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⟦6a35445f3⟧ R1K_ARCHIVE_DATA, TextFile

    Length: 40287 (0x9d5f)
    Types: R1K_ARCHIVE_DATA, TextFile
    Names: »DATA«


└─⟦bdeee703f⟧ Bits:30000538 8mm tape, Rational 1000, RWI 10_1_1
    └─ ⟦545705153⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 



                Rational Windows Interface Release Information

                                 Release 10_1_1



       Copyright  1991 by Rational

       Part Number: 508-003275-003

       December 1991 (Software Release 10_1_1)

       Rational   and  R1000  are  registered  trademarks  and  Rational
       Environment is a trademark of Rational.

       Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows  is  a
       trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

       Novell is a registered trademark and LAN WorkPlace is a trademark
       of Novell, Inc.

       IBM is a registered trademark of International Business  Machines

       PostScript   is   a   registered   trademark   of  Adobe  Systems


                             3320 Scott Boulevard
                      Santa Clara, California  95054-3197


                                                          Release 10_1_1

       1.  Overview

       The Rational Windows  Interface  (RWI)  provides  access  to  the
       Rational    Environment(TM)   from   IBM(R)-compatible   personal
       computers running Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) 3.0 and  connected  to
       R1000(R)   systems   through   TCP/IP  network  or  RS232  serial
       connections, including modems. The RWI application is a  terminal

       This is the first production release.

       See  the  "Configurations" section, below, for a complete listing
       of supported hardware configurations.

       Installation instructions for RWI are found in the  "Installation
       Procedure for RWI, Release 10_1_1."

       2.  Configurations

       Release  10_1_1  is compatible with Rational Environment versions
       D_12_1_1 or later.

       2.1.  PC Hardware Requirements
          PC/AT-compatible or better
          640K of conventional memory,  minimum  for  Microsoft  Windows
          Real   mode;  additional  memory  required  for  Standard  and
          Enhanced Windows modes
          A monitor that is compatible with Microsoft Windows 3.0
          A keyboard with 12 function keys (note that custom changes can
          be made by the user that may allow other keyboards)
          Approximately 256K disk space available, local or server
          A   mouse   that  is  compatible  with  Microsoft  Windows  is
          One of the following communications hardware configurations:

          -  RS232 serial port or modem

          -  Network adaptor that is supported by an ODI (ODLI)  driver,
             such as those from Novell, 3Com, or IBM token ring support

       2.2.  PC Software Requirements
          Microsoft   Windows   Graphical   Environment,   version  3.0,
          operating in 386 Enhanced, Standard, or Real mode

       RATIONAL     December 1991                                      1\f

       Rational Windows Interface Release Information

          MS-DOS(R) or PC-DOS, version 3.1 or later
          If using a network connection, Novell(R) LAN WorkPlace(TM) 4.0
          for DOS
          If  you  want  to  run  a network operating system, it must be
          compatible with the ODI support required by LWP4

       2.3.  Installation

       RWI is installed according to  the  "Installation  Procedure  for
       RWI,  Release  10_1_1." The installation requires that Windows be
       installed and running on the PC. If a network connection is used,
       the network software should already be correctly installed.

       If you are using RS232 serial communications with either a direct
       serial connection or a modem,  and  no  network,  then  select  a
       serial   installation  during  the  installation  procedure.  The
       installation procedure will  install  an  executable  file  named

       If  you  are using a network, or a network and serial ports, then
       select  the  network   installation   during   the   installation
       procedure.  The installation procedure will install an executable
       file named RWINET.EXE, which includes code for serials  ports  so
       that RWISER.EXE is not needed.

       2.4.  Executables

       There  are two RWI executables: one for basic serial connections,
       and one that adds network capability. The  executable  for  basic
       serial  connections  is named RWISER.EXE, and the executable that
       adds  network  capability  is  RWINET.EXE.  Note  both   of   the
          The  network  version,  RWINET.EXE,  requires that the network
          software be installed.
          The network version includes code for serial connections.

       See the "Installation Procedure  for  RWI"  for  instructions  on
       installing the executable that is required for your installation.

