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Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦38f552f7c⟧ TextFile

    Length: 21499 (0x53fb)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11
    └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04
    └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« 


with Misc_Defs, Nfa, Misc, Ecs;
with Tstring, Int_Io, Text_Io, External_File_Manager;
use Misc_Defs, Tstring, External_File_Manager;

package body Nfa is

-- add_accept - add an accepting state to a machine
-- accepting_number becomes mach's accepting number.

    procedure Add_Accept (Mach : in out Integer;
                          Accepting_Number : in Integer) is
        -- hang the accepting number off an epsilon state.  if it is associated
        -- with a state that has a non-epsilon out-transition, then the state
        -- will accept BEFORE it makes that transition, i.e., one character
        -- too soon
        Astate : Integer;
        if (Transchar (Finalst (Mach)) = Sym_Epsilon) then
            Accptnum (Finalst (Mach)) := Accepting_Number;
            Astate := Mkstate (Sym_Epsilon);
            Accptnum (Astate) := Accepting_Number;
            Mach := Link_Machines (Mach, Astate);
        end if;
    end Add_Accept;

    -- copysingl - make a given number of copies of a singleton machine
    --     newsng - a new singleton composed of num copies of singl
    --     singl  - a singleton machine
    --     num    - the number of copies of singl to be present in newsng

    function Copysingl (Singl, Num : in Integer) return Integer is
        Copy : Integer;
        Copy := Mkstate (Sym_Epsilon);

        for I in 1 .. Num loop
            Copy := Link_Machines (Copy, Dupmachine (Singl));
        end loop;

        return Copy;
    end Copysingl;

    -- dumpnfa - debugging routine to write out an nfa

    procedure Dumpnfa (State1 : in Integer) is
        Sym, Tsp1, Tsp2, Anum : Integer;
        use Text_Io;
        Text_Io.New_Line (Standard_Error);
        Text_Io.New_Line (Standard_Error);
        Text_Io.Put (Standard_Error,
                     "********** beginning dump of nfa with start state ");
        Int_Io.Put (Standard_Error, State1, 0);
        Text_Io.New_Line (Standard_Error);

        -- we probably should loop starting at firstst[state1] and going to
        -- lastst[state1], but they're not maintained properly when we "or"
        -- all of the rules together.  So we use our knowledge that the machine
        -- starts at state 1 and ends at lastnfa.
        for Ns in 1 .. Lastnfa loop
            Text_Io.Put (Standard_Error, "state # ");
            Int_Io.Put (Standard_Error, Ns, 4);
            Text_Io.Put (Ascii.Ht);
            Sym := Transchar (Ns);
            Tsp1 := Trans1 (Ns);
            Tsp2 := Trans2 (Ns);
            Anum := Accptnum (Ns);

            Int_Io.Put (Standard_Error, Sym, 5);
            Text_Io.Put (Standard_Error, ":    ");
            Int_Io.Put (Standard_Error, Tsp1, 4);
            Text_Io.Put (Standard_Error, ",");
            Int_Io.Put (Standard_Error, Tsp2, 4);
            if (Anum /= Nil) then
                Text_Io.Put (Standard_Error, "  [");
                Int_Io.Put (Standard_Error, Anum, 0);
                Text_Io.Put (Standard_Error, "]");
            end if;
            Text_Io.New_Line (Standard_Error);
        end loop;

        Text_Io.Put (Standard_Error, "********** end of dump");
        Text_Io.New_Line (Standard_Error);
    end Dumpnfa;

