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Length: 38724 (0x9744) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3 └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« └─⟦9b46a407a⟧ └─⟦12c68c704⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Bounded_String; with Common; with Debug_Tools; with Default; with Directory; with Directory_Tools; with Io; with Io_Exceptions; with Library; with Log; with Object_Editor; with Parameter_Parser; -- with Print_Mailbox; with Profile; with Queue; with String_Utilities; with Switch_Implementation; with System_Utilities; with Time_Utilities; procedure Print (Object_Or_Image : String := "<CURSOR>"; From_First_Page : Positive := 1; To_Last_Page : Positive := 3000; Display_As_Twoup : Boolean := True; Display_Border : Boolean := True; Display_Filename : Boolean := True; Display_Date : Boolean := True; Ignore_Display_Parameters_For_Postscript : Boolean := True; Highlight_Reserved_Words_For_Ada : Boolean := True; Other_Options : String := ""; Number_Of_Copies : Positive := 1; Printer : String := "<Default>"; Effort_Only : Boolean := False) is package Bounded renames Bounded_String; package Object renames Directory_Tools.Object; package Naming renames Directory_Tools.Naming; package Times renames Time_Utilities; package Strings renames String_Utilities; Objects_To_Print : Object.Iterator := Naming.Resolution (Name => Object_Or_Image, Context => Naming.Default_Context, Objects_Only => True); Map_Filename : constant String := "!Machine.Queues.User_To_Printer_Map"; Error_Termination : exception; -- Printable object types type Kind_Of_Object is (Ada_Unit, Text_File, Postscript_File, Image_File, Other_Kind); -- These are the main printer options -- Original_Raw, Raw, Postscript, and Format are mutually exclusive. type Printer_Options is (Nil, Original_Raw, Postscript, Format, Raw, Banner_Page_User_Text, Length, Notify, Spool_Each_Item, Class, Copies); package Option_Parser is new Parameter_Parser (Option_Id => Printer_Options, Option_Kinds => "Original_Raw | Raw | Spool_Each_Item => Boolean," & " others => Unspecified"); -- Format options for laser printers Print_Two_Up_Format : Boolean := Display_As_Twoup; Print_Page_Border : Boolean := Display_Border; Print_Filename : Boolean := Display_Filename; Print_Date : Boolean := Display_Date; In_Reversed_Order : Boolean := False; -- Global variables which determine the printer class, options, and format To_Printer_Class : Bounded.Variable_String (200); To_Printer_Options : Bounded.Variable_String (200); Print_Laser : Boolean; -- Temporary file for printing images The_Time : Times.Time := Times.Get_Time; Date_Image : constant String := Times.Image (Date => The_Time, Date_Style => Times.Ada, Time_Style => Times.Ada, Contents => Times.Date_Only); Time_Image : constant String := Times.Image (Date => The_Time, Date_Style => Times.Ada, Time_Style => Times.Ada, Contents => Times.Time_Only); Temp_Filename : constant String := "!Machine.Temporary." & System_Utilities.User_Name & "_" & System_Utilities.Session_Name & "_File_To_Print_On_" & Date_Image & "_At_" & Time_Image; function Eq (A, B : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := True) return Boolean renames Strings.Equal; function Get_Printer_Class return String is begin if Bounded.Length (To_Printer_Class) /= 0 then return ", Class => " & Bounded.Image (To_Printer_Class); else return ""; end if; end Get_Printer_Class; function Squeeze (S : String) return String is Result : String (1 .. S'Length); Index : Natural := 1; begin for I in S'First .. S'Last loop if S (I) /= ' ' then Result (Index) := S (I); Index := Index + 1; end if; end loop; return Result (1 .. Index - 1); end Squeeze; -- Retrieve printer type based on user and Printer parameter. procedure Get_Queue_Class is F : Io.File_Type; Next : Integer; function Match (Pattern, Name : String) return Boolean is begin if Name'Length /= 0 and then Name (Name'First) = '*' then return Eq (Pattern, Name); elsif Eq (Pattern, "others") then return