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Length: 51354 (0xc89a) Types: TextFile Names: »ADB«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with actor_tree;\r \r package body tad_material is\r \r procedure Create_New_Material (the_object : out object; the_Name : string) is\r new_name : string(1..20) := (1..20 => ' ');\r begin\r new_name(1..the_name'last) := the_name;\r the_object := object'(new_name, actor_tree.create_new_tree);\r end Create_New_Material;\r \r procedure set_actors (the_object : in out object;\r the_actors : actor_tree.object) is\r begin\r the_object.actors := the_actors;\r end set_actors;\r \r procedure get_actors (the_object : object;\r the_actors : out actor_tree.object) is\r begin\r the_actors := the_object.actors;\r end get_actors;\r \r function compare_name (object1, object2 : object) return integer is\r begin\r if object1.name = object2.name then\r return 0;\r end if;\r if object1.name > object2.name then\r return 1;\r else\r return -1;\r end if;\r end compare_name;\r \r function what_name (the_object : object) return string is\r begin\r return the_object.name;\r end what_name;\r \r \r end tad_material;\r package body generic_tree is\r \r type son is (left, right);\r current_node : object := void_tree;\r \r \r function go_to_left_son return boolean is\r ok : boolean := false;\r begin\r if current_node /= void_tree then\r if current_node.left /= void_tree then\r current_node := current_node.left;\r ok := true;\r end if;\r end if;\r return ok;\r end go_to_left_son;\r \r function go_to_right_son return boolean is\r ok : boolean := false;\r begin\r if current_node /= void_tree then\r if current_node.right /= void_tree then\r current_node := current_node.right;\r ok := true;\r end if;\r end if;\r return ok;\r end go_to_right_son;\r \r function construct (the_element : element; on_son : son := right)\r return boolean is\r tmp_node : object := new node'(contain => the_element,\r left => void_tree,\r right => void_tree);\r ok : boolean := false;\r begin\r if current_node = void_tree then\r begin\r current_node := tmp_node;\r ok := true;\r end;\r elsif on_son = son'(left) then\r begin\r current_node.left := tmp_node;\r ok := true;\r end;\r else\r begin\r current_node.right := tmp_node;\r ok := true;\r end;\r end if;\r return ok;\r end construct;\r \r function place_on_node(one_element : element) return boolean is\r ok : boolean := false;\r begin\r if (current_node /= void_tree) then\r begin\r if compare_key(current_node.contain, one_element) = 0 then\r return true;\r end if;\r if compare_key(current_node.contain, one_element)>0 then\r if go_to_left_son then\r ok := place_on_node(one_element);\r end if;\r else\r if go_to_right_son then\r ok := place_on_node(one_element);\r end if;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r ok := false;\r end if;\r return ok;\r end place_on_node;\r \r procedure insert_element (the_object : in out object; the_element : element) is\r ok : boolean;\r begin\r current_node := the_object;\r if current_node /= void_tree then\r ok := place_on_node(the_element);\r if compare_key(current_node.contain, the_element)>0 then\r ok := construct(the_element, left);\r else\r ok := construct(the_element, right);\r end if;\r else\r ok := construct(the_element);\r the_object := current_node;\r end if;\r end insert_element;\r \r procedure search_element(the_object : object; the_element : in out element) is\r ok : boolean;\r begin\r current_node := the_object;\r ok := place_on_node(the_element);\r the_element := current_node.contain;\r end search_element;\r \r function create_new_tree return object is\r begin\r return void_tree;\r end create_new_tree;\r \r procedure change_element(the_object : in out object; the_element : element) is\r ok : boolean;\r begin\r current_node := the_object;\r if place_on_node(the_element) then\r current_node.contain := the_element;\r end if;\r end change_element;\r \r function element_exist(the_object : object; the_element : element)\r return boolean is\r begin\r current_node := the_object;\r return place_on_node(the_element);\r end element_exist;\r \r \r end generic_tree;\r package body Token is type Pstring is access String; subtype Keyword_Token is Token.Object range L_Au .. L_Temps; type Keyword is array (Keyword_Token) of Pstring; The_Keywords : constant Keyword := (L_Au => new String'("au"), L_Activer => new String'("activer"), L_Alors => new String'("alors"), L_Attendre => new String'("attendre"), L_Avec => new String'("avec"), L_Binaire => new String'("binaire"), L_Desactiver => new String'("desactiver"), L_Discret => new String'("discret"), L_En => new String'("en"), L_Est => new String'("est"), L_Experience => new String'("experience"), L_Faire => new String'("faire"), L_Fin => new String'("fin"), L_Fois => new String'("fois"), L_Fugitif => new String'("fugitif"), L_Heure => new String'("h"), L_Materiel => new String'("materiel"), L_Minute => new String'("min"), L_Puis => new String'("puis"), L_Repeter => new String'("repeter"), L_Scene => new String'("scene"), L_Seconde => new String'("s"), L_Si => new String'("si"), L_Spectacle => new String'("spectacle"), L_Station => new String'("station"), L_Temps => new String'("temps"), L_Temporel => new String'("temporel")); function Search_Token (S : String) return Token.Object is begin for I in Keyword_Token loop if S = The_Keywords (I).all then return I; end if; end loop; return L_Id; end Search_Token; end Token; with tad_material;\r \r \r package body tad_global is\r \r procedure create_new_station (the_object : out object; the_name : string) is\r new_name : string(1..20) := (1..20 => ' ');\r begin\r new_name(1..the_name'last) := the_name;\r the_object := object'(new_name, 0, null);\r end create_new_station;\r \r procedure set_material_type (the_object : in out object;\r material_type : tad_material.object) is\r begin\r the_object.material_type := new tad_material.object'(material_type);\r end set_material_type;\r \r procedure set_station_number (the_object : in out object;\r the_address : natural) is\r begin\r the_object.station := the_address;\r end set_station_number;\r \r function get_station_number (the_object : object) return natural is\r begin\r return the_object.station;\r end get_station_number;\r \r procedure get_material_type (the_object : object;\r the_material_type : out tad_material.object) is\r begin\r the_material_type := the_object.material_type.all;\r end get_material_type;\r \r function compare_name(object1, object2 : object) return integer is\r begin\r if object1.name = object2.name then\r return 0;\r end if;\r if object1.name > object2.name then\r return 1;\r else\r return -1;\r end if;\r end compare_name;\r \r function export_address_pointer(the_object : object) return pnatural is\r export : pnatural;\r begin\r export.all := get_station_number(the_object);\r return export;\r end export_address_pointer;\r \r \r \r end tad_global;\r \r with global_tree;\r \r package body the_global_tree is\r \r begin\r object := global_tree.create_new_tree;\r end the_global_tree;with material_tree;\r \r package body the_material_tree is\r \r begin\r object := material_tree.create_new_tree;\r end the_material_tree;with group_tree;\r \r package body tad_local is\r \r procedure Create_new_local_var (the_object : out object;\r the_name : string) is\r new_name : string(1..20) := (1..20 => ' ');\r begin\r new_name(1..the_name'last) := the_name;\r the_object := object'(new_name, notype, 0, group_tree.create_new_tree);\r end create_new_local_var;\r \r procedure set_type (the_object : in out object;\r the_type : var_type) is\r begin\r the_object.the_type := the_type;\r end set_type;\r \r procedure set_value (the_object : in out object;\r the_value : natural) is\r begin\r the_object.value := the_value;\r end set_value;\r \r procedure set_members (the_object : in out object;\r the_members : group_tree.object) is\r begin\r the_object.members := the_members;\r end set_members;\r \r function get_type (the_object : object) return var_type is\r begin\r return the_object.the_type;\r end get_type;\r \r function get_value (the_object : object) return natural is\r begin\r return the_object.value;\r end get_value;\r \r function get_members (the_object : object) return group_tree.object is\r begin\r return the_object.members;\r end get_members;\r \r function compare_name(object1, object2 : object) return integer is\r begin\r if object1.name = object2.name then\r return 0;\r end if;\r if object1.name > object2.name then\r return 1;\r else\r return -1;\r end if;\r end compare_name;\r \r \r function export_value_pointer(the_object : object) return pnatural is\r export : pnatural;\r begin\r export.all := get_value(the_object);\r return export;\r end export_value_pointer;\r \r \r function export_type_pointer(the_object : object) return pvar_type is\r export : pvar_type;\r begin\r export.all := get_type(the_object);\r return export;\r end export_type_pointer;\r \r \r end tad_local;\r \r \r \r with scene_tree;\r \r package body the_scene_tree is\r \r begin\r object := scene_tree.create_new_tree;\r end the_scene_tree;package body tad_parameter is\r \r procedure create_new_param (the_object : out object; the_order : natural) is\r new_name : string(1..20) := ("noname ");\r begin\r the_object := object'(new_name, the_order);\r end create_new_param;\r \r procedure set_name (the_object : in out object; the_name : string) is\r begin\r the_object.name(1..the_name'last) := the_name;\r end set_name;\r \r function get_order (the_object : object) return natural is\r begin\r return the_object.order;\r end get_order;\r \r function get_name (the_object : object) return string is\r begin\r return the_object.name;\r end get_name;\r \r function compare_order(object1, object2 : object) return integer is\r begin\r return object1.order - object2.order;\r end compare_order;\r \r end tad_parameter;\r \r \r \r with parameter_tree;\r with local_tree;\r with tad_abstract;\r \r package body tad_experience is\r \r procedure create_new_experience (the_object : out object; the_name : string) is\r new_name : string(1..20) := (1..20 => ' ');\r begin\r new_name(1..the_name'last) := the_name;\r the_object := object'(new_name,\r parameter_tree.create_new_tree,\r local_tree.create_new_tree,\r tad_abstract.create_new_tree);\r end create_new_experience;\r \r procedure add_parameter (the_object : in out object;\r the_parameter : parameter_tree.object) is\r begin\r the_object.params := the_parameter;\r end add_parameter;\r \r procedure add_local_var (the_object : in out object;\r the_local_var : local_tree.object) is\r begin\r the_object.local_var := the_local_var;\r end add_local_var;\r \r procedure add_code (the_object : in out object;\r the_code : tad_abstract.pobject) is\r begin\r the_object.code := the_code;\r end add_code;\r \r function get_parameter (the_object : object) return parameter_tree.object is\r begin\r return the_object.params;\r end get_parameter;\r \r function get_local_var (the_object : object) return local_tree.object is\r begin\r return the_object.local_var;\r end get_local_var;\r \r function get_code (the_object : object) return tad_abstract.pobject is\r begin\r return the_object.code;\r end get_code;\r \r function compare_name (object1, object2 : object) return integer is\r begin\r if object1.name = object2.name then\r return 0;\r end if;\r if object1.name > object2.name then\r return 1;\r else\r return -1;\r end if;\r end compare_name;\r \r end tad_experience;\r \r \r \r with local_tree;\r with tad_abstract;\r \r package body tad_scene is\r \r procedure create_new_scene (the_object : out object; the_name : string) is\r new_name : string(1..20) := (1..20 => ' ');\r begin\r new_name(1..the_name'last) := the_name;\r the_object := object'(new_name,\r local_tree.create_new_tree,\r tad_abstract.create_new_tree);\r end create_new_scene;\r \r procedure add_local_var (the_object : in out object;\r the_local_var : local_tree.object) is\r begin\r the_object.local_var := the_local_var;\r end add_local_var;\r \r procedure add_code (the_object : in out object;\r the_code : tad_abstract.pobject) is\r begin\r the_object.code := the_code;\r end add_code;\r \r function get_local_var (the_object : object) return local_tree.object is\r begin\r return the_object.local_var;\r end get_local_var;\r \r function get_code (the_object : object) return tad_abstract.pobject is\r begin\r return the_object.code;\r end get_code;\r \r function compare_name (object1, object2 : object) return integer is\r begin\r if object1.name = object2.name then\r return 0;\r end if;\r if object1.name > object2.name then\r return 1;\r else\r return -1;\r end if;\r end compare_name;\r \r end tad_scene;\r \r \r \r \r \r \r \r \r \r \r \r with experience_tree;\r \r package body the_experience_tree is\r \r begin\r object := experience_tree.create_new_tree;\r end the_experience_tree;with tad_global;\r with global_tree;\r with the_global_tree;\r with tad_material;\r \r package body tad_group is\r \r procedure Create_New_Group_Member (the_object : out object;\r the_Name : string) is\r tmp : tad_global.object;\r ptmp : pvar;\r new_name : string(1..20) := (1..20 => ' ');\r begin\r new_name(1..the_name'last) := the_name;\r tad_global.create_new_station(tmp, new_name);\r global_tree.search_element(the_global_tree.object, tmp);\r ptmp := new tad_global.object'(tmp);\r the_object := object'(new_name, ptmp);\r end Create_New_Group_Member;\r \r function compare_name (object1, object2 : object) return integer is\r begin\r if object1.name = object2.name then\r return 0;\r end if;\r if object1.name > object2.name then\r return 1;\r else\r return -1;\r end if;\r end compare_name;\r \r function what_name (the_object : object) return string is\r begin\r return the_object.name;\r end what_name;\r \r function what_material (the_object : object) return tad_global.object is\r begin\r return the_object.access_var.all;\r end what_material;\r \r end tad_group;\r \r \r package body abstract_tree is\r \r \r function create_new_tree return object is\r begin\r return 0;\r end create_new_tree;\r \r end abstract_tree;\r \r \r package body TAD_ACTOR is\r \r procedure Create_New_Actor (the_object : out object; \r the_Name : string; \r the_address : natural := 0) is\r new_name : string(1..20) := (1..20 => ' ');\r begin\r new_name(1..the_name'last) := the_name;\r the_object := object'(new_name, no_type, the_address);\r end create_new_actor;\r \r procedure add_type (the_object : in out object; the_type : type_actor) is\r begin\r the_object.actor_type := the_type;\r end add_type;\r \r function compare_name (object1, object2 : object) return integer is\r begin\r if object1.name = object2.name then\r return 0;\r end if;\r if object1.name > object2.name then\r return 1;\r else\r return -1;\r end if;\r end compare_name;\r \r \r function what_name (the_object : object) return string is\r begin\r return the_object.name;\r end what_name;\r \r function what_type (the_object : object) return type_actor is\r begin\r return the_object.actor_type;\r end what_type;\r \r function what_address (the_object : object) return natural is\r begin\r return the_object.actor_address;\r end what_address;\r \r function export_address_pointer(the_object : object) return pnatural is\r export : pnatural;\r begin\r export.all := what_address(the_object);\r return export;\r end export_address_pointer;\r \r \r end TAD_ACTOR;\r with tad_global, global_tree;\r with tad_material, material_tree;\r with tad_actor, actor_tree;\r \r package body tad_abstract is\r \r function create_new_tree return tad_abstract.pobject is\r begin\r null;\r end create_new_tree;\r \r \r \r function actor_of_station_exist (station : pstring; actor : pstring)\r return boolean is\r begin\r \r null;\r \r end actor_of_station_exist;\r \r end tad_abstract;\r with tad_actor, actor_tree;\r with tad_material, material_tree;\r with the_material_tree;\r with tad_global, global_tree;\r with the_global_tree;\r with tad_group, group_tree;\r with tad_local, local_tree;\r with tad_parameter, parameter_tree;\r with tad_experience, experience_tree;\r with the_experience_tree;\r with tad_abstract, pointer_level;\r with tad_scene, scene_tree;\r with the_scene_tree;\r with token;\r \r package body TDS is\r \r \r type ptr_material is access tad_material.object;\r type ptr_actor is access tad_actor.object;\r type ptr_global is access tad_global.object;\r \r \r tmp_ptr_material : ptr_material; --\r tmp_ptr_actor : ptr_actor; --\r tmp_actor_tree : actor_tree.object; --\r tmp_ptr_global : ptr_global; --\r tmp_param_tree : parameter_tree.object; --\r tmp_local_tree : local_tree.object; --\r tmp_code_tree : tad_abstract.pobject; --\r tmp_group_tree : group_tree.object; --\r \r \r current_actor_address : natural := 0;\r current_param_order : natural := 1;\r \r Create_tree: boolean := true;\r \r \r \r function Create_New_Material (the_Name : pstring) return boolean is\r the_object : tad_material.object;\r Exist : boolean := False;\r begin\r tad_material.create_new_material(the_object, the_name.all);\r Exist := material_tree.element_exist(the_material_tree.object, the_object);\r if Exist then\r return false;\r else\r begin\r current_actor_address := 0;\r tad_material.get_actors(the_object, tmp_actor_tree);\r material_tree.insert_element(the_material_tree.object, the_object);\r tmp_ptr_material := new tad_material.object'(the_object);\r