    -- dupmachine - make a duplicate of a given machine
    --     copy - holds duplicate of mach
    --     mach - machine to be duplicated
    -- note that the copy of mach is NOT an exact duplicate; rather, all the
    -- transition states values are adjusted so that the copy is self-contained,
    -- as the original should have been.
    -- also note that the original MUST be contiguous, with its low and high
    -- states accessible by the arrays firstst and lastst

    function Dupmachine (Mach : in Integer) return Integer is
        Init, State_Offset : Integer;
        State : Integer := 0;
        Last : Integer := Lastst (Mach);
        I : Integer;
        I := Firstst (Mach);
        while (I <= Last) loop
            State := Mkstate (Transchar (I));

            if (Trans1 (I) /= No_Transition) then
                Mkxtion (Finalst (State), Trans1 (I) + State - I);

                if ((Transchar (I) = Sym_Epsilon) and
                    (Trans2 (I) /= No_Transition)) then
                    Mkxtion (Finalst (State), Trans2 (I) + State - I);
                end if;
            end if;

            Accptnum (State) := Accptnum (I);
            I := I + 1;
        end loop;

        if (State = 0) then
            Misc.Aflexfatal ("empty machine in dupmachine()");
        end if;

        State_Offset := State - I + 1;

        Init := Mach + State_Offset;
        Firstst (Init) := Firstst (Mach) + State_Offset;
        Finalst (Init) := Finalst (Mach) + State_Offset;
        Lastst (Init) := Lastst (Mach) + State_Offset;

        return Init;
    end Dupmachine;

    -- finish_rule - finish up the processing for a rule
    -- An accepting number is added to the given machine.  If variable_trail_rule
    -- is true then the rule has trailing context and both the head and trail
    -- are variable size.  Otherwise if headcnt or trailcnt is non-zero then
    -- the machine recognizes a pattern with trailing context and headcnt is
    -- the number of characters in the matched part of the pattern, or zero
    -- if the matched part has variable length.  trailcnt is the number of
    -- trailing context characters in the pattern, or zero if the trailing
    -- context has variable length.

    procedure Finish_Rule (Mach : in Integer;
                           Variable_Trail_Rule : in Boolean;
                           Headcnt, Trailcnt : in Integer) is
        P_Mach : Integer;
        use Text_Io;
        P_Mach := Mach;
        Add_Accept (P_Mach, Num_Rules);

        -- we did this in new_rule(), but it often gets the wrong
        -- number because we do it before we start parsing the current rule
        Rule_Linenum (Num_Rules) := Linenum;

        Text_Io.Put (Temp_Action_File, "when ");
        Int_Io.Put (Temp_Action_File, Num_Rules, 1);
        Text_Io.Put_Line (Temp_Action_File, " => ");

        if (Variable_Trail_Rule) then
            Rule_Type (Num_Rules) := Rule_Variable;

            if (Performance_Report) then
                Text_Io.Put (Standard_Error,
                             "Variable trailing context rule at line ");
                Int_Io.Put (Standard_Error, Rule_Linenum (Num_Rules), 1);
                Text_Io.New_Line (Standard_Error);
            end if;

            Variable_Trailing_Context_Rules := True;
            Rule_Type (Num_Rules) := Rule_Normal;

            if ((Headcnt > 0) or (Trailcnt > 0)) then

                -- do trailing context magic to not match the trailing characters
                    "yy_ch_buf(yy_cp) := yy_hold_char; -- undo effects of setting up yytext");

                if (Headcnt > 0) then
                    Text_Io.Put (Temp_Action_File, " yy_cp := yy_bp + ");
                    Int_Io.Put (Temp_Action_File, Headcnt, 1);
                    Text_Io.Put_Line (Temp_Action_File, ";");
                    Text_Io.Put (Temp_Action_File, "yy_cp := yy_cp - ");
                    Int_Io.Put (Temp_Action_File, Trailcnt, 1);
                    Text_Io.Put_Line (Temp_Action_File, ";");
                end if;

                Text_Io.Put_Line (Temp_Action_File, "yy_c_buf_p := yy_cp;");
                    "YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION; -- set up yytext again");
            end if;
        end if;

        Misc.Line_Directive_Out (Temp_Action_File);
    end Finish_Rule;

