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Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦610e422da⟧ TextFile

    Length: 104470 (0x19816)
    Types: TextFile


└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 


%%Creator: COMPOSE 10.7.12
%%CreationDate: May 20, 1992 at 1:25:18 PM
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792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
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389.560 MX
(Release D_12_6_5) show
72 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(D_12_5_0 changed the software that is automatically executed by the Environment during the) show
72 85 moveto
(boot process. These changes apply to D_12_5_0 and all subsequent releases \050including) show
72 98 moveto
(D_12_6_5\051. In particular, the software was reorganized to make it easier to:) show
72 122 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Install layered products) show
72 140 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Distinguish Rational-specific, site-specific, and machine-specific customizations) show
72 158 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Configure a network of printers for large sites) show
72 182 moveto
(The following subsections describe the D_12_5_0 mechanisms for initializing an R1000. Change) show
72 195 moveto
(bars indicate sections that have been added to this document since D_12_5_0; the initialization) show
72 208 moveto
(mechanisms themselves have not changed. You can read this document online by traversing to) show
72 221 moveto
(!Machine.Initialization.Guide_To_Machine_Initialization or by executing ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(What.Does) show
72 233 moveto
(\050"!Machine.Initialization"\051) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(. ) show
gsave 576 169 moveto
576 233 lineto stroke grestore
72 257 moveto
(See also the \252Installation Procedure\272 for specific steps to convert any existing initialization) show
72 270 moveto
(software to the D_12_5_0 mechanisms.) show
72 310 moveto
15 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(1.  Overview) show
72 334 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Each time an R1000 is booted, software is executed that initializes layered products, sets various) show
72 347 moveto
(system parameters \050for example, disk-collection thresholds and snapshot intervals\051, starts) show
72 360 moveto
(servers, enables terminals, and so on.) show
72 384 moveto
(In Environment releases prior to D_12_5_0, the boot process automatically executed) show
72 397 moveto
(!Machine.Initialize, which in turn executed a family of procedures \050with names of the form) show
72 410 moveto
(!Machine.Initialize_@\051.) show
72 434 moveto
(In D_12_5_0 and subsequent releases, !Machine.Initialize is no longer used. Instead, all) show
72 447 moveto
(system-initialization software resides in the world !Machine.Initialization, which is structured) show
72 460 moveto
(as shown:) show
96 484 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(!Machine.Initialization : Library \050World\051;) show
96 496 moveto
(  Local    : Library \050World\051;) show
96 508 moveto
(  Rational : Library \050World\051;) show
96 520 moveto
(  Site     : Library \050World\051;) show
96 532 moveto
(  Start    : Ada \050Load_Proc\051;) show
72 556 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(The D_12_5_0 \050or later\051 boot process automatically executes the Start procedure, which in turn) show
72 569 moveto
(executes all the procedures that reside in \050or are referenced in\051 the Local, Rational, and Site) show
72 582 moveto
(worlds:) show
72 606 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The world Rational contains or references software that initializes Rational products and) show
96 619 moveto
(provides standard settings for many system parameters. Users should not modify the) show
96 632 moveto
(objects in this world.) show
72 650 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The worlds Site and Local provide a place for system managers to put objects that) show
96 663 moveto
(customize the initialization process. Such objects can be used to override various standard) show
96 676 moveto
(system parameter settings, to initialize customer-written applications, and to specify) show
96 689 moveto
(terminal and printer configurations:) show
96 707 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(The world Site is intended for customer-written objects that are common to two or) show
120 720 moveto
(more machines at a given site.) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(     May 1992) show
348.558 MX
(1) show
%%Page: 2 2
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Guide to Machine Initialization) show
96 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(The world Local is intended for customer-written objects that apply only to the) show
120 85 moveto
(current R1000.) show
72 109 moveto
(The following subsections give more detail about these worlds.) show
72 147 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(1.1.  World !Machine.Initialization.Rational) show
72 171 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(The Rational world contains objects supplied by Rational that perform basic initialization) show
72 184 moveto
(services for the current R1000. These objects include:) show
72 208 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Loaded main procedures that are executed by !Machine.Initialization.Start whenever the) show
96 221 moveto
(system is booted.) show
72 239 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(\252_Start\272 files that reference procedures located elsewhere in the Environment. These are) show
96 252 moveto
(text files whose names end with ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(_Start) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(; the procedures they reference are executed by) show
96 265 moveto
(!Machine.Initialization.Start.) show
72 289 moveto
(On a typical system, this world contains objects such as the following:) show
96 313 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(!Machine.Initialization.Rational : Library \050World\051;) show
96 325 moveto
(  Clean_Machine_Temporary   : C Load_Proc;) show
96 337 moveto
(  Cross_Compilers           : C Load_Proc;) show
96 349 moveto
(  Design_Facilities         : C Load_Proc;) show
96 361 moveto
(  Dtia                      : C Load_Proc;) show
96 373 moveto
(  Finish_Install            : C Load_Proc;) show
96 385 moveto
(  Log_Previous_Outage_Start :   Text;) show
96 397 moveto
(  Mail_Start                :   Text;) show
96 409 moveto
(  Network                   : C Load_Proc;) show
96 421 moveto
(  Parameters                : C Load_Proc;) show
96 433 moveto
(  Printers                  : C Load_Proc;) show
96 445 moveto
(  Servers                   : C Load_Proc;) show
96 457 moveto
(  Teamwork_Interface        : C Load_Proc;) show
96 469 moveto
(  Terminals                 : C Load_Proc;) show
72 493 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(The procedures that are supplied or referenced in this world:) show
72 517 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Perform cleanup and compaction) show
72 535 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Initialize the installed Rational products, such as CDFs, RDF, Rational Networking, and so) show
96 548 moveto
(on) show
72 566 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Initialize servers, including the archive and FTP servers) show
72 584 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Set standard values for various system parameters, such as the medium-term scheduler,) show
96 597 moveto
(snapshot intervals and warnings, disk-collection thresholds, and so on) show
72 615 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Initialize terminals and printers according to user-specified requirements \050given in files in) show
96 628 moveto
(the Site and Local worlds\051) show
72 652 moveto
(For more specific information, you can browse the comments in each object in this world.) show
72 690 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(1.2.  Worlds !Machine.Initialization.[Site,Local]) show
72 714 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(The Site and Local worlds are where system managers can create objects to control sitewide or) show
72 727 moveto
(machine-specific initialization and configuration. These objects may include:) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(2) show
348.308 MX
(May 1992    ) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( RATIONAL) show
%%Page: 3 3
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
389.560 MX
(Release D_12_6_5) show
72 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Ada procedures that supplement or override the basic initialization services performed by) show
96 85 moveto
(objects in the Rational world. All procedures in the Site and Local worlds are executed by) show
96 98 moveto
(!Machine.Initialization.Start each time the system is booted.) show
72 116 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(\252_Start\272 files that reference procedures located elsewhere in the Environment. These are) show
96 129 moveto
(text files whose names end with ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(_Start) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(; the procedures they reference are executed by) show
96 142 moveto
(!Machine.Initialization.Start. Using a \252_Start file\272 is equivalent to calling Program.Run or) show
96 155 moveto
(Program.Run_Job to execute the referenced procedure. \050See section 3.2.\051) show
72 173 moveto
(\267) show
11 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
17.334 MX
(Configuration files) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( that tell the Environment how to enable and configure ports for login and) show
96 186 moveto
(ports for printing. These are text files that are read by two of the procedures executed by) show
96 199 moveto
(!Machine.Initialization.Start. A default file for enabling login ports is created in the Local) show
96 212 moveto
(world during installation. \050See sections 4 and 5.\051) show
72 230 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Text files that tell the Environment how to initialize layered products such as the) show
96 243 moveto
(Cross-Development Facility or the Rational Design Facility. \050See the comments in the) show
96 256 moveto
(specifications of the Cross_Compilers and Design_Facilities procedures in world) show
96 269 moveto
(!Machine.Initialization.Rational.\051) show
72 293 moveto
(At most sites, system managers will use the Site and/or Local worlds as a place for procedures) show
72 306 moveto
(\050or \252_Start\272 files\051 that:) show
72 330 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Set password policy) show
72 348 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Set login limits) show
72 366 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Start server programs for site-specific networking, databases, and applications \050for) show
96 379 moveto
(example, a login monitor or network security server\051) show
72 403 moveto
(At some sites, system managers may need to use these worlds for procedures that:) show
72 427 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Provide nonstandard daemon settings\320for example:) show
96 445 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(The time at which daily and weekly clients run. \050The standard times are 3:00 a.m. for) show
120 458 moveto
(daily clients and 2:30 a.m. for weekly clients.\051) show
96 476 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(How often snapshots are taken. \050The standard snapshot interval is every 30 minutes.\051) show
96 494 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(Whether \050and when\051 to send a snapshot warning, snapshot start messages, and) show
120 507 moveto
(snapshot finish messages. \050The standard is to send a warning 20 seconds before the) show
120 520 moveto
(next snapshot and to notify users only when the snapshot has finished.\051) show
96 538 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(The interval for daemon warnings. \050The standard is to send a warning 2 minutes) show
120 551 moveto
(before the daily clients begin.\051) show
96 569 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(Whether to send disk-collection threshold warnings. \050The standard is to warn users) show
120 582 moveto
(when collection thresholds have been passed.\051) show
96 600 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(What kinds of system log messages appear on the operator console. \050The standard is) show
120 613 moveto
(to route only warning, problem, and fatal messages to the operator console.\051) show
96 631 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(Whether clients should perform access-list compaction. \050The standard is for all) show
120 644 moveto
(relevant clients to perform access-list compaction.\051) show
72 662 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Provide customized disk-collection thresholds \050see also section 3.4\051. Note, however, that) show
96 675 moveto
(values set by the procedure in world Rational are calculated based on your disk) show
96 688 moveto
(configuration and should be sufficient; see your Rational technical representative if you) show
96 701 moveto
(want to use different thresholds.) show
72 719 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Provide nonstandard medium-term scheduler settings. \050Use the Scheduler.Display) show
96 732 moveto
(command to see the standard settings.\051 Note, however, that values set by the procedure in) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(     May 1992) show
348.558 MX
(3) show
%%Page: 4 4
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Guide to Machine Initialization) show