True; elsif Pattern = "@" then return True; else return Eq (Pattern, Name); end if; end Match; function Get_User_Printer (Printer : String) return String is -- given the global printer parameter which is either <default> or -- a printer name, return the string to search for in the user -- to printer map file. If <default> this is the user name, -- else it is the value of the parameter prefixed with an "*". begin if Eq (Printer, "<Default>") then return System_Utilities.User_Name; else return "*" & Printer; end if; end Get_User_Printer; function Token (S : String) return String is Start, Stop : Natural; begin if Next = -1 then Next := S'First; -- tricky initialization end if; Start := Next; -- skip leading blanks while Start <= S'Last and then S (Start) = ' ' loop Start := Start + 1; end loop; Next := Start; while Next <= S'Last and then S (Next) /= ' ' loop Next := Next + 1; end loop; if Start <= S'Last then if Next > S'Last then Stop := S'Last; else -- S (Next) = ' ' Stop := Next - 1; end if; return S (Start .. Stop); else return ""; end if; end Token; function Rest_Of_Line (S : String) return String is Stop : Natural; begin Stop := Strings.Locate (Fragment => "--", Within => S (Next .. S'Last)); if Stop = 0 then Stop := S'Last; else Stop := Stop - 1; end if; return Strings.Strip (S (Next .. Stop)); end Rest_Of_Line; begin -- Check if it is an explicit printer name if Strings.Locate ("!!", Printer, True) /= 0 then Bounded.Copy (To_Printer_Class, Printer); return; end if; -- Find printer information in the user printer map declare User : constant String := Get_User_Printer (Printer); begin Io.Open (F, Io.In_File, Map_Filename); while not Io.End_Of_File (F) loop Next := -1; declare Line : constant String := Io.Get_Line (F); User_Name : constant String := Token (Line); Class_Name : constant String := Token (Line); Printer_Type : constant String := Token (Line); Class_Options : constant String := Rest_Of_Line (Line); begin if User_Name'Length < 2 or else User_Name (User_Name'First .. User_Name'First + 1) /= "--" then if Match (User_Name, User) then Io.Close (F); Bounded.Copy (To_Printer_Class, Class_Name); Bounded.Copy (To_Printer_Options, Class_Options); if Printer_Type = "Laser" then Print_Laser := True; else Print_Laser := False; end if; return; end if; end if; end; end loop; -- Didn't find a match! Io.Close (F); -- Report error if User (User'First) = '*' then Log.Put_Line (Message => "The printer " & User (User'First + 1 .. User'Last) & " does not exist. Please check the printer configuration" & " file for possible names.", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); else Log.Put_Line (Message => "Could not print because no printer assignment has " & "been made for you (" & User & "). Contact your system manager. You can also " & "specify an explicit printer name if you know one.", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); end if; raise Error_Termination; end; exception when Io_Exceptions.Name_Error => -- map file does not exist! Bounded.Set_Length (To_Printer_Class, 0); -- try to use sys default end Get_Queue_Class; -- Returns the object type of This_Object_Name. -- This is also passed wildcard expressions, and therefore only returns -- the type of the first object in the list. function Get_Object_Kind (The_Object_List : in Object.Iterator) return Kind_Of_Object is Ada : Object.Class_Enumeration renames Object.Ada_Class; File : Object.Class_Enumeration renames Object.File_Class; Text : Object.Subclass := Object.Value ("TEXT"); Postscript : Object.Subclass := Object.Value ("POSTSCRIPT"); The_Objects : Object.Iterator := The_Object_List; This_Object : Object.Handle; This_Object_Class : Object.Class_Enumeration; This_Object_Subclass : Object.Subclass; Temp : Io.File_Type; First_Char : Character; This_Kind : Kind_Of_Object; Last_Kind : Kind_Of_Object := Other_Kind; function "=" (Left, Right : in Object.Class_Enumeration) return Boolean renames Object."="; function "=" (Left, Right : in Object.Subclass) return Boolean renames Object."