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⟦4fccaf991⟧ TextFile

    Length: 28980 (0x7134)
    Types: TextFile


└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2
    └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« 


;    The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and
;    conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer.
;                Copyright 1988 by Rational.
;                          RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND
;    Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
;    restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in
;    Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013.
;                Rational
;                3320 Scott Boulevard
;                Santa Clara, California 95054-3197

        .module "ADAROOT_SHARED"

;  This assembly file is the root of the ADA runtime support
;  for an programs which may create tasks.

        .include "^^standard_assembler_include_file"
        .include "^^common.runtime_definitions"
        .include "^^common.os2000_definitions"

        comp_unit runtime_compunit

        .sect   ada_runtime_code,code,relocatable,alignment:=2

;  Entry points from the elaboration code for a sequential program
        .gbl.l  _.start_sequential
        .gbl.l  __middle_sequential
        .gbl.l  _.finish_sequential
;  Entry points from the elaboration code for a tasking program
        .gbl.l  _.start_tasking
        .gbl.l  __middle_tasking
        .gbl.l  _.finish_tasking

        .gbl.l  __process_exit          ; called from task end   
        .gbl.l   __undefined_trap       ; referenced in module header
        .gbl.l  __get_fp                ; return current frame pointer

        .ext.l  __root_finish_return
        .ext.l  __task_create_return
        .ext.l  __task_finish_return

        .ext.l  __rt_elaborate_indirect
        .ext.l  __rt_finalize_indirect

        .ext.l  __heap_ptr;
        .ext.l  __heap_size_var;
        .ext.l  __os_param_ptr;
        .ext.l  __os_param_size;
        .ext.l  __module_base_address
        .ext.l  __global_base
        .ext.l  __root_tcb
        .ext.l  __root_task_id
        .ext.l  __data_size_var
        .ext.l  __main_code_start_var
        .ext.l  __task_code_start_var

        .ext.a  __msgq_entry_pointer
        .ext.a  __process_descriptor_pointer
        .ext.a  __runtime_entry_pointer

        .ext.l  __report_fatal_error
        .ext.l  __issue_warning
        .ext.l  __main_handler_ferror
        .ext.l  __error_path

        .ext.l  __sequential_finalization
        .ext.l  __sequential_elaboration
        .ext.l  __tasking_elaboration
        .ext.l  __tasking_finalization
        .ext.l  __task_end

        .ext.l  __raise_exception
        .ext.l  __program_error
        .ext.l  __numeric_error
        .ext.l  __constraint_error
        .ext.l  __trace_exception

        .ext.l  __tasking_lock
        .ext.l  __serialization.acquire_lock
        .ext.l  __release_task_lock

        .ext.l  __set_exception
        .ext.l  __get_exception
        .ext.l  __set_exception_indirect
        .ext.l  __get_exception_indirect

        .ext.l  __abort_main_program
        .ext.l  __abort_main_indirect

        .ext.l  __sequential_delay_statement
        .ext.l  __tasking_delay_statement
        .ext.l  __tdlystm_indirect

        .ext.l  __sequential_signal_intercept
        .ext.l  __tasking_signal_intercept
        .ext.l  __signal_intercept_indirect

        .ext.l  __runtime_compatibility_value

;    Definitions of 68881 trap enable bit assignments and rounding mode

        bsun$enable     equ 2#1000_0000_0000_0000#;
        snan$enable     equ 2#0100_0000_0000_0000#;
        operr$enable    equ 2#0010_0000_0000_0000#; 
        ovfl$enable     equ 2#0001_0000_0000_0000#;
        unfl$enable     equ 2#0000_1000_0000_0000#;
        dz$enable       equ 2#0000_0100_0000_0000#;
        inex2$enable    equ 2#0000_0010_0000_0000#;
        inex1$enable    equ 2#0000_0001_0000_0000#;

        m68881$traps    equ operr$enable ! ovfl$enable ! dz$enable;

        round$extended  equ 2#0000_0000_0000_0000#;
        round$single    equ 2#0000_0000_0100_0000#;
        round$double    equ 2#0000_0000_1000_0000#;
        round$nearest   equ 2#0000_0000_0000_0000#;
        round$zero      equ 2#0000_0000_0001_0000#;
        round$minf      equ 2#0000_0000_0010_0000#;
        round$pinf      equ 2#0000_0000_0011_0000#;

        m68881$round    equ round$extended ! round$nearest
        m68881$control  equ m68881$traps ! m68881$round
; Return frame pointer one level up.  Thus is A calls B which calls
; __get_fp, the value returned is the frame pointer for routine A.
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.none
        .align  2
        move.l  a6,d0                                   ; get current fp
        move.l  (d0.l*1),d0                             ; Get fp one level up
        rts                                             ; -> Done


