Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ B T

⟦3cf97e935⟧ TextFile

    Length: 12273 (0x2ff1)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11
    └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« 


with Block_Class;
with Boolean_Class;
with Bounded_String;
with Custom;
with Errors;
with Random;
with String_Class;
with String_Utilities;

package body Integer_Class is

    type Unary_Message is (Nul, Au_Carre, Au_Cube, Absolu, Negatif,
                           Oppose, Au_Hasard, Secondes, En_Texte);
    type Binary_Message is (Nul, Plus, Moins, Fois, Divise, Modulo, Egal,
                            Sup, Inf, Sup_Ou_Egal, Inf_Ou_Egal, Different);
    type List_Message is (Nul, A_Repeter, Fois);

    My_Handle : Random.Handle;

    function Convert_To_Unary
                (The_Message : Scanner.Lexeme) return Unary_Message is
        if Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "AU_CARRE" then
            return Au_Carre;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "AU_CUBE" then
            return Au_Cube;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "ABSOLU" then
            return Absolu;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "OPPOSE" then
            return Oppose;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "NEGATIF" then
            return Negatif;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "AU_HASARD" then
            return Au_Hasard;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "SECONDES" then
            return Secondes;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "EN_TEXTE" then
            return En_Texte;
            return Nul;
        end if;
    end Convert_To_Unary;

    function Convert_To_Binary
                (The_Message : Scanner.Lexeme) return Binary_Message is
        if Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "+" then
            return Plus;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "-" then
            return Moins;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "*" then
            return Fois;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "/" then
            return Divise;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "%" then
            return Modulo;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "=" then
            return Egal;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = ">" then
            return Sup;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "<" then
            return Inf;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = ">=" then
            return Sup_Ou_Egal;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "<=" then
            return Inf_Ou_Egal;
        elsif Bounded_String.Image (The_Message) = "<>" then
            return Different;
            return Nul;
        end if;  
    end Convert_To_Binary;

    procedure Convert_To_List (The_Message : in out Message.Selector;
                               Back : out List_Message) is
        Back := Nul;
        case Message.Arg_Number (The_Message) is
            when 1 =>
                Message.Init (The_Message);
                if Bounded_String.Image (Message.Value (The_Message)) =
                   "FOIS:" then
                    Back := Fois;
                end if;
            when 2 =>
                Message.Init (The_Message);
                if Bounded_String.Image (Message.Value (The_Message)) =
                   "A:" then
                    Message.Next (The_Message);
                    if Bounded_String.Image (Message.Value (The_Message)) =
                       "REPETER:" then
                        Back := A_Repeter;
                    end if;  
                end if;
            when others =>
        end case;
    end Convert_To_List;

    function Create (Value : Integer) return Object.Reference is
        Class_Id : Object.Class := Object.Entier;
        return (Object.Create (Class_Id, Value));
    end Create;

    function Send (To_Object : Object.Reference; The_Message : Scanner.Lexeme)
                  return Object.Reference is
        Current_Message : Unary_Message := Nul;
        Random_Max : Natural;
        Current_Message := Convert_To_Unary (The_Message);
        case Current_Message is
            when Nul =>  
                raise Errors.Unknown_Message_For_Integer;
            when Au_Carre =>
                return Create (Object.Get_Id (To_Object) ** 2);
            when Au_Cube =>
                return Create (Object.Get_Id (To_Object) ** 3);
            when Absolu =>
                return Create (abs (Object.Get_Id (To_Object)));
            when Negatif =>
                return Create (-abs (Object.Get_Id (To_Object)));
            when Oppose =>
                return Create (-Object.Get_Id (To_Object));
            when Au_Hasard =>  
                Random_Max := Random.Natural_Value
                                 (My_Handle, Natural
                                                (Object.Get_Id (To_Object)));
                return Create (Integer (Random_Max));
            when Secondes =>  
                delay (Duration (Object.Get_Id (To_Object)));
                return Object.Void_Reference;
            when En_Texte =>
                return String_Class.Create (String_Utilities.Number_To_String
                                               ((Object.Get_Id (To_Object))));
        end case;
    end Send;