    -- link_machines - connect two machines together
    --     new    - a machine constructed by connecting first to last
    --     first  - the machine whose successor is to be last
    --     last   - the machine whose predecessor is to be first
    -- note: this routine concatenates the machine first with the machine
    --  last to produce a machine new which will pattern-match first first
    --  and then last, and will fail if either of the sub-patterns fails.
    --  FIRST is set to new by the operation.  last is unmolested.

    function Link_Machines (First, Last : in Integer) return Integer is
        if (First = Nil) then
            return Last;
            if (Last = Nil) then
                return First;
                Mkxtion (Finalst (First), Last);
                Finalst (First) := Finalst (Last);
                Lastst (First) := Max (Lastst (First), Lastst (Last));
                Firstst (First) := Min (Firstst (First), Firstst (Last));
                return (First);
            end if;
        end if;
    end Link_Machines;

    -- mark_beginning_as_normal - mark each "beginning" state in a machine
--                            as being a "normal" (i.e., not trailing context-
    --                            associated) states
    -- The "beginning" states are the epsilon closure of the first state

    procedure Mark_Beginning_As_Normal (Mach : in Integer) is
        case (State_Type (Mach)) is
            when State_Normal =>

                -- oh, we've already visited here

            when State_Trailing_Context =>
                State_Type (Mach) := State_Normal;

                if (Transchar (Mach) = Sym_Epsilon) then
                    if (Trans1 (Mach) /= No_Transition) then
                        Mark_Beginning_As_Normal (Trans1 (Mach));
                    end if;

                    if (Trans2 (Mach) /= No_Transition) then
                        Mark_Beginning_As_Normal (Trans2 (Mach));
                    end if;
                end if;
            when others =>
                   ("bad state type in mark_beginning_as_normal()");
        end case;
    end Mark_Beginning_As_Normal;

    -- mkbranch - make a machine that branches to two machines
    --     branch - a machine which matches either first's pattern or second's
--     first, second - machines whose patterns are to be or'ed (the | operator)
    -- note that first and second are NEITHER destroyed by the operation.  Also,
    -- the resulting machine CANNOT be used with any other "mk" operation except
    -- more mkbranch's.  Compare with mkor()
    function Mkbranch (First, Second : in Integer) return Integer is
        Eps : Integer;
        if (First = No_Transition) then
            return Second;
            if (Second = No_Transition) then
                return First;
            end if;
        end if;

        Eps := Mkstate (Sym_Epsilon);

        Mkxtion (Eps, First);
        Mkxtion (Eps, Second);

        return Eps;
    end Mkbranch;

    -- mkclos - convert a machine into a closure
    --     new - a new state which matches the closure of "state"

    function Mkclos (State : in Integer) return Integer is
        return Nfa.Mkopt (Mkposcl (State));
    end Mkclos;

    -- mkopt - make a machine optional
    --     new  - a machine which optionally matches whatever mach matched
    --     mach - the machine to make optional
    -- notes:
    --     1. mach must be the last machine created
    --     2. mach is destroyed by the call

    function Mkopt (Mach : in Integer) return Integer is
        Eps : Integer;
        Result : Integer;
        Result := Mach;
        if (not Super_Free_Epsilon (Finalst (Result))) then
            Eps := Nfa.Mkstate (Sym_Epsilon);
            Result := Nfa.Link_Machines (Result, Eps);
        end if;

        -- can't skimp on the following if FREE_EPSILON(mach) is true because
        -- some state interior to "mach" might point back to the beginning
        -- for a closure
        Eps := Nfa.Mkstate (Sym_Epsilon);
        Result := Nfa.Link_Machines (Eps, Result);

        Nfa.Mkxtion (Result, Finalst (Result));

        return Result;
    end Mkopt;

    -- mkor - make a machine that matches either one of two machines
    --     new - a machine which matches either first's pattern or second's
--     first, second - machines whose patterns are to be or'ed (the | operator)
    -- note that first and second are both destroyed by the operation
    -- the code is rather convoluted because an attempt is made to minimize
    -- the number of epsilon states needed

    function Mkor (First, Second : in Integer) return Integer is
        Eps, Orend : Integer;
        P_First : Integer;
        P_First := First;
        if (P_First = Nil) then
            return Second;
            if (Second = Nil) then
                return P_First;

