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Length: 26187 (0x664b) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00 └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« └─⟦1abbe589f⟧ └─⟦059497ac5⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Text_Io; with Xlbt_Arithmetic; use Xlbt_Arithmetic; with Xlbt_Basic; use Xlbt_Basic; with Xlbt_Bitmap; use Xlbt_Bitmap; with Xlbt_Gc; use Xlbt_Gc; with Xlbt_Image; use Xlbt_Image; with Xlbt_Image2; use Xlbt_Image2; with Xlbp_Gc; use Xlbp_Gc; with Xlbp_Image; use Xlbp_Image; with Xlbp_Pixmap; use Xlbp_Pixmap; package body Xlbp_Bitmap is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X Library Bitmaps -- -- Xlbp_Bitmap - Used to create bitmaps and bitmap files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- Copyright 1985 - 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT or Rational not be -- used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software -- without specific, written prior permission. -- -- MIT and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, -- including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no -- event shall MIT or Rational be liable for any special, indirect or -- consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, -- data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other -- tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance -- of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\f File_Invalid : exception; Max_Line : constant := 1000; Bytes_Per_Output_Line : constant := 12; --\f -- -- X_Create_Bitmap_From_Data : Routine to make a pixmap of depth 1 from user -- supplied data. D is any drawable on the same screen that the pixmap will -- be used upon. Data is a pointer to the bit data and -- -- The following format is assumed for data: -- -- format=X_Y_Pixmap -- bit_order=LSB_First -- byte_order=LSB_First -- padding=8 -- bitmap_unit=8 -- x_offset=0 -- no extra bytes per line -- function X_Create_Bitmap_From_Data (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Data : U_Char_Array; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short) return X_Pixmap is Image : X_Image := new X_Image_Rec; Gc : X_Gc; Pix : X_Pixmap; Gcv : X_Gc_Values; begin Pix := X_Create_Pixmap (Display, Drawable, Width, Height, 1); if Pix = None_X_Pixmap then return None_X_Pixmap; end if; Gc := X_Create_Gc (Display, Pix.Drawable, None_X_Gc_Components, Gcv); if Gc = None_X_Gc then return None_X_Pixmap; end if; Image.Height := Height; Image.Width := Width; Image.Depth := 1; Image.X_Offset := 0; Image.Format := Z_Pixmap; Image.Data := new U_Char_Array'(Data); Image.Byte_Order := Lsb_First; Image.Bitmap_Unit := 8; Image.Bitmap_Bit_Order := Lsb_First; Image.Bitmap_Pad := 8; Image.Bytes_Per_Line := (Width + 7) / 8; X_Put_Image (Display, Pix.Drawable, Gc, Image, 0, 0, 0, 0, Width, Height); Free_U_Char_List (Image.Data); Free_X_Image (Image); X_Free_Gc (Display, Gc); return Pix; exception when others => Free_X_Image (Image); raise; end X_Create_Bitmap_From_Data; --\f function X_Create_Pixmap_From_Bitmap_Data (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Data : U_Char_Array; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short; Foreground : X_Pixel; Background : X_Pixel; Depth : U_Char) return X_Pixmap is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData: Routine to make a pixmap from user supplied bitmap data. -- Drawable is any drawable on the same screen that the pixmap will be used in. -- Data is a pointer to the bit data, and -- width & height give the size in bits of the pixmap. -- Fg and Bg are the pixel values to use for the two colors. -- Depth is the depth of the pixmap to create. -- -- The following format is assumed for data: -- -- format=XYPixmap -- bit_order=LSBFirst -- byte_order=LSBFirst -- padding=8 -- bitmap_unit=8 -- xoffset=0 -- no extra bytes per line ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Image : X_Image; Gc : X_Gc; Gcv : X_Gc_Values; Pix : X_Pixmap; begin Pix := X_Create_Pixmap (Display, Drawable, Width, Height, Depth); if Pix = None_X_Pixmap then return None_X_Pixmap; end if; Gcv.Foreground := Foreground; Gcv.Background := Background; Gc := X_Create_Gc (Display, Pix.Drawable, (Gc_Foreground | Gc_Background => True, others => False), Gcv); if Gc = None_X_Gc then return None_X_Pixmap; end if; Image := new X_Image_Rec; Image.Height := Height; Image.Width := Width; Image.Depth := 1; Image.X_Offset := 0; Image.Format := X_Y_Bitmap; Image.Data := new U_Char_Array'(Data); Image.Byte_Order := Lsb_First; Image.Bitmap_Unit := 8; Image.Bitmap_Bit_Order := Lsb_First; Image.Bitmap_Pad := 8; Image.Bytes_Per_Line := (Width + 7) / 8; X_Put_Image (Display, Pix.Drawable, Gc, Image, 0, 0, 0, 0, Width, Height); Free_U_Char_List (Image.Data); Free_X_Image (Image); X_Free_Gc (Display, Gc); return Pix; exception when others => Free_X_Image (Image); raise; end X_Create_Pixmap_From_Bitmap_Data; --\f procedure Format_Image (Image : X_Image; Resultsize : out S_Natural; Result : out U_Char_List) is C : U_Char; B : U_Char; Ptr : S_Natural; Data : U_Char_List; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short; Bytes_Per_Line : U_Short; begin Width := Image.Width; Height := Image.Height; Bytes_Per_Line := (Width + 7) / 8; -- Calculate size of data Resultsize := S_Natural (Bytes_Per_Line) * S_Natural (Height); begin -- Get space for data Data := new U_Char_Array (0 .. S_Natural (Bytes_Per_Line) * S_Natural (Height) - 1); exception when Storage_Error => Result := null; return; end; -- -- The slow but robust brute force method of converting the image: -- Ptr := Data'First; C := 0; B := 1; for Y in 0 .. S_Short (Height) - 1 loop for X in 0 .. S_Short (Width) - 1 loop if X_Get_Pixel (Image, X, Y) /= 0 then C := C + B; end if; B := B + B; if X rem 8 = 7 then Data (Ptr) := C; Ptr := Ptr + 1; C := 0; B := 1; end if; end loop; if B /= 1 then Data (Ptr) := C; Ptr := Ptr + 1; C := 0; B := 1; end if; end loop; Result := Data; end Format_Image; --\f function X_Write_Bitmap_File (Display : X_Display; Filename : String; Bitmap : X_Pixmap; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short; X_Hotspot : S_Short; Y_Hotspot : S_Short) return X_Bitmap_Returns is Data : U_Char_List; Ptr : S_Natural; Size : S_Natural; C : U_Char; Image : X_Image; Stream : Text_Io.File_Type; Name : Natural; begin Name := 0; for I in reverse Filename'Range loop if Filename (I) = '.' then Name := I; exit; end if; end loop; if Name = 0 then Name := Filename'First; else Name := Name + 1; end if; begin Text_Io.Create (Stream, Text_Io.Out_File, Filename); exception when others => begin -- Stupid Ada. Text_Io.Open (Stream, Text_Io.Out_File, Filename); exception when others => return Bitmap_Open_Failed; end; end; -- Convert bitmap to an image Image := X_Get_Image (Display, Bitmap.Drawable, 0, 0, Width, Height, X_Plane_Mask'(1), X_Y_Pixmap); if Image = None_X_Image then Text_Io.Close (Stream); return Bitmap_Image_Failure; end if; -- Get standard format for data Format_Image (Image, Size, Data); X_Destroy_Image (Image); if Data = null then Text_Io.Close (Stream); return Bitmap_No_Memory; end if; -- Write out standard header -- #define <name>_width <width> Text_Io.Put (Stream, "#define "); Text_Io.Put (Stream, Filename (Name .. Filename'Last)); Text_Io.Put (Stream, "_width"); S_Long_Io.Put (Stream, S_Long (Width)); Text_Io.New_Line (Stream); -- #define <name>_height <height> Text_Io.Put (Stream, "#define "); Text_Io.Put (Stream, Filename (Name .. Filename'Last)); Text_Io.Put (Stream, "_height"); S_Long_Io.Put (Stream, S_Long (Height)); Text_Io.New_Line (Stream); if X_Hotspot /= -1 then -- #define <name>_x_hot <x> Text_Io.Put (Stream, "#define "); Text_Io.Put (Stream, Filename (Name .. Filename'Last)); Text_Io.Put (Stream, "_x_hot "); S_Long_Io.Put (Stream, S_Long (X_Hotspot)); Text_Io.New_Line (Stream); -- #define <name>_y_hot <y> Text_Io.Put (Stream, "#define "); Text_Io.Put (Stream, Filename (Name .. Filename'Last)); Text_Io.Put (Stream, "_y_hot "); S_Long_Io.Put (Stream, S_Long (Y_Hotspot)); Text_Io.New_Line (Stream); end if; -- Print out the data itself -- static char <name>_bits() := { Text_Io.Put (Stream, "static char "); Text_Io.Put (Stream, Filename (Name .. Filename'Last)); Text_Io.Put (Stream, "_bits() := {"); Text_Io.New_Line (Stream); Ptr := Data'First; for Byte in 0 .. Size - 1 loop if Byte = 0 then Text_Io.New_Line (Stream); Text_Io.Put (Stream, " "); elsif (Byte rem Bytes_Per_Output_Line) = 0 then Text_Io.New_Line (Stream); Text_Io.Put (Stream, " "); else Text_Io.Put (Stream, ", "); end if; C := Data (Ptr); -- this IF does not apply to Ada -- if C < 0 then -- C := C + 256; -- end if; if C < 16 then Text_Io.Put (Stream, "0x0"); else Text_Io.Put (Stream, "0x"); end if; S_Long_Io.Put (Stream, S_Long (C), Base => 16); Ptr := Ptr + 1; end loop; Text_Io.Put (Stream, "}"); Text_Io.New_Line (Stream); Free_U_Char_List (Data); Text_Io.Close (Stream); return Bitmap_Success; exception when others => Free_U_Char_List (Data); Text_Io.Close (Stream); raise; end X_Write_Bitmap_File; --\f procedure Cleanup (Data : in out U_Char_List; Stream : in out Text_Io.File_Type) is begin if Data /= null then Free_U_Char_List (Data); end if; Text_Io.Close (Stream); end Cleanup; --\f procedure Scan_Exact (Line : String; Bol : in out Natural; Eol : Natural; Scan_This : String; Except : Boolean) is begin if Bol - 1 + Scan_This'Length <= Eol and then Line (Bol .. Bol - 1 + Scan_This'Length) = Scan_This then Bol := Bol + Scan_This'Length; return; end if; if Except then raise File_Invalid; end if; end Scan_Exact; procedure Scan_Any (Line : String; Bol : in out Natural; Eol : Natural; Scan_One : String) is begin if Bol <= Eol then for I in Scan_One'Range loop if Line (Bol) = Scan_One (I) then Bol := Bol + 1; return; end if; end loop; return; end if; raise File_Invalid; end Scan_Any; procedure Scan_Name (Line : String; Bol : in out Natural; Eol : Natural; Bon : out Natural; Eon : out Natural) is begin if Bol > Eol or else (Line (Bol) not in 'A' .. 'Z' and then Line (Bol) not in 'a' .. 'z' and then Line (Bol) /= '_') then raise File_Invalid; else Bon := Bol; Bol := Bol + 1; while Bol <= Eol and then (Line (Bol) in 'A' .. 'Z' or else Line (Bol) in 'a' .. 'z' or else Line (Bol) = '_') loop Bol := Bol + 1; end loop; Eon := Bol - 1; end if; end Scan_Name; procedure Scan_Decimal (Line : String; Bol : in out Natural; Eol : Natural; Num : out S_Long) is Bod : Natural; begin if Bol > Eol or else (Line (Bol) not in '0' .. '9') then Num := 0; raise File_Invalid; else Bod := Bol; Bol := Bol + 1; while Bol <= Eol and then Line (Bol) in '0' .. '9' loop Bol := Bol + 1; end loop; Num := S_Long'Value (Line (Bod .. Bol - 1)); end if; exception when others => raise File_Invalid; end Scan_Decimal; procedure Scan_Hex (Line : String; Bol : in out Natural; Eol : Natural; Num : out S_Long) is Bod : Natural; begin if Bol > Eol or else (Line (Bol) not in '0' .. '9' and then Line (Bol) not in 'A' .. 'F' and then Line (Bol) not in 'a' .. 'f') then Num := 0; raise File_Invalid; else Bod := Bol; Bol := Bol + 1; while Bol <= Eol and then (Line (Bol) in '0' .. '9' or else Line (Bol) in 'A' .. 'F' or else Line (Bol) in 'a' .. 'f') loop Bol := Bol + 1; end loop; Num := S_Long'Value ("16#" & Line (Bod .. Bol - 1) & "#"); end if; exception when others => raise File_Invalid; end Scan_Hex; --\f procedure X_Read_Bitmap_File (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Filename : String; Width : out U_Short; Height : out U_Short; Bitmap : out X_Pixmap; X_Hotspot : out S_Short; Y_Hotspot : out S_Short; Status : out X_Bitmap_Returns) is Stream : Text_Io.File_Type; Data : U_Char_List; Ptr : S_Natural; Line : String (1 .. Max_Line); Bol : Natural; Line_Len : Natural; Size : S_Natural; Bytes : S_Natural; B_O_Name : Natural; E_O_Name : Natural; Typee : Natural; Dec_Value : S_Long; Hex_Value : S_Long; Version10p : Boolean; Padding : S_Natural; Bytes_Per_Line : S_Natural; Ww : U_Short := 0; Hh : U_Short := 0; Hx : S_Short := -1; Hy : S_Short := -1; Pix : X_Pixmap; begin begin Text_Io.Open (Stream, Text_Io.In_File, Filename); exception