96 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(world Rational should be sufficient; see your Rational technical representative if you want) show
96 85 moveto
(to use different settings.) show
72 125 moveto
15 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(2.  Setting Up the Site and Local Worlds) show
72 149 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(If you have a new R1000, you can use the following guidelines to set up your Site and Local) show
72 162 moveto
(worlds:) show
72 186 moveto
(1.) show
15.750 MX
(Decide whether you need to provide any system customizations such as those listed in) show
96 199 moveto
(section 1.2. Create the appropriate procedures and/or \252_Start\272 files, using the hints given) show
96 212 moveto
(in section 3.) show
72 230 moveto
(2.) show
15.750 MX
(Inspect the default Terminal_Configuration file that was created in the Local world during) show
96 243 moveto
(installation. This file enables ports 235 through 249 for login. Edit this file if you want to) show
96 256 moveto
(enable a different set of ports and/or specify further connection or communication) show
96 269 moveto
(information; see section 4.) show
72 287 moveto
(3.) show
15.750 MX
(Decide whether to implement a printer-configuration mechanism to enable users to use) show
96 300 moveto
(!Commands.Abbreviations.Print and to facilitate the use of networked printers. Create the) show
96 313 moveto
(appropriate files; see section 5.) show
72 331 moveto
(4.) show
15.750 MX
(If you have layered products such as the CDF or RDF, inspect the comments in the) show
96 344 moveto
(specifications of the Cross_Compilers and Design_Facilities procedures in world) show
96 357 moveto
(!Machine.Initialization.Rational. Create any files required for initializing these products) show
96 370 moveto
(\050for example, a text file that registers an RDF customization\051.) show
72 394 moveto
(If you are upgrading from a release prior to D_12_5_0, the Local world will already contain) show
72 407 moveto
(several objects that contain customizations:) show
72 431 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(A Terminal_Configuration file is created automatically in the Local world, enabling the) show
96 444 moveto
(same set of ports that were enabled at the time of installation. This file also preserves any) show
96 457 moveto
(nondefault communication characteristics that were in effect for RS232 ports.) show
72 475 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The !Machine.Initialize_Site procedure is automatically moved into the Local world, as) show
96 488 moveto
(described in the \252Installation Procedure.\272) show
72 512 moveto
(After your R1000 has been upgraded to D_12_5_0 or a more recent release, you can use the) show
72 525 moveto
(following guidelines to set up your Site and Local worlds:) show
72 549 moveto
(1.) show
15.750 MX
(Inspect the Initialize_Site procedure that has been copied into the Local world during) show
96 562 moveto
(installation. Edit this procedure to preserve any system customizations that are still) show
96 575 moveto
(appropriate. You may want to split this procedure into separate procedures and move) show
96 588 moveto
(appropriate procedures into the Site world. See the \252Installation Procedure\272 for specific) show
96 601 moveto
(recommendations for handling this procedure. See also section 3 for information about) show
96 614 moveto
(initialization procedures and \252_Start\272 files.) show
72 632 moveto
(2.) show
15.750 MX
(Inspect the default Terminal_Configuration file that was created in the Local world during) show
96 645 moveto
(installation. Edit this file if you want to enable a different set of ports and/or specify) show
96 658 moveto
(further connection or communication information; see section 4.) show
72 676 moveto
(3.) show
15.750 MX
(Decide whether to implement a printer-configuration mechanism to enable users to use) show
96 689 moveto
(!Commands.Abbreviations.Print and to facilitate the use of networked printers. Create the) show
96 702 moveto
(appropriate files; see section 5.) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(4) show
348.308 MX
(May 1992    ) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( RATIONAL) show
%%Page: 5 5
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
389.560 MX
(Release D_12_6_5) show
72 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(4.) show
15.750 MX
(If you have layered products such as the CDF or RDF, inspect the comments in the) show
96 85 moveto
(specifications of the Cross_Compilers and Design_Facilities procedures in world) show
96 98 moveto
(!Machine.Initialization.Rational. Create any files required for initializing these products) show
96 111 moveto
(\050for example, a text file that registers an RDF customization\051.) show
72 151 moveto
15 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(3.  Hints for Implementing System Customizations) show
72 175 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(This section provides information about:) show
72 199 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Writing customized initialization procedures in the Site and Local worlds; see section 3.1.) show
72 217 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Writing \252_Start\272 files that reference procedures that reside in other Environment libraries;) show
96 230 moveto
(see section 3.2.) show
72 248 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Controlling the order in which the customized initialization procedures and the \252_Start\272) show
96 261 moveto
(files are processed by the Start procedure; see section 3.3.) show
72 279 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Customizing disk-collection thresholds; see section 3.4.) show
72 317 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(3.1.  Writing Customized Initialization Procedures) show
72 341 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(You can write procedures in the Site or Local worlds to implement system customizations such) show
72 354 moveto
(as password policies, system daemon settings, and so on. All procedures that appear in these) show
72 367 moveto
(worlds are executed by the Start procedure each time the R1000 boots.) show
72 391 moveto
(Customized initialization procedures can contain calls to procedures in various standard) show
72 404 moveto
(Environment packages. Some useful packages include:) show
72 428 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Package Daemon, which contains procedures that schedule clients and warnings) show
72 446 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Package Operator, which contains procedures that set password policy and login limits) show
72 464 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Package Scheduler, which contains procedures that control the medium-term scheduler) show
72 482 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Package Program, which contains procedures that execute other programs) show
72 506 moveto
(Note that:) show
72 530 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(You do not have to provide initialization procedures for configuring login ports and) show
96 543 moveto
(printer ports; it is recommended that you use configuration files instead \050see sections 4 and) show
96 556 moveto
(5\051.) show
72 574 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(You do not have to write an initialization procedure \252from scratch\272 for customizing) show
96 587 moveto
(disk-collection thresholds; if you must customize these thresholds, it is recommended that) show
96 600 moveto
(you edit the sample initialization procedure provided in the Local world \050see section 3.4\051.) show
72 624 moveto
(When writing customized initialization procedures:) show
72 648 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(You can create separate procedures or put all calls in a single procedure. Separate) show
96 661 moveto
(procedures take longer to execute but make it easier to see what operations are being) show
96 674 moveto
(performed.) show
72 692 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(You must not duplicate procedure names across the Rational, Site, and Local worlds.) show
72 710 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(You can specify the relative execution order of procedures using annotations \050see section) show
96 723 moveto
(3.3\051.) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(     May 1992) show
348.558 MX
(5) show
%%Page: 6 6
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Guide to Machine Initialization) show
72 74 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(3.2.  Using \252_Start\272 Files to Reference Initialization Procedures) show
72 98 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(As an alternative to writing procedures directly in the Site and Local worlds, you can create) show
72 111 moveto
(\252_Start\272 files in one or both worlds to reference customized initialization procedures that reside) show
72 124 moveto
(elsewhere in the Environment. \252_Start\272 files are processed by the Start procedure each time the) show
72 137 moveto
(R1000 boots, and the procedures they reference are executed.) show
72 161 moveto
(When writing \252_Start\272 files:) show
72 185 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(You must choose filenames that use the ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(_Start) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( suffix.) show
72 203 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(You must not duplicate filenames across the Rational, Site, and Local worlds.) show
72 221 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(You must use annotations to reference the procedure to be executed, as illustrated below.) show
72 239 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(You may use annotations to control the order in which the Start procedure executes the) show
96 252 moveto
(referenced procedures \050see section 3.3\051.) show
72 276 moveto
11 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(Referencing a procedure in a world or directory:) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( A \252_Start\272 file with the following contents) show
72 289 moveto
(illustrates the basic set of annotations required to reference a procedure that resides in an) show
72 302 moveto
(Environment world or directory:) show
96 326 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Procedure_Name Initialize_Routine) show
96 338 moveto
(--|Procedure_Context !Commands.Example) show
96 350 moveto
(--|Parameters Notify => "manager",) show
96 362 moveto
(--|Parameters Effort_Only => False) show
72 386 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Procedure_Name) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( annotation specifies the name of the referenced procedure. If the) show
96 399 moveto
(procedure resides directly in a library, you supply the procedure's simple name; if it) show
96 412 moveto
(resides in a package, supply the name in the form ) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(Package_Name.Procedure_Name) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(.) show
72 430 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Procedure_Context) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( annotation specifies the Environment world or directory that) show
96 443 moveto
(contains the referenced procedure.) show
72 461 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Each of the ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Parameters) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( annotations specifies the value to be used for one of the) show
96 474 moveto
(procedure's parameters. Note that string values must be enclosed in quotation marks, and) show
96 487 moveto
(commas must be included to separate multiple parameters.) show
72 511 moveto
11 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(Referencing a procedure in a subsystem:) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( A \252_Start\272 file with the following contents illustrates) show
72 524 moveto
(how to reference a procedure that resides in an Environment subsystem. Note that you must) show
72 537 moveto
(replace the ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Procedure_Context) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( annotation with the ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Subsystem) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( and \050optional\051) show
72 549 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Activity) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( annotations:) show
96 573 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Procedure_Name Excelan_Boot_Server) show
96 585 moveto
(--|Subsystem !Targets.Implementation.Motorola_68k_Download) show
96 597 moveto
(--|Activity !Machine.Release.Current.Activity) show
96 609 moveto
(--|No_Wait) show
72 633 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Subsystem) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( annotation specifies the name of the subsystem that contains the) show
96 646 moveto
(procedure. \050When this annotation is specified, the ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Procedure_Context) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( annotation is) show
96 659 moveto
(ignored.\051) show
72 677 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Activity) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( annotation specifies the activity to be used to obtain the view name and) show
96 690 moveto
(construct the full pathname of the procedure. If you omit this annotation,) show
96 703 moveto
(!Machine.Release.Current.Activity is used.) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(6) show
348.308 MX
(May 1992    ) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( RATIONAL) show
