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Length: 17174 (0x4316) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2 └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« └─⟦f794ecd1d⟧ └─⟦24d1ddd49⟧ └─⟦this⟧
-- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1988 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054-3197 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1988. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- -- separate (Task_Management) package body Creation_And_Activation is pragma Suppress_All; procedure Initialize_Master (For_Layer : Layer_Id) is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Initialize_Master); Current_Task : constant Task_Id := Get_Current_Task_And_Acquire_Lock; begin -- if Debug_Mode then -- Debugging.Put_Message ("Entered Initialize_Master"); -- end if; -- For_Layer.all := -- Layer'(Dependent_Task_List => (Next => null), For_Layer.Dependent_Task_List.Next := null; -- Master_Task => Current_Task, For_Layer.Master_Task := Current_Task; -- Layer_Link => Current_Task.Current_Layer, For_Layer.Layer_Link := Current_Task.Current_Layer; -- Non_Terminated => 0, For_Layer.Non_Terminated := 0; -- Non_Terminable => 0, For_Layer.Non_Terminable := 0; -- Coldness => Warm); For_Layer.Coldness := Warm; Current_Task.Current_Layer := For_Layer; -- if Safety_Check then -- Checking.Check_Layer (For_Layer, "Initialize_Master", -- Current_Task => Current_Task); -- end if; Release_Lock; end Initialize_Master; function Create_Task (Activation_Group : Group_Ref; Master : Layer_Id; Start_Addr_Ref : Address_Ref; Entry_Count : Entry_Number; Stack_Space : Integer; At_Priority : Integer; Closure : System_Address; Instance_Variable : System_Address) return Task_Id is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Create_Task); -- ** allocate new Tcb before acquiring lock, since could raise -- ** Storage_Error: New_Task : Task_Id := Storage_Manager.New_Task_Control_Block; Current_Task : constant Task_Id := Get_Current_Task_And_Acquire_Lock; Default_Task_Priority : Priority renames Main_Priority; begin -- if Debug_Mode then -- Debugging.Put_Message ("Entered Create_Task"); -- end if; -- -- if Safety_Check then -- if Master = null then -- Debugging.Put_Message ("*** ERROR - No master set up for task"); -- end if; -- -- if Activation_Group = null then -- Debugging.Put_Message -- ("*** ERROR - No activation group set up for task"); -- end if; -- -- Checking.Check_Layer (Master, "Create_Task", -- Current_Task => Current_Task); -- end if; --New_Task.all := -- Task_Control_Block' -- (Checksum => Checksum (New_Task), New_Task.Checksum := Checksum (New_Task); -- Exception_Id => Exceptions.No_Error, New_Task.Exception_Id := null; -- := Exceptions.No_Error; -- Stack_Bounds => (Null_Address, max (Stack_Space, Default)); New_Task.Stack_Bounds.First := To_Address (0); if Stack_Space = 0 then New_Task.Stack_Bounds.Size := Default_Task_Stack_Size; else New_Task.Stack_Bounds.Size := Stack_Space; end if; -- Action_State => Empty_Actions, New_Task.Action_State := (others => False); -- Suspension_State => Not_Activated, New_Task.Suspension_State := Not_Activated; -- Current_Priority => Set_Priority, if At_Priority in Priority then New_Task.Current_Priority := At_Priority; else New_Task.Current_Priority := Default_Task_Priority; end if; -- Partner_Priority => Priority'First, New_Task.Partner_Priority := Priority'First; -- Code_Start_Ref => Start_Addr_Ref, New_Task.Code_Start_Ref := Start_Addr_Ref; -- Current_Layer => null, New_Task.Current_Layer := null; -- Queues => Storage_Manager.New_Queues -- (Entry_Count, Current_Task => Current_Task), --*** New_Task.Queues created below -- Master_Block => Master, New_Task.Master_Block := Master; -- Layer_Link => List'(Next => Master.Dependent_Task_List.Next), New_Task.Layer_Link.Next := Master.Dependent_Task_List.Next; -- Callers_Head => Empty_List, New_Task.Callers_Head.Next := null; -- Callers_Link => -- List'(Next => Activation_Group.all), -- temporary use