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⟦62237a443⟧ TextFile

    Length: 13714 (0x3592)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 


package Xsun101_Key_Names is

----This file describes the current Sun 101A keyboard when used with MIT X11R5;
--  US keyboard.
----06/29/92 - GEB

    type Key_Names is  

----Special non-X11 keys we need for Rational Menus

        Menu_Job_Kill, Menu_Job_Disable, Menu_Debug_Stop, Menu_Return,

        Mouse_Down, Mouse_Right,  
        Mouse_Image_Down, Mouse_Image_Right,  
        Mouse_Button1, Mouse_Button2, Mouse_Button3,  
        Mouse_Button4, Mouse_Button5, Mouse_Button6,
        Mouse_Button1_Up, Mouse_Button2_Up, Mouse_Button3_Up,  
        Mouse_Button4_Up, Mouse_Button5_Up, Mouse_Button6_Up,
        Mouse_Button1_Dbl, Mouse_Button2_Dbl, Mouse_Button3_Dbl,  
        Mouse_Button4_Dbl, Mouse_Button5_Dbl, Mouse_Button6_Dbl,

        Menu_Pick, Mouse_Minus,  
        Mouse_0, Mouse_1, Mouse_2, Mouse_3, Mouse_4,  
        Mouse_5, Mouse_6, Mouse_7, Mouse_8, Mouse_9,

        X_No_Op, X_Screen_Height, X_Screen_Width, X_Screen_Redraw,

----X11 Miscellaneous Keys

        Backspace,      -- back space, back char
        S_Backspace, C_Backspace, M_Backspace, Cs_Backspace,
        Cm_Backspace, Ms_Backspace, Cms_Backspace,

        Tab, S_Tab, C_Tab, M_Tab, Cs_Tab, Cm_Tab, Ms_Tab, Cms_Tab,

        Carriage_Return,-- Return, enter
        C_Carriage_Return, M_Carriage_Return, Cm_Carriage_Return,
        S_Carriage_Return, Cs_Carriage_Return,
        Ms_Carriage_Return, Cms_Carriage_Return,

        Escape, C_Escape, M_Escape, Cm_Escape,
        S_Escape, Cs_Escape, Ms_Escape, Cms_Escape,

        Print_Screen, C_Print_Screen, M_Print_Screen, Cm_Print_Screen,
        S_Print_Screen, Cs_Print_Screen, Ms_Print_Screen, Cms_Print_Screen,

        Scroll_Lock, C_Scroll_Lock, M_Scroll_Lock, Cm_Scroll_Lock,
        S_Scroll_Lock, Cs_Scroll_Lock, Ms_Scroll_Lock, Cms_Scroll_Lock,

        Pause, C_Pause, M_Pause, Cm_Pause,
        S_Pause, Cs_Pause, Ms_Pause, Cms_Pause,

        -- Insert key
        Object, C_Object, M_Object, Cm_Object,
        S_Object, Cs_Object, Ms_Object, Cms_Object,

        -- Home key
        Region, C_Region, M_Region, Cm_Region, S_Region,  
        Cs_Region, Ms_Region, Cms_Region,

        -- Page_Up key
        Window, C_Window, M_Window, Cm_Window,
        S_Window, Cs_Window, Ms_Window, Cms_Window,

        -- Delete key
        Promot, C_Promot, M_Promot, Cm_Promot,
        S_Promot, Cs_Promot, Ms_Promot, Cms_Promot,

        -- End_key key
        Complt, C_Complt, M_Complt, Cm_Complt,
        S_Complt, Cs_Complt, Ms_Complt, Cms_Complt,

        -- Page_Down key
        Format, C_Format, M_Format, Cm_Format,
        S_Format, Cs_Format, Ms_Format, Cms_Format,

        -- Control/Action key; which may be mapped to Control_R and thus may
        -- not "work" via RXI to an R1000 as it will just be a control key then.
        Action, C_Action, M_Action, Cm_Action,
        S_Action, Cs_Action, Ms_Action, Cms_Action,

