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Length: 84274 (0x14932) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00 └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« └─⟦1abbe589f⟧ └─⟦059497ac5⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Xlbt_Arithmetic; use Xlbt_Arithmetic; with Xlbt_Basic; use Xlbt_Basic; with Xlbt_Color; use Xlbt_Color; with Xlbt_Display2; use Xlbt_Display2; with Xlbt_Image; use Xlbt_Image; with Xlbt_Image2; use Xlbt_Image2; with Xlbt_Reply; use Xlbt_Reply; with Xlbt_Request; use Xlbt_Request; with Xlbt_String; use Xlbt_String; with Xlbt_Visual; use Xlbt_Visual; with Xlbp_Gc; use Xlbp_Gc; with Xlbp_Proc_Var; use Xlbp_Proc_Var; with Xlbip_Get_Reply; use Xlbip_Get_Reply; with Xlbip_Image_Internal; use Xlbip_Image_Internal; with Xlbip_Internal; use Xlbip_Internal; with Xlbip_Put_Request; use Xlbip_Put_Request; with Xlbmt_Network_Types; use Xlbmt_Network_Types; package body Xlbp_Image is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X Library Images -- -- Xlbp_Image - Used to create and manipulate images. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- Copyright 1987 - 1989 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass. -- Copyright 1987 - 1989 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, -- Cambridge, Massachusetts. -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital, MIT, or Rational -- not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of -- the software without specific, written prior permission. -- -- Digital, MIT, and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this -- software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, -- in no event shall Digital, MIT, or Rational be liable for any special, -- indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from -- loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence -- or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or -- performance of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The following table gives the bit ordering within bytes (when accessed -- sequentially) for a scanline containing 32 bits, with bits numbered 0 to -- 31, where bit 0 should be leftmost on the display. For a given byte -- labeled A-B, A is for the most significant bit of the byte, and B is -- for the least significant bit. -- -- legend: -- 1 scanline-unit = 8 -- 2 scanline-unit = 16 -- 4 scanline-unit = 32 -- M byte-order = MostSignificant -- L byte-order = LeastSignificant -- m bit-order = MostSignificant -- l bit-order = LeastSignificant -- -- -- format ordering -- -- 1Mm 00-07 08-15 16-23 24-31 -- 2Mm 00-07 08-15 16-23 24-31 -- 4Mm 00-07 08-15 16-23 24-31 -- 1Ml 07-00 15-08 23-16 31-24 -- 2Ml 15-08 07-00 31-24 23-16 -- 4Ml 31-24 23-16 15-08 07-00 -- 1Lm 00-07 08-15 16-23 24-31 -- 2Lm 08-15 00-07 24-31 16-23 -- 4Lm 24-31 16-23 08-15 00-07 -- 1Ll 07-00 15-08 23-16 31-24 -- 2Ll 07-00 15-08 23-16 31-24 -- 4Ll 07-00 15-08 23-16 31-24 -- -- -- The following table gives the required conversion between any two -- formats. It is based strictly on the table above. If you believe one, -- you should believe the other. -- -- legend: -- n no changes -- s reverse 8-bit units within 16-bit units -- l reverse 8-bit units within 32-bit units -- w reverse 16-bit units within 32-bit units -- R reverse bits within 8-bit units -- S s+R -- L l+R -- W w+R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type Swap_Function_Types is (Do_No_Swap, Do_Swap_Two_Bytes, Do_Swap_Four_Bytes, Do_Swap_Words, Do_Swap_Bits, Do_Swap_Bits_And_Two_Bytes, Do_Swap_Bits_And_Four_Bytes, Do_Swap_Bits_And_Words); Ln : constant Swap_Function_Types := Do_No_Swap; Ls : constant Swap_Function_Types := Do_Swap_Two_Bytes; Ll : constant Swap_Function_Types := Do_Swap_Four_Bytes; Lw : constant Swap_Function_Types := Do_Swap_Words; Br : constant Swap_Function_Types := Do_Swap_Bits; Bs : constant Swap_Function_Types := Do_Swap_Bits_And_Two_Bytes; Bl : constant Swap_Function_Types := Do_Swap_Bits_And_Four_Bytes; Bw : constant Swap_Function_Types := Do_Swap_Bits_And_Words; type Swap_Function_Array is array (S_Natural range 0 .. 11, S_Natural range 0 .. 11) of Swap_Function_Types; Swap_Function : constant Swap_Function_Array := ( -- 1Mm 2Mm 4Mm 1Ml 2Ml 4Ml 1Lm 2Lm 4Lm 1Ll 2Ll 4Ll (Ln, Ln, Ln, Br, Bs, Bl, Ln, Ls, Ll, Br, Br, Br), -- 1Mm (Ln, Ln, Ln, Br, Bs, Bl, Ln, Ls, Ll, Br, Br, Br), -- 2Mm (Ln, Ln, Ln, Br, Bs, Bl, Ln, Ls, Ll, Br, Br, Br), -- 4Mm (Br, Br, Br, Ln, Ls, Ll, Br, Bs, Bl, Ln, Ln, Ln), -- 1Ml (Bs, Bs, Bs, Ls, Ln, Lw, Bs, Br, Bw, Ls, Ll, Ls), -- 2Ml (Bl, Bl, Bl, Ll, Lw, Ln, Bl, Bw, Br, Ll, Ll, Ll), -- 4Ml (Ln, Ln, Ln, Br, Bs, Bl, Ln, Ls, Ll, Br, Br, Br), -- 1Lm (Ls, Ls, Ls, Bs, Br, Bw, Ls, Ln, Lw, Bs, Bs, Bs), -- 2Lm (Ll, Ll, Ll, Bl, Bw, Br, Ll, Lw, Ln, Bl, Bl, Bl), -- 4Lm (Br, Br, Br, Ln, Ls, Ll, Br, Bs, Bl, Ln, Ln, Ln), -- 1Ll (Br, Br, Br, Ln, Ls, Ll, Br, Bs, Bl, Ln, Ln, Ln), -- 2Ll (Br, Br, Br, Ln, Ls, Ll, Br, Bs, Bl, Ln, Ln, Ln) -- 4Ll ); -- -- Of course the table above is a lie. We also need to factor in the -- -- order of the source data to cope with swapping half of a unit at the -- -- end of a scanline, since we are trying to avoid de-ref'ing off the -- -- end of the source. -- -- -- -- Defines whether the first half of a unit has the first half of the data -- -- -- -- type X_Byte_Bit_Order_Array is -- array (S_Natural range 0 .. 11) of X_Byte_Bit_Order; -- -- Half_Order : constant X_Byte_Bit_Order_Array := -- (Lsb_First, -- 1Mm -- Lsb_First, -- 2Mm -- Lsb_First, -- 4Mm -- Lsb_First, -- 1Ml -- Msb_First, -- 2Ml -- Msb_First, -- 4Ml -- Lsb_First, -- 1Lm -- Msb_First, -- 2Lm -- Msb_First, -- 4Lm -- Lsb_First, -- 1Ll -- Lsb_First, -- 2Ll -- Lsb_First -- 4Ll -- ); Private_Reverse_Nibs : constant U_Char_Array (0 .. 16#FF#) := (16#00#, 16#10#, 16#20#, 16#30#, 16#40#, 16#50#, 16#60#, 16#70#, 16#80#, 16#90#, 16#A0#, 16#B0#, 16#C0#, 16#D0#, 16#E0#, 16#F0#, 16#01#, 16#11#, 16#21#, 16#31#, 16#41#, 16#51#, 16#61#, 16#71#, 16#81#, 16#91#, 16#A1#, 16#B1#, 16#C1#, 16#D1#, 16#E1#, 16#F1#, 16#02#, 16#12#, 16#22#, 16#32#, 16#42#, 16#52#, 16#62#, 16#72#, 16#82#, 16#92#, 16#A2#, 16#B2#, 16#C2#, 16#D2#, 16#E2#, 16#F2#, 16#03#, 16#13#, 16#23#, 16#33#, 16#43#, 16#53#, 16#63#, 16#73#, 16#83#, 16#93#, 16#A3#, 16#B3#, 16#C3#, 16#D3#, 16#E3#, 16#F3#, 16#04#, 16#14#, 16#24#, 16#34#, 16#44#, 16#54#, 16#64#, 16#74#, 16#84#, 16#94#, 16#A4#, 16#B4#, 16#C4#, 16#D4#, 16#E4#, 16#F4#, 16#05#, 16#15#, 16#25#, 16#35#, 16#45#, 16#55#, 16#65#, 16#75#, 16#85#, 16#95#, 16#A5#, 16#B5#, 16#C5#, 16#D5#, 16#E5#, 16#F5#, 16#06#, 16#16#, 16#26#, 16#36#, 16#46#, 16#56#, 16#66#, 16#76#, 16#86#, 16#96#, 16#A6#, 16#B6#, 16#C6#, 16#D6#, 16#E6#, 16#F6#, 16#07#, 16#17#, 16#27#, 16#37#, 16#47#, 16#57#, 16#67#, 16#77#, 16#87#, 16#97#, 16#A7#, 16#B7#, 16#C7#, 16#D7#, 16#E7#, 16#F7#, 16#08#, 16#18#, 16#28#, 16#38#, 16#48#, 16#58#, 16#68#, 16#78#, 16#88#, 16#98#, 16#A8#, 16#B8#, 16#C8#, 16#D8#, 16#E8#, 16#F8#, 16#09#, 16#19#, 16#29#, 