DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 15190 (0x3b56) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with System; with Text_Io; with Unchecked_Conversion; with Mac_Types; use Mac_Types; with Quickdraw; use Quickdraw; with Desk, Dialogs, Dtia_Server, Events, Fonts, Memory, Menus, Osutils, Resources, Segload, Toolutils, Textedit, Traps, Windows; procedure Dtia is Ksysenvironsversion : constant := 1; Kosevent : constant := Events.App4evt; Ksuspendresumemessage : constant := 1; Kresumemask : constant := 1; Kminheap : constant := 256 * 1024; Kminspace : constant := 16 * 1024; Kextremeneg : constant := -32768; Kextremepos : constant := 32767 - 1; Rmenubar : constant := 128; Raboutalert : constant := 128; Ruseralert : constant := 129; Rwindow : constant := 128; Mapple : constant := 128; Iabout : constant := 1; Mfile : constant := 129; Inew : constant := 1; Iclose : constant := 4; Iquit : constant := 12; Medit : constant := 130; Iundo : constant := 1; Icut : constant := 3; Icopy : constant := 4; Ipaste : constant := 5; Iclear : constant := 6; type Rectptr is access Rect; type Recthnd is access Rectptr; Gmac : Osutils.Sysenvrec; Ghaswaitnextevent : Boolean; Ginbackground : Boolean; function Windowptr_To_Peek is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Windowptr, Target => Windows.Windowpeek); function Windowptr_To_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Windowptr, Target => Ptr); function Windowptr_To_Grafptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Windowptr, Target => Grafptr); function Longint_To_Windowptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Longint, Target => Windowptr); function Handle_To_Recthnd is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Handle, Target => Recthnd); function Address_To_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System.Address, Target => Ptr); function Address_To_Varwindowptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System.Address, Target => Varwindowptr); function Ptr_To_Longint is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Ptr, Target => Longint); function Ptr_To_Windowptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Ptr, Target => Windowptr); function Thz_To_Longint is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Memory.Thz, Target => Longint); function Array_To_Restype is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Restypearray, Target => Restype); function Array_To_Ostype is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Ostypearray, Target => Ostype); function Trapavailable (Tnumber : Mac_Types.Integer; Ttype : Osutils.Traptype) return Boolean is begin return Osutils.Ngettrapaddress (Tnumber, Ttype) /= Osutils.Gettrapaddress (Mac_Types.Integer (Traps.Unimplemented)); end Trapavailable; procedure Alertuser is Itemhit : Mac_Types.Integer; begin Setcursor (Qd.Arrow); Itemhit := Dialogs.Alert (Ruseralert, null); Segload.Exittoshell; end Alertuser; procedure Initialize is Menubar : Handle; Window : Windowptr; Ignoreerror : Oserr; Total, Contig : Longint; Ignoreresult : Boolean; Event : Events.Eventrecord; Count : Mac_Types.Integer; begin Ghaswaitnextevent := Trapavailable (Mac_Types.Integer (Traps.Waitnextevent), Osutils.Tooltrap); Ginbackground := False; Quickdraw.Initgraf (Address_To_Ptr (Qd.Theport'Address)); Fonts.Initfonts; Windows.Initwindows; Menus.Initmenus; Textedit.Teinit; Dialogs.Initdialogs (null); Quickdraw.Initcursor; for Count in 1 .. 