        Left,           -- Move left, left arrow
        C_Left, M_Left, Cm_Left, S_Left, Cs_Left, Ms_Left, Cms_Left,

        Up,             -- Move up, up arrow
        C_Up, M_Up, Cm_Up, S_Up, Cs_Up, Ms_Up, Cms_Up,

        Right,          -- Move right, right arrow
        C_Right, M_Right, Cm_Right, S_Right, Cs_Right, Ms_Right, Cms_Right,

        Down,           -- Move down, down arrow
        C_Down, M_Down, Cm_Down, S_Down, Cs_Down, Ms_Down, Cms_Down,

        F1, C_F1, M_F1, Cm_F1, S_F1, Cs_F1, Ms_F1, Cms_F1,  
        F2, C_F2, M_F2, Cm_F2, S_F2, Cs_F2, Ms_F2, Cms_F2,  
        F3, C_F3, M_F3, Cm_F3, S_F3, Cs_F3, Ms_F3, Cms_F3,  
        F4, C_F4, M_F4, Cm_F4, S_F4, Cs_F4, Ms_F4, Cms_F4,  
        F5, C_F5, M_F5, Cm_F5, S_F5, Cs_F5, Ms_F5, Cms_F5,  
        F6, C_F6, M_F6, Cm_F6, S_F6, Cs_F6, Ms_F6, Cms_F6,  
        F7, C_F7, M_F7, Cm_F7, S_F7, Cs_F7, Ms_F7, Cms_F7,  
        F8, C_F8, M_F8, Cm_F8, S_F8, Cs_F8, Ms_F8, Cms_F8,  
        F9, C_F9, M_F9, Cm_F9, S_F9, Cs_F9, Ms_F9, Cms_F9,  
        F10, C_F10, M_F10, Cm_F10, S_F10, Cs_F10, Ms_F10, Cms_F10,  
        F11, C_F11, M_F11, Cm_F11, S_F11, Cs_F11, Ms_F11, Cms_F11,  
        F12, C_F12, M_F12, Cm_F12, S_F12, Cs_F12, Ms_F12, Cms_F12,

----Keypad keys

        -- Numeric_Slash
        Line, C_Line, M_Line, Cm_Line, S_Line, Cs_Line, Ms_Line, Cms_Line,

        -- Numeric_Star
        Word, C_Word, M_Word, Cm_Word, S_Word, Cs_Word, Ms_Word, Cms_Word,

        -- Numeric_Minus
        Mark, C_Mark, M_Mark, Cm_Mark, S_Mark, Cs_Mark, Ms_Mark, Cms_Mark,

        -- Numeric_Plus
        Image, C_Image, M_Image, Cm_Image,
        S_Image, Cs_Image, Ms_Image, Cms_Image,

        -- Numeric_Period
        Dot, C_Dot, M_Dot, Cm_Dot,  
        S_Dot, Cs_Dot, Ms_Dot, Cms_Dot,

        Enter, C_Enter, M_Enter, Cm_Enter,
        S_Enter, Cs_Enter, Ms_Enter, Cms_Enter,

        Numeric_0, C_Numeric_0, M_Numeric_0, Cm_Numeric_0,
        S_Numeric_0, Cs_Numeric_0, Ms_Numeric_0, Cms_Numeric_0,  
        Numeric_1, C_Numeric_1, M_Numeric_1, Cm_Numeric_1,
        S_Numeric_1, Cs_Numeric_1, Ms_Numeric_1, Cms_Numeric_1,  
        Numeric_2, C_Numeric_2, M_Numeric_2, Cm_Numeric_2,
        S_Numeric_2, Cs_Numeric_2, Ms_Numeric_2, Cms_Numeric_2,  
        Numeric_3, C_Numeric_3, M_Numeric_3, Cm_Numeric_3,
        S_Numeric_3, Cs_Numeric_3, Ms_Numeric_3, Cms_Numeric_3,  
        Numeric_4, C_Numeric_4, M_Numeric_4, Cm_Numeric_4,
        S_Numeric_4, Cs_Numeric_4, Ms_Numeric_4, Cms_Numeric_4,  
        Numeric_5, C_Numeric_5, M_Numeric_5, Cm_Numeric_5,
        S_Numeric_5, Cs_Numeric_5, Ms_Numeric_5, Cms_Numeric_5,  
        Numeric_6, C_Numeric_6, M_Numeric_6, Cm_Numeric_6,
        S_Numeric_6, Cs_Numeric_6, Ms_Numeric_6, Cms_Numeric_6,  
        Numeric_7, C_Numeric_7, M_Numeric_7, Cm_Numeric_7,
        S_Numeric_7, Cs_Numeric_7, Ms_Numeric_7, Cms_Numeric_7,  
        Numeric_8, C_Numeric_8, M_Numeric_8, Cm_Numeric_8,
        S_Numeric_8, Cs_Numeric_8, Ms_Numeric_8, Cms_Numeric_8,  
        Numeric_9, C_Numeric_9, M_Numeric_9, Cm_Numeric_9,
        S_Numeric_9, Cs_Numeric_9, Ms_Numeric_9, Cms_Numeric_9,

