DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 10008 (0x2718) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2 └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« └─⟦f794ecd1d⟧ └─⟦24d1ddd49⟧ └─⟦this⟧
separate (Shared_Code_Generic_Support) package body Debug is pragma Suppress_All; function Hex_Image (Dat : Data) return String is pragma Routine_Number (N => Runtime_Ids.Internal); Hex : constant String (1 .. 16) := "0123456789ABCDEF"; Result : String (1 .. 2 * Dat'Length); N : Standard.Natural := Result'Last; begin for I in reverse Dat'Range loop Result (N) := Hex (Standard.Integer (Dat (I)) mod 16 + 1); N := N - 1; Result (N) := Hex (Standard.Integer (Dat (I)) / 16 + 1); N := N - 1; end loop; return Result; end Hex_Image; function Hex_Image (Exp : Expression) return String is pragma Routine_Number (N => Runtime_Ids.Internal); begin return Address_Image (System.Address (Exp)); end Hex_Image; function Indirect_Hex_Image (Address : System.Address; Length : Natural) return String is pragma Routine_Number (N => Runtime_Ids.Internal); package Data_Subtype is new Establish_Data_Subtype (Length); Dat : Data_Subtype.Actual_Data renames Data_Subtype.Cnvt (Address).all; begin return Hex_Image (Dat); end Indirect_Hex_Image; function Indirect_String_Image (Address : System.Address; Length : Natural) return String is pragma Routine_Number (N => Runtime_Ids.Internal); package Data_Subtype is new Establish_Data_Subtype (Length); Dat : Data_Subtype.Actual_Data renames Data_Subtype.Cnvt (Address).all; Result : String (Standard.Integer (Dat'First) .. Standard.Integer (Dat'Last)); begin for I in Dat'Range loop -- The following assumes that the representation of -- a character is a byte with the high order bit 0, -- and the rest of them the 'Pos of the character Result (Standard.Integer (I)) := Character'Val (Dat (I)); end loop; return Result; end Indirect_String_Image; function Address_Image (Address : System.Address) return String is pragma Routine_Number (N => Runtime_Ids.Internal); package Data_Subtype is new Establish_Data_Subtype (4); --[] Needed due to a middle pass bug. When middle pass is fixed, -- change to: -- package Data_Subtype is new Establish_Data_Subtype -- (Target.Bytes_Per_Address); function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System.Address, Target => Data_Subtype.Actual_Data); -- To convert a System.Address to point to Actual_Data Dat : constant Data_Subtype.Actual_Data := Cnvt (Address); begin return Hex_Image (Dat); end Address_Image; function Expression_Image (Type_Desc : Type_Descriptor; Exp : Expression; Exp_Kind : Expression_Kind) return String is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal); type String_Node (Length : Standard.Positive); type String_Node_Ref is access String_Node; type String_Node (Length : Standard.Positive) is record Text : String (1 .. Length); Next : String_Node_Ref; end record; First_Node : String_Node_Ref := null; Last_Node : String_Node_Ref := null; Total_Length : Standard.Natural := 0; procedure Put (S : String) is pragma Routine_Number (N => Runtime_Ids.Internal); subtype Slider is String (1 .. S'Length); Node : String_Node_Ref; begin Total_Length := Total_Length + S'Length; Node := new String_Node'(Length => S'Length, Text => Slider (S), Next => null); if First_Node = null then First_Node := Node; else Last_Node.Next := Node; end if; Last_Node := Node; end Put; procedure Put_Line (S : String) is pragma Routine_Number (N => Runtime_Ids.Internal); begin Put (S & Ascii.Lf); end Put_Line; function Some_Bytes (Address : System.Address) return String is