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Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦4e3e5acf9⟧ TextFile

    Length: 63172 (0xf6c4)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »button.c«


└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 
                └─ ⟦this⟧ »./button.c« 
└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 
                └─ ⟦this⟧ »./button.c« 
└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 
                └─ ⟦this⟧ »./button.c« 


 *	$XConsortium: button.c,v 1.32 89/01/05 12:47:45 swick Exp $

#include <X11/copyright.h>

 * Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.
 *                         All Rights Reserved
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
 * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
 * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
 * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
 * supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital Equipment
 * Corporation not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
 * distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.

button.c	Handles button events in the terminal emulator.
		does cut/paste operations, change modes via menu,
		passes button events through to some applications.
				J. Gettys.
#ifndef lint
static char rcs_id[] = "$XConsortium: button.c,v 1.32 89/01/05 12:47:45 swick Exp $";
#endif	/* lint */
#include <X11/Xos.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/Xmu.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef hpux
#undef SIGCHLD
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include "ptyx.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "menu.h"

#define _RCG_MENU_
#include "rcg.h"

#include "ratmenu.h"
#define XK_LATIN1
#include <X11/keysymdef.h>

extern char *malloc();
extern int  v_write();
extern Pixmap make_gray();
extern int RecognitionValue;
extern Widget  RatMenu;

static PointToRowCol();
extern void RationalButton();
extern void RatMenuPermanent();
extern void PopdownRatMenuChain();	/* Pop down everything that may be up*/

#define KeyState(x) (((x) & (ShiftMask|ControlMask)) + (((x) & Mod1Mask) ? 2 : 0))
    /* adds together the bits:
        shift key -> 1
        meta key  -> 2
        control key -> 4 */
#define TEXTMODES 4
#define NBUTS 3
#define DIRS 2
#define UP 1
#define DOWN 0
#define SHIFTS 8		/* three keys, so eight combinations */
#define	Coordinate(r,c)		((r) * (term->screen.max_col+1) + (c))

char *SaveText();
extern EditorButton();

extern ModeMenu();
extern char *xterm_name;
extern Bogus();

extern XtermWidget term;

/* Selection/extension variables */

/* Raw char position where the selection started */
static int rawRow, rawCol;

/* Selected area before CHAR, WORD, LINE selectUnit processing */
static int startRRow, startRCol, endRRow, endRCol = 0;

/* Selected area after CHAR, WORD, LINE selectUnit processing */
static int startSRow, startSCol, endSRow, endSCol = 0;

/* Valid rows for selection clipping */
static int firstValidRow, lastValidRow;

/* Start, end of extension */
static int startERow, startECol, endERow, endECol;

/* Saved values of raw selection for extend to restore to */
static int saveStartRRow, saveStartRCol, saveEndRRow, saveEndRCol;

/* Multi-click handling */
static int numberOfClicks = 0;
static long int lastButtonUpTime = 0;
typedef int SelectUnit;
#define SELECTCHAR 0
#define SELECTWORD 1
#define SELECTLINE 2
static SelectUnit selectUnit;

/* Send emacs escape code when done selecting or extending? */
static int replyToEmacs;

Boolean SendMousePosition(w, event)
Widget w;
XEvent* event;
    register TScreen *screen = &((XtermWidget)w)->screen;
    static TrackDown();

    if (screen->send_mouse_pos == 0) return False;

    if (event->type != ButtonPress && event->type != ButtonRelease)
	return False;

#define KeyModifiers \
    (event->xbutton.state & (ShiftMask | LockMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask | \
			     Mod2Mask | Mod3Mask | Mod4Mask | Mod5Mask ))

#define ButtonModifiers \
    (event->xbutton.state & (ShiftMask | LockMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask | \
			     Mod2Mask | Mod3Mask | Mod4Mask | Mod5Mask ))

    switch (screen->send_mouse_pos) {
      case 1: /* X10 compatibility sequences */

	if (KeyModifiers == 0) {
	    if (event->type == ButtonPress)
	    return True;
	return False;

      case 2: /* DEC vt200 compatible */

	if (KeyModifiers == 0 || KeyModifiers == ControlMask) {
	    return True;
	return False;

      case 3: /* DEC vt200 hilite tracking */
	if (  event->type == ButtonPress &&
	      KeyModifiers == 0 &&
	      event->xbutton.button == Button1 ) {
	    return True;
	if (KeyModifiers == 0 || KeyModifiers == ControlMask) {
	    return True;
	/* fall through */

	return False;
#undef KeyModifiers

void HandleSelectExtend(w, event, params, num_params)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;			/* must be XMotionEvent */
String *params;			/* unused */
Cardinal *num_params;		/* unused */
    extern Boolean WindowMotion;	/* TRUE when doing window dragging */
    extern void    WindowMotionAnalyze();
    int row, col;

	((XtermWidget)w)->screen.selection_time = event->xmotion.time;
	switch (eventMode) {
			PointToRowCol (event->xmotion.y, event->xmotion.x, 
				       &row, &col);
			ExtendExtend (row, col);
		case NORMAL :
			if (WindowMotion) {
			    WindowMotionAnalyze( event->xmotion.x_root,
						event->xmotion.y_root );
			/* will get here if send_mouse_pos != 0 */

static void do_select_end (w, event, params, num_params, use_cursor_loc)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;			/* must be XButtonEvent */
String *params;			/* selections */
Cardinal *num_params;
Bool use_cursor_loc;
	register TScreen *screen = &((XtermWidget)w)->screen;

	((XtermWidget)w)->screen.selection_time = event->xbutton.time;
	switch (eventMode) {
		case NORMAL :
		        (void) SendMousePosition(w, event);
			EndExtend(event, params, *num_params, use_cursor_loc);

void HandleSelectEnd(w, event, params, num_params)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;			/* must be XButtonEvent */
String *params;			/* selections */
Cardinal *num_params;
	do_select_end (w, event, params, num_params, False);

void HandleKeyboardSelectEnd(w, event, params, num_params)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;			/* must be XButtonEvent */
String *params;			/* selections */
Cardinal *num_params;
	do_select_end (w, event, params, num_params, True);

struct _SelectionList {
    String *params;
    Cardinal count;
    Time time;

static void _GetSelection(w, time, params, num_params)
Widget w;
Time time;
String *params;			/* selections in precedence order */
Cardinal num_params;
    static void SelectionReceived();
    Atom selection;
    int buffer;

    XmuInternStrings(XtDisplay(w), params, (Cardinal)1, &selection);
    switch (selection) {
      case XA_CUT_BUFFER0: buffer = 0; break;
      case XA_CUT_BUFFER1: buffer = 1; break;
      case XA_CUT_BUFFER2: buffer = 2; break;
      case XA_CUT_BUFFER3: buffer = 3; break;
      case XA_CUT_BUFFER4: buffer = 4; break;
      case XA_CUT_BUFFER5: buffer = 5; break;
      case XA_CUT_BUFFER6: buffer = 6; break;
      case XA_CUT_BUFFER7: buffer = 7; break;
      default:	       buffer = -1;
    if (buffer >= 0) {
	register TScreen *screen = &((XtermWidget)w)->screen;
	int inbytes;
	unsigned long nbytes;
	int fmt8 = 8;
	Atom type = XA_STRING;
	char *line = XFetchBuffer(screen->display, &inbytes, buffer);
	nbytes = (unsigned long) inbytes;
	if (nbytes > 0)
	    SelectionReceived(w, (caddr_t)NULL, &selection, &type,
			      (caddr_t)line, &nbytes, &fmt8);
	else if (num_params > 1)
	    _GetSelection(w, time, params+1, num_params-1);
    } else {
	struct _SelectionList* list;
	if (--num_params) {
	    list = XtNew(struct _SelectionList);
	    list->params = params + 1;
	    list->count = num_params;
	    list->time = time;
	} else list = NULL;
	XtGetSelectionValue(w, selection, XA_STRING, SelectionReceived,
			    (caddr_t)list, time);