return true;\r end;\r end if;\r end Create_New_Material;\r \r \r function add_actor (the_name : pstring) return boolean is\r the_object : tad_actor.object;\r exist : boolean := false;\r begin\r tad_actor.create_new_actor(the_object, the_name.all, current_actor_address);\r Exist := actor_tree.element_Exist(tmp_actor_tree, the_object);\r if Exist then\r return false;\r else\r begin\r actor_tree.insert_element(tmp_actor_tree, the_object);\r current_actor_address := current_actor_address + 1;\r tmp_ptr_actor := new tad_actor.object'(the_object);\r return true;\r end;\r end if;\r end add_actor;\r \r \r function add_actor_type (the_type : Token.object) return boolean is\r ok : boolean := false;\r begin\r case the_type is\r when Token.L_BINAIRE => tad_actor.add_type(tmp_ptr_actor.all,\r tad_actor.binaire);\r OK := true;\r when Token.L_DISCRET => tad_actor.add_type(tmp_ptr_actor.all,\r tad_actor.discret);\r OK := true;\r when Token.L_FUGITIF => tad_actor.add_type(tmp_ptr_actor.all,\r tad_actor.fugitif);\r OK := true;\r when Token.L_TEMPOREL => tad_actor.add_type(tmp_ptr_actor.all,\r tad_actor.temporel);\r OK := true;\r when others => null;\r end case;\r return OK;\r end add_actor_type;\r \r \r function Compare_Current_Material_Name (the_name : pstring) return boolean is\r the_object : tad_material.object;\r begin\r tad_material.create_new_material(the_object, the_name.all);\r if tad_material.compare_name(the_object, tmp_ptr_material.all) = 0 then\r return true;\r else\r return false;\r end if;\r end Compare_current_material_name;\r \r \r function Create_New_Station (the_Name : pstring) return boolean is\r the_object : tad_global.object;\r exist : boolean := false;\r begin\r tad_global.create_new_station(the_object, the_name.all);\r Exist := global_tree.element_Exist(the_global_tree.object, the_object);\r if Exist then\r return false;\r else\r begin\r global_tree.insert_element(the_global_tree.object, the_object);\r tmp_ptr_global := new tad_global.object'(the_object);\r return true;\r end;\r end if;\r end Create_New_Station;\r \r \r function Set_Station_Type (the_type : pstring) return boolean is\r the_object : tad_material.object;\r exist : boolean := false;\r begin\r tad_material.create_new_material(the_object, the_type.all);\r Exist := material_tree.element_Exist(the_material_tree.object, the_object);\r if Exist then\r begin\r tad_global.set_material_type(tmp_ptr_global.all, the_object);\r return true;\r end;\r else\r return false;\r end if;\r end Set_Station_Type;\r \r \r function Set_Station_Number (the_address : natural) return boolean is\r begin\r tad_global.set_station_number(tmp_ptr_global.all, the_address);\r return true;\r end Set_Station_Number;\r \r \r function Create_New_Experience (the_Name : pstring) return boolean is\r the_object : tad_experience.object;\r exist : boolean := false;\r begin\r create_tree := true; --creation de l'arbre abstrait\r tad_experience.create_new_experience(the_object, the_name.all);\r Exist := experience_tree.element_Exist(the_experience_tree.object, the_object);\r if Exist then\r return false;\r else\r begin\r experience_tree.insert_element(the_experience_tree.object, the_object);\r tmp_param_tree := tad_experience.get_parameter(the_object);\r tmp_local_tree := tad_experience.get_local_var(the_object);\r tmp_code_tree := tad_experience.get_code(the_object);\r current_param_order := 1;\r return true;\r end;\r end if;\r end Create_New_Experience;\r \r \r function Add_Experience_Parameter (the_Name : pstring) return boolean is\r para_object : tad_parameter.object;\r begin\r tad_parameter.create_new_param(para_object, current_param_order);\r tad_parameter.set_name(para_object, the_name.all);\r parameter_tree.insert_element(tmp_param_tree, para_object);\r if set_local_variable(the_name) then\r begin\r current_param_order := current_param_order + 1;\r return true;\r end;\r else\r return false;\r end if;\r end Add_Experience_Parameter;\r \r \r function Create_New_Scene (the_Name : pstring) return boolean is\r the_object : tad_scene.object;\r exist : boolean := false;\r begin\r create_tree := true; --creation de l'arbre abstrait\r tad_scene.create_new_scene(the_object, the_name.all);\r Exist := scene_tree.element_Exist(the_scene_tree.object, the_object);\r if Exist then\r return false;\r else\r begin\r scene_tree.insert_element(the_scene_tree.object, the_object);\r tmp_local_tree := local_tree.create_new_tree;\r tad_scene.add_local_var(the_object, tmp_local_tree);\r tmp_code_tree := tad_scene.get_code(the_object);\r return true;\r end;\r end if;\r end Create_New_Scene;\r \r \r function Create_Spectacle return boolean is\r begin\r create_tree := true; --creation de l'arbre abstrait\r return true;\r end Create_Spectacle;\r \r \r function Set_Local_Variable (the_name : pstring) return boolean is\r the_object : tad_local.object;\r Exist : boolean := false;\r begin\r tad_local.create_new_local_var(the_object, the_name.all);\r Exist := local_tree.element_exist(tmp_local_tree, the_object);\r if exist then\r return false;\r else\r begin\r local_tree.insert_element(tmp_local_tree, the_object);\r return true;\r end;\r end if;\r end Set_Local_Variable;\r \r \r function Set_Local_Group (the_name : pstring) return boolean is\r the_object : tad_local.object;\r Exist : boolean := false;\r begin\r tad_local.create_new_local_var(the_object, the_name.all);\r Exist := local_tree.element_exist(tmp_local_tree, the_object);\r if exist then\r return false;\r else\r begin\r tad_local.set_type(the_object, tad_local.groupe);\r local_tree.insert_element(tmp_local_tree, the_object);\r tmp_group_tree := tad_local.get_members(the_object);\r return true;\r end;\r end if;\r end Set_Local_Group;\r \r \r function Add_Local_Group_Member (the_name : pstring) return boolean is\r global_object : tad_global.object;\r group_object : tad_group.object;\r Exist : boolean := false;\r begin\r tad_global.create_new_station(global_object, the_name.all);\r exist := global_tree.element_exist(the_global_tree.object, global_object);\r if exist then\r begin\r tad_group.create_new_group_member(group_object, the_name.all);\r exist := group_tree.element_exist(tmp_group_tree, group_object);\r if exist then\r return false;\r else\r begin\r group_tree.insert_element(tmp_group_tree, group_object);\r return true;\r end;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r return false;\r end if;\r end Add_Local_Group_Member;\r \r \r --------------------------------------------------------------------------\r --------------------------------------------------------------------------\r -- primitives de creation de l'arbre abstrait\r --------------------------------------------------------------------------\r --------------------------------------------------------------------------\r \r procedure Syntax_Error is\r begin\r create_tree := false;\r end Syntax_Error;\r \r \r \r \r function MKNode_Scene (the_name : pString) return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r the_scene : tad_scene.object;\r chain : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.chainage);\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.scene);\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tad_scene.create_new_scene(the_scene, the_name.all);\r if scene_tree.element_exist(the_scene_tree.object, the_scene) then\r begin\r tmp_code_tree.all := chain;\r chain.left.all := the_node;\r tmp_code_tree := chain.right;\r the_node.right := tad_scene.get_code(the_scene);\r OK := true;\r end;\r else\r OK := false;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Scene;\r \r \r function MKNode_Puis return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r chain : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.chainage);\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.puis);\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tmp_code_tree.all := chain;\r chain.left.all := the_node;\r tmp_code_tree := chain.right;\r OK := true;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Puis;\r \r \r function MKNode_Attendre (the_name : pString;\r the_type : Token.object) return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r chain : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.chainage);\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.attendre);\r type_node : tad_abstract.node_name;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r case the_type is\r when token.L_Id => declare\r the_var : tad_local.object;\r begin\r tad_local.create_new_Local_Var(the_var,\r the_name.all);\r if local_tree.element_exist(tmp_local_tree,\r the_var) then\r begin\r type_node := tad_abstract.Feuille_Id;\r OK := true;\r end;\r end if;\r end;\r when token.L_Time => type_node := tad_abstract.feuille_Temp;\r OK := true;\r when token.L_Int => OK := false;\r when others => OK := false;\r end case;\r if OK then\r begin\r tmp_code_tree.all := chain;\r chain.left.all := the_node;\r tmp_code_tree := chain.right;\r declare\r use tad_abstract;\r the_leaf : tad_abstract.object(type_node);\r begin\r the_node.left.all := the_leaf;\r if (type_node = node_name'(feuille_temp)) then\r the_leaf.valeur := natural'value(the_name.all);\r end if;\r if (type_node = node_name'(feuille_Id)) then\r the_leaf.nom.all := the_name.all;\r end if;\r end;\r end;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Attendre;\r \r \r function MKNode_Faire return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r chain : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.chainage);\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.faire);\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tmp_code_tree.all := chain;\r chain.left.all := the_node;\r tmp_code_tree := chain.right;\r pointer_level.enter(tmp_code_tree);\r tmp_code_tree := the_node.left;\r OK := true;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Faire;\r \r \r function MKNode_Fin_Faire return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tmp_code_tree := pointer_level.release;\r OK := true;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Fin_Faire;\r \r \r function MKNode_Au_Temps (Value : pString;\r the_type : Token.object) return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r chain : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.chainage);\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.attendre);\r type_node : tad_abstract.node_name;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r case the_type is\r when token.L_Id => declare\r the_var : tad_local.object;\r begin\r tad_local.create_new_Local_Var(the_var,\r Value.all);\r if local_tree.element_exist(tmp_local_tree,\r the_var) then\r begin\r type_node := tad_abstract.Feuille_Id;\r OK := true;\r end;\r end if;\r end;\r when token.L_Time => type_node := tad_abstract.feuille_Temp;\r OK := true;\r when token.L_Int => OK := false;\r when others => OK := false;\r end case;\r if OK then\r begin\r tmp_code_tree.all := chain;\r chain.left.all := the_node;\r tmp_code_tree := chain.right;\r declare\r use tad_abstract;\r the_leaf : tad_abstract.object(type_node);\r begin\r the_node.left.all := the_leaf;\r if (type_node = node_name'(feuille_temp)) then\r the_leaf.valeur := natural'value(Value.all);\r end if;\r if (type_node = node_name'(feuille_Id)) then\r the_leaf.nom.all := Value.all;\r end if;\r end;\r end;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Au_Temps;\r \r \r function MKNode_Si_Cond return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r chain : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.chainage);\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.Si);\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tmp_code_tree.all := chain;\r chain.left.all := the_node;\r tmp_code_tree := chain.right;\r pointer_level.enter(tmp_code_tree);\r pointer_level.enter(the_node.right);\r pointer_level.enter(the_node.left);\r tmp_code_tree := null;\r OK := true;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Si_Cond;\r \r \r function MKNode_Operateur (Operateur_type : Token.object) return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r node_type : tad_abstract.node_name;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r case Operateur_type is\r when token.L_Egal => node_type := tad_abstract.N_Egal;\r OK := true;\r when token.L_Inf => node_type := tad_abstract.N_Inf;\r OK := true;\r when token.L_Sup => node_type := tad_abstract.N_Sup;\r OK := true;\r when token.L_Inf_ou_Egal => node_type := tad_abstract.N_Inf_Egal;\r OK := true;\r when token.L_Sup_ou_Egal => node_type := tad_abstract.N_Sup_Egal;\r OK := true;\r when others => OK := false;\r end case;\r declare\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(node_type);\r begin\r the_node.left := tmp_code_tree;\r tmp_code_tree := pointer_level.release;\r tmp_code_tree.all := the_node;\r tmp_code_tree := the_node.right;\r end;\r OK := true;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Operateur;\r \r \r function MKNode_Si_Alors return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tmp_code_tree := pointer_level.release;\r OK := true;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Si_Alors;\r \r \r function MKNode_Fin_Si return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tmp_code_tree := pointer_level.release;\r OK := true;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Fin_Si;\r \r \r function MKNode_Repeter (Value : pString;\r the_type : Token.object) return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r chain : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.chainage);\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.repeter);\r type_node : tad_abstract.node_name;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r case the_type is\r when token.L_Id => declare\r the_var : tad_local.object;\r begin\r tad_local.create_new_Local_Var(the_var,\r value.all);\r if local_tree.element_exist(tmp_local_tree,\r the_var) then\r begin\r type_node := tad_abstract.Feuille_Id;\r OK := true;\r end;\r end if;\r end;\r when token.L_Int => type_node := tad_abstract.feuille_entier;\r OK := true;\r when token.L_Time => OK := false;\r when others => OK := false;\r end case;\r if OK then\r begin\r tmp_code_tree.all := chain;\r chain.left.all := the_node;\r pointer_level.enter(chain.right);\r tmp_code_tree := the_node.right;\r declare\r use tad_abstract;\r the_leaf : tad_abstract.object(type_node);\r begin\r the_node.left.all := the_leaf;\r if (type_node = node_name'(feuille_entier)) then\r the_leaf.valeur := natural'value(value.all);\r end if;\r if (type_node = node_name'(feuille_Id)) then\r the_leaf.nom.all := value.all;\r end if;\r end;\r end;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Repeter;\r \r \r function MKNode_Fin_Repeter return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tmp_code_tree := pointer_level.release;\r OK := true;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Fin_Repeter;\r \r \r function MKNode_Activer (Station : pString;\r Actor : pString) return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r chain : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.chainage);\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.activer);\r station_leaf : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.feuille_station);\r actor_leaf : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.feuille_acteur);\r the_station : tad_global.object;\r the_material : tad_material.object;\r the_actor_tree : actor_tree.object;\r the_actor : tad_actor.object;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tad_global.create_new_station(the_station, station.all);\r if global_tree.element_exist(the_global_tree.object, the_station) then\r begin\r OK := true;\r station_leaf.station := tad_global.get_station_number(the_station);\r tad_global.get_material_type(the_station, the_material);\r tad_material.get_actors(the_material, the_actor_tree);\r tad_actor.create_new_actor(the_actor, actor.all);\r if actor_tree.element_exist(the_actor_tree, the_actor) then\r begin\r actor_leaf.acteur := tad_actor.what_address(the_actor);\r the_node.left.all := station_leaf;\r the_node.right.all := actor_leaf;\r tmp_code_tree.all := chain;\r chain.right.all := the_node;\r tmp_code_tree := chain.left;\r end;\r else\r OK := false;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r OK := false;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Activer;\r \r \r function MKNode_Desactiver (Station : pString;\r Actor : pString) return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r chain : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.chainage);\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.desactiver);\r station_leaf : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.feuille_station);\r actor_leaf : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.feuille_acteur);\r the_station : tad_global.object;\r the_material : tad_material.object;\r the_actor_tree : actor_tree.object;\r the_actor : tad_actor.object;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tad_global.create_new_station(the_station, station.all);\r if global_tree.element_exist(the_global_tree.object, the_station) then\r begin\r OK := true;\r station_leaf.station := tad_global.get_station_number(the_station);\r tad_global.get_material_type(the_station, the_material);\r tad_material.get_actors(the_material, the_actor_tree);\r tad_actor.create_new_actor(the_actor, actor.all);\r