%%Page: 7 7
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
389.560 MX
(Release D_12_6_5) show
72 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Note that Excelan_Boot_Server is a parameterless procedure; otherwise, one or more) show
96 84 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Parameters) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( annotations would be present.) show
72 102 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|No_Wait) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( annotation permits concurrent execution \050see section 3.3\051. This annotation) show
96 115 moveto
(is present because this procedure starts a server.) show
72 139 moveto
11 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(Specifying further information:) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( \252_Start\272 files may also contain annotations that control the) show
72 152 moveto
(order in which the Start procedure will execute the referenced procedures. See section 3.3.) show
72 176 moveto
(Using a \252_Start\272 file is equivalent to executing the referenced procedure via Program.Run_Job) show
72 189 moveto
(or Program.Run. See the comments in the specification of !Machine.Initialization.Start for) show
72 202 moveto
(additional annotations that specify the equivalent of the Options parameter in the) show
72 215 moveto
(Program.Run_Job procedure and the Context parameter in the Program.Run and) show
72 228 moveto
(Program.Run_Job procedures.) show
72 266 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(3.3.  Controlling the Order of Execution) show
72 290 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(You can specify the relative execution order of all initialization procedures \050including those) show
72 303 moveto
(referenced in \252_Start\272 files\051. To do this, you include annotations in the appropriate procedure) show
72 316 moveto
(specifications or \252_Start\272 files:) show
72 340 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(To specify that procedure A cannot run until procedure B has finished, you include the) show
96 353 moveto
(annotation ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Prerequisite B) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( in the specification of procedure A \050or in the \252_Start\272 file) show
96 366 moveto
(that references procedure A\051.) show
96 384 moveto
(If procedure B is referenced in a \252_Start\272 file, you specify the filename as the annotation's) show
96 397 moveto
(argument: ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Prerequisite B_Start) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(.) show
96 415 moveto
(Note that the argument of this annotation is a simple name and that all three worlds) show
96 428 moveto
(\050Rational, Local, and Site\051 are searched for that simple name. Therefore, simple names) show
96 441 moveto
(must be unique across these three worlds if you want to use this annotation.) show
72 459 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(To specify that procedure A must finish before any other procedure can start executing,) show
96 472 moveto
(you include the annotation ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Wait) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( in the specification of procedure A \050or in the \252_Start\272) show
96 485 moveto
(file that references procedure A\051.) show
96 503 moveto
(Using this annotation is equivalent to executing procedure A using Program.Run.) show
72 521 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(To specify that procedure A is to execute as a separate job concurrent with other) show
96 534 moveto
(procedures, you include the annotation ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|No_Wait) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( in the specification of procedure A \050or) show
96 547 moveto
(in the \252_Start\272 file that references procedure A\051.) show
96 565 moveto
(Using this annotation is equivalent to executing procedure A using Program.Run_Job.) show
72 589 moveto
(If none of the annotations listed above are present in a given procedure or \252_Start\272 file, the) show
72 601 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(--|Wait) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( annotation is assumed. That is, procedures are executed sequentially unless told) show
72 614 moveto
(otherwise.) show
72 638 moveto
(If a circular dependency results from a combination of annotations, it will be reported and) show
72 651 moveto
(ignored, so that each procedure will run.) show
72 675 moveto
(Note that you can execute the Start command with the Effort_Only parameter set to True to test) show
72 688 moveto
(the execution order that results from your annotations.) show
72 712 moveto
(See the comments in the specification of the !Machine.Initialization.Start procedure for a) show
72 725 moveto
(complete description of annotation usage, along with examples.) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(     May 1992) show
348.558 MX
(7) show
%%Page: 8 8
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Guide to Machine Initialization) show
72 74 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(3.4.  Customizing Disk-Collection Thresholds) show
72 98 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(You can customize the disk-collection thresholds for the particular needs of your site. To) show
72 111 moveto
(implement a change in your disk-collection thresholds:) show
72 135 moveto
(1.) show
15.750 MX
(Create an empty Ada unit in the Local world.) show
72 153 moveto
(2.) show
15.750 MX
(Copy the contents of the !Machine.Initialization.Local.Local_Gc_Thresholds_Sample file) show
96 166 moveto
(into the empty Ada unit.) show
72 184 moveto
(3.) show
15.750 MX
(In the Ada unit, edit the Thresholds1 and Thresholds2 arrays to specify the desired) show
96 197 moveto
(thresholds.) show
72 215 moveto
(4.) show
15.750 MX
(Promote the Ada unit.) show
72 239 moveto
(Note, however, that values set by the procedure in world Rational are calculated based on your) show
72 252 moveto
(disk configuration and should be sufficient; see your Rational technical representative if you) show
72 265 moveto
(want to use different thresholds.) show
72 305 moveto
15 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(4.  Enabling and Configuring Login Ports) show
72 329 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(D_12_5_0 and subsequent releases provide a file-driven mechanism in !Machine.Initialization) show
72 342 moveto
(for enabling and configuring ports for login.) show
72 366 moveto
(At the very least, you must ensure that this mechanism has enough information to enable the) show
72 379 moveto
(desired login ports \050see section 4.1\051. In addition, you may optionally use this mechanism to) show
72 392 moveto
(specify:) show
72 416 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Connection and terminal-type characteristics for Telnet and RS232 ports, such as logoff on) show
96 429 moveto
(disconnect, disconnect on logoff, and so on) show
72 447 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Communication characteristics for RS232 ports, such as flow control, parity, and so on) show
72 471 moveto
(Such information is specified using the options described in section 4.4.) show
72 509 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(4.1.  Enabling Ports for Login) show
72 533 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Ports for terminal devices must be enabled for login each time an R1000 boots. Accordingly, the) show
72 546 moveto
(!Machine.Initialization.Start procedure calls a procedure called Terminals in the Rational world.) show
72 559 moveto
(This procedure in turn consults a file called Terminal_Configuration in the Local world to) show
72 572 moveto
(determine which ports to enable for login. This file-driven mechanism takes the place of a) show
72 585 moveto
(procedure such as !Machine.Initialize_Terminals, which enables terminals through calls to the) show
72 598 moveto
(Operator.Enable_Terminal procedure.) show
72 622 moveto
(The Terminal_Configuration file is created automatically in the Local world during installation:) show
72 646 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(On a new machine, a Terminal_Configuration file is created that enables ports 235 through) show
96 659 moveto
(249 for login.) show
72 677 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(On an R1000 that is being upgraded from a previous Environment release, the) show
96 690 moveto
(Terminal_Configuration file contains entries for the same set of ports that were enabled at) show
96 703 moveto
(the time of installation. \050This file also preserves any nondefault communication) show
96 716 moveto
(characteristics that were in effect for RS232 ports; see section 4.4.\051) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(8) show
348.308 MX
(May 1992    ) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( RATIONAL) show
%%Page: 9 9
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
389.560 MX
(Release D_12_6_5) show
72 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(You can edit the Terminal_Configuration file at any time to change which ports are enabled.) show
72 85 moveto
(The changes take effect the next time you boot the R1000. Alternatively, you can execute the) show
72 98 moveto
(Rational.Terminals procedure to make the changes take effect without booting the R1000. Note) show
72 111 moveto
(that you must keep the Terminal_Configuration file in the Local world, even if you want to) show
72 124 moveto
(enable the same ports on all machines at a given site.) show
72 148 moveto
(Following is a sample Terminal_Configuration file containing basic enabling information:) show
96 172 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(16 => \050Enable\051) show
96 184 moveto
(224 .. 249 => \050Enable\051) show
96 196 moveto
(-- Ports 250 and 251 are for printers; disable them for login) show
96 208 moveto
(250..251 => \050Login_Disabled\051) show
72 232 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(As shown, the Terminal_Configuration file consists of:) show
72 256 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Comments preceded with Ada comment notation \050--\051) show
72 274 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Entries of the general form: ) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(Port_Range) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
( => \050) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(Options) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(\051) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(, where:) show
96 292 moveto
(\261) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
18.500 MX
(Port_Range) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( can be a single port number or a range of port numbers) show
96 310 moveto
(\261) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
18.500 MX
(Options) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( must be enclosed in parentheses) show
72 334 moveto
(The options that pertain to enabling and disabling ports are summarized in Table 1.) show
192.795 353 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 15 rmoveto
10 /Palatino-BoldItalic SelectFont
(Table 1   Options for Enabling and Disabling Ports) show
306 380 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 -15 rmoveto
114.615 390 moveto
10 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(Option) show
328.065 390 moveto
(Description) show
newpath 82 396 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 378 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 396 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 396 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 180 396 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 396 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 378 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 396 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 396 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 180 396 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
86 408 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Enable) show
184 408 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(When specified for a given port, enables the port for login. Note that the port) show
184 420 moveto
(cannot subsequently be enabled for any other device, such as a printer.) show
newpath 82 426 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 396 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 426 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 426 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 180 426 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
86 438 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Login_Disabled) show
184 438 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(When specified for a given port, prevents the port from being enabled for) show
184 450 moveto
(login\320for example, by subsequent usage of the Operator.Enable_Terminal) show
184 462 moveto
(command. Note that the port can subsequently be enabled for other devices,) show
184 474 moveto
(such as printers.) show
newpath 82 480 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 426 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 480 moveto
0 -54 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 480 moveto
0 -54 rlineto stroke
newpath 180 480 moveto
0 -54 rlineto stroke
86 492 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Disable) show
184 492 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(When specified for a given port, disables the port for all devices. Note that) show
184 504 moveto
(the port can subsequently be enabled for any device, including login.) show
184 516 moveto
(Specifying this option is equivalent to having no entry for the port in the file.) show
