DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 7051 (0x1b8b) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
package body Lex is Current_Token : Token.Object; Current_Value : String_Utile.Pstring; type State is (St_Normal, St_Less, St_Great, St_Word, St_Number, St_Commentaire, St_Found); procedure Lexopen (Afile : Text_Io.File_Type) is begin File.Fileopen (Afile); end Lexopen; function Lexgettoken return Token.Object is begin return Current_Token; end Lexgettoken; function Lexgetvalue return String is begin return Current_Value.all; end Lexgetvalue; function Lexatend (Afile : Text_Io.File_Type) return Boolean is begin return File.Fileatend (Afile); end Lexatend; procedure Lexnexttoken (Afile : Text_Io.File_Type) is The_Char : Character; Current_State : State; begin if not File.Fileatend (Afile) then Current_State := St_Normal; while Current_State /= St_Found loop if not File.Fileatend (Afile) then File.Filenext (Afile); The_Char := File.Filevalue (Afile); else The_Char := Ascii.Eot; end if; case Current_State is when St_Normal => case The_Char is when ' ' | Ascii.Cr => null; when Ascii.Eot => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Eof; when '<' => Current_State := St_Less; when '>' => Current_State := St_Great; when '=' => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Egal; when ':' => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Deuxpoints; when ',' => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Virgule; when '.' => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Point; when '(' => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Parentheseg; when ')' => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Parenthesed; when '+' => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Plus; when '-' => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Moins; when '/' => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Slash; when '*' => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Star; when '[' => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Crochetg; when ']' => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Crochetd; when '{' => Current_State := St_Commentaire; when others => if The_Char in 'a' .. 'z' then String_Utile.Buildstring (The_Char); Current_State := St_Word; else if The_Char in '0' .. '9' then String_Utile.Buildstring (The_Char); Current_State := St_Number; else Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Unk; end if; end if; end case; when St_Commentaire => if The_Char = '}' then Current_State := St_Normal; end if; when St_Less => case The_Char is when '=' => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Inf_Ou_Egal; when '>' => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Different; when others => Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Inf; File.Fileunget (Afile); end case; when St_Great => if The_Char = '=' then Current_Token := Token.L_Sup_Ou_Egal; else Current_Token := Token.L_Sup; File.Fileunget (Afile); end if; Current_State := St_Found; when St_Word => if The_Char in 'a' .. 'z' or The_Char in '0' .. '9' or The_Char = '_' then String_Utile.Buildstring (The_Char); else Current_State := St_Found; Current_Value := String_Utile.Givestring; Current_Token := Token.Search_Token (Current_Value); File.Fileunget (Afile); end if; when St_Number => if The_Char in '0' .. '9' then String_Utile.Buildstring (The_Char); else Current_State := St_Found; Current_Token := Token.L_Int; Current_Value := String_Utile.Givestring; File.Fileunget (Afile); end if; when others => null; end case; end loop; else Current_Token := Token.L_Eof; end if; end Lexnexttoken; end Lex;