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└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« └─⟦f6fec0485⟧ └─⟦this⟧
@node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control Package Cmvc_Access_Control provides commands for applying access control to objects in systems, subsystems, and views. With these commands, a project leader or subsystem owner can specify who can visit, import, create, modify, or destroy such objects. Furthermore, these commands can be used to restrict the use of operations from packages Cmvc, Cmvc_Maintenance, and Cmvc_Hierarchy. The commands in package Cmvc_Access_Control are intended for either interactive or programmatic use. Package Operator provides operations for defining groups for access control (see SMU, package Operator). Finally, package Access_List provides operations for managing access control outside of subsystems (see LM, package Access_List). COMMANDS GROUPED BY TOPIC The commands in package Cmvc_Access_Control fall into several functional groups. They are listed here for your convenience. Managing CMVC access classes: Add_Group, Display, Has_Access, Remove_Group Utilities for managing CMVC access classes: Check, Get_Access, Group_Name, Initialize, Is_Consistent Managing individual execution rights: Add_Right, Has_Right, Remove_Right Managing tables of execution rights: Get_Rights, Set_Rights KEY CONCEPTS FOR PACKAGE CMVC_ACCESS_CONTROL Developing a project under CMVC enables you to partition the project into subsystems, track changes to the objects in each subsystem, record development history along with these changes, and maintain multiple working and released views within each subsystem. Package Cmvc_Ac- cess_Control provides support for another important aspect of project management - namely, the ability to restrict access to the subsystems and views in the project. An essential requirement for many projects is for each development team to have relatively restricted access to other teams' work, while having relatively unrestricted (or even unlimited) access to its own work. For example, the following scenarios illustrate typical access-control needs: * Two teams (A and B) are developing two subsystems and Team A's subsystem needs to import a spec view from Team B's subsystem. The project manager wants to give Team A enough access to import the desired spec view but wants to prevent Team A from being able to modify any of the views in the imported subsystem. * A subsystem development team consists of two developers and a subsystem integrator, and each of these three team members works in his or her own development path within the subsystem. The project manager wants to allow each team member to check out, edit, and check in objects in his or her own path, without being able to modify anything in the other paths. Furthermore, the project manager wants the subsystem integrator - but not the other developers - to be able to accept changes from the developers' paths into the main path and then make releases from that path. The basic access-control capability defined in package Access_List is not powerful enough to completely support scenarios such as those described above. At best, basic access control can be used to set the access lists (ACLs) of objects in a subsystem individually. However, managing access at the level of individual objects is impractical and error-prone due to the complex structure of subsystems. Improperly set ACLs within subsystems can cause CMVC commands to fail with confusing error messages. Finally, package Access_List has no way to restrict or permit the execution of individual CMVC commands such as Cmvc.Accept_Changes. In contrast, scenarios like the preceding can be implemented using the facilities in package Cmvc_Access_Control. These facilities extend basic access control so that access can be managed at the level of subsystems and views. That is, CMVC access control provides an automated way of setting the proper ACLs for the objects in a subsystem or view, both for user-created objects (such as Ada units) and for Environment-created objects (such as those containing CMVC information used by the Environment). Furthermore, these ACL settings are coordinated to support each of four kinds of access that groups can have to specific views and subsystems. CMVC access control also provides tools for ensuring that all of the ACLs within a subsystem or view maintain the proper settings. Finally, package Cmvc_Access_Control provides a means of tailoring each group's ability to apply individual CMVC commands to specific subsystems or views. It is important to note that CMVC access control is an extension of basic access control and is built on basic mechanisms like ACLs, access rights, and groups. (See package Access_List, LM, for a description of these mechanisms.) CMVC access control thus does not replace or circumvent these basic access-control mechanisms, but rather manages them, in much the same way that CMVC importing manages links. Consequently, the ACL settings provided by CMVC access control affect non-CMVC operations (such as archiving and compilation) in addition to CMVC-specific operations. Structures That Can Be Controlled Applications developed under CMVC exist in a hierarchy of Environment structures. Such applications are partitioned into subsystems, which typically contain multiple views. In addition, subsystems may be children of systems, as described in package Cmvc_Hierarchy. Putting applications under CMVC access control means granting groups various kinds of access to individual views, subsystems, and systems. Although these structures are related hierarchically, they are independent with respect to CMVC access-control operations. That is, granting a group access to a subsystem does not automatically grant access to any of the views within it. Similarly, granting a group access to a system does not automatically grant access to the subsystems that are its children. The next sections cover basic information about CMVC access control for views and subsystems. CMVC access control for systems is handled separately in "CMVC Access Control and Systems," below. In general, the information given below about subsystems applies to systems, and the information about views applies to system views. Access Classes CMVC access control supports four kinds of access that groups can have to views and subsystems. These kinds of access - called access classes - correspond to four general ways in which groups participate in project development under CMVC. As such, the four access classes support a hierarchy of roles in the development process, where higher roles have greater levels of responsibility and authority as well as greater numbers of permitted operations. In brief: * The Reader access class is for groups that must be able to inspect and execute objects in views and subsystems. * The Client access class is for groups that must be able to import views from other subsystems. * The Developer access class is for groups that must be able to check in, check out, edit, and compile objects in views and subsystems. * The Owner access class is for groups that must have complete control over views and subsystems, including the ability to create, destroy, change imports, and change the access to these structures. A group must belong to one of these access classes for each view or subsystem to which access is required. When a group belongs to an access class for a view or subsystem, the group is granted specific access rights - such as read (R) or read and write (RW) access - to the individual objects in that structure. Taken together, the access rights to the objects in a view or subsystem limit the set of operations - both general and CMVC-related - that the group can apply to that view or subsystem. (See the reference entry for type Access_Class for the specific sets of access rights granted by each access class.) Within the general limits imposed by the assigned access rights, further optional controls called execution rights are available for restricting the CMVC-specific operations. Execution rights constitute explicit permission for a group to apply individual commands from packages Cmvc, Cmvc_Hierarchy, and Cmvc_Maintenance to a given view or subsystem. By default, a group is granted all of the execution rights allowed by its access class; however, it is possible to revoke one or more individual execution rights in order to restrict the group's CMVC capability. Thus, while every group in a given access class has the same basic Environment access to the objects in a given view or subsystem, the ability to execute CMVC commands can be further restricted on a group-by-group basis. (See the reference entry for type Execution_Right for a complete list of execution rights; for lists of execution rights granted by each access class, see the "Reference Summary for Package Cmvc_Access_Control" at the end of this package introduction.) A Basic Scenario The following scenario illustrates the relationship between groups, access classes, and structures like views and subsystems. Assume that two users, Fred and Mary, are developing an application that demonstrates planetary motion, which is calculated using various algorithms. The application is partitioned into two subsystems called Demo and Algorithms, both of which contain spec and load views. The spec and load views from the Demo subsystem will need to import the spec view from the Algorithms subsystem. The development methodology for this application makes Fred responsible for the Demo subsystem and Mary responsible for the Algorithms subsystem. Their responsibilities require the following capabilities: * Each developer must be able to check out, edit, check in, and compile units within his or her own subsystem. * Each developer must be able to inspect objects in the other subsystem without being able to modify them. * Both developers must be able to make releases, spec views, paths, subpaths, and code views in their own subsystem; they must also be able to check the consistency of or destroy these views. * Fred must be able to perform import operations between the two subsystems. To obtain these capabilities, each developer must belong to one of the four access classes for each subsystem and view in the application. Figure 1 summarizes the access-class assignments that support the desired capabilities. (In this and the following figures, names like Fred and Mary are group names; recall that every username also names a correponding group with that user as a member.) In particular, Figure 1 shows that Fred, who needs complete control over the Demo subsystem, belongs to the Owner class for the Demo subsystem as well as for each of the views in that subsystem. Mary, on the other hand, belongs to the Reader class for the Demo subsystem and each of its views. Furthermore, Figure 1 shows that Mary, who needs complete control over the Algorithms subsystem, belongs to the Owner access class for that subsystem and for each of its views. Fred, in turn, belongs to the Client access class for this subsystem and for its views, so that he can import spec views from this subsystem without being able to modify anything in it. (See printed documentation for figure) Figure 1 Access-Class Assignments for Fred and Mary As a result of these access-class assignments, specific access rights are granted to Fred and Mary for the individual objects in these subsystems and views. For example, because Fred has Owner access and Mary has Reader access to Demo.Rev1_0_Spec, the access list (ACL) of each object in that view contains the entries "Fred=>RW, Mary=>R". In contrast, the entry "Mary=>RW" appears in the ACLs of all the objects in Algorithms.Rev1_0_Spec, which Mary owns. Furthermore, because Fred has Client access to this view, the ACLs of all but one object also contain the entry "Fred=>R". The one exception is the view's State.Ref- erencers file, which is automatically updated whenever the view is imported. Client access gives Fred read and write access to this file ("Fred=>RW"), so that it can be updated by any import operation he executes. It is important to note that Fred needs both Owner access to the views in Demo and Client access to the views in Algorithms in order to import the latter into the former. Owner access allows Fred to add, remove, or change the imports of Demo's spec and working views; Client access allows Fred to name Algorithm's spec view in an import operation. In addition, because he has Client access to Algorithm's working view, Fred will automatically have Client access to any spec views that are subsequently made from it. (New views that are created from existing views inherit their access-class assignments from the existing views.) However, with respect to the working view itself (which cannot be imported), Client access is equivalent to Reader access. A Developer with Restricted Access Now assume that a junior programmer, Tom, joins Mary to develop part of the Algorithms subsystem. Tom is to work in his own subpath, where he will develop and test his own units. When Tom has reached his development milestones, Mary will accept changes from his subpath into the main integration path (Rev1_Working), which she owns. When she has tested Tom's work along with hers, she will make releases from the Rev1_Working path (under this development methodology, no releases will be made from Tom's subpath). Tom's capabilities are defined as follows: * Tom must be able to check out, edit, check in, and compile units within his subpath. * He must be able to inspect (but not modify) objects in the main integration path and in the spec view of the Algorithms subsystem. * He must not be able to make releases or other kinds of views, such as spec views, code views, paths, and the like. Nor should he be allowed to destroy any views, including his own. * He must not be able to inspect or modify objects in any of the views in the Demo subsystem. Figure 2 shows the access-class assignments that support these capabilities. As shown, Tom belongs to the Developer access class for his subpath (Rev1_Tom_Working) and to the Developer access class for the Algorithms subsystem. Furthermore, Tom belongs to the Reader access class for the other views in Algorithms - namely, the main integration path, its releases, and the spec view. This combination of access-class assignments permits Tom to develop controlled objects in his subpath, while limiting what he can do to the subpath itself or to other views. In particular, Tom's Developer access to both the subpath and the subsystem gives him just enough access to create, edit, and perform CMVC operations on individual objects in his subpath. However, to perform operations that affect the entire subpath (such as changing its model or its import), Tom would need Owner access to the subpath. Similarly, for operations affecting the contents of the subsystem, such as creating or destroying views, Tom would need Owner access to the subsystem as well. Figure 2 shows that Tom has no access to the Demo subsystem or its views. He is therefore unable to inspect or execute any objects in Demo. Because of this lack of access, Tom can only perform unit-testing in his own subpath; in particular, he cannot test his work against the entire application. In order to do this, he would need at least Reader access to any load or code view from Demo that is named in the application's activity. Under the current access-class assignments, Mary and Fred are the only ones able to execute the entire application. Note that Fred is given no access to Tom's subpath. No direct access to this subpath is needed, because Tom's work will always be integrated into the working view of the main path. Furthermore, no releases or spec views will be made from Tom's subpath, so no access classes need be set up for such views to inherit. (See printed documentation for figure) Figure 2 Access-Class Assignments, Including Tom's Further Restrictions on Specific CMVC Operations With Developer access both to the Algorithms subsystem and to his subpath, Tom can check out objects in his subpath, check them in, make new objects controlled, accept changes into his subpath, and so on. In fact, Tom's Developer access to these structures allows him to perform the complete range of CMVC operations that apply to individual objects in the subpath, including operations that could result in loss of development history, such as severing objects or making them uncontrolled. Assume that Mary has decided to enforce a restrictive development methodology in her subsystem. Under this methodology, Tom must be prevented from executing the Cmvc.Sever and Cmvc.Make_Uncontrolled commands in his subpath. This is achieved by revoking Tom's execution rights for the Cmvc.Sever and Cmvc.Make_Uncontrolled commands. Recall from above that execution rights are a mechanism for fine-tuning CMVC capability within a basic access class. In this case, revoking the two execution rights fine-tunes Tom's basic Developer access to his subpath. (Note that it would not work to simply assign Tom to a less powerful access class such as Client for either the subsystem or his subpath, because he still needs Developer access to perform the desired CMVC operations in his subpath.) Setting Up the Basic Scenario Assume that you are the project leader and that you are responsible for setting up the application described above with the proper CMVC access control. Assume also that the project library for this application is the world !Programs.Planetary_Motion, which is currently empty. Finally, assume that, in addition to the access-class assignments illustrated in Figure 2, you as the project leader are to belong to the Owner access class for all of the subsystems and views. The following steps create the Algorithms and Demo subsystems with the desired CMVC access-class assignments. These steps illustrate that new subsystems (and their initial working views) derive their initial access-class assignments from the ACL of the enclosing world: 1. Review the ACL of the world !Programs.Planetary_Motion, using commands from package Access_List. Make sure that you have complete access to this world; for example, if you belong to a group called Project_Leader, the ACL of this world should contain an entry like Project_Leader=>RCOD. Furthermore, the Project_Leader group must have RW default access to this world. For simplicity in this example, no other groups have access to this world. 