newpath 82 522 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 480 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 522 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 522 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 180 522 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 522 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 480 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
72 570 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Port 16 is always enabled for login, regardless of whether an entry exists for it. An entry for port) show
72 583 moveto
(16 is included in the automatically created Terminal_Configuration file for explicitness.) show
72 607 moveto
(Do not assign the Enable option to any port that you plan to enable for a printer or other device) show
72 620 moveto
(\050such as a CDF\051. Instead, you can assign the Login_Disabled option or the Disable option to) show
72 633 moveto
(those ports, or you can simply omit entries for them from the file. Assigning the Login_Disabled) show
72 646 moveto
(option is recommended if you want to ensure that printer ports cannot be enabled for login) show
72 659 moveto
(even if the print spooler is killed.) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(     May 1992) show
348.558 MX
(9) show
%%Page: 10 10
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Guide to Machine Initialization) show
72 74 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(4.2.  Customizing Port Characteristics) show
72 98 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(You can add information to the Terminal_Configuration file to specify connection) show
72 111 moveto
(characteristics for RS232 ports and communication characteristics for RS232 and Telnet ports.) show
72 124 moveto
(Such information is specified through the options listed in section 4.4.) show
72 148 moveto
(The simplest way to specify multiple options is to assign them directly to a port or range of) show
72 161 moveto
(ports:) show
72 185 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Multiple options in a single entry must be enclosed in parentheses.) show
72 203 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Multiple options must be separated by commas.) show
72 221 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The options can extend over several lines, although the entry itself must start on a new) show
96 234 moveto
(line.) show
72 258 moveto
(For example, the following entry assigns several connection characteristics to ports 224..249 and) show
72 271 moveto
(then enables those ports:) show
96 295 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(224..249 => \050Logoff_On_Disconnect,) show
96 307 moveto
(             Disconnect_On_Logoff,) show
96 319 moveto
(             Enable\051) show
72 343 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(You can organize recurrent sets of options and improve readability in the) show
72 356 moveto
(Terminal_Configuration file by defining an abbreviation for each set of options and then) show
72 369 moveto
(assigning each abbreviation to a port or range of ports:) show
72 393 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Abbreviation entries are of the general form ) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(Abbreviation) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
( =) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Options) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(. Note that the) show
96 406 moveto
(equals sign \050) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(=) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(\051 is used to define abbreviations; the ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(=>) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( symbol is used for port assignment.) show
72 424 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Existing abbreviations can be nested in the definition of new abbreviations.) show
72 448 moveto
(For example, the following entries create the abbreviations User_Ports and Telnet_Ports,) show
72 461 moveto
(assigning the Telnet_Ports abbreviation to ports 224..249:) show
96 485 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(-- Port settings for user login ports) show
96 497 moveto
(User_Ports   = \050Logoff_On_Disconnect, Disconnect_On_Logoff\051) show
96 521 moveto
(-- Port settings for Telnet ports) show
96 533 moveto
(Telnet_Ports = \050Terminal_Type => Xrterm, User_Ports\051) show
96 557 moveto
(224..249     => \050Telnet_Ports, Enable\051) show
72 581 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(When adding entries to a Terminal_Configuration file, bear in mind that:) show
72 605 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Nondefault communication characteristics for RS232 ports must be set each time an R1000) show
96 618 moveto
(boots. Consequently, if a port is to have nondefault values for any of the options listed in) show
96 631 moveto
(Table 4, you must include these options in the entry for that port. Omitting an option) show
96 644 moveto
(causes its default value to be set.) show
72 662 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Connection and terminal-type characteristics persist across boots, retaining the last values) show
96 675 moveto
(that were set for them. Thus, in principle, the options listed in Tables 2 and 3 need to be set) show
96 688 moveto
(only once and then can be omitted from the Terminal_Configuration file. However, you) show
96 701 moveto
(may choose to include values for these options in the file to ensure that booting the system) show
96 714 moveto
(resets them to the proper values in case they had been changed.) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(10) show
343.308 MX
(May 1992    ) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( RATIONAL) show
%%Page: 11 11
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
389.560 MX
(Release D_12_6_5) show
72 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The options for each port are set in the order in which they are assigned in the) show
96 85 moveto
(Terminal_Configuration file. Similarly, the options in an abbreviation are set in the order in) show
96 98 moveto
(which they are declared. If a single port number is included in the ranges of more than one) show
96 111 moveto
(entry, that port takes the options of the last entry in which it appears.) show
72 149 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(4.3.  A Sample Terminal_Configuration File) show
72 173 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(The following sample file shows how a system manager can use abbreviations to organize port) show
72 186 moveto
(information meaningfully. Note that a number of connection options have been explicitly set to) show
72 199 moveto
(ensure that booting the system sets them to a known value. Note also that specifying the) show
72 212 moveto
(Disable option for the printer ports is not absolutely necessary; however, specifying this option) show
72 225 moveto
(ensures that no previous entry in the file had inadvertently enabled these ports.) show
96 249 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(-- Operator line 16 settings) show
96 261 moveto
(Operator_Port = \050~Logoff_On_Disconnect,) show
96 273 moveto
(                 ~Disconnect_On_Logoff,) show
96 285 moveto
(                 ~Login_Disabled\051) show
96 309 moveto
(-- User login port settings) show
96 321 moveto
(User_Ports = \050Logoff_On_Disconnect, Disconnect_On_Logoff,) show
96 333 moveto
(              ~Login_Disabled, ~Log_Failed_Logins,) show
96 345 moveto
(              ~Disconnect_On_Failed_Login, ~Disconnect_On_Disconnect\051) show
96 369 moveto
(-- Dial-in port connection settings) show
96 381 moveto
(Dialin_Ports = \050Terminal_Type => VT100,) show
96 393 moveto
(                Input_Rate => Baud_2400, Output_Rate => Baud_2400,) show
96 405 moveto
(                Parity => None, Bits_Per_Char => Char_8, Stop_Bits => 1,) show
96 417 moveto
(                User_Ports\051) show
96 441 moveto
(-- Telnet port settings) show
96 453 moveto
(Telnet_Ports = \050Terminal_Type => Xrterm, User_Ports\051) show
96 477 moveto
(-- Printer port settings) show
96 489 moveto
(Printer_Ports = \050Login_Disabled\051) show
96 513 moveto
(-- Ports not in use) show
96 525 moveto
(Unused = \050Login_Disabled\051) show
96 561 moveto
(16 => \050Operator_Port, Enable\051) show
96 573 moveto
(17..31 => \050Dialin_Ports, Enable\051) show
96 585 moveto
(224..249 => \050Telnet_Ports, Enable\051) show
96 597 moveto
(250..251 => \050Disable, Printer_Ports\051) show
96 609 moveto
(252..255 => \050Disable, Unused\051) show
72 647 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(4.4.  Terminal-Configuration Options) show
72 671 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Tables 2, 3, and 4 summarize the connection, terminal type, and RS232 communication options) show
72 684 moveto
(you can specify in the Terminal_Configuration file. These options invoke corresponding) show
72 697 moveto
(procedures in package Terminal.) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(     May 1992) show
343.558 MX
(11) show
%%Page: 12 12
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Guide to Machine Initialization) show
178.680 72 moveto
0 15 rmoveto
10 /Palatino-BoldItalic SelectFont
(Table 2   Boolean Options for Connection Characteristics) show
306 99 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 -15 rmoveto
150.615 109 moveto
10 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(Option) show
364.065 109 moveto
(Description) show
newpath 82 115 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 97 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 115 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 115 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 252 115 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 115 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 97 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 115 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 115 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 252 115 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
86 127 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Disconnect_On_Disconnect) show
256 127 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(When specified for a given port, causes the Environment to) show
256 139 moveto
(respond to an incoming disconnect signal received on that) show
256 151 moveto
(port by initiating an outgoing disconnect signal on that port.) show
newpath 82 157 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 115 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 157 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 157 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 252 157 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
86 169 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Disconnect_On_Failed_Login) show
256 169 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(When specified for a given port, causes the Environment to) show
256 181 moveto
(initiate an outgoing disconnect signal on that port when a) show
256 193 moveto
(user repeatedly fails to log in on that port \050for example, by) show
256 205 moveto
(repeatedly entering an incorrect password or unrecognized) show
256 217 moveto
(username\051.) show
newpath 82 223 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 157 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 223 moveto
0 -66 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 223 moveto
0 -66 rlineto stroke
newpath 252 223 moveto
0 -66 rlineto stroke
86 235 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Disconnect_On_Logoff) show
256 235 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(When specified for a given port, causes the Environment to) show
256 247 moveto
(initiate an outgoing disconnect signal on that port when a) show
256 259 moveto
(user logs off a session running on that port.) show
newpath 82 265 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 223 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 265 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 265 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 252 265 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
86 277 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Log_Failed_Logins) show
256 277 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(When specified for a given port, causes the Environment to) show
256 289 moveto
(write an entry to the system error log when a user fails) show
256 301 moveto
(repeatedly to log in on that port \050for example, by repeatedly) show
256 313 moveto
(entering an incorrect password or unrecognized username\051.) show
newpath 82 319 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 265 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 319 moveto
0 -54 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 319 moveto
0 -54 rlineto stroke
newpath 252 319 moveto
0 -54 rlineto stroke
86 331 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Logoff_On_Disconnect) show
256 331 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(When specified for a given port, causes the Environment to) show
256 343 moveto
(respond to a disconnect received on that port by logging off) show
256 355 moveto
(that port's session.) show
newpath 82 361 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 319 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 361 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 361 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 252 361 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 361 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 319 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
174.280 404 moveto
0 15 rmoveto
10 /Palatino-BoldItalic SelectFont
(Table 3   Enumeration Option for Specifying Terminal Type) show
