Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ B T

⟦6c0a7aae6⟧ TextFile

    Length: 31740 (0x7bfc)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13
    └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11
    └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16
    └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04
    └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« 


with Asa_Definitions;
with Gateway_Object;
with Job_Segment;
with Object_Class;
with Simple_Status;
with String_Utilities;
with System;
with Table_Sort_Generic;
with Unchecked_Conversion;
package body Requirements is

    package Asap renames Asa_Definitions.Properties;
    package Dtr renames Directory.Traversal;
    package Dst renames Directory.Statistics;
    package Gwo renames Gateway_Object;
    package Ss renames Simple_Status;

    --                    ---------------------------------------------
    --                    ( ) Declarations for permanent representation
    --                    ---------------------------------------------

    type Record_Permanent_Representation is
            Kind : Requirement_Kind;
            Object : Dir.Object;
            Id : Functional_Requirement_Number;
        end record;

    -- It is necessary to use a 31-bit integer internally, because
    -- unchecked conversion to a 30-bit integer may yield -2**31,
    -- which is the uninitialized value, and will raise NUMERIC_ERROR
    -- when read.
    type Integer31 is range -2 ** 30 .. 2 ** 30 - 1;  
    for Integer31'Size use 31;

    pragma Assert (Record_Permanent_Representation'Size <=
                   Permanent_Representation'Length * Integer31'Size);

    type Integer31_Permanent_Representation is
       array (Permanent_Representation'Range) of Integer31;

    function To_Record is new Unchecked_Conversion
                                 (Source => Integer31_Permanent_Representation,
                                  Target => Record_Permanent_Representation);

    function From_Record is
       new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Record_Permanent_Representation,
                                 Target => Integer31_Permanent_Representation);

    --                    ------------------
    --                    ( ) Error handling
    --                    ------------------

    function Diagnosis (Error : in Status) return String is
        case Error.Kind is

            when Module_Id_Error =>
                return "the specified requirement id could not be found";

            when Directory_Error =>
                return String_Utilities.Lower_Case
                          (Dir.Error_Status'Image (Error.Error_Status));

            when Directory_Naming_Error =>
                return String_Utilities.Lower_Case
                          (Dna.Name_Status'Image (Error.Name_Status));

            when General_Error =>
                return Ss.Display_Message (Error.Condition);
        end case;
    end Diagnosis;

    function Module_Id_Error return Requirement is
        return (Kind => Not_A_Requirement,
                Error => (Kind => Status_Kind'(Module_Id_Error)));
    end Module_Id_Error;

    function Directory_Error (E : in Dir.Error_Status) return Requirement is
        return (Kind => Not_A_Requirement,
                Error => (Kind => Directory_Error, Error_Status => E));
    end Directory_Error;

    function Directory_Error (E : in Dir.Error_Status) return Dependents is
        return (Is_Bad => True,
                Error => (Kind => Directory_Error, Error_Status => E));
    end Directory_Error;

    function Directory_Naming_Error
                (N : in Dna.Name_Status) return Requirement is
        return (Kind => Not_A_Requirement,
                Error => (Kind => Directory_Naming_Error, Name_Status => N));
    end Directory_Naming_Error;

    function Directory_Naming_Error
                (N : in Dna.Name_Status) return Dependents is
        return (Is_Bad => True,
                Error => (Kind => Directory_Naming_Error, Name_Status => N));
    end Directory_Naming_Error;

    function General_Error (S : in Ss.Condition) return Requirement is
        return (Kind => Not_A_Requirement,
                Error => (Kind => General_Error, Condition => S));
    end General_Error;

    function General_Error (S : in Ss.Condition) return Dependents is
        return (Is_Bad => True,
                Error => (Kind => General_Error, Condition => S));
    end General_Error;

