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⟦5c82d776c⟧ TextFile

    Length: 25310 (0x62de)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦516dceb10⟧ Bits:30000751 8mm tape, Rational 1000, RCI_VADS
    └─ ⟦9a14c9417⟧ »DATA« 


with V_I_Types;
with V_I_Callout;
with System;
package V_Xtasking is

    pragma Suppress (All_Checks);

--   PURPOSE : V_XTASKING (extended Tasking) provides operations which may
--             be performed on Ada tasks.  These services augment those
--             defined by the language.
--             The SUSPEND_TASK and RESUME_TASK operations directly affect
--             task states.  SUSPEND_TASK places a task in a suspended state
--             similar to the execution of a simple accept statement.
--             RESUME_TASK places a suspended task in a ready-to-run state.
--             RESUME_TASK may only be used to resume a task previously
--             suspended by SUSPEND_TASK.
--             SUSPEND_TASK and RESUME_TASK have been declared as overloaded
--             procedures to allow the user to select the method of error
--             notification.  If a result parameter is provided in the call,
--             a result status will be returned in the parameter; otherwise,
--             an exception will be raised if an error occurs.
--             The V_SEMAPHORES and V_MAILBOXES packages also provide
--             operations which affect the states of tasks.
--             In addition to SUSPEND_TASK and RESUME_TASK, V_XTASKING
--             provides operations to generate task id's for tasks, to
--             determine the current task and to get and set the following
--             task parameters: priority, time slice interval, user field,
--             callable attribute and terminated attribute. (The attributes
--             may not be set.) Additionally, V_XTASKING provides operations
--             to get and set the global time slicing enabled configuration
--             parameter.
--			   Services to disable and enable task preemption are
--			   provided.
--             For cross versions, V_XTASKING provides a service to start
--			   and terminate another separately linked program. It also has
--			   services to get the program id of the current program or
--			   for any task.
--             Services are also provided that allow subprogram callouts
--             resident in the user program to be installed for program and
--             task events. A callout can be installed for the following
--             program events: exit, unexpected exit (main program
--             abandoned due to an unhandled exception) and
--			   switch. A callout can be installed for the following task
--			   events: creation, switch and completion.  Additionally, user
--			   defined storage can be allocated in the control block for
--			   a task.
--   NOTES :   Tasking within the Nucleus is prioritized, pre-emptive, and
--             optionally timesliced.  The type task_id (defined in SYSTEM) is
--			   used to supply the identity of a task to a V_XTASKING service.

    -- Objects of type task_id are used to identify tasks to
    -- extended tasking services.  type task_id is defined in SYSTEM. An object
    -- of this type is obtained via the T'TASK_ID attribute.

    -- Null task constant

    Null_Task_Name : constant System.Task_Id := System.No_Task_Id;

    -- Objects of the type program_id are used to identify programs to
    -- extended tasking services.  type program_id is defined in SYSTEM.

    -- Type for referencing user defined storage in a task control block.

    type Task_Storage_Id is private;
    No_Task_Storage_Id : constant Task_Storage_Id;

    -- Type of event that can have a callout installed via
    -- INSTALL_CALLOUT service.

    type Callout_Event_T is new V_I_Callout.Callout_Event_T;

    -- Type of user modifiable field stored in task's control block

    subtype User_Field_T is V_I_Types.User_Field_T;

    -- The following exceptions may be raised by the V_XTASKING services.

    Invalid_Suspend : exception;

    -- INVALID_SUSPEND is raised by SUSPEND_TASK if the task could not
    -- be suspended.  This will occur if the task is not currently
    -- runnable.

    Invalid_Resume : exception;

    -- INVALID_RESUME is raised by RESUME_TASK if the task could not be
    -- resumed.  This will occur if the task is not currently suspended.

    Unexpected_V_Xtasking_Error : exception;

    -- UNEXPECTED_V_XTASKING_ERROR may be raised if an unexpected
    -- error occurs in an V_XTASKING routine.