306 431 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 -15 rmoveto
87.275 441 moveto
10 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(Option =>) show
10 /Palatino-BoldItalic SelectFont
( Value) show
322.065 441 moveto
10 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(Description) show
newpath 82 447 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 429 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 447 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 447 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 168 447 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 447 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 429 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 447 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 447 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
newpath 168 447 moveto
0 -18 rlineto stroke
86 459 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Terminal_Type) show
172 459 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Specifies the output driver type for a given port.) show
10 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( Value) show
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( can be any valid) show
172 471 moveto
(terminal type name, including \050but not limited to\051:) show
172 483 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Cit500r  Facit  Rational  Vt100  Xrterm) show
newpath 82 489 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 447 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 489 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 530 489 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 168 489 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 489 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 82 447 moveto
448 0 rlineto stroke
142.430 532 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 15 rmoveto
10 /Palatino-BoldItalic SelectFont
(Table 4   Enumeration Options for RS232 Communication Characteristics) show
306 559 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 -15 rmoveto
116.275 581 moveto
10 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(Option =>) show
10 /Palatino-BoldItalic SelectFont
( Value) show
243.505 569 moveto
10 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(Default) show
247.390 581 moveto
(Value) show
386.065 581 moveto
(Description) show
newpath 78 587 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 557 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 587 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 534 587 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 230 587 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 292 587 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 587 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 557 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 587 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 534 587 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 230 587 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 292 587 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
82 599 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Bits_Per_Char) show
243 599 moveto
(Char_8) show
296 599 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Specifies the number of data bits per character.) show
10 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( Value) show
296 611 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(can be:  ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Char_5  Char_6  Char_7  Char_8) show
newpath 78 617 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 587 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 617 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 534 617 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 230 617 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 292 617 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
82 629 moveto
(Flow_Control) show
249 629 moveto
(None) show
296 629 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Specifies software flow control for data transmitted) show
296 641 moveto
(by the R1000 on the specified port.) show
10 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( Value) show
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( can be:) show
296 653 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(None  Xon_Xoff  Dtr  Rts) show
newpath 78 659 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 617 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 659 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 534 659 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 230 659 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 292 659 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(12) show
343.308 MX
(May 1992    ) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( RATIONAL) show
%%Page: 13 13
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
389.560 MX
(Release D_12_6_5) show
306 72 moveto
0 15 rmoveto
115.900 99 moveto
10 /Palatino-BoldItalic SelectFont
(Table 4   Enumeration Options for RS232 Communication Characteristics \050continued\051) show
306 111 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 -15 rmoveto
116.275 133 moveto
10 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(Option =>) show
10 /Palatino-BoldItalic SelectFont
( Value) show
243.505 121 moveto
10 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(Default) show
247.390 133 moveto
(Value) show
386.065 133 moveto
(Description) show
newpath 78 139 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 109 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 139 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 534 139 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 230 139 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 292 139 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 139 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 109 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 139 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 534 139 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 230 139 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 292 139 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
82 151 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Input_Rate) show
234 151 moveto
(Baud_9600) show
296 151 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Sets the incoming data rate for a given port.) show
10 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( Value) show
296 163 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(can be:) show
296 175 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Baud_50     Baud_75     Baud_110) show
296 187 moveto
(Baud_134_5  Baud_150    Baud_200) show
296 199 moveto
(Baud_300    Baud_600    Baud_1200) show
296 211 moveto
(Baud_1800   Baud_2400   Baud_9600) show
296 223 moveto
(Baud_19200  Disabled    Ext_Rec_Clk ) show
newpath 78 229 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 139 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 229 moveto
0 -90 rlineto stroke
newpath 534 229 moveto
0 -90 rlineto stroke
newpath 230 229 moveto
0 -90 rlineto stroke
newpath 292 229 moveto
0 -90 rlineto stroke
82 241 moveto
(Output_Rate) show
234 241 moveto
(Baud_9600) show
296 241 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Sets the outgoing data rate for a given port. Values) show
296 253 moveto
(are the same as for Input_Rate.) show
newpath 78 259 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 229 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 259 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 534 259 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 230 259 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 292 259 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
82 271 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Parity) show
249 271 moveto
(None) show
296 271 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Sets the parity for transmitted and received data on) show
296 283 moveto
(a given port.) show
10 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( Value) show
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( can be:  ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(None  Odd  Even) show
newpath 78 289 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 259 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 289 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 534 289 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 230 289 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 292 289 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
82 301 moveto
(Stop_Bits) show
258 301 moveto
(2) show
296 301 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Sets the number of stop bits for a given port.) show
10 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( Value) show
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( is) show
296 313 moveto
(a natural number in the range 1..2.) show
newpath 78 319 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 289 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 319 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 534 319 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 230 319 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
newpath 292 319 moveto
0 -30 rlineto stroke
82 331 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Receive_Flow_Control) show
249 331 moveto
(None) show
296 331 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Specifies flow control of data received by the R1000) show
296 343 moveto
(on the specified port.) show
10 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( Value) show
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( can be:) show
296 355 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(None  Xon_Xoff  Dtr  Rts) show
newpath 78 361 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 319 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 361 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 534 361 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 230 361 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
newpath 292 361 moveto
0 -42 rlineto stroke
82 373 moveto
(Receive_Xon_Xoff_Bytes) show
240 373 moveto
(\05017,19\051) show
296 373 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Specifies flow-control bytes so that the R1000 can) show
296 385 moveto
(regulate the data it receives on the specified port.) show
296 397 moveto
10 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
(Value) show
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( is ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(\050) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(n) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(m) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(\051) show
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(, where) show
10 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( n) show
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( and) show
10 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( m) show
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( are natural numbers) show
296 409 moveto
(in the range 0..255.) show
newpath 78 415 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 361 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 415 moveto
0 -54 rlineto stroke
newpath 534 415 moveto
0 -54 rlineto stroke
newpath 230 415 moveto
0 -54 rlineto stroke
newpath 292 415 moveto
0 -54 rlineto stroke
82 427 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Xon_Xoff_Bytes) show
240 427 moveto
(\05017,19\051) show
296 427 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Specifies the flow-control bytes that the R1000) show
296 439 moveto
(recognizes for the specified port.) show
10 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( Value) show
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( is: ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(\050) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(n) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(m) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(\051) show
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(,) show
296 451 moveto
(where) show
10 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( n) show
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( and) show
10 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( m) show
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( are natural numbers in the range) show
296 463 moveto
(0..255.) show
newpath 78 469 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 415 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 469 moveto
0 -54 rlineto stroke
newpath 534 469 moveto
0 -54 rlineto stroke
newpath 230 469 moveto
0 -54 rlineto stroke
newpath 292 469 moveto
0 -54 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 469 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
newpath 78 415 moveto
456 0 rlineto stroke
72 533 moveto
15 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(5.  Configuring Printers) show
72 557 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(D_12_5_0 and subsequent releases provide a file-driven mechanism in !Machine.Initialization) show
72 570 moveto
(for configuring a group of networked and/or local printers. This mechanism allows you to) show
72 583 moveto
(define a) show
11 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( printer name) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( for each printer on the network and to specify how each printer is to be) show
72 596 moveto
(accessed. Furthermore, you can also associate a printer name with each user, so that when a) show
72 609 moveto
(given user enters the Print command \050that is, !Commands.Abbreviations.Print\051, the print job) show
72 622 moveto
(will be sent by default to the device that is defined by the associated printer name.) show
72 646 moveto
