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Length: 6848 (0x1ac0) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Text_Io, Bounded_String, Scanner, Tiny_X, Easy_X, Scanner, Message; package body Tiny_Error is package Bs renames Bounded_String; procedure Write (Error : String) is use Easy_X; P : Natural; Error_Message : Message.Tiny_String; begin Tiny_X.Close; Tiny_X.Open ("Une erreur est apparue", 200, 400, 900, 200); Bs.Copy (Error_Message, "Ligne " & Natural'Image (Scanner.Get_Line_Number) & ": " & Error); loop case Easy_X.Next_Event is when Easy_X.Update => Easy_X.Set_Font (Easy_X.Medium_Font); Easy_X.Move_To (Easy_X.Coordinate ((900 - 10 * Bs.Image (Error_Message)'Length) / 2), 100); Easy_X.Draw_String (Bs.Image (Error_Message)); Easy_X.Set_Font (Easy_X.Small_Font); Easy_X.Move_To (300, 170); Easy_X.Draw_String ("Cliquer dans la fenetre pour sortir"); when Easy_X.Button_Down => exit; when others => null; end case; end loop; P := (900 - 10 * Bs.Image (Error_Message)'Length) / 2; Easy_X.Set_Font (Easy_X.Medium_Font); for I in 0 .. Integer ((Bs.Image (Error_Message)'Length * 5) / 4) loop Easy_X.Move_To (Easy_X.Coordinate (P + I * 5), 100); Easy_X.Draw_String (" "); Easy_X.Move_To (Easy_X.Coordinate (900 - (P + I * 5)), 100); Easy_X.Draw_String (" "); end loop; Tiny_X.Close; end Write; procedure String_Class_Full is begin Write ("La table des chaines est pleine !!!"); end String_Class_Full; procedure String_Large_Overflow is begin Write ("La chaine de caractere est trop grande!!!"); end String_Large_Overflow; procedure Search_No_String_Object is begin Write ("Recherche d'un chaine a partir d'un objet n'etant pas de la classe des chaines"); end Search_No_String_Object; procedure Missing_Point is begin Write ("Il manque un point"); end Missing_Point; procedure Missing_Reserved_Word is begin Write ("Il manque un mot reserve"); end Missing_Reserved_Word; procedure Missing_Right_Parentheses is begin Write ("Il manque une parenthese fermante"); end Missing_Right_Parentheses; procedure Missing_Right_Brace is begin Write ("Il manque une accolade fermante"); end Missing_Right_Brace; procedure Mismatch_Arguments_List is begin Write ("La liste des arguments du bloc n'est pas coherente."); end Mismatch_Arguments_List; procedure Undefined_Name_In_Symbol_Table is begin Write (" La reference recherchee dans la table des symboles n'existe pas"); end Undefined_Name_In_Symbol_Table; procedure Not_Enough_Messages is begin Write ("Il n'y a pas assez de messages pour un bloc"); end Not_Enough_Messages; procedure Too_Many_Messages is begin Write ("Il y a trop de messages pour un bloc"); end Too_Many_Messages; procedure Too_Many_Blocks is begin Write ("Il y a trop de blocs crees... "); end Too_Many_Blocks; procedure Block_Not_Found is begin Write ("Impossible de retrouver un bloc"); end Block_Not_Found; procedure Unknown_Block_Message is begin Write ("Un objet bloc a recu un message inconnu"); end Unknown_Block_Message; procedure Unknown_Integer_Message is begin Write ("Un Objet entier a recu un message inconnu"); end Unknown_Integer_Message; procedure Unknown_Boolean_Message is begin Write ("Un Objet booleen a recu un message inconnu"); end Unknown_Boolean_Message; procedure Unknown_Turtle_Message is begin Write ("Un Objet tortue a recu un message inconnu"); end Unknown_Turtle_Message; procedure Turtle_Table_Full is begin Write ("Toutes les tortues sont deja utilisees !!!"); end Turtle_Table_Full; procedure Too_Many_Pens is begin Write ("Tous les stylos sont deja utilises !!!"); end Too_Many_Pens; procedure Unknown_String_Message is begin Write ("Un Objet string a recu un message inconnu"); end Unknown_String_Message; procedure Unknown_Pen_Message is begin Write ("Un Objet Stylo a recu un message inconnu"); end Unknown_Pen_Message; procedure Unknown_Date_Message is begin Write ("Un Objet date a recu un message inconnu"); end Unknown_Date_Message; procedure Unexpected_Action_On_Date is begin Write ("Une action inattendue est survenue sur un object Date"); end Unexpected_Action_On_Date; procedure Incorrect_Object is begin Write ("Un message vient d'etre emis vers un objet incorrect"); end Incorrect_Object; procedure Too_Many_Keywords is begin Write ("Il y a trop de message"); end Too_Many_Keywords; procedure Not_Enough_Keywords is begin Write ("Il n'y a pas asse de message"); end Not_Enough_Keywords; procedure Missing_Identifier is begin Write ("Il manque un identifieur dans une liste d'argument"); end Missing_Identifier; procedure Unexpected_Token is begin Write ("Il y a quelque chose d'inattendue"); end Unexpected_Token; procedure Mismatch_Type is begin Write ("Operation sur objets de types incompatibles"); end Mismatch_Type; procedure Mismatch_Message is begin Write ("Message incoherent"); end Mismatch_Message; procedure Too_Many_Includes is begin Write ("Il y a trop de fichiers a inclure"); end Too_Many_Includes; procedure Bad_File_Name is begin Write ("Nom de fichier incorrect"); end Bad_File_Name; procedure Fatal_X is begin Text_Io.Put_Line ("Je ne peux pas ouvrir de fenetre sur l'ecran precise"); end Fatal_X; procedure Numeric_Error is begin Write ("Erreur de calcul (dans le genre division par zero...)"); end Numeric_Error; procedure Internal_Error is begin Write ("Erreur interne...???"); end Internal_Error; procedure Out_Of_Range is begin Write ("Depassement de bornes"); end Out_Of_Range; procedure Out_Of_Memory is begin Write ("Plus de memoire disponible"); end Out_Of_Memory; procedure Unexpected_Include_File_Name is begin Write ("Nom du fichier a inclure incorrect"); end Unexpected_Include_File_Name; end Tiny_Error;