Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦3bd61a3c2⟧ TextFile

    Length: 10343 (0x2867)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00
    └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« 


with Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
use Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
with Xlbt_Basic;  
use Xlbt_Basic;  
with Xlbt_Color;  
use Xlbt_Color;  
with Xlbt_Display2;  
use Xlbt_Display2;  
with Xlbt_Visual;  
use Xlbt_Visual;  
with Xlbt_Visual2;  
use Xlbt_Visual2;

with Xlbip_Internal;  
use Xlbip_Internal;

package body Xlbp_Visual is
-- X Library Visual Information
-- Xlbp_Visual - Used to obtain information upon the various visual
-- display types possible with a particular server
-- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California.
-- Copyright 1987 - 1989 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
-- Copyright 1987 - 1989 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
--                          Cambridge, Massachusetts.
--                  All Rights Reserved.
-- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that
-- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in
-- supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital, MIT, or Rational
-- not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of
-- the software without specific, written prior permission.
-- Digital, MIT, and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this
-- software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness,
-- in no event shall Digital, MIT, or Rational be liable for any special,
-- indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from
-- loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence
-- or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or
-- performance of this software.


    function X_Get_Visual_Info (Display     : X_Display;  
                                Values_Mask : X_Visual_Info_Flags;  
                                Values      : X_Visual_Info)  
                               return X_Visual_Info_List is
--  This procedure returns a list of vis information structures
--  that match the specified attributes given in the vis information
--  template.
--  If no visuals exist that match the specified attributes, a NULL is
--  returned.
--  The choices for values_mask are:
--      Visual_No_Mask
--      Visual_ID_Mask
--      Visual_Screen_Mask
--      Visual_Depth_Mask
--      Visual_Class_Mask
--      Visual_Red_Mask_Mask
--      Visual_Green_Mask_Mask
--      Visual_Blue_Mask_Mask
--      Visual_Colormap_Size_Mask
--      Visual_Bits_Per_RGB_Mask
--      Visual_All_Mask
        Dp       : X_Depth;  
        Screen_S : X_Screen_Number;  
        Screen_E : X_Screen_Number;  
        Count    : S_Natural := 0;  
        Vip_Base : X_Visual_Info_Array (1 .. Display.Total_Visuals);  

        Lock_Display (Display);  

----Determine if we do all screens or only one.

            Screen_S := Display.Screens'First;  
            Screen_E := Display.Screens'Last;  
            if Values_Mask (Visual_Screen_Mask) then  
                Screen_S := Values.Screen;  
                Screen_E := Screen_S;  
            end if;

----Loop through screens/depths/visuals.


                procedure Do_Visual (Vp : X_Visual; Ii : X_Screen_Number) is
                    ----For each visual; see if we want to do it.
                    if (Values_Mask (Visual_Id_Mask) and then  
                        Vp.Visual_Id /= Values.Visual_Id)  
                        or else  
                       (Values_Mask (Visual_Class_Mask) and then  
                        Vp.Class /= Values.Class)  
                        or else  
                       (Values_Mask (Visual_Red_Mask_Mask) and then  
                        Vp.Red_Mask /= Values.Red_Mask)  
                        or else  
                       (Values_Mask (Visual_Green_Mask_Mask) and then  
                        Vp.Green_Mask /= Values.Green_Mask)  
                        or else  
                       (Values_Mask (Visual_Blue_Mask_Mask) and then  
                        Vp.Blue_Mask /= Values.Blue_Mask)  
                        or else  
                       (Values_Mask (Visual_Colormap_Size_Mask) and then  
                        Vp.Map_Entries /= Values.Colormap_Size)  
                        or else  
                       (Values_Mask (Visual_Bits_Per_Rgb_Mask) and then  
                        Vp.Bits_Per_Rgb /= Values.Bits_Per_Rgb) then  
                    end if;

