Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ B T

⟦34adfafcb⟧ TextFile

    Length: 7870 (0x1ebe)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦407de186f⟧ Bits:30000749 8mm tape, Rational 1000, RCFSUN
    └─ ⟦e5cd75ab4⟧ »DATA« 


package body Switches is

    function Help (S : in Switch) return String is
        Not_Yet : constant String := "Help not yet available.";
        case S is
            when Compiler_Memory_Size =>
                   "The amount of internal buffers shared by the compiler virtual memory, in K bytes. " &
                      "Usually, this value should not be changed, but if you have a lot of VDISK memory, " &
                      "you might want to use more buffers to speed up compilation. If the compiler reports " &
                      "'STORAGE_ERROR' during compilation, you might want to lower this number. " &
                      "(DEFAULT => 500)";  
            when Inline_Subprograms =>
                   "Part of the compiler optimizer that lets you control the actions of the high level " &
                      "optimizer to obtain a smaller and/or faster program. " &
                      "If set to ""TRUE"" then allow inline insertions of code for subprograms. " &
                      "Calls will be inlined if subprograms are not recursive. The compiler will also " &
                      "put some other subprograms inlined (for example, subprograms that are only called once. " &
                      "If set to ""FALSE"" then use the normal mode for subprogram calls. " &
                      "NOTE : This switch has to be set for the pragma inline to be operative. " &
                      "(DEFAULT => FALSE).";
            when Separate_Generics =>
                return Not_Yet;  
            when Constant_Allocation_Threshold =>
                return Not_Yet;  
            when Global_Allocation_Threshold =>
                return Not_Yet;
            when Keep_Source =>
                return Not_Yet;
            when Keep_Tree =>
                return Not_Yet;
            when Include_Data_Map =>
                   "This switch controls the presence of map information from the Binder and Linker. " &
                      "The valid options for this switch are (BIND, LINK, ALL, NONE). If the switch value " &
                      "is BIND, a map is written by the Binder. If the switch value is LINK, a map is " &
                      "written by the Linker. Option all includes all information specified by both " &
                      "BIND and LINK.  (DEFAULT => NONE)";
            when Main_Stack_Size =>
                   "Specifies the size for the main program stack  (DEFAULT => 96)";  
            when Task_Stack_Size =>
                   "Specifies the sizes for the main program stack and for the stacks of all explicit " &
                      "Ada task. (DEFAULT => 1);";  
            when Include_Calling_Trace =>
                   "If 'YES' then provide a dynamic trace of subprogram calls for use when unhandled " &
                      "exception is propagated out of the main program. If 'No' no dynamic error trace " &
                      "will be generated. (DEFAULT => YES)";  
            when Time_Slicing =>
                return Not_Yet;
            when Blocking_Io =>
                return Not_Yet;
            when Keep_Uncalled =>
                return Not_Yet;
            when Linker_Directives =>
                return Not_Yet;
            when Linked_Modules =>
                return Not_Yet;
            when External_Library =>
                return Not_Yet;  
            when Keep_Adatune_Info =>
                return Not_Yet;
            when Units_Closure =>
                return Not_Yet;  
            when Include_Elaboration_Order =>
                return Not_Yet;  
            when Include_Link_Info =>
                return Not_Yet;  
            when Include_Name_Map =>
                return Not_Yet;
            when Retain_Subprograms =>
                return Not_Yet;  
            when Include_Object_Map =>
                return Not_Yet;
            when Compiler_Listing =>
                return Not_Yet;
            when Binder_Listing =>
                   "If true, then return the compilation listing to the host. (remote file .lis) " &
                      "(DEFAULT => FALSE).";
            when Cui_File =>
                   "If true, then return the cui file to the host. (remote file .cui) " &
                      "(DEFAULT => FALSE).";  
            when Executable =>
                   "If true, then return the Executable to the host. (remote file has no ext.) " &
                      "(DEFAULT => FALSE).";  
            when Debug =>
                return Not_Yet;  
            when Include_Assembly =>
                   "This switch allows the user to control the amount of compilation information " &
                      "that is generated in a compiler listing. The valid options for this " &
                      "switch are (CODE, MAP, ALL, NONE). [OPTION CODE - Include compiled " &
                      "object code in the compilation listing, in both assembly-language and " &
                      "hexadecimal forms]. [OPTION MAP - Include a (relocatable) memory map in the " &
                      "compilation listing showing the position of data objects]. " &
                      "[OPTION ALL - Include information as for both CODE and MAP]. " &
                      "[OPTION NONE - Do not list any object code or map information]." &
                      "(DEFAULT => NONE)";
            when Include_Source_Text =>
                   "If true, then include the source text of the compile unit in the listing" &
                      "(DEFAULT => FALSE).";
            when Optimize_Checks =>
                   "Part of the compiler optimizer that lets you control the actions of the high level " &
                      "optimizer to obtain a smaller and/or faster program. If true then" &
                      "an analysis is performed, " &
                      "numerous run time checks are eliminated, and extensive dead code removal takes place.] " &
                      "Otherwise, No action is taken with reference " &
                      "to the optimization of checks or loops]." &
                      "(DEFAULT => FALSE).";  
            when Expressions_Optimization =>
                   "Part of the compiler optimizer that lets you control the actions of the high level " &
                      "optimizer to obtain a smaller and/or faster program. The valid options for this switch " &
                      "are (NONE, PARTIAL, EXTENSIVE). [OPTION NONE - No low level optimization is " &
                      "performed]. [OPTION PARTIAL - Elimination of common subexpressions]. " &
                      "[OPTION EXPRESSION - Currently, EXTENSIVE and PARTIAL code improvements are the same]. " &
                      "(DEFAULT => NONE).";
            when Runtime_Checks =>
                   "This switch lets you specify whether or not you want to have all the execution " &
                      "checks requested by Ada to be included in the object code. The valid options for " &
                      "this switch are (ALL, STACK, NONE). [OPTION ALL - All run time checks are performed]. " &
                      "[OPTION STACK - Suppress Ada checks, but leave stack overflow checks enabled]. " &
                      "[OPTION NONE - No checking will be performed]. NOTE checks can also be individually " &
                      "suppressed by using the pragma SUPPRESSED  (DEFAULT => NONE)";
            when Target_Ada_Library =>
                return Not_Yet;

        end case;
    end Help;

end Switches;