16#39#, 16#49#, 16#59#, 16#69#, 16#79#, 16#89#, 16#99#, 16#A9#, 16#B9#, 16#C9#, 16#D9#, 16#E9#, 16#F9#, 16#0A#, 16#1A#, 16#2A#, 16#3A#, 16#4A#, 16#5A#, 16#6A#, 16#7A#, 16#8A#, 16#9A#, 16#AA#, 16#BA#, 16#CA#, 16#DA#, 16#EA#, 16#FA#, 16#0B#, 16#1B#, 16#2B#, 16#3B#, 16#4B#, 16#5B#, 16#6B#, 16#7B#, 16#8B#, 16#9B#, 16#AB#, 16#BB#, 16#CB#, 16#DB#, 16#EB#, 16#FB#, 16#0C#, 16#1C#, 16#2C#, 16#3C#, 16#4C#, 16#5C#, 16#6C#, 16#7C#, 16#8C#, 16#9C#, 16#AC#, 16#BC#, 16#CC#, 16#DC#, 16#EC#, 16#FC#, 16#0D#, 16#1D#, 16#2D#, 16#3D#, 16#4D#, 16#5D#, 16#6D#, 16#7D#, 16#8D#, 16#9D#, 16#AD#, 16#BD#, 16#CD#, 16#DD#, 16#ED#, 16#FD#, 16#0E#, 16#1E#, 16#2E#, 16#3E#, 16#4E#, 16#5E#, 16#6E#, 16#7E#, 16#8E#, 16#9E#, 16#AE#, 16#BE#, 16#CE#, 16#DE#, 16#EE#, 16#FE#, 16#0F#, 16#1F#, 16#2F#, 16#3F#, 16#4F#, 16#5F#, 16#6F#, 16#7F#, 16#8F#, 16#9F#, 16#AF#, 16#BF#, 16#CF#, 16#DF#, 16#EF#, 16#FF#); --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Round_Up (N_Bytes : U_Short; Pad : U_Short) return S_Natural is begin return ((S_Natural (N_Bytes) + S_Natural (Pad) - 1) / S_Natural (Pad)) * S_Natural (Pad); end Round_Up; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Round_Up (N_Bytes : U_Short; Pad : U_Char) return S_Natural is begin return ((S_Natural (N_Bytes) + S_Natural (Pad) - 1) / S_Natural (Pad)) * S_Natural (Pad); end Round_Up; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Round_Up (N_Bytes : S_Natural; Pad : S_Natural) return S_Natural is begin return ((N_Bytes + Pad - 1) / Pad) * Pad; end Round_Up; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure X_Destroy_Image (Image : in out X_Image) is use Proc_Var_X_Destroy_Image; begin if Image /= None_X_Image then Call (To_Pv (Image.F.Destroy_Image), Image); end if; end X_Destroy_Image; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Get_Pixel (Image : X_Image; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) return X_Pixel is use Proc_Var_X_Get_Pixel; begin return Call (To_Pv (Image.F.Get_Pixel), Image, X, Y); end X_Get_Pixel; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure X_Put_Pixel (Image : X_Image; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Pixel : X_Pixel) is use Proc_Var_X_Put_Pixel; begin Call (To_Pv (Image.F.Put_Pixel), Image, X, Y, Pixel); end X_Put_Pixel; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Sub_Image (Image : X_Image; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short) return X_Image is use Proc_Var_X_Sub_Image; begin return Call (To_Pv (Image.F.Sub_Image), Image, X, Y, Width, Height); end X_Sub_Image; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure X_Add_Pixel (Image : X_Image; Value : X_Pixel) is use Proc_Var_X_Add_Pixel; begin Call (To_Pv (Image.F.Add_Pixel), Image, Value); end X_Add_Pixel; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Ones (Msk : X_Plane_Mask) return U_Char is -- HACK_MEM 169 -- geb, god knows what this is doing. Z : X_Plane_Mask := Msk; Y : X_Plane_Mask; begin -- y := (msk >> 1) & 033333333333; Y := Shift (Z, -1) and -8#4444444445#; -- y := msk - y - ((y >>1) & 033333333333); Y := Z - Y - (Shift (Y, -1) and -8#4444444445#); -- return (((y + (y >> 3)) & 030707070707) % 077); Y := ((Y + Shift (Y, -3)) and -8#7070707071#) rem 8#77#; return U_Char (Y rem X_Plane_Mask (U_Char'Last + 1)); end Ones; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- These two convenience routines return the scan_line_pad and bits_per_pixel -- associated with a specific depth of Z_Pixmap format image for a -- display. function Private_X_Get_Scanline_Pad (Display : X_Display; Depth : U_Char) return U_Char is begin for I in Display.Pixmap_Format'Range loop if Display.Pixmap_Format (I).Depth = Depth then return Display.Pixmap_Format (I).Scan_Line_Pad; end if; end loop; return Display.Bitmap_Pad; end Private_X_Get_Scanline_Pad; --\f function Private_X_Get_Bits_Per_Pixel (Display : X_Display; Depth : U_Char) return U_Char is begin for I in Display.Pixmap_Format'Range loop if Display.Pixmap_Format (I).Depth = Depth then return Display.Pixmap_Format (I).Bits_Per_Pixel; end if; end loop; return Depth; end Private_X_Get_Bits_Per_Pixel; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Set_Image -- -- Overwrites a section of one image with all of the data from another. -- If the two images are not of the same format (i.e. X_Y_Pixmap and Z_Pixmap), -- the image data is converted to the destination format. The following -- restrictions apply: -- -- 1. The depths of the source and destination images must be equal. -- -- 2. If the height of the source image is too large to fit between -- the specified y starting point and the bottom of the image, -- then scan_lines are truncated on the bottom. -- -- 3. If the width of the source image is too large to fit between -- the specified x starting point and the end of the scan_line, -- then pixels are truncated on the right. -- -- The images need not have the same bitmap_bit_order, byte_order, -- bitmap_unit, bits_per_pixel, bitmap_pad, or x_offset. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Private_X_Set_Image (Src_Img : X_Image; Dst_Img : X_Image; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is Pixel : X_Pixel; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short; Start_Row : S_Short; Start_Col : S_Short; Xx : S_Short := X; Yy : S_Short := Y; begin if (Src_Img.Depth /= Dst_Img.Depth) then Private_X_Report_Bad_Image ("depth", U_Char'Image (Dst_Img.Depth), "private_X_Set_Image"); end if; if Xx < 0 then Start_Col := -Xx; Xx := 0; else Start_Col := 0; end if; if Yy < 0 then Start_Row := -Y; Yy := 0; else Start_Row := 0; end if; Width := Dst_Img.Width - U_Short (Xx); if Src_Img.Width < Width then Width := Src_Img.Width; end if; Height := Dst_Img.Height - U_Short (Yy); if Src_Img.Height < Height then Height := Src_Img.Height; end if; ----This is slow, will do better later. for Row in Start_Row .. S_Short (Height - 1) loop for Col in Start_Col .. S_Short (Width - 1) loop Pixel := X_Get_Pixel (Src_Img, Col, Row); X_Put_Pixel (Dst_Img, Xx + Col, Yy + Row, Pixel); end loop; end loop; end Private_X_Set_Image; --\f procedure No_Swap (Src : U_Char_Array; Dest : in out U_Char_Array; Srclen : S_Natural; Srcinc : S_Natural; Destinc : S_Natural; Height : S_Natural -- Half_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order ) is Bound : S_Natural; Src_I : S_Natural := Src'First; Dest_I : S_Natural := Dest'First; begin if Srcinc = Destinc then Bound := Srcinc * (Height - 1) + Srclen - 1; Dest (Dest_I .. Dest_I + Bound) := Src (Src_I .. Src_I + Bound); else Bound := Srclen - 1; for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop Dest (Dest_I .. Dest_I + Bound) := Src (Src_I .. Src_I + Bound); Src_I := Src_I + Srcinc; Dest_I := Dest_I + Destinc; end loop; end if; end No_Swap; --\f procedure Swap_Two_Bytes (Src : U_Char_Array; Dest : in out U_Char_Array; Srclen : S_Natural; Srcinc : S_Natural; Destinc : S_Natural; Height : S_Natural -- Half_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order ) is Src_I : S_Natural := Src'First; Dest_I : S_Natural := Dest'First; Even : S_Natural := Srclen / 2; Odd : S_Natural := Srclen rem 2; begin for H in reverse 1 .. Height loop for E in 1 .. Even loop Dest (Dest_I) := Src (Src_I + 1); Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Src (Src_I); Dest_I := Dest_I + 2; Src_I := Src_I + 2; end loop; if Odd = 1 then Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Src (Src_I); Dest_I := Dest_I + 2; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; end if; end loop; -- N : S_Natural; -- Length : S_Natural := Round_Up (Srclen, 2); -- Lsrcinc : S_Long := Srcinc - Length; -- Ldestinc : S_Long := Destinc - Length; -- begin -- for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop -- if H = 0 and then Srclen /= Length then -- Length := Length - 2; -- if Half_Order = Msb_First then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length) := Src (Src_I + Length + 1); -- else -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 1) := Src (Src_I + Length); -- end if; -- end if; -- N := Length; -- while N > 0 loop -- Dest (Dest_I) := Src (Src_I + 1); -- Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Src (Src_I); -- N := N - 2; -- Src_I := Src_I + 2; -- Dest_I := Dest_I + 2; -- end loop; -- Src_I := Src_I + Lsrcinc; -- Dest_I := Dest_I + Ldestinc; -- end loop; -- end Swap_Two_Bytes; --\f procedure Swap_Three_Bytes (Src : U_Char_Array; Dest : in out U_Char_Array; Srclen : S_Natural; Srcinc : S_Natural; Destinc : S_Natural; Height : S_Natural; Byte_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order) is Src_I : S_Natural := Src'First; Dest_I : S_Natural := Dest'First; Even : S_Natural := Srclen / 3; Odd : S_Natural := Srclen rem 3; begin for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop for E in 1 .. Even loop Dest (Dest_I) := Src (Src_I + 2); Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Src (Src_I + 1); Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Src (Src_I); Src_I := Src_I + 3; Dest_I := Dest_I + 3; end loop; if Odd = 1 then Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Src (Src_I); Dest_I := Dest_I + 3; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; elsif Odd = 2 then Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Src (Src_I); Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Src (Src_I + 1); Dest_I := Dest_I + 3; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; end if; end loop; -- N : S_Natural; -- Length : S_Natural := ((Srclen + 2) / 3) * 3; -- Lsrcinc : S_Long := Srcinc - Length; -- Ldestinc : S_Long := Destinc - Length; -- begin -- -- for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop -- if H = 0 and then Srclen /= Length then -- Length := Length - 3; -- if Srclen - Length = 2 then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 1) := Src (Src_I + Length + 1); -- end if; -- if Byte_Order = Msb_First then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length) := Src (Src_I + Length + 2); -- else -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 2) := Src (Src_I + Length); -- end if; -- end if; -- N := Length; -- while N > 0 loop -- Dest (Dest_I) := Src (Src_I + 2); -- Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Src (Src_I + 1); -- Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Src (Src_I); -- N := N - 3; -- Src_I := Src_I + 3; -- Dest_I := Dest_I + 3; -- end loop; -- Src_I := Src_I + Lsrcinc; -- Dest_I := Dest_I + Ldestinc; -- end loop; end Swap_Three_Bytes; --\f procedure Swap_Four_Bytes (Src : U_Char_Array; Dest : in out U_Char_Array; Srclen : S_Natural; Srcinc : S_Natural; Destinc : S_Natural; Height : S_Natural -- Half_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order ) is Src_I : S_Natural := Src'First; Dest_I : S_Natural := Dest'First; Even : S_Natural := Srclen / 4; Odd : S_Natural := Srclen rem 4; begin for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop for E in 1 .. Even loop Dest (Dest_I) := Src (Src_I + 3); Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Src (Src_I + 2); Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Src (Src_I + 1); Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Src (Src_I); Src_I := Src_I + 4; Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; end loop; if Odd = 1 then Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Src (Src_I); Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; elsif Odd = 2 then Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Src (Src_I); Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Src (Src_I + 1); Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; elsif Odd = 3 then Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Src (Src_I); Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Src (Src_I + 1); Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Src (Src_I + 2); Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; end if; end loop; -- N : S_Natural; -- Length : S_Natural := Round_Up (Srclen, 4); -- Lsrcinc : S_Long := Srcinc - Length; -- Ldestinc : S_Long := Destinc - Length; -- begin -- -- for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop -- if H = 0 and Srclen /= Length then -- Length := Length - 4; -- if Half_Order = Msb_First then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length) := Src (Src_I + Length + 3); -- end if; -- if (Half_Order = Lsb_First and then Srclen - Length = 3) or else -- (Half_Order = Msb_First and then Srclen rem 4 / 2 = 1) then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 1) := Src (Src_I + Length + 2); -- end if; -- if (Half_Order = Msb_First and then Srclen - Length = 3) or else -- (Half_Order = Lsb_First and then Srclen rem 4 / 2 = 1) then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 2) := Src (Src_I + Length + 1); -- end if; -- if Half_Order = Lsb_First then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 3) := Src (Src_I + Length); -- end if; -- end if; -- N := Length; -- while N > 0 loop -- Dest (Dest_I) := Src (Src_I + 3); -- Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Src (Src_I + 2); -- Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Src (Src_I + 1); -- Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Src (Src_I); -- N := N - 4; -- Src_I := Src_I + 4; -- Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; -- end loop; -- Src_I := Src_I + Lsrcinc; -- Dest_I := Dest_I + Ldestinc; -- end loop; end Swap_Four_Bytes; --\f procedure Swap_Words (Src : U_Char_Array; Dest : in out U_Char_Array; Srclen : S_Natural; Srcinc : S_Natural; Destinc : S_Natural; Height : S_Natural --Half_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order ) is Src_I : S_Natural := Src'First; Dest_I : S_Natural := Dest'First; Even : S_Natural := Srclen / 4; Odd : S_Natural := Srclen rem 4; begin for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop for E in 1 .. Even loop Dest (Dest_I) := Src (Src_I + 2); Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Src (Src_I + 3); Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Src (Src_I); Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Src (Src_I + 1); Src_I := Src_I + 4; Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; end loop; if Odd = 1 then Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Src (Src_I); Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; elsif Odd = 2 then Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Src (Src_I); Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Src (Src_I + 1); Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; elsif Odd = 3 then Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Src (Src_I); Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Src (Src_I + 1); Dest (Dest_I) := Src (Src_I + 2); Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; end if; end loop; -- Length : S_Natural := Round_Up (Srclen, 4); -- N : S_Natural; -- Lsrcinc : S_Long := Srcinc - Length; -- Ldestinc : S_Long := Destinc - Length; -- begin -- -- for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop -- if H = 0 and Srclen /= Length then -- Length := Length - 4; -- if Half_Order = Msb_First then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 1) := Src (Src_I + Length + 3); -- end if; -- if (Half_Order = Lsb_First and then Srclen - Length = 3) or else -- (Half_Order = Msb_First and then Srclen rem 4 / 2 = 1) then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length) := Src (Src_I + Length + 2); -- end if; -- if (Half_Order = Msb_First and then Srclen - Length = 3) or else -- (Half_Order = Lsb_First and then Srclen rem 4 / 2 = 1) then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 3) := Src (Src_I + Length + 1); -- end if; -- if Half_Order = Lsb_First then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 2) := Src (Src_I + Length); -- end if; -- end if; -- N := Length; -- while N > 0 loop -- Dest (Dest_I) := Src (Src_I + 2); -- Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Src (Src_I + 3); -- Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Src (Src_I); -- Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Src (Src_I + 1); -- N := N - 4; -- Src_I := Src_I + 4; -- Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; -- end loop; -- Src_I := Src_I + Lsrcinc; -- Dest_I := Dest_I + Ldestinc; -- end loop; -- end Swap_Words; --\f procedure Swap_Nibbles (Src : U_Char_Array; Dest : in out U_Char_Array; Srclen : S_Natural; Srcinc : S_Natural; Destinc : S_Natural; Height : S_Natural) is Src_I : S_Natural := Src'First; Dest_I : S_Natural := Dest'First; begin for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop for N in reverse 0 .. Srclen - 1 loop Dest (Dest_I + N) := Private_Reverse_Nibs (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + N))); end loop; Src_I := Src_I + Srcinc + Srclen; Dest_I := Dest_I + Destinc + Srclen; end loop; end Swap_Nibbles; --\f procedure Shift_Nibbles_Left (Src : U_Char_Array; Dest : in out U_Char_Array; Srclen : S_Natural; Srcinc : S_Natural; Destinc : S_Natural; Height : S_Natural) is Src_I : S_Natural := Src'First; Dest_I : S_Natural := Dest'First; Lsrcinc : S_Long := Srcinc - Srclen; Ldestinc : S_Long := Destinc - Srclen; C1 : U_Char; C2 : U_Char; begin for H in 1 .. Height loop for N in 1 .. Srclen loop C1 := Src (Src_I); Src_I := Src_I + 1; C2 := Src (Src_I); Dest (Dest_I) := U_Char (((S_Natural (C1) rem 2 ** 4) * 2 ** 4) + (S_Natural (C2) / 2 ** 4)); Dest_I := Dest_I + 1; end loop; Src_I := Src_I + Lsrcinc; Dest_I := Dest_I + Ldestinc; end loop; end Shift_Nibbles_Left; --\f procedure Swap_Bits (Src : U_Char_Array; Dest : in out U_Char_Array; Srclen : S_Natural; Srcinc : S_Natural; Destinc : S_Natural; Height : S_Natural -- Half_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order ) is Src_I : S_Natural := Src'First; Dest_I : S_Natural := Dest'First; Lsrcinc : S_Long := Srcinc - Srclen; Ldestinc : S_Long := Destinc - Srclen; begin for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop for N in reverse S_Natural range 0 .. Srclen - 1 loop Dest (Dest_I) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I))); Src_I := Src_I + 1; Dest_I := Dest_I + 1; end loop; Src_I := Src_I + Lsrcinc; Dest_I := Dest_I + Ldestinc; end loop; end Swap_Bits; --\f procedure Swap_Bits_And_Two_Bytes (Src : U_Char_Array; Dest : in out U_Char_Array; Srclen : S_Natural; Srcinc : S_Natural; Destinc : S_Natural; Height : S_Natural -- Half_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order ) is Src_I : S_Natural := Src'First; Dest_I : S_Natural := Dest'First; Even : S_Natural := Srclen / 2; Odd : S_Natural := Srclen rem 2; begin for H in reverse 1 .. Height loop for E in 1 .. Even loop Dest (Dest_I) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 1))); Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I))); Dest_I := Dest_I + 2; Src_I := Src_I + 2; end loop; if Odd = 1 then Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I))); Dest_I := Dest_I + 2; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; end if; end loop; -- Length : S_Natural := Round_Up (Srclen, 2); -- N : S_Natural; -- Lsrcinc : S_Long := Srcinc - Length; -- Ldestinc : S_Long := Destinc - Length; -- begin -- -- for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop -- if H = 0 and Srclen /= Length then -- Length := Length - 2; -- if Half_Order = Msb_First then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length) := -- Private_Reverse_Byte -- (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + Length + 1))); -- else -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 1) := -- Private_Reverse_Byte -- (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + Length))); -- end if; -- end if; -- N := Length; -- while N > 0 loop -- Dest (Dest_I) := Private_Reverse_Byte -- (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 1))); -- Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Private_Reverse_Byte -- (S_Natural (Src (Src_I))); -- N := N - 2; -- Src_I := Src_I + 2; -- Dest_I := Dest_I + 2; -- end loop; -- Src_I := Src_I + Lsrcinc; -- Dest_I := Dest_I + Ldestinc; -- end loop; end Swap_Bits_And_Two_Bytes; --\f procedure Swap_Bits_And_Four_Bytes (Src : U_Char_Array; Dest : in out U_Char_Array; Srclen : S_Natural; Srcinc : S_Natural; Destinc : S_Natural; Height : S_Natural -- Half_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order ) is Src_I : S_Natural := Src'First; Dest_I : S_Natural := Dest'First; Even : S_Natural := Srclen / 4; Odd : S_Natural := Srclen rem 4; begin for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop for E in 1 .. Even loop Dest (Dest_I) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 3))); Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 2))); Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 1))); Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I))); Src_I := Src_I + 4; Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; end