="; begin Object.Reset (The_Objects); loop This_Object := Object.Value (The_Objects); This_Object_Class := Object.Class (The_Object => This_Object); This_Object_Subclass := Object.Subclass_Of (The_Object => This_Object); if This_Object_Class = Ada then This_Kind := Ada_Unit; elsif This_Object_Class = File then This_Object_Subclass := Object.Subclass_Of (The_Object => This_Object); if This_Object_Subclass = Postscript then This_Kind := Postscript_File; else begin Io.Open (Temp, Io.In_File, Naming.Full_Name (This_Object)); Io.Get (Temp, First_Char); if (First_Char = '%') then This_Kind := Postscript_File; elsif This_Object_Subclass = Text then This_Kind := Text_File; else This_Kind := Other_Kind; end if; Io.Close (Temp); exception when others => if This_Object_Subclass = Text then This_Kind := Text_File; else This_Kind := Other_Kind; end if; Io.Close (Temp); end; end if; else This_Kind := Other_Kind; end if; if This_Kind /= Last_Kind then if Last_Kind = Other_Kind then Last_Kind := This_Kind; else This_Kind := Other_Kind; end if; end if; Object.Next (The_Objects); exit when Object.Done (The_Objects) or else This_Kind = Other_Kind; end loop; return This_Kind; exception when others => return Other_Kind; end Get_Object_Kind; -- Write an image to a temporary file procedure Write_File (To_Filename : in String := Temp_Filename; Retries : in Natural := 4) is File : Io.File_Type; begin Io.Create (File => File, Mode => Io.Out_File, Name => To_Filename, Form => ""); Io.Close (File => File); Common.Write_File (Name => To_Filename); exception when Io.Use_Error => if Retries = 0 then Io.Echo ("PRINT: Unable to print a window image " & "(after retries, a USE_ERROR was encountered creating " & Strings.Upper_Case (To_Filename) & ")"); raise Error_Termination; else delay 1.0; -- wait for library to get "unbusy" Write_File (To_Filename => To_Filename, Retries => Retries - 1); -- recursive! end if; end Write_File; -- For printing mail messages. function Spooled_As_Mail (This_Image : in String) return Boolean is An_Object : Directory.Object; Mailbox_Window_Id : constant String := "Mailboxes: "; Status : Directory.Naming.Name_Status; procedure Copy_Mail_Messages (From_Mailbox_Image : in String; To_Text_File : in String; With_One_Message_Per_Page : in Boolean) is function Is_Main (Name : String) return Boolean is begin return Strings.Equal (Str1 => Name, Str2 => Strings.Upper_Case (Name), Ignore_Case => False); end Is_Main; function Find_Mailbox_Name (Image : String) return String is Next_Blank : constant Natural := Strings.Locate (" ", Image); Next_Lf : constant Natural := Strings.Locate (Ascii.Lf, Image); begin if (Image = "") or else (Next_Lf = Image'First) then -- -- it's an empty image or there is no mailbox -- raise Program_Error; elsif (Next_Blank > Next_Lf or else Next_Blank = 0) and then Next_Lf /= 0 then -- it's multiple lines with the first line containing no blanks -- if Is_Main (Image (Image'First .. Next_Lf - 1)) then return Image (Image'First .. Next_Lf - 1); else raise Program_Error; end if; elsif Next_Blank /= 0 then -- -- there is something else on the line beyond the next name -- if Is_Main (Image (Image'First .. Next_Blank - 1)) then return Image (Image'First .. Next_Blank - 1); else return Find_Mailbox_Name (Image (Next_Blank + 1 .. Image'Last)); end if; else -- it's a single line with no blanks -- if Is_Main (Image) then return Image; else raise Program_Error; end if; end if; end Find_Mailbox_Name; function Mailbox_Name (Image : String) return String is Next_Blank : constant Natural := Strings.Locate (Fragment => " ", Within => Image, Ignore_Case => True); Next_Lf : constant Natural := Strings.Locate (Fragment => Ascii.Lf, Within => Image, Ignore_Case => True); begin if (Image = "") or else (Next_Lf = Image'First) then -- -- either an empty image or no mailbox -- return ""; elsif (Next_Blank = 0) and then (Next_Lf /= 0) then -- -- multiple lines with the first line containing no blanks -- if Is_Main (Image (Image'First .. Next_Lf - 1)) then return Image (Image'First .. Next_Lf - 1); else return ""; end if; elsif Next_Blank /= 0 then -- -- something else on the line beyond the next name -- if Is_Main (Image (Image'First .. Next_Blank - 1)) then return Image (Image'First .. Next_Blank - 1); else return Find_Mailbox_Name (Image (Next_Blank + 1 .. Image'Last)); end if; else -- a single line with no blanks -- if Is_Main (Image) then return Image; end if; end if; return ""; end Mailbox_Name; begin Log.Put_Line ("Printing of mailboxes is not presently implemented.", Profile.Error_Msg); -- Print_Mailbox (To_File => To_Text_File, -- One_Message_Per_Page => True, -- Mailbox_Name => -- Find_Mailbox_Name -- (Image => From_Mailbox_Image -- (From_Mailbox_Image'First + -- Mailbox_Window_Id'Length .. -- From_Mailbox_Image'Last))); -- end Copy_Mail_Messages; begin Object_Editor.Get_Object (Object => An_Object, Status => Status, Class => Directory.Nil, Precision => Object_Editor.Image, Job => Default.Process); if Directory.Naming."/=" (Status, Directory.Naming.Successful) then if Strings.Upper_Case (Object_Editor.Name) = "MAIL" then declare Image_String : constant String := Object_Editor.Get_Text (Precision => Object_Editor.Image); begin if Image_String'Length > Mailbox_Window_Id'Length and then Strings.Equal (Str1 => Mailbox_Window_Id, Str2 => Image_String (Image_String'First .. (Image_String'First + Mailbox_Window_Id'Length - 1)), Ignore_Case => True) then -- it's a mailbox image Copy_Mail_Messages (From_Mailbox_Image => Image_String, To_Text_File => Temp_Filename, With_One_Message_Per_Page => True); return True; end if; end; end if; end if; return False; end Spooled_As_Mail; -- Setup printer options and make call to queue.print procedure Queue_To_Print (The_Object_Name : in String; The_Object_Iter : in Object.Iterator) is -- Get the object type of the first element Object_Kind : Kind_Of_Object := Get_Object_Kind (The_Object_Iter); Option_String : Bounded.Variable_String (300); -- Used to set the printer format Iter : Option_Parser.Iterator := Option_Parser.Parse (Other_Options); Format_Kind : Printer_Options := Nil; procedure Add_Option (Image : String) is begin if Bounded.Length (Option_String) = 0 then Bounded.Copy (Option_String, Image); else Bounded.Append (Option_String, ", " & Image); end if; end Add_Option; begin Bounded_String.Set_Length (Option_String, 0); -- Only check these options when Other_Options is set if Other_Options'Length /= 0 then -- Check that Other_Options is correct if not Option_Parser.Is_Successful (Iter) then Log.Put_Line (Message => "The Other_Options parameter could not be parsed" & " because " & Option_Parser.Diagnosis (Iter), Kind => Profile.Error_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); raise Error_Termination; end if; -- Add the basic printer options declare procedure Add_Main_Options (Option : Printer_Options) is Image : constant String := Printer_Options'Image (Option) & " => " & Option_Parser.Get_Image (Iter, Option); begin if Option_Parser.Is_Ok (Iter, Option) then Add_Option (Image); end if; end Add_Main_Options; begin Add_Main_Options (Banner_Page_User_Text); Add_Main_Options (Length); Add_Main_Options (Notify); Add_Main_Options (Spool_Each_Item); end; -- Check the mutually exclusive printer formats declare procedure Check_Option (Kind : Printer_Options) is begin if Option_Parser.Is_Ok (Iter, Kind) then if Format_Kind /= Nil then Log.Put_Line (Message => "The Other_Options parameter contains conflicting formats: " & Printer_Options'Image (Format_Kind) & " & " & Printer_Options'Image (Kind), Kind => Profile.Error_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); raise Error_Termination; else case Kind is when Original_Raw | Raw => if Option_Parser.Get_Boolean (Iter, Kind) then Format_Kind := Kind; else Add_Option ("~" & Printer_Options'Image (Kind)); end if; when Postscript | Format => Format_Kind := Kind; when others => null; end case; end if; end if; end Check_Option; begin Check_Option (Original_Raw); Check_Option (Raw); Check_Option (Postscript); Check_Option (Format); end; case Format_Kind is when Original_Raw | Raw => Add_Option (Printer_Options'Image (Format_Kind)); when Postscript => if not Print_Laser then Log.Put_Line (Message => "You cannot use Postscript options " & "in the Other_Options parameter because the currently " & "selected printer is not a laser printer.", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); raise Error_Termination; end if; when Format => Add_Option ("Format => (" & Option_Parser.Get_Image (Iter, Format_Kind) & ")"); when others => null; end case; end if; -- Only set the following if format is nil or postscript and -- printer is a laser printer if (Format_Kind = Postscript) or (Format_Kind = Nil and Print_Laser) then -- Assemble the Options parameter using the following format: -- -- POSTSCRIPT => ( FORMAT => [Autom{atic} | Fancy | Plain], -- TWOUP => [True | False], -- BORDER => [True | False], -- FILENAME => [True | False], -- DATE => [True | False], -- PAGES => [1..Integer'Last]..[1..Integer'Last], -- REVERSED => [True | False] ), -- -- COPIES => [1..Natural'Last], -- CLASS => [Laser | !!Machine_Name.Laser | ...] -- -- declare Options_Image : constant String := Option_Parser.Get_Image (Iter, Postscript); Search_Image : constant String := Squeeze (Options_Image); begin -- add the options passed in Other_Options first if Format_Kind = Postscript then Add_Option ("Postscript => (" & Options_Image); else Add_Option ("Postscript => ("); end if; -- always set format, don't use format variable -- If format is set in Other_Options then ignore options if Strings.Locate ("Format=", Search_Image, True) = 0 then -- Set Format if Format_Kind = Postscript then Bounded.Append (Option_String, ", "); end if; Bounded.Append (Option_String, "Format => "); if (Object_Kind = Postscript_File) then Bounded.Append (Option_String, "PostScript"); elsif (Object_Kind = Ada_Unit) and then Highlight_Reserved_Words_For_Ada then Bounded.Append (Option_String, "Fancy"); elsif (Object_Kind = Text_File) or (Object_Kind = Ada_Unit) then Bounded.Append (Option_String, "Plain_Text"); else Bounded.Append (Option_String, "Automatic"); end if; -- Add the options passed in the Printer config file if Bounded.Length (To_Printer_Options) /= 0 then Add_Option (Bounded.Image (To_Printer_Options)); end if; -- Add the rest of the options if Object_Kind /= Postscript_File or else not Ignore_Display_Parameters_For_Postscript then if Strings.Locate ("Twoup", Search_Image, True) = 0 then Add_Option ("Twoup => " & Boolean'Image (Print_Two_Up_Format)); end if; if Strings.Locate ("Border", Search_Image, True) = 0 then Add_Option ("Border => " & Boolean'Image (Print_Page_Border)); end if; if Strings.Locate ("Filename", Search_Image, True) = 0 then Add_Option ("Filename => " & Boolean'Image (Print_Filename)); end if; if Strings.Locate ("Date", Search_Image, True) = 0 then Add_Option ("Date => " & Boolean'Image (Print_Date)); end if; end if; if Strings.Locate ("Pages=", Search_Image) = 0 then Add_Option ("Pages =>" & Positive'Image (From_First_Page) & ".." & Positive'Image (To_Last_Page)); end if; end if; -- Finish postscript options Bounded.Append (Option_String, ")"); end; elsif (Format_Kind = Nil) and then not Print_Laser then -- No options are specified to a line printer then use the -- System default if Switch_Implementation.Is_Defined ("Queue.Options") then Add_Option (Switch_Implementation.Value (Switches => Switch_Implementation.Default_File, Name => "Queue.Options")); else Add_Option ("Format => (System_Header, Wrap)"); end if; end if; -- Set the following for all objects and all printers -- Set the number of copies if Option_Parser.Is_Ok (Iter, Copies) then Add_Option ("Copies => " & Option_Parser.Get_Image (Iter, Copies)); else Add_Option ("Copies =>" & Positive'Image (Number_Of_Copies)); end if; -- Set the printer class if Option_Parser.Is_Ok (Iter, Class) then Add_Option ("Class => " & Option_Parser.Get_Image (Iter, Class)); else Bounded.Append (Option_String, Get_Printer_Class); end if; -- Print the object or display the call if Effort_Only then Io.Echo ("Queue.Print (Name => """ & The_Object_Name & """, Options => """ & Bounded_String.Image (Option_String) & """);"); else Queue.Print (Name => The_Object_Name, Options => Bounded_String.Image (Option_String), Banner => "<DEFAULT>", Header => "<DEFAULT>", Footer => "<DEFAULT>"); end if; end Queue_To_Print; begin -- determine if the object was resolvable -- declare Error_Category : Object.Category_Enumeration := Object.Category (Error_Code => Object.Err_Code (The_Objects => Objects_To_Print)); begin case Error_Category is when Object.Successful | Object.Warning => Get_Queue_Class; Queue_To_Print (Object_Or_Image, Objects_To_Print); return; when Object.Name_Error | Object.No_Object | Object.Selections_Not_Supported => -- -- seems to be a window image of some type -- if not Spooled_As_Mail (This_Image => Object_Or_Image) then -- spool as window image file Write_File (To_Filename => Temp_Filename, Retries => 4); end if; Get_Queue_Class; Objects_To_Print := Naming.Resolution (Temp_Filename); Queue_To_Print (Temp_Filename, Objects_To_Print); -- remove the temporary files -- Library.Destroy (Existing => Temp_Filename, Threshold => 1, Limit => "<DIRECTORIES>", Response => ""); return; when Object.Cursor_Not_In_Selection | Object.No_Declaration | Object.No_Editor | Object.No_Selection | Object.Other_Error => Object.Report (The_Objects => Objects_To_Print, Response => Profile.Get); Log.Put_Line (Message => "Could not print because no objects could be resolved" & " (Status => " & Object.Category_Enumeration'Image (Error_Category) & ")", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); when Object.Ambiguous_Name | Object.Bad_Naming_Context | Object.Ill_Formed_Name | Object.Undefined_Name => Object.Report (The_Objects => Objects_To_Print, Response => Profile.Get); Log.Put_Line (Message => "Could not print because one or more of the specified " & "objects could not be resolved" & " (Status => " & Object.Category_Enumeration'Image (Error_Category) & ")", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); when Object.Lock_Error => Object.Report (The_Objects => Objects_To_Print, Response => Profile.Get); Log.Put_Line (Message => "Could not print because " & "one or more of the specified objects are locked", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); when Object.Access_Error => Object.Report (The_Objects => Objects_To_Print, Response => Profile.Get); Log.Put_Line (Message => "Could not print because this job does not have access " & "to one or more of the specified objects", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); when Object.Version_Error => Object.Report (The_Objects => Objects_To_Print, Response => Profile.Get); Log.Put_Line (Message => "Could not print because the required version is not " & "available for one or more of the specified objects", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); when Object.Policy_Error => Object.Report (The_Objects => Objects_To_Print, Response => Profile.Get); Log.Put_Line (Message => "Could not print because this operation violates " & "a policy rule for one or more of the objects specified", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); when Object.Bad_Tree_Parameter | Object.Class_Error | Object.Code_Generation_Error | Object.Consistency_Error | Object.Illegal_Operation | Object.Obsolescence_Error | Object.Semantic_Error => Object.Report (The_Objects => Objects_To_Print, Response => Profile.Get); Log.Put_Line (Message => "Could not print because an unexpected resolution " & "error was encountered (Status => " & Object.Category_Enumeration'Image (Error_Category) & ")", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); end case; end; exception when Error_Termination => null; when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unhandled exception: " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name, Profile.Error_Msg); end Print; pragma Main;