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Length: 13654 (0x3556) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Boolean_Class; with Bounded_String; with Msg_Report; with Object; with Pen_Class; with Scanner; with Turtle_Class; package body Symbol_Table is Global_Symbols_Name : constant String := "Global_Symbols"; Void_Name : constant String := "Void"; Default_Name : constant String := "No_Name_"; subtype Symbol_Table_Reference is The_Symbol_Table.Map; Symbol_Table_Id : Symbol_Table_Reference; Current_Block_Name : Scanner.B_String; Current_Block_Number : Natural; -- initialiser la table des symboles -- ================================= procedure Create is Value : Table_Reference; Ident : Scanner.B_String; begin The_Symbol_Table.Initialize (Symbol_Table_Id); -- inserer le bloc contenant les symboles globaux Bounded_String.Copy (Current_Block_Name, Global_Symbols_Name); Bounded_String.Copy (Value.Father_Name, Void_Name); Block_Table.Initialize (Value.Block_Access); The_Symbol_Table.Define (Symbol_Table_Id, Bounded_String.Image (Current_Block_Name), Value); -- inserer les identificateurs predefinis: Tortue, Stylo, Vrai, Faux, Vide Bounded_String.Copy (Ident, Turtle_Class.Predefined_Turtle); Insert (Ident, Turtle_Class.Create); Bounded_String.Copy (Ident, Pen_Class.Predefined_Pen); Insert (Ident, Pen_Class.Create); Bounded_String.Copy (Ident, Boolean_Class.Predefined_True); Insert (Ident, Boolean_Class.Create (True)); Bounded_String.Copy (Ident, Boolean_Class.Predefined_False); Insert (Ident, Boolean_Class.Create (False)); Bounded_String.Copy (Ident, Object.Predefined_Void); Insert (Ident, Object.Void_Reference); -- initialiser le nombre de blocs "sans nom" existants Current_Block_Number := 0; end Create; -- entrer dans un bloc nomme de la table des symboles -- ================================================== procedure Enter (Block_Name : in Scanner.B_String) is Value : Table_Reference; Found : Boolean; begin -- recherche du bloc dans la table des symboles The_Symbol_Table.Find (Symbol_Table_Id, Bounded_String.Image (Block_Name), Value, Found); if (not Found) then -- inserer un nouveau bloc dans la table des symboles Bounded_String.Copy (Value.Father_Name, Current_Block_Name); Block_Table.Initialize (Value.Block_Access); The_Symbol_Table.Define (Symbol_Table_Id, Bounded_String.Image (Block_Name), Value); end if; -- mise a jour du nom du nouveau bloc courant Bounded_String.Copy (Current_Block_Name, Block_Name); Msg_Report.Information ("Current block: " & Bounded_String.Image (Current_Block_Name)); end Enter; -- entrer dans un bloc "sans nom" de la table des symboles -- ======================================================= procedure New_Enter (Block_Name : in out Scanner.B_String) is Value : Table_Reference; Block_Number : Scanner.B_String; begin -- incrementer le nombre de blocs "sans nom" existants Current_Block_Number := Current_Block_Number + 1; -- conversion numero de bloc entier -> chaine Bounded_String.Copy (Block_Number, Positive'Image (Current_Block_Number)); Bounded_String.Delete (Block_Number, 1); -- donner au bloc un nom par defaut Bounded_String.Copy (Block_Name, Default_Name); Bounded_String.Append (Block_Name, Block_Number); -- inserer le nouveau bloc "sans nom" dans la table des symboles Bounded_String.Copy (Value.Father_Name, Current_Block_Name); Block_Table.Initialize (Value.Block_Access); The_Symbol_Table.Define (Symbol_Table_Id, Bounded_String.Image (Block_Name), Value); -- mise a jour du nom du nouveau bloc courant Bounded_String.Copy (Current_Block_Name, Block_Name); Msg_Report.Information ("Current block: " & Bounded_String.Image (Current_Block_Name)); end New_Enter; -- quitter le bloc courant de la table des symboles -- ================================================ procedure Leave is Value : Table_Reference; begin -- recherche du bloc courant Value := The_Symbol_Table.Eval (Symbol_Table_Id, Bounded_String.Image (Current_Block_Name)); if Bounded_String.Image (Value.Father_Name) /= Void_Name then -- mise a jour du nom du nouveau bloc courant Bounded_String.Copy (Current_Block_Name, Value.Father_Name); end if; Msg_Report.Information ("Current block: " & Bounded_String.Image (Current_Block_Name)); end Leave; -- retourne le bloc courant -- ======================== function Current_Block return Scanner.B_String is begin return Current_Block_Name; end Current_Block; -- inserer un element dans le bloc courant -- ======================================= procedure Insert (Identifier : Scanner.B_String; Content : Object.Reference) is Value : Table_Reference; begin -- rechercher le bloc courant Value := The_Symbol_Table.Eval (Symbol_Table_Id, Bounded_String.Image (Current_Block_Name)); -- inserer l'element Block_Table.Define (Value.Block_Access, Bounded_String.Image (Identifier), Content); end Insert; -- rechercher si un identificateur existe dans le bloc courant -- =========================================================== function Is_Found_In_Block (Identifier : Scanner.B_String) return Boolean is Value : Table_Reference; Content : Object.Reference; Success : Boolean; begin -- rechercher le bloc courant Value := The_Symbol_Table.Eval (Symbol_Table_Id, Bounded_String.Image (Current_Block_Name)); -- rechercher l'identificateur