3 loop Ignoreresult := Events.Getnextevent (Events.Everyevent, Event); end loop; Ignoreerror := Osutils.Sysenvirons (Ksysenvironsversion, Gmac); if Gmac.Machinetype < 0 then Alertuser; end if; if Ptr_To_Longint (Memory.Getappllimit) - Thz_To_Longint (Memory.Appliczone) < Kminheap then Alertuser; end if; Memory.Purgespace (Total, Contig); if Total < Kminspace then Alertuser; end if; Window := Ptr_To_Windowptr (Memory.Newptr (Windows.Windowrecord'Size / 8)); if Window = null then Alertuser; end if; Window := Windows.Getnewwindow (Rwindow, Windowptr_To_Ptr (Window), Longint_To_Windowptr (-1)); Menubar := Menus.Getnewmbar (Rmenubar); if Menubar = null then Alertuser; end if; Menus.Setmenubar (Menubar); Memory.Disposhandle (Menubar); Menus.Addresmenu (Menus.Getmhandle (Mapple), Array_To_Restype (('D', 'R', 'V', 'R'))); Menus.Drawmenubar; end Initialize; function Isdawindow (Window : Windowptr) return Boolean is begin if Window = null then return False; else return Windowptr_To_Peek (Window).Windowkind < 0; end if; end Isdawindow; function Isappwindow (Window : Windowptr) return Boolean is begin if Window = null then return False; else return (Windowptr_To_Peek (Window).Windowkind >= Windows.Userkind) or (Windowptr_To_Peek (Window).Windowkind = Windows.Dialogkind); end if; end Isappwindow; function Doclosewindow (Window : Windowptr) return Boolean is begin if Isdawindow (Window) then Desk.Closedeskacc (Windowptr_To_Peek (Window).Windowkind); end if; if Isappwindow (Window) then Windows.Closewindow (Window); end if; return True; end Doclosewindow; procedure Macterminate is Awindow : Windowptr; Closed : Boolean; begin Closed := True; loop Awindow := Windows.Frontwindow; if Awindow /= null then Closed := Doclosewindow (Awindow); end if; exit when (not Closed) or (Awindow = null); end loop; if Closed then Segload.Exittoshell; end if; end Macterminate; procedure Adjustmenus is Window : Windowptr; Menu : Menus.Menuhandle; begin Window := Windows.Frontwindow; Menu := Menus.Getmhandle (Mfile); if Isdawindow (Window) then Menus.Enableitem (Menu, Iclose); else Menus.Disableitem (Menu, Iclose); end if; Menu := Menus.Getmhandle (Medit); if Isdawindow (Window) then Menus.Enableitem (Menu, Iundo); Menus.Enableitem (Menu, Icut); Menus.Enableitem (Menu, Icopy); Menus.Enableitem (Menu, Ipaste); Menus.Enableitem (Menu, Iclear); else Menus.Disableitem (Menu, Iundo); Menus.Disableitem (Menu, Icut); Menus.Disableitem (Menu, Icopy); Menus.Disableitem (Menu, Iclear); Menus.Disableitem (Menu, Ipaste); end if; end Adjustmenus; procedure Domenucommand (Menuresult : Longint) is Menuid : Mac_Types.Integer; Menuitem : Mac_Types.Integer; Itemhit : Mac_Types.Integer; Daname : Str255; Darefnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Handledbyda : Boolean; Ignore : Boolean; begin Menuid := Toolutils.Hiword (Menuresult); Menuitem := Toolutils.Loword (Menuresult); case Menuid is when Mapple => case Menuitem is when Iabout => Itemhit := Dialogs.Alert (Raboutalert, null); when others => Menus.Getitem (Menus.Getmhandle (Mapple), Menuitem, Daname); Darefnum := Desk.Opendeskacc (Daname); end case; when Mfile => case Menuitem is when Iclose => Ignore := Doclosewindow (Windows.Frontwindow); when Iquit => Macterminate; when others => null; end case; when Medit => Handledbyda := Desk.Systemedit (Menuitem - 1); when others => null; end case; Menus.Hilitemenu (0); end Domenucommand; procedure Drawwindow (Window : Windowptr) is begin Setport (Windowptr_To_Grafptr (Window)); Eraserect (Window.Portrect); Forecolor (Blackcolor); Forecolor (Blackcolor); end Drawwindow; procedure Docontentclick (Window : Windowptr; Event : Events.Eventrecord) is begin null; end Docontentclick; procedure Doupdate (Window : Windowptr) is begin if