----X11 Latin1 keys

        ' ', C_Space, M_Space, Cm_Space, S_Space, Cs_Space, Ms_Space, Cms_Space,  
        '!', C_Exclam, M_Exclam, Cm_Exclam,  
        '"', C_Quotation, M_Quotation, Cm_Quotation,  
        '#', C_Sharp, M_Sharp, Cm_Sharp,  
        '$', C_Dollar, M_Dollar, Cm_Dollar,  
        '%', C_Percent, M_Percent, Cm_Percent,  
        '&', C_Ampersand, M_Ampersand, Cm_Ampersand,  
        ''', C_Tick, M_Tick, Cm_Tick,  
        '(', C_Left_Paren, M_Left_Paren, Cm_Left_Paren,  
        ')', C_Right_Paren, M_Right_Paren, Cm_Right_Paren,  
        '*', C_Star, M_Star, Cm_Star,  
        '+', C_Plus, M_Plus, Cm_Plus,  
        ',', C_Comma, M_Comma, Cm_Comma,  
        '-', C_Minus, M_Minus, Cm_Minus,  
        '.', C_Period, M_Period, Cm_Period,  
        '/', C_Slash, M_Slash, Cm_Slash,  
        '0', C_0, M_0, Cm_0,  
        '1', C_1, M_1, Cm_1,  
        '2', C_2, M_2, Cm_2,  
        '3', C_3, M_3, Cm_3,  
        '4', C_4, M_4, Cm_4,  
        '5', C_5, M_5, Cm_5,  
        '6', C_6, M_6, Cm_6,  
        '7', C_7, M_7, Cm_7,  
        '8', C_8, M_8, Cm_8,  
        '9', C_9, M_9, Cm_9,  
        ':', C_Colon, M_Colon, Cm_Colon,  
        ';', C_Semicolon, M_Semicolon, Cm_Semicolon,  
        '<', C_Less_Than, M_Less_Than, Cm_Less_Than,  
        '=', C_Equal, M_Equal, Cm_Equal,  
        '>', C_Greater_Than, M_Greater_Than, Cm_Greater_Than,  
        '?', C_Question, M_Question, Cm_Question,  
        '@', C_At_Sign, M_At_Sign, Cm_At_Sign,