static void SelectionReceived(w, client_data, selection, type,
			      value, length, format)
Widget w;
caddr_t client_data;
Atom *selection, *type;
caddr_t value;
unsigned long *length;
int *format;
    int pty = ((XtermWidget)w)->screen.respond;	/* file descriptor of pty */
    register char *lag, *cp, *end;
    char *line = (char*)value;
    if (*type == 0 /*XT_CONVERT_FAIL*/ || *length == 0) {
	struct _SelectionList* list = (struct _SelectionList*)client_data;
	if (list != NULL) {
	    _GetSelection(w, list->time, list->params, list->count);

    end = &line[*length];
    if (!term->misc.rational) {
	lag = line;
	for (cp = line; cp != end; cp++)
	      if (*cp != '\n') continue;
	      *cp = '\r';
	      v_write(pty, lag, cp - lag + 1);
	      lag = cp + 1;
	if (lag != end)
	  v_write(pty, lag, end - lag);
    } else {
	extern char KeyCodeTable_Xlate[128][5];	/* Xltation for pasting */
	for (cp = line; cp != end; cp++) {
	    lag = &KeyCodeTable_Xlate[*cp & 0x7F][0];
	    (void)v_write( pty, &lag[1], (unsigned int)lag[0] );


void HandleInsertSelection(w, event, params, num_params)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;			/* assumed to be XButtonEvent* */
String *params;			/* selections in precedence order */
Cardinal *num_params;

    if (SendMousePosition(w, event)) return;
    _GetSelection(w, event->xbutton.time, params, *num_params);

SetSelectUnit(buttonDownTime, defaultUnit)
unsigned long buttonDownTime;
SelectUnit defaultUnit;
/* Do arithmetic as integers, but compare as unsigned solves clock wraparound */
	if ((long unsigned)((long int)buttonDownTime - lastButtonUpTime)
	 > term->screen.multiClickTime) {
		numberOfClicks = 1;
		selectUnit = defaultUnit;
	} else {
		selectUnit = ((selectUnit + 1) % NSELECTUNITS);

static void do_select_start (w, event, startrow, startcol)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;			/* must be XButtonEvent* */
int startrow, startcol;
	if (SendMousePosition(w, event)) return;
	SetSelectUnit(event->xbutton.time, SELECTCHAR);
	replyToEmacs = FALSE;
	StartSelect(startrow, startcol);

void HandleSelectStart(w, event, params, num_params)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;			/* must be XButtonEvent* */
String *params;			/* unused */
Cardinal *num_params;		/* unused */
	register TScreen *screen = &((XtermWidget)w)->screen;
	int startrow, startcol;

	firstValidRow = 0;
	lastValidRow  = screen->max_row;
	PointToRowCol(event->xbutton.y, event->xbutton.x, &startrow, &startcol);
	do_select_start (w, event, startrow, startcol);

HandleKeyboardSelectStart(w, event, params, num_params)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;			/* must be XButtonEvent* */
String *params;			/* unused */
Cardinal *num_params;		/* unused */
	register TScreen *screen = &((XtermWidget)w)->screen;

	do_select_start (w, event, screen->cursor_row, screen->cursor_col);

static TrackDown(event)
register XButtonEvent *event;
	int startrow, startcol;

	SetSelectUnit(event->time, SELECTCHAR);
	if (numberOfClicks > 1 ) {
		PointToRowCol(event->y, event->x, &startrow, &startcol);
		replyToEmacs = TRUE;
		StartSelect(startrow, startcol);
	} else {
		waitingForTrackInfo = 1;

#define boundsCheck(x)	if (x < 0) \
			    x = 0; \
			else if (x >= screen->max_row) \
			    x = screen->max_row;

TrackMouse(func, startrow, startcol, firstrow, lastrow)
int func, startrow, startcol, firstrow, lastrow;
	TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

	if (!waitingForTrackInfo) {	/* Timed out, so ignore */
	waitingForTrackInfo = 0;
	if (func == 0) return;
	boundsCheck (startrow)
	boundsCheck (firstrow)
	boundsCheck (lastrow)
	firstValidRow = firstrow;
	lastValidRow  = lastrow;
	replyToEmacs = TRUE;
	StartSelect(startrow, startcol);

StartSelect(startrow, startcol)
int startrow, startcol;
	TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

	if (screen->cursor_state)
	    HideCursor ();
	if (numberOfClicks == 1) {
		/* set start of selection */
		rawRow = startrow;
		rawCol = startcol;
	} /* else use old values in rawRow, Col */

	saveStartRRow = startERow = rawRow;
	saveStartRCol = startECol = rawCol;
	saveEndRRow   = endERow   = rawRow;
	saveEndRCol   = endECol   = rawCol;
	if (Coordinate(startrow, startcol) < Coordinate(rawRow, rawCol)) {
		eventMode = LEFTEXTENSION;
		startERow = startrow;
		startECol = startcol;
	} else {
		endERow = startrow;
		endECol = startcol;
	ComputeSelect(startERow, startECol, endERow, endECol, False);


EndExtend(event, params, num_params, use_cursor_loc)
XEvent *event;			/* must be XButtonEvent */
String *params;			/* selections */
Cardinal num_params;
Bool use_cursor_loc;
	int	row, col;
	TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
	char line[9];

	if (use_cursor_loc) {
	    row = screen->cursor_row;
	    col = screen->cursor_col;
	} else {
	    PointToRowCol(event->xbutton.y, event->xbutton.x, &row, &col);
	ExtendExtend (row, col);

	lastButtonUpTime = event->xbutton.time;
	/* Only do select stuff if non-null select */
	if (startSRow != endSRow || startSCol != endSCol) {
		if (replyToEmacs) {
			if (rawRow == startSRow && rawCol == startSCol 
			 && row == endSRow && col == endSCol) {
			 	/* Use short-form emacs select */
				strcpy(line, "\033[t");
				line[3] = ' ' + endSCol + 1;
				line[4] = ' ' + endSRow + 1;
				v_write(screen->respond, line, 5);
			} else {
				/* long-form, specify everything */
				strcpy(line, "\033[T");
				line[3] = ' ' + startSCol + 1;
				line[4] = ' ' + startSRow + 1;
				line[5] = ' ' + endSCol + 1;
				line[6] = ' ' + endSRow + 1;
				line[7] = ' ' + col + 1;
				line[8] = ' ' + row + 1;
				v_write(screen->respond, line, 9);
			TrackText(0, 0, 0, 0);
		SaltTextAway(startSRow, startSCol, endSRow, endSCol,
			     params, num_params);
	} else DisownSelection(term);

	/* TrackText(0, 0, 0, 0); */
	eventMode = NORMAL;

#define Abs(x)		((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))

static void do_start_extend (w, event, params, num_params, use_cursor_loc)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;			/* must be XButtonEvent* */
String *params;			/* unused */
Cardinal *num_params;		/* unused */
Bool use_cursor_loc;
	TScreen *screen = &((XtermWidget)w)->screen;
	int row, col, coord;

	if (SendMousePosition(w, event)) return;
	firstValidRow = 0;
	lastValidRow  = screen->max_row;
	SetSelectUnit(event->xbutton.time, selectUnit);
	replyToEmacs = FALSE;

	if (numberOfClicks == 1) {
		/* Save existing selection so we can reestablish it if the guy
		   extends past the other end of the selection */
		saveStartRRow = startERow = startRRow;
		saveStartRCol = startECol = startRCol;
		saveEndRRow   = endERow   = endRRow;
		saveEndRCol   = endECol   = endRCol;
	} else {
		/* He just needed the selection mode changed, use old values. */
		startERow = startRRow = saveStartRRow;
		startECol = startRCol = saveStartRCol;
		endERow   = endRRow   = saveEndRRow;
		endECol   = endRCol   = saveEndRCol;

	if (use_cursor_loc) {
	    row = screen->cursor_row;
	    col = screen->cursor_col;
	} else {
	    PointToRowCol(event->xbutton.y, event->xbutton.x, &row, &col);
	coord = Coordinate(row, col);

	if (Abs(coord - Coordinate(startSRow, startSCol))
	     < Abs(coord - Coordinate(endSRow, endSCol))
	    || coord < Coordinate(startSRow, startSCol)) {
	 	/* point is close to left side of selection */
		eventMode = LEFTEXTENSION;
		startERow = row;
		startECol = col;
	} else {
	 	/* point is close to left side of selection */
		endERow = row;
		endECol = col;
	ComputeSelect(startERow, startECol, endERow, endECol, True);