    function Send (To_Object : Object.Reference;
                   The_Message : Scanner.Lexeme;
                   With_Object : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is
        Current_Message : Binary_Message := Nul;  
        case Object.Get_Class (With_Object) is
            when Object.Entier =>
                Current_Message := Convert_To_Binary (The_Message);
                case Current_Message is
                    when Nul =>
                        raise Errors.Unknown_Message_For_Integer;
                    when Plus =>
                        return Create ((Object.Get_Id (To_Object) +
                                        Object.Get_Id (With_Object)));
                    when Moins =>
                        return Create ((Object.Get_Id (To_Object) -
                                        Object.Get_Id (With_Object)));
                    when Fois =>
                        return Create ((Object.Get_Id (To_Object) *
                                        Object.Get_Id (With_Object)));
                    when Divise =>
                        if Object.Get_Id (With_Object) /= 0 then
                            return Create ((Object.Get_Id (To_Object) /
                                            Object.Get_Id (With_Object)));
                            raise Errors.Division_By_Zero;
                        end if;
                    when Modulo =>
                        return Create ((Object.Get_Id (To_Object) mod
                                        Object.Get_Id (With_Object)));
                    when Egal =>
                        return Boolean_Class.Create
                                  (Object.Get_Id (To_Object) =
                                   Object.Get_Id (With_Object));
                    when Sup =>
                        return Boolean_Class.Create
                                  (Object.Get_Id (To_Object) >
                                   Object.Get_Id (With_Object));
                    when Inf =>
                        return Boolean_Class.Create
                                  (Object.Get_Id (To_Object) <
                                   Object.Get_Id (With_Object));
                    when Sup_Ou_Egal =>
                        return Boolean_Class.Create
                                  (Object.Get_Id (To_Object) >=
                                   Object.Get_Id (With_Object));
                    when Inf_Ou_Egal =>
                        return Boolean_Class.Create
                                  (Object.Get_Id (To_Object) <=
                                   Object.Get_Id (With_Object));
                    when Different =>
                        return Boolean_Class.Create
                                  (Object.Get_Id (To_Object) /=
                                   Object.Get_Id (With_Object));
                end case;
            when others =>
                raise Errors.Integer_Object_Required_As_Argument;
        end case;
    end Send;

    procedure Send (To_Object : Object.Reference;
                    The_Message : in out Message.Selector;
                    With_Arguments : in out Parameters.List;
                    Back_Object : out Object.Reference) is
        Obj1, Obj2 : Object.Reference;
        Result : Object.Reference;
        Current_Selector : List_Message;
        Interpret_Yourself : Scanner.Lexeme :=
           Bounded_String.Value ("VALEUR", Custom.String_Max_Length);
        Interpret_Yourself_With : Scanner.Lexeme :=
           Bounded_String.Value ("VALEUR:", Custom.String_Max_Length);
        Convert_To_List (The_Message, Current_Selector);
        case Current_Selector is
            when Nul =>
                raise Errors.Unknown_Message_For_Integer;
            when A_Repeter =>
                Parameters.Init (With_Arguments);
                Obj1 := Parameters.Value (With_Arguments);
                case Object.Get_Class (Obj1) is
                    when Object.Entier =>  
                        Parameters.Next (With_Arguments);
                        Obj2 := Parameters.Value (With_Arguments);
                        case Object.Get_Class (Obj2) is
                            when Object.Bloc =>  
                                Message.Free (The_Message);
                                   (Interpret_Yourself_With, The_Message);
                                if Object.Get_Id (To_Object) <=
                                   Object.Get_Id (Obj1) then
                                    for I in Object.Get_Id (To_Object) ..
                                                Object.Get_Id (Obj1) loop
                                        Parameters.Free (With_Arguments);
                                           (Create (I), With_Arguments);
                                           (Obj2, The_Message,
                                            With_Arguments, Result);
                                        Back_Object := Result;
                                    end loop;  
                                    for I in reverse
                                       Object.Get_Id (Obj1) ..
                                          Object.Get_Id (To_Object) loop
                                        Parameters.Free (With_Arguments);
                                           (Create (I), With_Arguments);
                                           (Obj2, The_Message,
                                            With_Arguments, Result);
                                        Back_Object := Result;
                                    end loop;
                                end if;
                            when others =>
                                raise Errors.
                        end case;
                    when others =>
                        raise Errors.Integer_Object_Required_As_Argument;
                end case;
            when Fois =>
                Parameters.Init (With_Arguments);
                Obj1 := Parameters.Value (With_Arguments);
                case Object.Get_Class (Obj1) is
                    when Object.Bloc =>
                        for I in 1 .. Object.Get_Id (To_Object) loop
                            Back_Object := Block_Class.Send
                                              (Obj1, Interpret_Yourself);
                        end loop;
                    when others =>
                        raise Errors.Block_Argument_Required_For_Integer;
                end case;
        end case;
    end Send;

    Random.Initialize (My_Handle);
end Integer_Class;