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Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦45888c2bb⟧ TextFile

    Length: 8979 (0x2313)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00
    └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« 


with Test_Io;  
with Trap_Error_Reports;  
with Rm_Test_Utilities;

with Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
use Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
with Xlbt_Display3;  
use Xlbt_Display3;  
with Xlbt_Proc_Var;  
use Xlbt_Proc_Var;  
with Xlbt_Rm3;  
use Xlbt_Rm3;  
with Xlbt_String;  
use Xlbt_String;

with Xlbp_Rm;  
use Xlbp_Rm;  
with Xlbp_Rm_Name;  
use Xlbp_Rm_Name;  
with Xlbp_Rm_Quark;  
use Xlbp_Rm_Quark;

procedure Rm_050 is
-- Tests for Xlbp_Rm - Get/Put resource tests.
-- ****************************************************************************
-- * Date      - /Name/ Comment
-- *
-- *  5-JUL-90 - /GEB/ Created.
-- *  8-NOV-90 - /DRK/ Reorganized, added Quoting_Tests.
-- * 19-NOV-90 - /GEB/ New RM error returns.
-- ****************************************************************************

    -- Local variables and constants --

    Rep_String       : constant X_Rm_Representation :=  
       X_Rm_String_To_Representation ("Rep_String");  
    Rep_S_Long       : constant X_Rm_Representation :=  
       X_Rm_String_To_Representation ("Rep_S_Long");  
    Rep_Boolean      : constant X_Rm_Representation :=  
       X_Rm_String_To_Representation ("Rep_Boolean");  
    Rep_U_Char_Array : constant X_Rm_Representation :=  
       X_Rm_String_To_Representation ("Rep_U_Char_Array");  
    Rep_Universal    : constant X_Rm_Representation :=  
       X_Rm_String_To_Representation ("Rep_Universal");

    Name_One   : constant X_Rm_Name := X_Rm_String_To_Name ("one");  
    Name_Two   : constant X_Rm_Name := X_Rm_String_To_Name ("two");  
    Name_Three : constant X_Rm_Name := X_Rm_String_To_Name ("three");  
    Name_Four  : constant X_Rm_Name := X_Rm_String_To_Name ("four");

    Class_One : constant X_Rm_Class := X_Rm_String_To_Class ("One");  
    Quark_One : constant X_Rm_Quark := X_Rm_String_To_Quark ("ONE");


    -- Local utilities --

    procedure Check (Condition   : Boolean;  
                     Failure_Msg : String;  
                     Success_Msg : String := "") is  
        if not Condition then  
            if not Trap_Error_Reports.Expect_Error_Report then  
                Test_Io.Put_Error (Failure_Msg);  
            end if;  
        elsif Success_Msg /= "" then  
            Test_Io.Put_Line (Success_Msg);  
        end if;  
    end Check;

    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

    procedure Check (Error : X_Rm_Status) is  
        Check (Error = Rm_Successful, "RM error");  
    end Check;

    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

    procedure Try (Db        : in out X_Rm_Database;  
                   Line      :        X_String;  
                   Probe     :        X_String;  
                   Expect    :        X_String := "";  
                   Erroneous :        Boolean  := False) is  
        Error : X_Rm_Status;  
        Rep   : X_Rm_Representation;  
        Val   : X_Rm_Value;  
        Trap_Error_Reports.Expect_Error_Report := Erroneous;  
        Trap_Error_Reports.Error_Reported      := False;

        -- Insert this resource.
        Test_Io.Put_Line ("Resource """ & To_String (Line) & '"');  
        X_Rm_Add_Resource (Db, Line, Error);  
        Check (Error);

        -- Retrieve it.
        Test_Io.Putx ("    """ & Probe & """ => ");  
        X_Rm_Get_Resource (Db, Probe, Probe, Rep, Val);  
        Test_Io.Put_Line (Rm_Test_Utilities.Image (Val));

        -- Compare results.
        if (Expect = "") then  
            Check (Val = None_X_Rm_Value, "Expected: no value");  
            Check (Val /= None_X_Rm_Value and then  
                   Val.Kind = Is_X_String_Pointer and then  
                   Val.V_X_String_Pointer.all = Expect,  
                   "Expected: """ & To_String (Expect) & '"');  
        end if;  
        Check (Trap_Error_Reports.Error_Reported = Erroneous,  
               "Error reporting inconsistency: expect error = " &  
                  Boolean'Image (Erroneous));  
    end Try;


