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⟦61e35575f⟧ TextFile

    Length: 22531 (0x5803)
    Types: TextFile


└─⟦6ac9a67ca⟧ Bits:30000548 8mm tape, Rational 1000, access 1_0_1
    └─ ⟦78f173837⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 



                      Rational Access Release Information

                                 Release 1_0_1



       Copyright  1992 by Rational

       Part Number: 508-003288-001

       November 1992 (Software Release 1_0_1)

       AIX and RISC System/6000 are trademarks and IBM is a registered
       trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.

       OpenWindows is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

       OSF/Motif is a trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc.

       PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems

       Rational and R1000 are registered trademarks and Rational
       Environment is a trademark of Rational.

       Sun and SunOS are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

       SPARCstation is a trademark of SPARC International, Inc.,
       licensed exclusively to Sun Microsystems, Inc.

       UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.

       VAXstation is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.

       X Window System is a trademark of MIT.

                             3320 Scott Boulevard
                      Santa Clara, California  95054-3197


                                                           Release 1_0_1

       1.  Overview

       This release information describes Release 1_0_1 of Rational
       Access, an OSF/Motif-based graphical user interface for the
       Rational Environment. Access runs as an X Window System (X)
       application on a UNIX workstation. It features:

       *  The OSF/Motif mouse, menu, and dialog box paradigm.

       *  Many new "full service" commands, which combine several
          lower-functionality Environment operations.

       *  A comprehensive, menu-based online help facility.

       *  Platform-independent key and mouse bindings.

       *  Full support for existing Environment features such as
          "item-operation" combinations and command windows.

       For more information about Access, refer to accompanying Rational
       Access User's Guide.

       Note: This release information can be found online in the
       !Machine.Release.Release_Notes world in line-printer
       (Access_Release1_0_1_Lpt) and PostScript
       (Access_Release1_0_1_Ps) formats.

       2.  Components Included in this Release

       2.1.  R1000 Components

       The following Access components are installed on the R1000 as
       part of this release:

       *  !Commands.Mail package

       *  !Commands.Menu_Operations package

       *  !Machine.Editor_Data.Rational_Access_Commands procedure

       *  !Machine.Editor_Data.Rational_Access_Key_Names package

       *  !Machine.Editor_Data.Rational_Access_Keys file

       *  !Machine.Initialization.Rational.Rational_Access_User_
          Interface loaded main program

       2.2.  Workstation Components

       The following Access components are installed on the workstation
       as part of this release:

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                      1\f

       Rational Access Release Information

       *  Rational_Access/Env_Help_Topics file

       *  Rational_Access/Help_Data file

       *  Rational_Access/XSun3-xmodmap file

       *  Rational_Access/Xsun4-xmodmap file

       *  Rational_Access/XKeysymDB file

       *  app-defaults/RATIONAL file

       *  bin/access-rs6k file

       *  bin/access-sparc file

       *  bin/checkfonts file

       *  bin/install_fonts file

       *  bin/rational file

       *  fonts/source directory

       *  fonts/SPARC_MIT directory

       *  fonts/SPARC_NeWS directory

       *  fonts/RS6000 directory

       *  man/man/rational.n file

       Note that the actual location of the workstation components is
       with respect to the location at which they are installed. For
       more information about installation, refer to the installation
       instructions delivered with this release.

       3.  Supported Configurations

       Access has been developed and tested on the following workstation
       configurations. This release of Access may work with other
       configurations; however, Rational cannot support or guarantee
       other configurations.

