Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦44e415657⟧ TextFile

    Length: 11097 (0x2b59)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00
    └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« 


with Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
use Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
with Xlbt_Basic;  
use Xlbt_Basic;  
with Xlbt_Error;  
use Xlbt_Error;  
with Xlbt_Event;  
use Xlbt_Event;  
with Xlbt_Exceptions;  
use Xlbt_Exceptions;  
with Xlbt_Request;  
use Xlbt_Request;  
with Xlbt_Rm;  
use Xlbt_Rm;  
with Xlbt_String;  
use Xlbt_String;

with Xlbp_Error;  
use Xlbp_Error;  
with Xlbp_Proc_Var;  
use Xlbp_Proc_Var;  
with Xlbp_Rm_Name;  
use Xlbp_Rm_Name;

with Xlbmp_Error_Log;  
use Xlbmp_Error_Log;

with Xlbit_Library4;  
use Xlbit_Library4;

with Xlbip_Wire_Converters;  
use Xlbip_Wire_Converters;

with Xlbmt_Network_Types;  
use Xlbmt_Network_Types;

with Xlbmp_Error_Log;  
use Xlbmp_Error_Log;

package body Xlbip_Default_Proc_Vars is
-- X Library Internal Default Procedure Variable Values
-- Xlbip_Default_Proc_Vars - Default routines for various X_Display functions
-- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California.
--                  All Rights Reserved.
-- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that
-- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in
-- supporting documentation, and that the name of Rational not be used in
-- advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
-- without specific, written prior permission.
-- Rational disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including
-- all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall
-- Rational be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
-- any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether
-- in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out
-- of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.


-- Default_X_Io_Error_Function - Default fatal system error reporting routine.
-- Called when an X internal system error is encountered.

    procedure Default_X_Io_Error_Function (Display : X_Display) is  

           ("XlibErr", "IOError",  
            "Xlib; Problem with connection to server %1." & Lf &  
               "(Error: %2)" & Lf &  
               "after %3 requests (%4 known processed)." & Lf &  
               "%5 event(s) remain in the queue." & Lf &  
               "'Receive' errors are usually caused by a server shutdown or" &  
               Lf &  
               "by a Kill_Client operation from a window manager.",

            Err (Display.Last_Error),  
            To_X_String (S_Long'Image (Display.Request - 1)),  
            To_X_String (S_Long'Image (Display.Last_Request_Read)),  
            To_X_String (S_Long'Image (Display.Q_Len)));  
        raise X_Network_Io_Error;

    end Default_X_Io_Error_Function;


-- Default_X_Error_Function - Default non-fatal error reporting routine.  Called
-- when an X_Error packet is encountered in the input stream.

    procedure Default_X_Error_Function (Display : X_Display;  
                                        Error   : X_Error_Contents) is  
        Tmp1     : String (1 .. 8 + 4);   -- "16##" + the actual value
        Tmp2     : String (1 .. 8 + 4);   -- "16##" + the actual value
        Tmp3     : String (1 .. 8 + 4);   -- "16##" + the actual value
        Tmp4     : String (1 .. 8 + 4);   -- "16##" + the actual value
        Tmp5     : String (1 .. 8 + 4);   -- "16##" + the actual value
        Major    : X_Request_Code;  
        Minor    : U_Short;  
        Sequence : U_Short;  
        Id       : S_Long;  
        X_Report_Error ("XlibError", "XError",  
                        "X protocol error: %1",  
                        X_Get_Error_Text (Display, Error.Kind));  
        case Error.Kind is  
            when Bad_Atom =>  
                Major    := Error.Atom.Major_Opcode;  
                Minor    := Error.Atom.Minor_Opcode;  
                Sequence := Error.Atom.Sequence_Number;  
                Id       := Error.Atom.Atom_Id.Number;  
            when Bad_Request | Bad_Match | Bad_Access | Bad_Alloc |  
                 Bad_Name | Bad_Length | Bad_Implementation =>  
                Major    := Error.Nothing.Major_Opcode;  
                Minor    := Error.Nothing.Minor_Opcode;  
                Sequence := Error.Nothing.Sequence_Number;  
                Id       := 0;  
            when Bad_Window | Bad_Pixmap | Bad_Cursor | Bad_Font |  
                 Bad_Drawable | Bad_Color | Bad_Gc | Bad_Id_Choice =>  
                Major    := Error.Resource.Major_Opcode;  
                Minor    := Error.Resource.Minor_Opcode;  
                Sequence := Error.Resource.Sequence_Number;  
                Id       := Error.Resource.Resource_Id.Number;  
            when Bad_Value =>  
                Major    := Error.Value.Major_Opcode;  
                Minor    := Error.Value.Minor_Opcode;  
                Sequence := Error.Value.Sequence_Number;  
                Id       := Error.Value.Value;  
            when others =>  
        end case;  
        S_Long_Io.Put (Tmp1, X_Request_Code'Pos (Major), Base => 10);  
        S_Long_Io.Put (Tmp2, S_Long (Minor), Base => 16);  
        S_Long_Io.Put (Tmp3, Id, Base => 16);  
        S_Long_Io.Put (Tmp4, S_Long (Sequence), Base => 16);  
        S_Long_Io.Put (Tmp5, Display.Request, Base => 16);  
        X_Report_Error ("XlibError", "XRequest",  
                        "Major opcode of failed request:         %1 (%2)" & Lf &  
                           "Minor opcode of failed request:         %3" & Lf &  
                           "Resource id in failed request:          %4" & Lf &  
                           "Serial number of failed request:        %5" & Lf &  
                           "Current serial number in output stream: %6",  
                        To_X_String (Tmp1),  
                        To_X_String (X_Request_Code'Image (Major)),  
                        To_X_String (Tmp2),  
                        To_X_String (Tmp3),  
                        To_X_String (Tmp4),  
                        To_X_String (Tmp5));  
        if Error.Kind = Bad_Implementation then  
        end if;  
        raise X_Unhandled_Error;