                    -- YEA!!! WE FOUND A GOOD ONE

                    Count            := Count + 1;  
                    Vip_Base (Count) :=  
                       X_Visual_Info'(Visual        => Vp,  
                                      Visual_Id     => Vp.Visual_Id,  
                                      Screen        => Ii,  
                                      Depth         => Dp.Depth,  
                                      Class         => Vp.Class,  
                                      Red_Mask      => Vp.Red_Mask,  
                                      Green_Mask    => Vp.Green_Mask,  
                                      Blue_Mask     => Vp.Blue_Mask,  
                                      Colormap_Size => Vp.Map_Entries,  
                                      Bits_Per_Rgb  => Vp.Bits_Per_Rgb);

                end Do_Visual;

                procedure Do_Depth (Dp : X_Depth_Rec; Ii : X_Screen_Number) is
                    ----For each Depth; see if it has visuals we want.
                    if Values_Mask (Visual_Depth_Mask) and then  
                       Dp.Depth /= Values.Depth then  
                    end if;  
                    for Kk in Dp.Visuals'Range loop  
                        Do_Visual (Dp.Visuals (Kk), Ii);  
                    end loop;  
                end Do_Depth;

                procedure Do_Screen (Sp : X_Screen; Ii : X_Screen_Number) is
                    ----For each Screen; check out it's depths.
                    for Jj in Sp.Depths'Range loop  
                        Do_Depth (Sp.Depths (Jj), Ii);  
                    end loop;  
                end Do_Screen;


----Loop through the visuals in the depths in the screens and find
--  any visuals that we care about.

                for Ii in Screen_S .. Screen_E loop  
                    Do_Screen (Display.Screens (Ii), Ii);  
                end loop;


----Catch unexpected exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  

----Unlock; prepare results; return.

        Unlock_Display (Display);

        if Count = 0 then  
            return None_X_Visual_Info_List;  
            return new X_Visual_Info_Array'(Vip_Base (1 .. Count));  
        end if;

    end X_Get_Visual_Info;


    procedure X_Match_Visual_Info (Display :     X_Display;  
                                   Screen  :     X_Screen_Number;  
                                   Depth   :     U_Char;  
                                   Class   :     X_Display_Class;  
                                   Values  : out X_Visual_Info;  
                                   Status  : out X_Status) is
--  This procedure will return the vis information for a vis
--      that matches the specified depth and class for a scr.  Since
--  multiple visuals may exist that match the specified depth and
--  class, which vis chosen is undefined.
--  If a vis is found, True is returned as the funct value,
--  otherwise False is returned.
        Sp : X_Screen renames Display.Screens (Screen);  

        Lock_Display (Display);  

----Look through depths for the wanted depth.

            for Ii in Sp.Depths'Range loop

                if Sp.Depths (Ii).Depth = Depth then

----Look through visuals for the wanted class.

                    for Jj in Sp.Depths (Ii).Visuals'Range loop  
                            Vp : X_Visual renames Sp.Depths (Ii).Visuals (Jj);  

                            if Vp.Class = Class then  
                                Values := (Visual        => Vp,  
                                           Visual_Id     => Vp.Visual_Id,  
                                           Screen        => Screen,  
                                           Depth         => Depth,  
                                           Class         => Vp.Class,  
                                           Red_Mask      => Vp.Red_Mask,  
                                           Green_Mask    => Vp.Green_Mask,  
                                           Blue_Mask     => Vp.Blue_Mask,  
                                           Colormap_Size => Vp.Map_Entries,  
                                           Bits_Per_Rgb  => Vp.Bits_Per_Rgb);  
                                Unlock_Display (Display);  
                                Status := Successful;  
                            end if;  
                    end loop;  
                end if;

            end loop;

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  

----Unlock; set our OUT parameter to anything; return failed.

        Unlock_Display (Display);

        Values := None_X_Visual_Info;  
        Status := Failed;

    end X_Match_Visual_Info;


end Xlbp_Visual;