    --                    -------------
    --                    ( ) Utilities
    --                    -------------

    function Name (Objects : in Object_List; Before : in String)
                  return String is
        if Objects'First > Objects'Last then
            return Before;
        elsif Before = "" then
            return Name (Objects => Objects (Objects'First + 1 .. Objects'Last),
                         Before => Dna.Get_Full_Name (Objects (Objects'First)));
            return Name (Objects => Objects (Objects'First + 1 .. Objects'Last),
                         Before => Before & ',' & Dna.Get_Full_Name
                                                     (Objects (Objects'First)));
        end if;
    end Name;

    procedure Search_By_Id (Root : in Dir.Object;
                            Id : in Positive;
                            Action_Id : in Action.Id;
                            Found : out Boolean;
                            Object : out Dir.Object) is
        E : Dir.Error_Status;
        Found_In_Subobject : Boolean;
        Object_In_Subobject : Dir.Object;
        Gateway : Gwo.Handle;
        N : Dna.Name_Status;  
        S : Ss.Condition;  
        Subobject : Dir.Object;
        Subobjects : Dna.Iterator;
        use Dir;
        use Dna;
        Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Root,  
                              H => Gateway,
                              Update => False,
                              Errors => S);
        if Ss.Error (S) then
            Found := False;
            Object := Dir.Nil;
        end if;

        if Asap.Asa_Id (Gateway) = Id then
            Gwo.Close (Gateway);
            Found := True;
            Object := Root;
            Gwo.Close (Gateway);

            Dna.Resolve (Iter => Subobjects,
                         Source => Dna.Get_Full_Name (Root) & ".@'C(~TEXT)",
                         Status => N,
                         Action_Id => Action_Id);
            if N = Dna.Successful then
                while not Dna.Done (Subobjects) loop
                    Dna.Get_Object (Iter => Subobjects,  
                                    The_Object => Subobject,
                                    Status => E);
                    if E /= Dir.Successful then
                        Found := False;
                        Object := Dir.Nil;
                    end if;

                    Search_By_Id (Root => Subobject,
                                  Id => Id,
                                  Action_Id => Action_Id,
                                  Found => Found_In_Subobject,
                                  Object => Object_In_Subobject);
                    if Found_In_Subobject then
                        Found := Found_In_Subobject;
                        Object := Object_In_Subobject;
                    end if;
                    Dna.Next (Subobjects);
                end loop;
            end if;
            Found := False;
            Object := Dir.Nil;
        end if;
    end Search_By_Id;

    --                    ----------------------------------
    --                    ( ) Bodies of external subprograms
    --                    ----------------------------------

    --                    -----------------------------
    --                    ( . ) Individual requirements
    --                    -----------------------------

    function Resolve (Model_Gateway_Name : in String;
                      Module_Id : in Positive;  
                      Requirement_Id : in Requirement_Number;
                      Action_Id : in Action.Id) return Requirement is
        E : Dir.Error_Status;
        Found : Boolean;
        Gateway : Gwo.Handle;
        N : Dna.Name_Status;  
        S : Ss.Condition;  
        The_Module : Dir.Object;
        The_Object : Dir.Object;  
        The_Requirement : Dir.Object;
        The_Requirements : Dna.Iterator;
        use Asa_Definitions;
        use Dir;
        use Dna;
        Dna.Resolve (Name => Model_Gateway_Name,
                     The_Object => The_Object,
                     Status => N);
        if N /= Dna.Successful then  
            return Directory_Naming_Error (N);
        end if;

        Search_By_Id (Root => The_Object,
                      Id => Module_Id,
                      Action_Id => Action_Id,
                      Found => Found,
                      Object => The_Module);

        if Found then
            case Requirement_Id is

                when Functional_Requirement_Number =>
                    return (Kind => Functional,
                            Action_Id => Action_Id,
                            Object => The_Module,
                            Id => Requirement_Id);

                when Non_Functional_Requirement_Number =>
                    Dna.Resolve (Iter => The_Requirements,
                                 Source => Dna.Get_Full_Name (The_Module) &
                                 Status => N,
                                 Action_Id => Action_Id);
                    if N = Dna.Successful then

                        while not Dna.Done (The_Requirements) loop
                            Dna.Get_Object (Iter => The_Requirements,  
                                            The_Object => The_Requirement,
                                            Status => E);
                            if E /= Dir.Successful then
                                return Directory_Error (E);
                            end if;

                            Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => The_Requirement,  
                                                  H => Gateway,
                                                  Update => False,
                                                  Errors => S);
                            if Ss.Error (S) then
                                return General_Error (S);
                            end if;