    -- The following type declares the result codes which may be returned
    -- by the non-exception-raising versions of the SUSPEND_TASK and
    -- RESUME_TASK routines.

    type Xtasking_Result is (Suspended, Resumed, Not_Suspended, Not_Resumed);

    -- SUSPEND_TASK returns SUSPENDED if the suspend operation succeeded,
    -- or NOT_SUPENDED if the operation failed.  RESUME_TASK returns
    -- RESUMED if the resume operation succeeded, or NOT_RESUMED if the
    -- operation failed.

    function Id (Task_Address : in System.Task_Id) return System.Task_Id;
    pragma Inline_Only (Id);

    -- Purpose:   To return an id for a task given the address of the
    --            task. Provides compatibility with earlier releases which
    --			  didn't have the T'TASK_ID attribute.
    -- Where:
    --   task_address   is the address of a task obtained by applying
    --                  the 'task_id attribute to a task name.
    --         			T'ADDRESS has been changed in 6.0 and later releases
    --			  		to be the starting address of the task body's machine
    --					code.  Therefore, the type of the task_address
    --					parameter has changed from system.address to
    --					system.task_id.
    --	Note:	  This function no longer needs to be called. The
    --			  T'TASK_ID attribute returns the id for a task which may be
    --			  used by the V_XTASKING services.

        type Task_Type is limited private;
    function V_Id (Task_Object : in Task_Type) return System.Task_Id;
    pragma Inline_Only (V_Id);

    -- Purpose:   To return an id for a task given a task object of
    --            the task type used to instantiate the generic.
    -- Where:
    --   task_type     is a task type.
    --   task_object   is an object of the task type used to instantiate
    --                 this generic.

    function Current_Task return System.Task_Id;
    pragma Inline_Only (Current_Task);

    -- Purpose:     This function returns the task id of the current
    --              task.

    procedure Resume_Task (Task_Name : in System.Task_Id);
    procedure Resume_Task (Task_Name : in System.Task_Id;
                           Result : out Xtasking_Result);
    pragma Inline_Only (Resume_Task);

    -- Purpose:     RESUME_TASK causes the named task to be
    --              readied for execution.
    -- Where:
    --   task_name  identifies the task to be readied for execution.
    -- Notes:       This service may only be used to activate a
    --              task suspended by a call to SUSPEND_TASK.
    -- Exceptions/Results:
    --   INVALID_RESUME is raised (or result value NOT_RESUMED is returned)
    --   if the task was not in a suspended state.
    --   The result value RESUMED is returned if the task is resumed.

    procedure Suspend_Task (Task_Name : in System.Task_Id);
    procedure Suspend_Task (Task_Name : in System.Task_Id;
                            Result : out Xtasking_Result);
    pragma Inline_Only (Suspend_Task);

    -- Purpose:     SUSPEND_TASK causes a running task to become
    --              suspended.
    -- Where:
    --   task_name  identifies the task to suspend.
    -- Notes:       This primitive only suspends the currently executing task or
    --              any ready to run task.
    -- Exceptions/Results:
    --   INVALID_SUSPEND is raised (or result code NOT_SUSPENDED is returned)
    --   if task is not runnable.
    --   The result value SUSPENDED is returned if the task is suspended.

    function Current_Priority (Task_Name : in System.Task_Id := Current_Task)
                              return System.Priority;
    pragma Inline_Only (Current_Priority);

    -- Purpose:     This function returns the current priority of the
    --              specified task.
    -- Where:
    --   task_name  indicates the id of the task whose priority is to
    --              be returned to the caller. Defaults to the current task.

    procedure Set_Priority (New_Priority : in System.Priority;
                            Task_Name : in System.Task_Id := Current_Task);
    pragma Inline_Only (Set_Priority);

    -- Purpose:     SET_PRIORITY sets the priority of the specified task to a
    --              new setting.  Task scheduling is re-evaluated.
    -- Notes:       this service should be used with extreme caution as it
    --              may interfere with the kernel's scheduling algorithm.
    -- Where:
    --   new_priority  is the new priority setting.
    --   task_name     indicates the id of the task whose priority is to be set.
    --                 Defaults to the current task.

    function Current_Time_Slice
                (Task_Name : in System.Task_Id := Current_Task) return Duration;
    pragma Inline_Only (Current_Time_Slice);

    -- Purpose:     This function returns the current time slice interval of the
    --              specified task.
    -- Where:
    --   task_name  indicates the id of the task whose time slice interval is to
    --              be returned to the caller. Defaults to the current task.

    procedure Set_Time_Slice (New_Interval : in Duration;
                              Task_Name : in System.Task_Id := Current_Task);
    pragma Inline_Only (Set_Time_Slice);