       2                                      November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 1_0_1

                       Table 1   Supported Configurations
        |           |            |           |           |           |
        | Rational  |Workstation | Operating |  Window   |  Keyboard |
        |Environment|            |  System   |  System   |           |
        |           |            |           |           |           |
        |D_12_7_3   |Sun         |SunOS      |MIT X11R4  | Sun Type 4|
        |           |SPARCStation|4.1.2      |and the    | or        |
        |           |            |           |Motif      | U.S. 101  |
        |           |            |           |Window     |           |
        |           |            |           |Manager    |           |
        |           |            |           |           |           |
        |D_12_7_3   |IBM RISC    |AIX 3.2    |MIT X11R4  | IBM U.S.  |
        |           |System/     |           |and the    |           |
        |           |6000        |           |Motif      |           |
        |           |            |           |Window     |           |
        |           |            |           |Manager    |           |

       Although not recommended or supported, Access will run under
       OpenWindows. For information, see Appendix A, "Compatibility
       with OpenWindows."

       4.  Compatibility with Other Rational Products

       This 1_0_1 release of Access supports the Rational
       layered-software products listed in Table 2.

                 Table 2   Compatibility with Layered Products
                      |                    |          |
                      |  Rational Product  |Compatible|
                      |                    | Release  |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Insight             |1_3_0     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Design Facility:    |6_2_5 or  |
                      |2167A               |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Rational Publishing |1_0_2 or  |
                      |Interface           |later     |

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                      3\f

       Rational Access Release Information

           Table 2   Compatibility with Layered Products (continued)
                      |                    |          |
                      |  Rational Product  |Compatible|
                      |                    | Release  |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Rational Teamwork   |2_1_2 or  |
                      |Interface           |later     |

       Supported layered products can be started, used, and exited using
       Access menu commands. Commands for supported layered products
       appear in the Tools menu. If you try to use a layered product
       that is not installed or authorized, a message appears in the
       Environment message window. For more information about using
       layered products with Access, see the online help for specific
       menu commands.

       Layered products that are not supported by Access can still be
       used from command windows within an Access window.

       5.  Known Problems

       The following problems are specific to this 1_0_1 release of
       Access and were known at the time of release.

       5.1.  Creating and Activating Buttons

       When the Access window is the maximum height allowed on the
       display, adding new user-defined buttons does not resize the
       button panel. Thus, new buttons may be hidden until you pull down
       the sash.

       Sometimes a button remains selected (colored in) after it has
       been activated. This behavior is most likely to occur when you
       activate window-control or user-defined buttons from the keyboard.
       It has also been noticed in persistent dialog boxes such as the
       Image Palette, Function Key Palette, Debugger Palette, and
       Help:On Environment box. The button is displayed correctly the
       next time it is drawn. To force Access to redraw the button,
       cover and uncover the window containing the button.

       5.2.  Resizing the Environment Area

       You cannot use the keyboard to move the sash in the main Access

       4                                      November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 1_0_1

       Resizing the Environment area, either by moving the sash or
       resizing the entire Access window, sometimes results in a
       misplaced Environment cursor.

       5.3.  Promoting Withdrawn Units

       Program:Promote to Source attempts to promote withdrawn units to
       the installed state, without bringing up a dialog box or
       prompting for confirmation. This problem is caused by an
       underlying Environment procedure and cannot be fixed in Access.

       5.4.  Incremental Operations

       If the cursor is in an Ada unit and nothing is selected, the
       Program:Incremental:Incremental Edit command demotes the entire
       unit to the source state. This behavior occurs because
       Incremental Edit directly calls the Environment command
       !Commands.Common.Edit, which is intended for context-sensitive
       use, based on the presence (or lack of) a selection.

       5.5.  Using Telnet Within the Access Window

       A single Access window should be used for each connection to the
       R1000. Attempting to make several telnet connections between a
       single Access window and multiple Environment sessions may not
       work correctly. If you encounter problems, remember that:

       *  Session:Screen:Rational Mode should be set for Environment
          operations. It should not be set for UNIX or telnet

       *  Environment key bindings are session-specific, not
          user-specific. Thus, if you are connected to two Environment
          sessions through a single Access window, your key bindings
          will change when you switch sessions.

       *  [Meta][L] clears the Environment area of the Access window.