2. In the !Projects.Planetary_Motion world, use the Cmvc.Initial command to create the Algorithms subsystem and its main working view, Rev1_Working. Access-class assignments to each of these structures are derived automatically as follows: * Groups with O access to the enclosing world are assigned to the Owner access class for the new subsystem and the working view. Thus, your group (Project_Leader) is assigned to the Owner class for Algorithms and Algorithms.Rev1_Working. * Groups with R access to the enclosing world are assigned to the Reader access class for the new subsystem and the working view. (C and D access to the enclosing world are ignored by this operation.) Because no one else has access to !Projects.Planetary_Motion, no other access-class assignments have been made for Algorithms and Algorithms.Rev1_Working. 3. Use the Cmvc_Access_Control.Add_Group command to assign groups to access classes for the Algorithms subsystem and the Algorithms.Rev1_Working view. You will need to enter this command once for each of the six access-class assignments listed below: Mary Fred Tom Algorithms Owner Client Developer .Rev1_Working Owner Client Reader For example, the following instance of the Add_Group command assigns Mary to the Owner access class for the view Algorithms.Rev1_Working (assume the command is entered from the context !Projects.Planetary_Motion.Algorithms): Cmvc_Access_Control.Add_Group (The_Group => "Mary", In_Class => Cmvc_Access_Control.Owner, View_Or_Subsystem => "Rev1_Working"); 4. In the Algorithms subsystem, create the spec view Rev1_0_Spec from Rev1_Working. The new spec view initially has the same access-class assignments as the view from which it was created. Since these are the desired assignments, no further assignments are necessary. Note that the subsystem owner Mary also has sufficient capability to perform this step; methodologies may differ with respect to who makes spec views and when they are made. 5. In the Algorithms subsystem, create the subpath Rev1_Tom_Working from Rev1_Working. Again, the new view initially has the same access-class assignments as the view from which it was created. However, at this point, only Mary has the desired access to this subpath; Tom needs Developer access instead of Reader access, and Fred should have no access at all. To correct this: a. Use the Cmvc_Access_Control.Remove_Group command to remove Fred from the Client access class for Rev1_Tom_Working. b. Use the Cmvc_Access_Control.Add_Group command to add Tom to the Developer access class for Rev1_Tom_Working. This command also automatically removes Tom from the Reader access class for this subpath. Note that the subsystem owner Mary also has sufficient capability to perform this step; methodologies may differ with respect to who makes subpaths and when they are made. 6. Restrict Tom's CMVC capability in his subpath by revoking his execution rights to the Cmvc.Sever and Cmvc.Make_Uncontrolled commands. Use the Cmvc_Access_Control.Remove_Right command to revoke each execution right. Note that execution rights are defined as a series of constants in package Cmvc_Access_Control (see the reference entry for type Execution_Right). In general, execution rights have the same name as the commands to which they correspond. For example, the following command revokes Cmvc_Access_Control.Sever, which is the execution right that controls the Cmvc.Sever command: Cmvc_Access_Control.Remove_Right (For_Group => "Tom", The_Right => Cmvc_Access_Control.Sever, View_Or_Subsystem => "Rev1_Tom_Working"); 7. Use steps 2 through 4 as a guide for creating and assigning CMVC access to the Demo subsystem, its initial working view, and its spec view. In addition, you can set up the initial imports between the views in Demo and the spec view in Algorithms. (Note that Fred also has sufficient capability to set up these imports; methodologies may differ with respect to who performs the initial imports and when they are performed.) 8. If desired, verify that the correct access-class assignments have been made for each view and subsystem by entering the Cmvc_Access_Control.Display command. For example, applying this command to the working view in Demo should yield the following display: Access Control Group List for View !PROJECTS.PLANETARY_MOTION.DEMO.REV1_WORKING PROJECT_LEADER : OWNER FRED : OWNER MARY : READER By default, the Display command shows only access-class assignments; by changing the default value of the Execution_Rights parameter, you can request that each group's execution rights be displayed as well. Ongoing Development in the Basic Scenario Now that the basic structures and access-class assignments are set up, Mary and Fred have sufficient access to manage subsequent development. For example: * If Mary creates a new spec view from an existing spec view (or from the working view), the new spec view inherits the access-class assignments from the source view. Fred's Client access to the new view allows him to import the new spec view when he needs to. * If Mary makes design changes by adding new units to an existing spec view, Fred's Client access to this view allows him to refresh his imports to take advantage of the new units. * Mary can propagate changes between Tom's subpath and the main path in Algorithms. * When Mary makes new releases from the main integration path in Algorithms, each new release inherits the access-class assignments from the working view. With Client access to these releases, Fred can execute the application using an activity that specifies any release. Furthermore, Fred and Mary are able to accommodate changes within their teams by adjusting the access-class assignments and execution rights that pertain to their respective subsystems. Such changes can be made at any time during the course of development; they take effect immediately. For example, if Mary discovers that Tom needs to be able to sever units after all, she can use the Add_Right command to reinstate Tom's execution right for that operation. From that point on, Tom will be able to execute the Cmvc.Sever command in his subpath. As a second example, assume that a new developer named Bob joins Fred's team. Fred has sufficient access to create a new subpath in Demo, set up the imports between this subpath and the Algorithms spec view, and assign Bob to the appropriate access classes (to the Developer access class for the subsystem and the subpath and to the Reader access class for the remaining views). Note that only Fred and the project leader have sufficient access to add or remove imports for the new subpath, because Bob has Developer, not Owner, access to it. In addition, Mary (or the project leader) must grant Bob either Reader or Client access to the Algorithms subsystem and its views. Either kind of access will allow him to compile his subpath against the imported spec view. Strictly speaking, only Reader access is required; Client access is necessary only for users who will actually perform the import operations. However, Client access may serve as a reminder that Bob's subpath is a client of the spec view, even if Bob himself doesn't actually perform the operations. Note that Mary can also change Fred's access to the Algorithms subsystem and its views. For example, she could decide for some reason to reassign Fred to the Reader access class for Algorithms' spec view, removing him from the Client access class for that view. Such a change would have no effect on existing imports; however, from this point on, Fred would be unable to execute the commands to refresh these imports or to import a new spec view that has the same access-class assignment. This example illustrates an important point: because a subsystem Owner can change an access-class assignment within his or her own subsystem, some level of cooperation must be assumed among subsystem owners and the project leader. The ability to change access-class assignments cannot be taken away without also taking away the ability to make releases, spec views, and new paths in a subsystem. Project leaders can use the Cmvc_Access_Control.Display command to verify that groups have the correct access to the appropriate structures. Extending the Basic Scenario: Import Networks Assume that the application structure presented in the basic scenario is augmented by a new higher-level subsystem called Demo_Tests, to be developed by a subsystem owner named Sally. As shown in Figure 3, Test has a spec view and a working view; each of these views imports the spec view from the Demo subsystem. At first glance, the following access-class assignments might seem sufficient to accommodate this change in program structure: * Assign Sally to the Owner access class for the Demo_Tests subsystem and for each of its views. * Assign Sally to the Client access class for the Demo subsystem and each of its views. Although these access-class assignments are sufficient in a basic import scenario (with only two subsystems), they are not enough to support import operations in a larger network of imports, where import relationships exist among three or more subsystems. This is because such operations need to check for consistency and circularity throughout the entire import network, and therefore they need access to more than just the directly imported views. (See "Developing Applications Using Multiple Subsystems" in the Key Concepts of this book for a discussion of circularity and consistency in imports.) For example, suppose Sally wants her spec and working views to import a newly created spec view in the Demo subsystem called Rev1_1_Spec. She enters the Cmvc.Import command, which checks to make sure she has Owner access to the importing views and Client access to Demo.Rev1_1_Spec. In addition, however, the import operation requires that she also have at least Reader access to the spec view in Algorithms that is imported by Demo.Rev1_1_Spec. Reader access to this view is required so that the operation can verify the consistency of the entire import network. As a second example, suppose Fred wants to change the imports of his spec and working views. As before, the import operation he executes will check that he has Owner access to the importing views and Client access to the imported view in the Algorithms subsystem. In addition, he needs at least Reader access to the views in the Demo_Tests subsystem that import his spec view. Once again, this is because the import operation needs access to the entire import network in order to verify its consistency. (See printed documentation for figure) Figure 3 Extended Scenario with Proposed Access for the Import Network Figure 3 summarizes the access-class assignments discussed above. These access-class assignments reflect the following rule: If you are a user who performs import operations (as part of commands like Cmvc.Make_Path and Cmvc.Release as well as Cmvc.Import), you need some level of access to all views in the import network, specifically: * Owner access to the importing view * Client access to any directly imported views * Reader access to any indirectly imported views (spec views that are imported by the views you're importing) * Reader access to the views "above" you in the import network (any spec or load view that imports your view) Strategy for Simplifying Access-Class Assignments This extended scenario shows that even simple import networks can greatly increase the number of access-class assignments in a project. A large number of access-class assignments can mean a lot of work for subsystem owners each time a change is made in personnel or program structure. Furthermore, a large number of access-class assignments may not even be possible, because at most seven groups at a time can have access of any kind to each view or subsystem. (In fact, in the extended scenario, as many as six groups - counting Project_Leader - already need access to some structures.) Rather than treating each user as a separate group, it is recommended that one or more groups be created containing meaningful (sub)sets of project members. Then each of these larger groups can be assigned to access classes in place of several smaller groups. (Note that operator capa- bility is required for creating and maintaining groups.) For example, assume again that you are the project leader in the above scenario and that you have operator capability. The simplest way to give everyone the access they need is to: 1. Create a group that contains everyone working on the project. In this example, you can create a group called Project_Members that contains Sally, Fred, Bob, Mary, and Tom. 2. Remove everyone from the Reader and Client access classes throughout the project. 3. Assign the Project_Members group to the Client access class for every subsystem, every spec view, and every main working view, as shown in Figure 4. As a result of this strategy, everyone on the project has Client access to all of the project's structures. With this strategy, the following requirements are met: * Only the subsystem owners and project leader have sufficient access to execute commands that involve import operations. * All users have sufficient access to compile their views against their imports and to execute the entire application. * No user can modify any objects outside their own subsystem; furthermore, the junior developers Tom and Bob cannot modify objects outside their own subpaths. (See printed documentation for figure) Figure 4 Simplified Access Class-Assignments for the Import Network This simplified strategy assumes a more open development methodology in which any user can inspect any object in the application, although each user's ability to modify objects is restricted appropriately. The simplified strategy also permits subsystem owners to import more views than are called for by the application's design. For example, consider the Demo_Tests subsystem owner (Sally), who now has Client access to views in all subsystems, including Algorithms. With this level of access, Sally can import a spec view from Algorithms into Demo_Tests, although such an import is not part of the design. Some level of cooperation must be assumed among view owners to preserve application design. Note that none of the junior team members have enough access to perform their own imports. For example, Bob, the junior member of the Demo subsystem team, has Client access to views in other subsystems and so would appear to be able to import these views into his subpath. However, he is unable to do so because he has insufficient access to his subpath (Developer rather than Owner). He will still have to rely on Fred or the Project_Leader to adjust his imports. If a more restrictive methodology is desired, a project can define smaller groups that have access to fewer structures. In the scenario above, Bob can be removed from Project_Members and put into a group that has Reader or Client access to only the spec views in Algorithms. This will prevent him from inspecting or executing the entire application, while still allowing him to compile against his subpath's imports. Setting Up CMVC Access Control: General Guidelines The following general guidelines summarize the steps in the basic and extended scenarios presented above. It is recommended that you use these guidelines in addition to the normal steps for planning and setting up subsystems (see "Setting Up Subsystems: A Second Look" in "Developing Applications Using Multiple Subsystems" in the Key Concepts of this book). 1. Identify the major structures in the application. What are the expected subsystems, paths, subpaths, spec views, and so on? 2. Identify the required access-class assignments for each development path and subpath in each subsystem: a. Identify the users that need access to the working, spec, and released views in the path or subpath. List the capabilities that each user needs for each view. b. Based on the required capabilities, determine the access class to which each user must belong for each view in the path. As a guide, use the reference tables in "Minimum Access-Class Assignments" at the end of this package introduction. A recommended approach is for the main working view in a development path to have all of the access-class assignments that are required for the spec views and releases in the same path. This approach takes advantage of the fact that new views created from existing views inherit their access-class assignments from the existing views. Thus, the access granted for the working view will be inherited by any spec view, release, or configuration release made from it. (This approach was used in the scenarios presented above.) c. Also based on the required capabilities, determine the access class to which each user must belong for the enclosing subsystems. As a guide, use the reference tables in "Minimum Access-Class Assignments" at the end of this package introduction. A simple approach that works for most methodologies is to assign each user to the same access class for the enclosing subsystem as for his or her own working view (path or subpath). (This approach was used in the scenarios presented above.) d. Note which users, if any, should be prevented from executing CMVC-specific commands; list the execution rights that will need to be revoked. As a guide to the execution rights that are granted with each access class, use the reference tables in "Execution Rights" at the end of this package introduction. e. For easy reference, make a chart showing access-class assignments. 3. Create groups for users with common needs. The members of each group should be users that must belong to the same access class for a specific view or subsystem. Setting up groups is important for minimizing the number of groups that have access to each structure; a maximum of seven groups can have access to a given view or subsystem. Note that operator capability is required for setting up groups. 4. Review the ACL of the project library (the world in which the subsystems are to be created) to verify that it has the correct ACLs. Groups with O access to this world will automatically be assigned to the Owner access class for the subsystems created in it. These groups will also be Owners of the initial working view in each of these subsystems. 5. Use Cmvc.Initial to create the desired subsystems (and their initial working views). Note that you need to have read access (R) to the model world named in the command, as well as to the switch file associated with the model world. 6. Adjust the access-class assignments for each subsystem and initial working view. a. Set up subsystem owners. b. Set up teams within each subsystem (developers who need access to the various paths and subpaths). c. Set up users who need to import, compile against, or execute the views from other subsystems. 