       2.5.  Terminal Types or Keyboard Variants

       The  different  types  of  PC  keyboards  supported  by  RWI  are
       identified by a terminal type, or keyboard variant. RWI currently
       supports four of these keyboard variants:
          The   PC101  keyboard  variant  provides  a  standard  set  of
          Environment key bindings for the enhanced  keyboard  with  101

       2                                      December 1991     RATIONAL\f

                                                          Release 10_1_1

          The   PC91   keyboard  variant  provides  a  standard  set  of
          Environment key bindings for laptops that have twelve function
          keys and a separate numeric keypad.
          The   PC86   keyboard  variant  provides  a  standard  set  of
          Environment key bindings for laptops that have twelve function
          keys and no numeric keypad.
          The   PCBASIC   keyboard  variant  provides  a  basic  set  of
          Environment  key  bindings  that  is  much  smaller  than  the
          standard  set.  The  PCBASIC  keyboard variant is designed for
          training purposes, and it works with all three  of  the  above

       These  keyboard variants are selected during installation and may
       be changed later by the user. The R1000 needs to be  informed  of
       the  chosen  keyboard  variant.  This  can  be done automatically
       through a setting in the RWI Terminal Information dialog  box  or
       manually  in  response  to  the Environment's Enter Terminal Type
       prompt. For more information, see the "Installation Procedure for
       RWI" and the RWI User's Guide.

       2.6.  Pull-Down Menus

       User-defined   pull-down   menus  are  available  in  RWI.  These
       pull-down menus are defined in text files stored on the  PC.  The
       initial RWI profile is installed with one of two sample pull-down
       menus, depending on which keyboard variant is chosen:
          A menu that is compatible with the standard set of Environment
          key bindings (PC101, PC91, PC86)
          A  menu  that  is compatible with the basic set of Environment
          key bindings (PCBASIC)

       Note that both sample pull-down menus are  installed  on  the  PC
       hard  disk,  so  that  the  user  can  incorporate either menu in
       subsequent user-created custom profiles.

       3.  Compatibility

       First production release of RWI.

       Compatible with Environment release D_12_1_1 or later.

       4.  Upgrade Impact


       RATIONAL     December 1991                                      3\f

       Rational Windows Interface Release Information

       5.  Known Problems

       5.1.  Flow Control and Pasting from the ClipBoard

       When a serial connection is used, the flow control should be  set
       properly  to  avoid  problems  when pasting large buffers of data
       from the Windows Clipboard into RWI.

       Pasting large data buffers is slow, and a  file-transfer  utility
       may  be  more  appropriate. One such utility is LAN WorkPlace 4.0
       File Express, available to network users.

       5.2.  Environment Window Style and Copy to Clipboard

       If the Window_Have_Sides session switch is set to True, then Copy
       to Clipboard includes border characters with the text sent to the
       Windows Clipboard. Set the Window_Have_Sides switch to  False  to
       correct this problem.

       5.3.  Incorrect RWI Window Size

       If  the  RWI window itself is not contained within the boundaries
       of the display monitor screen, reduce the  lines  or  columns  or
       both through the Terminal Information dialog box:
          Pull  down  the  RWI  Control  menu  and  select  the Terminal
          command. The Terminal Information dialog box opens.
          Enter a smaller value in the Lines or Columns edit box.
          Single-click on the Save button with the  left  mouse  button.
          The  RWI  window size reduces. Repeat this procedure until you
          are satisfied with the window dimensions.

       If, after logging into the Rational Environment,  you  find  that
       the  Environment  windows  are  not properly contained in the RWI
       window, try resizing the RWI window slightly with the  mouse.  If
       the  Resize  Host  Window  check  box in the Terminal Information
       dialog box is selected, then resizing the  RWI  window  with  the
       mouse  will inform the Environment of the actual RWI window size,
       and the Environment will  adjust  its  windows  to  fit  the  RWI
       window.  This  problem  usually  results  from  logging in with a
       nonstandard window size (the standard window size is 66 lines  by
       80 columns) without specifying the nonstandard window dimensions.