;   Initial entry point from the program after fork;
;   the global data pointer has already been setup
;   in the unshared program code.  The current process id
;   has been moved from D0 to D4.  Address to return
;   to in the program on top of stack

        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.none
        lea     (__sequential_elaboration,pc),a0        ; store indirection
        move.l  a0,(__rt_elaborate_indirect,a5)         ;   for runtime elab
        lea     (__sequential_finalization,pc),a0       ; store indirection
        move.l  a0,(__rt_finalize_indirect,a5)          ;   for runtime finalize
        lea     (set$current$exception,pc),a0           ; store indirection
        move.l  a0,(__set_exception_indirect,a5)        ;   for set_exception
        lea     (get$current$exception,pc),a0           ; store indirection
        move.l  a0,(__get_exception_indirect,a5)        ;   for get_exception
        lea     (__sequential_delay_statement,pc),a0    ; store indirection
        move.l  a0,(__tdlystm_indirect,a5)              ;   for delay_statement
        lea     (__sequential_signal_intercept,pc),a0   ; store indirection
        move.l  a0,(__signal_intercept_indirect,a5)     ;   for signal_intercept
        bra.b   common_start

        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.none
        lea     (__tasking_elaboration,pc),a0           ; store indirection
        move.l  a0,(__rt_elaborate_indirect,a5)         ;   for runtime elab
        lea     (__tasking_finalization,pc),a0          ; store indirection
        move.l  a0,(__rt_finalize_indirect,a5)          ;   for runtime finalize
        lea     (__set_exception,pc),a0                 ; store indirection
        move.l  a0,(__set_exception_indirect,a5)        ;   for set_exception
        lea     (__get_exception,pc),a0                 ; store indirection
        move.l  a0,(__get_exception_indirect,a5)        ;   for get_exception
        lea     (__tasking_delay_statement,pc),a0       ; store indirection
        move.l  a0,(__tdlystm_indirect,a5)              ;   for delay_statement
        lea     (__tasking_signal_intercept,pc),a0      ; store indirection
        move.l  a0,(__signal_intercept_indirect,a5)     ; for signal_intercept
        lea     (__abort_main_program,pc),a0            ; store indirection
        move.l  a0,(__abort_main_indirect,a5)           ;   for abort main
;       setup base frame and exception handler
        movea.l (sp)+,a0                ; a0 := return pc
        lea.l   (__root_tcb,a5),a4      ; compute address of root tcb
        move.l  a4,-(a7)                ; push root tcb ptr on the stack;
        clr.l   -(a7)                   ; bogus return pc
        pea     (main_handler:16,pc)    ; setup handler
        clr.l   -(a7)                   ; bogus saved fp
        movea.l a7,a6                   ; establish frame
        move.l  a0,-(sp)                ; save return pc
;       setup the unhandled exception message
        move.w  #elaboration$ferror,(__main_handler_ferror,a5)
;       setup info in root tcb
        move.l  (__data_size_var,a5),d7         ; get program data area size
        adda.l  d7,a1                           ; compute low stack bound
        move.l  a1,(tcb.stack_bounds.first,a4)  ; save low stack bound
        sub.l   d7,d6                           ; subtract data from total  
        sub.l   d5,d6                           ; subtract param size
        move.l  d6,(tcb.stack_bounds.size,a4)   ; rest is stack size

        lea.l   (__main_code_start_var,a5),a0   ;
        move.l  a0,(tcb.code_start,a4)          ; save code start pointer
        move.l  d4,(tcb.process_id,a4)          ; save process id

        move.l  a5,(__global_base,a5)           ; save global base register
        move.l  a2,(__os_param_ptr,a5)          ; save parameter pointer
        move.l  d5,(__os_param_size,a5)         ; save size of command line params
        move.l  a3,(__module_base_address,a5)   ; save module base address