ExtendExtend (row, col)
int row, col;
	int coord = Coordinate(row, col);
	if (eventMode == LEFTEXTENSION 
	 && (coord + (selectUnit!=SELECTCHAR)) > Coordinate(endSRow, endSCol)) {
		/* Whoops, he's changed his mind.  Do RIGHTEXTENSION */
		startERow = saveStartRRow;
		startECol = saveStartRCol;
	} else if (eventMode == RIGHTEXTENSION
	 && coord < Coordinate(startSRow, startSCol)) {
	 	/* Whoops, he's changed his mind.  Do LEFTEXTENSION */
		eventMode = LEFTEXTENSION;
		endERow   = saveEndRRow;
		endECol   = saveEndRCol;
	if (eventMode == LEFTEXTENSION) {
		startERow = row;
		startECol = col;
	} else {
		endERow = row;
		endECol = col;
	ComputeSelect(startERow, startECol, endERow, endECol, False);

void HandleStartExtend(w, event, params, num_params)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;			/* must be XButtonEvent* */
String *params;			/* unused */
Cardinal *num_params;		/* unused */
    do_start_extend (w, event, params, num_params, False);

void HandleKeyboardStartExtend(w, event, params, num_params)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;			/* must be XButtonEvent* */
String *params;			/* unused */
Cardinal *num_params;		/* unused */
    do_start_extend (w, event, params, num_params, True);

ScrollSelection(screen, amount)
register TScreen* screen;
register int amount;
    register int minrow = -screen->savedlines;

    /* Sent by scrollbar stuff, so amount never takes selection out of
       saved text */

    /* XXX - the preceeding is false; cat /etc/termcap (or anything
       larger than the number of saved lines plus the screen height) and then
       hit extend select */

    startRRow += amount; endRRow += amount;
    startSRow += amount; endSRow += amount;
    rawRow += amount;
    screen->startHRow += amount;
    screen->endHRow += amount;

    if (startRRow < minrow) {
	startRRow = minrow;
	startRCol = 0;
    if (endRRow < minrow) {
	endRRow = minrow;
        endRCol = 0;
    if (startSRow < minrow) {
	startSRow = minrow;
	startSCol = 0;
    if (endSRow < minrow) {
	endSRow = minrow;
	endSCol = 0;
    if (rawRow < minrow) {
	rawRow = minrow;
	rawCol = 0;
    if (screen->startHRow < minrow) {
	screen->startHRow = minrow;
	screen->startHCol = 0;
    if (screen->endHRow < minrow) {
	screen->endHRow = minrow;
	screen->endHCol = 0;
    screen->startHCoord = Coordinate (screen->startHRow, screen->startHCol);
    screen->endHCoord = Coordinate (screen->endHRow, screen->endHCol);

ResizeSelection (screen, rows, cols)
    TScreen *screen;
    int rows, cols;
    rows--;				/* decr to get 0-max */

    if (startRRow > rows) startRRow = rows;
    if (startSRow > rows) startSRow = rows;
    if (endRRow > rows) endRRow = rows;
    if (endSRow > rows) endSRow = rows;
    if (rawRow > rows) rawRow = rows;

    if (startRCol > cols) startRCol = cols;
    if (startSCol > cols) startSCol = cols;
    if (endRCol > cols) endRCol = cols;
    if (endSCol > cols) endSCol = cols;
    if (rawCol > cols) rawCol = cols;

static PointToRowCol(y, x, r, c)
register int y, x;
int *r, *c;
/* Convert pixel coordinates to character coordinates.
   Rows are clipped between firstValidRow and lastValidRow.
   Columns are clipped between to be 0 or greater, but are not clipped to some
       maximum value. */
	register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
	register row, col;

	row = (y - screen->border) / FontHeight(screen);
	if(row < firstValidRow)
		row = firstValidRow;
	else if(row > lastValidRow)
		row = lastValidRow;
	col = (x - screen->border - screen->scrollbar) / FontWidth(screen);
	if(col < 0)
		col = 0;
	else if(col > screen->max_col+1) {
		col = screen->max_col+1;
	*r = row;
	*c = col;

int LastTextCol(row)
register int row;
	register TScreen *screen =  &term->screen;
	register int i;
	register Char *ch;

	for(i = screen->max_col,
	 ch = screen->buf[2 * (row + screen->topline)] + i ;
	 i > 0 && (*ch == ' ' || *ch == 0); ch--, i--);

static int charClass[128] = {
    32,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
/*  BS   HT   NL   VT   NP   CR   SO   SI */
     1,  32,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
/* DLE  DC1  DC2  DC3  DC4  NAK  SYN  ETB */
     1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
/* CAN   EM  SUB  ESC   FS   GS   RS   US */
     1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
/*  SP    !    "    #    $    %    &    ' */
    32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,
/*   (    )    *    +    ,    -    .    / */
    40,  41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,
/*   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7 */
    48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,
/*   8    9    :    ;    <    =    >    ? */
    48,  48,  58,  59,  60,  61,  62,  63,
/*   @    A    B    C    D    E    F    G */
    64,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,
/*   H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O */
    48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,
/*   P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W */ 
    48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,
/*   X    Y    Z    [    \    ]    ^    _ */
    48,  48,  48,  91,  92,  93,  94,  48,
/*   `    a    b    c    d    e    f    g */
    96,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,
/*   h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o */
    48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,
/*   p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w */
    48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,
/*   x    y    z    {    |    }    ~  DEL */
    48,  48,  48, 123, 124, 125, 126,   1};

int SetCharacterClassRange (low, high, value)
    register int low, high;		/* in range of [0..127] */
    register int value;			/* arbitrary */

    if (low < 0 || high > 127 || high < low) return (-1);

    for (; low <= high; low++) charClass[low] = value;

    return (0);

ComputeSelect(startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol, extend)
int startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol;
Bool extend;
	register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
	register Char *ptr;
	register int length;
	register int class;
	int osc = startSCol;

	if (Coordinate(startRow, startCol) <= Coordinate(endRow, endCol)) {
		startSRow = startRRow = startRow;
		startSCol = startRCol = startCol;
		endSRow   = endRRow   = endRow;
		endSCol   = endRCol   = endCol;
	} else {	/* Swap them */
		startSRow = startRRow = endRow;
		startSCol = startRCol = endCol;
		endSRow   = endRRow   = startRow;
		endSCol   = endRCol   = startCol;

	switch (selectUnit) {
			if (startSCol > (LastTextCol(startSRow) + 1)) {
				startSCol = 0;
			if (endSCol > (LastTextCol(endSRow) + 1)) {
				endSCol = 0;
			if (startSCol > (LastTextCol(startSRow) + 1)) {
				startSCol = 0;
			} else {
				ptr = screen->buf[2*(startSRow+screen->topline)]
				 + startSCol;
				class = charClass[*ptr];
				do {
				} while (startSCol >= 0
				 && charClass[*ptr] == class);
			if (endSCol > (LastTextCol(endSRow) + 1)) {
				endSCol = 0;
			} else {
				length = LastTextCol(endSRow);
				ptr = screen->buf[2*(endSRow+screen->topline)]
				 + endSCol;
				class = charClass[*ptr];
				do {
				} while (endSCol <= length
				 && charClass[*ptr] == class);
				/* Word select selects if pointing to any char
				   in "word", especially in that it includes
				   the last character in a word.  So no --endSCol
				   and do special eol handling */
				if (endSCol > length+1) {
					endSCol = 0;
			if (term->screen.cutToBeginningOfLine) {
			    startSCol = 0;
			} else if (!extend) {
			    startSCol = osc;
			if (term->screen.cutNewline) {
			    endSCol = 0;
			} else {
			    endSCol = LastTextCol(endSRow) + 1;

