Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

top - download
Index: ┃ B T

⟦61902654b⟧ TextFile

    Length: 23522 (0x5be2)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦407de186f⟧ Bits:30000749 8mm tape, Rational 1000, RCFSUN
    └─ ⟦e5cd75ab4⟧ »DATA« 


separate (Sparc_Unix_Alsys)
function Get_Operational_Info return Op.Object is

    Compiler_Properties : constant Op.Compiler_Property_List :=
       (Op.Generics_Share_Code => False,
        Op.Require_Body_And_Generic_In_Same_Compilation => False,
        Op.Requires_Subunits_And_Generic_In_Same_Compilation => False,
        Op.Implements_Pragma_Inline => True,
        Op.Separate_Subunits_Are_Inefficient => False);

    -- Install_Directory : constant String :=
    --    "/home/gumdrop/alsys/alsyCOMP_047/v5.5";
    Option_List : constant Op.Option_List :=
        -- This is NOT a user configurable option, but rather a required
        -- Alsys construct that is put at the end of the compile command string
        -- preceeding the filename.
        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                   Option_Name => "SOURCE=",
                   Switch_Dependent => False,
                   Switch_Name => "",
                   Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
                   Default_Value => "",
                   Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                   Is_Pre_Option => True),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "LIBRARY=adalib",
                  Switch_Dependent => False,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Target_Ada_Library),
                  Active_Phases =>
                     (Op.Promote => True, Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "",
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "LEVEL=UPDATE",
                  Switch_Dependent => False,
                  Switch_Name => "",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "ANNOTATE=\""Compiled by RCI\""",
                  Switch_Dependent => False,
                  Switch_Name => "",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False),
        -- Compiler Options
        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "ASSEMBLY=ALL",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Include_Assembly),
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "false",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Include_Assembly)),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "TEXT=YES WARNING=YES",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Include_Source_Text),
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "false",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Include_Source_Text)),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "CHECKS",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Runtime_Checks),
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "ALL",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Runtime_Checks)),

        -- There is no difference between EXTENSIVE and PARTIAL.  A
        -- boolean switch is sufficient.
        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "REDUCTION=EXTENSIVE",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Optimize_Checks),
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "False",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Optimize_Checks)),

           (For_Target => Target_Name,
            Option_Name => "EXPRESSIONS",
            Switch_Dependent => True,
            Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Expressions_Optimization),
            Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
            Default_Value => "NONE",
            Option_Takes_Arg => True,
            Is_Pre_Option => False,
            Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Expressions_Optimization)),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "DEBUG=YES",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Debug),
                  Active_Phases =>
                     (Op.Promote => True, Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "False",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Debug)),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "MEMORY",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Compiler_Memory_Size),
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "500",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Compiler_Memory_Size)),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "INLINE",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Inline_Subprograms),
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "PRAGMA",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Inline_Subprograms)),

        Op.Build (Option_Name => "GENERICS=STUBS",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Separate_Generics),
                  Default_Value => "False",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Separate_Generics),
                  For_Target => Target_Name),

           (Option_Name => "CONSTANT",
            Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
            Switch_Dependent => True,
            Switch_Name =>
               Switches.Image (Switches.Constant_Allocation_Threshold),
            Default_Value => "0",
            Option_Takes_Arg => True,
            Is_Pre_Option => False,
            Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Constant_Allocation_Threshold),  
            For_Target => Target_Name),

        Op.Build (Option_Name => "GLOBAL",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name =>
                     Switches.Image (Switches.Global_Allocation_Threshold),
                  Default_Value => "0",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Global_Allocation_Threshold),
                  For_Target => Target_Name),

        Op.Build (Option_Name => "COPY=YES",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Keep_Source),
                  Default_Value => "FALSE",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Keep_Source),
                  For_Target => Target_Name),

        Op.Build (Option_Name => "TREE=YES",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Keep_Tree),
                  Default_Value => "FALSE",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Keep_Tree),
                  For_Target => Target_Name),

        -- Binder Options
        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "PROGRAM=",
                  Switch_Dependent => False,
                  Switch_Name => "",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => True,
                  Help => ""),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "DATA",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Include_Data_Map),
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "NONE",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Include_Data_Map)),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "MAIN",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Main_Stack_Size),
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "10",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Main_Stack_Size)),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "TASK",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Task_Stack_Size),
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "12",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Task_Stack_Size)),

           (For_Target => Target_Name,
            Option_Name => "HISTORY",
            Switch_Dependent => True,
            Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Include_Calling_Trace),
            Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
            Default_Value => "MAIN",
            Option_Takes_Arg => True,
            Is_Pre_Option => False,
            Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Include_Calling_Trace)),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "SLICE",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Time_Slicing),
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "NO",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Time_Slicing)),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "BLOCKING",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Blocking_Io),
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "NO",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Blocking_Io)),

        Op.Build (Option_Name => "UNCALLED=KEEP",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Keep_Uncalled),
                  Default_Value => "FALSE",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Keep_Uncalled),
                  For_Target => Target_Name),

        Op.Build (Option_Name => "DIRECTIVES",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Linker_Directives),
                  Default_Value => "",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Linker_Directives),
                  For_Target => Target_Name),

        Op.Build (Option_Name => "MODULES",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Linked_Modules),
                  Default_Value => "",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Linked_Modules),
                  For_Target => Target_Name),

        Op.Build (Option_Name => "SEARCH",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.External_Library),
                  Default_Value => "",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.External_Library),
                  For_Target => Target_Name),

        Op.Build (Option_Name => "TUNE=YES",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Keep_Adatune_Info),
                  Default_Value => "FALSE",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Keep_Adatune_Info),
                  For_Target => Target_Name),