        lea     (__task_code_start:16,pc),a0    ; save code start
        move.l  a0,(__task_code_start_var,a5)   ;   for Activate_Offspring

        move.l  a4,(__root_task_id,a5)          ; save ref to tcb for debugger
;   Setup pointers from CPT to message queues and
;   OS-2000 process descriptor; runtime entry table
;   pointer was setup in user program at jump into
;   this code.
        move.l  sp,d0                           ; get current stack pointer
        andi.l  #(-a32_size),d0                 ; mask for high order bits
        move.l  (cct_start + pi_cpt,d0),d1      ; get cpt address

        move.l  (cpt_msgq_pointer,d1),d2        ; get msgq table pointer
        move.l  d2,(__msgq_entry_pointer,a5)    ; store pointer

        movea.l (cpt_current_proc,d1),a0        ; get process dscptr pointer
        move.l  a0,(__process_descriptor_pointer,a5)

;   Setup Ada information in OS-2000 process descriptor
;   for the current process
;      Current registers:  A4 - Current Task Id (TCB pointer
;                          A1 - Low stack bound for task                    
;                          A0 - Address of process desc object
;   The runtime is compiled without stack checks, so a cushion
;   of stack space must be reserved to allow the most space
;   consumptive runtime call to execute.
        movea.l (a0),a0                         ; get current process dsptr
        move.l  a4,(art$tsk_id,a0)              ; store TCB pointer 
        move.l  a4,(art$prgkey,a0)              ; store TCB pointer as key
        lea     (runtime$stack$cushion,a1),a1   ; reserve stack cushion
        move.l  a1,(art$stk_lo,a0)              ; store stack bound
        clr.l   (art$savefp,a0)                 ; clear saved frame pointer
;       Check Standard I/O paths and open if not defined
        move.w  #standard_input,d0              ; path number
        move.w  #ss_eof,d1                      ; EOF function code

        trap    #os9_call                       ; make status call                      
        .dc.w   i$getstt                   

        bcc.b   $check_standard_output          ; check for error

        cmp.w   #e$bpnum,d1                     ; see if bad path error
        bne.b   $check_standard_output          ; if not bad path, then ok

        lea     ($nil_device_name:16,pc),a0     ; open nil device 
        move.w  #read_mode,d0                   ; file access mode
        trap    #os9_call                       ; make open call
        .dc.w   i$open   
        move.w  #standard_output,d0             ; path number
        move.w  #ss_eof,d1                      ; EOF function code

        trap    #os9_call                       ; make status call                      
        .dc.w   i$getstt                   

        bcc.b   $check_standard_error           ; check for error

        cmp.w   #e$bpnum,d1                     ; see if bad path error
        bne.b   $check_standard_error           ; if not bad path, then ok

        lea     ($nil_device_name:16,pc),a0     ; open nil device 
        move.w  #write_mode,d0                  ; file access mode

        trap    #os9_call                       ; make open call
        .dc.w   i$open   
        move.w  #standard_error,d0              ; path number
        move.w  #ss_eof,d1                      ; EOF function code

        trap    #os9_call                       ; make status call                      
        .dc.w   i$getstt                   

        bcc.b   $init_error_file                ; check for error

        cmp.w   #e$bpnum,d1                     ; see if bad path error
        bne.b   $init_error_file                ; if not bad path, then ok

        lea.l   ($nil_device_name:16,pc),a0     ; open nil device 
        move.w  #write_mode,d0                  ; file access mode

        trap    #os9_call                       ; make open call
        .dc.w   i$open   
;   Initialize path to error message file
        moveq.l #read_mode,d0                   ; access mode = read
        lea.l   ($error_msg_file:16,pc),a0      ; pointer to file name
        trap    #os9_call
        .dc.w   i$open
        bcc.b   $got_emf                        ; check for errors

