DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 3651 (0xe43) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16 └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Instance, Slot, Text_Io, Slot, Tuple, Robot_Features, Brick_Features, Robot, Brick; package body Robots_Bricks_Actions is use Robot_Features, Brick_Features, Slot.Operators; Current_Number : Integer := 1; Old_Number : Integer := 1; function Last_Box return Integer is begin Current_Number := Current_Number + 1; return Current_Number - 1; end Last_Box; function Next_Old return Integer is begin Old_Number := Old_Number + 1; return Old_Number; end Next_Old; ------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Pack_It_Action (The_Tuple : Tuple.Object) is A_Brick : Brick.Object; A_Robot : Robot.Object; Chaine : String (1 .. 15); begin Tuple.Split (The_Tuple, A_Brick, A_Robot); Brick.Change (The_Object => A_Brick, Attribute => Place, To => In_The_Nippers); Robot.Change (The_Object => A_Robot, Attribute => Is_Busy, To => Slot.Value (True)); Text_Io.Put_Line ("=>Rule PACK_IT :"); Text_Io.Put_Line (" the robot (" & Slot.Image (Robot.Value_Of (A_Robot, Name)) & ")takes the greater Brick (size= " & Slot.Image (Brick.Value_Of (A_Brick, Size)) & ") in his nippers"); end Pack_It_Action; ------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Take_Test_Action (The_Tuple : Tuple.Object) is A_Robot : Robot.Object; A_Brick : Brick.Object; begin Tuple.Split (The_Tuple, A_Brick, A_Robot); Robot.Change (The_Object => A_Robot, Attribute => The_Task, To => State_Slot_Tasks.Value (Put)); Robot.Change (The_Object => A_Robot, Attribute => Old, To => Slot.Value (Next_Old)); Text_Io.Put_Line ("=>Rule get_test_action : the robot (" & Slot.Image (Robot.Value_Of (A_Robot, Name)) & ")is going to put the Brick "); end Take_Test_Action; ------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Put_To_Case_Test_Action (The_Tuple : Tuple.Object) is A_Robot : Robot.Object; A_Brick : Brick.Object; begin Tuple.Split (The_Tuple, A_Brick, A_Robot); Brick.Change (The_Object => A_Brick, Attribute => Place, To => In_The_Box); Robot.Change (The_Object => A_Robot, Attribute => The_Task, To => State_Slot_Tasks.Value (Take)); Robot.Change (The_Object => A_Robot, Attribute => Box, To => Slot.Value (Last_Box)); Brick.Change (The_Object => A_Brick, Attribute => Boite, To => Robot.Value_Of (A_Robot, Box)); Text_Io.Put_Line ("=>Rule to_case_teste__action :"); Text_Io.Put_Line ("the robot (" & Slot.Image (Robot.Value_Of (A_Robot, Name)) & ")puts the Brick in case " & Slot.Image (Robot.Value_Of (A_Robot, Box))); Robot.Change (The_Object => A_Robot, Attribute => Is_Busy, To => Slot.Value (False)); end Put_To_Case_Test_Action; end Robots_Bricks_Actions;