Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦7a43f1c85⟧ TextFile

    Length: 17790 (0x457e)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00
    └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« 


with Text_Io;

with Main;  
use Main;  
with Tile_Bits;  
use Tile_Bits;

with Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
use Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
with Xlbt_Image;  
use Xlbt_Image;

with Xlbp_Graphics;  
use Xlbp_Graphics;  
with Xlbp_Image;  
use Xlbp_Image;

package body Tile is
-- Dragon - a version of Mah-Jongg for X Windows
-- Author: Gary E. Barnes        March 1989
-- tile.c - Deals with the individual Mah-Jongg tiles.
-- 05/30/90 GEB  - Translate to Ada

    Tile_X11 : S_Short := 28 / 2;               -- one column
    Tile_X21 : S_Short := 28 / 3;               -- two columns
    Tile_X22 : S_Short := 28 * 2 / 3;  
    Tile_X31 : S_Short := 28 / 4;               -- three columns
    Tile_X32 : S_Short := 28 * 2 / 4;  
    Tile_X33 : S_Short := 28 * 3 / 4;

    Tile_Y11 : S_Short := 32 / 2;               -- one row
    Tile_Y21 : S_Short := 32 / 3;               -- two rows
    Tile_Y22 : S_Short := 32 * 2 / 3;  
    Tile_Y31 : S_Short := 32 / 5;               -- three rows
    Tile_Y32 : S_Short := 32 * 2 / 5;  
    Tile_Y33 : S_Short := 32 * 3 / 5;

    Number_X  : S_Short := 28 - 7;  
    Number_Y  : S_Short := 0;  
    Subtile_X : S_Short := 7 / 2;  
    Subtile_Y : S_Short := 8 / 2;


    procedure Configure_Tiles (Size : S_Long) is
--   size        - Specifies the tile size to use; 1..5
-- Called when the Board receives a ConfigureNotify event.  We check to see if
-- the size of the board/tiles have changed.  If so then we reconfigure the
-- images of the tiles.
        W : S_Short;  
        H : S_Short;  

----Make sure that our caller is rational.

        if Size < 1 or else Size > 5 then  
            Text_Io.Put_Line ("Bad size given to Configure_Tiles in tile.c [" &  
                              S_Long'Image (Size) & "].");  
            Configure_Tiles (1);  
        end if;

----Set up all of the various images.

        Setup_Images (Natural (Size) - 1);

----Set up the sub-tile positions.

        W := S_Short (Spring.Width);  
        H := S_Short (Spring.Height);

        Tile_X11 := W / 2;                -- one column
        Tile_X21 := W / 3;                -- two columns
        Tile_X22 := W - Tile_X21;  
        Tile_X31 := W / 4;                -- three columns
        while Tile_X31 + S_Short (Bam.Width / 2 + Bam.Width * 2) >=  
                 S_Short (Spring.Width) loop  
            Tile_X31 := Tile_X31 - 1;  
        end loop;  
        Tile_X32 := Tile_X31 + S_Short (Bam.Width);  
        Tile_X33 := Tile_X32 + S_Short (Bam.Width);

        Tile_Y11 := H / 2;                -- one row
        Tile_Y21 := H / 3;                -- two rows
        Tile_Y22 := H - Tile_Y21;  
        Tile_Y31 := H * 2 / 5;            -- three rows
        while Tile_Y31 + S_Short (Bam.Height / 2 + Bam.Height * 2) >=  
                 S_Short (Spring.Height) loop  
            Tile_Y31 := Tile_Y31 - 1;  
        end loop;  
        Tile_Y32 := Tile_Y31 + S_Short (Bam.Height);  
        Tile_Y33 := Tile_Y32 + S_Short (Bam.Height);

        Number_X  := W - S_Short (One.Width) - 1;  
        Number_Y  := 1;  
        Subtile_X := S_Short (Bam.Width) / 2;  
        Subtile_Y := S_Short (Bam.Height) / 2;

    end Configure_Tiles;


    procedure Draw_Image (Image : X_Image;  
                          X     : S_Short;  
                          Y     : S_Short) is
-- Do an XPutImage on the image.
        X_Put_Image (Dpy, Board.Drawable, Normal_Gc, Image,  
                     0, 0, X, Y, Image.Width, Image.Height);  
    end Draw_Image;


    procedure Draw_Blank (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is
-- Draw an empty tile; our caller will fill it in with little images.
        X_Fill_Rectangle (Dpy, Board.Drawable, Reverse_Gc, X,  
                          Y, Spring.Width, Spring.Height);  
    end Draw_Blank;


    procedure Draw_Number (Image : X_Image; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is
-- Called to draw the number in the upper right corner of a numbered tile.
        X_Put_Image (Dpy, Board.Drawable, Xor_Gc, Image, 0, 0, X + Number_X,  
                     Y + Number_Y, Image.Width, Image.Height);  
    end Draw_Number;


    procedure Draw_Spring (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Spring, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Spring;

    procedure Draw_Summer (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Summer, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Summer;

    procedure Draw_Fall (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Fall, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Fall;

    procedure Draw_Winter (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Winter, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Winter;


    procedure Draw_Bamboo (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Bamboo, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Bamboo;

    procedure Draw_Mum (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Mum, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Mum;

    procedure Draw_Orchid (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Orchid, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Orchid;

    procedure Draw_Plum (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Plum, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Plum;


    procedure Draw_Gdragon (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Gdragon, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Gdragon;

    procedure Draw_Rdragon (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Rdragon, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Rdragon;

    procedure Draw_Wdragon (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Wdragon, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Wdragon;


    procedure Draw_East (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (East, X, Y);  
    end Draw_East;

    procedure Draw_West (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (West, X, Y);  
    end Draw_West;

    procedure Draw_North (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (North, X, Y);  
    end Draw_North;

    procedure Draw_South (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (South, X, Y);  
    end Draw_South;


    procedure Draw_Bam1 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  
        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X11, By + Tile_Y11);