	TrackText(startSRow, startSCol, endSRow, endSCol);

TrackText(frow, fcol, trow, tcol)
register int frow, fcol, trow, tcol;
/* Guaranteed (frow, fcol) <= (trow, tcol) */
	register int from, to;
	register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
	int old_startrow, old_startcol, old_endrow, old_endcol;

	/* (frow, fcol) may have been scrolled off top of display */
	if (frow < 0)
		frow = fcol = 0;
	/* (trow, tcol) may have been scrolled off bottom of display */
	if (trow > screen->max_row+1) {
		trow = screen->max_row+1;
		tcol = 0;
	old_startrow = screen->startHRow;
	old_startcol = screen->startHCol;
	old_endrow = screen->endHRow;
	old_endcol = screen->endHCol;
	if (frow == old_startrow && fcol == old_startcol &&
	    trow == old_endrow   && tcol == old_endcol) return;
	screen->startHRow = frow;
	screen->startHCol = fcol;
	screen->endHRow   = trow;
	screen->endHCol   = tcol;
	from = Coordinate(frow, fcol);
	to = Coordinate(trow, tcol);
	if (to <= screen->startHCoord || from > screen->endHCoord) {
	    /* No overlap whatsoever between old and new hilite */
	    ReHiliteText(old_startrow, old_startcol, old_endrow, old_endcol);
	    ReHiliteText(frow, fcol, trow, tcol);
	} else {
	    if (from < screen->startHCoord) {
		    /* Extend left end */
		    ReHiliteText(frow, fcol, old_startrow, old_startcol);
	    } else if (from > screen->startHCoord) {
		    /* Shorten left end */
		    ReHiliteText(old_startrow, old_startcol, frow, fcol);
	    if (to > screen->endHCoord) {
		    /* Extend right end */
		    ReHiliteText(old_endrow, old_endcol, trow, tcol);
	    } else if (to < screen->endHCoord) {
		    /* Shorten right end */
		    ReHiliteText(trow, tcol, old_endrow, old_endcol);
	screen->startHCoord = from;
	screen->endHCoord = to;

ReHiliteText(frow, fcol, trow, tcol)
register int frow, fcol, trow, tcol;
/* Guaranteed that (frow, fcol) <= (trow, tcol) */
	register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
	register int i;

	if (frow < 0)
	    frow = fcol = 0;
	else if (frow > screen->max_row)
	    return;		/* nothing to do, since trow >= frow */

	if (trow < 0)
	    return;		/* nothing to do, since frow <= trow */
	else if (trow > screen->max_row) {
	    trow = screen->max_row;
	    tcol = screen->max_col+1;
	if (frow == trow && fcol == tcol)

	if(frow != trow) {	/* do multiple rows */
		if((i = screen->max_col - fcol + 1) > 0) {     /* first row */
		    ScrnRefresh(screen, frow, fcol, 1, i, True);
		if((i = trow - frow - 1) > 0) {		       /* middle rows*/
		    ScrnRefresh(screen, frow+1, 0,i, screen->max_col+1, True);
		if(tcol > 0 && trow <= screen->max_row) {      /* last row */
		    ScrnRefresh(screen, trow, 0, 1, tcol, True);
	} else {		/* do single row */
		ScrnRefresh(screen, frow, fcol, 1, tcol - fcol, True);

SaltTextAway(crow, ccol, row, col, params, num_params)
/*register*/ int crow, ccol, row, col;
String *params;			/* selections */
Cardinal num_params;
/* Guaranteed that (crow, ccol) <= (row, col), and that both points are valid
   (may have row = screen->max_row+1, col = 0) */
	register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
	register int i, j = 0;
	char *line, *lp;
	static _OwnSelection();

	if (crow == row && ccol > col) {
	    int tmp = ccol;
	    ccol = col;
	    col = tmp;

	/* first we need to know how long the string is before we can save it*/

	if ( row == crow ) j = Length(screen, crow, ccol, col);
	else {	/* two cases, cut is on same line, cut spans multiple lines */
		j += Length(screen, crow, ccol, screen->max_col) + 1;
		for(i = crow + 1; i < row; i++) 
			j += Length(screen, i, 0, screen->max_col) + 1;
		if (col >= 0)
			j += Length(screen, row, 0, col);
	/* now get some memory to save it in */

	if (screen->selection_size <= j) {
	    if((line = malloc((unsigned) j + 1)) == (char *)NULL)
	    screen->selection = line;
	    screen->selection_size = j + 1;
	} else line = screen->selection;
	if (!line || j < 0) return;

	line[j] = '\0';		/* make sure it is null terminated */
	lp = line;		/* lp points to where to save the text */
	if ( row == crow ) lp = SaveText(screen, row, ccol, col, lp);
	else {
		lp = SaveText(screen, crow, ccol, screen->max_col, lp);
		*lp ++ = '\n';	/* put in newline at end of line */
		for(i = crow +1; i < row; i++) {
			lp = SaveText(screen, i, 0, screen->max_col, lp);
			*lp ++ = '\n';
		if (col >= 0)
			lp = SaveText(screen, row, 0, col, lp);
	*lp = '\0';		/* make sure we have end marked */
	screen->selection_length = j;
	_OwnSelection(term, params, num_params);

static Boolean ConvertSelection(w, selection, target,
				type, value, length, format)
Widget w;
Atom *selection, *target, *type;
caddr_t *value;
unsigned long *length;
int *format;
    Display* d = XtDisplay(w);
    XtermWidget xterm = (XtermWidget)w;

    if (xterm->screen.selection == NULL) return False; /* can this happen? */

    if (*target == XA_TARGETS(d)) {
	Atom* targetP;
	Atom* std_targets;
	unsigned long std_length;
		    w, xterm->screen.selection_time, selection,
		    target, type, (caddr_t*)&std_targets, &std_length, format
	*length = std_length + 5;
	*value = (caddr_t)XtMalloc((Cardinal)(sizeof(Atom)*(*length)));
	targetP = *(Atom**)value;
	*targetP++ = XA_STRING;
	*targetP++ = XA_TEXT(d);
	*targetP++ = XA_COMPOUND_TEXT(d);
	*targetP++ = XA_LENGTH(d);
	*targetP++ = XA_LIST_LENGTH(d);
	bcopy((char*)std_targets, (char*)targetP, (int)(sizeof(Atom)*std_length));
	*type = XA_ATOM;
	*format = 32;
	return True;

    if (*target == XA_STRING ||
	*target == XA_TEXT(d) ||
	*target == XA_COMPOUND_TEXT(d)) {
	if (*target == XA_COMPOUND_TEXT(d))
	    *type = *target;
	    *type = XA_STRING;
	*value = xterm->screen.selection;
	*length = xterm->screen.selection_length;
	*format = 8;
	return True;
    if (*target == XA_LIST_LENGTH(d)) {
	*value = XtMalloc((Cardinal)4L);
	if (sizeof(long) == 4)
	    *(long*)*value = 1;
	else {
	    long temp = 1;
	    bcopy( ((char*)&temp)+sizeof(long)-4, (char*)*value, 4);
	*type = XA_INTEGER;
	*length = 1;
	*format = 32;
	return True;
    if (*target == XA_LENGTH(d)) {
	*value = XtMalloc((Cardinal)4L);
	if (sizeof(long) == 4)
	    *(long*)*value = xterm->screen.selection_length;
	else {
	    long temp = xterm->screen.selection_length;
	    bcopy( ((char*)&temp)+sizeof(long)-4, (char*)*value, 4);
	*type = XA_INTEGER;
	*length = 1;
	*format = 32;
	return True;
    if (XmuConvertStandardSelection(w, xterm->screen.selection_time, selection,
				    target, type, value, length, format))
	return True;