    -- Major test sections. --

    procedure Create_Delete_Tests is  
        Db : X_Rm_Database;  
        Test_Io.Section ("Creation/Deletion");

        -- Can we even create and delete empty databases?
        Db := X_New_Rm_Database;  
        Free_X_Rm_Database (Db);  
        Check (Db = None_X_Rm_Database,  
               "Free_X_Rm_Database didn't return null.");

        -- Put in a few strings and delete it.
        Db := X_New_Rm_Database;  
           (Db, (0 => 'a', 1 => 'b', 2 => 'c'), "abc value");  
           (Db, (2 => 'd', 3 => 'e', 4 => 'f'), "def value");  
        X_Rm_Put_String_Resource (Db, "a.b.c", "a.b.c value");  
        X_Rm_Put_String_Resource (Db, "ab*c", "ab*c value");  
        Free_X_Rm_Database (Db);  
        Check (Db = None_X_Rm_Database,  
               "Free_X_Rm_Database didn't return null.");  
    end Create_Delete_Tests;

    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

    procedure Smoke_Tests is  
        Db : X_Rm_Database;  
        -- Call each of the Put interfaces once.  Simple smoke test.
        Test_Io.Section ("Put smoke tests.");  
        Db := X_New_Rm_Database;  
        X_Rm_Put_Resource (Db, (2 => X_Rm_Bind_Loosely),  
                           X_Rm_Name_Array'(0 => Name_One),  
                           Rep_S_Long, (Is_S_Long, 1));  
        X_Rm_Put_Resource (Db, (0 .. 1 => X_Rm_Bind_Tightly),  
                           X_Rm_Class_Array'(2 .. 3 => Class_One),  
                           Rep_S_Long, (Is_S_Long, 1));  
        X_Rm_Put_Resource (Db, (1 .. 3 => X_Rm_Bind_Loosely),  
                           X_Rm_Quark_Array'(1 .. 3 => Quark_One),  
                           Rep_S_Long, (Is_S_Long, 1));  
           (Db, (0 => X_Rm_Bind_Tightly), (2 => Name_Two), "2");  
        X_Rm_Put_Resource (Db, "three", "Random", (Is_S_Long, 3));  
        X_Rm_Put_String_Resource (Db, "*four", "4");

        -- Call each of the Put interfaces once.  Simple smoke test.
        Test_Io.Section ("Get smoke tests.");  
            Rep : X_Rm_Representation;  
            Val : X_Rm_Value;  
            X_Rm_Get_Resource (Database       => Db,  
                               Names          => "some.names",  
                               Classes        => "Some.Classes",  
                               Representation => Rep,  
                               Value          => Val);  
               (Database => Db,  
                Names => X_Rm_Name_Array'(0 => Name_One, 1 => None_X_Rm_Name),  
                Classes => X_Rm_Class_Array'  
                              (2 => Class_One, 3 => None_X_Rm_Class),  
                Representation => Rep,  
                Value => Val);  
        Free_X_Rm_Database (Db);  
        Check (Db = None_X_Rm_Database,  
               "Free_X_Rm_Database didn't return null.");  
    end Smoke_Tests;

    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

    procedure Quoting_Tests is  
        Db  : X_Rm_Database;  
        Old : X_Procedure_Variable;  
        Test_Io.Section ("Put quoting tests");  
        Db := X_New_Rm_Database;  
        Trap_Error_Reports.Catch_Error_Reports (Old);

        -- Try various "normal" cases.
        Try (Db, "normal: a", "normal", "a");  
        Try (Db, "octal: \142", "octal", "b");  
        Try (Db, "newline: \n", "newline", (1 => Lf));  
        Try (Db, "nl.lf: \n" & Lf, "nl.lf", (1 => Lf));  
        Try (Db, "backslash: \\", "backslash", "\");  
        Try (Db, "long: \1234", "long", "S4");

        -- Try some error cases
        Try (Db, "unknown: \?", "unknown", "?", True);  
        Try (Db, "short: \0", "short", "0", True);  
        Try (Db, "bignum: \530", "bignum", "X", True);

        -- Make sure we parse lines correctly.
        Try (Db, "wrapped: a\" & Lf & "b", "wrapped", "ab");  
        Try (Db, "clipped: c\", "clipped", "c");

        Trap_Error_Reports.Propagate_Error_Reports (Old);  
        Free_X_Rm_Database (Db);  
        Check (Db = None_X_Rm_Database,  
               "Free_X_Rm_Database didn't return null.");  
    end Quoting_Tests;

end Rm_050;