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⟦59c309650⟧ TextFile

    Length: 20998 (0x5206)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00
    └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« 


with Unchecked_Deallocation;

with Arithmetic;
use Arithmetic;
with Vstring_Case;
with Vstring_Type;
use Vstring_Type;

package body String_Map is
-- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California.
--                  All Rights Reserved.
-- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that
-- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in
-- supporting documentation, and that the name of Rational not be used in
-- advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
-- without specific, written prior permission.
-- Rational disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including
-- all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall
-- Rational be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
-- any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether
-- in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out
-- of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.

    type S_Natural_Array is array (S_Natural range <>) of S_Natural;

----Elements are simply pairs of string Keys and Range_Type values.

    type String_Ptr is access E_String;

    type Elem_Rec is
            Hash : S_Natural  := 0;
            Key  : String_Ptr := null;
            Rt   : Range_Type;
            Next : Element    := null;
        end record;

----Maps are simply a table of Element linked lists.

    type Element_Array is array (S_Natural range 0 .. Hash_Size - 1) of Element;

    type Map_Rec is
            Count : S_Natural     := 0;
            Table : Element_Array := (0 .. Hash_Size - 1 => null);
        end record;


    procedure Free_String_Ptr is new Unchecked_Deallocation (E_String,  

    procedure Free_Element is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Elem_Rec,  

    procedure Free_Map_Internal is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Map_Rec,  


    function Hash (Key : E_String) return S_Natural is
--  Key - Specfies the string to hash
-- Returns a hash value for the indicated string.
        Xl : S_Natural_Array (Key'Range);
        use Vstring_Case;

        if Exact_Case_Match then
            for I in Key'Range loop
                Xl (I) := Character'Pos (Key (I));
            end loop;
            for I in Key'Range loop
                Xl (I) := Character'Pos (Vstring_Case.Uc_Char (Key (I)));
            end loop;
        end if;

        case Key'Length is
            when 0 =>
                return 0;
            when 1 =>
                return Xl (Xl'First);
            when 2 =>
                return Xl (Xl'First) * 128  
                           + Xl (Xl'Last);
            when 3 =>
                return Xl (Xl'First) * 64  
                           + Xl (Xl'First + 1) * 128  
                           + Xl (Xl'Last);
            when 4 =>
                return Xl (Xl'First) * 32  
                           + Xl (Xl'First + 1) * 64  
                           + Xl (Xl'First + 2) * 128  
                           + Xl (Xl'Last);
            when others =>
                    I : S_Natural := Xl'First;
                    H : S_Natural := 0;
                    while I + 3 <= Xl'Last loop
                        if S_Natural'Last / 3 < H then
                            ----Prevent overflow on long strings.
                            H := H / 3;
                        end if;
                        H := H + Xl (I) * 32  
                                 + Xl (I + 1) * 64  
                                 + Xl (I + 2) * 128  
                                 + Xl (I + 3);
                        I := I + 4;
                    end loop;
                    for J in I .. Xl'Last loop
                        H := H + Xl (J);
                    end loop;
                    return H;
        end case;

    end Hash;


    function Equal (A : E_String; B : E_String) return Boolean is
--  A   - Specifies the first string
--  B   - Specifies the second string
-- Returns TRUE if A = B when both are upper case.  B is assumed to be
-- upper case already.
        Ai : S_Natural := A'First;
        Bi : S_Natural := B'First;

----The lengths must be the same.

        if A'Length /= B'Length then
            return False;
        end if;

----Check for any differences.

        for I in S_Natural range 0 .. A'Length - 1 loop
            if Vstring_Case.Uc_Char (A (Ai + I)) /= B (Bi + I) then
                return False;
            end if;
        end loop;

----They are the same.

        return True;

    end Equal;


    procedure Lookup (H    :        S_Natural;  
                      Key  :        E_String;  
                      Prev : out    Element;  
                      Elem : in out Element) is
--  H       - Specifies the hash value for the Key
--  Key     - Specifies the key we are looking for
--  Prev    - Receives the last element in the initial Elem list or else the
--              Element whose .Next is Elem.
--  Elem    - Receives NULL or else the Element that matches the Key/H values;
--              initially is the M.Table(H) value
        El : Element := Elem;

----Initially there is no Prev vaue.

        Prev := null;

----Loop over all of the chained elements looking for matching H/Key values.

        while El /= null loop
            if El.Hash = H then
                if Exact_Case_Match then
                    if El.Key.all = Key then
                        Elem := El;
                    end if;
                    if Equal (Key, El.Key.all) then
                        Elem := El;
                    end if;
                end if;
            end if;  
            Prev := El;
            El   := El.Next;
        end loop;

----Nothing was found.  Return null.

        Elem := null;

    end Lookup;


    procedure New_Map (M : out Map) is
--  M   - Receives a new Map.
-- Called to create and initialize a new Map.  The Map Is_Empty.