(This file-driven mechanism automatically adds the specified devices to the appropriate R1000s,) show
72 659 moveto
(creates the necessary print classes on the appropriate R1000s, and associates each class with the) show
72 672 moveto
(specified device, thereby creating print queues. Thus, when you use the file-driven mechanism,) show
72 685 moveto
(you do not need to use procedures from package Queue \050such as Add, Create, Enable, and) show
72 698 moveto
(Register\051 to do these things.) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(     May 1992) show
343.558 MX
(13) show
%%Page: 14 14
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Guide to Machine Initialization) show
72 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Existing sites can choose whether to use this file-driven mechanism or to continue using) show
72 85 moveto
(procedures from package Queue to configure printers. However, because the file-driven) show
72 98 moveto
(mechanism combines class and machine information, it is recommended that large sites with) show
72 111 moveto
(multiple networked printers use the file-driven !Machine.Initialization mechanism. Small sites) show
72 124 moveto
(with few printers connected directly to R1000s may want to continue using package Queue.) show
72 137 moveto
(Sites that want to create a single class with multiple devices should also use package Queue.) show
gsave 36 124 moveto
36 137 lineto stroke grestore
72 161 moveto
( Note that the printer configuration \050set either through commands in package Queue or through) show
72 174 moveto
(the file-driven mechanism\051 applies to both the Queue.Print and Abbreviations.Print commands.) show
72 187 moveto
(The ability to associate printer names with usernames is specific to the Abbreviations.Print) show
72 200 moveto
(command.) show
gsave 36 148 moveto
36 200 lineto stroke grestore
72 238 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(5.1.  Where to Specify Printer Information) show
72 262 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Each time an R1000 boots, the !Machine.Initialization.Start procedure calls a procedure called) show
72 275 moveto
(Printers in the Rational world. This procedure initializes the print spooler on that R1000 based) show
72 288 moveto
(on the information in the following user-created files:) show
72 312 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(!Machine.Initialization.Site.Printer_Configuration, which defines a printer name for each of) show
96 325 moveto
(the devices available on the network and specifies how each device is to be accessed. A) show
96 338 moveto
(copy of this file must exist on all R1000s from which users will enter the Print command) show
96 351 moveto
(and on all R1000s that will handle print requests for the specified devices.) show
72 369 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(!Machine.Initialization.Local.Printer_Configuration, which defines additional printer) show
96 382 moveto
(names for additional devices intended only for users of the current R1000.) show
72 400 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(!Machine.Initialization.Local.User_Printer_Map, which associates a default printer name) show
96 413 moveto
(with individual users on the current R1000. When a user executes the Print command with) show
96 426 moveto
(the default Printer parameter, the command looks up the user's name and sends the print) show
96 439 moveto
(request to the corresponding printer.) show
72 463 moveto
(At a minimum, the Print command requires that one Printer_Configuration file exist in either) show
72 476 moveto
(the Site or Local world. If no User_Printer_Map file exists \050or if the file exists but contains no) show
72 489 moveto
(entry for a particular user\051, the Print command uses the first printer name defined in the) show
72 502 moveto
(Site.Printer_Configuration file. If this file doesn't exist, the first printer name defined in the) show
72 515 moveto
(Local.Printer_Configuration file is used.) show
72 539 moveto
( The classes and devices specified in the Printer_Configuration files are created when the) show
72 552 moveto
(Printers procedure \050that is, !Machine.Initialization.Rational.Printers\051 is executed \050normally,) show
72 565 moveto
(during machine initialization\051. The Printers procedure also associates usernames with the) show
72 578 moveto
(appropriate printer information. Be aware that whenever information is changed in any of the) show
72 591 moveto
(files listed above, the Printers procedure must be run in order to update the information.) show
gsave 36 526 moveto
36 591 lineto stroke grestore
72 615 moveto
(If you choose not to create any of these files, you will have to:) show
72 639 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Create an initialization procedure \050in either the Site or Local world\051 that uses package) show
96 652 moveto
(Queue to create print queues each time the system boots.) show
72 670 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Either:) show
96 688 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(Use the Queue.Print command instead of the !Commands.Abbreviations.Print) show
120 701 moveto
(command.) show
96 719 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(Use the !Commands.Abbreviations.Print command, but explicitly specify the class) show
120 732 moveto
(name for the Printer parameter.) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(14) show
343.308 MX
(May 1992    ) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( RATIONAL) show
%%Page: 15 15
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
389.560 MX
(Release D_12_6_5) show
72 74 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(5.2.  Adding Entries to a Printer_Configuration File) show
72 98 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(During installation, an empty Printer_Configuration file is created in the Local world. After) show
72 111 moveto
(installation, you can:) show
72 135 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Add entries to this file to enable the use of the Print command.) show
72 153 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(Move this file \050or create an additional file called Printer_Configuration\051 in the Site world, if) show
96 166 moveto
(you need to define sitewide printer information.) show
72 190 moveto
(Each entry in a Printer_Configuration file defines a printer name and specifies the) show
72 203 moveto
(characteristics of the device it represents.) show
72 227 moveto
(Each entry must start on a new line, but the information can extend over several lines and can) show
72 240 moveto
(include single and in-line comments. For readability, the entries are often formatted like) show
72 253 moveto
(command parameters.) show
72 277 moveto
(Each entry has the general form:) show
96 301 moveto
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(Printer_Name) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
( => \050) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(Device_Type) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(  =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Device_Info) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 313 moveto
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(Other_Device_Characteristics) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 325 moveto
(                 Laser_Comm           =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Boolean) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 337 moveto
(                 Reverse_Output_Pages =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Boolean) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 349 moveto
(                 On_Node              =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( R1000_Name) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(\051) show
72 373 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(where:) show
72 397 moveto
(\267) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
17.334 MX
(Printer_Name) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( is the name by which you want to refer to a given device in a Print) show
96 410 moveto
(command. ) show
11 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
(Printer_Name) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( must be a legal Ada simple name.) show
gsave 576 397 moveto
576 410 lineto stroke grestore
72 428 moveto
(\267) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
17.334 MX
(Device_Type) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( is one of the following four kinds of printer devices:) show
96 446 moveto
(\261) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
18.500 MX
(Direct) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(, which specifies a printer connected to an R1000 via direct line.) show
96 464 moveto
(\261) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
18.500 MX
(Telnet) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(, which specifies a printer connected to an R1000 via Telnet.) show
96 482 moveto
(\261) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
18.500 MX
(File) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(, which specifies a file on an R1000 in which print-spooler output is collected.) show
120 495 moveto
(Subsequent processing is required to get this output printed.) show
96 513 moveto
(\261) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
18.500 MX
(Workstation) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(, which specifies a directory on a remote workstation to which print) show
120 526 moveto
(requests are sent. Such requests are sent via FTP as individual files; from the remote) show
120 539 moveto
(directory, they can be printed using the workstation's print tools.) show
72 557 moveto
(\267) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
17.334 MX
(Device_Info) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( is further information about the device you specified. The information) show
96 570 moveto
(depends on the type of device specified \050see the paragraphs below\051.) show
72 588 moveto
(\267) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
17.334 MX
(Other_Device_Characteristics) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( are additional entry elements, separated by commas,) show
96 601 moveto
(that give further information about the chosen device \050see the paragraphs below\051.) show
72 619 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Laser_Comm) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option, when True, specifies that printing will be done on a laser printer.) show
96 632 moveto
(Omitting this option implies that printing will be done on a line printer.) show
96 650 moveto
(For Direct and Telnet devices, setting Laser_Comm to True specifies that a laser printer is) show
96 663 moveto
(connected; for File and Workstation devices, setting Laser_Comm to True specifies that the) show
96 676 moveto
(collected print requests will eventually be printed on a laser printer.) show
72 694 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Reverse_Output_Pages) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option allows you to adjust the order in which pages are) show
96 707 moveto
(spooled to accommodate the way your printer stacks pages in its output tray. This option) show
96 720 moveto
(applies only if the Laser_Comm option is set to True.) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(     May 1992) show
343.558 MX
(15) show
%%Page: 16 16
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Guide to Machine Initialization) show
96 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(Setting Reverse_Output_Pages to True causes the print spooler to reverse the order of) show
120 85 moveto
(output pages, so that the last logical page is printed first. Omitting this option is) show
120 98 moveto
(equivalent to specifying True.) show
96 116 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(Setting Reverse_Output_Pages to False causes the print spooler to keep the pages of) show
120 129 moveto
(output in the order in which they appear in the source file.) show
72 147 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(On_Node) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option specifies the network name of the R1000 that contains the print) show
96 160 moveto
(spooler for the device. Omitting this option is equivalent to specifying the name of the) show
96 173 moveto
(current R1000.) show
72 197 moveto
(The following paragraphs describe printer-configuration file entries for each of the four kinds of) show
72 210 moveto
(devices. \050See also the comments in the specification of !Machine.Initialization.Rational.Printers.\051) show
72 248 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(5.3.  Specifying a Directly Connected Printer) show
72 272 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(To specify a printer connected to an R1000 via direct line, you specify an entry of the following) show
72 285 moveto
(general form:) show
96 309 moveto
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(Printer_Name) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
( => \050Direct               =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Protocol) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 321 moveto
(                 Device               => Terminal_) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(N) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 333 moveto
(                 Laser_Comm           =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Boolean) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 345 moveto
(                 Reverse_Output_Pages =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Boolean) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 357 moveto