Isappwindow (Window) then Windows.Beginupdate (Window); if not Emptyrgn (Window.Visrgn) then Drawwindow (Window); end if; Windows.Endupdate (Window); end if; end Doupdate; procedure Doactivate (Window : Windowptr; Becomingactive : Boolean) is begin if Isappwindow (Window) then if Becomingactive then null; --do whatever you need to at activation else null; --do whatever you need to at deactivation end if; end if; end Doactivate; procedure Adjustcursor (Mouse : Point; Region : Rgnhandle) is Window : Windowptr; Arrowrgn : Rgnhandle; Plusrgn : Rgnhandle; Globalportrect : Rect; begin Window := Windows.Frontwindow; if (not Ginbackground) and (not Isdawindow (Window)) then Arrowrgn := Newrgn; Plusrgn := Newrgn; Setrectrgn (Arrowrgn, Kextremeneg, Kextremeneg, Kextremepos, Kextremepos); if Isappwindow (Window) then Setport (Windowptr_To_Grafptr (Window)); Setorigin (-Window.Portbits.Bounds.Left, -Window.Portbits.Bounds.Top); Globalportrect := Window.Portrect; Rectrgn (Plusrgn, Globalportrect); Sectrgn (Plusrgn, Window.Visrgn, Plusrgn); Setorigin (0, 0); end if; Diffrgn (Arrowrgn, Plusrgn, Arrowrgn); if Ptinrgn (Mouse, Plusrgn) then Setcursor (Toolutils.Getcursor (Toolutils.Pluscursor).all.all); Copyrgn (Plusrgn, Region); else Setcursor (Qd.Arrow); Copyrgn (Arrowrgn, Region); end if; Disposergn (Arrowrgn); Disposergn (Plusrgn); end if; end Adjustcursor; procedure Doevent (Event : Events.Eventrecord) is Part : Mac_Types.Integer; Window : Windowptr; Hit : Boolean; Key : Char; begin case Event.What is when Events.Mousedown => Part := Windows.Findwindow (Event.Where, Address_To_Varwindowptr (Window'Address)); case Part is when Windows.Inmenubar => Adjustmenus; Domenucommand (Menus.Menuselect (Event.Where)); when Windows.Insyswindow => Desk.Systemclick (Event, Window); when Windows.Incontent => if Window /= Windows.Frontwindow then Windows.Selectwindow (Window); --DoEvent(event); else Docontentclick (Window, Event); end if; when Windows.Indrag => Windows.Dragwindow (Window, Event.Where, Qd.Screenbits.Bounds); when Windows.Ingrow => null; when Windows.Inzoomin | Windows.Inzoomout => null; when others => null; end case; when Events.Keydown | Events.Autokey => Key := Char'Val (Toolutils.Bitand (Event.Message, Events.Charcodemask)); if Toolutils.Bitand (Longint (Event.Modifiers), Events.Cmdkey) /= 0 then if Event.What = Events.Keydown then Adjustmenus; Domenucommand (Menus.Menukey (Charword (Char'Pos (Key)))); end if; end if; when Events.Activateevt => Doactivate (Longint_To_Windowptr (Event.Message), Toolutils.Bitand (Mac_Types.Longint (Event.Modifiers), Events.Activeflag) /= 0); when Events.Updateevt => Doupdate (Longint_To_Windowptr (Event.Message)); when Kosevent => case Toolutils.Bitand (Toolutils.Bitshift (Event.Message, 8), 255) is when Ksuspendresumemessage => Ginbackground := Toolutils.Bitand (Event.Message, Kresumemask) = 0; Doactivate (Windows.Frontwindow, not Ginbackground); when others => null; end case; when others => null; end case; end Doevent; procedure Eventloop is Cursorrgn : Rgnhandle; Gotevent : Boolean; Event : Events.Eventrecord; begin Dtia_Server.Launch_Server; Cursorrgn := Newrgn; loop -- forever, or at least until SegLoad.ExitToShell delay 0.1; if Ghaswaitnextevent then Adjustcursor (Event.Where, Cursorrgn); Gotevent := Events.Waitnextevent (Events.Everyevent, Event, 30, Cursorrgn); else Desk.Systemtask; Gotevent := Events.Getnextevent (Events.Everyevent, Event); end if; if Gotevent then Adjustcursor (Event.Where, Cursorrgn); Doevent (Event); end if; end loop; end Eventloop; begin -- dtia Memory.Maxapplzone; Initialize; Eventloop; end Dtia;