    /* else */
    return False;


static void LoseSelection(w, selection)
  Widget w;
  Atom *selection;
    register TScreen* screen = &((XtermWidget)w)->screen;
    register Atom* atomP;
    int i;
    for (i = 0, atomP = screen->selection_atoms;
	 i < screen->selection_count; i++, atomP++)
	if (*selection == *atomP) *atomP = (Atom)0;
	switch (*atomP) {
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER0:
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER1:
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER2:
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER3:
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER4:
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER5:
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER6:
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER7:	*atomP = (Atom)0;

    for (i = screen->selection_count; i; i--) {
	if (screen->selection_atoms[i-1] != 0) break;
    screen->selection_count = i;

    for (i = 0, atomP = screen->selection_atoms;
	 i < screen->selection_count; i++, atomP++)
	if (*atomP == (Atom)0) {
	    *atomP = screen->selection_atoms[--screen->selection_count];

    if (screen->selection_count == 0)
	TrackText(0, 0, 0, 0);

static void SelectionDone(w, selection, target)
Widget w;
Atom *selection, *target;
    /* empty proc so Intrinsics know we want to keep storage */

static /* void */ _OwnSelection(term, selections, count)
register XtermWidget term;
String *selections;
Cardinal count;
    Atom* atoms = term->screen.selection_atoms;
    int i;
    Boolean have_selection = False;

    if (term->screen.selection_length < 0) return;

    if (count > term->screen.sel_atoms_size) {
	atoms = (Atom*)XtMalloc((Cardinal)(count*sizeof(Atom)));
	term->screen.selection_atoms = atoms;
	term->screen.sel_atoms_size = count;
    XmuInternStrings( XtDisplay((Widget)term), selections, count, atoms );
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	int buffer;
	switch (atoms[i]) {
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER0: buffer = 0; break;
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER1: buffer = 1; break;
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER2: buffer = 2; break;
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER3: buffer = 3; break;
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER4: buffer = 4; break;
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER5: buffer = 5; break;
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER6: buffer = 6; break;
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER7: buffer = 7; break;
	  default:	       buffer = -1;
	if (buffer >= 0)
	    XStoreBuffer( XtDisplay((Widget)term), term->screen.selection,
			  term->screen.selection_length, buffer );
	else if (!replyToEmacs) {
	    have_selection |=
		XtOwnSelection( (Widget)term, atoms[i],
			    ConvertSelection, LoseSelection, SelectionDone );
    if (!replyToEmacs)
	term->screen.selection_count = count;
    if (!have_selection)
	TrackText(0, 0, 0, 0);

/* void */ DisownSelection(term)
register XtermWidget term;
    Atom* atoms = term->screen.selection_atoms;
    Cardinal count = term->screen.selection_count;
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	int buffer;
	switch (atoms[i]) {
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER0: buffer = 0; break;
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER1: buffer = 1; break;
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER2: buffer = 2; break;
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER3: buffer = 3; break;
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER4: buffer = 4; break;
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER5: buffer = 5; break;
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER6: buffer = 6; break;
	  case XA_CUT_BUFFER7: buffer = 7; break;
	  default:	       buffer = -1;
	if (buffer < 0)
	    XtDisownSelection( (Widget)term, atoms[i],
			       term->screen.selection_time );
    term->screen.selection_count = 0;
    term->screen.startHRow = term->screen.startHCol = 0;
    term->screen.endHRow = term->screen.endHCol = 0;

/* returns number of chars in line from scol to ecol out */
int Length(screen, row, scol, ecol)
register int row, scol, ecol;
register TScreen *screen;
	register Char *ch;

	ch = screen->buf[2 * (row + screen->topline)];
	while (ecol >= scol && (ch[ecol] == ' ' || ch[ecol] == 0))
	return (ecol - scol + 1);

/* copies text into line, preallocated */
char *SaveText(screen, row, scol, ecol, lp)
int row;
int scol, ecol;
TScreen *screen;
register char *lp;		/* pointer to where to put the text */
	register int i = 0;
	register Char *ch = screen->buf[2 * (row + screen->topline)];
	register int c;

	if ((i = Length(screen, row, scol, ecol)) == 0) return(lp);
	ecol = scol + i;
	for (i = scol; i < ecol; i++) {
		if ((c = ch[i]) == 0)
			c = ' ';
		else if(c < ' ') {
			if(c == '\036')
				c = '#';
				c += 0x5f;
		} else if(c == 0x7f)
			c = 0x5f;
		*lp++ = c;

register XButtonEvent *event;
	register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
	int pty = screen->respond;
	char line[6];
	register unsigned row, col;
	int button; 

	button = event->button - 1; 

	row = (event->y - screen->border) 
	 / FontHeight(screen);
	col = (event->x - screen->border - screen->scrollbar)
	 / FontWidth(screen);
	(void) strcpy(line, "\033[M");
	if (screen->send_mouse_pos == 1) {
		line[3] = ' ' + button;
	} else {
		line[3] = ' ' + (KeyState(event->state) << 2) + 
			((event->type == ButtonPress)? button:3);
	line[4] = ' ' + col + 1;
	line[5] = ' ' + row + 1;
	v_write(pty, line, 6);

#define FIRSTMENU	0
#define	XTERMMENU	0
#define	VTMENU		1
#define RCGMENU		2
#define	NMENUS		3

static Menu *menus[NMENUS];
static int type;

void HandleModeMenu(w, event, params, num_params)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;
String *params;			/* unused */
Cardinal *num_params;		/* unused */
    extern int menu_grab;

    menu_grab = TRUE;

register XButtonEvent *event;
	register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
	register Menu *menu;
	register int item;
	static int inited = FALSE;
	extern Menu *setupmenu(), *rcgsetupmenu(), *xsetupmenu();
	extern void InitRatCursor();

	if(!inited) {
		Display *dpy;
		int      DefScreen;
		Pixel    Black, White;

		inited = TRUE;

		/*--The rearranging of the following code gets rid of a
		 *  segmentation fault that I can't track down.  The code
		 *  produced is correct; the data at the time of the fault
		 *  is correct; but one register is trashed; the value it holds
		 *  was just calculated from a pointer+offset in another
		 *  register and the value is not the value i should be.
		 *  Presumably a Signal occurred and for some reason a0 is
		 *  trashed.  It only happens on one machine and this fixes it.
		 *  I'd love to know why.  GEB */
		dpy = screen->display;
		DefScreen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
		Black = BlackPixel(dpy,DefScreen);
		White = WhitePixel(dpy,DefScreen);
		Gray_Tile = make_gray( Black, White, 1 );
		/* End of code rearrangement to fix segmentation problem. */

		Menu_DefaultCursor = screen->arrow;
/*		if(XStrCmp(Menu_DefaultFont, f_t) == 0)
			Menu_DefaultFontInfo = screen->fnt_norm;
	switch (event->button) {
	  case Button1 :
	    type = XTERMMENU;
	    if ((menu = xsetupmenu( &menus[XTERMMENU] )) == NULL) return;
	  case Button2 :
	    type = VTMENU;
	    if ((menu = setupmenu( &menus[VTMENU] )) == NULL) return;
	  case Button3 :
	    type = RCGMENU;
	    if ((menu = rcgsetupmenu( &menus[RCGMENU] )) == NULL) return;
	  default :
	 * Set the select mode manually.
	TrackMenu(menu, event); /* MenuButtonReleased calls FinishModeMenu */

FinishModeMenu(item, time)
register int item;
Time time;
	TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
	extern void xdomenufunc(), domenufunc(), rcgdomenufunc();


	if (item < 0) {
	switch(type) {
	  case XTERMMENU :
	    xdomenufunc( item, time );
	  case VTMENU :
	    domenufunc( item );
	  case RCGMENU :
	    rcgdomenufunc( item );

    XEvent	event;
    TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

/*--Sync with server. */

    XSync(screen->display, 0);

/*--Use up all events since we popped up the menu. */

    while (QLength(screen->display) > 0) {
	XtNextEvent( &event );
	XtDispatchEvent( &event );

#if 0
	TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
	XSync(screen->display, 0);
	if (QLength(screen->display) > 0)


Menu *rcgsetupmenu( menu )
     register Menu **menu;
*   menu - Specifies the menu slot to use to store the menu being created
* Called to create the RXI Recognition menu.  We create it and we check-mark
* the current recognition value.
    register	TScreen	 *screen = &term->screen;
    register	char   **cp;
    register	int	 i;

    if (*menu == NULL) {
	if ((*menu = NewMenu("RXI Recognition")) == NULL) return(NULL);
	for(i = 0, cp = rcgtext ; *cp ; ++i,++cp) {
	    AddMenuItem(*menu, *cp);
	    if (RecognitionValue == rcgcode[i]) {
		CheckItem( *menu, i );

    for(i = 0, cp = rcgtext ; *cp ; ++i,++cp) {
	SetItemCheck( *menu, i, RecognitionValue == rcgcode[i] );

} /* rcgsetupmenu */


void rcgdomenufunc( item )
     int item;
*   item - Specifies the menu item (0..N) that was selected
* Called when a menu item from the RXI Recognition menu is selected.  We change
* the current recognition value.