        M := new Map_Rec;

    end New_Map;


    procedure Free_Map (M : in out Map) is
--  M   - Specifies the existing Map to deallocate.
-- Called to destroy an existing Map.  Map may have a None_Map value.  All map
-- entries are destroyed.  The Range_Type values contained in the map are
-- merely dropped and are not deallocated or manipulated in any way.
        Elem1 : Element;
        Elem2 : Element;

----Free any existing table entries.

        if M.Count > 0 then
            for I in M.Table'Range loop
                Elem1 := M.Table (I);

----Free elements on this chain; including the Key strings.

                while Elem1 /= null loop
                    Elem2 := Elem1.Next;
                    Free_String_Ptr (Elem1.Key);
                    Free_Element (Elem1);
                    Elem1 := Elem2;
                end loop;

            end loop;
        end if;

----Free the map itself.

        Free_Map_Internal (M);

    end Free_Map;


    function Is_Empty (M : in Map) return Boolean is
--  M   - Specifies the map
-- Returns TRUE if the map is completely empty.

        return M.Count = 0;

    end Is_Empty;


    function Cardinality (M : in Map) return S_Natural is
--  M   - Specifies the map
-- Returns the number of entries in the map.

        return M.Count;

    end Cardinality;


    procedure Find (M       : in     Map;  
                    Key     : in     E_String;  
                    Rt      : in out Range_Type;  
                    Success : out    Boolean) is
--  M       - Specifies the map to use
--  Key     - Specifies the string value to use for the lookup
--  Rt      - Receives the Range_Type value from the map or is unchanged
--  Success - Receives TRUE if the Key was found and FALSE if not
-- Called to perform a lookup within the map.  If the Key string is found
-- within the map then the associated Range_Type value is returned and
-- Success is set to TRUE.  If the Key string is not found then Success is
-- set to FALSE and the Rt parameter remains unchanged.  (Beware of
-- uninitialized locals being passed to Find; they will often be the cause
-- of Constraint_Errors.)
        H    : S_Natural := Hash (Key);
        Prev : Element;
        Elem : Element   := M.Table (H rem Hash_Size);

----Lookup the entry in the table with this hash value.

        Lookup (H, Key, Prev, Elem);
        if Elem /= null then
            Rt      := Elem.Rt;
            Success := True;
        end if;

----We did not find the Key in the map.

        Success := False;

    end Find;


    function Locate (M   : in Map;  
                     Key : in E_String) return Range_Type is
--  M       - Specifies the map to use
--  Key     - Specifies the string value to use for the lookup
-- Called to perform a lookup within the map.  If the Key string is found
-- within the map then the associated Range_Type value is returned.
-- If the Key string is not found then Missing_Entry is raised.
        H    : S_Natural := Hash (Key);
        Prev : Element;
        Elem : Element   := M.Table (H rem Hash_Size);

----Lookup the entry in the table with this hash value.

        Lookup (H, Key, Prev, Elem);
        if Elem /= null then
            return Elem.Rt;
        end if;

----We did not find the Key in the map.

        raise Missing_Entry;

    end Locate;


    procedure Insert (M       : in Map;  
                      Key     : in E_String;  
                      Rt      : in Range_Type;  
                      Dups_Ok : in Boolean := False) is
--  M       - Specifies the map to use
--  Key     - Specifies the string value to use for the insertion
--  Rt      - Specifies the Range_Type value to be placed into the map
--  Dups_Ok - Specifies TRUE if the new entry is allowed to replace an
--              existing entry.
-- Called to insert a new Range_Type value into the map.  If Dups_Ok => FALSE
-- then a preexisting map entry with the same Key value will cause
-- Duplicate_Entry to be raised.
        H    : S_Natural := Hash (Key);
        Prev : Element;
        Elem : Element   := M.Table (H rem Hash_Size);

----Lookup the entry in the table with this hash value.  Replace any existing
--  entry if that is ok.

        Lookup (H, Key, Prev, Elem);
        if Elem /= null then
            if Dups_Ok then
                Elem.Rt := Rt;
                raise Duplicate_Entry;
            end if;
        end if;

----Create a new map element and put it into the map.

        Elem        := new Elem_Rec'(Hash => H,  
                                     Key  => new E_String'(Key),  
                                     Rt   => Rt,  
                                     Next => null);
        H           := H rem Hash_Size;
        Elem.Next   := M.Table (H);
        M.Table (H) := Elem;
        M.Count     := M.Count + 1;

----If not matching on case of characters then make the Key string upper case.

        if not Exact_Case_Match then
            for I in Elem.Key'Range loop
                Elem.Key (I) := Vstring_Case.Uc_Char (Elem.Key (I));
            end loop;
        end if;

    end Insert;


    procedure Delete (M          : in Map;  
                      Key        : in E_String;  
                      Missing_Ok : in Boolean := False) is
--  M           - Specifies the map to use
--  Key         - Specifies the string value to use for the lookup
--  Missing_Ok  - Specifies TRUE if the entry need not exist
-- Called to delete an existing Range_Type value from the map.  Raises
-- Missing_Entry if no matching Key entry is found unless Missing_Ok => TRUE.
        H    : S_Natural := Hash (Key);
        H2   : S_Natural := H rem Hash_Size;
        Prev : Element;
        Elem : Element   := M.Table (H2);

----Lookup the entry in the table with this hash value and delete it.