       To  specify nonstandard window dimensions when logging in, do one
       of the following:
          Select the RWI profile's Send Terminal Type check box  (Telnet
          connections only)

       4                                      December 1991     RATIONAL\f

                                                          Release 10_1_1

          Edit  the  Initial  Connection  String  to include the desired
          window dimensions as part of the Terminal Type entry
          Enter the window dimensions manually along with  the  terminal
          type (see the RWI User's Guide)

       5.4.  Cursor is not in a Window

       If  the  cursor  is  not within an Environment frame when the RWI
       window is resized, the Environment window will be cleared and the
       message  "cursor  is  not  in a window" will be displayed. To fix
       this, reposition the cursor in an Environment frame,  and  resize
       the window.

       6.  New Features

       First release.

       7.  Changes

       First release.

       8.  Documentation

       8.1.  User's Guide

       A user's guide is available for RWI:
          Rational  Windows Interface (RWI) User's Guide, product number

       Note the following changes to the RWI User's Guide:
          It is now possible to  select  a  19.2K  baud  rate  from  the
          Communications Setup dialog box (see Chapter 4).
          Two  default menu files are supplied with RWI: PCBASIC.MNU and

       8.2.  Keyboard Overlays

       A plastic keyboard overlay  with  replaceable  paper  inserts  is
       available for:
          The  101-key  Enhanced  keyboard using the PC101 key bindings,
          product number 3000-00614

       Paper  keyboard  overlays  are   provided   with   this   release
       information for:

       RATIONAL     December 1991                                      5\f

       Rational Windows Interface Release Information

          The 101-key Enhanced keyboard
          The 91-key laptop keyboard
          The 86-key laptop keyboard

       The     paper     overlays     are     provided     online     in
       !Machine.Editor_Data.Keyboard_Overlays  as  PostScript(R)   files
       that can be printed on PostScript printers:

       The  source  for  these  files, written for the Rational Document
       Formatter (Compose), is also provided  online  in  the  following

       The    source    includes    user-customizable   templates   with
       instructions. Note that the PCBASIC key bindings and overlay  are
       applicable to all three keyboard types.

       6                                      December 1991     RATIONAL\f

                                                          Release 10_1_1


       1.  Overview                                                    1
       2.  Configurations                                              1
          2.1.  PC Hardware Requirements                               1
          2.2.  PC Software Requirements                               1
          2.3.  Installation                                           2
          2.4.  Executables                                            2
          2.5.  Terminal Types or Keyboard Variants                    2
          2.6.  Pull-Down Menus                                        3
       3.  Compatibility                                               3
       4.  Upgrade Impact                                              3
       5.  Known Problems                                              4
          5.1.  Flow Control and Pasting from the ClipBoard            4
          5.2.  Environment Window Style and Copy to Clipboard         4
          5.3.  Incorrect RWI Window Size                              4
          5.4.  Cursor is not in a Window                              5
       6.  New Features                                                5
       7.  Changes                                                     5
       8.  Documentation                                               5
          8.1.  User's Guide                                           5
          8.2.  Keyboard Overlays                                      5

