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└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00 └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« └─⟦1abbe589f⟧ └─⟦49e7f20b9⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Test_Io; with Cvt_Test_Utilities; with Xlbt_Arithmetic; with Xlbp_U_Char_Generics; --/ if Record_Rep_Clauses then --// with Xlbmt_Parameters; --// use Xlbmt_Parameters; --/ end if; procedure Cvt_092 is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Tests for Xlbp_U_Char_Generics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- **************************************************************************** -- * Date - /Name/ Comment -- * -- * 25-SEP-90 - /DRK/ Created. -- * 14-NOV-90 - /GEB/ Separate cvt_090 into four parts. -- **************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- -- Handy constants and renames -- --------------------------------- package Utils renames Cvt_Test_Utilities; package Tests renames Utils.U_Char_Tests; use Utils.U_Char_Constants; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -- Local types -- ----------------- type Discrete_S32 is new Xlbt_Arithmetic.S_Long; type Discrete_S16 is new Xlbt_Arithmetic.S_Short; type Discrete_U16 is new Xlbt_Arithmetic.U_Short; type Discrete_S8 is new Xlbt_Arithmetic.S_Char; type Discrete_U8 is new Xlbt_Arithmetic.U_Char; type Private_48 is record Value_1 : Discrete_S16; Value_2 : Discrete_S16; Value_3 : Discrete_S16; end record; --/ if Length_Clauses then for Private_48'Size use 48; --/ end if; --/ if Record_Rep_Clauses then --// for Private_48 use --// record --// Value_1 at 0 * X_Word range X_Half0a .. X_Half0b; --// Value_2 at 0 * X_Word range X_Half1a .. X_Half1b; --// Value_3 at 1 * X_Word range X_Half0a .. X_Half0b; --// end record; --/ end if; type Private_32 is record Value : Discrete_S32; end record; --/ if Length_Clauses then for Private_32'Size use 32; --/ end if; type Private_16 is record Value : Discrete_S16; end record; --/ if Length_Clauses then for Private_16'Size use 16; --/ end if; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- -- Major test sections -- ------------------------- procedure Test_Private_Conversions is procedure To_Uca is new Xlbp_U_Char_Generics.Convert_Private_To_Uca (Private_48); procedure From_Uca is new Xlbp_U_Char_Generics.Convert_Uca_To_Private (Private_48); procedure Test_Private_48 is new Tests.Tester (Private_48, "Private_48", To_Uca, From_Uca); procedure To_Uca is new Xlbp_U_Char_Generics.Convert_Private_To_Uca (Private_32); procedure From_Uca is new Xlbp_U_Char_Generics.Convert_Uca_To_Private (Private_32); procedure Test_Private_32 is new Tests.Tester (Private_32, "Private_32", To_Uca, From_Uca); procedure To_Uca is new Xlbp_U_Char_Generics.Convert_Private_To_Uca (Private_16); procedure From_Uca is new Xlbp_U_Char_Generics.Convert_Uca_To_Private (Private_16); procedure Test_Private_16 is new Tests.Tester (Private_16, "Private_16", To_Uca, From_Uca); begin Test_Io.Section ("Converting private types"); Test_Private_48 ("16#0000_0000_0000#", (0, 0, 0), (1 .. 6 => 16#00#)); Test_Private_48 ("16#0000_0000_0001#", (0, 0, 1), Swab_00_00 & Swab_00_00 & Swab_00_01); Test_Private_48 ("16#FFFF_FFFF_FFFF#", (-1, -1, -1), Swab_Ff_Ff & Swab_Ff_Ff & Swab_Ff_Ff); Test_Private_48 ("16#0123_4567_89AB#", (16#0123#, 16#4567#, -30293), Swab_01_23 & Swab_45_67 & Swab_89_Ab); Test_Io.New_Line; Test_Private_32 ("16#0000_0000#", (Value => 0), Swab_00_00_00_00); Test_Private_32 ("16#0000_0001#", (Value => 1), Swab_00_00_00_01); Test_Private_32 ("16#FFFF_FFFF#", (Value => -1), Swab_Ff_Ff_Ff_Ff); Test_Private_32 ("16#8000_0000#", (Value => Discrete_S32'First), Swab_80_00_00_00); Test_Private_32 ("16#7FFF_FFFF#", (Value => Discrete_S32'Last), Swab_7f_Ff_Ff_Ff); Test_Private_32 ("16#0123_4567#", (Value => 16#0123_4567#), Swab_01_23_45_67); Test_Io.New_Line; Test_Private_16 ("16#0000#", (Value => 0), Swab_00_00); Test_Private_16 ("16#0001#", (Value => 1), Swab_00_01); Test_Private_16 ("16#FFFF#", (Value => -1), Swab_Ff_Ff); Test_Private_16 ("16#8000#", (Value => Discrete_S16'First), Swab_80_00); Test_Private_16 ("16#7FFF#", (Value => Discrete_S16'Last), Swab_7f_Ff); Test_Private_16 ("16#0123#", (Value => 16#0123#), Swab_01_23); Test_Io.New_Line; end Test_Private_Conversions; begin Test_Private_Conversions; end Cvt_092;