                            if Requirement_Number (Asap.Asa_Id (Gateway)) =
                               Requirement_Id then

                                    Result : Requirement
                                    Result.Action_Id := Action_Id;
                                    Result.Object := The_Requirement;
                                    Gwo.Close (Gateway);
                                    return Result;
                            end if;

                            Gwo.Close (Gateway);
                            Dna.Next (The_Requirements);
                        end loop;
                        return Directory_Naming_Error (N);
                    end if;
            end case;
            return Module_Id_Error;
        end if;
    end Resolve;

    function Comment (Asa_Gateway_Name : in String;  
                      Action_Id : in Action.Id) return String is
        Gateway : Gwo.Handle;
        Gateway_Object : Dir.Object;
        S : Ss.Condition;
        Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Asa_Gateway_Name,
                              H => Gateway,
                              Update => False,
                              Action_Id => Action_Id,
                              Errors => S);  
        if Ss.Error (S) then
            return "";
        end if;

            Comment : constant String := Asap.Asa_Comment (Gateway);
            if Comment = "" then
                Gateway_Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (Gateway);
                Gwo.Close (Gateway);
                return Dna.Get_Simple_Name (Gateway_Object);
                Gwo.Close (Gateway);
                return Comment;
            end if;

    end Comment;

    function Diagnosis (Req : in Requirement) return String is
        case Req.Kind is

            when Not_A_Requirement =>
                return Diagnosis (Req.Error);

            when Functional | Non_Functional =>
                return "";
        end case;
    end Diagnosis;

    function Gateway_Full_Name (Req : in Requirement) return String is
        return Dna.Get_Full_Name (Req.Object);
    end Gateway_Full_Name;

    function Unique_Id (Req : in Requirement) return String is
        Data : Dst.Object_Data;
        E : Dir.Error_Status;
        Gateway : Gwo.Handle;
        Id : Positive;
        Module_Id : Positive;
        S : Ss.Condition;
        use Dir;
        case Req.Kind is

            when Not_A_Requirement =>
                raise Requirement_Error;

            when Functional =>

                Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Req.Object,  
                                      H => Gateway,
                                      Update => False,
                                      Action_Id => Req.Action_Id,
                                      Errors => S);
                if Ss.Error (S) then
                    raise Requirement_Error;
                end if;

                Module_Id := Asap.Asa_Id (Gateway);
                Gwo.Close (Gateway);

                    Module_Id_Image : constant String :=
                       Positive'Image (Module_Id);  
                    Id_Image : constant String :=
                       Functional_Requirement_Number'Image (Req.Id);  
                    return Module_Id_Image (Module_Id_Image'First + 1 ..
                                               Module_Id_Image'Last) & '.' &
                           Id_Image (Id_Image'First + 1 .. Id_Image'Last);

            when Non_Functional =>
                Dst.Get_Object_Data (The_Object => Req.Object,  
                                     The_Data => Data,
                                     Action_Id => Req.Action_Id,
                                     Status => E);
                if E /= Dir.Successful then
                    raise Requirement_Error;
                end if;
                Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Dst.Object_Parent (Data),  
                                      H => Gateway,
                                      Update => False,
                                      Action_Id => Req.Action_Id,
                                      Errors => S);
                if Ss.Error (S) then
                    raise Requirement_Error;
                end if;

                Module_Id := Asap.Asa_Id (Gateway);
                Gwo.Close (Gateway);

                Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Req.Object,  
                                      H => Gateway,
                                      Update => False,
                                      Action_Id => Req.Action_Id,
                                      Errors => S);
                if Ss.Error (S) then
                    raise Requirement_Error;
                end if;

                Id := Asap.Asa_Id (Gateway);
                Gwo.Close (Gateway);