7. When subpaths, additional paths, spec views, and releases are created during development, they will inherit their access-class assignments from the source view. Adjust these assignments as necessary during ongoing development. (Depending on methodology, this may be the responsibility of subsystem owners.) Miscellaneous Topics Initializing Existing Subsystems In the basic scenario presented above, CMVC access control was set up for new subsystems. It is also possible to set up CMVC access control for subsystems that were created in earlier releases of the Environment (earlier than D_11_1_3). To prepare an application for CMVC access control, you first must enter the Cmvc_Access_Control.Initialize command for each subsystem in the application. This command causes all groups that currently have owner access (O) to a given subsystem to be assigned to the Owner access class for that subsystem. All groups with read access (R) are assigned to the Reader access class. (This procedure ignores create (C) and delete (D) access.) Within these subsystems, you must then use the Initialize command again to initialize each view. You can use a naming expression such as the following to initialize all the views in a given subsystem: Cmvc_Access_Control.Initialize (View_Or_Subsystem => "@'c(spec_view,load_view,comb_view)"); As a result, all groups that currently have owner access (O) to each named view are assigned to the Owner access class for that view. All groups with read access (R) are assigned to the Reader access class. (This procedure ignores create (C) and delete (D) access.) If subsystems and views are not initialized, CMVC operations will continue to operate as in releases prior to D_11_1_3. Special Control for CDB Capability Sites that develop applications on multiple hosts need a group that can perform operations that affect the compatibility databases (CDBs) of primary and secondary subsystems. In general, such groups can perform CDB-related operations if they have Owner access to the subsystems in question. However, because of the sensitive nature of CDB-related operations, some sites may want additional control over who can perform them. If your site wants to invoke special control over CDB capability, you can create a file called !Machine.Cdb_Capability. Groups must have write access (W) to this file in addition to Owner access to a subsystem in order to name that sub- system in the Cmvc_Maintenance.Make_Primary, Cmvc_Maintenance.Make_Secondary, or Cmvc_Maintenance.Destroy_Cdb command. The special control over CDB capability also controls whether a group can use the Primary and Revert_Cdb options in the Archive.Restore and Archive.Copy commands. Checking for Access Inconsistencies Even when CMVC access control is in effect, it is possible for users with Owner access to use operations from packages Access_List and Access_List_Tools to set the ACLs of individual objects within views and subsystems. Resetting individual ACLs can cause a group to have more or less access than is warranted by its access class. (Insufficient access to individual objects can cause CMVC commands to fail without diagnosing access as the problem.) Project leaders can run the Check command before key releases or other milestones to ensure that individual object ACLs in a view or subsystem are consistent with that structure's access-class assignments. The Check command can be used merely to identify inconsistencies or to repair them as well. A Closer Look at Access Classes and ACLs Assigning groups to CMVC access classes affects the ACLs of objects in views and subsystems. Understanding how access-class assignments affect particular objects can help you to understand why each access class supports the capabilities that it does and why separate access is required to views and subsystems. (See the reference entry for type Access_Class for the specific access rights granted by each access class.) When a group belongs to an access class for a view, an entry for that group is inserted into the ACL of every object in the view. The objects of interest for this discussion are the user-created objects in the view and the view's State.Referencers file. The effect of access-class assignments on these objects is summarized below: * User-created objects include all Ada and text objects in the Units directory and in any user-created directory in the view. The Reader and Client access classes grant read access (R) to every user-created object in a view. The Developer or Owner access classes grant read and write access (RW) to every user-created object in a view. Note that user-created objects are treated uniformly with respect to access rights; CMVC access control does not support setting access rights on an object-by-object or even a subdirectory-by-subdirectory basis within a view. * A view's State.Referencer file is an Environment-created object containing state information about the view; in particular, it records the view's clients and is updated each time the view is imported by another view. The Client, Developer, and Owner access classes grant read and write access (RW) to this file, which permits a group to import the view into another view. When a group belongs to an access class for a subsystem, an entry for that group is inserted into the ACL of all objects in the subsystem that are not part of any view. Objects of special interest are the CMVC database, the compatibility database (CDB) and the Configurations directory. These objects are common to the entire subsystem and to all the views in it. Although these objects are not themselves part of any view, a group needs access to them to perform operations that affect individual views. The effect of access-class assignments on these objects is summarized below: * A subsystem's CMVC database contains information about all the controlled objects in each view in the subsystem. This database is updated whenever controlled objects are checked in and out, joined, severed, and so on. Developer or Owner access to a subsystem is required to update the CMVC database; Reader and Client access permit a group to use the CMVC editor to browse the controlled objects in any of the subsystem's views. * A subsystem's CDB collects compilation information about views that are compiled in the subsystem. The CDB is updated whenever a new unit specification in any view is compiled for the first time. Developer or Owner access to a subsystem is required to update the CDB; Reader and Client access permit only limited compilation within views (only bodies and existing specifications can be compiled). * A subsystem's configuration objects constitute "condensed" representations of each view in the subsystem; they contain sufficient information to enable views to be reconstructed from the history stored in the CMVC database. Owner access to a subsystem is required for a group to perform operations that delete or otherwise affect configuration objects, such as expunging the CMVC database, destroying views along with their corresponding configuration objects, or rebuilding views from configuration objects. Editor Locks, Versions, and Access Classes Commands that change access-class assignments (such as Add_Group and Remove_Group) change the ACLs of individual objects in views and subsystems. Therefore, such commands are sensitive to read locks and write locks on these individual objects. More specifically, certain kinds of locks prevent ACLs from being changed on files or Ada units. Furthermore, other kinds of locks allow ACLs to be changed but cause new versions to be created in the process. For simplicity, it is recommended that you enter commands such as Add_Group and Remove_Group only when no users are viewing or editing any of the individual objects in the view or subsystem. However, the following discussion may help you diagnose lock-related errors that arise when entering these commands. As a general rule: * You can change access-class assignments when you or other users hold read locks on individual text or Ada objects. * You can change access-class assignments when you hold write locks on individual text or Ada objects. * You cannot change access-class assignments when other users hold write locks on individual text or Ada objects. Changing access-class assignments has some side effects when locks are held on individual Ada units. Specifically, if you change an access-class assignment while you hold a read or a write lock on an Ada unit, a new version of that unit is created on which the new ACL is set. Furthermore, your read or write lock will automatically transfer to the new version; the previous version with the old ACL becomes a deleted version. Similarly, if you change an access-class assignment while another user holds a read lock on an Ada unit, a new version is created on which the new ACL is set. However, the other user continues to view the previous version, which automatically becomes a deleted version. The existence of deleted versions occasionally causes commands to fail unexpectedly because of the out-of-date ACLs on those versions. One workaround is to use the Library.Expunge command to destroy deleted versions; this method may fail if you have insufficient access to the deleted versions or if the deleted versions themselves have read locks on them. Another workaround is to use the Cmvc_Access_Control.Check command to reset the ACLs of the deleted versions. You should enter this command only when there are no read or write locks on individual objects in the view or subsystem in question. Configuration Objects and Access Classes The CMVC access-class assignments for each view are recorded in the state description directory for the configuration object corresponding to that view. Thus, if you rebuild a view from its configuration object, the rebuilt view will have the saved access-class assignments. Configuration objects can be used as the source for the Cmvc.Accept_Changes command, provided that you have Reader access to the enclosing subsystem. However, if the view that corresponds to the named configuration object still exists, then access to the view is checked, as if the view itself were named in the command. (At a minimum, Reader access to the view and Developer access to the enclosing subsystem are required to accept changes from that view into another.) Implications for Multiple-Host Development Developing an application on multiple hosts involves using commands from package Archive to save, restore, or copy subsystems and views from one R1000 to another. These archive operations are sensitive to CMVC access control; that is, the job identity of the archive job must have the appropriate kind of CMVC access to complete. The Archive.Save and Archive.Copy commands require Reader access when saving or copying views and subsystems: * To save or copy a view, the identity of the job or archive server must belong to a group that has Reader access to that view. * To save or copy a subsystem and the views in it, the identity of the job or archive server must belong to a group that has Reader access to the subsystem and to each of the views to be archived. You may need to set the identity of the archive server when you initiate these operations from another R1000. For example, assume you are copying a view from Machine_1 to Machine_2 and you are entering the Archive.Copy command from the destination R1000, Machine_2. Then the identity of the archive server on Machine_1 is Network_Public, which may or may not have access to the view you are copying. If the server has no access to the view, a message will report an access error. (If the server has no access to the enclosing subsystem or any enclosing world, the message will report that the specified view is undefined.) Verify that the problem is truly an access error by checking the spelling of the specified view name. Then correct the access problem by using a remote password to change the identity of the archive server to a group with at least Reader access to the view. (See package Profile in the SJM book for information about setting remote passwords.) The Archive.Restore command and the restore portion of the Archive.Copy command require Owner access to the destination subsystem or world: * To restore a view into an existing subsystem, the identity of the job or archive server must belong to a group that has Owner access for the subsystem into which the view is restored. * To restore a view into a nonexistent subsystem, or to restore a subsystem into a world, the job or archive server must be able to create the subsystem in the destination world. Therefore, the job/server identity must belong to a group that has RCOD access to the world in which the subsystem is to be created. In addition, the job/server identity must belong to a group that has RW default access to this world. CMVC Access Control and Systems The subsystems in an application (or a major portion of an application) can be identified as such by making them children of a system. Besides providing a way of identifying groups of related subsystems, a system also provides an automated mechanism for tracking the latest release from each child subsystem and building activities that reference those releases. Operations pertaining to systems are performed with commands from package Cmvc_Hierarchy. Systems and the system views they contain are structures that can be put under CMVC access control. Assume that you are the system integrator who is responsible for adding children to and making release activities in a system called System_1. Then you need: * Owner access to System_1 and to each of its views * Client access to each child subsystem and its views Owner access to a system allows you to create new views in it and to add children to it. Client access to a subsystem allows you to make it a child of a system. Client access to the individual views within each child subsystem allows you to use the Cmvc_Hierarchy.Build_Activity command to build a release activity. Strictly speaking, you need Client access only to the releases and spec views that will be included in the release activity. However, the Cmvc_Hierarchy.Build_Activity command also requires at least Reader access to all other working views (including sub- paths) in order to examine these views for inclusion in the release activity. Note that you can use the Cmvc_Hierarchy.Build_Activity command to import spec views from the child subsystems into the working system view. (This is useful if you have test programs as well as release activities in the working system view.) In this case, you need Client access to all imported spec views and Reader access to the remaining views in the import network. Using Programs to Set CMVC Access Tools for handling CMVC access control can use structures of type Execution_Table to specify complete sets of execution rights for groups. Site-specific sets of execution rights can be derived from the default sets for each access class using the constants of type Execution_Table that are defined in this package (see the reference entry for type Execution_Table). Overriding CMVC Access Control Members of a special predefined group called Privileged can perform any operation on any object regardless of access-class assignments and execution rights. To activate this capability, a member of this group must first execute the Operator.Enable_Privileges command, which is documented in SMU. In the standard Environment, username Operator is a member of the Privileged group. REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR PACKAGE CMVC_ACCESS_CONTROL The following sections present information about access classes and execution rights in tabular form for easy reference. Minimum Access-Class Assignments The tables in this section provide a short guide to the minimum access classes that are required for various capabilities. Designated users such as project managers can use these tables to help them decide the access classes to which to assign their groups. The first table lists various things that a group may need to do to a view. For each capability, the table lists the minimum access classes to which the group must belong, both for the view and for the subsystem enclosing the view. The second table lists various things that a group may need to do to a subsystem and gives the minimum access class required for each of these capabilities. The capabilities listed below are supported by the specified access classes only for groups who have the default set of execution rights. Note that the capabilities supported by a given access class can be restricted by selectively revoking individual execution rights for a particular group. Table 1 Minimum Access for View-Related Capabilities ----------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | |Minimum | | |Minimum |Access | |Desired Capability |Access |to | | |to View |Enclosing | | | |Subsystem | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Browse a view using |Reader |Reader | |Common.Definition or Cmvc.Edit | | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Execute a view, including load |Reader |Reader | |views named in activities | | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Execute operations that import one | | | |view into another | | | | | | | | Access to imported view |Client |Reader | | Access to importing view |Owner |Reader | | Access to other views in import |Reader |Reader | |network | | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Accept changes from source view | | | |into destination view | | | | Access to source view |Reader |Developer | | Access to destination view |Developer |Developer | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Edit uncontrolled objects in view; |Developer |Reader | |compile bodies | | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Use CMVC operations on individual |Developer |Developer | |objects in view (check out, check | | | |in, abandon reservation, join, | | | |sever, revert, make controlled, | | | |make uncontrolled) as well as | | | |editing and unlimited compilation | | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Release or make copies (e.g., |Developer |Owner | |paths, subpaths, code views, spec | | | |views) of view | | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Change view's imports and model |Owner |Reader | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Change view's imports and model; |Owner |Developer | |also use CMVC operations (like | | | |check in and out) on view's objects| | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Check consistency of a view |Owner |Owner | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Destroy a view |Owner |Owner | ----------------------------------------------------------- Table 2 Minimum Access for Subsystem-Related Capabilities |----------------------------------------------------| | | | | |Minimum | |Desired Capability |Access | | |to | | |Subsystem | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | |Make a subsystem a child of a system |Client | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | |Build or destroy a configuration object |Owner | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | |Check consistency of subsystem |Owner | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | |Expunge subsystem's CMVC database |Owner | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | |Destroy subsystem |Owner | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | |Change subsystem from primary to |Owner | |secondary or from secondary to primary | | ---------------------------------------------------- Table 3 Required Access for Changing Access_Class Assignments -------------------------------------------- | | | |Desired Capability|Required Access | -------------------------------------------- | | | |Change access to a|Owner access (O) to the | |subsystem |enclosing world or Owner | | |access to the subsystem | | |itself | -------------------------------------------- | | | |Change access to a|Owner access to the | |view |enclosing subsystem or | | |Owner access to the view | | |itself | -------------------------------------------- Execution Rights, Listed by Command Execution rights provide control over the primitive operations in the commands from packages Cmvc, Cmvc_Maintenance, and Cmvc_Hierarchy. A primitive operation is a distinct portion of a command that applies to (references or affects) a particular view, subsystem or system. Accord- ingly, a command has one primitive operation associated with each parameter that names a view, subsystem, or system. For example, the Cmvc.Accept_Changes command has two primitive operations, one that applies to the view named by the Source parameter and one that applies to the view named by the Destination parameter. Execution rights, defined under type Execution_Right, are the mechanism that permits a group to apply a particular primitive operation to a particular view, subsystem, or system. Thus, to execute a given CMVC command, a group must have the appropriate execution right to each struc- ture that is affected by the command's primitive operations. For example, a group must have the Check_In and Check_Out execution rights to a view to perform checkin and checkout operations in that view. Similarly, if the group is to accept changes from one view to another, it must have the Accept_Changes_Source and Accept_Changes_Destination execution rights to the source and destination views, respectively. Execution rights that allow primitive operations to affect views are called view execution rights. Similarly, execution rights that allow primitive operations to affect subsystems or systems are called subsystem execution rights and system execution rights, respectively. The following tables list the view, subsystem, and/or system execution rights that are checked for each command in packages Cmvc, Cmvc_Maintenance, and Cmvc_Hierarchy. When a command has multiple primitive operations corresponding to multiple parameters, the table lists one execution right for each such parameter. Table 4 Required Execution Rights for Commands in Package Cmvc ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Command |Parameters |Required Execution Right | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Abandon_ |What_Object |Abandon_Reservation for | |Reservation | |view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Accept_Changes |Destination |Accept_Changes_ | | |Source |Destination for view | | | |Accept_Changes_Source for| | | |view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Append_Notes |What_Object |Modify_Notes for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Build |View_To_ |Import_From for views | | |Import |Build for enclosing | | | |subsystem | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Check_In |What_Object |Check_In for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Check_Out |What_Object |Check_Out for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Compare |Destination |Query_View for view | | |Source |Query_View for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Copy |From_View |Copy for source view | | |View_To_ |Import_From for imported | | |Import |view | | |View_To_ |Import_Into for importing| | |Modify |view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Create_Empty_Note_|What_Object |(No rights are required) | |Window | | | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Def |What_Object |Query_View for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Destroy_Subsystem |What_ |Destroy_Subsystem for | | |Subsystem |subsystem | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Destroy_System |What_ |Destroy_Subsystem for | | |Subsystem |system | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Destroy_View |What_View |Destroy_View for view | | | |Destroy_Config for | | | |enclosing subsystem | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Edit |View_Or_Confi|Query_View for view, if | | | |view is named; | | | |Query_Subsystem for | | | |subsystem, | | | |if configuration is named| ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Get_Notes |What_Object |Query_View for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Import |View_To_ |Import_From for imported | | |Import |view | | |Into_View |Import_Into for importing| | | |view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Imported_Views |Of_View |Query_View for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Information |For_View |Query_View for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Initial |System_Object|Initial for subsystem | | |View_To_ |Import_From for view | | |Import | | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Join |What_Object |Join_What for view | | |To_Which_View|Join_To for view being | | | |joined to | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Make_Code_View |From_View |Make_Code_View for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Make_Controlled |What_Object |Make_Controlled for view | | |Join_With_ |Join_To for view joined | | |View |to, if specified | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Make_Path |From_Path |Make_Path for source view| | |View_To_ |Import_From for imported | | |Import |view | | |View_To_ |Import_Into for importing| | |Modify |view | ---------------------------------------------------------- Table 4 Required Execution Rights for Commands in Package Cmvc (continued) ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Command |Parameters |Required Execution Right | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Make_Spec_View |From_Path |Make_Spec_View for source| | |View_To_ |view | | |Import |Import_From for imported | | |View_To_ |view | | |Modify |Import_Into for importing| | | |view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Make_Subpath |From_Path |Make_Subpath for source | | |View_To_ |view | | |Import |Import_From for imported | | |View_To_ |view | | |Modify |Import_Into for importing| | | |view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Make_Uncontrolled |What_Object |Make_Uncontrolled for | | | |view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Merge_Changes |Destination_ |Merge_Changes_Destination| | |Object |for view | | |Source_View |Merge_Changes_Source for | | | |view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Notes |What_Object |Query_View for view | | | |Edit_Notes for view if | | | |editing notes | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Put_Notes |What_Object |Modify_Notes for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Release |From_Working_|Release for working view | | |View |Import_From for imported | | |Views_To_ |views | | |Import | | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Remove_Import |From_View |Remove_Import for | | | |importing view | | | |(Client access to removed| | | |imports) | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Remove_Unused_ |From_View |Remove_Import for | |Import | |importing view | | | |(Client access to removed| | | |imports) | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Replace_Model |In_View |Replace_Model for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Revert |What_Object |Revert for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Sever |What_Object |Sever for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Show |Objects |Query_View for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Show_All_Checked_ |In_View |Query_View for view | |Out | | | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Show_All_ |In_View |Query_View for view | |Controlled | | | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Show_All_ |In_View |Query_View for view | |Uncontrolled | | | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Show_Checked_Out_ |In_View |Query_View for view | |By_User | | | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Show_Checked_Out_ |In_View |Query_View for view | |In_View | | | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Show_History |For_Objects |Query_View for view | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Show_History_By_ |For_Objects |Query_View for view | |Generation | | | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Show_Image_Of_ |Object |Query_View for view | |Generation | | | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Show_Out_Of_Date_ |In_View |Query_View for view | |Objects | | | ---------------------------------------------------------- Table 5 Required Execution Rights for Commands in Package Cmvc_Maintenance ---------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Command |Parameters |Required Execution Right | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Check_ |Views |Check_Consistency, if | |Consistency | |applied to views; | | | |Subsystem_Check_ | | | |Consistency, if applied to | | | |subsystem | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Destroy_Cdb |Subsystem |Destroy_Cdb for subsystem | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Display_Cdb |Subsystem |Query_Subsystem for | | | |subsystem | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Display_ |View |Query_View for view | |Code_View | | | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Expunge_ |In_ |Expunge_Database for | |Database |Subsystem |subsystem | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Make_Primary|Subsystem |Make_Primary for subsystem | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Make_ |Subsystem |Make_Secondary for | |Secondary | |subsystem | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Update_Cdb |From_ |No check | | |Subsystem |Update_Cdb | | |To_ | | | |Subsystem | | ---------------------------------------------------- Table 6 Required Execution Rights for Commands in Package Cmvc_Hierarchy -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Command |Parameters |Required Execution Right | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Add_Child |Child |Add_Child_Child for | | |To_System |subsystem | | | |Add_Child_Parent for system| -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Build_ |Working_System_|Build_Activity_In for view | |Activity |View |containing activity | | |Views_To_ |Build_Activity_From for | | |Include |views in activity | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Children |Of_System |Query_Subsystem for system | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Contents |Of_System_View |Query_View for system view | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Expand_ |System_View |Expand_Activity for view | |Activity | | | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Parents |Of_Subsystem |Query_Subsystem for | | | |subsystem | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |Remove_Child|Child |(Client access to child) | | |From_System |Remove_Child for system | -------------------------------------------------------- Execution Rights, Listed by Access Class The following tables list the view, subsystem, and system execution rights that are granted by default when a group is added to a given access class. These tables are to be read cumulatively, so that, on a given table, the set of rights for each access class includes the rights for the preceding access classes. For example, the set of rights granted by the Developer access class includes the sets of rights granted by the Client Reader access classes. Note that operations that affect views check both the access class to the view and the access class to the subsystem enclosing the view. Therefore, for each view execution right, the table lists the required access class to the view's enclosing subsystem. Table 7 View Execution Rights, Listed by Access Class --------------------------------------------- | | | | | | |Required Access| |View Access|View Execution |Class | |Class |Rights |to Enclosing | | | |Subsystem | --------------------------------------------- | | | | |Reader |Accept_Changes_ |Developer | | |Source |Reader | | |Expand_Activity |Developer | | |Join_To |Developer | | |Merge_Changes_ |Reader | | |Source | | | |Query_View | | --------------------------------------------- | | | | |Client |Build_Activity_ |Reader | | |From |Reader | | |Import_From | | --------------------------------------------- | | | | |Developer |Abandon_ |Developer | | |Reservation |Developer | | |Accept_Changes_ |Reader | | |Destination |Developer | | |Build_Activity_In|Developer | | |Check_In |Owner | | |Check_Out |Developer | | |Copy |Owner | | |Join_What |Developer | | |Make_Code_View |Owner | | |Make_Controlled |Owner | | |Make_Path |Owner | | |Make_Spec_View |Developer | | |Make_Subpath |Developer | | |Make_Uncontrolled|Developer | | |Merge_Changes_ |Owner | | |Destination |Developer | | |Modify_Notes |Developer | | |Release | | | |Revert | | | |Sever | | --------------------------------------------- | | | | |Owner |Check_Consistency|Owner | | |Destroy_View |Owner | | |Import_Into |Reader | | |Remove_Import |Reader | | |Replace_Model |Reader | --------------------------------------------- Table 8 Subsystem Execution Rights, Listed by Access Class ---------------------------------- | | | |Subsystem |Subsystem | |Access Class |Execution Rights | ---------------------------------- | | | |Reader |Query_Subsystem | ---------------------------------- | | | |Client |Add_Child_Child | ---------------------------------- | | | |Developer |Edit_Notes | | |Update_Cdb | ---------------------------------- | | | |Owner |Build | | |Destroy_Cdb | | |Destroy_Config | | |Destroy_Subsystem | | |Expunge_Database | | |Initial | | |Make_Primary | | |Make_Secondary | | |Subsystem_Check_ | | |Consistency | ---------------------------------- Table 9 System Execution Rights, Listed by Access Class -------------------------------- | | | |System Access|System Execution | |Class |Rights | -------------------------------- | | | |Reader |Query_Subsystem | -------------------------------- | | | |Client |Add_Child_Child | -------------------------------- | | | |Developer |Add_Child_Parent | | |Edit_Notes | | |Remove_Child | | |Update_Cdb | -------------------------------- | | | |Owner |Build | | |Destroy_Cdb | | |Destroy_Config | | |Destroy_Subsystem | | |Expunge_Database | | |Initial | | |Make_Primary | | |Make_Secondary | | |Subsystem_Check_ | | |Consistency | -------------------------------- @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Access_Class type Access_Class is (Reader, Client, Developer, Owner); DESCRIPTION Defines the four access classes to which groups can be assigned - namely, the Reader, Client, Developer, and Owner access classes. These access classes define the kinds of access that groups can have to objects in projects managed under CMVC. As such, they support four general ways in which groups participate in project development: * The Reader class is for groups that must be able to inspect and execute objects in views, subsystems, and systems. * The Client class is for groups that must be able to import views into other views. * The Developer class is for groups that must be able to check in, check out, edit, and compile objects in views, subsystems, and systems. * The Owner class is for groups that must have complete control over views, subsystems, and systems, including the ability to create, destroy, and change the access to them. Access classes support these project-development roles by automatically managing the access lists (ACLs) of the objects in views, subsystems, or systems. The settings in these ACLs are coordinated to allow groups to perform certain classes of operations. Access classes also provide a means of further restricting the execution of CMVC operations even beyond the limits imposed by the ACL settings. For a given view, subsystem, or system, a group can be assigned to one of the four access classes via the Add_Group command. When a group is assigned to an access class, an entry for the group is automatically added to the ACL for each of the objects in the view, subsystem, or system. For objects that are worlds, an entry for the group is also added to the default ACL. Taken together, the ACL entries for each class grant a coordinated set of access rights that limit operations on user-created objects (such as Ada units) as well as on Environment-defined objects (such as those that manage CMVC state). Assigning a group to an access class also defines the set of possible execution rights that can be granted to the group (see type Execution_Right). Execution rights determine the CMVC operations that can be performed by members of the group upon a view, subsystem, or system. Note that a group belonging to a particular access class does not have any of the permitted execution rights unless these rights have been explicitly granted (for example, using the Add_Group, Add_Right, or Set_Rights command). The four access classes form a hierarchy from Owner (at the top) to Developer, Client, and Reader (at the bottom). The access provided by a lower access class is a proper subset of the access provided by the next higher class. The four access classes are described below. Each description includes a list of the access rights that are assigned for objects in views, subsystems, and systems. For views (including system views), access rights are assigned for all user- and Environment-managed objects within the view. The Environment-defined State.Referencers file in a view is of special interest; the access rights assigned to it determine whether or not the view can be imported. Note that user-created objects in a view are treated uniformly with respect to access rights - that is, CMVC access control does not support setting access rights on an object-by-object or even a subdirectory-by-subdirectory basis within a view. Thus, a group belonging to the Reader or Client access class for a view is