    RecognitionValue = rcgcode[item];

} /* rcgdomenufunc */


#define XMENU_GRABKBD	 0

static char *xtext[] = {
        "Secure Keyboard",
	"Visual Bell",
	"Suspend program",
	"Continue program",
	"Interrupt program",
	"Hangup program",
	"Terminate program",
	"Kill program",

static int xbell;
static int xlog;
static int xkgrab;

Menu *xsetupmenu(menu)
register Menu **menu;
	register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
	register char **cp;
	register int i;

	if (*menu == NULL) {
		if ((*menu = NewMenu("RXI X11")) == NULL)
		for(cp = xtext ; *cp ; cp++)
			AddMenuItem(*menu, *cp);
		if(xkgrab = screen->grabbedKbd)
			CheckItem(*menu, XMENU_GRABKBD);
		if(xbell = screen->visualbell)
			CheckItem(*menu, XMENU_VISUALBELL);
		if(xlog = screen->logging)
			CheckItem(*menu, XMENU_LOG);
		DisableItem(*menu, XMENU_LINE);
		if((screen->inhibit & I_LOG))
			DisableItem(*menu, XMENU_LOG);
		if(screen->inhibit & I_SIGNAL)
			for(i = XMENU_SUSPEND ; i <= XMENU_KILL ; i++)
				DisableItem(*menu, i);
#if defined(SYSV) && !defined(JOBCONTROL)
		DisableItem(*menu, XMENU_RESUME);
		DisableItem(*menu, XMENU_SUSPEND);
#endif	/* defined(SYSV) && !defined(JOBCONTROL) */
	/* if login window, check for completed login */
	if (!(screen->inhibit & I_LOG))
		EnableItem(*menu, XMENU_LOG);
	if (xkgrab != screen->grabbedKbd)
		SetItemCheck(*menu, XMENU_GRABKBD, (xkgrab =
	if (xbell != screen->visualbell)
		SetItemCheck(*menu, XMENU_VISUALBELL, (xbell =
	if (xlog != screen->logging)
		SetItemCheck(*menu, XMENU_LOG, (xlog = screen->logging));

xdomenufunc(item, time)
int item;
Time time;
	register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

	switch (item) {
		if (screen->grabbedKbd) {
		    XUngrabKeyboard(screen->display, time);
		    screen->grabbedKbd = FALSE;
		} else {
		    if (XGrabKeyboard(screen->display,
				      True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, time)
			  != GrabSuccess) {
		        XBell(screen->display, 100);
		    } else {
			screen->grabbedKbd = TRUE;

		screen->visualbell = !screen->visualbell;

	case XMENU_LOG:


 * The following cases use the pid instead of the process group so that we
 * don't get hosed by programs that change their process group

#if !defined(SYSV) || defined(JOBCONTROL)
		if(screen->pid > 1)
			killpg ((int)screen->pid, SIGCONT);
#endif	/* !defined(SYSV) || defined(JOBCONTROL) */

#if !defined(SYSV) || defined(JOBCONTROL)
		if(screen->pid > 1)
			killpg ((int)screen->pid, SIGTSTP);
#endif	/* !defined(SYSV) || defined(JOBCONTROL) */

		if(screen->pid > 1)
			killpg ((int)screen->pid, SIGINT);

		if(screen->pid > 1)
			killpg ((int)screen->pid, SIGHUP);

		if(screen->pid > 1)
			killpg ((int)screen->pid, SIGTERM);

		if(screen->pid > 1)
			killpg ((int)screen->pid, SIGKILL);

		Cleanup (0);

register Cursor cur;
	register Menu **menu;
	register int i;
	register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

	Menu_DefaultCursor = cur;
	for(i = FIRSTMENU, menu = menus ; i < NMENUS ; menu++, i++) {
		(*menu)->menuCursor = cur;
			XDefineCursor(screen->display, (*menu)->menuWindow, 

ReverseVideoAllMenus ()
    int i;
    XtermWidget xw = term;
    Display *dpy = XtDisplay (xw);
    Pixel fg, bg;

    MenuResetGCs (&bg, &fg);

    for (i = FIRSTMENU; i < NMENUS; i++) {
	Menu *menu = menus[i];

	if (menu) {
	    menu->menuBgColor = bg;
	    menu->menuFgColor = fg;
	    XSetWindowBackground (dpy, menu->menuWindow, menu->menuBgColor);
	    menu->menuFlags |= menuChanged;
    if (RatMenu) {
	XtDestroyWidget( RatMenu );/* We'll rebuild it with new bg/fg later.*/
	RatMenu = 0;
	if (RatMenuDefaults.permanent) { RatMenuPermanent( FALSE ); }

XButtonEvent *event;

void HandleSecure(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;		/* unused */
    String *params;		/* [0] = volume */
    Cardinal *param_count;	/* 0 or 1 */
    Time time = CurrentTime;

    if ((event->xany.type == KeyPress) ||
	(event->xany.type == KeyRelease))
	time = event->xkey.time;
    else if ((event->xany.type == ButtonPress) ||
	     (event->xany.type == ButtonRelease))
      time = event->xbutton.time;
    xdomenufunc(XMENU_GRABKBD, time);


* R1000 Button Flags - what does each button do?
* - you cannot have a PopupMenu action with any form of Down/Up action
* - if RButton2 is not going to be the PopupMenu button then you must also
*	change various things in ratmenu.c; eg. the <Btn2Down/Up> actions.

#define DoNothing	0		/* do nothing at all */
#define	CmdOnDown	(1<< 0)		/* xmit R1000 btn on press */
#define CmdOnUp		(1<< 1)		/* xmit R1000 btn on release */
#define CmdOnDblClick	(1<< 2)		/* xmit R1000 btn on double click */
#define MvCsrOnDown	(1<< 3)		/* move R1000 cursor on press */
#define	MvCsrOnUp	(1<< 4)		/* move R1000 cursor on release */
#define	MvCsrOnDblClick (1<< 5)		/* move R1000 cursor on dbl click */
#define PopupMenu	(1<< 6)		/* pop up a menu */
#define WindowSnag	(1<< 7)		/* move R1000 window while pressed */

/*--Unshifted buttons */

#define	RButton1  (CmdOnDown|CmdOnDblClick|MvCsrOnDown|MvCsrOnDblClick)
#define	RButton2  (PopupMenu|CmdOnDblClick|MvCsrOnDblClick)
#define	RButton3  (CmdOnDown|CmdOnDblClick|MvCsrOnDown|MvCsrOnDblClick)

/*--Shifted buttons */

#define	RSButton1  (CmdOnDown|CmdOnUp|MvCsrOnDown|MvCsrOnUp| \
#define	RSButton2  (CmdOnDown|MvCsrOnDown| \
#define	RSButton3  (WindowSnag| \

/*--If you have a menu on a button then you can have DoubleClick set but not
 *  Down or Up. */

#define BadOptions(btn)	\
  ((((btn)&WindowSnag) && ((btn)&PopupMenu)) ||		\
   (((btn)&(PopupMenu|WindowSnag)) &&			\