    end Default_X_Error_Function;


    procedure Default_X_Rm_Converter_Error (From_Type : X_Rm_Representation;  
                                            To_Type   : X_Rm_Representation) is  

           ("XrmError", "BadConversion",  
            "Xrm; Conversion error; from {%1} to {%2}.",  
            X_Rm_Representation_To_String (From_Type),  
            X_Rm_Representation_To_String (To_Type));

    end Default_X_Rm_Converter_Error;

    procedure Default_X_Rm_No_Converter_Error (From_Type : X_Rm_Representation;  
                                               To_Type : X_Rm_Representation) is  

           ("XrmError", "NoConverter",  
            "Xrm; Conversion error; No converter for %1 to %2.",  
            X_Rm_Representation_To_String (From_Type),  
            X_Rm_Representation_To_String (To_Type));

    end Default_X_Rm_No_Converter_Error;


-- Some general "what am I doing here?" reporting routines.

    procedure Default_X_Unknown_Wire_Event  
                 (Display    :     X_Display;  
                  Raw        :     X_Raw_Data_Array;  
                  Send_Event :     Boolean;  
                  Event      : out X_Event;  
                  Queue_It   : out X_Status) is  

        X_Report_Error ("XlibError", "NoWireEvent",  
                        "Xlib; Unhandled wire event!  .Kind=%1 .Display=%2.",  
                        To_X_String (X_Raw_Data'Image (Raw (Raw'First))),  
        raise X_Library_Confusion;

    end Default_X_Unknown_Wire_Event;


    procedure Default_X_Unknown_Native_Event  
                 (Display :     X_Display;  
                  Event   :     X_Event;  
                  Raw     : out X_Raw_Data_Array;  
                  Status  : out X_Status) is  

        X_Report_Error ("XlibError", "NoNativeEvent",  
                        "Xlib; Unhandled wire event!  .Kind=%1 .Display=%2.",  
                        To_X_String (X_Event_Code'Image (Event.Kind)),  
        raise X_Library_Confusion;

    end Default_X_Unknown_Native_Event;


    function Default_X_Report_Error_Pv is  
       new Proc_Var_X_Report_Error.Value (Default_X_Report_Error);

    function Default_X_Io_Error_Function_Pv is  
       new Proc_Var_X_Io_Error_Function.Value (Default_X_Io_Error_Function);

    function Default_X_Error_Function_Pv is  
       new Proc_Var_X_Error_Function.Value (Default_X_Error_Function);

    function Default_X_Event_To_Wire_Pv is  
       new Proc_Var_X_Event_Wire.Value (Internal_Event_To_Wire);

    function Default_X_Wire_To_Event_Pv is  
       new Proc_Var_X_Wire_Event.Value (Internal_Wire_To_Event);

    function Default_X_Unknown_Wire_Event_Pv is  
       new Proc_Var_X_Wire_Event.Value (Default_X_Unknown_Wire_Event);

    function Default_X_Unknown_Native_Event_Pv is  
       new Proc_Var_X_Event_Wire.Value (Default_X_Unknown_Native_Event);



    X_Lib_Default_X_Report_Error :=  
       Proc_Var_X_Report_Error.From_Pv (Default_X_Report_Error_Pv);

    X_Lib_Default_X_Io_Error_Function :=  
       Proc_Var_X_Io_Error_Function.From_Pv (Default_X_Io_Error_Function_Pv);

    X_Lib_Default_X_Error_Function :=  
       Proc_Var_X_Error_Function.From_Pv (Default_X_Error_Function_Pv);

    X_Lib_Default_X_Event_To_Wire :=  
       Proc_Var_X_Event_Wire.From_Pv (Default_X_Event_To_Wire_Pv);

    X_Lib_Default_X_Wire_To_Event :=  
       Proc_Var_X_Wire_Event.From_Pv (Default_X_Wire_To_Event_Pv);

    X_Lib_Default_X_Unknown_Wire_Event :=  
       Proc_Var_X_Wire_Event.From_Pv (Default_X_Unknown_Wire_Event_Pv);

    X_Lib_Default_X_Unknown_Native_Event :=  
       Proc_Var_X_Event_Wire.From_Pv (Default_X_Unknown_Native_Event_Pv);

end Xlbip_Default_Proc_Vars;