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⟦5874bdd1b⟧ TextFile

    Length: 19066 (0x4a7a)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »TESTMATE_RELEASE2_2_0_LPT«


└─⟦db1c56801⟧ Bits:30000748 8mm tape, Rational 1000, TESTMATE 2_2_0
    └─ ⟦866d14df1⟧ »DATA« 



                               Rational TestMate
                              Release Information

                               Rev2_2_0 Release



       Copyright  1992 by Rational

       Part Number: 508-003286-004

       October 1992 (Software Release Rev2_2_0)

       Rational  and  R1000  are  registered  trademarks and Compilation
       Integrator,  Rational  Environment,  Rational   Subsystems,   and
       Universal Compiler Integration are trademarks of Rational.

                             3320 Scott Boulevard
                      Santa Clara, California  95054-3197


                                                        Rev2_2_0 Release

       1.  Overview

       This  note  documents  the Rev2_2_0 release of Rational TestMate.
       TestMate is a comprehensive  set  of  tools  that  automates  the
       process of developing, performing, and evaluating software tests.
       TestMate includes a test management system  and  a  non-intrusive
       coverage  analyzer,  both  tightly  integrated  with the Rational

       This release has been verified to work under Environment releases
       D_12_5_0 and D_12_6_5.

       1.1.  Components of This Release

       This release includes the following:







       2.  New Features

       2.1.  Procedure Setup_Rci_Tms

       TestMate now supplies a procedure, Setup_Rci_Tms, that is used to
       create the RCI TMS package.  This package is used by RCI tests to
       signal target test results back to the R1000.  Any RCI tests that
       call package TMS must have this package coded in the RCI world.

       Setup_Rci_Tms works by parsing the  text  file  "TMS",  which  is
       included  with  each  code view, into an RCI world.  It accepts a
       single parameter that identifies  the  world  in  which  the  TMS
       package is to be created:

                procedure Setup_Rci_Tms (In_Library : String := "$");

       2.2.  Formatted Closure Report

       A sample routine to examine the .Closure subobject of a specified
       test run file and generate a formatted report can be found in the
       "Tools" directory of the TestMate code view.  This routine, named
       "Print_Closure", is supplied in source form.

       RATIONAL     October 1992                                       1\f

       Rational TestMate Release Information

       The Print_Closure routine can be used as  an  example  of  how  a
       user-written routine would access the information in the .Closure
       file, and as an example of how  the  programmatic  interfaces  to
       TestMate data can be used.

       3.  Limitations

       3.1.  General

       3.1.1.  Copying, Moving, or Renaming Test Data

       The Test_Run files have full path names to all associated files -
       such as logs, scripts, etc. - to enable  resolution  at  a  later
       time independent of the current Test_Context settings.  If any of
       these associated files are moved, the Test_Run references must be
       updated.  These references can be easily updated by executing the
       Update_Test_Run_References  procedure   (found   in   the   Tools
       subdirectory    of    the    TestMate    subsystem).    Pass   to
       Update_Test_Run_References the name of the test run file and  the
       name of a new test context file that indicates where the relative
       files are now located.

       3.1.2.  Temporary Files

       When the user executes Edit_Run_Group  and  does  not  specify  a
       group  name,  a  temporary file is created in !Machine.Temporary.
       These files are not currently deleted by TestMate, although  they
       will be removed when the R1000 is next rebooted.  Due to the fact
       that these temporary files are quite small, this is not  expected
       to pose any real problem.

       3.2.  Editors

       3.2.1.  Test Case used Multiple Times in Test Set

       A  Test_Set  cannot  include  multiple  Test_Cases  with the same
       simple name.  The current product does not detect this condition.

       3.2.2.  Applying Multiple Filters with a Single Command

       The Testmate.Filter command must be used exactly as specified  in
       the  User's  Guide;  the  command will only use the first item if
       multiple filters are specified.  Thus, for "status => pass,fail",
       only "pass" will be applied.

       2                                       October 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Rev2_2_0 Release

       3.2.3.  Editing Test Sets Containing Deleted Test Cases

       The  test-set  editor  does not remove from a test set those test
       cases  whose   test-case   files   have   been   deleted   (using
       Library.Delete,  for  example).  It is up to the user to manually
       delete these cases from the set.

       3.3.  Scripts

       3.3.1.  Consistency Checking At Script Generation

       TestMate does not check test  sets  and  their  constituent  test
       cases  for  consistency  at  script  generation.   Consistency is
       checked at script execution, however.  If the script's test cases
       are  "compatible"  with the test cases that were used to generate
       the script, the test script will execute correctly.  Refer to the
       "Ensuring  Test  Set  Consistency"  section  in  Chapter 2 of the
       TestMate User's Manual for more information.

