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Length: 8391 (0x20c7) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Object, Argument, Message, Block, Boolean_Class, Bounded_String, Table, Counter, Bug; package body Block_Class is type Block_Object is record The_Block : Block.Node; Used : Boolean; end record; Empty_Block : constant Block_Object := (Block.Empty_Node, False); subtype Id_Block_Table is Integer range 1 .. 100; Block_Table : array (Id_Block_Table) of Block_Object; type Block_Keyword_Message is (Prive, Valeur, Tantquevrai, Tantquefaux); type Block_Unary_Message is (Unknown, Valeur, Entexte); package Bs renames Bounded_String; function Search_Empty return Id_Block_Table is Id : Id_Block_Table := 1; begin loop exit when Block_Table (Id) = Empty_Block; if Id = 100 then raise Bug.Too_Many_Blocks; end if; Id := Id + 1; end loop; return (Id); end Search_Empty; function Search (A_Block : Object.Reference) return Id_Block_Table is Id : Id_Block_Table; begin Id := Id_Block_Table (Object.Get_Value (A_Block)); if not Block_Table (Id).Used then raise Bug.Block_Not_Found; end if; return (Id); end Search; function Search (A_Block : Object.Reference) return Block.Node is Id : Id_Block_Table; begin Id := Id_Block_Table (Object.Get_Value (A_Block)); if not Block_Table (Id).Used then raise Bug.Block_Not_Found; end if; return (Block_Table (Id).The_Block); end Search; function Create (Value : Block.Node) return Object.Reference is Id : Id_Block_Table; Obj : Object.Reference; begin Id := Search_Empty; Obj := Object.Create (Object.Block_Class, Id); Block_Table (Id).The_Block := Value; Block_Table (Id).Used := True; return (Obj); end Create; function Valeur (Blk : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is The_Block : Block.Node; Result : Object.Reference; begin The_Block := Search (Blk); Result := Block.Interpret (The_Block); return (Result); end Valeur; procedure In_Text (Blk : Object.Reference) is The_Block : Block.Node; begin Object.In_Text (Blk); The_Block := Search (Blk); Block.Unparse (The_Block); end In_Text; function While_True (Condition_Block, Argument_Block : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is Condition_Block_Result, Argument_Block_Result : Object.Reference; use Object; begin if (Object.Get_Class (Argument_Block) /= Object.Block_Class) then raise Bug.Mismatch_Type; end if; loop Condition_Block_Result := Valeur (Condition_Block); exit when not Object.Equal (A => Condition_Block_Result, B => Boolean_Class.True); Argument_Block_Result := Valeur (Argument_Block); end loop; return Argument_Block_Result; end While_True; function While_False (Condition_Block, Argument_Block : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is Condition_Block_Result, Argument_Block_Result : Object.Reference; use Object; begin if (Object.Get_Class (Argument_Block) /= Object.Block_Class) then raise Bug.Mismatch_Type; end if; loop Condition_Block_Result := Valeur (Condition_Block); exit when not Object.Equal (A => Condition_Block_Result, B => Boolean_Class.False); Argument_Block_Result := Valeur (Argument_Block); end loop; return Argument_Block_Result; end While_False; function Recognize_Keyword (The_Message : Message.Tiny_String) return Block_Keyword_Message is Result : Block_Keyword_Message; begin Result := Block_Keyword_Message'Value (Bs.Image (The_Message)); return Result; exception when Constraint_Error => return Prive; end Recognize_Keyword; function Recognize_Unary (The_Message : Message.Tiny_String) return Block_Unary_Message is Result : Block_Unary_Message; begin Result := Block_Unary_Message'Value (Bs.Image (The_Message)); return Result; exception when Constraint_Error => return Unknown; end Recognize_Unary; function Send (To_Object : Object.Reference; The_Messages : Message.List; With_Arguments : Argument.List) return Object.Reference is Result : Object.Reference := Object.Void_Reference; The_Block_Node : Block.Node; Keywords, Identifiers : Message.List; S_Table : Table.Symbol_Kind; A_Message, A_Identifier, A_Keyword : Message.Tiny_String; A_Argument : Object.Reference; Mess : Message.List; Args : Argument.List; Nb_Mess : Natural; begin Mess := The_Messages; Args := With_Arguments; The_Block_Node := Search (To_Object); Keywords := Block.Keyword_List (The_Block_Node); Identifiers := Block.Identifier_List (The_Block_Node); S_Table := Block.Symbol (The_Block_Node); Nb_Mess := Message.How_Many (The_Messages); A_Message := Message.Get (Mess); A_Argument := Argument.Get (Args); Counter.Increase (Object.Block_Class); if Nb_Mess = 1 and (Recognize_Keyword (A_Message) = Tantquevrai or Recognize_Keyword (A_Message) = Tantquefaux) then if Recognize_Keyword (A_Message) = Tantquevrai then Result := While_True (To_Object, A_Argument); elsif Recognize_Keyword (A_Message) = Tantquefaux then Result := While_False (To_Object, A_Argument); end if; else if Nb_Mess > Message.How_Many (Identifiers) then raise Bug.Too_Many_Messages; end if; if Nb_Mess < Message.How_Many (Identifiers) then raise Bug.Not_Enough_Messages; end if; for I in 1 .. Nb_Mess loop A_Message := Message.Get (Mess); A_Argument := Argument.Get (Args); if Recognize_Keyword (A_Message) = Valeur then A_Identifier := Message.Get (Identifiers); Table.Insert (S_Table, A_Identifier, A_Argument); else if Message.How_Many (Keywords) = 0 then raise Bug.Mismatch_Message; end if; A_Keyword := Message.Get (Keywords); if Bounded_String.Image (A_Keyword) = Bounded_String.Image (A_Message) then A_Identifier := Message.Get (Identifiers); Table.Insert (S_Table, A_Identifier, A_Argument); else raise Bug.Unknown_Block_Message; end if; end if; Message.Next (Identifiers, A_Identifier); Message.Next (Keywords, A_Keyword); Argument.Next (Args, A_Argument); Message.Next (Mess, A_Message); end loop; Result := Valeur (To_Object); end if; Counter.Stop_Time (Object.Block_Class); return (Result); end Send; function Send (To_Object : Object.Reference; The_Message : Message.Tiny_String) return Object.Reference is Result : Object.Reference; begin Counter.Increase (Object.Block_Class); case Recognize_Unary (The_Message) is when Valeur => Result := Valeur (To_Object); when Entexte => In_Text (To_Object); Result := To_Object; when Unknown => raise Bug.Unknown_Block_Message; end case; Counter.Stop_Time (Object.Block_Class); return (Result); end Send; begin for I in Id_Block_Table loop Block_Table (I) := Empty_Block; end loop; end Block_Class;