                -- see comment in mkopt() about why we can't use the first state
                -- of "first" or "second" if they satisfy "FREE_EPSILON"
                Eps := Mkstate (Sym_Epsilon);

                P_First := Link_Machines (Eps, P_First);

                Mkxtion (P_First, Second);

                if ((Super_Free_Epsilon (Finalst (P_First))) and
                    (Accptnum (Finalst (P_First)) = Nil)) then
                    Orend := Finalst (P_First);
                    Mkxtion (Finalst (Second), Orend);
                    if ((Super_Free_Epsilon (Finalst (Second))) and
                        (Accptnum (Finalst (Second)) = Nil)) then
                        Orend := Finalst (Second);
                        Mkxtion (Finalst (P_First), Orend);
                        Eps := Mkstate (Sym_Epsilon);
                        P_First := Link_Machines (P_First, Eps);
                        Orend := Finalst (P_First);

                        Mkxtion (Finalst (Second), Orend);
                    end if;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;

        Finalst (P_First) := Orend;
        return P_First;
    end Mkor;

    -- mkposcl - convert a machine into a positive closure
    --    new - a machine matching the positive closure of "state"

    function Mkposcl (State : in Integer) return Integer is
        Eps : Integer;
        if (Super_Free_Epsilon (Finalst (State))) then
            Mkxtion (Finalst (State), State);
            return (State);
            Eps := Mkstate (Sym_Epsilon);
            Mkxtion (Eps, State);
            return (Link_Machines (State, Eps));
        end if;
    end Mkposcl;

    -- mkrep - make a replicated machine
    --    new - a machine that matches whatever "mach" matched from "lb"
    --          number of times to "ub" number of times
    -- note
--   if "ub" is INFINITY then "new" matches "lb" or more occurrences of "mach"

    function Mkrep (Mach, Lb, Ub : in Integer) return Integer is
        Base_Mach, Tail, Copy : Integer;
        P_Mach : Integer;
        P_Mach := Mach;
        Base_Mach := Copysingl (P_Mach, Lb - 1);

        if (Ub = Infinity) then
            Copy := Dupmachine (P_Mach);
            P_Mach := Link_Machines (P_Mach,
                                     Link_Machines (Base_Mach, Mkclos (Copy)));
            Tail := Mkstate (Sym_Epsilon);

            for I in Lb .. Ub - 1 loop
                Copy := Dupmachine (P_Mach);
                Tail := Mkopt (Link_Machines (Copy, Tail));
            end loop;

            P_Mach := Link_Machines (P_Mach, Link_Machines (Base_Mach, Tail));
        end if;

        return P_Mach;
    end Mkrep;

    -- mkstate - create a state with a transition on a given symbol
    --     state - a new state matching sym
    --     sym   - the symbol the new state is to have an out-transition on
    -- note that this routine makes new states in ascending order through the
    -- state array (and increments LASTNFA accordingly).  The routine DUPMACHINE
    -- relies on machines being made in ascending order and that they are
    -- CONTIGUOUS.  Change it and you will have to rewrite DUPMACHINE (kludge
    -- that it admittedly is)

    function Mkstate (Sym : in Integer) return Integer is
        Lastnfa := Lastnfa + 1;
        if (Lastnfa >= Current_Mns) then
            Current_Mns := Current_Mns + Mns_Increment;
            if (Current_Mns >= Maximum_Mns) then
                Misc.Aflexerror ("input rules are too complicated (>= " &
                                 Integer'Image (Current_Mns) &
                                 " NFA states) )");
            end if;

            Num_Reallocs := Num_Reallocs + 1;

