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Length: 22641 (0x5871) Types: TextFile Names: »V«
└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3 └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« └─⟦9b46a407a⟧ └─⟦12c68c704⟧ └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« └─⟦458657fb6⟧ └─⟦220843204⟧ └─⟦this⟧
package Cmvc_Access_Control is -- Control over access to objects in views and subsystems, -- and control over the execution of Cmvc and related commands -- when they reference specific views or subsystems. -- -- "Access classes" define the kind of access that a group -- may have to the objects in a view or subsystem. -- -- "Execution rights" determine the Cmvc and related commands -- that a group may execute within a view or subsystem. -- Each execution right requires some mimimum access to all -- referenced views and subsystems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Access Classes -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ type Access_Class is (Reader, Client, Developer, Owner); -- The kind of access that groups may have to subsystems or views. -- The access class of a group determines the settings of the -- ACLs for the objects within the subsystem or view. -- A group may have only one kind of access at a given time. -- Higher access classes imply all the rights of lower access classes. procedure Add_Group (The_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; In_Class : Access_Class := Cmvc_Access_Control.Reader; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Add_Execution_Rights : Boolean := True; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Add the group to the list of groups that has access to the -- designated view or subsystem. If the group is already on -- the list then change the access to the designated value. -- The ACLs for objects in the view or subsystem are -- adjusted appropriately. If Add_Execution_Rights is set then -- the group is also granted all execution rights that are -- appropriate to the specified access class. Whether or not -- Add_Execution_Rights is set, all inappropriate execution rights -- are removed when the access class for a group is changed. -- There is a limit of 7 groups that may have access to a subsystem -- or view at any one time. procedure Remove_Group (The_Group : String := "<ALL>"; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Clear the access for the group from the specified view or subsystem. -- If the group is <ALL> then access is restricted for all groups -- with current access. All execution rights are also cleared. procedure Display (For_Group : String := "<ALL>"; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Execution_Rights : Boolean := False; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Display the current access control information for the specified -- group. The symbol <ALL> specifies that all groups with access -- are to be displayed. Execution rights are displayed if requested. function Has_Access (User_Or_Group : String := "<USER>"; In_Class : Access_Class := Cmvc_Access_Control.Reader; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Group_Only : Boolean := False; Response : String := "<WARN>") return Boolean; -- Determine if the user or group has the specified access to the -- view or subsystem. If a user is named then all groups which -- include the user are checked for the access. If a group is specified -- then the group is checked for the specified access. If Group_Only -- is specified then, group access is checked even if there exists -- a user with the same name. The special symbol <USER> denotes -- the current user. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Execution Rights -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ type Execution_Right is new Natural range 0 .. 127; -- Each command in Cmvc, Cmvc_Maintenance, or Cmvc_Hierarchy is -- composed of "primitive operations" that correspond to the part -- of the command that is applied to the different parameters. -- An execution right is the capability to execute a primitive -- operation on a view or a subsystem. There is an execution right -- for each primitive operation. When a command is executed -- the execution rights are checked for each primitive operation -- involved in the command. -- -- For example, when Cmvc.Accept_Changes is executed to move -- changes from one view to another, the execution right -- "Accept_Changes_Source" is checked on the source view and -- the execution right "Accept_Changes_Destination" is checked on -- the destination view. -- -- Below are listed the various execution rights. The name of -- each execution right is formed from the command it is primarily -- associated with, as the first part of the name, and the -- parameter (if more than one) as the second part of the name. -- All appropriate rights, depending on the context All_Rights : constant Execution_Right := 0; -- Cmvc operations for views. Check_Out : constant Execution_Right := 1; Check_In : constant Execution_Right := 2; Accept_Changes_Destination : constant Execution_Right := 3; Accept_Changes_Source : constant Execution_Right := 4; Abandon_Reservation : constant Execution_Right := 5; Revert : constant Execution_Right := 6; Modify_Notes : constant Execution_Right := 7; Make_Controlled : constant Execution_Right := 8; Make_Uncontrolled : constant Execution_Right := 9; Sever : constant Execution_Right := 10; Join_What : constant Execution_Right := 11; Join_To : constant Execution_Right := 12; Merge_Changes_Destination : constant Execution_Right := 13; Merge_Changes_Source : constant Execution_Right := 14; Release : constant Execution_Right := 15; Copy : constant Execution_Right := 16; Make_Path : constant Execution_Right := 17; Make_Subpath : constant Execution_Right := 18; Make_Spec_View : constant Execution_Right := 19; Import_From : constant Execution_Right := 20; Import_Into : constant Execution_Right := 21; Remove_Import : constant Execution_Right := 22; Replace_Model : constant Execution_Right := 23; Destroy_View : constant Execution_Right := 24; Make_Code_View : constant Execution_Right := 25; Query_View : constant Execution_Right := 26; -- Cmvc_Maintenance operations for views. Check_Consistency : constant Execution_Right := 27; -- Cmvc_Hierarchy operations for views Build_Activity_In : constant Execution_Right := 28; Build_Activity_From : constant Execution_Right := 29; Expand_Activity : constant Execution_Right := 30; -- Cmvc operations for subsystem. Initial : constant Execution_Right := 31; Destroy_Config : constant Execution_Right := 32; Destroy_Subsystem : constant Execution_Right := 33; Build : constant Execution_Right := 34; Query_Subsystem : constant Execution_Right := 35; Edit_Notes : constant Execution_Right := 36; -- Cmvc_Maintenance operations for subsystems. Expunge_Database : constant Execution_Right := 37; Subsystem_Check_Consistency : constant Execution_Right := 38; Update_Cdb : constant Execution_Right := 39; Make_Primary : constant Execution_Right := 40; Make_Secondary : constant Execution_Right := 41; Destroy_Cdb : constant Execution_Right := 42; -- Cmvc_Hierarchy operations for systems and subsystems Add_Child_Parent : constant Execution_Right := 43; Add_Child_Child : constant Execution_Right := 44; Remove_Child : constant Execution_Right := 45; procedure Add_Right (For_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; The_Right : Execution_Right := Cmvc_Access_Control.All_Rights; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Add the execution right for the group in the designated subsystem. -- An execution right can only be added if it is appropriate to -- the current access class for that group in the view or subsystem. -- If the right is All_Rights then all rights which appropriate to -- the group's access class are added. procedure Remove_Right (For_Group : String := "<ALL>"; The_Right : Execution_Right := Cmvc_Access_Control.All_Rights; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Remove the designated execution right. If <ALL> is specified -- for the group then the execution right is removed for all -- groups with current rights. function Has_Right (User_Or_Group : String := "<USER>"; The_Right : Execution_Right := Cmvc_Access_Control.All_Rights; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Group_Only : Boolean := False; Response : String := "<WARN>") return Boolean; -- Determine if the user or group has the specifed execution right. -- If The_Right is All_Rights or if Group_Only is set then the -- name is interpreted as a group name. Also, if The_Right is All_Rights -- then true is returned only if all rights appropriate to the current -- access class are set. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Miscellaneous Operations -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Check (View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Repair_Inconsistencies : Boolean := False; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Check that the current access classes for the view or subsystem -- are compatible with ACLs on the objects in the views and/or subsystems. -- If the ACLs on subobjects are not compatible with the access classes -- and the current user has owner access to the view or subsystem and -- Repair_Inconsistencies is set then the ACLs on the subobjects -- will be reset. -- -- Incompatible ACLs are either 1) ACL entries lacking access indicated -- by the access of the view or subsystem, or 2) ACL entries for groups -- without access to the view or subsystem. -- Repair_Inconsistencies will repair both types. If Repair_Inconsistencies -- is false then an error occurs if groups having access to the -- view or subsystem are not correctly represented on an ACL lists. -- A warning is issued if groups not having access to the view -- or subsystem are found to be on the ACL of a subobject. -- -- This procedure will also check that there are no entries for -- groups that have been deleted. If there is such an entry and -- Repair_Inconsistencies is false then an error occurs. If there -- is an entry for a delete group and Repair_Inconsistencies is true -- then the deleted entry will be removed from all ACL lists as -- specified. This is the only way in which obsolete entries can -- be deleted from access control state. function Is_Consistent (View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Response : String := "<WARN>") return Boolean; -- Perform same consistency check as procedure above, does not -- put out any warnings nor will it make any changes. Will also return -- false if access control information does not exist or if the -- current user does not have sufficient access to determine if -- the information is consistent. procedure Initialize (View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Initialize the access control information for a view or subsystem. -- All groups that have owner access in the ACL of the view or -- subsystem world are put into the owner access class. All groups -- that have read access in the ACL, but not owner access, are -- put into the reader access class. All appropriate execution rights -- are set. -- -- This operation is primarily useful for setting up access control -- in subsystems or views that were created by previous environment -- releases. It can also be applied to views or subsystems with -- access control information in which case the view or subsystem -- is reset to its just initialized state with only owners and -- readers having access. -- -- All commands in this package will fail (unless otherwise noted) -- if access control information is not initialized or if the current -- user does not have read access to the view or subsystem the -- command is being applied to. No_Access : exception; -- Raised by Get_Access and Get_Rights if the group has no access. function Get_Access (The_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Response : String := "<WARN>") return Access_Class; -- Return the access class of a group with access to the view or -- subsystem. If the group has no access then No_Access is raised. type Group_Index is range 0 .. 