       *  [Control][L] repaints the Environment area of the Access

       6.  Limitations

       The following limitations apply to this 1_0_1 release of Rational

       6.1.  Key Combinations Reserved by Other Applications

       When there is a conflict between key combinations that are
       reserved by your window manager or display and Access key

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                      5\f

       Rational Access Release Information

       bindings, the Access bindings are ineffective. For example,
       regardless of any Access bindings:

       *  From a Sun SPARCStation running the Motif Window Manager,
          [Control][Meta][1] toggles the screen.

       *  From an IBM RS/6000, [Control][Meta][Delete] and
          [Control][Meta][Back Space] kill the window manager.

       *  From a VAXstation, [Control][F2] reboots the system.

       6.2.  Key Combinations Reserved by Access

       You should not attempt to rebind the following key combinations:

          [Meta][B]           [Meta][E]           [Meta][F]
          [Meta][H]           [Meta][I]           [Meta][M]
          [Meta][O]           [Meta][P]           [Meta][S]

       These key combinations are reserved for displaying Access menus.
       Attempts to rebind these keys may result in unpredictable

       6.3.  Limitation on User-Defined Buttons

       Some Access menu items are executed on the workstation without
       interacting with the server on the R1000. You cannot create
       buttons for them. These menu items are:

        File:Exit                        Debug:Debugger Commands Palette
        Session:Screen:Save Button Panel Session:Screen:Full Reset
        Session:Screen:Rational Mode     Session:Screen:Inverse Video
        Session:Screen:Visual Bell       Help:On Help
        Help:On Getting Started          Help:On Key Bindings
        Help:On Function Keys            Help:On Mouse
        Help:On Window Panel             Help:On Menu:File Menu Help
        Help:On Menu:Edit Menu Help      Help:On Menu:Navigate Menu Help
        Help:On Menu:Program Menu Help   Help:On Menu:CMVC Menu Help
        Help:On Menu:Debug Menu Help     Help:On Menu:Session Menu Help
        Help:On Menu:Tools Menu Help     Help:On Menu:Help Menu Help
        Help:On Environment              Help:On Version 

       6.4.  Customization

       In this 1_0_1 release of Access, it is not possible to change the
       items listed on the Access menus. It is possible, however, to
       change the commands that are executed by the items (through
       customized key binding procedures). Note, however, that such
       customization of Access menus has not been thoroughly tested and,
       therefore, is not documented or supported by Rational.

       6                                      November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 1_0_1

       In this release of Access, it is also possible to change
       user-defined buttons by editing your .Rational-Access-buttons file
       directly. Note, again, that such customization has not been
       thoroughly tested and, therefore, is not documented or supported
       by Rational.

       7.  Documentation

       7.1.  Printed Documentation

       Rational Access has been documented in the Rational Access User's
       Guide, product number 4000-00722, dated November 1992.

       The following subsections contain corrections, clarifications, and
       additions to the information presented in the Rational Access
       User's Guide.

       7.1.1.  Corrections

       Some of the screens shown in the Rational Access User's Guide
       differ slightly from those on your display. In particular, you
       may notice differences in fonts, the sizes of buttons, and the
       capitalization of labels. Functionality, however, has not been

       On page 166 of the Rational Access User's Guide, the table entry
       for [Line]-[Delete] states that [Control][F1]-[Delete] deletes to
       the end of the line. This is incorrect. [Control][F1]-[Delete]
       deletes to the beginning of the line.

       7.1.2.  Clarifications and Additions

       If you using an IBM RS/6000 with an IBM U.S. keyboard, note that
       key combinations that include arrow keys refer to the arrow keys
       between the alphanumeric keys and the numeric keypad. The arrow
       keys on the numeric keypad do not perform the same operations.
       Specifically, pressing an arrow key on the numeric keypad executes
       the Access operation bound to [Shift] plus the arrow key.

       Some text entry boxes, such as the Comments entry box in the CMVC
       dialog boxes, accept the [Tab] and [Return] characters as part of
       the entry. To use the keyboard to move the focus from such an
       entry box, press [Control][Tab] or [Shift][Tab]. To activate the
       default command button (usually OK) from the keyboard, first move
       the focus to another field in the dialog box; then the [Return]
       key will work as expected.