                    Module_Id_Image : constant String :=
                       Positive'Image (Module_Id);  
                    Id_Image : constant String := Positive'Image (Id);  
                    return Module_Id_Image (Module_Id_Image'First + 1 ..
                                               Module_Id_Image'Last) & '.' &
                           Id_Image (Id_Image'First + 1 .. Id_Image'Last);

        end case;
    end Unique_Id;

    function Text (Req : in Requirement) return String is
        Gateway : Gwo.Handle;
        S : Ss.Condition;
        Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Req.Object,  
                              H => Gateway,
                              Update => False,
                              Action_Id => Req.Action_Id,
                              Errors => S);
        if Ss.Error (S) then
            raise Requirement_Error;
        end if;  
        case Req.Kind is

            when Not_A_Requirement =>
                raise Requirement_Error;

            when Functional =>

                    The_Text : constant String :=
                       Asap.Asa_Requirement (Gateway, Number => Req.Id);
                    Gwo.Close (Gateway);
                    return The_Text;

            when Non_Functional =>

                    The_Text : constant String :=
                       Asap.Asa_Requirement_Text (Gateway);
                    Gwo.Close (Gateway);
                    return The_Text;

        end case;
    end Text;

    function Convert (Req : in Requirement) return Permanent_Representation is
        Irep : Integer31_Permanent_Representation := (others => 0);
        Rep : Permanent_Representation;
        case Req.Kind is

            when Not_A_Requirement =>
                raise Requirement_Error;

            when Functional =>
                Irep := From_Record ((Kind => Req.Kind,
                                      Object => Req.Object,
                                      Id => Req.Id));

            when Non_Functional =>
                Irep := From_Record
                           ((Kind => Req.Kind, Object => Req.Object, Id => 1));
        end case;
        for I in Rep'Range loop
            Rep (I) := Integer (Irep (I));
        end loop;
        return Rep;
    end Convert;

    function Convert (Rep : in Permanent_Representation;
                      Action_Id : in Action.Id) return Requirement is
        Irep : Integer31_Permanent_Representation;
        Rrep : Record_Permanent_Representation;
        for I in Rep'Range loop
            Irep (I) := Integer31 (Rep (I));
        end loop;

        Rrep := To_Record (Irep);

            Result : Requirement (Rrep.Kind);
            case Result.Kind is

                when Not_A_Requirement =>
                    raise Requirement_Error;

                when Functional =>
                    Result.Action_Id := Action_Id;
                    Result.Object := Rrep.Object;
                    Result.Id := Rrep.Id;

                when Non_Functional =>
                    Result.Action_Id := Action_Id;
                    Result.Object := Rrep.Object;
            end case;
            return Result;

    end Convert;

    --                    ----------------------------
    --                    ( . ) Requirements hierarchy
    --                    ----------------------------

    function Resolve (Asa_Gateway_Name : in String;  
                      Kind : in Requirement_Kind;
                      Action_Id : Action.Id) return Requirement_Iterator is

        type Object_And_Id is
                Object : Dir.Object;
                Id : Positive;
            end record;

        type Objects_And_Ids is array (Count range <>) of Object_And_Id;

        E : Dir.Error_Status;
        Gateway : Gwo.Handle;
        Gateway_Object : Dir.Object;
        Gateway_Objects : Dna.Iterator;
        N : Dna.Name_Status;  
        Result : Requirement_Iterator;
        S : Ss.Condition;
        Size : Count := 0;
        The_Objects : Objects_And_Ids (Count range 1 .. Count'Last);

        function "<" (Left : in Object_And_Id; Right : in Object_And_Id)
                     return Boolean is
            return Left.Id < Right.Id;
        end "<";

        procedure Sort_By_Id is
           new Table_Sort_Generic (Element => Object_And_Id,
                                   Index => Count,
                                   Element_Array => Objects_And_Ids);

        use Dir;
        use Dna;
        case Kind is

            when Not_A_Requirement =>
                raise Requirement_Error;

            when Functional =>
                Dna.Resolve (Name => Asa_Gateway_Name,
                             The_Object => Gateway_Object,
                             Status => N,
                             Action_Id => Action_Id);
                if N /= Dna.Successful then
                    raise Requirement_Error;
                end if;  
                Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Gateway_Object,  
                                      H => Gateway,
                                      Update => False,
                                      Action_Id => Action_Id,
                                      Errors => S);
                if Ss.Error (S) then
                    raise Requirement_Error;
                end if;
                for R in reverse Functional_Requirement_Number loop
                    if Asap.Asa_Requirement (Gateway, Number => R) /= "" then
                        Size := Count (R);
                    end if;
                end loop;  
                Gwo.Close (Gateway);  
                Result := (Size => Size,
                           Pos => 1,
                           Contents => (others => (Kind => Functional,
                                                   Action_Id => Action_Id,
                                                   Object => Gateway_Object,
                                                   Id => 1)));
                for I in Result.Contents'Range loop
                    Result.Contents (I).Id := Functional_Requirement_Number (I);
                end loop;  
                return Result;

