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Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦5ce900152⟧ TextFile

    Length: 4188 (0x105c)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 


procedure Tcp_Ip_Boot (Use_Arp : Boolean := True;
                       Enable_Link_Level : Boolean := True;
                       Exos_Prefix : String := "!tools.networking.";
                       Host_Id_File : String := "!machine.tcp_ip_host_id";
                       Ether_Id_File : String := "!machine.ethernet_host_id";
                       Use_Checksums : Boolean := True;
                       Diagnostic : Boolean := False);

pragma Subsystem (Input_Output, Private_Part => Closed);
pragma Module_Name (4, 3533);

-- Download the Ethernet controller with TCP/IP networking software,
-- and start it.  The controller may be an Excelan EXOS-204 with
-- EXOS 8010 software, or a CMC ENP-100i with CMC TCP/IP software.

-- Software for the Excelan EXOS-204 controller is stored in files
-- named EXOS_PREFIX & "EXOS_p_x_y"; where p is the Excelan product
-- number, and x and y are the software version number.  For example,
-- the file "EXOS_8010_3_2" contains the 8010 software, version 3.2.
-- Software for the CMC ENP-100i controller is stored in files named
-- EXOS_PREFIX & "CMC_TCP_IP_x_y_z"; where x, y and z are the software
-- version number.  For example, the file "CMC_TCP_IP_2_6_1" contains
-- software version 2.6.1.

-- Tcp_Ip_Boot loads the most recent version of the software that is
-- present in the EXOS_PREFIX directory.  So, if both versions 3.2 and
-- 3.1 are present, 3.2 will be loaded.

-- HOST_ID_FILE is the name of a text file which begins with the
-- Internet address of this machine, in decimal dotted notation.  This
-- value is used to initialize the TCP/IP software, so that it will
-- respond to ARP queries and IP datagrams directed to this address.

-- The file named "TCP_IP_Subnet_Mask", if it exists in the same
-- directory as HOST_ID_FILE, begins with the subnet mask, in decimal
-- dotted notation.  Each non-zero bit of the IP subnet mask indicates
-- that the corresponding bit of this machine's IP address is part of
-- the network or subnetwork number.

-- ETHER_ID_FILE is the name of a text file which, if it exists,
-- begins with the Ethernet address of this machine, in decimal dotted
-- notation.  If this file does not exist or is illegible, the address
-- will be taken from PROM on the Ethernet controller.  Ordinarily
-- this file does not exist; the use of the PROM value is recommended.

-- The HOST_ID_FILE, TCP_IP_Subnet_Mask and/or ETHER_ID_FILE may
-- optionally contain a Machine.Id, written as a decimal number, after
-- the address (and some blank space).  If the Machine.Id is present,
-- but does not match Machine.Get_Id, the file contents will not be
-- used.  In the case of HOST_ID_FILE, Tcp_Ip_Boot fails, and the
-- controller is not started.  In the case of ETHER_ID_FILE, the
-- address in PROM on the controller will be used.

-- The HOST_ID_FILE, TCP_IP_Subnet_Mask and/or ETHER_ID_FILE may
-- optionally contain comments, at the end of a line, marked by --.

-- Decimal dotted notation means the form nn.nn.nn.nn; where each nn
-- is the (decimal) representation of one byte of the address.  The
-- most significant byte comes first.  For example, network number 89
-- is commonly used for private IP networks: such addresses will have
-- the form "89.nn.nn.nn" in decimal dotted notation.

-- USE_ARP determines whether the TCP/IP software will use ARP
-- (the Address Resolution Protocol) to find the Ethernet addresses
-- of other hosts it wants to talk to, and to advertise its own
-- Ethernet address to other hosts that want to connect to it.

-- ENABLE_LINK_LEVEL, if true, enables the use of Ethernet link level
-- I/O.  This form of I/O allows application programs to transmit
-- arbitrary frames on the Ethernet, and to receive frames that do
-- not contain TCP/IP data.

-- USE_CHECKSUMS, if true, enables the calculation and checking
-- of IP header checksums and TCP checksums.

-- DIAGNOSTIC, if true, causes the procedure to do a dry run; that is,
-- scan the code file, calculate memory allocation and initial data
-- settings, and print out information about the results, all without
-- actually affecting the Ethernet controller.  This is intended for
-- debugging Tcp_Ip_Boot.