       RATIONAL     December 1991                                    iii\f

       Rational Windows Interface Release Information

       iv                                     December 1991     RATIONAL\f

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9 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Rational and R1000 are registered trademarks and Rational Environment is a trademark of Rational.) show
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72 584 moveto
(Novell is a registered trademark and LAN WorkPlace is a trademark of Novell, Inc.) show
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(IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.) show
72 628 moveto
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287.480 688 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
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( from) 2.015 WS
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8 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
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11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
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8 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
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11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 2.750 rmoveto
( Windows) 2.606 WS
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( 3.0 and connected to) 2.606 WS
72 126 moveto
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0 -2.750 rmoveto
8 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
/registered SYM 5.976 MX
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 2.750 rmoveto
( systems through) 0.777 WS
3.526 MX
(TCP/IP network or RS232 serial connections, including modems. The) 0.776 WS
72 139 moveto
(RWI application is a terminal emulator.) show
72 163 moveto
(This is the first production release.) show
72 187 moveto
(See the \252Configurations\272 section, below, for a) 4.601 WS
7.352 MX
(complete listing of supported hardware) 4.602 WS
72 200 moveto
(configurations.) show
72 224 moveto
(Installation instructions for RWI are found in the \252Installation Procedure for RWI,) 2.591 WS
5.340 MX
(Release) show
72 237 moveto
(10_1_1.\272) show
72 277 moveto
15 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(2.  Configurations) show
72 301 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Release 10_1_1 is compatible with Rational Environment versions D_12_1_1 or later.) show
72 339 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(2.1.  PC Hardware Requirements) show
72 363 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(PC/AT-compatible or better) show
72 378 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(640K of conventional memory, minimum for Microsoft) 1.702 WS
4.453 MX
(Windows Real mode; additional) 1.703 WS
96 391 moveto
(memory required for Standard and Enhanced Windows modes) show
72 406 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(A monitor that is compatible with Microsoft Windows 3.0) show
72 421 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(A keyboard with 12 function) 0.468 WS
3.217 MX
(keys \050note that custom changes can be made by the user that) 0.467 WS
96 434 moveto
(may allow other keyboards\051) show
72 449 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Approximately 256K disk space available, local or server) show
72 464 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(A mouse that is compatible with Microsoft Windows is recommended) show
72 479 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(One of the following communications hardware configurations:) show
96 494 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(RS232 serial port or modem) show
96 509 moveto
(\261) show
18.500 MX
(Network adaptor that is supported by) 2.294 WS
5.045 MX
(an ODI \050ODLI\051 driver, such as those from) 2.295 WS
120 522 moveto
(Novell, 3Com, or IBM token ring support) show
72 560 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(2.2.  PC Software Requirements) show
72 584 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Microsoft Windows Graphical Environment, version 3.0, operating in 386 Enhanced,) 3.720 WS
96 597 moveto
(Standard, or Real mode) show
72 612 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(MS-DOS) show
0 -2.750 rmoveto
8 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
/registered SYM 5.976 MX
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 2.750 rmoveto
( or PC-DOS, version 3.1 or later) show
72 627 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(If using a network connection, Novell) show
0 -2.750 rmoveto
8 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
/registered SYM 5.976 MX
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 2.750 rmoveto
( LAN WorkPlace) show
/trademark SYM 10.769 MX
( 4.0 for DOS) show
72 642 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(If you want to run a network) 2.634 WS
5.385 MX
(operating system, it must be compatible with the ODI) 2.635 WS
96 655 moveto
(support required by LWP4) show
72 693 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(2.3.  Installation) show
72 717 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(RWI is installed according to the \252Installation Procedure for) 3.738 WS
