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Length: 26400 (0x6720) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00 └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« └─⟦1abbe589f⟧ └─⟦306851c02⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Calendar; with Text_Io; with Unchecked_Deallocation; with Ran1_Package; use Ran1_Package; with Trig; use Trig; with Xlbt_Arithmetic; use Xlbt_Arithmetic; with Xlbt_Basic; use Xlbt_Basic; with Xlbt_Color; use Xlbt_Color; with Xlbt_Event; use Xlbt_Event; with Xlbt_Event2; use Xlbt_Event2; with Xlbt_Hint; use Xlbt_Hint; with Xlbt_Gc; use Xlbt_Gc; with Xlbt_Geometry; use Xlbt_Geometry; with Xlbt_Misc; use Xlbt_Misc; with Xlbt_Pointer; use Xlbt_Pointer; with Xlbt_String; use Xlbt_String; with Xlbt_Visual; use Xlbt_Visual; with Xlbt_Window; use Xlbt_Window; with Xlbp_Atom; use Xlbp_Atom; with Xlbp_Color; use Xlbp_Color; with Xlbp_Display; use Xlbp_Display; with Xlbp_Event; use Xlbp_Event; with Xlbp_Gc; use Xlbp_Gc; with Xlbp_Geometry; use Xlbp_Geometry; with Xlbp_Graphics; use Xlbp_Graphics; with Xlbp_Hint; use Xlbp_Hint; with Xlbp_Key; use Xlbp_Key; with Xlbp_Sync; use Xlbp_Sync; with Xlbp_Visual; use Xlbp_Visual; with Xlbp_Window; use Xlbp_Window; with Xlbmp_Environment; use Xlbmp_Environment; package body Worm_Main is -- -- worm.c: draw wiggly worms. -- -- Adapted from a concept in the Dec 87 issue of Scientific American. -- Makes a nice lockscreen via "lockscreen nice worm". -- -- compile: cc worm.c -o worm -lm -lsuntool -lsunwindow -lpixrect -- -- usage: worm [-l length] [-s size] [-n number] -- where "length" is length of each worm in segments (default 50) -- "size" is size of each segment (default 2) -- "number" is number of worms to draw (default 64) -- -- This program looks best on a color monitor. Try these options: -- worm -n 1 Just one really fast worm -- worm -l 2 Paramecia -- worm -s 500 Mondrian painting (actually enormous worms) -- worm -l -1 Jackson Pollack painting (actually infinite length worms) -- -- -- Thu Dec 17 09:58:48 PST 1987 -- -- Brad Taylor (brad@sun) -- -- hacked to use X11 by Dave Lemke (lemke@sun.com) -- Wed Dec 23 09:57:32 PST 1987 -- -- additional options: -- -S -R -C [-g geometry] [-d display] -- -- -S screen saver mode - covers screen -- -R rotate colormap while running -- -C chromocolor worms - colors change as they crawl -- *********************************************************** -- Copyright 1988 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Mountain View, CA. -- -- All Rights Reserved -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the names of Sun or MIT not be -- used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the -- software without specific prior written permission. Sun and M.I.T. -- make no representations about the suitability of this software for -- any purpose. It is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. -- -- SUN DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING -- ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SUN BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT -- OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS -- OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE -- OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE -- OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -- ********************************************************** Num_Colors : constant := 256; Min_Colors : constant := 16; Segments : constant := 36; Pi : constant := 3.14159265358979323844; Ran_Data : Ran1_Data; type