Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

top - download
Index: ┃ B T

⟦392b3bf8d⟧ TextFile

    Length: 14402 (0x3842)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13
    └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16
    └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« 


with Context;
with Debugger;
with Instance;
with Tuple;
with Tuple_Collection;
with Unbounded_Array;

package body Engine_First is

    package Utc is new Unbounded_Array (Element => Tuple.Object,
                                        Content => Tuple_Collection.Object);

    A_Tuple : Tuple.Object;

    Local_Context : Context.Reference;

    function Evaluate_Tuple_Collection
                (For_Rule : Context.Rule_Id) return Tuple_Collection.Object is
        An_Object : Utc.Object;
        if not Context.Is_Masked (In_Context => Local_Context,
                                  The_Rule   => For_Rule) then
            case For_Rule is
                when 1 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_1);
                when 2 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_2);
                when 3 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_3);
                when 4 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_4);
                when 5 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_5);
                when 6 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_6);
                when 7 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_7);
                when 8 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_8);
                when 9 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_9);
                when 10 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_10);
                when 11 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_11);
                when 12 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_12);
                when 13 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_13);
                when 14 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_14);
                when 15 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_15);
                when 16 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_16);
                when 17 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_17);
                when 18 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_18);
                when 19 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_19);
                when 20 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_20);
                when 21 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_21);
                when 22 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_22);
                when 23 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_23);
                when 24 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_24);
                when 25 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_25);
                when 26 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_26);
                when 27 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_27);
                when 28 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_28);
                when 29 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_29);
                when 30 =>
                    An_Object := Utc.Create (Condition_30);
                when others =>
            end case;
        end if;
            A_Tuple_Collection : constant Tuple_Collection.Object :=
               Utc.Get (An_Object);
            if Debugger_On then
                if For_Rule /= 0 and then Debugger.Is_Debugged
                                             (Debugger.Condition_Evalued) then
                       (In_Context => Local_Context,
                        With_Rule  => For_Rule,
                        Result     => Tuple_Collection.Is_Not_Null
                        Facts      => A_Tuple_Collection);
                end if;
            end if;
            Utc.Free (An_Object);
            return A_Tuple_Collection;
    end Evaluate_Tuple_Collection;

    procedure Execute_Tuple (For_Tuple : Tuple.Object;
                             For_Rule  : Context.Rule_Id) is
        case For_Rule is
            when 1 =>
                Action_1 (For_Tuple);
            when 2 =>
                Action_2 (For_Tuple);
            when 3 =>
                Action_3 (For_Tuple);
            when 4 =>
                Action_4 (For_Tuple);
            when 5 =>
                Action_5 (For_Tuple);
            when 6 =>
                Action_6 (For_Tuple);
            when 7 =>
                Action_7 (For_Tuple);
            when 8 =>
                Action_8 (For_Tuple);
            when 9 =>
                Action_9 (For_Tuple);
            when 10 =>
                Action_10 (For_Tuple);
            when 11 =>
                Action_11 (For_Tuple);
            when 12 =>
                Action_12 (For_Tuple);
            when 13 =>
                Action_13 (For_Tuple);
            when 14 =>
                Action_14 (For_Tuple);
            when 15 =>
                Action_15 (For_Tuple);
            when 16 =>
                Action_16 (For_Tuple);
            when 17 =>
                Action_17 (For_Tuple);
            when 18 =>
                Action_18 (For_Tuple);
            when 19 =>
                Action_19 (For_Tuple);
            when 20 =>
                Action_20 (For_Tuple);
            when 21 =>
                Action_21 (For_Tuple);
            when 22 =>
                Action_22 (For_Tuple);
            when 23 =>
                Action_23 (For_Tuple);
            when 24 =>
                Action_24 (For_Tuple);
            when 25 =>
                Action_25 (For_Tuple);
            when 26 =>
                Action_26 (For_Tuple);
            when 27 =>
                Action_27 (For_Tuple);
            when 28 =>
                Action_28 (For_Tuple);
            when 29 =>
                Action_29 (For_Tuple);
            when 30 =>
                Action_30 (For_Tuple);
            when others =>
        end case;
        if Debugger_On then
            if For_Rule /= 0 and then
               (Debugger.Is_Debugged (Debugger.Choosed_Action) or
                Debugger.Is_Debugged (Debugger.Action_Fact)) then
                Debugger.Send_Choosed_Action (In_Context => Local_Context,
                                              The_Rule   => For_Rule,
                                              The_Fact   => For_Tuple);
            end if;
            if For_Rule = 0 then
            end if;
        end if;
    end Execute_Tuple;

