Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

top - download
Index: ┃ B T

⟦78543b880⟧ TextFile

    Length: 3420 (0xd5c)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11
    └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« 


with Scanner, List, Printer, Bug;
package body Arguments is

    type Node_Structure is
            Rule : Natural range 0 .. 1;
            Line : Natural;
        end record;

    procedure Parse (N : in out Node;
                     Keyword_List : in out Message.List;
                     Id_List : in out Message.List;
                     Symbol : in out Table.Symbol_Kind) is
        Failed : Boolean := False;  
        use Scanner;
        N := new Node_Structure;
        N.Line := Scanner.Get_Line_Number;
        if Is_First (Scanner.Get_Token) then
            N.Rule := 1;
            List.Parse (Keyword_List, Id_List, Symbol);
            if not Failed and Scanner.Get_Token /= Scanner.T_Dot then  
                raise Bug.Missing_Point;
            end if;
        end if;
    end Parse;

    procedure Unparse (N : in Node;
                       Keyword_List : in Message.List;
                       Id_List : in Message.List) is
        Reverse_Keyword_List, Reverse_Id_List, Keywords, Id : Message.List;
        A_Keyword, A_Id : Message.Tiny_String;
        Nb_Keywords, Nb_Id : Integer;
        Scanner.Set_Line_Number (N.Line);
        Printer.Write_Ln ("");
        if N.Rule = 1 then
            Printer.Write ("avec");
            Keywords := Keyword_List;
            Id := Id_List;  
            Nb_Keywords := Message.How_Many (Keywords);
            Nb_Id := Message.How_Many (Id);
            if Nb_Keywords > Nb_Id then
                raise Bug.Too_Many_Keywords;
            end if;
            if Nb_Keywords > 0 and Nb_Id /= Nb_Keywords then
                raise Bug.Not_Enough_Keywords;
            end if;
            Message.Init (Reverse_Keyword_List);
            Message.Init (Reverse_Id_List);
            for I in 1 .. Nb_Id loop
                if Nb_Keywords > 0 then
                    A_Keyword := Message.Get (Keywords);
                    Reverse_Keyword_List :=
                       Message.Put (Reverse_Keyword_List, A_Keyword);
                end if;
                A_Id := Message.Get (Id);
                Reverse_Id_List := Message.Put (Reverse_Id_List, A_Id);
                if Nb_Keywords > 0 then
                    Message.Next (Keywords, A_Keyword);
                end if;
                Message.Next (Id, A_Id);
            end loop;
            Message.Init (Reverse_Keyword_List);
            Message.Init (Reverse_Id_List);
            for I in 1 .. Nb_Id loop  
                if Nb_Keywords > 0 then
                    A_Keyword := Message.Get (Reverse_Keyword_List);
                    Printer.Write_St (A_Keyword);
                    Printer.Write (":");
                end if;
                A_Id := Message.Get (Reverse_Id_List);
                Printer.Write (A_Id);
                if Nb_Keywords > 0 then
                    Message.Next (Reverse_Keyword_List, A_Keyword);
                end if;
                Message.Next (Reverse_Id_List, A_Id);
            end loop;  
            Printer.Write_Ln (".");
        end if;  
    end Unparse;

    function Is_First (T : Scanner.Token) return Boolean is
        case T is
            when Scanner.T_Avec =>
                return (True);
            when others =>
                return (False);
        end case;
    end Is_First;
end Arguments;