    -- Purpose:     SET_TIME_SLICE sets the time slice interval of the
    --              specified task to a new value.
    -- Where:
    --   new_interval  is the new time slice duration. An interval of 0.0
    --                 seconds disables time slicing for the task.
    --   task_name     indicates the id of the task whose time slice interval
    --                 is to be set.  Defaults to the current task.

    function Current_User_Field (Task_Name : in System.Task_Id := Current_Task)
                                return User_Field_T;
    pragma Inline_Only (Current_User_Field);

    -- Purpose:     This function returns the current value for the user
    --              modifiable field of the specified task.
    -- Where:
    --   task_name  indicates the id of the task whose user field value is to
    --              be returned to the caller. Defaults to the current task.

    procedure Set_User_Field (New_Value : in User_Field_T;
                              Task_Name : in System.Task_Id := Current_Task);
    pragma Inline_Only (Set_User_Field);

    -- Purpose:     SET_USER_FIELD sets the user modifiable field of the
    --              specified task to a new value.
    -- Where:
    --   new_value     is the new value written to the user modifiable field.
    --   task_name     indicates the id of the task whose user field value
    --                 is to be set.  Defaults to the current task.

    function Callable (Task_Name : in System.Task_Id) return Boolean;
    pragma Inline_Only (Callable);

    -- Purpose:     This function returns the P'CALLABLE attribute for the
    --              specified task.  Returns FALSE when the execution of the
    --              task is either completed or terminated, or when the task
    --              is abnormal.  Returns TRUE otherwise.
    -- Where:
    --   task_name  indicates the id of the task to get the P'CALLABLE
    --              attribute for.

    function Terminated (Task_Name : in System.Task_Id) return Boolean;
    pragma Inline_Only (Terminated);

    -- Purpose:     This function returns the P'TERMINATED attribute for the
    --              specified task.  Returns TRUE if the the task is
    --              terminated.  Returns FALSE otherwise.
    -- Where:
    --   task_name  indicates the id of the task to get the P'TERMINATED
    --              attribute for.

    function Current_Time_Slicing_Enabled return Boolean;
    pragma Inline_Only (Current_Time_Slicing_Enabled);

    -- Purpose:     This function returns the current value for the kernel's
    --              TIME_SLICING_ENABLED configuration parameter.

    procedure Set_Time_Slicing_Enabled (New_Value : in Boolean := True);
    pragma Inline_Only (Set_Time_Slicing_Enabled);

    -- Purpose:     SET_TIME_SLICING_ENABLED sets the kernel's
    --              TIME_SLICING_ENABLED configuration parameter.

    function Current_Exit_Disabled return Boolean;
    pragma Inline_Only (Current_Exit_Disabled);

    -- Purpose:     This function returns the current value for the kernel's
    --              global variable, __EXIT_DISABLED_FLAG.  When, TRUE, the
    --				application program is inhibited from exiting.

    procedure Set_Exit_Disabled (New_Value : in Boolean := True);
    pragma Inline_Only (Set_Exit_Disabled);

    -- Purpose:     SET_EXIT_DISABLED sets the kernel's global variable,
    --				__EXIT_DISABLED_FLAG.  This flag is initialized
    --				to FALSE, which allows the application program to exit
    --				when there are no tasks on either the run or delay queue.
    --				This service is called, with new_value := TRUE, to
    --			    inhibit the program from exiting. Normally called
    --				if the application program has attached ISRs. The program
    --				may be allowed to exit with a subsequent call, where,
    --				new_value := FALSE.

    function Start_Program
                (Link_Block_Address : in System.Address;
                 Key : in System.Address := System.Memory_Address (1);
                 Terminate_Callout : in System.Address := System.No_Addr)
                return System.Program_Id;
    pragma Inline_Only (Start_Program);