    function First_Infer_Debug return Boolean is
        Ok : Boolean := False;
        for I in 1 .. Used_Rules loop
            if Tuple_Collection.Is_Not_Null
                  (Evaluate_Tuple_Collection (Context.Rule_Id (I))) then
                A_Tuple := Tuple_Collection.First
                              (Evaluate_Tuple_Collection (Context.Rule_Id (I)));
                if Debugger.Is_Debugged (Debugger.Choosed_Rule) or
                   Debugger.Is_Debugged (Debugger.Rule_Facts) then
                    Debugger.Send_Choosed_Rule (In_Context => Local_Context,
                                                The_Rule => Context.Rule_Id (I),
                                                The_Fact => A_Tuple);
                end if;
                Execute_Tuple (For_Tuple => A_Tuple,
                               For_Rule  => Context.Rule_Id (I));
                Ok := True;
            end if;
        end loop;  
        return Ok;
    end First_Infer_Debug;

    function First_Infer return Boolean is
        Ok : Boolean := False;
        for I in 1 .. Used_Rules loop
            if Tuple_Collection.Is_Not_Null
                  (Evaluate_Tuple_Collection (Context.Rule_Id (I))) then
                A_Tuple := Tuple_Collection.First
                              (Evaluate_Tuple_Collection (Context.Rule_Id (I)));
                Execute_Tuple (For_Tuple => A_Tuple,
                               For_Rule  => Context.Rule_Id (I));
                Ok := True;
            end if;
        end loop;
        return Ok;
    end First_Infer;

        with function Inferstrategy return Boolean;
        Strategynam : String := " ??? ";
    function Stepnumber (Step : Natural) return Boolean;

    function Stepnumber (Step : Natural) return Boolean is
        Astep : Boolean;
        if Debugger_On then
            Debugger.Send_Strategy_Used (With_Name => Context.First);
        end if;
        if Step = Instance.Any then
                Astep := Inferstrategy;
                exit when not Astep;
            end loop;
            for I in 1 .. Step loop
                Astep := Inferstrategy;
                exit when not Astep;
            end loop;
        end if;  
        return Astep;
    end Stepnumber;

    function First_Strategy       is new Stepnumber (First_Infer, "FIRST");
    function First_Strategy_Debug is
       new Stepnumber (First_Infer_Debug, "FIRST");

    function Inference (Step : Natural := 1) return Boolean is
        if Context."=" (Resolution, Context.First) then
            if Debugger_On then
                Debugger.Send_Context_Entered (With_Number => Local_Context);
                return First_Strategy_Debug (Step);
                return First_Strategy (Step);
            end if;
            raise Illegal_Strategy;
        end if;
    end Inference;



    Local_Context := Context.Create (With_Name => Context_Name);

    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 1,
                 With_Name  => Name_1);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 2,
                 With_Name  => Name_2);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 3,
                 With_Name  => Name_3);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 4,
                 With_Name  => Name_4);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 5,
                 With_Name  => Name_5);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 6,
                 With_Name  => Name_6);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 7,
                 With_Name  => Name_7);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 8,
                 With_Name  => Name_8);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 9,
                 With_Name  => Name_9);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 10,
                 With_Name  => Name_10);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 11,
                 With_Name  => Name_11);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 12,
                 With_Name  => Name_12);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 13,
                 With_Name  => Name_13);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 14,
                 With_Name  => Name_14);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 15,
                 With_Name  => Name_15);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 16,
                 With_Name  => Name_16);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 17,
                 With_Name  => Name_17);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 18,
                 With_Name  => Name_18);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 19,
                 With_Name  => Name_19);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 20,
                 With_Name  => Name_20);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 21,
                 With_Name  => Name_21);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 22,
                 With_Name  => Name_22);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 23,
                 With_Name  => Name_23);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 24,
                 With_Name  => Name_24);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 25,
                 With_Name  => Name_25);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 26,
                 With_Name  => Name_26);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 27,
                 With_Name  => Name_27);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 28,
                 With_Name  => Name_28);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 29,
                 With_Name  => Name_29);
    Context.Add (In_Context => Local_Context,
                 The_Rule   => 30,
                 With_Name  => Name_30);

    if Debugger_On then  
        Debugger.Reset_Debug (Mode => Debugger.Text);
        Debugger.Set_Debug_On (Item => Debugger.Context_Entered);
        Debugger.Send_Context_Entered (With_Number => Local_Context);
    end if;

end Engine_First;