        moveq.l #0,d0                           ; error, so set path to 0     

        move.w  d0,(__error_path,a5)            ; save path to error file

;   Check if user program was linked with a compatible version
;   of the Ada Runtime.
        cmpi.b  #compatibility_version,(__runtime_compatibility_value,a5)
        beq.b   $setup_trap_handlers            ; program/runtime compatible
        move.l  #rt$incompatible$ferror,-(sp)   ; incompatible!
        bra.w   report_error_and_die            ; issue message and terminate
;   Setup trap handler and signal intercept
        movea.w #0,a0                           ; use current stack
        lea     (trap$table:16,pc),a1           ; address of trap table
        trap    #os9_call                       ; make system call
        .dc.w   f$strap                         ; to setup trap table
        bcc.b   $setup_fpu                      ; check for errors

        move.l  #init$trap$handler$ferror,-(sp) ; if error then
        bsr.l   __report_fatal_error            ; issure error message 

        fmove.l #m68881$control,fpcr            ; enable 68881 traps and rounding

        lea     (__signal_intercept:16,pc),a0   ; signal interceptor
        movea.l a6,a1                           ; save a6
        movea.l a5,a6                           ; ref to global data
        trap    #os9_call                       ; install signal
        .dc.w   f$icpt                          ;   intercept routine
        movea.l a1,a6                           ; restore a6
;   Create heap for the program
        move.l  (__Heap_Size_Var,a5),d0         ; get heap size to request
        beq.b   $no_heap                        ; if zero, don't attempt allocate
        trap    #os9_call                       ; make system call to allocate mem
        .dc.w   f$srqmem
        bcc.b   $heap_created                   ; if no error, then have memory

        move.l  #heap$create$warning,-(sp)      ; else give warning msg
        bsr.l   __issue_warning                 ;    about failure

        clr.l   d0                              ; zero heap values                        
        movea.l d0,a2                           ; clear pointer to heap
        move.l  d0,(__heap_size_var,a5)         ; clear heap size var

        move.l  a2,(__heap_ptr,a5)              ; store pointer to heap

        jsr     ([__rt_elaborate_indirect,a5])  ; elaborate runtime
        move.w  #lib$exception$ferror,(__main_handler_ferror,a5)

$error_msg_file:        .asciz  "/h0/sys/art_errmsg"
$nil_device_name:       .asciz  "/nil"

;       Exception handler for unhandled exceptions
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.none
        cmpi.l  #0,d0                           ; is this abort exception?
        beq.b   main_suicide
        move.w  (__main_handler_ferror,a5),d1
        move.l  d1,-(sp)
        bsr.l   __report_fatal_error
        move.w  #finalization$ferror,(__main_handler_ferror,a5)
        jsr     ([__rt_finalize_indirect,a5])  ; do runtime finalization
        moveq   #some$error,d1
        trap    #os9_call
        .dc.w   f$exit
;       Finish entry point from program
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        move.w  #finalization$ferror,(__main_handler_ferror,a5)
        jsr     ([__rt_finalize_indirect,a5])  ; do runtime finalization
;   Called from the program after elaboration of library units
;   but before the call to the main program.
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        move.w  #main$exception$ferror,(__main_handler_ferror,a5)

;       Set and Get exception for sequential programs   
;       procedure Set_Current_Exception (Id : System.Address);
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        move.l  (4,sp),(__root_tcb+tcb.exception_id,a5)
        rtd     #4
;       function Get_Current_Exception return System.Address;
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        move.l   (__root_tcb+tcb.exception_id,a5),d0

; This is one jump away from the entry point for the module
; that is passed to the F$Fork call whenever an Ada task is
; activated. Interesting register values at this point include:
;    A1 - high end of our parameter area (= base of our stack)
;    A7- low end of our parameter area (= high end of our data area)
;    D0 - Our Os9 process id    
;    D6 - total memory allocation (A1 - D6 = low end our data area)
; Format of parameter area is defined by Tasking_Types.Fork_Parameters:
;    This code address (32 bits), followed by the base address for
;    global data (32 bits), followed by the address of our TCB (32 bits)
;    The TCB is completely filled in, except for the Stack_Bounds field,
;    which we initialize here. The Activations_In_Progress field contains
;    the task's static link.
;    The last object in Fork_Parameters is the address of an instance
;    variable.  This is zero unless the task is declared in the outer
;    scope of a shared code generic, in which case it needs the IV to
;    reference objects declared in the outermost scope (which go in the
;    instance variable).  If the Instance_Variable field of Fork_Parameters
;    is non-null, then the task is expecting the IV to be passed as its
;    second parameter.
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.none
        movea.l (12,a7), a3                     ; the instance variable
        movea.l (8,a7),a4                       ; our TCB's address
        movea.l (4,a7),a5                       ; base address for global data