    -- Purpose:     This service starts up another separately linked program
    --              identified by its link block. It assumes the program was
    --              previously loaded.  It returns the program id of the
    --              just started program.
    --              This service isn't supported for self_hosted versions of
    --              V_XTASKING.
    -- Where:
    --   link_block_address  is the address of the to be started program's
    --                       LINK_BLOCK.  Normally, this is the origin of the
    --                       program.
    --   key 				 is a user defined value stored in the new program's
    --						 control block. This key is passed to the
    --						 PROGRAM_SWITCH_EVENT callouts. The key may be
    --						 obtained by routines in the new program via
    --					     the GET_PROGRAM_KEY service. One use for the
    --						 key is to have it point to a list of program
    --						 arguments. The value for the main program's key is
    --						 0 (system.NO_ADDR)
    --   terminate_callout   is the address of the procedure to be called when
    --						 the program exits or is terminated. A value of
    --						 NO_ADDR indicates no callout. The callout
    --						 procedure is called as follows:
    --    				  		procedure terminate_callout_proc
    --								(program_name	: in program_id;
    --      				 		 key			: in address);
    -- 					     terminate_callout_proc must be compiled with
    --						 stack limit checking suppressed. The
    --						 PROGRAM_SWITCH_EVENT callout isn't called before
    --					 	 the terminate_callout_proc is called.
    -- 						 Note, if the program is terminated via
    --						 TERMINATE_PROGRAM and if the program has tasks
    --						 in rendezvous with tasks in other programs, then,
    --						 terminate_callout_proc may be called after
    --						 TERMINATE_PROGRAM returns.

    function Current_Program return System.Program_Id;
    pragma Inline_Only (Current_Program);

    -- Purpose:     This function returns the program id of the current
    --              program.

    function Get_Program (Task_Name : in System.Task_Id)
                         return System.Program_Id;
    pragma Inline_Only (Get_Program);

    -- Purpose:     This function returns the program id for the specified
    --              task.
    -- Where:
    --   task_name  indicates the id of the task to get program id for.

    procedure Terminate_Program
                 (Status : in Integer;
                  Program_Name : in System.Program_Id := Current_Program);
    pragma Inline_Only (Terminate_Program);

    -- Purpose:     This procedure terminates the specified program.
    --			    If the current program is terminated, then, the
    --              EXIT_EVENT callouts installed for the current program
    --              are called before the program is terminated. Otherwise,
    --				if another program is terminated, its EXIT_EVENT callouts
    --			    aren't called. After the current or another program is
    --				terminated, the TERMINATE_CALLOUT, passed to START_PROGRAM
    --				is called.
    --				When a program is terminated, all its tasks are aborted
    --				and all memory allocated by the program is freed.
    --				If the program being terminated has tasks in rendezvous
    --				with tasks in other programs, then, the completion
    --				of program termination is deferred until the rendezvous
    --				finishes. For this case, TERMINATE_PROGRAM will return
    --				before the termination has completed. However,
    --			    execution of the TERMINATE_CALLOUT procedure is deferred.
    --              For multiple programs on cross targets:
    --               - If called from an ISR, all programs are terminated.
    --                 However, only the EXIT_EVENT callouts associated with
    --                 the program containing the ISR are called. Also,
    --				   the TERMINATE_CALLOUT isn't called.
    -- Where:
    --   status		    is the program exit status
    --   program_name 	indicates the id of the program to terminate

    function Get_Program_Key
                (Program_Name : in System.Program_Id := Current_Program)
                return System.Address;
    pragma Inline_Only (Get_Program_Key);

    -- Purpose:     This function returns the user defined key for the
    --				specified program.
    -- Where:
    --   program_name  indicates the id of the program to get the key for

    procedure Install_Callout (Event : in Callout_Event_T;
                               Proc : in System.Address);
    pragma Inline_Only (Install_Callout);