if actor_tree.element_exist(the_actor_tree, the_actor) then\r begin\r actor_leaf.acteur := tad_actor.what_address(the_actor);\r the_node.left.all := station_leaf;\r the_node.right.all := actor_leaf;\r tmp_code_tree.all := chain;\r chain.right.all := the_node;\r tmp_code_tree := chain.left;\r end;\r else\r OK := false;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r OK := false;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Desactiver;\r \r \r function MKNode_Experience (the_name : pString) return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r the_exp : tad_experience.object;\r chain : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.chainage);\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.exp);\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tad_experience.create_new_experience(the_exp, the_name.all);\r if experience_tree.element_exist(the_experience_tree.object,\r the_exp) then\r begin\r tmp_code_tree.all := chain;\r chain.left.all := the_node;\r tmp_code_tree := chain.right;\r the_node.left := tad_experience.get_code(the_exp);\r pointer_level.enter(tmp_code_tree);\r tmp_code_tree := the_node.right;\r OK := true;\r end;\r else\r OK := false;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Experience;\r \r \r function MKNode_Param (Value : pString;\r the_type : Token.object) return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r type_node : tad_abstract.node_name;\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.param);\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r case the_type is\r when token.L_Id => declare\r the_var : tad_local.object;\r begin\r tad_local.create_new_Local_Var(the_var,\r value.all);\r if local_tree.element_exist(tmp_local_tree,\r the_var) then\r begin\r type_node := tad_abstract.Feuille_Id;\r OK := true;\r end;\r end if;\r end;\r when token.L_Int => type_node := tad_abstract.feuille_entier;\r OK := true;\r when token.L_Time => type_node := tad_abstract.feuille_temp;\r OK := true;\r when others => OK := false;\r end case;\r if OK then\r begin\r tmp_code_tree.all := the_node;\r tmp_code_tree := the_node.right;\r declare\r use tad_abstract;\r the_leaf : tad_abstract.object(type_node);\r begin\r the_node.left.all := the_leaf;\r case type_node is\r when node_name'(feuille_entier) =>\r the_leaf.valeur := natural'value(value.all);\r when node_name'(feuille_temp) =>\r the_leaf.valeur := natural'value(value.all);\r when node_name'(feuille_Id) =>\r the_leaf.nom.all:= value.all;\r when others => OK := false;\r end case;\r end;\r end;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Param;\r \r \r function MKNode_Fin_Param return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tmp_code_tree := pointer_level.release;\r OK := true;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Fin_Param;\r \r \r function MKNode_Fugitif (Station : pString;\r Actor : pString) return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r chain : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.chainage);\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.fugitif);\r station_leaf : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.feuille_station);\r actor_leaf : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.feuille_acteur);\r the_station : tad_global.object;\r the_material : tad_material.object;\r the_actor_tree : actor_tree.object;\r the_actor : tad_actor.object;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tad_global.create_new_station(the_station, station.all);\r if global_tree.element_exist(the_global_tree.object, the_station) then\r begin\r OK := true;\r station_leaf.station := tad_global.get_station_number(the_station);\r tad_global.get_material_type(the_station, the_material);\r tad_material.get_actors(the_material, the_actor_tree);\r tad_actor.create_new_actor(the_actor, actor.all);\r if actor_tree.element_exist(the_actor_tree, the_actor) then\r begin\r actor_leaf.acteur := tad_actor.what_address(the_actor);\r the_node.left.all := station_leaf;\r the_node.right.all := actor_leaf;\r tmp_code_tree.all := chain;\r chain.right.all := the_node;\r tmp_code_tree := chain.left;\r end;\r else\r OK := false;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r OK := false;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Fugitif;\r \r \r function MKNode_Temporel (Station : pString;\r Actor : pString;\r Value : pString;\r the_type : Token.object;\r Time : pString;\r the_time_type : Token.object) return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r chain : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.chainage);\r type_node : tad_abstract.node_name;\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.discret);\r the_sec_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.qui);\r station_leaf : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.feuille_station);\r actor_leaf : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.feuille_acteur);\r the_station : tad_global.object;\r the_material : tad_material.object;\r the_actor_tree : actor_tree.object;\r the_actor : tad_actor.object;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tad_global.create_new_station(the_station, station.all);\r if global_tree.element_exist(the_global_tree.object, the_station) then\r begin\r OK := true;\r station_leaf.station := tad_global.get_station_number(the_station);\r tad_global.get_material_type(the_station, the_material);\r tad_material.get_actors(the_material, the_actor_tree);\r tad_actor.create_new_actor(the_actor, actor.all);\r if actor_tree.element_exist(the_actor_tree, the_actor) then\r begin\r actor_leaf.acteur := tad_actor.what_address(the_actor);\r the_node.left.all := station_leaf;\r the_node.right.all := the_sec_node;\r tmp_code_tree.all := chain;\r chain.right.all := the_node;\r