6.487 MX
(RWI, Release 10_1_1.\272 The) 3.737 WS
72 730 moveto
(installation requires) 0.430 WS
3.181 MX
(that Windows be installed and running on the PC. If a network connection) 0.431 WS
72 756 moveto
11 /AvantGarde-Book SelectFont
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(     December 1991) show
330.230 MX
(1) show
%%Page: 2 4
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Rational Windows Interface Release Information) show
72 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(is used, the network software should already be correctly installed.) show
72 96 moveto
(If you are using RS232 serial communications with either a direct serial) 0.181 WS
2.930 MX
(connection or a modem,) 0.180 WS
72 109 moveto
(and no) 4.273 WS
7.024 MX
(network, then select a serial installation during the installation procedure. The) 4.274 WS
72 122 moveto
(installation procedure will install an executable file named RWISER.EXE.) show
72 146 moveto
(If you are using a network, or a network and serial) 1.122 WS
3.871 MX
(ports, then select the network installation) 1.121 WS
72 159 moveto
(during the installation procedure. The installation procedure) 2.882 WS
5.633 MX
(will install an executable file) 2.883 WS
72 172 moveto
(named RWINET.EXE, which includes code for serials ports so that RWISER.EXE is not needed.) show
72 210 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(2.4.  Executables) show
72 234 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(There are two RWI executables: one for basic serial connections, and) 1.730 WS
4.479 MX
(one that adds network) 1.729 WS
72 247 moveto
(capability. The executable for basic serial connections) 4.688 WS
7.439 MX
(is named RWISER.EXE, and the) 4.689 WS
72 260 moveto
(executable that adds network capability is RWINET.EXE. Note both of the following:) show
72 284 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(The network version, RWINET.EXE, requires that the network software be installed.) show
72 299 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(The network version includes code for serial connections.) show
72 323 moveto
(See the \252Installation Procedure for RWI\272 for instructions on installing the) 1.962 WS
4.711 MX
(executable that is) 1.961 WS
72 336 moveto
(required for your installation.) show
72 374 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(2.5.  Terminal Types or Keyboard Variants) show
72 398 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(The different types of PC keyboards supported by RWI are identified by a terminal) 1.626 WS
4.377 MX
(type, or) 1.627 WS
72 411 moveto
(keyboard variant. RWI currently supports four of these keyboard variants:) show
72 435 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(The PC101 keyboard variant provides a standard set of Environment) 0.693 WS
3.442 MX
(key bindings for the) 0.692 WS
96 448 moveto
(enhanced keyboard with 101 keys.) show
72 463 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(The PC91 keyboard variant provides a standard set of) 2.709 WS
5.460 MX
(Environment key bindings for) 2.710 WS
96 476 moveto
(laptops that have twelve function keys and a separate numeric keypad.) show
72 491 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(The PC86 keyboard variant provides) 2.710 WS
5.459 MX
(a standard set of Environment key bindings for) 2.709 WS
96 504 moveto
(laptops that have twelve function keys and no numeric keypad.) show
72 519 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(The PCBASIC keyboard variant provides a basic set) 1.106 WS
3.857 MX
(of Environment key bindings that is) 1.107 WS
96 532 moveto
(much smaller than the standard) 3.172 WS
5.921 MX
(set. The PCBASIC keyboard variant is designed for) 3.171 WS
96 545 moveto
(training purposes, and it works with all three of the above keyboards.) show
72 569 moveto
(These keyboard variants are selected during installation and may be changed later) 0.580 WS
3.331 MX
(by the user.) 0.581 WS
72 582 moveto
(The R1000 needs to be informed of the chosen) 0.135 WS
2.884 MX
(keyboard variant. This can be done automatically) 0.134 WS
72 595 moveto
(through a setting in the RWI Terminal Information dialog box or manually in response) 1.087 WS
3.838 MX
(to the) 1.088 WS
72 608 moveto
(Environment's ) 1.551 WS
11 /Courier SelectFont
(Enter Terminal Type) 1.551 WS
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
( prompt.) 1.551 WS
4.300 MX
(For more information, see the \252Installation) 1.550 WS
72 621 moveto
(Procedure for RWI\272 and the) show
11 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( RWI User's Guide) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(.) show
72 659 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(2.6.  Pull-Down Menus) show
72 683 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(User-defined pull-down menus are available in RWI. These pull-down menus) 1.597 WS
4.348 MX
(are defined in) 1.598 WS
72 696 moveto
(text files stored) 0.117 WS
2.866 MX
(on the PC. The initial RWI profile is installed with one of two sample pull-down) 0.116 WS
72 709 moveto
(menus, depending on which keyboard variant is chosen:) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(2) show