6; -- Index of a group that has access to a view or subsystem. Since, -- there can be at most 7 groups with access to a view or subsystem -- the groups are indexed from 0 to 6. function Group_Name (The_Index : Group_Index := 0; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Response : String := "<WARN>") return String; -- Get the name of the group at the specified index. If no group -- is at the index then returns "". Note that if index N is empty -- then index N+1 is also empty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Execution Right Tables -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- In many instances, especially in building additional tools, it will -- be useful to treat execution rights as a composite object. An -- "execution table" is a table of all execution rights. The execution -- rights for a particular group can set by providing a complete -- execution table. Constant execution tables, corresponding to -- rights appropriate for various access classes, are also provided. type Execution_Table is array (Execution_Right) of Boolean; -- Table of all possible execution rights. Nil_Rights : constant Execution_Table := (others => False); -- Setting execution rights to this prevents execution of any commands. procedure Set_Rights (For_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; The_Rights : Execution_Table := Cmvc_Access_Control.Nil_Rights; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Set all the execution rights for the specified group in the view -- or subsystem. Only rights appropriate to the groups access class -- are actually set. Warnings are produced for inappropriate rights. function Get_Rights (For_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Response : String := "<WARN>") return Execution_Table; -- Return the execution rights for a group. If the group does not -- have access to the view or subsystem then No_Access is raised. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Constant Execution Right Tables -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Below are constants describing the execution rights that appropriate -- to various access classes. -- Rights for a view that only require READER access to the view View_Reader_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Accept_Changes_Source => True, Join_To => True, Merge_Changes_Source => True, Query_View => True, Expand_Activity => True, others => False); -- Rights for a view that only require CLIENT access to the view View_Client_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table' (Import_From => True, Build_Activity_From => True, others => False) or View_Reader_Rights; -- Rights for a view that only require DEVELOPER access to the view View_Developer_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Check_Out => True, Check_In => True, Accept_Changes_Destination => True, Abandon_Reservation => True, Revert => True, Modify_Notes => True, Make_Controlled => True, Make_Uncontrolled => True, Sever => True, Join_What => True, Release => True, Make_Path => True, Make_Subpath => True, Make_Code_View => True, Copy => True, Make_Spec_View => True, Merge_Changes_Destination => True, Build_Activity_In => True, others => False) or View_Client_Rights; -- Rights for a view that require OWNER access to the view View_Owner_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Import_Into => True, Remove_Import => True, Replace_Model => True, Destroy_View => True, Check_Consistency => True, others => False) or View_Developer_Rights; -- Rights for a subsystem that only require READER access to the subsystem Subsystem_Reader_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Query_Subsystem => True, others => False); -- Rights for a subsystem that only require CLIENT access to the subsystem Subsystem_Client_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Add_Child_Child => True, others => False) or Subsystem_Reader_Rights; -- Rights for a subsystem that only require DEVELOPER access to the subsystem Subsystem_Developer_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Edit_Notes => True, Add_Child_Parent => True, Remove_Child => True, Update_Cdb => True, others => False) or Subsystem_Client_Rights; -- Rights for a subsystem that require OWNER access to the subsystem Subsystem_Owner_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Initial => True, Destroy_Config => True, Destroy_Subsystem => True, Build => True, Subsystem_Check_Consistency => True, Expunge_Database => True, Make_Primary => True, Make_Secondary => True, Destroy_Cdb => True, others => False) or Subsystem_Developer_Rights; -- Rights for a view that only require READER access -- to the enclosing subsystem Subsystem_Reader_View_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Import_From => True, Import_Into => True, Remove_Import => True, Replace_Model => True, Query_View => True, Build_Activity_In => True, Build_Activity_From => True, Expand_Activity => True, others => False); -- Rights for a view that only require CLIENT access -- to the enclosing subsystem Subsystem_Client_View_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Subsystem_Reader_View_Rights; -- Rights for a view that only require DEVELOPER access -- to the enclosing subsystem Subsystem_Developer_View_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Check_Out => True, Check_In => True, Accept_Changes_Source => True, Accept_Changes_Destination => True, Abandon_Reservation => True, Revert => True, Modify_Notes => True, Make_Controlled => True, Make_Uncontrolled => True, Sever => True, Join_What => True, Join_To => True, Merge_Changes_Destination => True, Merge_Changes_Source => True, others => False) or Subsystem_Client_View_Rights; -- Rights for a view that require OWNER access -- to the enclosing subsystem Subsystem_Owner_View_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Release => True, Copy => True, Make_Path => True, Make_Subpath => True, Make_Spec_View => True, Make_Code_View => True, Destroy_View => True, Check_Consistency => True, others => False) or Subsystem_Developer_View_Rights; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Subsystem (Cmvc); pragma Module_Name (4, 3727); pragma Bias_Key (12); end Cmvc_Access_Control;