Worm_Stuff_Rec is record X_Circ : S_Long_List; Y_Circ : S_Long_List; Dir : S_Long; Tail : S_Long; X : S_Long; Y : S_Long; end record; type Worm_Stuff is access Worm_Stuff_Rec; type Worm_Stuff_Array is array (S_Natural range <>) of Worm_Stuff; type Worm_Stuff_List is access Worm_Stuff_Array; procedure Free_Worm_Stuff is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Worm_Stuff_Rec, Worm_Stuff); function Worm_Init (Xsize : S_Long; Ysize : S_Long; Worm_Length : S_Long) return Worm_Stuff; Worm_Length : S_Long := 50; Circ_Size : S_Long := 2; Nworms : S_Long := 64; Sin_Tab : S_Long_Array (0 .. Segments - 1); Cos_Tab : S_Long_Array (0 .. Segments - 1); Ncolors : S_Long; Xwmh : X_Wm_Hints := ((Input_Hint | State_Hint => True, others => False), True, Normal_State, None_X_Pixmap, None_X_Window, 0, 0, None_X_Pixmap, None_X_Window); Dpy : X_Display; W : X_Window; Screen : X_Screen_Number; Gc : X_Gc; Wgc : X_Gc; Cmap : X_Colormap; Is_Color : Boolean := True; Is_Dynamic : Boolean := False; Screen_Saver : Boolean := False; Rotate : Boolean := False; Chromo_Color : Boolean := False; Colors : X_Color_Array (0 .. Num_Colors - 1); Worm : Worm_Stuff_List; Def_Geo : constant X_String := "500x500+10+10"; Visual : X_Visual; Depth : U_Char := 1; Backpixel : X_Pixel; Protocol_Atom : X_Atom; Kill_Atom : X_Atom; --\f function Ran2 return S_Long is I : S_Long; F : Float; begin F := Ran1 (Ran_Data); if Float'Mantissa < 32 then I := S_Long ((2.0 ** (Float'Mantissa - 1) - 1.0) * F); else I := S_Long (Float (S_Long'Last / 2) * F); end if; return I; if Float'Mantissa < 32 then return S_Long ((2.0 ** (Float'Mantissa - 1) - 1.0) * Ran1 (Ran_Data)); else return S_Long (Float (S_Long'Last / 2) * Ran1 (Ran_Data)); end if; end Ran2; --\f procedure Do_Rotate_Colors is Temp : X_Pixel; begin Temp := Colors (1).Pixel; -- start at 1 - don't want the black for I in 1 .. Ncolors - 2 loop Colors (I).Pixel := Colors (I + 1).Pixel; end loop; Colors (Ncolors - 1).Pixel := Temp; X_Store_Colors (Dpy, Cmap, Colors); end Do_Rotate_Colors; --\f function Worm_Init (Xsize : S_Long; Ysize : S_Long; Worm_Length : S_Long) return Worm_Stuff is Ws : Worm_Stuff := new Worm_Stuff_Rec; begin if Worm_Length > 0 then Ws.X_Circ := new S_Long_Array (0 .. Worm_Length - 1); Ws.Y_Circ := new S_Long_Array (0 .. Worm_Length - 1); for I in Ws.X_Circ'Range loop Ws.X_Circ (I) := Xsize / 2; Ws.Y_Circ (I) := Ysize / 2; end loop; end if; Ws.Dir := Ran2 rem Segments; Ws.Tail := 0; Ws.X := Xsize / 2; Ws.Y := Ysize / 2; return Ws; end Worm_Init; --\f procedure Draw_Seg (X : S_Long; Y : S_Long; C : X_Pixel) is begin X_Set_Foreground (Dpy, Gc, C); X_Fill_Rectangle (Dpy, W.Drawable, Gc, S_Short (X), S_Short (Y), U_Short (Circ_Size), U_Short (Circ_Size)); end Draw_Seg; --\f procedure Worm_Doit (Ws : Worm_Stuff; Xsize : S_Long; Ysize : S_Long; Color : X_Pixel) is X : S_Long; Y : S_Long; begin if Worm_Length > 0 then Ws.Tail := (Ws.Tail + 1) rem Worm_Length; X := Ws.X_Circ (Ws.Tail); Y := Ws.Y_Circ (Ws.Tail); X_Clear_Area (Dpy, W, S_Short (X), S_Short (Y), U_Short (Circ_Size), U_Short (Circ_Size), False); end if; if Ran2 rem 2 /= 0 then Ws.Dir := (Ws.Dir + 1) rem Segments; else Ws.Dir := (Ws.Dir + Segments - 1) rem Segments; end if; X := (Ws.X + Cos_Tab (Ws.Dir) + Xsize) rem Xsize; Y := (Ws.Y + Sin_Tab (Ws.Dir) + Ysize) rem Ysize; if Worm_Length > 0 then Ws.X_Circ (Ws.Tail) := X; Ws.Y_Circ (Ws.Tail) := Y; end if; if Is_Color then Draw_Seg (X, Y, Color); else X_Fill_Rectangle (Dpy, W.Drawable, Wgc, S_Short (X), S_Short (Y), U_Short (Circ_Size), U_Short (Circ_Size)); end if; Ws.X := X; Ws.Y := Y; end Worm_Doit; --\f function Floor (X : Float) return S_Long is I : S_Long := S_Long (X); begin if Float (I) > X then return I - 1; else return I; end if; end Floor; --\f procedure Hsb2_Rgb (Hp : Float; S : Float; I : Float; R : in out Float; G : in out Float; B : in out Float) is H : Float := Hp; F : Float; P : Float; Q : Float; T : Float; J : S_Long; begin if S = 0.0 then R := I; G := I; B := I; else H := H - Float (Floor (H)); -- remove anything over 1 H := H * 6.0; J := Floor (H); F := H - Float (J); P := I * (1.0 - S); Q := I * (1.0 - S * F); T := I * (1.0 - (S * (1.0 - F))); case J is when 0 => R := I; G := T; B := P; when 1 => R := Q; G := I; B := P; when 2 => R := P; G := I; B := T; when 3 => R := P; G := Q; B := I; when 4 => R := T; G := P; B := I; when 5 => R := I; G := P; B := Q; when others => raise Constraint_Error; end case; end if; end Hsb2_Rgb; --\f procedure Cmap_Init (Win : X_Window) is Pixels : X_Pixel_Array (0 .. Num_Colors - 1); Pmask : X_Plane_Mask_Array (1 .. 0); Vinfo : X_Visual_Info; Num_Vis : S_Long; Vmask : S_Long; Stat_Colors : X_Color_Array (0 .. Num_Colors - 1); Planes : U_Char; Status : X_Status; Defvalues : constant := 256; Defrandom : constant Boolean := False; -- use an random colormap - messy Hsb : constant Boolean := True; -- use an HSB colormap - makes colorwheel look neat begin Planes := X_Display_Planes (Dpy, Screen); -- see what kind of visual we're dealing with X_Match_Visual_Info (Dpy, Screen, Planes, Pseudo_Color, Vinfo, Status); if Status = Successful then goto Read_Write_Map; end if; X_Match_Visual_Info (Dpy, Screen, Planes, Grayscale, Vinfo, Status); if Status = Successful then goto Read_Write_Map; end if; X_Match_Visual_Info (Dpy, Screen, Planes, Direct_Color, Vinfo, Status); if Status = Successful then goto Read_Write_Map; else goto Read_Only_Map; end if; <<Read_Write_Map>> null; Visual := Vinfo.Visual; Depth := Vinfo.Depth; Cmap := X_Create_Colormap (Dpy, X_Root_Window (Dpy, Screen), Visual, Alloc_None); Ncolors := S_Long (Vinfo.Colormap_Size); -- grab as many color cells as we can for I in reverse Min_Colors .. Ncolors loop X_Alloc_Color_Cells (Dpy, Cmap, False, Pmask, Pixels (0 .. I - 1), Status); if Status = Successful then Ncolors := I; exit; end if; end loop; if Ncolors = Min_Colors then Text_Io.Put_Line ("Couldn't allocate even" & S_Long'Image (Min_Colors) & " colors - exiting"); raise Program_Error; end if; if Defrandom then -- make the black for background Backpixel := Pixels (0); Colors (0).Pixel := Pixels (0); Colors (0).Red := 0; Colors (0).Green := 0; Colors (0).Blue := 0; Colors (0).Flags := X_Color_Flags'(Do_Red | Do_Green | Do_Blue => True, others => False); for I in 1 .. Ncolors - 1 loop Colors (I).Pixel := Pixels (I); Colors (I).Red := U_Short (Ran2 rem Defvalues * 2 ** 8); Colors (I).Green := U_Short (Ran2 rem Defvalues * 2 ** 8); Colors (I).Blue := U_Short (Ran2 rem Defvalues * 2 ** 8); Colors (I).Flags := X_Color_Flags'(Do_Red | Do_Green | Do_Blue => True, others => False); end loop; X_Store_Colors (Dpy, Cmap, Colors); elsif Hsb then -- this colormap makes things look a lot nicer when worms goes -- into freeze mode. declare Hue : Float; Sat : Float; Bright : Float; R : Float; G : Float; B : Float; begin Sat := 0.9; Bright := 1.0; -- make the black for background Backpixel := Pixels (0); Colors (0).Pixel := Pixels (0); Colors (0).Red := 0; Colors (0).Green := 0; Colors (0).Blue := 0; Colors (0).Flags := X_Color_Flags'(Do_Red | Do_Green | Do_Blue => True, others => False); for I in 1 .. Ncolors - 1 loop Hue := Float (I) / Float (Ncolors); Hsb2_Rgb (Hue, Sat, Bright, R, G, B); Colors (I).Pixel := Pixels (I); Colors (I).Red := U_Short (S_Long (R * 255.0) * 2 ** 8); Colors (I).Green := U_Short (S_Long (G * 255.0) * 2 ** 8); Colors (I).Blue := U_Short (S_Long (B * 255.0) * 2 ** 8); Colors (I).Flags := X_Color_Flags'(Do_Red | Do_Green | Do_Blue => True, others => False); end loop; X_Store_Colors (Dpy, Cmap, Colors); end; else for I in Stat_Colors'Range loop Stat_Colors (I).Pixel := X_Pixel (I); end loop; X_Query_Colors (Dpy, X_Default_Colormap (Dpy, Screen), Stat_Colors); X_Store_Colors (Dpy, Cmap, Stat_Colors); Colors := Stat_Colors; end if; Is_Dynamic := True; return; <<Read_Only_Map>> null; Is_Dynamic := False; Visual := Vinfo.Visual; Depth := Vinfo.Depth; -- for a Static colormap, just make each worm a random pixel for I in Colors'Range loop Colors (I).Pixel := X_Pixel (Ran2); end loop; end Cmap_Init; --\f procedure Main (Display : X_String := ""; Geometry : X_String := ""; Length : S_Natural := 50; Size : S_Positive := 2; Number : S_Positive := 64; Screen_Saver : Boolean := False; Rotate_Colors : Boolean := False; Chromo_Colors : Boolean := False) is Disp : X_String_Pointer; Geo : X_String_Pointer; Xsize : S_Long := 500; Ysize : S_Long := 500; X : S_Long := 0; Y : S_Long := 0; Status : X_Status; Xsh : X_Size_Hints; Xwa : X_Window_Attributes; Vmask : X_New_Window_Attributes; Values : X_Set_Window_Attributes; Freeze : Boolean := False; Is_Visible : Boolean := False; Error : X_Error_String; Env : constant X_String := X_Display_Name (Display); E : X_Event; Wcolor : S_Long; Chromo : S_Long := 0; -- chromo looks best with HSB begin Worm_Length := Length; Nworms := Number; Circ_Size := Size; Disp := new X_String'(Display); Geo := new X_String'(Geometry); Worm_Main.Screen_Saver := Screen_Saver; Rotate := Rotate_Colors; Chromo_Color := Chromo_Colors; for I in Sin_Tab'Range loop Sin_Tab (I) := S_Long (Float (Circ_Size) * Sin (Float (I) * 2.0 * Pi / Float (Sin_Tab'Length))); Cos_Tab (I) := S_Long (Float (Circ_Size) * Cos (Float (I) * 2.0 * Pi / Float (Sin_Tab'Length))); end loop; X_Open_Display (Env, Dpy, Error); if "=" (Dpy, None_X_Display) then Text_Io.Put_Line ("Cannot open display: " & To_String (Err (Error))); raise Program_Error; end if; Screen := X_Default_Screen (Dpy); Ncolors := Num_Colors; if Screen_Saver then Xsize := S_Long (X_Display_Width (Dpy, Screen)); Ysize := S_Long (X_Display_Height (Dpy, Screen)); X := 0; Y := 0; else declare Flags : X_Parse_Geometry_Flags; begin if Geo = null then Geo := new X_String'(Def_Geo); end if; X_Parse_Geometry (Geo.all, S_Short (X), S_Short (Y), U_Short (Xsize), U_Short (Ysize), Flags); if (Flags (X_Value) and then Flags (X_Negative)) then X := X + S_Long (X_Display_Width (Dpy, Screen)) - Xsize; end if; if Flags (Y_Value) and then Flags (Y_Negative) then Y := Y + S_Long (X_Display_Height (Dpy, Screen)) - Ysize; end if; end; end if; Visual := X_Default_Visual (Dpy, Screen); Depth := X_Default_Depth (Dpy, Screen); Cmap := X_Default_Colormap (Dpy, Screen); -- set up the color map if X_Display_Cells (Dpy, Screen) > 2 then Cmap_Init (W); else Is_Color := False; Backpixel := X_Black_Pixel (Dpy, Screen); end if; Vmask := X_New_Window_Attributes' (Cw_Background_Pixel | Cw_Colormap => True, others => False); Values.Background_Pixel := Backpixel; Values.Colormap := Cmap; W := X_Create_Window (Dpy, X_Root_Window (Dpy, Screen), S_Short (X), S_Short (Y), U_Short (Xsize), U_Short (Ysize), 0, Depth, Input_Output, Visual, Vmask, Values); Xsh.Flags := X_Size_Hints_Flags'(P_Position | P_Size => True, others => False); Xsh.X := X; Xsh.Y := Y; Xsh.Width := Xsize; Xsh.Height := Ysize; X_Set_Wm_Properties (Dpy, W, "Worms", "Worms", (1 .. 