        'a', C_A, M_A, Cm_A, 'A', Cs_A, Ms_A, Cms_A,  
        'b', C_B, M_B, Cm_B, 'B', Cs_B, Ms_B, Cms_B,  
        'c', C_C, M_C, Cm_C, 'C', Cs_C, Ms_C, Cms_C,  
        'd', C_D, M_D, Cm_D, 'D', Cs_D, Ms_D, Cms_D,  
        'e', C_E, M_E, Cm_E, 'E', Cs_E, Ms_E, Cms_E,  
        'f', C_F, M_F, Cm_F, 'F', Cs_F, Ms_F, Cms_F,  
        'g', C_G, M_G, Cm_G, 'G', Cs_G, Ms_G, Cms_G,  
        'h', C_H, M_H, Cm_H, 'H', Cs_H, Ms_H, Cms_H,  
        'i', C_I, M_I, Cm_I, 'I', Cs_I, Ms_I, Cms_I,  
        'j', C_J, M_J, Cm_J, 'J', Cs_J, Ms_J, Cms_J,  
        'k', C_K, M_K, Cm_K, 'K', Cs_K, Ms_K, Cms_K,  
        'l', C_L, M_L, Cm_L, 'L', Cs_L, Ms_L, Cms_L,  
        'm', C_M, M_M, Cm_M, 'M', Cs_M, Ms_M, Cms_M,  
        'n', C_N, M_N, Cm_N, 'N', Cs_N, Ms_N, Cms_N,  
        'o', C_O, M_O, Cm_O, 'O', Cs_O, Ms_O, Cms_O,  
        'p', C_P, M_P, Cm_P, 'P', Cs_P, Ms_P, Cms_P,  
        'q', C_Q, M_Q, Cm_Q, 'Q', Cs_Q, Ms_Q, Cms_Q,  
        'r', C_R, M_R, Cm_R, 'R', Cs_R, Ms_R, Cms_R,  
        's', C_S, M_S, Cm_S, 'S', Cs_S, Ms_S, Cms_S,  
        't', C_T, M_T, Cm_T, 'T', Cs_T, Ms_T, Cms_T,  
        'u', C_U, M_U, Cm_U, 'U', Cs_U, Ms_U, Cms_U,  
        'v', C_V, M_V, Cm_V, 'V', Cs_V, Ms_V, Cms_V,  
        'w', C_W, M_W, Cm_W, 'W', Cs_W, Ms_W, Cms_W,  
        'x', C_X, M_X, Cm_X, 'X', Cs_X, Ms_X, Cms_X,  
        'y', C_Y, M_Y, Cm_Y, 'Y', Cs_Y, Ms_Y, Cms_Y,  
        'z', C_Z, M_Z, Cm_Z, 'Z', Cs_Z, Ms_Z, Cms_Z,

        '[', C_Left_Bracket, M_Left_Bracket, Cm_Left_Bracket,  
        '\', C_Backslash, M_Backslash, Cm_Backslash,  
        ']', C_Right_Bracket, M_Right_Bracket, Cm_Right_Bracket,  
        '^', C_Circumflex, M_Circumflex, Cm_Circumflex,  
        '_', C_Underline, M_Underline, Cm_Underline,  
        '`', C_Grave, M_Grave, Cm_Grave,

        '{', C_Left_Brace, M_Left_Brace, Cm_Left_Brace,  
        '|', C_Bar, M_Bar, Cm_Bar,  
        '}', C_Right_Brace, M_Right_Brace, Cm_Right_Brace,  
        '~', C_Tilde, M_Tilde, Cm_Tilde


----Convenient names for control characters.

    Nul : constant Key_Names := C_At_Sign;

    Insert     : constant Key_Names := Object;
    S_Insert   : constant Key_Names := S_Object;
    C_Insert   : constant Key_Names := C_Object;
    Cs_Insert  : constant Key_Names := Cs_Object;
    M_Insert   : constant Key_Names := M_Object;
    Ms_Insert  : constant Key_Names := Ms_Object;
    Cm_Insert  : constant Key_Names := Cm_Object;
    Cms_Insert : constant Key_Names := Cms_Object;

    Home     : constant Key_Names := Region;
    S_Home   : constant Key_Names := S_Region;
    C_Home   : constant Key_Names := C_Region;
    Cs_Home  : constant Key_Names := Cs_Region;
    M_Home   : constant Key_Names := M_Region;
    Ms_Home  : constant Key_Names := Ms_Region;
    Cm_Home  : constant Key_Names := Cm_Region;
    Cms_Home : constant Key_Names := Cms_Region;

    Page_Up     : constant Key_Names := Window;
    S_Page_Up   : constant Key_Names := S_Window;
    C_Page_Up   : constant Key_Names := C_Window;
    Cs_Page_Up  : constant Key_Names := Cs_Window;
    M_Page_Up   : constant Key_Names := M_Window;
    Ms_Page_Up  : constant Key_Names := Ms_Window;
    Cm_Page_Up  : constant Key_Names := Cm_Window;
    Cms_Page_Up : constant Key_Names := Cms_Window;

