown
          keysym name: osf..." Fix: Append the file
          $ACCESSHOME/Rational_Access/XKeysymDB to the file
          /usr/lib/XKeysymDB on the workstation.  $ACCESSHOME is the
          directory where Rational Access was installed.

          Error: "X Toolkit Warning: can't convert..." when running
          The error means the X Server can not find the Rational_Access
          fonts.  Fix: If displaying on a machine other than a Sun or
          IBM RS6000, most probably fonts aren't installed on that
          machine or the font path has not been set correctly.

          Error: "Unable to find .../access..." when running rational
          Fix: Most likely the rational script has been moved to a
          different place from where it was originally installed, so it
          can not find the Rational_Access binaries.  Or links have been
          created to point to the rational script to gain visibility, in
          which case the rational script gets confused as to where
          Rational_Access binaries live.  To solve both problems, do not
          create a link or move the rational script.  Instead, create a
          script that calls the rational script with the whole pathname,
          or change users search path to look in the Rational_Access bin

          RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1                        17\f


          Error: "No manual entry for rational" when doing man rational
          Fix: The Rational_Access man pages directory has not been
          added to the users environment variable MANPATH.  To fix this
          problem, add the Rational_Access man pages directory to
          MANPATH.  For example on how to set the environment variable
          MANPATH, please look at one of the config files in the
          Rational_Access directory.

          Error: "rational: Command not found." when running rational
          Fix: Rational_Access is not visible to the user's search path.
          To fix this problem, add the Rational_Access bin directory to
          the user's search path.  For example on how to change the
          user's search path, please look at one of the config files in
          the Rational_Access directory.

          Error: "... terminated due to unhandled exception
          !Lrm.System.Nonexistent_Page_Error" when executing a key
          binding or an entry from the menu.
          Fix: This unhandled exception is most probably caused by not
          having the Rational Access server running.  To fix this
          problem, promote
          Interface.  A workaround for not being able to use the key F8.
          Promote using Ctrl-Enter.

       18 RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1\f


       C              __________________________________________________







          The step Install_Rational_Access runs the following steps in
          this order.

          r   1. RELEASE_RESTORE     [5 minutes]
                                     This step restores the archives.
                                     When completed, a filtered error
                                     log is displayed.  Examine this log
                                     for errors; ignore errors about
                                     switches and links.

          r   2. RESTORE_NOTES       [1 minute]
                                     This step restores the
                                     Rational_Access Release Notes into

                                     Note: Use the "RAW" option when
                                     printing the _Ps copy of the
                                     release note.

          r   3. INSTALL_PRODUCT     [5 minutes +

          RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1                        19\f

                                     This step installs the subsystems
                                     that make up this release.  This
                                     step will also run
                                     Refresh_Terminal_Information if
                                     requested to do so.  Ignore the
                                     error "cannot run - needs a
                                     selection" when running
                                     Refresh_Terminal_Information.  When
                                     completed, a filtered error log
                                     will be displayed.  Examine this
                                     log for errors, there should be no

          r   4. RECORD_INSTALLATION [1 minute]
                                     This step records release
                                     information in
                                     and sets the login limit back to
                                     unlimited logins.  This is a
                                     required step and establishes that
                                     the release has successfully been

       20 RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1\f


       D              __________________________________________________



                      Release Contents




          This release contains the following components on the R1000:






          This release contains the following files on the workstation.
          The installation of Rational_Access requires about 20 MB of
          disk space.  Once Rational_Access is installed, the rational.Z
          file can be deleted and only 15 MB of disk space will be used.

          RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1                        21\f
















          Note that the actual location of the workstation components is
          with respect to the location at which they are installed.

       22 RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1\f


       E              __________________________________________________



                      System Manager Checklist




          r   1. Make a full Environment backup.

          r   2. Update Daily Message indicating that Rational_Access
               Release1_0_1 has been installed.

          RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1                        23\f

       24 RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1\f


       F              __________________________________________________







          In order to help us improve our instructions and make
          installations easier to do, the following form is provided to
          allow you to give us feedback.  Please complete and send along
          with a printout of the file Do_Step_Execution_Time located in
          !Machine.Release.Archive.Rational_Access.Release1_0_1.Logs to:

                                   Atten: SMSE
                                 3320 Scott Blvd.
                           Santa Clara, CA   95054-3197
                               Re: Rational_Access

          r   1. How long did the installation take you?
               On the R1000?

               On the Workstation?

          r   2. Did the installation proceed as described in the

          RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1                        25\f

          r   3. What could be done to improve these (or other)

          r   4. What did you like about this set of

          r   5. For the Workstation part of the installation:

                     Did the Rational Tech Rep or customer System
                    Administrator do the install?

                     Which installation method was used? (R1000 or
                    workstation based)

                     Which method was used to gain visibility to the

                     What did you like/dislike about the workstation

       26 RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1\f

                                                   Appendix F:  Feedback

                               Table Of Contents

          1  Installation                                              1
             Overview                                                  1
             Assessing the Impact of the Release                       2
             Verifying Prerequisites to the Installation               2
             Supported Configurations                                  3
             Installing the release on the R1000                       3
             Installing the workstation software from the R1000        4
             Installing the workstation software from the workstation  6
             Rational Access fonts                                     8
             Gaining visibility to Rational_Access                     9
             Testing the New Release                                  11
             Cleaning up                                              11
          Appendix A  Procedure Do_Step                               13
          Appendix B  Troubleshooting                                 17
          Appendix C  Install_Rational_Access                         19
          Appendix D  Release Contents                                21
          Appendix E  System Manager Checklist                        23
          Appendix F  Feedback                                        25

          RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1                         i\f

       ii RATIONAL    8-JAN-93    Release1_0_1\f