        Op.Build (Option_Name => "CLOSURE",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Units_Closure),
                  Default_Value => "BRIEF",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Units_Closure),
                  For_Target => Target_Name),

           (Option_Name => "ELABORATION=YES",
            Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
            Switch_Dependent => True,
            Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Include_Elaboration_Order),
            Default_Value => "TRUE",
            Option_Takes_Arg => False,
            Is_Pre_Option => False,
            Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Include_Elaboration_Order),
            For_Target => Target_Name),

        Op.Build (Option_Name => "LINK=YES",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Include_Link_Info),
                  Default_Value => "TRUE",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Include_Link_Info),
                  For_Target => Target_Name),

        Op.Build (Option_Name => "NAMES=YES",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Include_Name_Map),
                  Default_Value => "TRUE",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Include_Name_Map),
                  For_Target => Target_Name),

        Op.Build (Option_Name => "SUBPROGRAMS",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Retain_Subprograms),
                  Default_Value => "BRIEF",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Retain_Subprograms),
                  For_Target => Target_Name),

        Op.Build (Option_Name => "MAP",
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Include_Object_Map),
                  Default_Value => "BRIEF",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => True,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Include_Object_Map),
                  For_Target => Target_Name),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "OUTPUT=AUTOMATIC",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Compiler_Listing),
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Promote => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "False",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Compiler_Listing)),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "OUTPUT=AUTOMATIC WARNING=YES",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Binder_Listing),
                  Active_Phases => (Op.Link => True, others => False),
                  Default_Value => "False",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Binder_Listing)),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Cui_File),
                  Active_Phases => (others => False),
                  Default_Value => "False",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Cui_File)),

        Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                  Option_Name => "",
                  Switch_Dependent => True,
                  Switch_Name => Switches.Image (Switches.Executable),
                  Active_Phases => (others => False),
                  Default_Value => "False",
                  Option_Takes_Arg => False,
                  Is_Pre_Option => False,
                  Help => Switches.Help (Switches.Executable)));

    Associated_File_List : constant Op.Associated_File_List :=
       (1 => Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                       The_File_Type => Op.Text,
                       The_Retrieve_Condition => Op.Always,
                       Retrieve_Phase => Op.Promote,
                       Option_Dependent => True,
                       Associated_Option_Switch =>
                          Switches.Image (Switches.Compiler_Listing),
                       Host_Filename_Extension => "lis",
                       Remote_Filename_Type => Op.File_Name,
                       Argument_Overrides_Fixed_Name => False,
                       Fixed_Remote_Filename => "",
                       Remote_Filename_Extension => "lis"),

        2 => Op.Build (For_Target => Target_Name,
                       The_File_Type => Op.Text,
                       The_Retrieve_Condition => Op.Always,
                       Retrieve_Phase => Op.Link,
                       Option_Dependent => True,
                       Associated_Option_Switch =>
                          Switches.Image (Switches.Binder_Listing),
                       Host_Filename_Extension => "bnd",
                       Remote_Filename_Type => Op.File_Name,
                       Argument_Overrides_Fixed_Name => False,
                       Fixed_Remote_Filename => "",
                       Remote_Filename_Extension => "bnd"),

        3 => Op.Build
                (For_Target => Target_Name,
                 The_File_Type => Op.Text,
                 The_Retrieve_Condition => Op.Always,
                 Retrieve_Phase => Op.Link,
                 Option_Dependent => True,
                 Associated_Option_Switch => Switches.Image (Switches.Cui_File),
                 Host_Filename_Extension => "cui",
                 Remote_Filename_Type => Op.File_Name,
                 Argument_Overrides_Fixed_Name => False,
                 Fixed_Remote_Filename => "",
                 Remote_Filename_Extension => "cui"));

    Op_Characteristics : Op.Object :=
       Op.Build (Properties => Compiler_Properties,
                 Max_Filename_Length => 60,   -- Can possibly be extended > 60
                 Full_Pathname_Length => 1024,

                 Spec_Filename_Extension => "ads",
                 Body_Filename_Extension => "adb",

                 Extension_Separator => ".",

                 Directory_Separator => "/",
                 Directory_Prefix => "",
                 Directory_Suffix => "",
                 Directory_Unit_Separator => "/",

                 Case_Sensitive => True,
                 Command_Line_Case => Op.Lower,
                 Max_Command_Line_Length => 255,

                 Compiler_Command => "ada compile",
                 Compiler_Pre_Command => "",

                 Compiler_Post_Command => "",

                 Linker_Command => "ada bind LEVEL=LINK",
                 Linker_Pre_Command => "",
                 Linker_Post_Command => "",

                 Executable_Option => "OBJECT=AUTOMATIC",
                 Executable_Option_Is_Pre_Option => False,

                 Context_Command => "cd",

                 Library_Command => "",

                 Default_Program_Library_Name => "adalib",
                 Parse_Standard_Output => False,
                 Parse_Standard_Error => False,
                 Error_Pattern => "",

                 Remote_Operating_System => Op.Unix,       -- not used yet

                 The_Transfer_Type => Get_Transfer_Type,

                 -- options
                 Option_Separator => " ",
                 Option_Header => "",
                 Option_Argument_Separator => "=",
                 Options => Option_List,

                 Ada_Name_Subunit_Separator => ".",
                 Ada_Name_Spec_Suffix => "spec",
                 Ada_Name_Body_Suffix => "body",

                 Associated_Files => Associated_File_List,
                 For_Target => Target_Name);
    return Op_Characteristics;
end Get_Operational_Info;