       3.4.  Coverage Analyzer

       3.4.1.  Coverage of Library Elaboration Code

       The coverage analyzer does not gather coverage data  for  library
       package elaboration unless the subject program uses pragma Main.

       3.4.2.  Code View and Coverage Analyzer

       The  Coverage  Analyzer  uses  debug information for each unit in
       order to operate in a non-intrusive manner.  Code  Views  do  not
       contain debugging information, so the Coverage_Analyzer is unable
       to gather coverage data for units inside of a code view.

       4.  Known Problems

       4.1.  General

       4.1.1.  Version Information and Code Views

       Version information is not  saved  for  units  that  are  located
       inside code views.

       RATIONAL     October 1992                                       3\f

       Rational TestMate Release Information

       4.2.  Coverage Analyzer

       4.2.1.  Decision Coverage

       Under certain, not yet well-defined circumstances, specifying the
       collection of decision coverage data can cause the test  to  hang
       or  give  incorrect  results.   When the particular criteria have
       been fully characterized, a note will be sent  to  all  customers
       indicating under which circumstances decision coverage can safely
       be used.  Until then, usage of the decision coverage mode is  not

       4.2.2.  Null Case Statement Arms

       Null  case  arms  do not have code generated for them; therefore,
       the Coverage Analyzer cannot detect  segment  coverage  in  those
       arms.   Null  arms  are not counted as missed segments.  This can
       result in 100% decision coverage being indicated when,  in  fact,
       one or more null case arms were not exercised.

       This is expected to be fixed in a later release.

       4.2.3.  Very Large Units

       A  sufficiently  large unit (in excess of 32,000 executable R1000
       instructions) will cause problems for the Coverage  Analyzer  due
       to  an  inability  to properly handle multiple code segment debug
       table information.   The  Coverage  Analyzer  will  issue  a  log
       message  and  not  process that unit.  This should be a very rare
       event as Ada units requiring multiple code segments must be  very

       4.2.4.  Multiple Subject Programs

       If  a  test  case  specifies  multiple  subject programs, and the
       Coverage_Analyzer_Params field in that test case  is  set  to  ""
       (the  default),  the  coverage analyzer will not collect coverage
       data for all of the specified subject programs.

       This problem can be worked around by  explicitly  specifying  the
       subject  program  names  in the Coverage_Analyzer_Params field of
       the test case.  Note that the subject programs can  be  specified
       using relative pathnames.

       4                                       October 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Rev2_2_0 Release

       4.2.5.  Specific Routine Within a Unit

       If  a  test  case specifies as its subject program a routine in a
       particular  unit  ("sppkg.foo_proc",  for  instance),   and   the
       Coverage_Analyzer_Params  field  in  that  test case is set to ""
       (the default), the coverage analyzer will not  correctly  collect
       coverage data for the specified routine.

       This  problem can be worked around by specifying the package name
       in the Coverage_Analyzer_Params field of the test case.

       4.3.  Editors

       4.3.1.  Coverage Editor and Missed Segments

       When the user does a [Definition] to view the missed segments for
       an  Ada  unit,  the  Editor brings up that Ada unit and marks the
       segments.  If there are no missed segments, the Editor provides a
       warning  message  to  that  effect  and brings up the Ada editor.
       Under certain complex  circumstances  involving  the  viewing  of
       coverage  data  for  multiple  test runs, the Ada editor fails to
       come up properly.  This only occurs for 100% covered  units,  and
       the warning message is still properly posted.

       4.3.2.  Test Run Group Editor

       The  following  sequence  of  events  can  result in an incorrect
       editor image:

       *  Invoke the test run editor for a group of test runs

       *  Expand the image

       *  Place the cursor after the text on one of  the  expanded  rows
          (such  as  the  test  run log row) and press [Definition].  As
          expected, an error message will be generated  indicating  that
          [Definition] is not supported for this column.

       *  Expand the image once again.

       The  two  title  rows  as  well  as the test run rows will all be
       erased, leaving only the expanded rows.

       To regain  the  proper  image,  abandon  the  current  image  and
       re-execute the command used to invoke the test run editor.

       RATIONAL     October 1992                                       5\f

       Rational TestMate Release Information

       5.  Errors

       This  section  documents  areas  in  TestMate  where  potentially
       unclear or confusing error messages may arise.

       5.1.  General

       5.1.1.  Format of Persistent Objects

       If the format for the  textually-manipulated  persistent  objects
       (Test_Context,          Script_Construction_Control,          and
       Script_Execution_Control) is not followed explicitly, data layout
       errors can occur.  In particular, something like:

                xx =>
                ....long name.....

       will fail.  The correct form is:

                xx => ....long name...

       An alternative form is:

                xx => (
                .......long name ....)

       Data  layout  errors  do not supply a detailed explanation of the
       failure mode.  The user  will  have  to  look  at  the  file  for
       details.   Note  that the most common mistake is a misspelling of
       one of the field identifiers.

