Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ T V

⟦33c0896b0⟧ TextFile

    Length: 14969 (0x3a79)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2
    └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« 


--    The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and
--    conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer.
--                Copyright 1988 by Rational.
--                          RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND
--    Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
--    restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in
--    Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013.
--                Rational
--                3320 Scott Boulevard
--                Santa Clara, California 95054-3197
with Runtime_Ids;

with Exceptions;  
with System_Definitions;  
with Message_Queues;
with Timer;

package Tasking_Types is

    use System_Definitions.Operators;

    Word        : constant := System_Definitions.Word;  
    Word_Length : constant := System_Definitions.Word_Length;

    subtype System_Address is System_Definitions.Address;  
    subtype Address_Ref    is System_Definitions.Address_Ref;
    subtype Priority       is System_Definitions.Priority;

    -- Task Id definition

    type Task_Control_Block;  
    type Task_Id is access Task_Control_Block;
    for Task_Id'Storage_Size use 0;

    Tcb_Collection : System_Address;
    pragma Import_Object (Tcb_Collection, "__TT_TCB_CLCTN");

    type Layer;  
    type Layer_Id is access Layer;  
    for Layer_Id'Storage_Size use 0;

    type List is  
            Next : Task_Id;  
        end record;

    for List use
               at mod 4;  
            Next at 0 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
        end record;


    type Entry_Id is range 0 .. 2 ** 15 - 1;

    subtype Valid_Entry_Id is Entry_Id range 1 .. Entry_Id'Last;  
    subtype Entry_Number   is Entry_Id;

    type Alternative_Number is range 0 .. 2 ** 15 - 1;
    for Alternative_Number'Size use 16;

    type Select_Branch_Table is array (Entry_Id range <>) of Alternative_Number;  
    pragma Pack (Select_Branch_Table);

    type Select_Branch_Table_Skin (Max_Entry : Entry_Id) is
            Table : Select_Branch_Table (0 .. Max_Entry);
        end record;

    type Branch_Table_Link is access Select_Branch_Table_Skin;
    for Branch_Table_Link'Storage_Size use 0;

    Branch_Table_Collection : System_Address;
    pragma Import_Object (Branch_Table_Collection, "__TT_BRANCH_TABLE_CLCTN");
    -- Object for collection created by runtime

    type Wait_List_Skin (Max_Index : Message_Queues.Wait_List_Index) is
            List : Message_Queues.Wait_List (0 .. Max_Index);
        end record;

    type Wait_List_Link is access Wait_List_Skin;
    for Wait_List_Link'Storage_Size use 0;

    Wait_List_Collection : System_Address;
    pragma Import_Object (Wait_List_Collection, "__TT_WAIT_LIST_CLCTN");
    -- Object for collection created by runtime

    type Queue_Info is  
            Wait_List    : Wait_List_Link;  
            Branch_Table : Branch_Table_Link;  
            Accept_List  : Wait_List_Link;
        end record;

    for Queue_Info use
               at mod 4;  
            Wait_List    at 0 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Branch_Table at 1 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Accept_List  at 2 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
        end record;

    type Entry_Info is
            Quick        : Boolean;
            Entry_Number : Entry_Id;
        end record;

    for Entry_Info use
        record at mod 2;
            Quick        at 0 range 0 .. 0;
            Entry_Number at 0 range 1 .. 15;
        end record;

    type Entry_Vector is array (Alternative_Number range <>) of Entry_Info;

    type Select_Form is new Short_Integer;

    Terminate_Form : constant Select_Form := -1;
    Delay_Form     : constant Select_Form := 0;
    Else_Form      : constant Select_Form := 1;

    type Select_Information (Arms : Alternative_Number) is
            Form       : Select_Form;
            Delay_Time : Duration;
            Delay_Arm  : Alternative_Number;
            Map        : Entry_Vector (1 .. Arms);
        end record;

    for Select_Information use
        record at mod 4;
            Form       at 0 range 0 .. 15;
            Arms       at 2 range 0 .. 15;
            Delay_Time at 4 range 0 .. 31;
            Delay_Arm  at 8 range 0 .. 15;
        end record;

    type Select_Info is access Select_Information;
    for Select_Info'Storage_Size use 0;


