Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ B T

⟦626bbc303⟧ TextFile

    Length: 7584 (0x1da0)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2
    └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« 


with Log;
with Profile;
with Ftp_Profile;
with Transport_Name;
with String_Utilities;

package body Os2000_Transfer_Utilities is

    type Transport_Service is (Open, Connect, Transmit, Receive);

    function "=" (X, Y : Byte_Defs.Byte) return Boolean renames Byte_Defs."=";

    function "=" (X, Y : Transport_Defs.Status_Code) return Boolean
        renames Transport_Defs."=";

    function Network (Remote_Machine : String;
                      Response : Profile.Response_Profile)
                     return Transport_Defs.Network_Name is
        return Transport_Name.Host_To_Network_Name (Remote_Machine);
        when Transport_Name.Undefined =>
            Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                             Remote_Machine & " is not a defined machine name.",
                          Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                          Response => Response);
            raise Remote_Machine_Unknown;
    end Network;

    function Host (Remote_Machine : String; Response : Profile.Response_Profile)
                  return Transport_Defs.Host_Id is
        return Transport_Name.Host_To_Host_Id (Remote_Machine);
        when Transport_Name.Undefined =>
            Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                             Remote_Machine & " is not a defined machine name.",
                          Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                          Response => Response);
            raise Remote_Machine_Unknown;
    end Host;

    procedure Report_Failure (Proc : Transport_Service;
                              Status : Transport_Defs.Status_Code;
                              Response : Profile.Response_Profile) is
        Log.Put_Line ("Transport." & Transport_Service'Image (Proc) &
                      " returned status " & Transport_Defs.Image (Status),
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Response);
        Log.Put_Line ("Possible causes for the failure include:",
                      Kind => Profile.Note_Msg,
                      Response => Response);
        case Proc is
            when Open =>
                Log.Put_Line ("   The remote machine is not running.",
                              Kind => Profile.Note_Msg,
                              Response => Response);
                Log.Put_Line ("   The network has a hardware problem.",
                              Kind => Profile.Note_Msg,
                              Response => Response);

            when Connect =>
                   ("   The server is not running on the remote machine.",
                    Kind => Profile.Note_Msg,
                    Response => Response);
                Log.Put_Line ("   Another transfer is currently in progress.",
                              Kind => Profile.Note_Msg,
                              Response => Response);

            when Transmit | Receive =>
                Log.Put_Line ("   The remote server has failed.",
                              Kind => Profile.Note_Msg,
                              Response => Response);
                Log.Put_Line ("   The network has a hardware problem.",
                              Kind => Profile.Note_Msg,
                              Response => Response);
        end case;
        Log.Put_Line ("", Kind => Profile.Note_Msg, Response => Response);
    end Report_Failure;

    procedure Check_Open (Status : Transport_Defs.Status_Code;
                          Response : Profile.Response_Profile) is
        if Status /= Transport_Defs.Ok then
            Report_Failure (Open, Status, Response);
            raise Check_Failed;
        end if;
    end Check_Open;

    procedure Check_Connect (Status : Transport_Defs.Status_Code;
                             Response : Profile.Response_Profile) is
        if Status /= Transport_Defs.Ok then
            Report_Failure (Connect, Status, Response);
            raise Check_Failed;
        end if;
    end Check_Connect;

    procedure Check_Transmit (Status : Transport_Defs.Status_Code;
                              Response : Profile.Response_Profile) is
        if Status /= Transport_Defs.Ok then
            Report_Failure (Transmit, Status, Response);
            raise Check_Failed;
        end if;
    end Check_Transmit;

    procedure Check_Receive (Status : Transport_Defs.Status_Code;
                             Response : Profile.Response_Profile) is
        if Status /= Transport_Defs.Ok then
            Report_Failure (Receive, Status, Response);
            raise Check_Failed;
        end if;
    end Check_Receive;

    function Translate (Transfer : Transfer_Type) return Byte is
        case Transfer is
            when Put_Exe =>
                return Byte (Character'Pos ('E'));
            when Put_File =>
                return Byte (Character'Pos ('F'));
            when Get_File =>
                return Byte (Character'Pos ('G'));
        end case;
    end Translate;

    function Make_Command (Socket : Transport_Defs.Socket_Id;
                           Transfer : Transfer_Type) return Byte_String is
        Result : Byte_String (1 .. Socket'Length + 1);
        Index : Natural := 1;
        for I in Socket'Range loop
            Result (Index) := Socket (I);
            Index := Index + 1;
        end loop;
        Result (Index) := Translate (Transfer);
        return Result;
    end Make_Command;

    function Extract_Status (S : Byte_String) return Remote_File_Status is
        if S'Length /= 2 or else S (S'First) /= Byte (Character'Pos ('?')) then
            return Unknown_Status;
            case Character'Val (S (S'Last)) is
                when 'S' =>
                    return Success;
                when 'N' =>
                    return Name_Error;
                when 'U' =>
                    return Use_Error;
                when 'D' =>
                    return Device_Error;
                when 'O' =>
                    return Other_Error;
                when others =>
                    return Unknown_Status;
            end case;
        end if;
    end Extract_Status;

    function Remote_Path (File : String;
                          Directory : String;
                          Response : Profile.Response_Profile) return String is
        if String_Utilities.Upper_Case (Directory) = "<DEFAULT>" then
            return Remote_Path (File, Ftp_Profile.Remote_Directory, Response);
            if File'Length > 0 then
                if File (File'First) = '/' then
                    return File;
                    return Directory & '/' & File;
                end if;
                   (Message =>
                       "The name provided for the Remote_File was empty",
                    Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                    Response => Response);
                raise No_Remote_File;
            end if;
        end if;
    end Remote_Path;

    function Remote_Machine (Name : String; Response : Profile.Response_Profile)
                            return String is
        if String_Utilities.Upper_Case (Name) = "<DEFAULT>" then
            return Ftp_Profile.Remote_Machine;
            return Name;
        end if;
    end Remote_Machine;

    function Debug return Boolean is
        return False;
    end Debug;

end Os2000_Transfer_Utilities;