       5.2.  Scripts

       5.2.1.  Connected and Separate Job Run Modes

       If the user  is  running  a  test  case  with  run  mode  set  to
       Separate_Job  or  Connected_Job,  a  job command is created which
       must be parsed  by  the  Environment  and  then  executed.   That
       command  can  fail  to  execute for a number of reasons; TestMate
       will post the entire command to the log.  It is up to the user to
       figure  out  why  the  command  failed.   This is usually done by
       running the user's part of the job command string from the  error
       log.   If  that succeeds, check for missing links to the TestMate
       units mentioned  in  the  job  command:  the  links  may  not  be
       available from the specified execution context.

       Another  common  failure is due to the number of parameters being
       incorrect either in type or number.

       6                                       October 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Rev2_2_0 Release

       5.2.2.  Test Drivers and Package TMS

       If a test driver directly references package  TMS  using  default
       values  (i.e.,  makes  reference to the current test case or test
       run), then running that driver outside of the script  will  cause
       an exception instead of a more graceful error message.

       6.  Documentation

       This  product  has  been documented in the TestMate User's Guide,
       product #4000-00720, dated November 1992.

       6.1.  Links to TestMate Packages From Worlds

       The TestMate User's Guide shows how to add links to the  TestMate
       packages  and  how to update your activity to specify the correct
       views.   The  discussion  for  Worlds,   however,   lists   these
       operations  in  the wrong order (see the bottom of page 4).  Your
       activity should be  updated  before  you  establish  links  to  a
       TestMate  world.   Otherwise, the Links.Add command will use what
       it finds in your default activity (and it will fail if it doesn't
       find entries for TestMate and TestMate tools).

       6.2.  Specifying Testmate_Tools

       Pages  4  and  5  of  the  TestMate User's Guide specify that the
       following entries must appear in your activity:

              Subsystem       Spec View           Load View
            ============== =============== =======================
            TESTMATE       Rev2_n_SPEC     CODE2_0_m
            TESTMATE_TOOLS Rev0_0_n_SPEC   CODE0_0_m

       For this release, this should read:

              Subsystem       Spec View           Load View
            ============== =============== =======================
            TESTMATE       Rev2_2_SPEC     CODE2_2_0
            TESTMATE_TOOLS Rev2_2_SPEC     CODE2_2_0

       RATIONAL     October 1992                                       7\f

       Rational TestMate Release Information

       The "Subsystems" section on page 5 also discusses  the  importing
       of  the  Testmate  and Testmate_Tools specs; the correct specs to
       import are:


       7.  Training

       TestMate training  is  available;  the  current  draft  is  dated
       November,  1992.   TestMate  training  is  identified  by product

       8                                       October 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Rev2_2_0 Release


       1.  Overview                                                    1
          1.1.  Components of This Release                             1
       2.  New Features                                                1
          2.1.  Procedure Setup_Rci_Tms                                1
          2.2.  Formatted Closure Report                               1
       3.  Limitations                                                 2
          3.1.  General                                                2
             3.1.1.  Copying, Moving, or Renaming Test Data            2
             3.1.2.  Temporary Files                                   2
          3.2.  Editors                                                2
             3.2.1.  Test Case used Multiple Times in Test Set         2
             3.2.2.  Applying Multiple Filters with a Single Command   2
             3.2.3.  Editing Test Sets Containing Deleted Test Cases   3
          3.3.  Scripts                                                3
             3.3.1.  Consistency Checking At Script Generation         3
          3.4.  Coverage Analyzer                                      3
             3.4.1.  Coverage of Library Elaboration Code              3
             3.4.2.  Code View and Coverage Analyzer                   3
       4.  Known Problems                                              3
          4.1.  General                                                3
             4.1.1.  Version Information and Code Views                3
          4.2.  Coverage Analyzer                                      4
             4.2.1.  Decision Coverage                                 4
             4.2.2.  Null Case Statement Arms                          4
             4.2.3.  Very Large Units                                  4
             4.2.4.  Multiple Subject Programs                         4
             4.2.5.  Specific Routine Within a Unit                    5
          4.3.  Editors                                                5
             4.3.1.  Coverage Editor and Missed Segments               5
             4.3.2.  Test Run Group Editor                             5
       5.  Errors                                                      6
          5.1.  General                                                6
             5.1.1.  Format of Persistent Objects                      6
          5.2.  Scripts                                                6
             5.2.1.  Connected and Separate Job Run Modes              6
             5.2.2.  Test Drivers and Package TMS                      7
       6.  Documentation                                               7
          6.1.  Links to TestMate Packages From Worlds                 7
          6.2.  Specifying Testmate_Tools                              7
       7.  Training                                                    8

       RATIONAL     October 1992                                     iii\f

       Rational TestMate Release Information

       iv                                      October 1992     RATIONAL\f