0 => None_X_String_Pointer), Xsh, Xwmh, None_X_Class_Hint, Status); Protocol_Atom := X_Intern_Atom (Dpy, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False); Kill_Atom := X_Intern_Atom (Dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); X_Set_Wm_Protocols (Dpy, W, (1 => Kill_Atom), Status); X_Map_Raised (Dpy, W); X_Select_Input (Dpy, W, (Exposure_Mask | Structure_Notify_Mask | -- #ifdef DUMB_WM -- Enter_Window_Mask or Leave_Window_Mask or -- #endif Button_Press_Mask | Key_Press_Mask | Visibility_Change_Mask => True, others => False)); Gc := X_Create_Gc (Dpy, W.Drawable, None_X_Gc_Components, None_X_Gc_Values); Wgc := X_Create_Gc (Dpy, W.Drawable, None_X_Gc_Components, None_X_Gc_Values); X_Set_Foreground (Dpy, Wgc, X_White_Pixel (Dpy, Screen)); Worm := new Worm_Stuff_Array (0 .. Nworms - 1); for I in Worm'Range loop Worm (I) := Worm_Init (Xsize, Ysize, Worm_Length); end loop; loop if X_Pending (Dpy) /= 0 or else Freeze or else not Is_Visible then X_Next_Event (Dpy, E); if E.Kind = Visibility_Notify then if E.Visibility.State = Visibility_Fully_Obscured then Is_Visible := False; else Is_Visible := True; end if; elsif E.Kind = Button_Press then if E.Button.Button = Button_2 then return; end if; elsif E.Kind = Key_Press then if not X_Is_Modifier_Key (X_Key_Code_To_Key_Sym (Dpy, E.Key.Key_Code, 0)) then Freeze := not Freeze; end if; elsif E.Kind = Configure_Notify then Xsize := S_Long (E.Configure.Width); Ysize := S_Long (E.Configure.Height); for I in Worm'Range loop Free_S_Long_List (Worm (I).X_Circ); Free_S_Long_List (Worm (I).Y_Circ); Free_Worm_Stuff (Worm (I)); Worm (I) := Worm_Init (Xsize, Ysize, Worm_Length); end loop; X_Clear_Window (Dpy, W); -- really want to remove all the pending graphics requests - can't figure out -- how... -- attempted to use GraphicsExposure, but it put so much crap into the -- queue that the configure was never found... X_Flush (Dpy); elsif E.Kind = Client_Message then if E.Client.Message_Type = Protocol_Atom and then X_Client_Message_S_Long (E.Client.Data, 0) = Kill_Atom.Number then return; end if; elsif E.Kind = Enter_Notify then X_Install_Colormap (Dpy, Cmap); elsif E.Kind = Leave_Notify then X_Uninstall_Colormap (Dpy, Cmap); -- since visibility notify doesn't allow for -- the totally obscured -> partially obscured -- case, we have to depend on exposure instead. elsif E.Kind = Expose then Is_Visible := True; end if; end if; if Rotate and then Is_Color and then Is_Dynamic then Do_Rotate_Colors; end if; for I in Worm'Range loop Wcolor := (((I * Ncolors) / Nworms) + Chromo) rem Ncolors; Worm_Doit (Worm (I), Xsize, Ysize, Colors (Wcolor).Pixel); end loop; -- note that there is a little jump in the worms -- if they are frozen and no rotation exists. -- doesn't seem to be possible to (easily) get away -- from this if Chromo_Color then if Chromo = S_Long'Last then Chromo := 0; else Chromo := Chromo + 1; end if; end if; end loop; end Main; --\f begin declare Clk : Calendar.Day_Duration := Calendar.Seconds (Calendar.Clock); I : Natural; begin I := Natural (Clk / Duration (100.0)); Clk := Calendar.Day_Duration (Clk - Duration (Duration (I) * Duration (100.00))); ----Clk is now in the 0..99.9999 range. Ran_Data := Ran1_Initialize (S_Natural (Clk * Duration (Natural'Last / 101))); end; end Worm_Main;