        Draw_Number (One, X, Y);

    end Draw_Bam1;

    procedure Draw_Bam2 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  
        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X11, By + Tile_Y21);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X11, By + Tile_Y22);

        Draw_Number (Two, X, Y);

    end Draw_Bam2;

    procedure Draw_Bam3 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  
        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X11, By + Tile_Y21);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y22);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y22);

        Draw_Number (Three, X, Y);

    end Draw_Bam3;

    procedure Draw_Bam4 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  
        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y21);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y21);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y22);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y22);

        Draw_Number (Four, X, Y);

    end Draw_Bam4;

    procedure Draw_Bam5 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  
        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X11, By + Tile_Y31);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y32);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y32);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y33);

        Draw_Number (Five, X, Y);

    end Draw_Bam5;

    procedure Draw_Bam6 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  
        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y31);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y31);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y32);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y32);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y33);

        Draw_Number (Six, X, Y);

    end Draw_Bam6;

    procedure Draw_Bam7 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  
        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y31);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y31);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y32);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y32);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X31, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X32, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X33, By + Tile_Y33);

        Draw_Number (Seven, X, Y);

    end Draw_Bam7;

    procedure Draw_Bam8 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  
        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y31);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y31);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X31, By + Tile_Y32);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X32, By + Tile_Y32);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X33, By + Tile_Y32);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X31, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X32, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X33, By + Tile_Y33);

        Draw_Number (Eight, X, Y);

    end Draw_Bam8;

    procedure Draw_Bam9 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  
        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X31, By + Tile_Y31);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X32, By + Tile_Y31);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X33, By + Tile_Y31);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X31, By + Tile_Y32);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X32, By + Tile_Y32);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X33, By + Tile_Y32);

        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X31, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X32, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Bam, Bx + Tile_X33, By + Tile_Y33);

        Draw_Number (Nine, X, Y);

    end Draw_Bam9;


    procedure Draw_Dot1 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  

        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X11, By + Tile_Y11);

        Draw_Number (One, X, Y);

    end Draw_Dot1;

    procedure Draw_Dot2 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  

        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X11, By + Tile_Y21);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X11, By + Tile_Y22);

        Draw_Number (Two, X, Y);

    end Draw_Dot2;

    procedure Draw_Dot3 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  

        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X11, By + Tile_Y21);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y22);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y22);

        Draw_Number (Three, X, Y);

    end Draw_Dot3;

    procedure Draw_Dot4 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  

        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y21);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y21);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y22);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y22);

        Draw_Number (Four, X, Y);

    end Draw_Dot4;

    procedure Draw_Dot5 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  

        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X11, By + Tile_Y31);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y32);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y32);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y33);

        Draw_Number (Five, X, Y);

    end Draw_Dot5;

    procedure Draw_Dot6 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  

        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y31);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y31);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y32);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y32);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y33);

        Draw_Number (Six, X, Y);

    end Draw_Dot6;

    procedure Draw_Dot7 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  

        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y31);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y31);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y32);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y32);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X31, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X32, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X33, By + Tile_Y33);

        Draw_Number (Seven, X, Y);

    end Draw_Dot7;

    procedure Draw_Dot8 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  

        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X21, By + Tile_Y31);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X22, By + Tile_Y31);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X31, By + Tile_Y32);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X32, By + Tile_Y32);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X33, By + Tile_Y32);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X31, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X32, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X33, By + Tile_Y33);

        Draw_Number (Eight, X, Y);

    end Draw_Dot8;

    procedure Draw_Dot9 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Bx : S_Short := X - Subtile_X;  
        By : S_Short := Y - Subtile_Y;  

        Draw_Blank (X, Y);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X31, By + Tile_Y31);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X32, By + Tile_Y31);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X33, By + Tile_Y31);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X31, By + Tile_Y32);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X32, By + Tile_Y32);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X33, By + Tile_Y32);

        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X31, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X32, By + Tile_Y33);  
        Draw_Image (Dot, Bx + Tile_X33, By + Tile_Y33);

        Draw_Number (Nine, X, Y);

    end Draw_Dot9;


    procedure Draw_Crak1 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Crak, X, Y);  
        Draw_Number (One, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Crak1;

    procedure Draw_Crak2 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Crak, X, Y);  
        Draw_Number (Two, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Crak2;

    procedure Draw_Crak3 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Crak, X, Y);  
        Draw_Number (Three, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Crak3;

    procedure Draw_Crak4 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Crak, X, Y);  
        Draw_Number (Four, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Crak4;

    procedure Draw_Crak5 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Crak, X, Y);  
        Draw_Number (Five, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Crak5;

    procedure Draw_Crak6 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Crak, X, Y);  
        Draw_Number (Six, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Crak6;

    procedure Draw_Crak7 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Crak, X, Y);  
        Draw_Number (Seven, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Crak7;

    procedure Draw_Crak8 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Crak, X, Y);  
        Draw_Number (Eight, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Crak8;

    procedure Draw_Crak9 (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is  
        Draw_Image (Crak, X, Y);  
        Draw_Number (Nine, X, Y);  
    end Draw_Crak9;

end Tile;