       The Image Palette cannot be used to redisplay objects or images
       that have been abandoned unless the Image Palette lists the full
       pathname of those objects. In particular, the Image Palette
       cannot find mailboxes, mail messages, the window directory, or I/O

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                      7\f

       Rational Access Release Information

       windows that have been abandoned. (Images are abandoned using
       File:Close, [Control][F1]-[G], or [Control][F1]-[X]. The Remove
       Window button and [Control][F1]-[D] do not abandon the object.
       Objects that have been removed using either of those methods can
       be retrieved from the Image Palette without problems.)

       7.2.  Online Documentation

       Access provides several kinds of online documentation:

       *  A complete man page for the rational command explains the
          options and X defaults that can be used to tailor the Access

       *  A comprehensive, menu-based online help system provides
          information about Access menus, key and mouse bindings,
          buttons, and special features.

          The Access online help is integrated with the Environment help
          through the Help:On Environment facility.

       For information about the online help facility, choose Help:On
       Help from the main Access window.

       8.  Training

       A new version of the Rational Environment Training: Fundamentals
       course is being developed. The new version will be tailored to
       suit the needs to Rational Access users. It will be available in
       the near future.

       8                                      November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 1_0_1

                                  Appendix A
                        Compatibility with OpenWindows

       The recommended configuration for Access is the MIT X11 X server
       and the Motif Window Manager. Access will run, however, under
       OpenWindows. Functionality is complete, but robustness is not
       guaranteed and the product look is much different.

       When attempting to use Access with OpenWindows, make sure that
       the /usr/lib/X11/XKeysymDB file on the workstation contains the
       following entries:

          !               OSF Keysyms
          osfBackSpace            :1004FF08
          osfInsert               :1004FF63
          osfDelete               :1004FFFF
          osfCopy                 :1004FF02
          osfCut                  :1004FF03
          osfPaste                :1004FF04

          osfAddMode              :1004FF31
          osfPrimaryPaste         :1004FF32
          osfQuickPaste           :1004FF33

          osfPageUp               :1004FF41
          osfPageDown             :1004FF42

          osfEndLine              :1004FF57
          osfBeginLine            :1004FF58

          osfActivate             :1004FF44
          osfMenuBar              :1004FF45

          osfClear                :1004FFOB
          osfCancel               :1004FF69
          osfHelp                 :1004FF6A
          osfMenu                 :1004FF67
          osfSelect               :1004FF60
          osfUndo                 :1004FF65

          osfLeft                 :1004FF51
          osfUp                   :1004FF52
          osfRight                :1004FF53
          osfDown                 :1004FF54

       An XKeysymDB file with these entries is distributed with Access.

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                      9\f

                                                           Release 1_0_1


       1.  Overview                                                    1
       2.  Components Included in this Release                         1
          2.1.  R1000 Components                                       1
          2.2.  Workstation Components                                 1
       3.  Supported Configurations                                    2
       4.  Compatibility with Other Rational Products                  3
       5.  Known Problems                                              4
          5.1.  Creating and Activating Buttons                        4
          5.2.  Resizing the Environment Area                          4
          5.3.  Promoting Withdrawn Units                              5
          5.4.  Incremental Operations                                 5
          5.5.  Using Telnet Within the Access Window                  5
       6.  Limitations                                                 5
          6.1.  Key Combinations Reserved by Other Applications        5
          6.2.  Key Combinations Reserved by Access                    6
          6.3.  Limitation on User-Defined Buttons                     6
          6.4.  Customization                                          6
       7.  Documentation                                               7
          7.1.  Printed Documentation                                  7
             7.1.1.  Corrections                                       7
             7.1.2.  Clarifications and Additions                      7
          7.2.  Online Documentation                                   8
       8.  Training                                                    8
       A  Compatibility with OpenWindows                               9

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                    iii\f

       Rational Access Release Information

       iv                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f