(                 On_Node              =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( R1000_Name) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(\051) show
72 381 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(where:) show
72 405 moveto
(\267) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
17.334 MX
(Protocol) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( specifies the printer flow control and can be either ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Xon_Xoff) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( or ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Dtr) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(. See the) show
96 418 moveto
(printer manual for details.) show
72 436 moveto
(\267) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
17.334 MX
(Terminal_) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(N) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( represents the RS232C port to which the printer is connected \050) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(N) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( is the port) show
96 449 moveto
(number\051. The specified port must not be enabled for login in the) show
96 462 moveto
(Local.Terminal_Configuration file.) show
72 480 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Laser_Comm) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option, when True, specifies that a laser printer is connected and enables) show
96 493 moveto
(a two-way printer-communication protocol. Omitting the option is equivalent to specifying) show
96 506 moveto
(False, which means that a line printer is connected.) show
72 524 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Reverse_Output_Pages) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option allows you to adjust the order in which pages are) show
96 537 moveto
(spooled to accommodate the way your printer stacks pages in its output tray, as described) show
96 550 moveto
(in section 5.2. This option applies only if Laser_Comm is set to True.) show
72 568 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(On_Node) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option specifies the network name of the R1000 to which the printer is) show
96 581 moveto
(directly connected. Omitting this option is equivalent to specifying the name of the current) show
96 594 moveto
(R1000.) show
72 618 moveto
(The following entry creates a printer name called Lp, which represents a line printer that is) show
72 631 moveto
(directly connected to port 30 of an R1000 called Jazmo:) show
96 655 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(-- Line printer connected to Jazmo) show
96 667 moveto
(Lp => \050Direct  => Xon_Xoff,) show
96 679 moveto
(       Device  => Terminal_30,) show
96 691 moveto
(       On_Node => Jazmo\051) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(16) show
343.308 MX
(May 1992    ) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( RATIONAL) show
%%Page: 17 17
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
389.560 MX
(Release D_12_6_5) show
72 74 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(5.4.  Specifying a Networked Printer) show
72 98 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(To specify a printer connected to an R1000 via Telnet, you specify an entry of the following) show
72 111 moveto
(general form:) show
96 135 moveto
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(Printer_Name) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
( => \050Telnet               =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Host_Name) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 147 moveto
(                 Device               => Terminal_) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(N) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 159 moveto
(                 Laser_Comm           =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Boolean) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 171 moveto
(                 Reverse_Output_Pages =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Boolean) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 183 moveto
(                 On_Node              =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( R1000_Name) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(\051) show
72 207 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(where:) show
72 231 moveto
(\267) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
17.334 MX
(Host_Name) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( is the network name of the printer.) show
72 249 moveto
(\267) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
17.334 MX
(Terminal_) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(N) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( represents the Telnet port to which the printer is connected \050) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(N) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( is the port) show
96 262 moveto
(number\051. The specified port must not be enabled for login in the) show
96 275 moveto
(Local.Terminal_Configuration file.) show
72 293 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Laser_Comm) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option, when True, specifies that a laser printer is connected and enables) show
96 306 moveto
(a two-way printer-communication protocol. Omitting the option is equivalent to specifying) show
96 319 moveto
(False, which means that a line printer is connected.) show
72 337 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Reverse_Output_Pages) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option allows you to adjust the order in which pages are) show
96 350 moveto
(spooled to accommodate the way your printer stacks pages in its output tray, as described) show
96 363 moveto
(in section 5.2. This option applies only if Laser_Comm is set to True.) show
72 381 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(On_Node) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option specifies the network name of the R1000 to which the printer is) show
96 394 moveto
(connected via Telnet. Omitting this option is equivalent to specifying the name of the) show
96 407 moveto
(current R1000.) show
72 431 moveto
(The following entry creates the printer name Dlaser, which represents a laser printer that is) show
72 444 moveto
(connected via Telnet to port 226 of an R1000 called Roget. Because of the way this printer stacks) show
72 457 moveto
(its output, print requests are spooled to this device with their pages in ascending \050rather than) show
72 470 moveto
(reversed\051 order:) show
96 494 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(-- Documentation's laser printer) show
96 506 moveto
(Dlaser => \050Telnet               => Doc_Laser,) show
96 518 moveto
(           Device               => Terminal_226,) show
96 530 moveto
(           Laser_Comm,) show
96 542 moveto
(           Reverse_Output_Pages => False,) show
96 554 moveto
(           On_Node              => Roget\051) show
72 592 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(5.5.  Specifying an Environment File) show
72 616 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(To specify a file in which to collect print-spooler output, you specify an entry of the following) show
72 629 moveto
(general form:) show
96 653 moveto
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(Printer_Name) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
( => \050File                 =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Environment_Pathname) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 665 moveto
(                 Laser_Comm           =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Boolean) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 677 moveto
(                 Reverse_Output_Pages =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Boolean) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 689 moveto
(                 On_Node              =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( R1000_Name) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(\051) show
72 713 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(where:) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(     May 1992) show
343.558 MX
(17) show
%%Page: 18 18
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Guide to Machine Initialization) show
72 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(\267) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
17.334 MX
(Environment_Pathname) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( specifies the file to which output is written. The pathname must) show
96 85 moveto
(name a file that exists on the R1000 named by On_Node. Note that the group Spooler must) show
96 98 moveto
(have access to the specified file.) show
72 116 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Laser_Comm) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option, when True, specifies that the collected print requests will) show
96 129 moveto
(eventually be printed on a laser printer. Omitting the option is equivalent to specifying) show
96 142 moveto
(False, which means that a line printer will be used.) show
72 160 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Reverse_Output_Pages) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option allows you to adjust the order in which pages are) show
96 173 moveto
(spooled to accommodate the way your printer stacks pages in its output tray, as described) show
96 186 moveto
(in section 5.2. This option applies only if Laser_Comm is set to True.) show
72 204 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(On_Node) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option specifies the network name of the R1000 on which the file is located.) show
96 217 moveto
(Omitting this option is equivalent to specifying the name of the current R1000.) show
72 241 moveto
(The following entry creates the printer name Hold, which represents a file on an R1000 called) show
72 254 moveto
(Logo. Low-priority print requests are sent to this file, where they are held until someone prints) show
72 267 moveto
(the file using the Print command \050specifying a printer name that represents a connected) show
72 280 moveto
(printer\051:) show
96 304 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(-- Place to hold large requests until printers are free in the evening) show
96 316 moveto
(Hold => \050File    => !Machine.Queues.Local.Held_Print_Requests,) show
96 328 moveto
(         On_Node => Logo\051) show
72 366 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(5.6.  Specifying a Workstation Directory) show
72 390 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(To specify a directory on a workstation to which print requests are sent, you specify an entry of) show
72 403 moveto
(the following general form:) show
96 427 moveto
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(Printer_Name) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
( => \050Workstation          =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Host_Name) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 439 moveto
(                 Path                 =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Directory_Name) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 451 moveto
(                 Laser_Comm           =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Boolean) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 463 moveto
(                 Suffix               =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( String) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 475 moveto
(                 Reverse_Output_Pages =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( Boolean) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(,) show
96 487 moveto
(                 On_Node              =>) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
( R1000_Name) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(\051) show
72 511 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(where:) show
72 535 moveto
(\267) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
17.334 MX
(Host_Name) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( is the network name of the workstation to which the files will be transferred.) show
72 553 moveto
(\267) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
17.334 MX
(Directory_Name) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( is the pathname of the workstation directory into which the files will be) show
96 566 moveto
(transferred. The directory pathname must have syntax appropriate to the workstation and) show
96 579 moveto
(must have trailing punctuation that permits the name of the transferred print-request file) show
96 592 moveto
(to be appended.) show
72 610 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Laser_Comm) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option, when True, specifies that the collected print requests will) show
96 623 moveto
(eventually be printed on a laser printer. Omitting the option is equivalent to specifying) show
96 636 moveto
(False, which means that a line printer will be used.) show
72 654 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Suffix) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option allows you to specify a string to be appended to the filenames that are) show
96 667 moveto
(created on the workstation. Omitting this option causes no suffix to be appended to the) show
96 680 moveto
(filenames. The specified suffix can be used by print tools as a way of identifying which) show
96 693 moveto
(files to print. This is useful when several printer names send files to the same directory.) show
72 711 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Reverse_Output_Pages) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option allows you to adjust the order in which pages are) show
96 724 moveto