Block_Table.Find (Value.Block_Access, Bounded_String.Image (Identifier), Content, Success); return Success; end Is_Found_In_Block; -- detruire un identificateur dans le bloc courant -- =============================================== procedure Remove (Identifier : Scanner.B_String) is Value : Table_Reference; begin -- rechercher le bloc courant Value := The_Symbol_Table.Eval (Symbol_Table_Id, Bounded_String.Image (Current_Block_Name)); -- retrait de l'identificateur Block_Table.Undefine (Value.Block_Access, Bounded_String.Image (Identifier)); end Remove; -- recherche ascendante d'un identificateur dans la table -- ====================================================== procedure Search (Identifier : Scanner.B_String; Search_Block : Table_Reference; Success_Block : out Table_Reference; Success : out Boolean) is Father_Block : Table_Reference; Cont : Object.Reference; Found : Boolean; begin -- recherche de l'identificateur dans le bloc courant Block_Table.Find (Search_Block.Block_Access, Bounded_String.Image (Identifier), Cont, Found); if Found then -- identificateur trouve Success_Block := Search_Block; Success := True; else if Bounded_String.Image (Search_Block.Father_Name) = Void_Name then -- fin de recherche, identificateur non trouve Success := False; else -- recherche de l'identificateur dans le bloc pere Father_Block := The_Symbol_Table.Eval (Symbol_Table_Id, Bounded_String.Image (Search_Block.Father_Name)); Search (Identifier, Father_Block, Success_Block, Success); end if; end if; end Search; -- rechercher si un identificateur existe dans la table des symboles -- ================================================================= function Is_Found (Identifier : Scanner.B_String) return Boolean is Current_Block, Found_Block : Table_Reference; Success : Boolean; begin -- recherche du bloc courant Current_Block := The_Symbol_Table.Eval (Symbol_Table_Id, Bounded_String.Image (Current_Block_Name)); -- recherche de l'identificateur dans le bloc courant ou dans un bloc pere Search (Identifier, Current_Block, Found_Block, Success); return Success; end Is_Found; -- mise a jour du contenu de l'identificateur dans la table des symboles -- ===================================================================== procedure Set_Info (Identifier : Scanner.B_String; Content : Object.Reference) is Current_Block, Found_Block : Table_Reference; Found : Boolean; begin -- recherche du bloc courant Current_Block := The_Symbol_Table.Eval (Symbol_Table_Id, Bounded_String.Image (Current_Block_Name)); -- recherche de l'identificateur dans le bloc courant ou dans un bloc pere Search (Identifier, Current_Block, Found_Block, Found); if Found then -- mise a jour du contenu Block_Table.Define (Found_Block.Block_Access, Bounded_String.Image (Identifier), Content); end if; end Set_Info; -- lecture du contenu de l'identificateur dans la table des symboles -- ================================================================= function Get_Info (Identifier : Scanner.B_String) return Object.Reference is Current_Block, Found_Block : Table_Reference; Found : Boolean; begin -- recherche du bloc courant Current_Block := The_Symbol_Table.Eval (Symbol_Table_Id, Bounded_String.Image (Current_Block_Name)); -- recherche de l'identificateur dans le bloc courant ou dans un bloc pere Search (Identifier, Current_Block, Found_Block, Found); if Found then return Block_Table.Eval (Found_Block.Block_Access, Bounded_String.Image (Identifier)); end if; end Get_Info; -- affichage du contenu de la table des symboles -- ============================================= procedure Image_Table is Iter : The_Symbol_Table.Iterator; Block_Name : Scanner.B_String; Value : Table_Reference; begin -- initialiser l'iterateur The_Symbol_Table.Init (Iter, Symbol_Table_Id); while not The_Symbol_Table.Done (Iter) loop Bounded_String.Copy (Block_Name, Bounded_String.Value (The_Symbol_Table.Value (Iter))); -- lire le contenu Value := The_Symbol_Table.Eval (Symbol_Table_Id, Bounded_String.Image (Block_Name)); Msg_Report.Information ("Symbol Table contents"); Msg_Report.Continue ("Block name: " & Bounded_String.Image (Block_Name) & ", Father name: " & Bounded_String.Image (Value.Father_Name)); -- afficher le contenu du bloc Image_Block (Block_Name); The_Symbol_Table.Next (Iter); end loop; end Image_Table; -- affichage du contenu du bloc courant -- ==================================== procedure Image_Block (Block_Name : Scanner.B_String) is Iter : Block_Table.Iterator; Name : Scanner.B_String; Value : Table_Reference; Content : Object.Reference; begin -- rechercher le bloc courant Value := The_Symbol_Table.Eval (Symbol_Table_Id, Bounded_String.Image (Block_Name)); -- initialiser l'iterateur Block_Table.Init (Iter, Value.Block_Access); Msg_Report.Information ("Block Table contents"); while not Block_Table.Done (Iter) loop Bounded_String.Copy (Name, Bounded_String.Value (Block_Table.Value (Iter))); -- lire le contenu Content := Block_Table.Eval (Value.Block_Access, Bounded_String.Image (Name)); Msg_Report.Continue ("Identifier: " & Bounded_String.Image (Name) & ", Class: " & Object.Class'Image (Object.The_Class (Content)) & ", Value: " & Integer'Image (Object.Identificator (Content))); Block_Table.Next (Iter); end loop; end Image_Block; end Symbol_Table;