329.683 MX
(December 1991    ) show
11 /AvantGarde-Book SelectFont
( RATIONAL) show
%%Page: 3 5
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
402.300 MX
(Release 10_1_1) show
72 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(A menu that is compatible with) 1.886 WS
4.637 MX
(the standard set of Environment key bindings \050PC101,) 1.887 WS
96 85 moveto
(PC91, PC86\051) show
72 100 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(A menu that is compatible with the basic set of Environment key bindings \050PCBASIC\051) show
72 124 moveto
(Note that both sample pull-down menus are) 0.516 WS
3.265 MX
(installed on the PC hard disk, so that the user can) 0.515 WS
72 137 moveto
(incorporate either menu in subsequent user-created custom profiles.) show
72 177 moveto
15 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(3.  Compatibility) show
72 201 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(First production release of RWI.) show
72 225 moveto
(Compatible with Environment release D_12_1_1 or later.) show
72 265 moveto
15 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(4.  Upgrade Impact) show
72 289 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(None.) show
72 329 moveto
15 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(5.  Known Problems) show
72 367 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(5.1.  Flow Control and Pasting from the ClipBoard) show
72 391 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(When a serial connection is used, the flow control should be set properly) 1.546 WS
4.297 MX
(to avoid problems) 1.547 WS
72 404 moveto
(when pasting large buffers of data from the Windows Clipboard into RWI.) show
72 428 moveto
(Pasting large data) 0.351 WS
3.100 MX
(buffers is slow, and a file-transfer utility may be more appropriate. One such) 0.350 WS
72 441 moveto
(utility is LAN WorkPlace 4.0 File Express, available to network users.) show
72 479 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(5.2.  Environment Window Style and Copy to Clipboard) show
72 503 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(If the Window_Have_Sides session switch is set to True, then Copy to Clipboard) 2.510 WS
5.261 MX
(includes) show
72 516 moveto
(border characters with the text sent to the) 1.484 WS
4.233 MX
(Windows Clipboard. Set the Window_Have_Sides) 1.483 WS
72 529 moveto
(switch to False to correct this problem.) show
72 567 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(5.3.  Incorrect RWI Window Size) show
72 591 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(If the RWI window itself is not contained within) 0.676 WS
3.427 MX
(the boundaries of the display monitor screen,) 0.677 WS
72 604 moveto
(reduce the lines or columns or both through the Terminal Information dialog box:) show
72 628 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Pull down the RWI Control menu and select the Terminal command. The Terminal) 3.395 WS
96 641 moveto
(Information dialog box opens.) show
72 656 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Enter a smaller value in the Lines or Columns edit box.) show
72 671 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Single-click on the Save button with the left mouse button. The RWI window size) 0.420 WS
3.171 MX
(reduces.) show
96 684 moveto
(Repeat this procedure until you are satisfied with the window dimensions.) show
72 708 moveto
(If, after logging) 0.277 WS
3.026 MX
(into the Rational Environment, you find that the Environment windows are not) 0.276 WS
72 721 moveto
(properly contained) 0.628 WS
3.379 MX
(in the RWI window, try resizing the RWI window slightly with the mouse.) 0.629 WS
72 756 moveto
11 /AvantGarde-Book SelectFont
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(     December 1991) show
330.230 MX
(3) show
%%Page: 4 6
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(Rational Windows Interface Release Information) show
72 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(If the Resize Host Window check box in the) 0.949 WS
3.698 MX
(Terminal Information dialog box is selected, then) 0.948 WS
72 85 moveto
(resizing the RWI window with) 2.499 WS
5.250 MX
(the mouse will inform the Environment of the actual RWI) 2.500 WS
72 98 moveto
(window size, and the Environment) 3.019 WS
5.768 MX
(will adjust its windows to fit the RWI window. This) 3.018 WS
72 111 moveto
(problem usually results from logging in with a nonstandard window) 3.599 WS
6.350 MX
(size \050the standard) 3.600 WS
72 124 moveto
(window size is 66 lines by 80 columns\051 without specifying the) 4.902 WS
7.651 MX
(nonstandard window) 4.901 WS
72 137 moveto
(dimensions.) show
72 161 moveto
(To specify nonstandard window dimensions when logging in, do one of the following:) show
72 185 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Select the RWI profile's Send Terminal Type check box \050Telnet connections only\051) show
72 200 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Edit the Initial Connection String to include the desired window) 0.459 WS
3.210 MX
(dimensions as part of the) 0.460 WS
96 213 moveto
(Terminal Type entry) show
72 228 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Enter the window dimensions manually along) 0.893 WS
3.642 MX