granted read access (R) to every user-created object in the view. Similarly, a group belonging to the Developer or Owner access class for a view is granted read and write access (RW) to every user-created object in the view. The ACLs of individual objects must not be changed from their predefined settings (the Check command can be used to ensure that ACL settings remain as determined by access classes). For subsystems, access rights are assigned for all objects in the subsystem that are not part of any view - for example, the CMVC database, the compatibility database (CDB), and objects in the Configurations directory: * Read access to the CMVC database allows you to browse the controlled objects in a view, even if you don't have direct access to the view itself. * Write access to the CMVC database allows you to check objects in and out. * Write access to the CDB allows you to compile new unit specifications in the subsystem's views (with less than write access, you can recompile only new bodies and existing specifications). * Write access to configurations is required to destroy views and expunge the CMVC database. For systems, access rights are assigned for all objects that are not part of any system view. This includes the system's CMVC database (which controls any programs that are maintained in the system) as well as the State.Children file (which allows children to be added to the system). ENUMERATIONS Reader Grants read access to objects in a view, subsystem, or system. For a view, the Reader access class grants sufficient access to display objects in the view and to execute any compiled units in it. For a subsystem, this access class grants sufficient access to use the CMVC editor to browse the controlled objects in any of the subsystem's views, regardless of whether access has been granted to the view itself. When a group is assigned to the Reader access class for a view, the following access rights are granted to the group: ------------------------------------- | | | |View Objects |Reader Access | | |Rights | | | | |View (World) |R access, R | | |default access | | | | | |R access | |.State.Referencers | | |(File) | | | | | | All other objects|R access | |in view | | ------------------------------------- When a group is assigned to the Reader access class for a subsystem or system, the following access rights are granted to the group: ------------------------------------- | | | |Subsystem/System |Reader Access | |Objects |Rights | | | | |Subsystem/System |R access, R | |(World) |default access | | | | | .Configurations | | |(Directory) | | | | | | All objects |R access | |in directory | | | | | | .State | | |(Directory) | | | | | | .Compatibility |R access, R | |(World) |default access | | | | | All |R access | |objects in world | | | | | | .Cmvc_Database|R access | |(File) | | | | | | .Parents |R access | |(File) | | | | | | .Children |R access | |(File) | | | | | | All other |R access | |objects in directory | | | | | |All other objects in |R access | |(sub)system | | ------------------------------------- Client Superset of Reader access class. For a view, the Client access class grants sufficient access to allow the view to be imported into other views. Note that Client access to a view is required only for those groups whose users actually need to add the view to (or remove the view from) the imports of other views. For a subsystem, this access class grants sufficient access to allow the subsystem to be made a child of a system. When a group is assigned to the Client access class for a view, the following access rights are granted to the group: ------------------------------------- | | | |View Objects |Client Access | | |Rights | | | | |View (World) |R access, R | | |default access | | | | | |RW access | |.State.Referencers | | |(File) | | | | | | All other objects|R access | |in view | | ------------------------------------- When a group is assigned to the Client access class for a subsystem or system, the following access rights are granted to the group: ------------------------------------- | | | |Subsystem/System |Client Access | |Objects |Rights | | | | |Subsystem/System |R access, R | |(World) |default access | | | | | .Configurations | | |(Directory) | | | | | | All objects |R access | |in directory | | | | | | .State | | |(Directory) | | | | | | .Compatibility|R access, R | |(World) |default access | | | | | All |R access | |objects in world | | | | | | .Cmvc_Database|R access | |(File) | | | | | | .Parents |RW access | |(File) | | | | | | .Children |R access | |(File) | | | | | | All other |R access | |objects in directory | | | | | |All other objects in |R access | |(sub)system | | ------------------------------------- Developer Superset of Client access class. For a view, the Developer access class grants sufficient additional access to allow objects in the view to be modified and to allow new objects to be created. For a subsystem, this access class grants sufficient additional access to allow compatibility objects and the CMVC database to be modified. Note that you must have Developer access to a subsystem to check out objects in the subsystem's views, because checkin and checkout operations modify the CMVC database. When a group is assigned to the Developer access class for a view, the following access rights are granted to the group: -------------------------------------- | | | |View Objects |Developer Access| | |Rights | | | | |View (World) |RC access, RW | | |default access | | | | | |RW access | |.State.Referencers | | |(File) | | | | | | All other objects|RW access | |in view | | -------------------------------------- When a group is assigned to the Developer access class for a subsystem or system, the following access rights are granted to the group: -------------------------------------- | | | |Subsystem/System |Developer Access| |Objects |Rights | | | | |Subsystem/System |R access, R | |(World) |default access | | | | | .Configurations | | |(Directory) | | | | | | All objects |R access | |in directory | | | | | | .State | | |(Directory) | | | | | | .Compatibility|RC access, RW | |(World) |default access | | | | | All |RW access | |objects in world | | | | | | .Cmvc_Database|RW access | |(File) | | | | | | .Parents |RW access | |(File) | | | | | | .Children |RW access | |(File) | | | | | | All other |R access | |objects in directory | | | | | |All other objects in |RW access | |(sub)system | | -------------------------------------- Owner Superset of Developer access class. For a view, the Owner access class provides all possible access to the view and the objects in it. You must have Owner access to a view in order to change its imports or destroy it. To change a view's access-control characteristics, you must have either Owner access to the view or Owner access to the subsystem enclosing it. For a subsystem, the Owner access class provides all possible access to the subsystem and the objects in it. You must have Owner access to a subsystem to create new views in it or to destroy it. To change a subsystem's access-control characteristics, you must have either Owner access to the subsystem or the owner access right (O) to the world enclosing the subsystem. When a group is assigned to the Owner access class for a view, the following access rights are granted to the group: ------------------------------------- | | | |View Objects |Owner Access | | |Rights | | | | |View (World) |RCOD access, RW| | |default access | | | | | |RW access | |.State.Referencers | | |(File) | | | | | | All other objects|RW access | |in view | | ------------------------------------- When a group is assigned to the Owner access class for a subsystem or system, the following access rights are granted to the group: ------------------------------------- | | | |Subsystem/System |Owner Access | |Objects |Rights | | | | |Subsystem/System |RCOD access, RW| |(World) |default access | | | | | .Configurations | | |(Directory) | | | | | | All objects |RW access | |in directory | | | | | | .State | | |(Directory) | | | | | | .Compatibility|RCOD access, RW| |(World) |default access | | | | | All |RW access | |objects in world | | | | | | .Cmvc_Database|RW access | |(File) | | | | | | .Parents |RW access | |(File) | | | | | | .Children |RW access | |(File) | | | | | | All other |RW access | |objects in directory | | | | | |All other objects in |RW access | |(sub)system | | ------------------------------------- @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Add_Group procedure Add_Group (The_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; In_Class : Access_Class := Cmvc_Access_Control.Reader; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Add_Execution_Rights : Boolean := True; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); DESCRIPTION Adds a group to the specified access class for the designated view, subsystem, or system; up to seven groups can have access to a given view, subsystem, or system at any one time. If the specified group already belongs to an access class for the designated view, subsystem, or system, the group is automatically removed from its old access class and assigned to the new one. Access classes define the kinds of access that groups can have to objects in projects developed under CMVC. When a group is assigned to an access class for a given view, subsystem, or system, that group is granted specific access rights as described in the reference entry for type Access_Class. Access rights are granted by automatically inserting an entry for the group into each object's ACL. The four access classes and the specific access rights they grant are described under type Access_Class. Each access class also defines the set of possible execution rights that can be granted to the group for the specified view, subsystem, or system. (The execution rights permitted by each access class are listed under "Reference Summary for Package Cmvc_Access_Control" in the introduction to this package.) By default, the Add_Group command causes all of the permitted execution rights to be granted to the group. Once granted, individual execution rights can be removed subsequently using the Remove_Right command. Alternatively, the Add_Execution_Rights parameter can be set to false so that no execution rights are granted when a group is added to an access class. Individual execution rights can be granted subsequently using the Add_Right procedure. When this command removes a group from one access class in order to add it to another, the access lists (ACLs) for the affected objects are adjusted appropriately, and all inappropriate execution rights are automatically removed, regardless of the value of the Add_Execution_Rights parameter. PARAMETERS The_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; Specifies the name of the group to be added to the specified access class. Only one group can be named. The default group is Network_Public. In_Class : Access_Class := Cmvc_Access_Control.Reader; Specifies the access class to which the specified group is assigned. One of four access classes can be specified - namely, Reader, Client, Developer, or Owner. The default is the Reader access class, which provides the least amount of access. View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Specifies one or more views, subsystems, or systems to which the specified group is granted access. Multiple views, subsystems, or systems can be specified using wildcards, context characters, set notation, indirect files, and attributes. The default is the highlighted view, subsystem, or system, provided that the highlight contains the cursor. Add_Execution_Rights : Boolean := True; Specifies whether the execution rights permitted by the specified access class are to be granted. When true (the default), all permitted execution rights are granted to the specified group. When false, none of the permitted execution rights are granted to the specified group. Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what activities and switches to use during the execution of this command. The default is the job response profile. RESTRICTIONS To add a group to an access class for a view, you must have either Owner access to the view or Owner access to the subsystem enclosing it. To add a group to an access class for a subsystem, you must have either Owner access to the subsystem or the owner access right (O) to the world enclosing the subsystem. ERRORS The Add_Group command must obtain write locks on the objects whose ACLs are to be set. This command will fail if it cannot obtain all of the necessary write locks (for example, if someone is currently editing one of the affected objects). As a result, the group is not added to the access class and no ACLs are changed. EXAMPLES Assume that you have Owner access for a subsystem called Algorithms and you want to add a group called Client_Of_Algorithms to the Client access class for every view in the subsystem. Assume further that you want this group to have all of the available execution rights. The following command, executed from the context Algorithms, accomplishes this: Cmvc_Access_Control.Add_Group (The_Group => "read_all", In_Class => cmvc_access_control.client, View_Or_Subsystem => "@'c(spec_view,load_view)"); Assume that you have Owner access for the subsystem Algorithms and you want to add a group called Read_All to the Reader access class for a new view called Algorithms.Rev2_0_Spec. Assume further that you do not want this group to have any of the available execution rights. The following command accomplishes this, assuming that you have selected the library entry for Rev2_0_Spec: Cmvc_Access_Control.Add_Group (The_Group => "read_all", In_Class => cmvc_access_control.reader, View_Or_Subsystem => "<SELECTION>", Add_Execution_Rights => False); REFERENCES type Access_Class procedure Add_Right procedure Remove_Group procedure Remove_Right @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Add_Right procedure Add_Right (For_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; The_Right : Execution_Right := Cmvc_Access_Control.All_Rights; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); DESCRIPTION Grants the specified execution right to the specified group for the designated view, subsystem, or system. An execution right can be granted only if it is permitted by the access class to which the group belongs. (See "Reference Summary for Package Cmvc_Access_Control" in the introduction to this package for the list of execution rights permitted by each access class for views, subsystems, and systems.) By default, this procedure grants a group all of the permitted execution rights. PARAMETERS For_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; Specifies the name of the group to which an execution right is to be granted. Only one group can be named. The default group is Network_Public. The_Right : Execution_Right := Cmvc_Access_Control.All_Rights; Specifies the execution right to be granted to the group. By default, the procedure grants all rights that are permitted by the access class to which the group belongs. If the default value is not used, only a single execution right can be specified. View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Specifies the views, subsystems, or systems to which the specified execution right(s) apply. Multiple views, subsystems, or systems can be specified using wildcards, context characters, set notation, indirect files, and attributes. The default is the highlighted view, subsystem, or system, provided that the highlight contains the cursor. Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what activities and switches to use during the execution of this command. The default is the job response profile. RESTRICTIONS To grant an execution right to a group for a view, you must have Owner access to the view. To grant an execution right to a group for a subsystem, you must have Owner access to the subsystem. EXAMPLES Assume that a group called Read_All belongs to the Reader access class for a view but has been granted none of the execution rights for that class. Assume further that you, the view's Owner, want members of this group to be able to obtain information about the view using the Cmvc.Edit command. To do this, you must grant this group the Query_View execution right. The following command accomplishes this, provided that the appropriate view is selected: Cmvc_Access_Control.Add_Right (For_Group => "Read_All", The_Right => Cmvc_Access_Control.Query_View, View_Or_Subsystem => "<SELECTION>"); REFERENCES type Execution_Right function Has_Right procedure Remove_Right @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Check procedure Check (View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Repair_Inconsistencies : Boolean := False; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); DESCRIPTION Checks whether: * Objects in the specified views, subsystems, or systems have access lists (ACLs) that are consistent with the current CMVC access-class assignments. * The groups that have access to these views, subsystems, or systems still exist. This command optionally repairs any ACL inconsistencies and expunges any deleted groups. When groups are assigned to CMVC access classes for views, subsystems, and systems, ACLs for the individual objects are set. However, a user with Owner access or operator capability can subsequently use operations in packages Access_List and Access_List_Tools to reset the ACLs of individual objects. Resetting individual ACLs can cause a group to have more or less access than is warranted by its access class. Insufficient access causes the desired CMVC operations to fail. By default, the Check procedure quits after finding the first ACL inconsistency, displaying: * A warning message if the group's actual access is greater than is warranted by its access class. * An error message if the group's actual access is less than is warranted by its access class. Similarly, a user with operator capability can delete a group after it has been assigned to an CMVC access class. The Check procedure displays an error message if it encounters a deleted group among access-class assignments. If the Repair_Inconsistencies parameter is set to true: * All deleted groups are removed from access-class assignments. It is recommended that you execute this command every time a group is deleted from the Environment. * All inconsistent ACLs are reset so that the correct access rights are assigned to each group. (See the Access_Class type for the access rights associated with each access class.) You must have Owner access to the views, subsystems, or systems in which inconsistencies are repaired. Alternatively, you can enable privileges. A related function, Is_Consistent, performs the same checks, returning a Boolean value. It does not produce messages or attempt to repair ACLs. PARAMETERS View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Specifies one or more views, subsystems, or systems whose ACLs are to be checked. Multiple views, subsystems, or systems can be specified using wildcards, context characters, set notation, indirect files, and attributes. The default is the highlighted view, subsystem, or system, provided that the highlight contains the cursor. Repair_Inconsistencies : Boolean := False; Specifies whether to repair inconsistent ACLs and remove deleted groups in the specified views, subsystems, or systems. When false (the default), no action is taken other than displaying error or warning messages. When true, deleted groups are removed from ACLs and ACLs are changed so that the groups in each access class have the correct access rights to the relevant objects. Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what activities and switches to use during the execution of this command. The default is the job response profile. RESTRICTIONS To repair inconsistencies in a view, you must have either Owner access to the view or Owner access to the subsystem enclosing it. To repair inconsistencies in a subsystem, you must have either Owner access to the subsystem or the owner access right (O) to the world enclosing the subsystem. Alternatively, you may perform either operation with privileges enabled. ERRORS To repair inconsistencies, the Check command must obtain write locks on the objects whose ACLs are to be reset. This command will fail if it cannot obtain all of the necessary write locks (for example, if someone is currently editing one of the affected objects). As a result, inconsis- tencies in the view, subsystem, or system are not repaired and no ACLs are changed. REFERENCES function Is_Consistent LM, package Access_List LM, package Access_List_Tools @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Display procedure Display (For_Group : String := "<ALL>"; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Execution_Rights : Boolean := False; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); DESCRIPTION Displays the current access-control information pertaining to the specified group for the designated view, subsystem, or system; the information is displayed in the current output window. By default, this procedure displays the access classes for all groups that have access to the specified view, subsystem, or system. If the Execution_Rights parameter is set to true, then the procedure also displays the execution rights that have been granted to these groups. PARAMETERS For_Group : String := "<ALL>"; Specifies the group for which access-control information is to be displayed. The default special value "<ALL>" causes information to be displayed for all groups that have access to the specified view, subsystem, or system. If the default value is not used, only a single group name can be specified. View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Specifies the view, subsystem, or system for which access-control information is to be displayed. Multiple views, subsystems, or systems can be specified using wildcards, context characters, set notation, indirect files, and attributes. The default is the view, subsystem, or system indicated by the cursor. Execution_Rights : Boolean := False; Specifies whether to display the execution rights that have been granted to the specified group for the specified view, subsystem, or system. When false (the default), the execution rights are not displayed. Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what activities and switches to use during the execution of this command. The default is the job response profile. RESTRICTIONS To display the access-control information for a view or subsystem, you must have at least Reader access to that view or subsystem. EXAMPLES Assume that you want to find out who has access to the view Rev1_Working in the subsystem !Projects.Planetary_Motion.Demo. The following command, entered with default values, accomplishes this, provided that the cursor is on the desired view: Cmvc_Access_Control.Display; As a result, the following appears in the current output window: Access Control Group List for View !PROJECTS.PLANETARY_MOTION.DEMO.REV1_WORKING PROJECT_LEADER : OWNER FRED : OWNER MARY : READER Assume that you only want to know what access Mary has to this view. Furthermore, you want to know what execution rights she has. The following command accomplishes this: Cmvc_Access_Control.Display (For_Group => "Mary", View_Or_Subsystem => "<CURSOR>", Execution_Rights => True); As a result, the following appears in the current output window: Access Control Group List for View !PROJECTS.PLANETARY_MOTION.DEMO.REV1_WORKING MARY : READER ACCEPT_CHANGES_SOURCE JOIN_TO MERGE_CHANGES_SOURCE QUERY_VIEW EXPAND_ACTIVITY @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Execution_Right type Execution_Right is new Natural range 0 .. 127; DESCRIPTION Defines the execution rights that can be granted to groups for views, subsystems, or systems. Execution rights determine the CMVC operations that can be performed by members of the group upon a view, subsystem, or system. Each execution right is represented by a constant of this type; these constants are listed below. Execution rights provide control over the primitive operations in the commands from packages Cmvc, Cmvc_Maintenance, and Cmvc_Hierarchy. A primitive operation is a distinct portion of a command that applies to (references or affects) a particular view, subsystem, or system. Accordingly, a command has one primitive operation associated with each parameter that names a view, subsystem, or system. For example, the Cmvc.Accept_Changes command has two primitive operations, one that applies to the view named by the Source parameter and one that applies to the view named by the Destination parameter. Execution rights are the mechanism that permits a group to apply a particular primitive operation to a particular view, subsystem, or system. Thus, to execute a given CMVC command, a group must have the appropriate execution right to each structure that is affected by the command's primitive operations. For example, a group must have the Check_In and Check_Out execution rights to a view to perform checkin and checkout operations in that view. Similarly, if the group is to accept changes from one view to another, it must have the Accept_Changes_Source and Accept_Changes_Destination execution rights to the source and destination views, respectively. Because there is an execution right corresponding to each primitive operation, a given group typically has a set of execution rights for each view, subsystem, or system to which it has access. The access class to which a group belongs defines the set of possible execution rights that can be granted to the group. ("Reference Summary for Package Cmvc_Access_Control" in the introduction to this package lists the execution rights that are permitted by each access class.) However, a group has only those execution rights that have been explicitly granted to it. You can grant a group the entire set of eligible execution rights when you use the Add_Group command to add the group to an access class. Alternatively, you can grant a group a subset of the eligible execution rights using the Add_Right or Set_Rights command, and you can revoke individual execution rights using the Remove_Right command. The constants that represent execution rights are listed in alphabetical order below. In general, the name of each execution right is the same as the name of the primitive operation it governs. (The name of a primitive operation is formed by concatenating the name of the associated command with the name of the relevant parameter, if there is one.) The description for each execution right indicates whether the execution right applies to a view, a subsystem, or a system. Execution rights that control primitive operations on views are called view execution rights. Similarly, execution rights that apply to subsystems and systems are called subsystem execution rights and system execution rights, respectively. Also specified in each description is the minimum access class to which a group must belong to be eligible for that execution right. Note that an execution right pertaining to a view requires not only a minimum access class to that view, but also a minimum access class for the subsystem that encloses the view. The access class for the view is checked at the time the execution right is granted; the access class for the subsystem is checked only when you execute a command that applies the relevant primitive operation. Constants Abandon_Reservation : constant Execution_Right := 5; View execution right. Permits a group to use the Cmvc.Abandon_Reservation command on objects in a view. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Developer Accept_Changes_Destination : constant Execution_Right := 3; View execution right. Permits a group to accept changes into a view (that is, to name the view as the destination of the Cmvc.Accept_Changes command). Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Developer Accept_Changes_Source : constant Execution_Right := 4; View execution right. Permits a group to accept changes from a view (that is, to name the view or objects in it in the Source parameter of the Cmvc.Accept_Changes command). Minimum access class for view: Reader Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Developer Add_Child_Child : constant Execution_Right := 44; Subsystem/system execution right. Permits a group to make a subsystem or system a child of another system (that is, to name the subsystem or system in the Child parameter of the Cmvc_Hierarchy.Add_Child command). Minimum access class for subsystem/system: Developer Add_Child_Parent : constant Execution_Right := 43; System execution right. Permits a group to make a system a parent of a subsystem or another system (that is, to name the system in the To_System parameter of the Cmvc_Hierarchy.Add_Child command). Minimum access class for system: Developer All_Rights : constant Execution_Right := 0; Grants a group all execution rights that are appropriate, given the access class for which the group belongs. Build : constant Execution_Right := 34; Subsystem/system execution right. Permits a group to build views from configurations within a subsystem or system (that is, to name a configuration from the subsystem or system in the Cmvc.Build command). Minimum access class for subsystem/system: Owner Build_Activity_From : constant Execution_Right := 29; View execution right. Permits a group to include a view in the release activity of a system view (that is, to name the view in the Views_To_Include parameter of the Cmvc_Hierarchy.Build_Activity command). Minimum access class for view: Client Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Reader Build_Activity_In : constant Execution_Right := 28; View execution right. Permits a group to build a release activity in a system view (that is, to name the system view in the Working_System_View parameter of the Cmvc_Hierarchy.Build_Activity command). Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Reader Check_Consistency : constant Execution_Right := 27; View execution right. Permits a group to check the consistency of a view (that is, to name the view in the Views parameter of the Cmvc_Maintenance.Check_Consistency command). Minimum access class for view: Owner Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Owner Check_In : constant Execution_Right := 2; View execution right. Permits a group to check in objects in a view using the Cmvc.Check_In command. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Developer Check_Out : constant Execution_Right := 1; View execution right. Permits a group to check out objects in a view using the Cmvc.Check_Out command. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Developer Copy : constant Execution_Right := 16; View execution right. Permits a group to copy a view using the Cmvc.Copy command. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Owner Destroy_Cdb : constant Execution_Right := 42; Subsystem/system execution right. Permits a group to destroy a subsystem's or system's compatibility database using the Cmvc_Maintenance.Destroy_Cdb command. Minimum access class for subsystem/system: Owner Destroy_Config : constant Execution_Right := 32; Subsystem/system execution right. Permits a group to destroy a configuration object in a subsystem or system using the Cmvc.Destroy_View command. Minimum access class for subsystem/system: Owner Destroy_Subsystem : constant Execution_Right := 33; Subsystem/system execution right. Permits a group to destroy a subsystem or system using the Cmvc.Destroy_Subsystem command. Minimum access class for subsystem/system: Owner Destroy_View : constant Execution_Right := 24; View execution right. Permits a group to destroy a view using the Cmvc.Destroy_View command. Note that the Destroy_Config execution right to the subsystem is also required to destroy a view's configuration object as well. Minimum access class for view: Owner Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Owner Edit_Notes : constant Execution_Right := 36; Subsystem/system execution right. Permits a group to modify notes in a subsystem or system using the CMVC editor. Minimum access class for subsystem/system: Developer Expand_Activity : constant Execution_Right := 30; View execution right. Permits a group to expand a system view's release activity using the Cmvc_Hierarchy.Expand_Activity command. Minimum access class for view containing source activity: Reader Minimum access class for view to contain expanded activity: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Reader Expunge_Database : constant Execution_Right := 37; Subsystem/system execution right. Permits a group to expunge a subsystem's or system's CMVC database using the Cmvc_Maintenance.Expunge_Database command. Minimum access class for subsystem/system: Owner Import_From : constant Execution_Right := 20; View execution right. Permits a group to import a view (that is, to name the view in the View_To_Import parameter in commands such as Cmvc.Import, Cmvc.Copy, Cmvc.Make_Path, and so on). Minimum access class for imported view: Client Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Reader Import_Into : constant Execution_Right := 21; View execution right. Permits a group to change a view's imports (that is, to name the view in the Into_View parameter of the Cmvc.Import command or in the View_To_Modify parameter in commands such as Cmvc.Copy, Cmvc.Make_Path, and so on). Minimum access class for view: Owner Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Reader Initial : constant Execution_Right := 31; Subsystem/system execution right. Permits a group to create an empty view in a subsystem or system using the Cmvc.Initial command. Minimum access class for subsystem/system: Owner Join_To : constant Execution_Right := 12; View execution right. Permits a group to name a view in the To_Which_View parameter of the Cmvc.Join command. Minimum access class for view: Reader Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Developer Join_What : constant Execution_Right := 11; View execution right. Permits a group to name objects in a view in the What_Object parameter of the Cmvc.Join command. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Developer Make_Code_View : constant Execution_Right := 25; View execution right. Permits a group to create a code view from a view using the Cmvc.Make_Code_View command. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Owner Make_Controlled : constant Execution_Right := 8; View execution right. Permits a group to make objects in a view controlled using the Cmvc.Make_Controlled command. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Developer Make_Path : constant Execution_Right := 17; View execution right. Permits a group to copy a view to make a new development path, using the Cmvc.Make_Path command. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Owner Make_Primary : constant Execution_Right := 40; Subsystem/system execution right. Permits a group to convert a secondary subsystem or system into a primary subsystem or system, using the Cmvc_Maintenance.Make_Primary command. Minimum access class for subsystem/system: Owner Make_Secondary : constant Execution_Right := 41; Subsystem/system execution right. Permits a group to convert a primary subsystem or system into a secondary subsystem or system, using the Cmvc_Maintenance.Make_Secondary command. Minimum access class for subsystem/system: Owner Make_Spec_View : constant Execution_Right := 19; View execution right. Permits a group to make a spec view from a view using the Cmvc.Make_Spec_View command. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Owner Make_Subpath : constant Execution_Right := 18; View execution right. Permits a group to make a subpath from a view using the Cmvc.Make_Subpath command. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Owner Make_Uncontrolled : constant Execution_Right := 9; View execution right. Permits a group to make objects in a view uncontrolled using the Cmvc.Make_Uncontrolled command. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Developer Merge_Changes_Destination : constant Execution_Right := 13; View execution right. Permits a group to merge changes into an object in a view (that is, to name the object in the Destination_Object parameter of the Cmvc.Merge_Changes command). Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Developer Merge_Changes_Source : constant Execution_Right := 14; View execution right. Permits a group to merge changes from an object in a view (that is, to name the object in the Source_Object parameter of the Cmvc.Merge_Changes command). Minimum access class for view: Reader Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Developer Modify_Notes : constant Execution_Right := 7; View execution right. Permits a group to modify the notes of objects in a view using the Cmvc.Put_Notes or Cmvc.Append_Notes command. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Developer Query_Subsystem : constant Execution_Right := 35; Subsystem/system execution right. Permits a group to obtain information about a subsystem or system using the Cmvc_Maintenance.Display_Cdb command. This execution right also permits a group to obtain information from a configuration in a subsystem using the Cmvc.Edit command. Finally, this execution right permits a group to obtain information about a system using the Cmvc_Hierarchy.Children and Cmvc_Hierarchy.Parents commands. Minimum access class for subsystem/system: Reader Query_View : constant Execution_Right := 26; View execution right. Permits a group to obtain various kinds of information about a view using commands from package Cmvc such as Get_Notes, Imported_Views, Information, Edit, Notes, Def, Compare, and all the commands beginning with Show_ (for example, Show_History). This execution right also permits a group to name a view in the Cmvc_Maintenance.Display_Code_View command and to name a system view in the Cmvc_Hierarchy.Contents command. Minimum access class for view: Reader Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Reader Release : constant Execution_Right := 15; View execution right. Permits a group to create a release from a view using the Cmvc.Release command. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Owner Remove_Child : constant Execution_Right := 45; System execution right. Permits a group to remove a child from a system (that is, to name the system in the From_System parameter of the Cmvc_Hierarchy.Remove_Child command). Minimum access class for system: Developer Remove_Import : constant Execution_Right := 22; View execution right. Permits a group to remove an import from a view using the Cmvc.Remove_Import or Cmvc.Remove_Unused_Import command. Minimum access class for view: Owner Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Reader Replace_Model : constant Execution_Right := 23; View execution right. Permits a group to replace a view's model using the Cmvc.Replace_Model command. Minimum access class for view: Owner Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Reader Revert : constant Execution_Right := 6; View execution right. Permits a group to revert objects in a view to a previous generation using the Cmvc.Revert command. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Developer Sever : constant Execution_Right := 10; View execution right. Permits a group to use the Cmvc.Sever command to sever objects in a view from the objects to which they are joined. Minimum access class for view: Developer Minimum access class for enclosing subsystem: Developer Subsystem_Check_Consistency : constant Execution_Right := 38; Subsystem/system execution right. Permits a group to check the consistency of all of the views in a subsystem or all the system views in a system (that is, to name the subsystem or system in the Cmvc_Maintenance.Check_Consistency command). Minimum access class for subsystem/system: Owner Update_Cdb : constant Execution_Right := 39; Subsystem/system execution right. Permits a group to update the compatibility database of a secondary subsystem or system using the Cmvc_Maintenance.Update_Cdb command. Minimum access class for subsystem/system: Developer REFERENCES procedure Add_Group procedure Add_Right function Has_Right procedure Remove_Right procedure Set_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Execution_Table type Execution_Table is array (Execution_Right) of Boolean; DESCRIPTION Defines a structure called an execution table, which can be used to specify a complete set of execution rights for a group. Execution tables allow execution rights to be granted as sets rather than individually. The Set_Rights command can be used to grant the rights specified in an execution table. Execution tables are intended for use in site-specific tools that manage CMVC access control. Such tools might define constants of type Execution_Table to represent site-specific policies regarding execution rights. Note, however, that execution tables are subject to the access permitted by access classes, so that site-specific tools can grant only the execution rights that are appropriate to a group's access class. The sets of execution rights that are permitted by each access class are listed in the introduction to this package. Each set is also represented by a predefined constant of type Execution_Table. These constants are documented on their own reference-entry pages. One group of constants represents the execution rights for subsystems and systems. Two groups of constants represent the execution rights for views, because view execution rights check for access to a view as well as to the subsystem enclosing the view. The following constants represent the subsystem (and system) execution rights that are permitted by each access class: Subsystem_Reader_Rights Subsystem_Client_Rights Subsystem_Developer_Rights Subsystem_Owner_Rights The following constants represent the view execution rights permitted by access classes for views and their enclosing subsystems: View_Reader_Rights Subsystem_Reader_View_Rights View_Client_Rights Subsystem_Client_View_Rights View_Developer_Rights Subsystem_Developer_View_Rights View_Owner_Rights Subsystem_Owner_View_Rights REFERENCES type Execution_Right function Get_Rights procedure Set_Rights constant Subsystem_Client_Rights constant Subsystem_Client_View_Rights constant Subsystem_Developer_Rights constant Subsystem_Developer_View_Rights constant Subsystem_Owner_Rights constant Subsystem_Owner_View_Rights constant Subsystem_Reader_Rights constant Subsystem_Reader_View_Rights constant View_Client_Rights constant View_Developer_Rights constant View_Owner_Rights constant View_Reader_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Get_Access function Get_Access (The_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Response : String := "<WARN>") return Access_Class; DESCRIPTION Returns the specified group's access class for the designated view, subsystem, or system. If the group does not belong to an access class for the designated object, the No_Access exception is raised. This function is intended for use in site-specific tools that manage CMVC access control. PARAMETERS The_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; Specifies the group whose access class is to be returned. Only one group can be named. View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Specifies the view, subsystem, or system for which the specified group's access class is to be returned. Wildcards, context characters, and attributes may be used, provided that the name resolves to a single view, subsystem, or system. The default is the view, subsystem, or system indicated by the cursor. Response : String := "<WARN>"; Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what activities and switches to use during the execution of this command. The default is a profile that logs only warnings, errors, and exceptions. return Access_Class; Returns the specified group's access class for the designated view, subsystem, or system. If the group does not belong to an access class for the designated object, the No_Access exception is raised. REFERENCES exception No_Access @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Get_Rights function Get_Rights (For_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Response : String := "<WARN>") return Execution_Table; DESCRIPTION Returns the set of execution rights that have been granted to a group for the designated view, subsystem, or system. If the group has no execution rights for the designated object, the No_Access exception is raised. This function is intended for use in site-specific tools that manage CMVC access control. PARAMETERS For_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; Specifies the group whose execution rights are to be returned. Only one group can be named. View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Specifies the view, subsystem, or system for which the specified group's execution rights are to be returned. Wildcards, context characters, and attributes may be used, provided that the name resolves to a single view, subsystem, or system. The default is the view, subsystem, or system indicated by the cursor. Response : String := "<WARN>"; Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what activities and switches to use during the execution of this command. The default is a profile that logs only warnings, errors, and exceptions. return Execution_Table; Returns the set of execution rights that have been granted to a group for the designated view, subsystem, or system. If the group has no execution rights for the designated object, the No_Access exception is raised. REFERENCES type Execution_Table exception No_Access @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Group_Index type Group_Index is range 0 .. 6; DESCRIPTION Defines a means of referencing the groups that have access to a particular view, subsystem, or system. When a group is assigned to an access class for a view, subsystem, or system, the group name is recorded internally in an indexed list. Because up to seven groups can have access to a view, subsystem, or system, the index ranges from 0 through 6. The Group_Name function returns the name of the group at the specific index in the list. Group indexes are intended for use in site-specific tools that manage CMVC access control. One possible use for indexes is to allow a tool to iterate through the list of groups. REFERENCES function Group_Name @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Group_Name function Group_Name (The_Index : Group_Index := 0; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Response : String := "<WARN>") return String; DESCRIPTION Returns the name of the group at the specified index for the designated view, subsystem, or system. When a group is assigned to an access class for a view, subsystem, or system, the group name is recorded internally in an indexed list. The list's index provides a means of referencing these groups, especially in site-specific tools that manage CMVC access control. Such tools can iterate through the indexes in a list of groups and use the Group_Name function to convert each index into a group name. Group names are indexed consecutively, starting with 0. If no group is at the specified index, the function returns the null string (""). If an index n is empty, then the index n+1 is also empty. PARAMETERS The_Index : Group_Index := 0; Specifies the index for which to return a group name. This parameter accepts an integer from 0 through 6. View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Specifies the view, subsystem, or system for which to return the indexed group name. Wildcards, context characters, and attributes may be used, provided that the name resolves to a single view, subsystem, or system. The default is the view, subsystem, or system indicated by the cursor. Response : String := "<WARN>"; Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what activities and switches to use during the execution of this command. The default is a profile that logs only warnings, errors, and exceptions. return String; Returns the name of the group at the specified index for the designated view, subsystem, or system. If no group is at the specified index, the function returns the null string (""). REFERENCES type Group_Index @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Has_Access function Has_Access (User_Or_Group : String := "<USER>"; In_Class : Access_Class := Cmvc_Access_Control.Reader; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Group_Only : Boolean := False; Response : String := "<WARN>") return Boolean; DESCRIPTION Returns true if the specified user or group belongs to the specified access class (or to a more inclusive access class) for the designated view, subsystem, or system. If the User_Or_Group parameter specifies a group, that group is checked for the specified access. If the User_Or_Group parameter specifies a username, then all groups that include that username are checked for the specified access. When set to true, the Group_Only parameter causes the value of User_Or_Group to be interpreted as a group name, even if a user exists with the same name. PARAMETERS User_Or_Group : String := "<USER>"; Specifies the name of the user or group whose access is to be checked. Only one name can be specified. The default special value "<USER>" specifies the current user. If a group is specified, the function checks whether the group belongs to the specified access class for the designated view, subsystem, or system. If a username is specified, the function checks whether any group containing the user belongs to the desired access class. Note that the interpretation of this parameter can be restricted by the Group_Only parameter. In_Class : Access_Class := Cmvc_Access_Control.Reader; Specifies the access class in which to check the specified user's or group's membership. One of four access classes can be specified - namely, Reader, Client, Developer, or Owner. The default is the Reader access class. View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Specifies the view, subsystem, or system for which access is to be checked. Multiple views, subsystems, or systems can be specified using wildcards, context characters, set notation, indirect files, and attributes. The default is the view, subsystem, or system indicated by the cursor. Group_Only : Boolean := False; Specifies whether the value of the User_Or_Group parameter is restricted to group names. When false (the default), the User_Or_Group parameter can name users or groups. When true, the value of the User_Or_Group parameter is interpreted only as a group name, even if a user exists with the same name. Response : String := "<WARN>"; Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what activities and switches to use during the execution of this command. The default is a profile that logs only warnings, errors, and exceptions. return Boolean; Returns true if the specified user or group belongs to the specified access class (or to a more inclusive access class) for the designated view, subsystem, or system. If the View_Or_Subsystem parameter names multiple objects, then this function returns true only if the user or group has the specified access for all of the named objects. @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Has_Right function Has_Right (User_Or_Group : String := "<USER>"; The_Right : Execution_Right := Cmvc_Access_Control.All_Rights; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Group_Only : Boolean := False; Response : String := "<WARN>") return Boolean; DESCRIPTION Returns true if the specified user or group has the specified execution right for the designated view, subsystem, or system. By default, this function checks whether all permitted rights have been granted. When the function is to check for all permitted rights, the User_Or_Group parameter must specify a group name. If a username is specified, it is interpreted as a group name. When the function is to check for a single execution right, the User_Or_Group parameter can specify either a username or a group name: * If a username is specified, the function checks all groups containing that username. * If a group name is specified, the function checks only the specified group. The Group_Only parameter can be used to restrict the interpretation of the User_Or_Group parameter, even when the function is to check for a single execution right. When the value of the Group_Only parameter is true, the User_Or_Group parameter is interpreted as a group name even if a user exists with the same name. PARAMETERS User_Or_Group : String := "<USER>"; Specifies the name of the user or group whose execution rights are to be checked. Only one name can be specified. The default special value "<USER>" specifies the current user. If the The_Rights parameter has its default value, or if the Group_Only parameter is set to true, then the value of the User_Or_Group parameter is interpreted as a group name, even if a user exists with the same name. The_Right : Execution_Right := Cmvc_Access_Control.All_Rights; Specifies the execution right for which to check. The possible execution rights are listed under the Execution_Right type. By default, the function checks whether all permitted rights have been granted. If the default value is not used, only a single execution right can be specified. View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Specifies the view, subsystem, or system for which execution rights are to be checked. Multiple views, subsystems, or systems can be specified using wildcards, context characters, set notation, indirect files, and attributes. The default is the view, subsystem, or system indicated by the cursor. Group_Only : Boolean := False; Specifies whether the value of the User_Or_Group parameter is restricted to group names. When false (the default), the User_Or_Group parameter can name users or groups. When true, the value of the User_Or_Group parameter is interpreted only as a group name, even if a user exists with the same name. Note that if the The_Right parameter has its default value, the User_Or_Group parameter is understood as a group name, regardless of the value of the Group_Only parameter. Response : String := "<WARN>"; Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what activities and switches to use during the execution of this command. The default is a profile that logs only warnings, errors, and exceptions. return Boolean; Returns true if the specified user or group has the specified execution right for the designated view, subsystem, or system. If the View_Or_Subsystem parameter names multiple objects, then this function returns true only if the user or group has the specified rights for all of the named objects. @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Initialize procedure Initialize (View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); DESCRIPTION Initializes the specified view, subsystem, or system so that its access control can be managed with operations in this package. The Initialize command is useful primarily for setting up CMVC access control in views, subsystems, or systems that were created under previous releases of the Environment. Initializing a view, subsystem, or system causes groups to be assigned to CMVC access classes based on the access rights given in the object's current ACL: * All groups with owner access (O) are assigned to the Owner access class for the view, subsystem, or system. * All groups with read access (R) are assigned to the Reader access class for the view, subsystem, or system. (This procedure ignores create (C) and delete (D) access.) Each group is granted all execution rights permitted by the access class to which it was assigned. The Initialize procedure also creates an object called Access_Control in the State directory of the intialized view, subsystem, or system. This object stores CMVC access-control information and causes CMVC commands to check for appropriate access classes and execution rights. If this procedure is applied to a view, subsystem, or system that is already managed by CMVC access control, the effect is to reset the access-control information to the initialized state. All groups currently in the Owner access class remain in that class; all groups currently in other access classes are assigned to the Reader access class. PARAMETERS View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Specifies the view, subsystem, or system to be initialized. Multiple views, subsystems, or systems can be specified using wildcards, context characters, set notation, indirect files, and attributes. The default is the highlighted view, subsystem, or system, provided that the highlight contains the cursor. Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what activities and switches to use during the execution of this command. The default is the job response profile. RESTRICTIONS To initialize a view, you must have either Owner access to the view or Owner access to the subsystem enclosing it. To initialize a subsystem, you must have either Owner access to the subsystem or the owner access right (O) to the world enclosing the subsystem. ERRORS The Initialize command must obtain write locks on the objects whose ACLs are to be set. This command will fail if it cannot obtain all of the necessary write locks (for example, if someone is currently editing one of the affected objects). As a result, the view, subsystem, or system is not initialized and no ACLs are changed. EXAMPLES Assume that you have already initialized a subsystem and that you now want to initialize all the views in it. You can do this by entering the following command from the context of the subsystem: Cmvc_Access_Control.Initialize (View_Or_Subsystem => "@'c(spec_view,load_view,comb_view)"); @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Is_Consistent function Is_Consistent (View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Response : String := "<WARN>") return Boolean; DESCRIPTION Returns true if both of the following are true: * Objects in the specified views, subsystems, or systems have access lists (ACLs) that are consistent with the current CMVC access-class assignments. * The groups that have access to these views, subsystems, or systems still exist. When groups are assigned to CMVC access classes for views, subsystems, and systems, ACLs for the individual objects are set. However, a user with Owner access or operator capability can subsequently use operations in packages Access_List and Access_List_Tools to reset the ACLs of individual objects. Resetting individual ACLs can cause a group to have more or less access than is warranted by its access class. The Is_Consistent function can be used to query whether such operations have in fact been performed. Similarly, a user with operator capability can delete a group after it has been assigned to an CMVC access class. The Check procedure displays an error message if it encounters a deleted group among access-class assignments. The Check procedure performs the same checks, optionally repairing any inconsistent ACLs. PARAMETERS View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<CURSOR>"; Specifies one or more views, subsystems, or systems whose ACLs are to be checked. Multiple views, subsystems, or systems can be specified using wildcards, context characters, set notation, indirect files, and attributes. The default is the view, subsystem, or system indicated by the cursor. Response : String := "<WARN>"; Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what activities and switches to use during the execution of this command. The default is a profile that logs only warnings, errors, and exceptions. return Boolean; Returns true if objects in the specified views, subsystems, or systems have ACLs that are consistent with the current CMVC access-class assignments. Returns false if inconsistent ACLs are found, if access-class assignments reference deleted groups, if access-control information does not exist, or if the current user does not have sufficient access to inspect the objects' ACLs. RESTRICTIONS You must have Reader access to a view, subsystem, or system to query the ACLs of objects in it. REFERENCES procedure Check @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Nil_Rights Nil_Rights : constant Execution_Table := (others => False); DESCRIPTION Represents an execution table containing no execution rights. Setting a group's execution rights to this constant prevents the group from executing any CMVC commands for a given view, subsystem, or system. REFERENCES type Execution_Table procedure Set_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.No_Access No_Access : exception; DESCRIPTION Is raised by the Get_Access or Get_Rights function to indicate that a group has no access to the specified view, subsystem, or system. REFERENCES function Get_Access function Get_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Remove_Group procedure Remove_Group (The_Group : String := "<ALL>"; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); DESCRIPTION Revokes the specified group's access to the designated view, subsystem, or system. This procedure removes the group from the access class to which it belongs. By default, all groups with access to the specified view, subsystem, or system are removed from their respective access classes. Removing a group from an access class removes the group from the access lists (ACLs) of the objects in the affected view, subsystem, or system. Furthermore, the removed group loses all execution rights to the affected view, subsystem, or system. PARAMETERS The_Group : String := "<ALL>"; Specifies the group whose access to the specified view, subsystem, or system is to be revoked. The default special value "<ALL>" causes access to the specified view, subsystem, or system to be revoked for all groups. If the default value is not used, only a single group can be specified. View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Specifies the view, subsystem, or system for which the specified group's access is to be revoked. Multiple views, subsystems, or systems can be specified using wildcards, context characters, set notation, indirect files, and attributes. The default is the highlighted view, subsystem, or system, provided that the highlight contains the cursor. Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what activities and switches to use during the execution of this command. The default is the job response profile. RESTRICTIONS To remove a group from an access class for a view, you must have either Owner access to the view or Owner access to the subsystem enclosing it. To remove a group from an access class for a subsystem, you must have either Owner access to the subsystem or the owner access right (O) to the world enclosing the subsystem. EXAMPLES Assume that you want to remove all groups from all access classes for a release called !Projects.Planetary_Motion.Demo.Rev1_0_1. You can do this by selecting that release in the context of the Demo subsystem and then entering the following command: Cmvc_Access_Control.Remove_Group; A message is displayed in the current output window listing the groups whose access has been cleared. Now that no one has access to the release, only an Owner of the enclosing subsystem can use the Add_Group command to set new access-class assignments for it. REFERENCES type Access_Class procedure Add_Group @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Remove_Right procedure Remove_Right (For_Group : String := "<ALL>"; The_Right : Execution_Right := Cmvc_Access_Control.All_Rights; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); DESCRIPTION Removes the specified execution right from the specified group for the designated view, subsystem, or system. By default, all groups lose all execution rights to the view, subsystem, or system. PARAMETERS For_Group : String := "<ALL>"; Specifies the name of the group from which execution rights are to be removed. The default special value "<ALL>" causes execution rights to be removed from all groups that have access to the specified view, subsystem, or system. If the default value is not used, only a single group name can be specified. The_Right : Execution_Right := Cmvc_Access_Control.All_Rights; Specifies the execution right to be removed from the specified group. By default, the procedure removes a group's entire set of execution rights for the specified view, subsystem, or system. If the default value is not used, only a single execution right can be specified. View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Specifies the view, subsystem, or system for which an execution right is to be removed. Multiple views, subsystems, or systems can be specified using wildcards, context characters, set notation, indirect files, and attributes. The default is the highlighted view, subsystem, or system, provided that the highlight contains the cursor. Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what activities and switches to use during the execution of this command. The default is the job response profile. RESTRICTIONS To revoke an execution right for a view, you must have Owner access to the view. To revoke an execution right for a subsystem, you must have Owner access to the subsystem. EXAMPLES Assume that a group called Tom has Developer access to a view, and you want to revoke all but three of the group's execution rights to that view. To do this: 1. Select the view and enter the following command to remove the entire set of execution rights to that view: Cmvc_Access_Control.Remove_Right (For_Group => "Tom"); 2. Use the Add_Right command to restore each of the desired execution rights. REFERENCES procedure Add_Right @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Set_Rights procedure Set_Rights (For_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; The_Rights : Execution_Table := Cmvc_Access_Control.Nil_Rights; View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); DESCRIPTION Grants the specified set of execution rights to the specified group for the designated view, subsystem, or system. Within the specified set of execution rights, individual rights can be set only if they are permitted by the group's access class. Warning messages are produced for inappropriate rights. This procedure is intended for use in site-specific tools that manage CMVC access control. Note that a group can be granted the entire set of permitted execution rights when it is added to an access class (see the Add_Group command). Furthermore, the Add_Right procedure can be used to set individual execution rights interactively. PARAMETERS For_Group : String := "NETWORK_PUBLIC"; Specifies the group to which execution rights are to be granted. Only one group can be named. The_Rights : Execution_Table := Cmvc_Access_Control.Nil_Rights; Specifies the execution table containing the set of execution rights to be granted. By default, no rights are set, so that the specified group cannot apply any CMVC commands to the specified view, subsystem, or system. View_Or_Subsystem : String := "<SELECTION>"; Specifies the view, subsystem, or system for which execution rights are to be granted. Multiple views, subsystems, or systems can be specified using wildcards, context characters, set notation, indirect files, and attributes. The default is the highlighted view, subsystem, or system, provided that the highlight contains the cursor. Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what activities and switches to use during the execution of this command. The default is the job response profile. RESTRICTIONS To grant a set of execution rights for a view, you must have Owner access to the view. To grant a set of execution rights for a subsystem, you must have Owner access to the subsystem. REFERENCES type Execution_Table @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Subsystem_Client_Rights Subsystem_Client_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Add_Child_Child => True, others => False) or Subsystem_Reader_Rights; DESCRIPTION Represents the set of subsystem and system execution rights that can be granted to groups with Client access to the subsystem (or system). REFERENCES type Execution_Table constant Subsystem_Developer_Rights constant Subsystem_Owner_Rights constant Subsystem_Reader_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Subsystem_Client_View_Rights Subsystem_Client_View_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Subsystem_Reader_View_Rights; DESCRIPTION Represents the set of view execution rights that can be granted to groups with Client access to the subsystem (or system) enclosing the view. REFERENCES type Execution_Table constant Subsystem_Developer_View_Rights constant Subsystem_Owner_View_Rights constant Subsystem_Reader_View_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Subsystem_Developer_Rights Subsystem_Developer_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Edit_Notes => True, Add_Child_Parent => True, Remove_Child => True, Update_Cdb => True, others => False) or Subsystem_Client_Rights; DESCRIPTION Represents the set of subsystem and system execution rights that can be granted to groups with Developer access to the subsystem (or system). REFERENCES type Execution_Table constant Subsystem_Client_Rights constant Subsystem_Owner_Rights constant Subsystem_Reader_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Subsystem_Developer_View_Rights Subsystem_Developer_View_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Check_Out => True, Check_In => True, Accept_Changes_Source => True, Accept_Changes_Destination => True, Abandon_Reservation => True, Revert => True, Modify_Notes => True, Make_Controlled => True, Make_Uncontrolled => True, Sever => True, Join_What => True, Join_To => True, Merge_Changes_Destination => True, Merge_Changes_Source => True, others => False) or Subsystem_Client_View_Rights; DESCRIPTION Represents the set of view execution rights that can be granted to groups with Developer access to the subsystem (or system) enclosing the view. REFERENCES type Execution_Table constant Subsystem_Client_View_Rights constant Subsystem_Owner_View_Rights constant Subsystem_Reader_View_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Subsystem_Owner_Rights Subsystem_Owner_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Initial => True, Destroy_Config => True, Destroy_Subsystem => True, Build => True, Subsystem_Check_Consistency => True, Expunge_Database => True, Make_Primary => True, Make_Secondary => True, Destroy_Cdb => True, others => False) or Subsystem_Developer_Rights; DESCRIPTION Represents the set of subsystem and system execution rights that can be granted to groups with Owner access to the subsystem (or system). REFERENCES type Execution_Table constant Subsystem_Client_Rights constant Subsystem_Developer_Rights constant Subsystem_Reader_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Subsystem_Owner_View_Rights Subsystem_Owner_View_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Release => True, Copy => True, Make_Path => True, Make_Subpath => True, Make_Spec_View => True, Make_Code_View => True, Destroy_View => True, Check_Consistency => True, others => False) or Subsystem_Developer_View_Rights; DESCRIPTION Represents the set of view execution rights that can be granted to groups with Owner access to the subsystem (or system) enclosing the view. REFERENCES type Execution_Table constant Subsystem_Client_View_Rights constant Subsystem_Developer_View_Rights constant Subsystem_Reader_View_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Subsystem_Reader_Rights Subsystem_Reader_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Query_Subsystem => True, others => False); DESCRIPTION Represents the set of subsystem and system execution rights that can be granted to groups with Reader access to the subsystem (or system). REFERENCES type Execution_Table constant Subsystem_Client_Rights constant Subsystem_Developer_Rights constant Subsystem_Owner_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.Subsystem_Reader_View_Rights Subsystem_Reader_View_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Import_From => True, Import_Into => True, Remove_Import => True, Replace_Model => True, Query_View => True, Build_Activity_In => True, Build_Activity_From => True, Expand_Activity => True, others => False); DESCRIPTION Represents the set of view execution rights that can be granted to groups with Reader access to the subsystem (or system) enclosing the view. REFERENCES type Execution_Table constant Subsystem_Client_View_Rights constant Subsystem_Developer_View_Rights constant Subsystem_Owner_View_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.View_Client_Rights View_Client_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table' (Import_From => True, Build_Activity_From => True, others => False) or View_Reader_Rights; DESCRIPTION Represents the set of view execution rights that can be granted to groups with Client access to the view. REFERENCES type Execution_Table constant View_Developer_Rights constant View_Owner_Rights constant View_Reader_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.View_Developer_Rights View_Developer_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Check_Out => True, Check_In => True, Accept_Changes_Destination => True, Abandon_Reservation => True, Revert => True, Modify_Notes => True, Make_Controlled => True, Make_Uncontrolled => True, Sever => True, Join_What => True, Release => True, Make_Path => True, Make_Subpath => True, Make_Code_View => True, Copy => True, Make_Spec_View => True, Merge_Changes_Destination => True, Build_Activity_In => True, others => False) or View_Client_Rights; DESCRIPTION Represents the set of view execution rights that can be granted to groups with Developer access to the view. REFERENCES type Execution_Table constant View_Client_Rights constant View_Owner_Rights constant View_Reader_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.View_Owner_Rights View_Owner_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Import_Into => True, Remove_Import => True, Replace_Model => True, Destroy_View => True, Check_Consistency => True, others => False) or View_Developer_Rights; DESCRIPTION Represents the set of view execution rights that can be granted to groups with Owner access to the view. REFERENCES type Execution_Table constant View_Client_Rights constant View_Developer_Rights constant View_Reader_Rights @node !Commands.Cmvc_Access_Control.View_Reader_Rights View_Reader_Rights : constant Execution_Table := Execution_Table'(Accept_Changes_Source => True, Join_To => True, Merge_Changes_Source => True, Query_View => True, Expand_Activity => True, others => False); DESCRIPTION Represents the set of view execution rights that can be granted to groups with Reader access to the view. REFERENCES type Execution_Table constant View_Client_Rights constant View_Developer_Rights constant View_Owner_Rights