DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 3687 (0xe67) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13 └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Behavior_Defs; with Behavior_Exception; with Identifier; with Message; with Message_Transport; with Method; with Parameter; with Signature; package body Agent is This : Identifier.Object; -- set once the behavior has been identified Registered : Boolean := False; task Rx is entry Start; pragma Os_Task (0); --[to get non blocking socket reads] end Rx; task Tx is entry Wait_For_Reply (Message : out Standard.Message.Object; Time_Out : Duration; Expired : out Boolean); entry Wait_For_Reply (M : Message.Object); end Tx; procedure Process_Message (M : String) is Mes : Message.Object := Message.Value (M); Handled : Boolean; begin Process_Message (Mes, Handled); if not Handled then -- The message is unknown select -- Tx.Wait_For_Reply (Mes); -- We look if the actor is waiting else -- for a message null; -- end select; -- end if; end Process_Message; generic with procedure Identify (M : String; Behavior : out Identifier.Object; Registered : out Boolean); function Identified_Generic (M : String) return Boolean; function Identified_Generic (M : String) return Boolean is begin Identify (M => M, Behavior => This, Registered => Registered); return Registered; end Identified_Generic; function Identified is new Identified_Generic (Behavior_Defs.Identify); procedure Ready_To_Receive is begin Publish (Self => Get_Identity); end Ready_To_Receive; procedure Transport_Start is new Message_Transport.Start_Server (Register_Service => Behavior_Defs.Register_Service, Service_Identified => Identified, Ready_To_Receive => Ready_To_Receive, Receive_Callback => Process_Message); task body Rx is begin accept Start; Transport_Start (Local_Socket => 0, Buffer_Size => 1024); -- -- when Local_Socket is 0 the transport layer will invent one end Rx; task body Tx is begin loop accept Wait_For_Reply (Message : out Standard.Message.Object; Time_Out : Duration; Expired : out Boolean) do select accept Wait_For_Reply (M : Standard.Message.Object) do Message := M; end Wait_For_Reply; or delay Time_Out; Expired := True; end select; end Wait_For_Reply; end loop; end Tx; function Get_Identity return Identifier.Object is begin if not Registered then raise Behavior_Exception.Not_Yet_Registered_Error; end if; return This; end Get_Identity; procedure Wait_For_Reply (Message : out Standard.Message.Object; Time_Out : Duration; Expired : out Boolean) is begin Tx.Wait_For_Reply (Message => Message, Time_Out => Time_Out, Expired => Expired); end Wait_For_Reply; package body Core is procedure Start is begin Rx.Start; end Start; end Core; end Agent;