        clr.l   (a7)
        pea     (ada$task$exception$handler,pc) ; establish handler
        clr.l   -(a7)                           ; bogus saved fp
        movea.l a7,a6                           ; establish frame pointer
        move.l  (tcb.activations_in_progress,a4),-(a7)  ; static link       
        tst.l   a3                              ; Is the IV null?
        beq.l   $push_tcb
        move.l  a3,-(a7)                        ; if not, push it on the stack
        move.l  a4,-(a7)                        ; push TCB ref on stack
        move.l  a4,(12,a6)                      ; Put TCB where debugger expects it

        move.l  d0,(tcb.process_id,a4)          ; set process id in TCB
        suba.l  d6,a1                           ; get low stack bound  
        move.l  a1,(tcb.stack_bounds.first,a4)  ; set low stack bound in TCB  
        move.l  d6,(tcb.stack_bounds.size,a4)   ; set stack size in TCB

;   Setup Ada information in OS-2000 process descriptor
;   for the current process
;      Current registers:  A4 - Current Task Id (TCB pointer
;                          A1 - Low stack bound for task                    
;   The runtime is compiled without stack checks, so a cushion
;   of stack space must be reserved to allow the most space
;   consumptive runtime call to execute.
;   Also, clear parent and sibling id's in process descriptor
;   so that descriptor will be reclaimed when process EXIT's.
        movea.l ([__process_descriptor_pointer,a5]),a0  ; get current descriptor
        move.l  a4,(art$tsk_id,a0)              ; store TCB pointer 
        lea     (runtime$stack$cushion,a1),a1   ; reserve stack cushion
        move.l  a1,(art$stk_lo,a0)              ; store stack bound
        clr.l   (art$savefp,a0)                 ; clear saved frame pointer

        lea     (__root_tcb,a5),a1              ; compute root tcb addr
        move.l  a1,(art$prgkey,a0)              ; store as program key

        clr.w   (p$pid,a0)                      ; clear parent id
        clr.w   (p$sid,a0)                      ; clear sibling id    
;   Setup trap handler for process
        movea.w #0,a0                           ; use current stack
        lea     (trap$table,pc),a1              ; address of trap table
        trap    #os9_call                       ; make system call
        .dc.w   f$strap                         ; to setup trap table
        bcc.b   $traps_done                     ; check error status     

        move.l  #init$trap$handler$ferror,-(sp) ; if error
        bsr.l   __report_fatal_error            ; then give error message

        fmove.l #m68881$control,fpcr            ; enable 68881 traps/rounding

        lea.l   (__signal_intercept,pc),a0      ; signal interceptor
        movea.l a6,a1                           ; save a6
        movea.l a5,a6                           ; ref to global data
        trap    #os9_call                       ; install signal handler
        .dc.w   f$icpt
        movea.l a1,a6                           ; restore a6

        pea     (__tasking_lock,a5)             ; pass the lock
        bsr.l   __serialization.acquire_lock    ; synchronize activation group
        bsr.l   __release_task_lock             ; so low priority member cannot
                                                ; starve higer priority

        movea.l (-4,a6),a1                      ; pass static link in a1
        jmp     ([__task_create_return,a5])     ; branch to user program 

;   Exception handler for an Ada task
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        tst.l   d0                              ; is this an abort exception
        beq.b   $task_suicide
        move.l  #task$exception$warning,-(sp)   ; unhandle exception warning
        statement      0,0,1
        bsr.l   __issue_warning
        statement      0,0,0

        bsr.l   __task_end                      ; suicide (should not return)
;    procedure Suicide;
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        jmp     ([__task_finish_return,a5])     ; branch to user for exit