        Lookup (H, Key, Prev, Elem);
        if Elem /= null then
            if Prev = null then
                M.Table (H2) := Elem.Next;
                Prev.Next := Elem.Next;
            end if;
            Free_String_Ptr (Elem.Key);
            Free_Element (Elem);
            M.Count := M.Count - 1;
        end if;

----We did not find the Key in the map.

        if Missing_Ok then
            raise Missing_Entry;
        end if;

    end Delete;


    procedure Remove (M       : in     Map;  
                      Key     : in     E_String;  
                      Rt      : in out Range_Type;  
                      Success : out    Boolean) is
--  M       - Specifies the map to use
--  Key     - Specifies the string value to use for the lookup
--  Rt      - Receives the Range_Type value from the map or is unchanged
--  Success - Receives TRUE if the Key was found and FALSE if not
-- Called to lookup and remove an entry within the map.  If the Key string is
-- found -- within the map then the associated Range_Type value is returned and
-- Success is set to TRUE.  If the Key string is not found then Success is
-- set to FALSE and the Rt parameter remains unchanged.  (Beware of
-- uninitialized locals being passed to Find; they will often be the cause
-- of Constraint_Errors.)
        H    : S_Natural := Hash (Key);
        H2   : S_Natural := H rem Hash_Size;
        Prev : Element;
        Elem : Element   := M.Table (H2);

----Lookup the entry in the table with this hash value and delete it.

        Lookup (H, Key, Prev, Elem);
        if Elem /= null then
            if Prev = null then
                M.Table (H2) := Elem.Next;
                Prev.Next := Elem.Next;
            end if;
            Rt := Elem.Rt;
            Free_String_Ptr (Elem.Key);
            Free_Element (Elem);
            M.Count := M.Count - 1;
            Success := True;
        end if;

----We did not find the Key in the map.

        Success := False;

    end Remove;


    procedure Initialize (M : in     Map;  
                          I : in out Iter) is

--  M   - Specifies the map
--  I   - Receives the new iteration value
-- Called to initialize an iterator for a particular map.  Iterators are
-- used in this fashion:
--      declare
--          I  : Iter;
--          M  : Map;
--          Rt : Range_Type;
--      begin
--          Initilize (M, I);
--          while not Done (I) loop
--              Rt := Value (I);
--              .... Code using the Rt value ....
--              Next (I);
--          end loop;
--      end;
-- Iterators are affected by changes to the map.  Deletions can cause
-- dereferencing of null pointers.  Insertions are benign and new map entries
-- may or may not appear as Values in the iteration depending upon the
-- state of the Iter when the Insert is performed and also depending upon the
-- value of the Key string.
-- The iterator will advance through all entries within the map and the
-- processing order of the entries is determined by the hash value of the
-- Key strings and may or may not have any externally sensible ordering.

----Search for any element whatsoever.

        I.M := M;
        for Ind in 0 .. Hash_Size - 1 loop
            if M.Table (Ind) /= null then
                I.Elem  := M.Table (Ind);
                I.Index := Ind;
            end if;
        end loop;

----Map is empty.  Finish the initialization.

        I.Elem  := null;
        I.Index := Hash_Size;

    end Initialize;


    function Done (I : in Iter) return Boolean is
--  I   - Specifies the iterator to check
-- Returns TRUE when there are no more map entries to iterate through.

----If we have an element waiting then we are not done.

        if I.Elem /= null then
            return False;
        end if;

----We must be done.

        return True;

    end Done;


    function Key (I : in Iter) return E_String is
--  I   - Specifies the iterator to check
-- Returns the key string value associated with the current value of the
-- map iterator.  Raises Missing_Entry if Done(I) = TRUE.

        if I.Elem = null then
            raise Missing_Entry;
        end if;
        return I.Elem.Key.all;

    end Key;


    function Value (I : in Iter) return Range_Type is
--  I   - Specifies the iterator to check
-- Returns the Range_Type value associated with the current value of the
-- map iterator.  Raises Missing_Entry if Done(I) = TRUE.

        if I.Elem = null then
            raise Missing_Entry;
        end if;
        return I.Elem.Rt;

    end Value;


    procedure Next (I : in out Iter) is
--  I   - Specifies the iterator
-- Advances the map iterator by one entry.  Raises Missing_Entry if
-- Done(I) = TRUE already.  Done(I) = TRUE will be true when this routine
-- returns if there are no more entries to be processed.
        Elem : Element;

----Locate the next element.

        if I.Elem = null then
            raise Missing_Entry;
        end if;
        if I.Elem.Next /= null then
            I.Elem := I.Elem.Next;
        end if;
        for Ind in I.Index + 1 .. Hash_Size - 1 loop
            if I.M.Table (Ind) /= null then
                I.Elem  := I.M.Table (Ind);
                I.Index := Ind;
            end if;
        end loop;

----Nothing Next; we are Done.

        I.Elem := null;

    end Next;


end String_Map;