(spooled to accommodate the way your printer stacks pages in its output tray, as described) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(18) show
343.308 MX
(May 1992    ) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( RATIONAL) show
%%Page: 19 19
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
389.560 MX
(Release D_12_6_5) show
96 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(in section 5.2. This option applies only if Laser_Comm is set to True.) show
72 90 moveto
(\267) show
17.334 MX
(The ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(On_Node) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( option specifies the network name of the R1000 whose print spooler handles) show
96 103 moveto
(the print requests. Omitting this option is equivalent to specifying the name of the current) show
96 116 moveto
(R1000.) show
72 140 moveto
( In addition to creating an entry for each workstation in the Printer_Configuration files, you) show
72 153 moveto
(must also create a remote-passwords file, containing the username and password to be used for) show
72 166 moveto
(accessing each workstation. This remote-passwords file must be named Remote_Access and) show
72 179 moveto
(exist in the library !Machine.Queues.Ftp. \050For information about remote-passwords files, see) show
72 192 moveto
(package Remote_Passwords in the Session and Job Management book of the) show
11 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( Rational) show
72 205 moveto
(Environment Reference Manual) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(.\051 ) show
gsave 576 127 moveto
576 205 lineto stroke grestore
72 229 moveto
(When print requests are sent as files to a workstation, any FTP messages are directed to a log) show
72 242 moveto
(file that is created in !Machine.Queues.Ftp. This log file is automatically cleared after each 100) show
72 255 moveto
(print requests. Messages pertaining to creating print classes and enabling devices are directed) show
72 268 moveto
(to the system error log.) show
72 292 moveto
(The following two entries create printer names Dc_Laser and Dc_Lineprinter, both of which) show
72 305 moveto
(direct print requests to a directory on a UNIX) show
0 -2.750 rmoveto
8 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
/registered SYM 5.976 MX
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 2.750 rmoveto
( workstation called Enterprise. These print) show
72 318 moveto
(requests, which are routed through the print spooler on an R1000 called Capitol, are sent as files) show
72 331 moveto
(with different suffixes, depending on the printer name \050) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(_Lsr) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( and ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(_Lpt) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(, respectively\051:) show
96 355 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(-- Laser printer attached to workstation in Washington, D.C., office;) show
96 367 moveto
(-- spooled on R1000 called Capitol.) show
96 379 moveto
(Dc_Laser => \050Workstation => Enterprise,) show
96 391 moveto
(             Path        => /usr/spool/ratqueue/,) show
96 403 moveto
(             Laser_Comm,) show
96 415 moveto
(             Suffix      => _Lsr,) show
96 427 moveto
(             On_Node     => Capitol\051) show
96 451 moveto
(-- Line printer attached to workstation in Washington, D.C., office;) show
96 463 moveto
(-- spooled on R1000 called Capitol.) show
96 475 moveto
(Dc_Lineprinter => \050Workstation => Enterprise,) show
96 487 moveto
(                   Path        => /usr/spool/ratqueue/,) show
96 499 moveto
(                   Suffix      => _Lpt,) show
96 511 moveto
(                   On_Node     => Capitol\051) show
72 535 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Print tools on the workstation, such as the following sample, are required to actually print the) show
72 548 moveto
(requests:) show
96 572 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(# This program spools print requests placed in /usr/spool/ratqueue to) show
96 584 moveto
(# the appropriate printer based on the suffix of the spooled file.) show
96 596 moveto
(# It checks the spool directory at 5-minute intervals to see if any) show
96 608 moveto
(# new files need printing. This runs as a C-shell script. To execute,) show
96 620 moveto
(# type csh and the name of this file.) show
96 644 moveto
(:) show
96 656 moveto
(set xFTPxDIRx=/usr/spool/ratqueue             #spool directory) show
96 668 moveto
(#) show
96 680 moveto
(set xFTPxSUFFIXxLSRx=_Lsr      # Laser printer suffix) show
96 692 moveto
(set xFTPxSUFFIXxLPTx=_Lpt      # Line printer suffix) show
96 704 moveto
(#) show
96 716 moveto
(set xPRINTxLISTxLSRx=/tmp/rat_print_lsr.$$    # Laser printer list file) show
96 728 moveto
(set xPRINTxLISTxLPTx=/tmp/rat_print_lpt.$$    # Line printer list file) show
72 756 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(     May 1992) show
343.558 MX
(19) show
%%Page: 20 20
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Guide to Machine Initialization) show
96 72 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(#) show
96 84 moveto
(set xPRINTxCOMMANDx=/tmp/rat_command.$$       # temporary print command) show
96 96 moveto
(file) show
96 108 moveto
(#) show
96 120 moveto
(set xPRINTxDELAYx=120          # interval to wait before printing) show
96 132 moveto
(set xRECHECKxTIMEx=180         # interval for checking print requests) show
96 144 moveto
(#) show
96 156 moveto
(cd $xFTPxDIRx) show
96 168 moveto
(while \0501 == 1\051) show
96 180 moveto
(#) show
96 192 moveto
(# Creates a list of files to print for each printer.) show
96 204 moveto
(#) show
96 216 moveto
(    ls $xFTPxDIRx | grep $xFTPxSUFFIXxLSRx > $xPRINTxLISTxLSRx) show
96 228 moveto
(    ls $xFTPxDIRx | grep $xFTPxSUFFIXxLPTx > $xPRINTxLISTxLPTx) show
96 240 moveto
(#) show
96 252 moveto
(# Adds the laser- and line-printer files to the print-command file) show
96 264 moveto
(# \050the device name of each type of printer should be provided after the) show
96 276 moveto
(-P\051.) show
96 288 moveto
(#) show
96 300 moveto
(    cat $xPRINTxLISTxLSRx | sed -e 's^.^lpr -r -Plaser &^' >) show
96 312 moveto
96 324 moveto
(    cat $xPRINTxLISTxLPTx | sed -e 's^.^lpr -r -Pline &^' >>) show
96 336 moveto
96 348 moveto
(#) show
96 360 moveto
(# Waits the specified amount of time before printing the requests.) show
96 372 moveto
(# \050This delay allows time for the FTP operation to complete and should) show
96 384 moveto
(# be adjusted based on the average length of files being printed.\051) show
96 396 moveto
(#) show
96 408 moveto
(    sleep $xPRINTxDELAYx) show
96 420 moveto
(#) show
96 432 moveto
(# Prints the files if there are any to print.) show
96 444 moveto
(#) show
96 456 moveto
(    set LCNT=`cat $xPRINTxCOMMANDx | wc -l `) show
96 468 moveto
(    if \050 $LCNT != 0 \051 then) show
96 480 moveto
(        chmod +x $xPRINTxCOMMANDx) show
96 492 moveto
(        $xPRINTxCOMMANDx) show
96 504 moveto
(    endif) show
96 516 moveto
(#) show
96 528 moveto
(# Waits the specified amount of time.) show
96 540 moveto
(#) show
96 552 moveto
(    sleep $xRECHECKxTIMEx) show
96 564 moveto
(#) show
96 576 moveto
(# Removes the old temporary files.) show
96 588 moveto
(#) show
96 600 moveto
(    rm $xPRINTxLISTxLSRx) show
96 612 moveto
(    rm $xPRINTxLISTxLPTx) show
96 624 moveto
(    rm $xPRINTxCOMMANDx) show
96 636 moveto
(#) show
96 648 moveto
(end) show
72 686 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(5.7.  Associating Default Printers with Individual Users) show
72 710 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(To associate a default printer with each user, you must create a file called User_Printer_Map in) show
72 723 moveto
(the Local world and add entries of the following form:) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(20) show
343.308 MX
(May 1992    ) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( RATIONAL) show
%%Page: 21 21
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
389.560 MX
(Release D_12_6_5) show
96 72 moveto
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(Username) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(  ) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
(Printer_Name) show
72 96 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(where:) show
72 120 moveto
(\267) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
17.334 MX
(Username) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( is either:) show
96 138 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(The username for an R1000 user) show
96 156 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(The string ) show
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(Others) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(, which represents all users not explicitly listed by name.) show
72 174 moveto
(\267) show
10 /Courier-BoldOblique SelectFont
17.334 MX
(Printer_Name) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( is defined in a Printer_Configuration file.) show
72 198 moveto
(Following is a sample User_Printer_Map file:) show
96 222 moveto
10 /Courier-Bold SelectFont
(phil dc_laser) show
96 234 moveto
(sue dlaser) show
96 246 moveto
(others lp) show
72 270 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(See also the comments in the specification of !Machine.Initialization.Rational.Printers.) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(     May 1992) show
343.558 MX
(21) show
%%Page: 22 22
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Guide to Machine Initialization) show
72 72 moveto
20 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( ) show
167.530 328 moveto
(Guide to Machine Initialization) show
227.560 372 moveto
(Release D_12_6_5) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( ) show
%%Page: 23 23
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
389.560 MX
(Release D_12_6_5) show
72 72 moveto
( ) show
72 144 moveto
(Copyright ) show
/copyright SYM 7.470 MX
( 1991 by Rational) show
72 192 moveto
(Part Number: 508-003207-006) show
72 216 moveto
(May 1992 \050Software Release D_12_6_5\051) show
72 492 moveto
9 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.) show
72 514 moveto
(Rational and R1000 are registered trademarks and Rational Environment is a trademark of Rational.) show
72 536 moveto
(Sun Workstation is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.) show
72 558 moveto
(UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T.) show
287.480 618 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Rational) show
259.660 630 moveto
(3320 Scott Boulevard) show
229.255 642 moveto
(Santa Clara, California  95054-3197) show
72 756 moveto
( ) show
%%Page: iii 24
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
389.560 MX
(Release D_12_6_5) show
278.182 72 moveto
14 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Contents) show
72 108 moveto
12 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(1.  Overview) show
4.272 MX
9 43 LTAB 390 MX
(1) show
93.600 121 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(1.1.  World !Machine.Initialization.Rational) show
2.817 MX
9 25 LTAB 228.500 MX
(2) show
93.600 134 moveto
(1.2.  Worlds !Machine.Initialization.[Site,Local]) show
2.678 MX
9 23 LTAB 210.500 MX
(2) show
72 148 moveto
12 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(2.  Setting Up the Site and Local Worlds) show
5.112 MX
9 27 LTAB 246 MX
(4) show
72 162 moveto
(3.  Hints for Implementing System Customizations) show
1.044 MX
9 21 LTAB 192 MX
(5) show
93.600 175 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(3.1.  Writing Customized Initialization Procedures) show
4.233 MX
9 21 LTAB 192.500 MX
(5) show
93.600 188 moveto
(3.2.  Using \252_Start\272 Files to Reference Initialization Procedures) show
7.932 MX
9 14 LTAB 129.500 MX
(6) show
93.600 201 moveto
(3.3.  Controlling the Order of Execution) show
2.505 MX
9 27 LTAB 246.500 MX
(7) show
93.600 214 moveto
(3.4.  Customizing Disk-Collection Thresholds) show
0.949 MX
9 24 LTAB 219.500 MX
(8) show
72 228 moveto
12 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(4.  Enabling and Configuring Login Ports) show
6.192 MX
9 26 LTAB 237 MX
(8) show
93.600 241 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(4.1.  Enabling Ports for Login) show
7.819 MX
9 32 LTAB 291.500 MX
(8) show
93.600 254 moveto
(4.2.  Customizing Port Characteristics) show
2.668 MX
9 27 LTAB 250 MX
(10) show
93.600 267 moveto
(4.3.  A Sample Terminal_Configuration File) show
1.002 MX
9 24 LTAB 223 MX
(11) show
93.600 280 moveto
(4.4.  Terminal-Configuration Options) show
4.637 MX
9 27 LTAB 250 MX
(11) show
72 294 moveto
12 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(5.  Configuring Printers) show
0.720 MX
9 36 LTAB 330 MX
(13) show
93.600 307 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(5.1.  Where to Specify Printer Information) show
0.681 MX
9 25 LTAB 232 MX
(14) show
93.600 320 moveto
(5.2.  Adding Entries to a Printer_Configuration File) show
8.712 MX
9 19 LTAB 178 MX
(15) show
93.600 333 moveto
(5.3.  Specifying a Directly Connected Printer) show
6.416 MX
9 23 LTAB 214 MX
(16) show
93.600 346 moveto
(5.4.  Specifying a Networked Printer) show
8.993 MX
9 27 LTAB 250 MX
(17) show
93.600 359 moveto
(5.5.  Specifying an Environment File) show
0.961 MX
9 28 LTAB 259 MX
(17) show
93.600 372 moveto
(5.6.  Specifying a Workstation Directory) show
0.734 MX
9 26 LTAB 241 MX
(18) show
93.600 385 moveto
(5.7.  Associating Default Printers with Individual Users) show
6.681 MX
9 17 LTAB 160 MX
(20) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( ) show
%%Page: iv 25
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Guide to Machine Initialization) show
72 756 moveto
( ) show
%%Pages: 25 1
%%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman Courier-Bold Courier-BoldOblique Palatino-Roman Palatino-Bold Palatino-Italic Palatino-BoldItalic