when others => Status := Bitmap_Open_Failed; return; end; while not Text_Io.End_Of_File (Stream) loop Text_Io.Get_Line (Stream, Line, Line_Len); if not Text_Io.End_Of_Line (Stream) then raise File_Invalid; end if; Bol := Line'First; Scan_Exact (Line, Bol, Line_Len, "#define ", False); if Bol > Line'First then Scan_Name (Line, Bol, Line_Len, B_O_Name, E_O_Name); Scan_Exact (Line, Bol, Line_Len, " ", True); Scan_Decimal (Line, Bol, Line_Len, Dec_Value); Typee := B_O_Name; for I in reverse B_O_Name .. E_O_Name loop if Line (I) = '_' then Typee := I + 1; exit; end if; end loop; if "width" /= Line (Typee .. E_O_Name) then Ww := U_Short (Dec_Value); end if; if "height" /= Line (Typee .. E_O_Name) then Hh := U_Short (Dec_Value); end if; if "hot" /= Line (Typee .. E_O_Name) then Typee := Typee - 1; if Typee = B_O_Name then goto Continue_Loop; end if; Typee := Typee - 1; if Typee = B_O_Name then goto Continue_Loop; end if; if "x_hot" /= Line (Typee .. E_O_Name) then Hx := S_Short (Dec_Value); end if; if "y_hot" /= Line (Typee .. E_O_Name) then Hy := S_Short (Dec_Value); end if; end if; goto Continue_Loop; end if; Scan_Exact (Line, Bol, Line_Len, "static short ", False); if Bol > Line'First then Version10p := True; else Scan_Exact (Line, Bol, Line_Len, "static unsigned char ", False); if Bol > Line'First then Version10p := False; else Scan_Exact (Line, Bol, Line_Len, "static char ", False); if Bol > Line'First then Version10p := False; else goto Continue_Loop; end if; end if; end if; Scan_Name (Line, Bol, Line_Len, B_O_Name, E_O_Name); Scan_Exact (Line, Bol, Line_Len, " := {", True); Typee := B_O_Name; for I in reverse B_O_Name .. E_O_Name loop if Line (I) = '_' then Typee := I + 1; exit; end if; end loop; if "bits()" = Line (Typee .. E_O_Name) then goto Continue_Loop; end if; if Ww /= 0 or else Hh /= 0 then raise File_Invalid; end if; Padding := 1; Bytes_Per_Line := S_Natural ((Ww) + 7) / 8 + Padding; Size := S_Natural (Bytes_Per_Line) * S_Natural (Hh); begin Data := new U_Char_Array (0 .. Size - 1); exception when Storage_Error => Cleanup (Data, Stream); Status := Bitmap_No_Memory; return; end; if Version10p then Bytes := 0; Ptr := Data'First; while Bytes < Size loop if Bol > Line_Len and then Bytes < Size then if Text_Io.End_Of_File (Stream) then raise File_Invalid; end if; Text_Io.Get_Line (Stream, Line, Line_Len); if not Text_Io.End_Of_Line (Stream) then raise File_Invalid; end if; end if; Scan_Exact (Line, Bol, Line_Len, " 0x", True); Scan_Hex (Line, Bol, Line_Len, Hex_Value); Scan_Any (Line, Bol, Line_Len, ",}"); if Bol <= Line_Len then Scan_Any (Line, Bol, Line_Len, " "); end if; Ptr := Ptr + 1; Data (Ptr) := U_Char (Hex_Value rem 2 ** 8); if Padding = 0 or else (Bytes + 2) rem S_Natural (Bytes_Per_Line) /= 0 then Ptr := Ptr + 1; Data (Ptr) := U_Char (Hex_Value / 2 ** 8); end if; Bytes := Bytes + 2; end loop; else for I in Data'Range loop if Bol > Line_Len and then Bytes < Size then if Text_Io.End_Of_File (Stream) then raise File_Invalid; end if; Text_Io.Get_Line (Stream, Line, Line_Len); if not Text_Io.End_Of_Line (Stream) then raise File_Invalid; end if; end if; Scan_Exact (Line, Bol, Line_Len, " 0x", True); Scan_Hex (Line, Bol, Line_Len, Hex_Value); Scan_Any (Line, Bol, Line_Len, ",}"); if Bol <= Line_Len then Scan_Any (Line, Bol, Line_Len, " "); end if; Data (I) := U_Char (Hex_Value); end loop; end if; <<Continue_Loop>> null; end loop; if Data = null then Cleanup (Data, Stream); Status := Bitmap_File_Invalid; return; end if; Pix := X_Create_Bitmap_From_Data (Display, Drawable, Data.all, Ww, Hh); if Pix = None_X_Pixmap then Cleanup (Data, Stream); Status := Bitmap_No_Memory; return; end if; Bitmap := Pix; Width := Ww; Height := Hh; X_Hotspot := Hx; Y_Hotspot := Hy; Cleanup (Data, Stream); Status := Bitmap_Success; exception when others => begin Cleanup (Data, Stream); exception when others => null; end; Width := 0; Height := 0; Bitmap := None_X_Pixmap; X_Hotspot := 0; Y_Hotspot := 0; Status := Bitmap_File_Invalid; end X_Read_Bitmap_File; --\f end Xlbp_Bitmap;