loop; if Odd = 1 then Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I))); Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; elsif Odd = 2 then Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I))); Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 1))); Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; elsif Odd = 3 then Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I))); Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 1))); Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 2))); Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; end if; end loop; -- Length : S_Natural := Round_Up (Srclen, 4); -- N : S_Natural; -- begin -- -- for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop -- if H = 0 and Srclen /= Length then -- Length := Length - 4; -- if Half_Order = Msb_First then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length) := -- Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural -- (Src (Src_I + Length + 3))); -- end if; -- if (Half_Order = Lsb_First and then Srclen - Length = 3) or else -- (Half_Order = Msb_First and then Srclen rem 4 / 2 = 1) then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 1) := -- Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural -- (Src (Src_I + Length + 2))); -- end if; -- if (Half_Order = Msb_First and then Srclen - Length = 3) or else -- (Half_Order = Lsb_First and then Srclen rem 4 / 2 = 1) then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 2) := -- Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural -- (Src (Src_I + Length + 1))); -- end if; -- if Half_Order = Lsb_First then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 3) := -- Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + Length))); -- end if; -- end if; -- N := Length; -- while N > 0 loop -- Dest (Dest_I) := Private_Reverse_Byte -- (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 3))); -- Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Private_Reverse_Byte -- (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 2))); -- Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Private_Reverse_Byte -- (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 1))); -- Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Private_Reverse_Byte -- (S_Natural (Src (Src_I))); -- N := N - 4; -- Src_I := Src_I + 4; -- Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; -- end loop; -- Src_I := Src_I + Srcinc; -- Dest_I := Dest_I + Destinc; -- end loop; -- end Swap_Bits_And_Four_Bytes; --\f procedure Swap_Bits_And_Words (Src : U_Char_Array; Dest : in out U_Char_Array; Srclen : S_Natural; Srcinc : S_Natural; Destinc : S_Natural; Height : S_Natural -- Half_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order ) is Src_I : S_Natural := Src'First; Dest_I : S_Natural := Dest'First; Even : S_Natural := Srclen / 4; Odd : S_Natural := Srclen rem 4; begin for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop for E in 1 .. Even loop Dest (Dest_I) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 2))); Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 3))); Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I))); Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 1))); Src_I := Src_I + 4; Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; end loop; if Odd = 1 then Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I))); Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; elsif Odd = 2 then Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I))); Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 1))); Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; elsif Odd = 3 then Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I))); Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 1))); Dest (Dest_I) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 2))); Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; Src_I := Src_I + Odd; end if; end loop; -- Length : S_Natural := Round_Up (Srclen, 4); -- N : S_Natural; -- Lsrcinc : S_Long := Srcinc - Length; -- Ldestinc : S_Long := Destinc - Length; -- begin -- -- for H in reverse 0 .. Height - 1 loop -- if H = 0 and Srclen /= Length then -- Length := Length - 4; -- if Half_Order = Msb_First then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 1) := -- Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural -- (Src (Src_I + Length + 3))); -- end if; -- if (Half_Order = Lsb_First and then Srclen - Length = 3) or else -- (Half_Order = Msb_First and then Srclen rem 4 / 2 = 1) then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length) := -- Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural -- (Src (Src_I + Length + 2))); -- end if; -- if (Half_Order = Msb_First and then Srclen - Length = 3) or else -- (Half_Order = Msb_First and then Srclen rem 4 / 2 = 1) then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 3) := -- Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural -- (Src (Src_I + Length + 1))); -- end if; -- if Half_Order = Lsb_First then -- Dest (Dest_I + Length + 2) := -- Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + Length))); -- end if; -- end if; -- N := Length; -- while N > 0 loop -- Dest (Dest_I) := Private_Reverse_Byte -- (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 2))); -- Dest (Dest_I + 1) := Private_Reverse_Byte -- (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 3))); -- Dest (Dest_I + 2) := Private_Reverse_Byte -- (S_Natural (Src (Src_I))); -- Dest (Dest_I + 3) := Private_Reverse_Byte -- (S_Natural (Src (Src_I + 1))); -- N := N - 4; -- Src_I := Src_I + 4; -- Dest_I := Dest_I + 4; -- end loop; -- Src_I := Src_I + Lsrcinc; -- Dest_I := Dest_I + Ldestinc; -- end loop; end Swap_Bits_And_Words; --\f -- This macro creates a value from 0 to 11 suitable for indexing -- into the Swap_Functions table above. function Compose_Index (Bitmap_Unit : U_Char; Bitmap_Bit_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order; Byte_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order) return S_Natural is Ret : S_Natural; begin if Bitmap_Unit = 32 then Ret := 2; elsif Bitmap_Unit = 16 then Ret := 1; else Ret := 0; end if; if Bitmap_Bit_Order = Msb_First then Ret := Ret + 0; else Ret := Ret + 3; end if; if Byte_Order = Msb_First then Ret := Ret + 0; else Ret := Ret + 6; end if; return Ret; end Compose_Index; --\f procedure Do_Swap_Func (Func : Swap_Function_Types; Src : U_Char_Array; Dest : in out U_Char_Array; Srclen : S_Natural; Srcinc : S_Natural; Destinc : S_Natural; Height : S_Natural -- Half_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order ) is begin case Func is when Do_No_Swap => No_Swap (Src, Dest, Srclen, Srcinc, Destinc, Height); --, Half_Order); when Do_Swap_Two_Bytes => Swap_Two_Bytes (Src, Dest, Srclen, Srcinc, Destinc, Height); --, Half_Order); when Do_Swap_Four_Bytes => Swap_Four_Bytes (Src, Dest, Srclen, Srcinc, Destinc, Height); --, Half_Order); when