tmp_code_tree := chain.left;\r the_sec_node.left.all := actor_leaf;\r \r case the_type is\r when token.L_Id => declare\r the_var : tad_local.object;\r begin\r tad_local.create_new_Local_Var(the_var,\r value.all);\r if local_tree.element_exist(tmp_local_tree,\r the_var) then\r begin\r type_node := tad_abstract.Feuille_Id;\r OK := true;\r end;\r end if;\r end;\r when token.L_Int => type_node := tad_abstract.feuille_entier;\r OK := true;\r when token.L_Time => OK := false;\r when others => OK := false;\r end case;\r if OK then\r begin\r declare\r use tad_abstract;\r the_leaf : tad_abstract.object(type_node);\r begin\r the_sec_node.right.all := the_leaf;\r case type_node is\r when node_name'(feuille_entier) =>\r the_leaf.valeur := natural'value(value.all);\r when node_name'(feuille_Id) =>\r the_leaf.nom.all:= value.all;\r when others => OK := false;\r end case;\r end;\r end;\r end if;\r \r case the_time_type is\r when token.L_Id => declare\r the_var : tad_local.object;\r begin\r tad_local.create_new_Local_Var(the_var,\r time.all);\r if local_tree.element_exist(tmp_local_tree,\r the_var) then\r begin\r type_node := tad_abstract.Feuille_Id;\r OK := true;\r end;\r end if;\r end;\r when token.L_Time => type_node := tad_abstract.feuille_temp;\r OK := true;\r when token.L_Int => OK := false;\r when others => OK := false;\r end case;\r if OK then\r begin\r declare\r use tad_abstract;\r the_leaf : tad_abstract.object(type_node);\r begin\r the_sec_node.right.all := the_leaf;\r case type_node is\r when node_name'(feuille_temp) =>\r the_leaf.valeur := natural'value(time.all);\r when node_name'(feuille_Id) =>\r the_leaf.nom.all:= time.all;\r when others => OK := false;\r end case;\r end;\r end;\r end if;\r \r \r end;\r else\r OK := false;\r end if;\r \r end;\r else\r OK := false;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Temporel;\r \r \r function MKNode_Discret (Station : pString;\r Actor : pString;\r Value : pString;\r the_type : Token.object) return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r chain : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.chainage);\r type_node : tad_abstract.node_name;\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.discret);\r the_sec_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.qui);\r station_leaf : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.feuille_station);\r actor_leaf : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.feuille_acteur);\r the_station : tad_global.object;\r the_material : tad_material.object;\r the_actor_tree : actor_tree.object;\r the_actor : tad_actor.object;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r tad_global.create_new_station(the_station, station.all);\r if global_tree.element_exist(the_global_tree.object, the_station) then\r begin\r OK := true;\r station_leaf.station := tad_global.get_station_number(the_station);\r tad_global.get_material_type(the_station, the_material);\r tad_material.get_actors(the_material, the_actor_tree);\r tad_actor.create_new_actor(the_actor, actor.all);\r if actor_tree.element_exist(the_actor_tree, the_actor) then\r begin\r actor_leaf.acteur := tad_actor.what_address(the_actor);\r the_node.left.all := station_leaf;\r the_node.right.all := the_sec_node;\r tmp_code_tree.all := chain;\r chain.right.all := the_node;\r tmp_code_tree := chain.left;\r the_sec_node.left.all := actor_leaf;\r \r case the_type is\r when token.L_Id => declare\r the_var : tad_local.object;\r begin\r tad_local.create_new_Local_Var(the_var,\r value.all);\r if local_tree.element_exist(tmp_local_tree,\r the_var) then\r begin\r type_node := tad_abstract.Feuille_Id;\r OK := true;\r end;\r end if;\r end;\r when token.L_Int => type_node := tad_abstract.feuille_entier;\r OK := true;\r when token.L_Time => OK := false;\r when others => OK := false;\r end case;\r if OK then\r begin\r declare\r use tad_abstract;\r the_leaf : tad_abstract.object(type_node);\r begin\r the_sec_node.right.all := the_leaf;\r case type_node is\r when node_name'(feuille_entier) =>\r the_leaf.valeur := natural'value(value.all);\r when node_name'(feuille_Id) =>\r the_leaf.nom.all:= value.all;\r when others => OK := false;\r end case;\r end;\r end;\r end if;\r \r \r end;\r else\r OK := false;\r end if;\r \r end;\r else\r OK := false;\r end if;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Discret;\r \r \r function MKNode_Eval (value : pString;\r the_type : Token.object;\r Operator : Token.object := Token.L_UNK) return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r null;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Eval;\r \r \r function MKNode_Priorite (Priority : Token.object) return boolean is\r OK : boolean := false;\r the_node : tad_abstract.object(tad_abstract.N_Parent);\r begin\r if create_tree then\r begin\r case priority is\r when token.L_Parentheseg =>\r tmp_code_tree.all := the_node;\r pointer_level.enter(tmp_code_tree);\r tmp_code_tree := the_node.left;\r OK := true;\r when token.L_Parenthesed => tmp_code_tree := pointer_level.release;\r OK := true;\r when others => OK := false;\r end case;\r end;\r else\r OK := true;\r end if;\r return OK;\r end MKNode_Priorite;\r \r \r end TDS;\r \r \r \r \r \r \r \r \r \r \r with tad_abstract;\r \r package body pointer_level is\r \r type ptr_array is array(1..100) of tad_abstract.pobject;\r \r the_pointer_array : ptr_array;\r index : natural := 0;\r \r \r procedure enter(pointer : tad_abstract.pobject) is\r begin\r index := index + 1;\r the_pointer_array(index) := pointer;\r end enter;\r \r function release return tad_abstract.pobject is\r tmp : tad_abstract.pobject;\r begin\r if index /= 0 then\r begin\r tmp := the_pointer_array(index);\r index := index -1;\r end;\r else\r tmp := null;\r end if;\r return tmp;\r end release;\r \r end pointer_level;\r \r ▶1a◀