#define ModifierMask	(ShiftMask | LockMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask | \
			     Mod2Mask | Mod3Mask | Mod4Mask | Mod5Mask)

/*--Our little double-click event queue. */

static XtIntervalId	EventTimer;
       int		EventCount = 0;
static XButtonEvent	Events[2];
static unsigned int	ButtonMask[6];	/* when button N went down it had */
					/* these modifiers; button up will */
					/* be forced to be likewise */

/*--X_No_Op and XScreenRedraw key strokes. */

static char	XNoOps[2] 	 = { MOUSE_PREFIX, X_NO_OP };
static char	XScreenRedraw[2] = { MOUSE_PREFIX, X_SCREEN_REDRAW };

/*--Our Window Motion data. */

Boolean		WindowMotion = FALSE;	/* Are we currently doing window it? */
int		WindowX;		/* Last X recorded. */
int		WindowY;		/* Last Y recorded. */

/*--Rational Environment Menu declarations. */

extern Boolean RatMenuMapped();

/*--Get the flags for the button in question. */

int ButtonFlags( event )
XButtonEvent 	*event;
  if (BadOptions(RButton1) || BadOptions(RButton2) || BadOptions(RButton3) ||
      BadOptions(RSButton1) || BadOptions(RSButton2) || BadOptions(RSButton3)){
    /*--This should be compiled-out as the above expression will evaluate to
     *  FALSE with a decent compiler. */
    (void)fprintf( stderr, "Bad options on some button?\n" );
  if (event->state & ShiftMask) {
    if (event->button == Button1) return RSButton1;
    if (event->button == Button2) return RSButton2;
    return RSButton3;
    if (event->button == Button1) return RButton1;
    if (event->button == Button2) return RButton2;
    return RButton3;


RGoTo( howfar, where )
int	howfar;
char	where;
* Called to compose and transmit an individual DOWN/RIGHT command for the
* R1000.  Called with a +/- distance and a command character.
* howfar must be in the range -9999..9999.
    char  buf[2*6];
    register char *bp = &buf[0];
    register KeySym key;

    /* Minus sign */
    if (howfar < 0) {
	*bp++ = MOUSE_PREFIX;
	*bp++ = MOUSE_MINUS;
	howfar = -howfar;
    /* Put out digits */
    *bp++ = MOUSE_PREFIX;
    if (howfar < 10) {
	*bp++ = MOUSE_0 + howfar;
    } else if (howfar < 100) {
	*bp++ = MOUSE_0 + howfar/10;
	*bp++ = MOUSE_PREFIX;
	*bp++ = MOUSE_0 + howfar%10;
    } else if (howfar < 1000) {
	*bp++ = MOUSE_0 + howfar/100;
	*bp++ = MOUSE_PREFIX;
	*bp++ = MOUSE_0 + howfar/10%10;
	*bp++ = MOUSE_PREFIX;
	*bp++ = MOUSE_0 + howfar%10;
    } else {
	if (howfar > 9999) { howfar = 9999; }
	*bp++ = MOUSE_0 + howfar/1000;
	*bp++ = MOUSE_PREFIX;
	*bp++ = MOUSE_0 + howfar/100%10;
	*bp++ = MOUSE_PREFIX;
	*bp++ = MOUSE_0 + howfar/10%10;
	*bp++ = MOUSE_PREFIX;
	*bp++ = MOUSE_0 + howfar%10;
    /* Go there */
    *bp++ = MOUSE_PREFIX;
    *bp++ = where;
    (void)v_write( term->screen.respond, buf, bp-buf );

} /* RGoTo */


void RatResize()
* Called when the VT100 window gets resized.  We tell the R1000 about it.
    int	col = term->screen.max_col+1;
    int	row = term->screen.max_row+1;

    (void)v_write( term->screen.respond, XNoOps, XtNumber(XNoOps) );
    RGoTo( (col < MIN_COLS ? MIN_COLS : col), X_SCREEN_WIDTH );
    RGoTo( (row < MIN_ROWS ? MIN_ROWS : row), X_SCREEN_HEIGHT );
    (void)v_write( term->screen.respond,
		   XScreenRedraw, XtNumber(XScreenRedraw) );

} /* RatResize */


void MvCsr( event, noop )
     XButtonEvent	*event;
     int		 noop;
* Called to do the MVCSR action for a button.  This means transmit commands to
* the R1000 to move the R1000's cursor to the same position as the mouse.
    int		 mrow;
    int		 mcol;
    int		 crow = term->screen.cur_row;
    int		 ccol = term->screen.cur_col;

/*--If this is the first mouse operation for this button/mouse event then
 *  send out an X_No_Op key stroke. */

    if (noop == 0) {
	(void)v_write( term->screen.respond, XNoOps, XtNumber(XNoOps) );

/*--Move the cursor to the location of the button press. */

    firstValidRow = 0;
    lastValidRow  = term->screen.max_row;
    PointToRowCol( event->y, event->x, &mrow, &mcol );
    if (mrow != crow) RGoTo( mrow - crow, MOUSE_DOWN );		/* Go Down */
    if (mcol != ccol) RGoTo( mcol - ccol, MOUSE_RIGHT );	/* Go Right */

} /* MvCsr */


void CmdOn( event, DblClick, noop )
     XButtonEvent 	*event;
     Boolean		 DblClick;
     int		 noop;
* Called to do the CMD action for a button.  This means transmit a "key" to
* the R1000.
    char	 buf[2];
    char	 button;

/*--If this is the first mouse operation for this button/mouse event then
 *  send out an X_No_Op key stroke. */

    if (noop == 0) {
	(void)v_write( term->screen.respond, XNoOps, XtNumber(XNoOps) );

/*--Button Press/Releases send a key code.  Button Press/Releases with Shift
 *  send that code+3. */

    switch (event->button) {
      case Button1 : button = MOUSE_BUTTON1;
      case Button2 : button = MOUSE_BUTTON2;
      case Button3 : button = MOUSE_BUTTON3;
      default : return;
    if (event->state & ShiftMask) { button += 3; }
    if (event->type == ButtonRelease) { button += 6; }
    else if (DblClick) { button += 12; }

/*--Transmit the button's key code. */

    buf[0] = MOUSE_PREFIX;
    buf[1] = button;
    (void)v_write( term->screen.respond, buf, 2 );

} /* CmdOn */


void WindowMotionAnalyze( x, y )
int	x;
int	y;
* Called when we get button-up or a motion event during window dragging.
* Take the delta-x/y and put out window motion events corresponding to that.
    extern int VerticalDragTrigger;
    extern int VerticalDragAmount;
    extern int HorizontalDragTrigger;
    extern int HorizontalDragAmount;

/*--Compute the distance travelled since the last report. */

    int	deltax = x - WindowX;
    int deltay = y - WindowY;

/*--We have travelled this many x/y "coordinates" or trigger-amounts. */

    deltax /= HorizontalDragTrigger;
    deltay /= VerticalDragTrigger;

/*--This many triggers corresponds to this effective new x/y. */

    WindowX += deltax * HorizontalDragTrigger;
    WindowY += deltay * VerticalDragTrigger;

/*--We want to move the image by this many x/y columns/lines. */

    deltax *= HorizontalDragAmount;
    deltay *= VerticalDragAmount;

/*--Do it. */

    if (deltax || deltay) {
	(void)v_write( term->screen.respond, XNoOps, XtNumber(XNoOps) );
    if (deltax) RGoTo( deltax, MOUSE_IMAGE_RIGHT );		/* Go Right */
    if (deltay) RGoTo( deltay, MOUSE_IMAGE_DOWN );		/* Go Down */

} /* WindowMotionAnalyze */


void DoEvent( flags, cancel_flags, event )
int		flags;		/* the button flags for this button */
int		cancel_flags;	/* button events to ignore this time around */
XButtonEvent   *event;		/* the event to process */
* Called with an event.  Pop up a menu or else do the Down/Up action(s) for
* the button.  Somebody else is responsible for double-clicks.
    int	    once = -1;