$e$0:   .dc.w   t_adderr,       program_error_trap - ($e$0 + 4);
$e$1:   .dc.w   t_buserr,       program_error_trap - ($e$1 + 4)
$e$2:   .dc.w   t_illins,       program_error_trap - ($e$2 + 4)
$e$3:   .dc.w   t_chk,          constraint_error_trap - ($e$3 + 4)
$e$4:   .dc.w   t_trapv,        numeric_error_trap  - ($e$4 + 4)
$e$5:   .dc.w   t_fpdivzer,     numeric_error_trap  - ($e$5 + 4)
$e$6:   .dc.w   t_fpinxact,     numeric_error_trap - ($e$6 + 4)
$e$7:   .dc.w   t_fpnotnum,     numeric_error_trap - ($e$7 + 4)
$e$8:   .dc.w   t_fpoprerr,     numeric_error_trap  - ($e$8 + 4)
$e$9:   .dc.w   t_fpoverfl,     numeric_error_trap  - ($e$9 + 4)
$e$a:   .dc.w   t_fpundrfl,     numeric_error_trap - ($e$a + 4)
$e$b:   .dc.w   t_fpunordc,     numeric_error_trap - ($e$b + 4)
$e$c:   .dc.w   t_zerdiv,       numeric_error_trap  - ($e$c +4)
        .dc.w   -1
;       Unhandled trap handler
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.trap
        statement    8,0,0                      ; return pc in A0
        bsr.b   restore_trap_registers
        statement    1,0,0                      ; return pc in D1
        movea.l a1,a7                           ; restore stack pointer

        move.l  d1,-(sp)                        ; push pc on stack

        statement 16,0,0
        clr.l   -(sp)                           ; push null for exception name     
        statement 16,0,1
        bsr.l   __trace_exception               ; go to tracing routine
        statement 16,0,0
        clr.l   -(sp)                           ; push null for exception name     
        statement 16,0,1
        move.l  #unhandled$main$trap$ferror,-(sp)
        statement 16,0,2

        bsr.w   __report_fatal_error
        moveq   #some$error,d1
        trap    #os9_call
        .dc.w   f$exit
;       This subprogram restores register d2-d7/a2-a7
;       from the OS2000 provided save area
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.trap
        statement    8,0,0              ; return pc in A0
        move.l  a0, d1                  ; save raise PC in d1
        statement    1,0,0              ; return pc in D1
        movea.l a5,a0                   ; get address of register save area
        addq.l  #8,a0                   ; skip d0, d1
        movem.l (a0)+,d2-d7             ; restore data registers
        addq.l  #8,a0                   ; skip a0, a1
        movem.l (a0)+,a2-a6             ; restore address registers
;       trap handler for generating Constraint_Error
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.trap
        statement 8,0,0                        ; raise pc in A0
        bsr.b   restore_trap_registers
        statement 1,0,0                         ; raise pc in D1 
        movea.l a1,a7                           ; restore stack pointer
        move.l  #__constraint_error,d0
        add.l   a5,d0
        move.l  d1,-(a7)                        ; push return pc for "call"

        statement 16,0,0
        fnop                                    ; synchronize fpu exceptions
        bra.l   __Raise_Exception               ; raise exception
;       trap handler for generating Program_Error
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.trap
        statement 8,0,0                        ; raise pc in A0
        bsr.b   restore_trap_registers
        statement 1,0,0                         ; raise pc in D1 
        movea.l a1,a7                           ; restore stack pointer
        move.l  #__program_error,d0
        add.l   a5,d0
        move.l  d1,-(a7)                        ; push return pc for "call"

        statement 16,0,0
        fnop                                    ; synchronize fpu exceptions
        bra.l   __Raise_Exception               ; raise exception
;       trap handler for generating Numeric_Error
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.trap
        statement 8,0,0                 ; return pc in a0
        bsr.b   restore_trap_registers
        statement 1,0,0                 ; raise pc in d1 
        movea.l a1,a7                   ; restore stack pointer
        move.l  #__numeric_error,d0
        add.l   a5,d0
        move.l  d1,-(a7)                ; push return pc for "call"
        statement 16,0,0
        fnop                            ; in case pending flt exception
        bra.l    __raise_exception      ; raise exception
;       trap handler for signals
        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.none
        move.l  a5,-(sp)        ; save a5
        movea.l a6,a5
        clr.l   d0
        move.w  d1,d0
        move.l  d0,-(sp)
        movea.l (__signal_intercept_indirect,a5),a0
        jsr     (a0)

        movea.l (sp)+,a5        ; restore a5
        trap    #os9_call
        .dc.w   f$rte    