            when Non_Functional =>
                Dna.Resolve (Source => Asa_Gateway_Name & ".@'C(Text)",
                             Iter => Gateway_Objects,
                             Status => N,
                             Action_Id => Action_Id);
                if N /= Dna.Undefined then
                    if N /= Dna.Successful then
                        raise Requirement_Error;
                    end if;
                    while not Dna.Done (Gateway_Objects) loop
                        Dna.Get_Object (Iter => Gateway_Objects,
                                        The_Object => Gateway_Object,
                                        Status => E);
                        if E /= Dir.Successful then
                            raise Requirement_Error;
                        end if;  
                        Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Gateway_Object,  
                                              H => Gateway,
                                              Update => False,
                                              Action_Id => Action_Id,
                                              Errors => S);
                        if Ss.Error (S) then
                            raise Requirement_Error;
                        end if;
                        if Asap.Asa_Requirement_Kind (Gateway) = Kind then
                            Size := Size + 1;
                            The_Objects (Size) := (Object => Gateway_Object,
                                                   Id => Asap.Asa_Id (Gateway));
                        end if;
                        Gwo.Close (Gateway);
                        Dna.Next (Gateway_Objects);
                    end loop;
                end if;

                Sort_By_Id (The_Objects (The_Objects'First .. Size));

                    Null_Requirement : Requirement (Kind);
                    Null_Requirement.Action_Id := Action_Id;
                    Null_Requirement.Object := Dir.Nil;
                    Result := (Size => Size,
                               Pos => 1,
                               Contents => (others => Null_Requirement));

                for I in Result.Contents'Range loop
                    Result.Contents (I).Object := The_Objects (I).Object;
                end loop;  
                return Result;
        end case;
    end Resolve;

    function Value (Reqs : in Requirement_Iterator) return Requirement is
        return Reqs.Contents (Reqs.Pos);
    end Value;

    function Done (Reqs : in Requirement_Iterator) return Boolean is
        return Reqs.Pos > Reqs.Size;
    end Done;

    procedure Next (Reqs : in out Requirement_Iterator) is
        Reqs.Pos := Reqs.Pos + 1;
    end Next;

    procedure Add (Req : in Requirement; Reqs : in out Requirement_Iterator) is
        Result : Requirement_Iterator (Reqs.Size + 1);
        Result.Pos := Reqs.Pos;
        Result.Contents := Reqs.Contents & Req;
        Reqs := Result;
    end Add;

    procedure Remove (Req : in Requirement;
                      Reqs : in out Requirement_Iterator) is
        Result : Requirement_Iterator (Reqs.Size - 1);
        for I in Reqs.Contents'Range loop
            if Reqs.Contents (I) = Req then
                Result.Contents := Reqs.Contents (1 .. I - 1) &
                                      Reqs.Contents (I + 1 .. Reqs.Size);
            end if;
        end loop;
        Reqs := Result;
    end Remove;

    --                    ----------------
    --                    ( ) Dependencies
    --                    ----------------

    function Get_Dependents (Req : in Requirement) return Dependents is
        Dependent_Objects : Dna.Iterator;
        E : Dir.Error_Status;
        Gateway : Gwo.Handle;  
        N : Dna.Name_Status;
        S : Ss.Condition;
        Size : Count := 0;
        The_Objects : Object_List (Count);

        function Asa_Dependents (Req : in Requirement) return String is
            case Req.Kind is

                when Not_A_Requirement =>
                    raise Requirement_Error;

                when Functional =>
                    return Asap.Asa_Dependents (Gateway, Number => Req.Id);

                when Non_Functional =>
                    return Asap.Asa_Dependents (Gateway);
            end case;
        end Asa_Dependents;

        use Dir;
        use Dna;
        Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Req.Object,  
                              H => Gateway,
                              Update => False,
                              Action_Id => Req.Action_Id,
                              Errors => S);
        if Ss.Error (S) then
            return General_Error (S);
        end if;

