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Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦526a80f04⟧ TextFile

    Length: 5187 (0x1443)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »INSTALL_NOTE«


└─⟦6c4f54b10⟧ Bits:30000747 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ACCESS 0_8_0 INTERNAL RELEASE
    └─ ⟦5d1d5404f⟧ »DATA« 


The R1000 portion of this release is installed as follows:

1. Traverse to !Machine.Release.Rational_Access.Rev0_8_0
2. Execute R1000_Install.  This will kill the Rational_Access User Interface
   job and then restore:
3. Run Refresh_Terminal_Information to enable the new keymaps.

The workstation installation was changed in Rev0_7_0 to use a new installation 
scheme.  All of the components of Rational Access are put into a single
tree structure, as opposed to putting links/files in different places as in
previous releases.  The directory where Rational Access is installed, which
we call ACCESSHOME, will have 5 subdirectories and one file.  The 
subdirectories namely: Rational_Access, app-defaults, bin, fonts, and man
hold the different pieces of Rational Access.  And the one file under 
ACCESSHOME, namely config.csh, sets the appropriate environment variables
to enable visibility to all Rational Access components.

The config.csh file is created at install time, and it is location dependent.
Therefore, if Rational Access is moved to another directory, the config.csh
file would have to be modified manually or the installation script would
have to be ran again to create a new config.csh file.  The config.csh
add an entry to two environment, PATH and MANPATH, variables and creates one,
ACCESSHOME.  To use the config.csh file add to your .login:

if ( -e <<The path were Access was installed>>/config.csh ) then
   source <<The path were Access was installed>>/config.csh 

If users do not want to edit their .login files, visibility to 
Rational_Access can also be gained by creating links to the
Rational_Access objects.  It is up to the system adminstrator to
determine the proper locations for these links.

You must select a install directory where Rational Access will be installed.
The install program installs Rational Access in this directory and the
installation is all done through the R1000.

There are two components for the installation of Rational Access: 
an R1000-resident part and a workstation-resident part.
The R1000 parts must be installed on each R1000 on which it is to run.
The workstation part must be installed on each workstation that is to
use Rational Access. If multiple workstations share a file server, the
installation can be placed on the shared file server.

The R1000 needs to be running Delta release 3.0 (D_12_6_5) or greater.

For Sun Sparc workstations, you need to be running SUNOS version 4.1.1.               

For IBM RS6000 workstations, you need to be running AIX version 3.2.

You need MIT X.V11R3 or greater. X11R4 is preferable. This applies to
the server only. There are not dependencies on client libraries.

On the R1000, traverse to !Machine.Release.Rational_Access.Rev0_8_0

Create a Command Window and run Workstation_Install with parameters for
your workstation: username, password, installation working directory.
The required files will be transferred using FTP.

       (Remote_Machine => "My_Workstation",
        Platform => "Sun",
        Remote_Username => "johndoe",
        Remote_Password => "root",
        Remote_Directory => "/vendor/rational/rational_access",
        Response => "<PROFILE>");

After this procedure is run, Rational Access will be fully installed, except
for the fonts.  To check whether fonts need to be installed, execute checkfonts
under ACCESSHOME/bin.  If fonts need to be installed, run the install_fonts
script in the context of ACCESSHOME/fonts.

If you plan to modify directories to which you do not have access then you 
must be superuser to complete the installation. If installing on a server, 
make sure that the appropriate filesystems are mounted read-write.

Workstation_Install will ask you questions about which directories the files
should be placed in. Recommended defaults are provided and there are
confirmation steps for all operations.  See the sample interaction
below.  Under the bin directory there are two utilities provided.  The first 
one, install_fonts, which installs the fonts at a later time.  And
checkfonts, which checks for the visibility/availability of fonts.  Both
of these scripts requires that you are running the window manager.

NOTE: Workstation_Install requires an entry for the R1000/user in
the .rhosts file on the workstation.  Workstation_Install appends
the necessary entry to the .rhosts file.  This entry is removed from 
the .rhosts file when the installation is completed.  If Workstation_Install
is aborted, this entry may not be removed from the .rhosts file.


Unable to find xset.  Please type in the path for xset:
Unpacking rational.Z (takes about a minute)
You do have visibility to Rational Access fonts.
Fonts are not installed in default location. So not everybody
has visibility to it, unless they execute xset command.
Rational Access Installation completed succesfully