pragma Routine_Number (N => Runtime_Ids.Internal); begin if Address = System.Address_Zero then return "null"; else return Indirect_Hex_Image (Address, 4) & "..."; end if; end Some_Bytes; procedure Data_Op (Exp_Data : in out Data) is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal); begin Put_Line (Hex_Image (Exp_Data)); end Data_Op; procedure Value_Op (Exp_1 : Expression) is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal); begin Put_Line (Indirect_Hex_Image (Get_Scalar_Data_Address (Exp_1'Address, Type_Desc.Size), Type_Desc.Size)); end Value_Op; procedure Unconstrained_Array_Op (Exp_Dope : Dope_Vector; Exp_Data : in out Data) is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal); begin Put (Integer'Image (Exp_Dope (1).First) & " .." & Integer'Image (Exp_Dope (1).Last) & ", "); Put_Line (Hex_Image (Exp_Data)); end Unconstrained_Array_Op; procedure Unconstrained_Record_Op (Exp_Constrained : Boolean; Exp_Data : in out Data) is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal); begin if Exp_Constrained then Put ("Constrained, "); else Put ("Unconstrained, "); end if; Put_Line (Hex_Image (Exp_Data)); end Unconstrained_Record_Op; procedure Dispatch is new Unary_Dispatch (Value_Op, Data_Op, Unconstrained_Array_Op, Unconstrained_Record_Op, Get_Value_Size); -- Puts out the expression without interpreting its Data_Kind. -- This does the following depending on the Data_Kind: -- Undefined : ??? -- ??? -- -- Value : -- Nothing -- -- Data_Ptr: -- <Exp contents in hex> --> few bytes of data in hex -- -- Dv_Data_Ptr: -- <Exp contents in hex> --> few bytes of (dv,data) in hex -- -- Unconstrained_Array_Desc_Ptr : -- <Exp contents in hex> --> --- <Uncons_Desc_Word_1 in hex> --> few bytes of data in hex -- <Uncons_Desc_Word_2 in hex> --> few bytes of dope in hex -- -- Unconstrained_Record_Desc_Ptr : -- <Exp contents in hex> --> --- <Uncons_Desc_Word_1 in hex> --> few bytes of data in hex -- <Uncons_Desc_Word_2 in hex> -- procedure Put_Uninterpreted is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal); begin case Data_Kind_Of (Type_Desc.Type_Kind, Exp_Kind) is when Undefined => Put_Line ("???"); when Value => null; when Data_Ptr => Put_Line (Hex_Image (Exp) & " --> " & Some_Bytes (System.Address (Exp))); when Dv_Data_Ptr => Put_Line (Hex_Image (Exp) & " --> " & Some_Bytes (System.Address (Exp))); when Unconstrained_Array_Desc_Ptr => Put_Line (Hex_Image (Exp) & " --> "); Put_Line (" " & Address_Image (Cnvt (Exp).Data) & " --> " & Some_Bytes (Cnvt (Exp).Data)); Put_Line (" " & Address_Image (Cnvt (Exp).Constraint) & " --> " & Some_Bytes (Cnvt (Exp).Constraint)); when Unconstrained_Record_Desc_Ptr => Put_Line (Hex_Image (Exp) & " --> "); Put_Line (" " & Address_Image (Cnvt (Exp).Data) & " --> " & Some_Bytes (Cnvt (Exp).Data)); Put_Line (" " & Address_Image (Cnvt (Exp).Constraint)); end case; end Put_Uninterpreted; function Get_Text return String is pragma Routine_Number (N => Runtime_Ids.Internal); Text : String (1 .. Total_Length); Last : Standard.Natural := 0; Node : String_Node_Ref; begin Node := First_Node; while Node /= null loop Text (Last + 1 .. Last + Node.Length) := Node.Text; Last := Last + Node.Length; Node := Node.Next; end loop; return Text; end Get_Text; begin Put_Line (Expression_Kind'Image (Exp_Kind) & ": "); -- Put out the uninterpreted expression Put_Uninterpreted; -- Put out the interpreted expression Dispatch (Type_Desc, Exp, Exp_Kind); return Get_Text; end Expression_Image; end Debug; pragma Runtime_Unit (Unit_Number => Runtime_Ids.Runtime_Compunit, Elab_Routine_Number => Runtime_Ids.Internal);