Do_Swap_Words => Swap_Words (Src, Dest, Srclen, Srcinc, Destinc, Height); --, Half_Order); when Do_Swap_Bits => Swap_Bits (Src, Dest, Srclen, Srcinc, Destinc, Height); --, Half_Order); when Do_Swap_Bits_And_Two_Bytes => Swap_Bits_And_Two_Bytes (Src, Dest, Srclen, Srcinc, Destinc, Height); --, Half_Order); when Do_Swap_Bits_And_Four_Bytes => Swap_Bits_And_Four_Bytes (Src, Dest, Srclen, Srcinc, Destinc, Height); --, Half_Order); when Do_Swap_Bits_And_Words => Swap_Bits_And_Words (Src, Dest, Srclen, Srcinc, Destinc, Height); --, Half_Order); end case; end Do_Swap_Func; --\f procedure Send_X_Y_Image (Display : X_Display; Req : in out X_Put_Image_Request; Image : X_Image; Req_Xoffset : U_Short; Req_Yoffset : U_Short) is Total_Xoffset : U_Short; Bytes_Per_Src : S_Natural; Bytes_Per_Dest : S_Natural; Length : S_Natural; Bytes_Per_Line : S_Natural; Bytes_Per_Src_Plane : S_Natural; Bytes_Per_Dest_Plane : S_Natural; Bytes_Per_Temp_Plane : S_Natural; Temp_Length : S_Natural; Src : S_Natural; Dest : S_Natural; Swapfunc : Swap_Function_Types; -- H_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order; begin Total_Xoffset := U_Short (Image.X_Offset + S_Short (Req_Xoffset)); Req.Left_Pad := U_Char (S_Long (Total_Xoffset) and S_Long (Display.Bitmap_Unit - 1)); Total_Xoffset := (Total_Xoffset - U_Short (Req.Left_Pad)) / 2 ** 3; -- The protocol requires left-pad of zero on all ZPixmap, even -- though the 1-bit case is identical to bitmap format. This is a -- bug in the protocol, caused because 1-bit ZPixmap was added late -- in the game. Hairy shifting code compensation isn't worth it, -- just use XYPixmap format instead. if Req.Left_Pad /= 0 and Req.Format = Z_Pixmap then Req.Format := X_Y_Pixmap; end if; Bytes_Per_Dest := Round_Up (Req.Width + U_Short (Req.Left_Pad), Display.Bitmap_Pad) / 8; Bytes_Per_Dest_Plane := Bytes_Per_Dest * S_Natural (Req.Height); Length := Bytes_Per_Dest_Plane * S_Natural (Image.Depth); Req.Length := Req.Length + U_Short (Length + 3) / 4; Swapfunc := Swap_Function (Compose_Index (Image.Bitmap_Unit, Image.Bitmap_Bit_Order, Image.Byte_Order), Compose_Index (Display.Bitmap_Unit, Display.Bitmap_Bit_Order, Display.Byte_Order)); -- H_Order := Half_Order (Compose_Index (Image.Bitmap_Unit, -- Image.Bitmap_Bit_Order, -- Image.Byte_Order)); Src := Image.Data'First + S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line * Req_Yoffset + Total_Xoffset); -- when total_xoffset > 0, we have to worry about stepping off the -- end of image.data. --/ if Swapfunc = Do_No_Swap and then S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line) = Bytes_Per_Dest and then ((Total_Xoffset = 0 and then (Image.Depth = 1 or else Image.Height = Req.Height)) or else (Image.Depth = 1 and then Req_Yoffset + Req.Height < Image.Height)) then Put_X_Put_Image_Request (Display, Req, Length); Put_U_Char_Array (Display, Image.Data (Src .. Src - 1 + Length)); return; end if; declare Buf : U_Char_Array (1 .. Length); begin Length := Round_Up (Length, 4); Bytes_Per_Src := S_Natural (Req.Width + U_Short (Req.Left_Pad) + 7) / 8; Bytes_Per_Line := S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line); Bytes_Per_Src_Plane := Bytes_Per_Line * S_Natural (Image.Height); Total_Xoffset := U_Short (S_Long (Total_Xoffset) and S_Long ((Image.Bitmap_Unit - 1) / 8)); if Total_Xoffset > 0 and then Image.Byte_Order /= Image.Bitmap_Bit_Order then Bytes_Per_Line := Bytes_Per_Src + S_Natural (Total_Xoffset); Src := Src - S_Natural (Total_Xoffset); Bytes_Per_Temp_Plane := Bytes_Per_Line * S_Natural (Req.Height); Temp_Length := Round_Up (Bytes_Per_Temp_Plane * S_Natural (Image.Depth), 4); declare Temp : U_Char_Array (1 .. Temp_Length); begin Swapfunc := Swap_Function (Compose_Index (Image.Bitmap_Unit, Image.Bitmap_Bit_Order, Image.Byte_Order), Compose_Index (Image.Bitmap_Unit, Display.Byte_Order, Display.Byte_Order)); Dest := Temp'First; for J in reverse 0 .. Image.Depth - 1 loop Do_Swap_Func (Swapfunc, Image.Data (Src .. Image.Data'Last), Temp (Dest .. Temp'Last), Bytes_Per_Line, S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line), Bytes_Per_Line, S_Natural (Req.Height)); --, H_Order); Src := Src + Bytes_Per_Src_Plane; Dest := Dest + Bytes_Per_Temp_Plane; end loop; Swapfunc := Swap_Function (Compose_Index (Image.Bitmap_Unit, Display.Byte_Order, Display.Byte_Order), Compose_Index (Display.Bitmap_Unit, Display.Bitmap_Bit_Order, Display.Byte_Order)); -- H_Order := Half_Order (Compose_Index (Image.Bitmap_Unit, -- Display.Byte_Order, -- Display.Byte_Order)); Src := Temp'First + S_Natural (Total_Xoffset); Bytes_Per_Src_Plane := Bytes_Per_Temp_Plane; Dest := Buf'First; for J in reverse 0 .. Image.Depth - 1 loop Do_Swap_Func (Swapfunc, Temp (Src .. Image.Data'Last), Buf (Dest .. Buf'Last), S_Natural (Bytes_Per_Src), S_Natural (Bytes_Per_Line), S_Natural (Bytes_Per_Dest), S_Natural (Req.Height));--, H_Order); Src := Src + Bytes_Per_Src_Plane; Dest := Dest + Bytes_Per_Dest_Plane; end loop; end; else Dest := Buf'First; for J in reverse 0 .. Image.Depth - 1 loop Do_Swap_Func (Swapfunc, Image.Data (Src .. Image.Data'Last), Buf (Dest .. Buf'Last), S_Natural (Bytes_Per_Src), S_Natural (Bytes_Per_Line), S_Natural (Bytes_Per_Dest), S_Natural (Req.Height)); --, H_Order); Src := Src + Bytes_Per_Src_Plane; Dest := Dest + Bytes_Per_Dest_Plane; end loop; end if; Put_X_Put_Image_Request (Display, Req, Length); Put_U_Char_Array (Display, Buf (Buf'First .. Buf'First - 1 + Length)); end; end Send_X_Y_Image; --\f -- XXX assumes image->bits_per_pixel == dest_bits_per_pixel procedure Send_Z_Image (Display : X_Display; Req : in out X_Put_Image_Request; Image : X_Image; Req_Xoffset : U_Short; Req_Yoffset : U_Short; Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel : U_Char; Dest_Scanline_Pad : U_Char) is Bytes_Per_Src : S_Natural; Bytes_Per_Dest : S_Natural; Length : S_Natural; Shifted_Src : U_Char_List := Image.Data; Src : S_Natural; Dest : S_Natural; begin Req.Left_Pad := 0; Bytes_Per_Src := Round_Up (Req.Width * U_Short (Image.Bits_Per_Pixel), U_Short (8)) / 8; Bytes_Per_Dest := Round_Up (Req.Width * U_Short (Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel), Dest_Scanline_Pad) / 8; Length := Bytes_Per_Dest * S_Natural (Req.Height); Req.Length := Req.Length + U_Short (Length + 3) / 4; Src := Image.Data'First + S_Natural (Req_Yoffset * Image.Bytes_Per_Line + Req_Xoffset * U_Short (Image.Bits_Per_Pixel) / 8); if (Image.Bits_Per_Pixel = 4 and then Req_Xoffset mod 2 = 1) then Shifted_Src := new U_Char_Array (0 .. S_Natural (Req.Height * Image.Bytes_Per_Line)); Shift_Nibbles_Left (Image.Data (Src .. Src - 1 + Length), Shifted_Src.all, Bytes_Per_Src, S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line), S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line), S_Natural (Req.Height)); Src := Src - Image.Data'First; end if; -- when req_xoffset > 0, we have to worry about stepping off the -- end of image.data. if ((Image.Byte_Order = Display.Byte_Order or else Image.Bits_Per_Pixel = 8) and then S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line) = Bytes_Per_Dest and then (Req_Xoffset = 0 or else Req_Yoffset + Req.Height < Image.Height)) then Put_X_Put_Image_Request (Display, Req, Length); Put_U_Char_Array (Display, Shifted_Src (Src .. Src - 1 + Length)); if Shifted_Src /= Image.Data then Free_U_Char_List (Shifted_Src); end if; return; end if; Length := Round_Up (Length, 4); declare Temp : U_Char_Array (1 .. Length); begin Dest := Temp'First; if Image.Byte_Order = Display.Byte_Order or else Image.Bits_Per_Pixel = 8 then No_Swap (Shifted_Src (Src .. Shifted_Src'Last), Temp, Bytes_Per_Src, S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line), Bytes_Per_Dest, S_Natural (Req.Height)); --, Image.Byte_Order); elsif Image.Bits_Per_Pixel = 32 then Swap_Four_Bytes (Shifted_Src (Src .. Shifted_Src'Last), Temp, Bytes_Per_Src, S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line), Bytes_Per_Dest, S_Natural (Req.Height)); --, -- Image.Byte_Order); elsif Image.Bits_Per_Pixel = 24 then Swap_Three_Bytes (Shifted_Src (Src .. Shifted_Src'Last), Temp, Bytes_Per_Src, S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line), Bytes_Per_Dest, S_Natural (Req.Height), Image.Byte_Order); elsif Image.Bits_Per_Pixel = 16 then Swap_Two_Bytes (Shifted_Src (Src .. Shifted_Src'Last), Temp, Bytes_Per_Src, S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line), Bytes_Per_Dest, S_Natural (Req.Height));--, --Image.Byte_Order); else Swap_Nibbles (Shifted_Src (Src .. Shifted_Src'Last), Temp, Bytes_Per_Src, S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line), Bytes_Per_Dest, S_Natural (Req.Height)); end if; Put_X_Put_Image_Request (Display, Req, Length); Put_U_Char_Array (Display, Temp (Temp'First .. Temp'First - 1 + Length)); end; if Shifted_Src /= Image.Data then Free_U_Char_List (Shifted_Src); end if; end Send_Z_Image; --\f procedure Put_Image_Request (Display : X_Display; D : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; Image : X_Image; Req_Xoffset : U_Short; Req_Yoffset : U_Short; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Req_Width : U_Short; Req_Height : U_Short; Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel : U_Char; Dest_Scan_Line_Pad : U_Char) is Req : X_Put_Image_Request; begin ----Begin preparing the request. Req := (Kind => Put_Image, Length => X_Put_Image_Request'Size / 32, Pad => 0, Left_Pad => 0, Drawable => D, Gc => Gc.Gid, Dst_X => X, Dst_Y => Y, Width => Req_Width, Height => Req_Height, Format => Image.Format, Depth => Image.Depth); ----Send the request the correct way. if Image.Depth = 1 or else Image.Format /= Z_Pixmap then Send_X_Y_Image (Display, Req, Image, Req_Xoffset, Req_Yoffset); else Send_Z_Image (Display, Req, Image, Req_Xoffset, Req_Yoffset, Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel, Dest_Scan_Line_Pad); end if; end Put_Image_Request; --\f procedure Put_Sub_Image (Display : X_Display; D : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; Image : X_Image; Req_Xoffset : U_Short; Req_Yoffset : U_Short; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Req_Width : U_Short; Req_Height : U_Short; Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel : U_Char; Dest_Scanline_Pad : U_Char) is Left_Pad : S_Natural; Bytes_Per_Row : S_Natural; Available : S_Natural; begin if Req_Width = 0 or else Req_Height = 0 then return; end if; if 65536 < Display.Max_Request_Size then Available := 65536 / 4; else Available := S_Natural (Display.Max_Request_Size / 4); end if; Available := Available - S_Natural (X_Put_Image_Request'Size / 32); if Image.Depth = 1 or else Image.Format /= Z_Pixmap then Left_Pad := S_Natural (S_Long (Image.X_Offset + S_Short (Req_Xoffset)) and S_Long (Display.Bitmap_Unit - 1)); Bytes_Per_Row := (Round_Up (S_Natural (Req_Width) + Left_Pad, S_Natural (Display.Bitmap_Pad)) / 8) * S_Natural (Image.Depth); else Left_Pad := 0; Bytes_Per_Row := Round_Up (Req_Width * U_Short (Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel), Dest_Scanline_Pad) / 8; end if; if Bytes_Per_Row * S_Natural (Req_Height) <= Available then Put_Image_Request (Display, D, Gc, Image, Req_Xoffset, Req_Yoffset, X, Y, Req_Width, Req_Height, Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel, Dest_Scanline_Pad); elsif Req_Height > 1 then declare Sub_Image_Height : U_Short := U_Short (Available / Bytes_Per_Row); begin if Sub_Image_Height = 0 then Sub_Image_Height := 1; end if; Put_Sub_Image (Display, D, Gc, Image, Req_Xoffset, Req_Yoffset, X, Y, Req_Width, Sub_Image_Height, Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel, Dest_Scanline_Pad); Put_Sub_Image (Display, D, Gc, Image, Req_Xoffset, Req_Yoffset + Sub_Image_Height, X, Y + S_Short (Sub_Image_Height), Req_Width, Req_Height - Sub_Image_Height, Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel, Dest_Scanline_Pad); end; else declare Sub_Image_Width : U_Short := U_Short (((Available * 8) / S_Natural (Dest_Scanline_Pad)) * S_Natural (Dest_Scanline_Pad) - Left_Pad); begin Put_Sub_Image (Display, D, Gc, Image, Req_Xoffset, Req_Yoffset, X, Y, Sub_Image_Width, 1, Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel, Dest_Scanline_Pad); Put_Sub_Image (Display, D, Gc, Image, Req_Xoffset + Sub_Image_Width, Req_Yoffset, X + S_Short (Sub_Image_Width), Y, Req_Width - Sub_Image_Width, 1, Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel, Dest_Scanline_Pad); end; end if; end Put_Sub_Image; --\f function X_Create_Image (Display : X_Display; Visual : X_Visual; Depth : U_Char; Format : X_Image_Format; Offset : U_Short; Data : U_Char_Array; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short; Bitmap_Pad : U_Char; Image_Bytes_Per_Line : U_Short) return X_Image is Datap : U_Char_List := new U_Char_Array (1 .. Data'Length); begin Datap.all := Data; return X_Create_Image (Display => Display, Visual => Visual, Depth => Depth, Format => Format, Offset => Offset, Data => Datap, Data_Is_Shared => False, Width => Width, Height => Height, Bitmap_Pad => Bitmap_Pad, Image_Bytes_Per_Line => Image_Bytes_Per_Line); exception when others => Free_U_Char_List (Datap); raise; end X_Create_Image; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Create_Image -- -- Allocates the memory necessary for an X_Image data structure. -- Initializes the structure with "default" values and returns X_Image. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Create_Image (Display : X_Display; Visual : X_Visual; Depth : U_Char; Format : X_Image_Format; Offset : U_Short; Data : U_Char_List; Data_Is_Shared : Boolean; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short; Bitmap_Pad : U_Char; Image_Bytes_Per_Line : U_Short) return X_Image is Image : X_Image; Imagei : X_Image; Bits_Per_Pixel : U_Char := 1; begin Imagei := new X_Image_Rec; Image := Imagei; Imagei.Width := Width; Imagei.Height := Height; Imagei.Format := Format; Imagei.Byte_Order := Display.Byte_Order; Imagei.Bitmap_Unit := Display.Bitmap_Unit; Imagei.Bitmap_Bit_Order := Display.Bitmap_Bit_Order; if Visual /= None_X_Visual then Imagei.Red_Mask := Visual.Red_Mask; Imagei.Green_Mask := Visual.Green_Mask; Imagei.Blue_Mask := Visual.Blue_Mask; else Imagei.Red_Mask := None_X_Color_Mask; Imagei.Green_Mask := None_X_Color_Mask; Imagei.Blue_Mask := None_X_Color_Mask; end if; if Format = Z_Pixmap then Bits_Per_Pixel := Private_X_Get_Bits_Per_Pixel (Display, Depth); end if; Imagei.X_Offset := S_Short (Offset); Imagei.Bitmap_Pad := Bitmap_Pad; Imagei.Depth := Depth; Imagei.Data := Data; Imagei.Data_Is_Shared := Data_Is_Shared; -- -- compute per line accelerator. -- if Image_Bytes_Per_Line = 0 then if Format = Z_Pixmap then Imagei.Bytes_Per_Line := U_Short (Round_Up (S_Natural (Bits_Per_Pixel) * S_Natural (Width), S_Natural (Imagei.Bitmap_Pad)) / 8); else Imagei.Bytes_Per_Line := U_Short (Round_Up (Width + Offset, Imagei.Bitmap_Pad) / 8); end if; else Imagei.Bytes_Per_Line := Image_Bytes_Per_Line; end if; Imagei.Bits_Per_Pixel := Bits_Per_Pixel; Imagei.Obdata := null; Private_X_Init_Image_Func_Ptrs (Image); return Image; exception when others => if Imagei /= None_X_Image then Imagei.Data := None_U_Char_List; -- Not ours to free. Free_X_Image (Imagei); end if; raise; end X_Create_Image; --\f function X_Get_Image (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short; Plane_Mask : X_Plane_Mask; Format : X_Image_Format) return X_Image is Rep : X_Reply_Contents; Image : X_Image; Succ : X_Status; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Send the request. Put_X_Get_Image_Request (Display, (Kind => Get_Image, Length => X_Get_Image_Request'Size / 32, Drawable => Drawable, X => X, Y => Y, Width => Width, Height => Height, Plane_Mask => Plane_Mask, Format => Format)); ----Get the reply header. Get_Reply (Display => Display, Code => Get_Image, Reply => Rep, Extra => 0, Discard => False, Status => Succ); ----If we failed then return null. if Succ = Failed then Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); return None_X_Image; end if; ----Read the data that came with the reply. declare Data : U_Char_List; Vis : X_Visual; Void : X_Status; begin begin Data := new U_Char_Array (1 .. S_Natural (Rep.Get_Image.Length) * 4); exception when others => Eat_Raw_Data (Display, S_Natural (Rep.Get_Image.Length) * (32 / 8)); raise; end; Get_U_Char_Array (Display, Data.all); Internal_X_Vid_To_Visual (Display, Rep.Get_Image.Visual, Vis, Void); if (Format = X_Y_Pixmap) then Image := X_Create_Image (Display => Display, Visual => Vis, Depth => Ones (Plane_Mask and (Shift (1, Integer (Rep.Get_Image.Depth)) - 1)), Format => Format, Offset => 0, Data => Data, Data_Is_Shared => False, Width => Width, Height => Height, Bitmap_Pad => Display.Bitmap_Pad, Image_Bytes_Per_Line => 0); else -- format = Z_Pixmap Image := X_Create_Image (Display => Display, Visual => Vis, Depth => Rep.Get_Image.Depth, Format => Z_Pixmap, Offset => 0, Data => Data, Data_Is_Shared => False, Width => Width, Height => Height, Bitmap_Pad => Private_X_Get_Scanline_Pad (Display, Rep.Get_Image.Depth), Image_Bytes_Per_Line => 0); end if; exception when others => Free_U_Char_List (Data); raise; end; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; and return the image. Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); return Image; end X_Get_Image; --\f procedure X_Get_Sub_Image (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short; Plane_Mask : X_Plane_Mask; Format : X_Image_Format; Image : X_Image; Image_X : S_Short; Image_Y : S_Short) is Temp_Image : X_Image; begin Temp_Image := X_Get_Image (Display, Drawable, X, Y, Width, Height, Plane_Mask, Format); if Temp_Image /= None_X_Image then Private_X_Set_Image (Temp_Image, Image, Image_X, Image_Y); Free_X_Image (Temp_Image); end if; end X_Get_Sub_Image; --\f procedure X_Put_Image (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; Image : X_Image; Image_X : U_Short; Image_Y : U_Short; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short) is Lwidth : S_Short := S_Short (Width); Lheight : S_Short := S_Short (Height); Limage_X : S_Short := S_Short (Image_X); Limage_Y : S_Short := S_Short (Image_Y); Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel : U_Char; Dest_Scanline_Pad : U_Char; begin if Limage_X < 0 then Lwidth := Lwidth + Limage_X; Limage_X := 0; end if; if Limage_Y < 0 then Lheight := Lheight + Limage_Y; Limage_Y := 0; end if; if Limage_X + Lwidth > S_Short (Image.Width) then Lwidth := S_Short (Image.Width) - Limage_X; end if; if Limage_Y + Lheight > S_Short (Image.Height) then Lheight := S_Short (Image.Height) - Limage_Y; end if; if Lwidth <= 0 or else Lheight <= 0 then return; end if; if Image.Depth = 1 or else Image.Format /= Z_Pixmap then Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel := 1; Dest_Scanline_Pad := Display.Bitmap_Pad; else declare Format : X_Screen_Format_List; begin Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel := Image.Bits_Per_Pixel; Dest_Scanline_Pad := Image.Bitmap_Pad; Format := Display.Pixmap_Format; for N in Format'Range loop if Format (N).Depth = Image.Depth then Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel := Format (N).Bits_Per_Pixel; Dest_Scanline_Pad := Format (N).Scan_Line_Pad; end if; end loop; if Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel /= Image.Bits_Per_Pixel then declare Img : X_Image := new X_Image_Rec; begin -- XXX slow, but works Img.Width := U_Short (Lwidth); Img.Height := U_Short (Lheight); Img.X_Offset := 0; Img.Format := Z_Pixmap; Img.Byte_Order := Display.Byte_Order; Img.Bitmap_Pad := Dest_Scanline_Pad; Img.Depth := Image.Depth; Img.Bits_Per_Pixel := Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel; Img.Bytes_Per_Line := U_Short (Round_Up (U_Short (Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel) * U_Short (Lwidth), Dest_Scanline_Pad) / 8); Img.Data := new U_Char_Array (0 .. S_Natural (S_Short (Img.Bytes_Per_Line) * Lheight - 1)); Private_X_Init_Image_Func_Ptrs (Img); for J in reverse S_Short range 0 .. Lheight - 1 loop for I in reverse S_Short range 0 .. Lwidth - 1 loop X_Put_Pixel (Img, I, J, X_Get_Pixel (Image, Limage_X + I, Limage_Y + J)); end loop; end loop; Lock_Display (Display); Private_X_Flush_Gc (Display, Gc); Put_Sub_Image (Display, Drawable, Gc, Img, 0, 0, X, Y, U_Short (Lwidth), U_Short (Lheight), Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel, Dest_Scanline_Pad); Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); Free_U_Char_List (Img.Data); return; exception when others => Free_X_Image (Img); raise; end; end if; end; end if; Lock_Display (Display); begin Private_X_Flush_Gc (Display, Gc); Put_Sub_Image (Display, Drawable, Gc, Image, Image_X, Image_Y, X, Y, U_Short (Lwidth), U_Short (Lheight), Dest_Bits_Per_Pixel, Dest_Scanline_Pad); exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Put_Image; --\f end Xlbp_Image;