            The_Dependents : constant String := Asa_Dependents (Req);

            Gwo.Close (Gateway, S);
            if Ss.Error (S) then
                return General_Error (S);
            end if;

            if The_Dependents = "" then
                return (Is_Bad => False,
                        Objects => new Object_List'(1 .. 0 => Dir.Nil));
                pragma Heap (Job_Segment.Get);
            end if;

            Dna.Resolve (Iter => Dependent_Objects,
                         Source => '[' & The_Dependents &
                         Status => N,
                         Objects_Only => False,
                         Action_Id => Req.Action_Id);

        if N = Dna.Undefined then
            return (Is_Bad => False,
                    Objects => new Object_List'(1 .. 0 => Dir.Nil));
            pragma Heap (Job_Segment.Get);
        elsif N /= Dna.Successful then
            return Directory_Naming_Error (N);
        end if;

        while not Dna.Done (Dependent_Objects) loop
            Size := Size + 1;  
            Dna.Get_Object (Iter => Dependent_Objects,
                            The_Object => The_Objects (Size),
                            Status => E);
            if E /= Dir.Successful then
                return Directory_Error (E);
            end if;
            Dna.Next (Dependent_Objects);
        end loop;

        return (Is_Bad => False,
                Objects => new Object_List'(The_Objects (1 .. Size)));
        pragma Heap (Job_Segment.Get);
    end Get_Dependents;

    procedure Set_Dependents (Req : in Requirement;  
                              Dep : in Dependents) is
        Dependent_Objects : Dna.Iterator;
        Gateway : Gwo.Handle;
        S : Ss.Condition;
        Size : Count := 0;
        The_Objects : Object_List (Count);
        if Dep.Is_Bad then
            raise Dependent_Error;
        end if;
        Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Req.Object,  
                              H => Gateway,
                              Update => False,
                              Action_Id => Req.Action_Id,
                              Errors => S);
        if Ss.Error (S) then
            raise Requirement_Error;
        end if;

        case Req.Kind is

            when Not_A_Requirement =>
                raise Requirement_Error;

            when Functional =>
                    Number => Req.Id,
                    Value => Name (Objects => Dep.Objects.all, Before => ""));

            when Non_Functional =>
                    Value => Name (Objects => Dep.Objects.all, Before => ""));
        end case;

        Gwo.Close (Gateway);
    end Set_Dependents;

    procedure Add (Dep : in out Dependents;  
                   Onto : in String) is
        N : Dna.Name_Status;
        The_Object : Dir.Object;
        use Dna;
        if Dep.Is_Bad then
            raise Dependent_Error;
        end if;
        Dna.Resolve (Name => Onto,
                     The_Object => The_Object,
                     Status => N,
                     Action_Id => Action.Null_Id);
        Dep := (Is_Bad => False,
                Objects => new Object_List'(Dep.Objects.all & The_Object));
        pragma Heap (Job_Segment.Get);
    end Add;

    procedure Remove (Dep : in out Dependents;  
                      Onto : in String) is
        N : Dna.Name_Status;
        The_Object : Dir.Object;
        use Dir;
        if Dep.Is_Bad then
            raise Dependent_Error;
        end if;
        Dna.Resolve (Name => Onto,
                     The_Object => The_Object,
                     Status => N,
                     Action_Id => Action.Null_Id);
        for I in Dep.Objects'Range loop
            if The_Object = Dep.Objects (I) then

                Dep := (Is_Bad => False,
                        Objects => new Object_List'
                                              (Dep.Objects'First .. I - 1) &
                                              (I + 1 .. Dep.Objects'Last)));
                pragma Heap (Job_Segment.Get);

            end if;
        end loop;
    end Remove;

    function Diagnosis (Dep : in Dependents) return String is
        case Dep.Is_Bad is

            when False =>
                return "";

            when True =>
                return Diagnosis (Dep.Error);
        end case;
    end Diagnosis;

end Requirements;