New_Task.Callers_Link.Next := Activation_Group.all; -- temporary use -- Activations_In_Progress => Convert (Closure), -- temporary use New_Task.Activations_In_Progress := Convert (Closure); -- temporary use -- Spare New_Task.Spare_Word0 := 0; -- Process_Id => 0, New_Task.Process_Id := 0; -- Ipc_Buffer_List => null); New_Task.Ipc_Buffer_List := null; New_Task.Parent_Tcb := Current_Task; New_Task.Parent_Frame_Link := Process_Ops.Get_Fp; New_Task.Instance_Variable := Instance_Variable; Master.Non_Terminated := Master.Non_Terminated + 1; Master.Non_Terminable := Master.Non_Terminable + 1; Master.Dependent_Task_List.Next := New_Task; Activation_Group.all := New_Task; -- *** New_Task.Queues := ... -- creating queues can raise Storage_Error, so cannot hold lock Release_Lock; New_Task.Queues := Storage_Manager.New_Queues (Entry_Count, Current_Task => Current_Task); -- if Debug_Mode then -- Debugging.Put_Message (""); -- Debugging.Put_Message ("Task_Management.Create_Task result = "); -- Debugging.Put_Tcb (New_Task); -- Debugging.Put_Message (""); -- end if; return New_Task; end Create_Task; procedure Activate_Offspring (Activation_Group : Group_Ref; Perform_Elaboration_Check : Boolean) is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Activate_Offspring); Current_Task : constant Task_Id := Get_Current_Task_And_Acquire_Lock; Next_Task : Task_Id := Activation_Group.all; Next_Next_Task : Task_Id; Params : Fork_Parameters; Reply : Reply_Kind; begin -- if Debug_Mode then -- Debugging.Put_Message ("Entered Activate_Offspring"); -- end if; Runtime_Exceptions.Check_For_Abnormality (Current_Task => Current_Task); if Perform_Elaboration_Check then while Next_Task /= null loop if Next_Task.Code_Start_Ref.all = To_Address (0) then -- Terminate all unstarted tasks in the activation group -- before raising Program_Error. C93007A tests this. Next_Task := Activation_Group.all; while Next_Task /= null loop if Next_Task.Suspension_State = Not_Activated then Termination_And_Abortion.Forced_Termination (Next_Task, Term_Via_Abort => False, Current_Task => Current_Task); end if; Next_Task := Next_Task.Callers_Link.Next; end loop; Runtime_Exceptions.Raise_Program_Error; end if; -- Until a task is activated, the Callers_Link field is -- used to store the link to the next member of the -- activation group. Next_Task := Next_Task.Callers_Link.Next; end loop; Next_Task := Activation_Group.all; end if; Current_Task.Activations_In_Progress := 0; Params.Global_Base_Address := Process_Ops.Global_Base_Address; Params.Code_Start := Task_Code_Start; while Next_Task /= null loop -- if Safety_Check then -- if (Next_Task.Suspension_State /= Not_Activated) and then -- ((Next_Task.Suspension_State /= Terminated) or else -- (not Next_Task.Action_State (Abnormal))) then -- -- -- -- A task that is aborted before it is activated has its -- -- Suspension_State set to Terminated. -- -- Runtime_Exceptions.Raise_Runtime_Error -- ("Activate_Offspring", -- "Activating an already-activated task", -- Err.Task_Activated_Twice, -- Current_Task => Current_Task); -- end if; -- end if; -- Until a task is activated, the Callers_Link field is -- used to store the link to the next member of the -- activation group. The Callers_Head field is set here -- to reference the activator. Next_Next_Task := Next_Task.Callers_Link.Next; if not Next_Task.Action_State (Abnormal) then Next_Task.Suspension_State := Not_Suspended; Next_Task.Callers_Head := List'(Next => Current_Task); Params.New_Task_Id := Next_Task; Params.Instance_Variable := Next_Task.Instance_Variable; -- if Debug_Mode then -- Debugging.Put_Message -- ("In Activate_Offspring, about to call Os9_Ops.Fork"); -- end if; declare Next_Priority : Integer := Integer (Next_Task.Current_Priority); Stack_Size : Integer := Next_Task.Stack_Bounds.Size; Status : Process_Ops.Status; Minimum_Stack_Size : constant := 64; begin if Next_Priority < Minimum_Os_Priority then Next_Priority := Minimum_Os_Priority; end if; if Stack_Size < Minimum_Stack_Size then Stack_Size := Minimum_Stack_Size; end if; Process_Ops.Fork (Params'Address, Fork_Parameters_Size, Next_Priority, Stack_Size, Status); if Status = Process_Ops.E_Noram then if Debug_Mode then Debugging.Put_Message ("In Activate_Offspring, Os9_Ops.Fork failed due to insufficient available memory"); end if; -- Update TCB and layer state since task not activated Next_Task.Suspension_State := Not_Activated; Termination_And_Abortion.Forced_Termination (The_Task => Next_Task, Term_Via_Abort => False, Current_Task => Current_Task); -- Simulate effect of raising storage_error (sic) -- during child's activation. -- Current_Task.Action_State (Exception_Pending) := True; Current_Task.Exception_Id := Exceptions.Tasking_Error; else -- if Debug_Mode then -- Debugging.Put_Message -- ("In Activate_Offspring, after call to Os9_Ops.Fork"); -- end if; -- -- if Safety_Check then -- Checking.Check_Os9_Ops_Status -- (Status, Err.Bad_Status_From_Fork, -- Current_Task => Current_Task); -- end if; if Status /= Process_Ops.Success then Debugging.Put_Message ("Got bad status from fork " & Process_Ops.Status'Image (Status)); end if; Current_Task.Activations_In_Progress := Current_Task.Activations_In_Progress + 1; end if; end; end if; Next_Task := Next_Next_Task; end loop; Activation_Group.all := null; -- It is desirable that all elements of the activation group -- be forked before any of them begin to execute user code. -- Otherwise there may be problems with a low priority parent -- forking a medium priority child before a high priority child; -- it would be possible for the medium priority child to starve the -- parent and thereby prevent its sibling from ever being forked. -- This is currently not a problem, because a task registers itself -- (which involves acquiring the task management serialization -- lock) before it begins to execute user code. if Current_Task.Activations_In_Progress > 0 then Message_Queue_Utilities.Await_Reply (Child_Activating, Reply, Current_Task => Current_Task); -- if Safety_Check then -- Checking.Check_Reply (Reply, Activation_Group_Activated, -- Current_Task => Current_Task); -- end if; end if; Runtime_Exceptions.Check_For_Pending_Exception (Current_Task => Current_Task); Release_Lock; end Activate_Offspring; procedure Notify_Parent_Internal (Tasking_Error_Found : Boolean; Current_Task : Task_Id) is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal); -- While a task is activating, the Callers_Head field is -- used to store the task_id of the parent (i.e. activator, -- as opposed to master) task. -- Parent : Task_Id renames Current_Task.Callers_Head.Next; Parent_Tcb : Task_Control_Block renames Parent.all; Parent_Offspring_Count : Integer renames Parent_Tcb.Activations_In_Progress; begin -- if Debug_Mode then -- Debugging.Put_Message ("Entered Notify_Parent"); -- end if; if Tasking_Error_Found then Parent_Tcb.Action_State (Exception_Pending) := True; Parent_Tcb.Exception_Id := Exceptions.Tasking_Error; end if; Parent_Offspring_Count := Parent_Offspring_Count - 1; if Parent_Offspring_Count = 0 then Message_Queue_Utilities.Send_Reply (Parent, Activation_Group_Activated, Current_Task => Current_Task); end if; -- if Safety_Check and then -- Current_Task.Action_State (Activation_Done) then -- Runtime_Exceptions.Raise_Runtime_Error -- ("Notify_Parent", "child has already notified parent", -- Err.Parent_Notified_Twice, -- Current_Task => Current_Task); -- end if; Current_Task.Action_State (Activation_Done) := True; Runtime_Exceptions.Check_For_Abnormality (Current_Task => Current_Task); end Notify_Parent_Internal; procedure Notify_Parent (Tasking_Error_Found : Boolean) is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Notify_Parent); Current_Task : constant Task_Id := Get_Current_Task_And_Acquire_Lock; begin Notify_Parent_Internal (Tasking_Error_Found, Current_Task => Current_Task); Release_Lock; end Notify_Parent; end Creation_And_Activation; pragma Runtime_Unit (Unit_Number => Runtime_Ids.Runtime_Compunit, Elab_Routine_Number => Runtime_Ids.Internal);