    -- type Reply_Kind is (No_Reply, Delay_Stmt_Done, Call_Timed_Out,
    --                     Select_Timed_Out, Activation_Group_Activated,
    --                     Rendezvous_Done, Dependents_Terminated,
    --                     Termination_Selected, Task_Aborted,
    --                     Child_Tcb_Reclaimable, Abortion_Acknowledged);

    type Reply_Kind is new Integer;

    No_Reply                   : constant Reply_Kind := 0;
    Delay_Stmt_Done            : constant Reply_Kind := 1;
    Call_Timed_Out             : constant Reply_Kind := 2;  
    Select_Timed_Out           : constant Reply_Kind := 3;
    Activation_Group_Activated : constant Reply_Kind := 4;  
    Rendezvous_Done            : constant Reply_Kind := 5;
    Dependents_Terminated      : constant Reply_Kind := 6;  
    Termination_Selected       : constant Reply_Kind := 7;
    Task_Aborted               : constant Reply_Kind := 8;
    Child_Tcb_Reclaimable      : constant Reply_Kind := 9;
    Abortion_Acknowledged      : constant Reply_Kind := 10;

    type Reply_Message is
            Kind : Reply_Kind;
        end record;

    for Reply_Message use
        record at mod 4;  
            Kind at 0 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
        end record;
    --for Reply_Message'Size use 32;

    -- An Ada task that declares N entries will have wait list
    -- and branch table arrays each indexed by the range 0 .. N,
    -- for a total of N+1 array elements each.
    -- The first element of the branch table array is the delay
    -- alternative branch index. The first element of the wait list
    -- is a special queue called the reply queue. Messages sent to
    -- a reply queue are just 4-byte values of type Reply_Message;
    -- messages sent to other queues are 12-byte values of type
    -- Entry_Call_Message.

    type Caller_Name is new Integer;

    type Entry_Call_Message is  
            Caller : Caller_Name;  
            Rendezvous_Params : Integer;  -- actually System_Address
            Timer_Id : Timer.Id;          -- non-null only for timed entry call
        end record;

    -- Caller should be a Task_Id, however this causes objects to be
    -- cleared, since Task_Id is an access type.  So, for efficiency,
    -- the type Caller_Name is used with Unchecked_Conversion's.

    for Entry_Call_Message use
        record at mod 4;  
            Caller            at 0 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Rendezvous_Params at 1 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Timer_Id          at 2 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
        end record;

    -- type Action is (Abnormal, Selecting_Termination,
    --                 Non_Callable, Exception_Pending, Activation_Done,
    --                 Parent_Or_Child_Ok_Tcb_Reclamation);

    type Action is range 0 .. 5;

    Abnormal : constant Action := 0;
    Selecting_Termination : constant Action := 1;
    Non_Callable : constant Action := 2;
    Exception_Pending : constant Action := 3;
    Activation_Done : constant Action := 4;
    Parent_Or_Child_Ok_Tcb_Reclamation : constant Action := 5;

    type Action_Set is array (Action) of Boolean;  
    pragma Pack (Action_Set);

    -- type Suspension_Reason is
    --    (Not_Suspended, Not_Activated, Child_Activating,
    --     Awaiting_Dependent_Termination, Calling_Entry,
    --     Awaiting_Entry_Call, Delaying, Terminated,
    --     Awaiting_Tcb_Reclamation_Ok, Awaiting_Abortee_Reply);

    type Suspension_Reason is new Short_Short_Integer;

    Not_Suspended                  : constant Suspension_Reason := 0;
    Not_Activated                  : constant Suspension_Reason := 1;
    Child_Activating               : constant Suspension_Reason := 2;
    Awaiting_Dependent_Termination : constant Suspension_Reason := 3;
    Calling_Entry                  : constant Suspension_Reason := 4;
    Awaiting_Entry_Call            : constant Suspension_Reason := 5;
    Delaying                       : constant Suspension_Reason := 6;
    Terminated                     : constant Suspension_Reason := 7;
    Awaiting_Tcb_Reclamation_Ok    : constant Suspension_Reason := 8;
    Awaiting_Abortee_Reply         : constant Suspension_Reason := 9;

    type Bounds_For_Stack is  
            First : System_Address;  
            Size  : Integer;
        end record;

    for Bounds_For_Stack use
               at mod 4;  
            First at 0 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Size  at 1 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
        end record;

    subtype Dependent_Count is Natural;

    type Buffer_Item;

    type Buffer_List is access Buffer_Item;
    for Buffer_List'Storage_Size use 0;