            Reallocate_Integer_Array (Firstst, Current_Mns);
            Reallocate_Integer_Array (Lastst, Current_Mns);
            Reallocate_Integer_Array (Finalst, Current_Mns);
            Reallocate_Integer_Array (Transchar, Current_Mns);
            Reallocate_Integer_Array (Trans1, Current_Mns);
            Reallocate_Integer_Array (Trans2, Current_Mns);
            Reallocate_Integer_Array (Accptnum, Current_Mns);
            Reallocate_Integer_Array (Assoc_Rule, Current_Mns);
            Reallocate_State_Enum_Array (State_Type, Current_Mns);
        end if;

        Firstst (Lastnfa) := Lastnfa;
        Finalst (Lastnfa) := Lastnfa;
        Lastst (Lastnfa) := Lastnfa;
        Transchar (Lastnfa) := Sym;
        Trans1 (Lastnfa) := No_Transition;
        Trans2 (Lastnfa) := No_Transition;
        Accptnum (Lastnfa) := Nil;
        Assoc_Rule (Lastnfa) := Num_Rules;
        State_Type (Lastnfa) := Current_State_Enum;

        -- fix up equivalence classes base on this transition.  Note that any
        -- character which has its own transition gets its own equivalence class.
        -- Thus only characters which are only in character classes have a chance
        -- at being in the same equivalence class.  E.g. "a|b" puts 'a' and 'b'
        -- into two different equivalence classes.  "[ab]" puts them in the same
        -- equivalence class (barring other differences elsewhere in the input).
        if (Sym < 0) then

            -- we don't have to update the equivalence classes since that was
            -- already done when the ccl was created for the first time
            if (Sym = Sym_Epsilon) then
                Numeps := Numeps + 1;
                if (Useecs) then
                    Ecs.Mkechar (Sym, Nextecm, Ecgroup);
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;

        return Lastnfa;
    end Mkstate;

    -- mkxtion - make a transition from one state to another
    --     statefrom - the state from which the transition is to be made
    --     stateto   - the state to which the transition is to be made

    procedure Mkxtion (Statefrom, Stateto : in Integer) is
        if (Trans1 (Statefrom) = No_Transition) then
            Trans1 (Statefrom) := Stateto;
            if ((Transchar (Statefrom) /= Sym_Epsilon) or
                (Trans2 (Statefrom) /= No_Transition)) then
                Misc.Aflexfatal ("found too many transitions in mkxtion()");

                -- second out-transition for an epsilon state
                Eps2 := Eps2 + 1;
                Trans2 (Statefrom) := Stateto;
            end if;
        end if;
    end Mkxtion;

    -- new_rule - initialize for a new rule
    -- the global num_rules is incremented and the any corresponding dynamic
    -- arrays (such as rule_type()) are grown as needed.

    procedure New_Rule is
        Num_Rules := Num_Rules + 1;
        if (Num_Rules >= Current_Max_Rules) then
            Num_Reallocs := Num_Reallocs + 1;
            Current_Max_Rules := Current_Max_Rules + Max_Rules_Increment;
            Reallocate_Rule_Enum_Array (Rule_Type, Current_Max_Rules);
            Reallocate_Integer_Array (Rule_Linenum, Current_Max_Rules);
        end if;

        if (Num_Rules > Max_Rule) then
            Misc.Aflexerror ("too many rules  (> " &
                             Integer'Image (Max_Rule) & ")!");
        end if;

        Rule_Linenum (Num_Rules) := Linenum;
    end New_Rule;

end Nfa;
-- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This software was developed by John Self of the Arcadia project
-- at the University of California, Irvine.
-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
-- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
-- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
-- advertising materials, and other materials related to such
-- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
-- by the University of California, Irvine.  The name of the
-- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
-- from this software without specific prior written permission.

-- TITLE NFA construction routines
-- AUTHOR: John Self (UCI)
-- DESCRIPTION builds the NFA.
-- NOTES this file mirrors flex as closely as possible.
-- $Header: /co/ua/self/arcadia/aflex/ada/src/RCS/nfaS.a,v 1.4 90/01/12 15:20:30 self Exp Locker: self $