    Delete     : constant Key_Names := Promot;
    S_Delete   : constant Key_Names := S_Promot;
    C_Delete   : constant Key_Names := C_Promot;
    Cs_Delete  : constant Key_Names := Cs_Promot;
    M_Delete   : constant Key_Names := M_Promot;
    Ms_Delete  : constant Key_Names := Ms_Promot;
    Cm_Delete  : constant Key_Names := Cm_Promot;
    Cms_Delete : constant Key_Names := Cms_Promot;

    End_Key     : constant Key_Names := Complt;
    S_End_Key   : constant Key_Names := S_Complt;
    C_End_Key   : constant Key_Names := C_Complt;
    Cs_End_Key  : constant Key_Names := Cs_Complt;
    M_End_Key   : constant Key_Names := M_Complt;
    Ms_End_Key  : constant Key_Names := Ms_Complt;
    Cm_End_Key  : constant Key_Names := Cm_Complt;
    Cms_End_Key : constant Key_Names := Cms_Complt;

    Page_Down     : constant Key_Names := Format;
    S_Page_Down   : constant Key_Names := S_Format;
    C_Page_Down   : constant Key_Names := C_Format;
    Cs_Page_Down  : constant Key_Names := Cs_Format;
    M_Page_Down   : constant Key_Names := M_Format;
    Ms_Page_Down  : constant Key_Names := Ms_Format;
    Cm_Page_Down  : constant Key_Names := Cm_Format;
    Cms_Page_Down : constant Key_Names := Cms_Format;

    Numeric_Slash     : constant Key_Names := Line;
    S_Numeric_Slash   : constant Key_Names := S_Line;
    C_Numeric_Slash   : constant Key_Names := C_Line;
    Cs_Numeric_Slash  : constant Key_Names := Cs_Line;
    M_Numeric_Slash   : constant Key_Names := M_Line;
    Ms_Numeric_Slash  : constant Key_Names := Ms_Line;
    Cm_Numeric_Slash  : constant Key_Names := Cm_Line;
    Cms_Numeric_Slash : constant Key_Names := Cms_Line;

    Numeric_Star     : constant Key_Names := Word;
    S_Numeric_Star   : constant Key_Names := S_Word;
    C_Numeric_Star   : constant Key_Names := C_Word;
    Cs_Numeric_Star  : constant Key_Names := Cs_Word;
    M_Numeric_Star   : constant Key_Names := M_Word;
    Ms_Numeric_Star  : constant Key_Names := Ms_Word;
    Cm_Numeric_Star  : constant Key_Names := Cm_Word;
    Cms_Numeric_Star : constant Key_Names := Cms_Word;

    Numeric_Minus     : constant Key_Names := Mark;
    C_Numeric_Minus   : constant Key_Names := C_Mark;
    M_Numeric_Minus   : constant Key_Names := M_Mark;
    Cm_Numeric_Minus  : constant Key_Names := Cm_Mark;
    S_Numeric_Minus   : constant Key_Names := S_Mark;
    Cs_Numeric_Minus  : constant Key_Names := Cs_Mark;
    Ms_Numeric_Minus  : constant Key_Names := Ms_Mark;
    Cms_Numeric_Minus : constant Key_Names := Cms_Mark;

    Numeric_Plus     : constant Key_Names := Image;
    C_Numeric_Plus   : constant Key_Names := C_Image;
    M_Numeric_Plus   : constant Key_Names := M_Image;
    Cm_Numeric_Plus  : constant Key_Names := Cm_Image;
    S_Numeric_Plus   : constant Key_Names := S_Image;
    Cs_Numeric_Plus  : constant Key_Names := Cs_Image;
    Ms_Numeric_Plus  : constant Key_Names := Ms_Image;
    Cms_Numeric_Plus : constant Key_Names := Cms_Image;

end Xsun101_Key_Names;