(with the terminal type \050see the) 0.892 WS
11 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( RWI User's) 0.892 WS
96 241 moveto
(Guide) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(\051) show
72 279 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(5.4.  Cursor is not in a Window) show
72 303 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(If the cursor is not within an) 3.112 WS
5.863 MX
(Environment frame when the RWI window is resized, the) 3.113 WS
72 316 moveto
(Environment window will be cleared and the message "cursor is not in a window" will) 2.174 WS
4.923 MX
(be) show
72 329 moveto
(displayed. To fix this, reposition the cursor in an Environment frame, and resize the window.) show
72 369 moveto
15 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(6.  New Features) show
72 393 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(First release.) show
72 433 moveto
15 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(7.  Changes) show
72 457 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(First release.) show
72 497 moveto
15 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(8.  Documentation) show
72 535 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(8.1.  User's Guide) show
72 559 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(A user's guide is available for RWI:) show
72 583 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
11 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
19.434 MX
(Rational Windows Interface \050RWI\051 User's Guide) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(, product number 3000-00613) show
72 607 moveto
(Note the following changes to the) show
11 /Palatino-Italic SelectFont
( RWI User's Guide) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(:) show
72 631 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(It is now possible to select) 0.959 WS
3.710 MX
(a 19.2K baud rate from the Communications Setup dialog box) 0.960 WS
96 644 moveto
(\050see Chapter 4\051.) show
72 659 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Two default menu files are supplied with RWI: PCBASIC.MNU and RWI.MNU.) show
72 697 moveto
13 /Palatino-Bold SelectFont
(8.2.  Keyboard Overlays) show
72 721 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(A plastic keyboard overlay with replaceable paper inserts is available for:) show
72 756 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(4) show
329.683 MX
(December 1991    ) show
11 /AvantGarde-Book SelectFont
( RATIONAL) show
%%Page: 5 7
792 false PositionPage
72 36 moveto
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
402.300 MX
(Release 10_1_1) show
72 72 moveto
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(The 101-key Enhanced keyboard using the PC101 key) 5.248 WS
7.997 MX
(bindings, product number) 5.247 WS
96 85 moveto
(3000-00614) show
72 109 moveto
(Paper keyboard overlays are provided with this release information for:) show
72 133 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(The 101-key Enhanced keyboard) show
72 148 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(The 91-key laptop keyboard) show
72 163 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(The 86-key laptop keyboard) show
72 187 moveto
(The paper) 5.024 WS
7.775 MX
(overlays are provided online in !Machine.Editor_Data.Keyboard_Overlays as) 5.025 WS
72 200 moveto
(PostScript) show
0 -2.750 rmoveto
8 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
/registered SYM 5.976 MX
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 2.750 rmoveto
( files that can be printed on PostScript printers:) show
72 224 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Keymap_Pc101_User_Defs_Ps) show
72 239 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Keymap_Pc86_User_Defs_Ps) show
72 254 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Keymap_Pc91_User_Defs_Ps) show
72 269 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Keymap_Pcbasic_User_Defs_Ps) show
72 293 moveto
(The source for these files, written for the Rational Document Formatter) 2.435 WS
5.184 MX
(\050Compose\051, is also) 2.434 WS
72 306 moveto
(provided online in the following files:) show
72 330 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Keymap_Pc101_User_Defs) show
72 345 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Keymap_Pc86_User_Defs) show
72 360 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Keymap_Pc91_User_Defs) show
72 375 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Keymap_Pcbasic_User_Defs) show
72 390 moveto
0 -1.100 rmoveto
6 /ZapfDingbats SelectFont
(n) show
11 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
0 1.100 rmoveto
19.434 MX
(Keymap_Template_User_Defs) show
72 414 moveto
(The source includes user-customizable templates with instructions.) 0.438 WS
3.189 MX
(Note that the PCBASIC key) 0.439 WS
72 427 moveto
(bindings and overlay are applicable to all three keyboard types.) show
72 756 moveto
11 /AvantGarde-Book SelectFont
10 /Palatino-Roman SelectFont
(     December 1991) show
330.230 MX
(5) show
%%Pages: 7 1
%%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman Courier AvantGarde-Book Palatino-Roman Palatino-Bold Palatino-Italic ZapfDingbats


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