/*--If we are to do a Popup then do that and return.  A press when the menu
 *  is down brings the menu up.  A press when the menu is up will take it
 *  down.
 *  A Popup button either has or does not have DoubleClick capability.  If it
 *  has DoubleClick then the only way we ever get here is during a Playback.
 *  In that case; a Release will live in &Events[1] if the user clicked and
 *  if will live in &Events[0] if the user pressed, waited, and released.
 *  A Release on a click does nothing; a Release by itself pops the menu down.
 *  If a button does not have DoubleClick then a Release does not live in
 *  either Events slot and a release always drops the menu. */

    flags &= ~cancel_flags;			/* turn off certain flags */
    if (flags & PopupMenu) {
	extern void PopupRatMenu();
	if (event->type == ButtonRelease) {
	    if (RatMenuMapped(RatMenu) &&
		event != &Events[1]) {
		PopdownRatMenuChain( RatMenu, (XEvent*)NULL,
				     (char**)NULL, (Cardinal*)NULL );
	/* We must be a ButtonPress. */
	if (RatMenuMapped(RatMenu)) {
	    PopdownRatMenuChain( RatMenu, (XEvent*)NULL,
				 (char**)NULL, (Cardinal*)NULL );
	    if (RatMenuDefaults.permanent) {
		/* Permanent menu's may need raising that XtPopup doesn't
		 * provide. */
		XRaiseWindow( XtDisplay(RatMenu), XtWindow(RatMenu) );
	} else {
	    if (RatMenuDefaults.permanent) {
		RatMenuPermanent( FALSE );
	    } else {
		PopupRatMenu( RatMenu, (XEvent*)event,
			      (String*)NULL, (Cardinal*)NULL );

/*--Handle Presses. */

    if (event->type == ButtonPress) {
	ButtonMask[event->button-1] = (event->state & ModifierMask);
	if (flags & MvCsrOnDown) MvCsr( event, ++once );
	if (flags & CmdOnDown) CmdOn( event, FALSE, ++once );
	if (flags & WindowSnag) {
	    XGrabPointer( XtDisplay(term), XtWindow(term), FALSE,
			  EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |
			    PointerMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask,
			  GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None,
			  Menu_Default.menuCursor, event->time );
	    WindowX = event->x_root;
	    WindowY = event->y_root;
	    WindowMotion = TRUE;

/*--We can only be a Release. */

    if ((event->state & ModifierMask) != ButtonMask[event->button-1]) {
	event->state = ButtonMask[event->button-1];
	flags = ButtonFlags( event );
	flags &= ~cancel_flags;			/* turn off certain flags */
    if (flags & MvCsrOnUp) MvCsr( event, ++once );
    if (flags & CmdOnUp) CmdOn( event, FALSE, ++once );
    if (flags & WindowSnag) {
	XUngrabPointer( XtDisplay(term), event->time );
	WindowMotionAnalyze( event->x_root, event->y_root );
	WindowMotion = FALSE;

} /* DoEvent */

void PlaybackEvents( addr, timer )
caddr_t		addr;
XtIntervalId	timer;
* Used on a time-out for a double-click.  If we time out (or otherwise give up)
* then call DoEvent on all stored events.
  int     i;
  int     flags;
  Boolean moved = FALSE;

  for (i = 0; i < EventCount; i++) {
      flags = ButtonFlags( &Events[i] );
      if (!moved) {
	  DoEvent( flags, DoNothing, &Events[i] );
      } else {
	  /*--If we are playing back multiple events then only allow cursor
	   *  movement for the first one that wants it.  Otherwise we will
	   *  be making multiple requests.  And, since our requests are for
	   *  movement *relative* to the current position and since each
	   *  additional movement will be relative to an incorrect current
	   *  position (the R1000 hasn't been able to update our Vt100 cursor
	   *  yet) we would end up with a totally bogus screen position.  If a
	   *  user is trying to be Speedie-The-Mouse then we won't always
	   *  be able to do what he wants but we will always do the right
	   *  thing for most users. */
	  DoEvent( flags, MvCsrOnDown|MvCsrOnUp|MvCsrOnDblClick,
		   &Events[i] );
      if (flags & (MvCsrOnDown|MvCsrOnUp|MvCsrOnDblClick)) { moved = TRUE; }
  XAllowEvents( term->screen.display, AsyncPointer, CurrentTime );
  EventCount = 0;

} /* PlaybackEvents */

Bool WaitForRelease( dpy, event, args )
Display		*dpy;
XEvent 		*event;
char		*args;
* Used with XIfEvent to wait (indefinitely) for a ButtonRelease of the same
* button as started a double-click.
    if (event->xany.type == ButtonRelease &&
	event->xbutton.button == ((XButtonEvent*)args)->button) return TRUE;
    if (event->xany.type == ButtonPress) {
	XAllowEvents( dpy, AsyncPointer, event->xbutton.time );
    return FALSE;


void RationalButton(event)
XButtonEvent	*event;
* Called whenever a button event occurs for unshifted or shifted buttons
* and we are in Rational mode.  We figure out what to do and do it.  We are
* the one responsible for setting up double-clicks and such.
    int once = -1;
    int flags;

/*--Make sure that the menu exists.  We only guarantee existence; not realized
 *  or mapped. */

    if (RatMenu == NULL) {
	extern void RationalMenuInit();
	RationalMenuInit( (Widget)term );

/*--EventCount > 0 means we are waiting for a double-click to happen; or not
 *  to happen.  If this isn't the same button as the one we are waiting for
 *  then the double-click isn't coming and we play-back the pending Events
 *  and then handle this event. */

    if (EventCount > 0) {
	if (event->button != Events[0].button) {
	    XtRemoveTimeOut( EventTimer );
	    PlaybackEvents( (caddr_t)NULL, (XtIntervalId)0 );
	} else {

/*--We are the same button as the one that is (about to; maybe) double-click.
 *  Handle the event and be aware of errors that in-theory will never-happen.*/

	    switch (EventCount) {

/*--We have 1 event; the press.  The next event on this button should be a
 *  release.  Record it and continue to wait for the next press. */

	      case 1 :
		if (event->type != ButtonRelease) {
		      ( stderr,
		       "RationalButton: EventCount==1&&Type!=Release [%d]?\n",
		    EventCount = 0;
		bcopy( (char*)event, (char*)&Events[1], sizeof(XButtonEvent) );

/*--We have 2 events.  The next event on this button should be a press.
 *  Wait for the following release and then do the DblClick action(s). */

	      case 2 :
		if (event->type != ButtonPress) {
		      ( stderr,
		       "RationalButton: EventCount==2 && Type!=Press [%d]?\n",
		       event->type );
		    EventCount = 0;
		XtRemoveTimeOut( EventTimer );
 		{   XEvent ev;
		    XAllowEvents( term->screen.display, AsyncPointer,
				 event->time );
		    XIfEvent( term->screen.display, &ev, WaitForRelease,
			      (char*)event );
		flags = ButtonFlags( &Events[0] );
		if (flags & MvCsrOnDblClick) MvCsr( &Events[0], ++once );
		if (flags & CmdOnDblClick) CmdOn( &Events[0], TRUE, ++once );
		EventCount = 0;

/*--We are confused. */

	      default :
		(void)fprintf( stderr, "RationalButton: EventCount == 3?\n");
		EventCount = 0;

/*--Either we aren't waiting for a double-click or it didn't happen.  Handle
 *  this event by itself.  If he's a Press then see if he is allowed to be
 *  a double-click.  If so then set him up to wait.  If not then just do him.*/

    flags= ButtonFlags( event );
    if (event->type == ButtonPress) {
	if (flags & (CmdOnDblClick|MvCsrOnDblClick)) {
	    EventCount = 1;
	    bcopy( (char*)event, (char*)&Events[0], sizeof(XButtonEvent) );
	    EventTimer =
	      XtAddTimeOut( (unsigned long)term->screen.multiClickTime,
			    PlaybackEvents, (caddr_t)NULL );
    DoEvent( flags, DoNothing, event );