    Buffer_Item_Collection : System_Address;
    pragma Import_Object (Buffer_Item_Collection, "__TT_BUFFER_ITEM_CLCTN");
    -- Object for collection created by runtime

    type Buffer_Item is
            Buffer    : Integer;
            Slot_Data : Integer;
            Next      : Buffer_List;
        end record;

    type Task_Control_Block is  
            Checksum                : Integer;  
            Exception_Id            : Exceptions.Name;  
            Stack_Bounds            : Bounds_For_Stack;  
            Code_Start_Ref          : Address_Ref;  
            Process_Id              : Integer;
            Action_State            : Action_Set;  
            Current_Priority        : Priority;  
            Partner_Priority        : Priority;
            Suspension_State        : Suspension_Reason;
            Current_Layer           : Layer_Id;  
            Queues                  : Queue_Info;  
            Master_Block            : Layer_Id;  
            Layer_Link              : List;  
            Callers_Head            : List;  
            Callers_Link            : List;  
            Activations_In_Progress : Integer;
            Spare_Word0             : Integer;
            Ipc_Buffer_List         : Buffer_List;
            Parent_Tcb              : Task_Id;
            Parent_Frame_Link       : Integer;
            Instance_Variable       : System_Address;
        end record;

    for Task_Control_Block use
               at mod 4;  
            Checksum                at 0 * Word  range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Exception_Id            at 1 * Word  range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Stack_Bounds            at 2 * Word  range 0 .. 2 * Word_Length - 1;  
            Code_Start_Ref          at 4 * Word  range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Process_Id              at 5 * Word  range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
            Action_State            at 6 * Word  range 0 .. 7;  
            Current_Priority        at 6 * Word  range 8 .. 15;
            Partner_Priority        at 6 * Word  range 16 .. 23;
            Suspension_State        at 6 * Word  range 24 .. Word_Length - 1;
            Current_Layer           at 7 * Word  range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Queues                  at 8 * Word  range 0 .. 3 * Word_Length - 1;  
            Master_Block            at 11 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Layer_Link              at 12 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Callers_Head            at 13 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Callers_Link            at 14 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Activations_In_Progress at 15 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
            Spare_Word0             at 16 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
            Ipc_Buffer_List         at 17 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
            Parent_Tcb              at 18 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
            Parent_Frame_Link       at 19 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
            Instance_Variable       at 20 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
        end record;

    -- type Coldness_Value is (Cold, Cool, Warm, Root);
    type Coldness_Value is new Integer;

    Cold : constant Coldness_Value := 0;
    Cool : constant Coldness_Value := 1;
    Warm : constant Coldness_Value := 2;
    Root : constant Coldness_Value := 3;

    type Layer is  
            Dependent_Task_List : List;  
            Master_Task         : Task_Id;  
            Layer_Link          : Layer_Id;  
            Non_Terminated      : Dependent_Count;  
            Non_Terminable      : Dependent_Count;  
            Coldness            : Coldness_Value;  
        end record;

    for Layer use
               at mod 4;  
            Dependent_Task_List at 0 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Master_Task         at 1 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Layer_Link          at 2 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Non_Terminated      at 3 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Non_Terminable      at 4 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Coldness            at 5 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
        end record;

    type Group_Ref is access Task_Id;  
    for Group_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;

    -- The Parameter_Ref and Parameter_Size values passed to Process_Ops.Fork
    -- should be the address and size, respectively, of a value of type
    -- Fork_Parameters.

    type Fork_Parameters is  
            Code_Start          : System_Address;
            Global_Base_Address : System_Address;  
            New_Task_Id         : Task_Id;
            Instance_Variable   : System_Address;
        end record;

    for Fork_Parameters use
               at mod 4;  
            Code_Start          at 0 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            Global_Base_Address at 1 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;  
            New_Task_Id         at 2 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
            Instance_Variable   at 3 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
        end record;

end Tasking_Types;  
pragma Export_Elaboration_Procedure ("__TASKING_TYPES_SPEC_ELAB");  
pragma Runtime_Unit (Unit_Number         => Runtime_Ids.Runtime_Compunit,
                     Elab_Routine_Number => Runtime_Ids.Internal);