    -- Purpose:     This service installs a procedure to be called at
    --              a program or task event. Callouts can be installed
    --				Callout procedures are called in the order they were
    --				installed.
    --				The callouts reside in the user program's space. The
    --				EXIT_EVENT and UNEXPECTED_EXIT_EVENT callouts are called
    --				in the context of the main program's task. The remaining
    --  			callouts are called directly from kernel logic (use the
    --				kernel's stack) and can only call kernel services that
    --				are re-entrant, the same services callable from ISR's.
    --				The service of most interest is CALENDAR.CLOCK which
    --				would be called for time stamping.
    --  			Before any non-PROGRAM_SWITCH_EVENT callout procedure is
    --  			invoked, the STACK_LIMIT in the user program is set to 0 to
    --  			negate any stack limit checking.  Therefore, the callout
    --  			procedures don't need to be compiled with stack limit
    --				checking suppressed. However, the STACK_LIMIT isn't
    --				zeroed before calling the PROGRAM_SWITCH_EVENT callout.
    --				It needs to be compiled with stack checking suppressed.
    --  			Except for the PROGRAM_SWITCH_EVENT, the callouts are only
    --  			installed and called for the program where they reside.
    --  			An overview of the different callout events follows:
    --    			EXIT_EVENT
    --				  Called when the program exits or terminates itself. Not
    --				  called when the program is terminated from another
    --				  program.  Still called when the UNEXPECTED_EXIT_EVENT
    --				  callout is called.
    --				  Called when the program is abandoned due to an unhandled
    --				  Ada exception.
    --				  Called before switching to a task that resides in a
    --				  program different from the current program. Called for
    --				  all program switches, not just switches to and from the
    --				  program containing the callout.
    --				  Called whenever a task is created in the program
    --				  containing the callout. Since the TASK_CREATE_EVENT
    --				  callout can be called after numerous tasks have already
    --				  been created, the INSTALL_CALLOUT service loops through
    --				  all existing tasks invoking the just installed
    --				  TASK_CREATE_EVENT callout.
    --				  Called before switching to a different task in the same
    --				  program. For a program switch, the TASK_SWITCH_EVENT
    --      		  callout is called with the task_name parameter set to
    --				  NULL_TASK_NAME.
    --				  Called whenever any task in the callout's program
    --				  completes or is aborted.
    -- Where:
    --   event          is the program or task event at which time the
    --					installed procedure is called.
    --   proc   		is the address of the procedure to be called. The
    --  				EXIT_EVENT or UNEXPECTED_EXIT_EVENT callout procedure
    --  				is called as follows:
    --	    				procedure exit_callout_proc
    --							(status	: in integer);	-- main subprogram
    --													-- return status
    --  				The PROGRAM_SWITCH_EVENT callout procedure is called
    --					as follows:
    --	    				procedure program_switch_callout_proc
    --	        				(new_program_name	: in program_id;
    --							 new_key			: in address);
    --					TASK_COMPLETE_EVENT callout procedure is called
    --					as follows:
    --	    				procedure task_callout_proc
    --	        				(task_name	: in task_id);
    -- Exceptions:
    --   STORAGE_ERROR is raised if not enough memory for the callout
    --   data structures

    function Allocate_Task_Storage (Size : in Natural) return Task_Storage_Id;
    pragma Inline_Only (Allocate_Task_Storage);

    -- Purpose:     This service allocates storage in the task control block.
    --              It returns the id to be used in subsequent
    --              GET_TASK_STORAGE service calls.
    --  			The task storage allocation is only applicable to tasks
    --				in the current program.
    -- Where:
    --   size       indicates the number of bytes to be allocated in the task
    --              control block.
    -- Exceptions:
    --   STORAGE_ERROR is raised if not enough memory in the task control
    --   block for the task storage.  The configuration parameter,
    --   TASK_STORAGE_SIZE, defines the size of the storage area set aside in
    --   the control block for each task.  Each allocation from this area is
    --   aligned on a 4 or 8 byte boundary (the alignment is CPU dependent).

    function Get_Task_Storage
                (Task_Name : in System.Task_Id; Storage_Id : in Task_Storage_Id)
                return System.Address;
    pragma Inline_Only (Get_Task_Storage);

    -- Purpose:     This service returns the starting address of the task
    --              storage area associated with the storage_id.
    -- Where:
    --   task_name  indicates the id of the task to get the address of
    --              the storage area for.
    --   storage_id contains the value returned by
    --  			a previous call to allocate_task_storage. Its only
    --  			applicable to tasks in the program where the
    --  			ALLOCATE_TASK_STORAGE service was called from.

    procedure Disable_Preemption;
    pragma Inline_Only (Disable_Preemption);

    -- Purpose:       To inhibit the current task from being preempted.
    --				  This service doesn't disable interrupts.
    --				  Calling a kernel service does an implicit

    procedure Enable_Preemption;
    pragma Inline_Only (Enable_Preemption);

    -- Purpose:       To allow the current task to be preempted.

    type Task_Storage_Id is new V_I_Callout.Task_Storage_Id;
    No_Task_Storage_Id : constant Task_Storage_Id := Task_Storage_Id (0);
end V_Xtasking;