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Length: 410339 (0x642e3) Types: TextFile Names: »TOUT«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
-- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : actions_file.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:27:44 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxactions_file.ada -- $Header: actions_file.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:03:51 ada Exp $ -- $Log: actions_file.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:03:51 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:35:43 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with Text_IO; use Text_IO; package Actions_File is -- -- -- Standard file access routines for the file containing -- -- the procedure user_action which associates rules to the -- -- user executable code. -- -- -- type File_Mode is (Read_File, Write_File); procedure Open(Mode: in File_Mode); procedure Write(C: in Character); procedure Write(S: in String); procedure Writeln; procedure Read_Line(S: out String; Last: out Natural); procedure Close; procedure Delete; -- Initializes and finishes the decalarations for the -- -- procedure user_action. -- procedure Initialize; procedure Finish; function Is_End_of_File return Boolean; end Actions_File; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : actions_file_body.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:28:04 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxactions_file_body.ada -- $Header: actions_file_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:29:59 ada Exp $ -- $Log: actions_file_body.a,v $ --Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:29:59 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- with File_Names; use File_Names; package body Actions_File is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) actions_file_body.ada, Version 1.2"; -- The maximum length of the text that an action can expand into. Maximum_Action_Length : constant Count := 1000; The_File : File_Type; procedure Open(Mode: in File_Mode) is begin if Mode = Read_File then Open(The_File, In_File, Get_Actions_File_Name); else Create(The_File, Out_File, Get_Actions_File_Name); --RJS Set_Line_Length(The_File, To => Maximum_Action_Length); end if; end Open; procedure Close is begin Close(The_File); end Close; procedure Delete is begin Delete(The_File); end Delete; procedure Read_Line(S: out String; Last: out Natural) is begin Get_Line(The_File, S, Last); end; procedure Write(S: in String) is begin Put(The_File, S); end; procedure Write(C: in Character) is begin Put(The_File, C); end; procedure Writeln is begin New_Line(The_File); end; function Is_End_of_File return Boolean is begin return End_of_File(The_File); end Is_End_of_File; procedure Initialize is begin Open(Write_File); end Initialize; procedure Finish is begin Close; end Finish; end Actions_File; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. --************************************************************************ -- ayacc -- version 1.0 -- --*********************************************************************** -- -- Arcadia Project -- Department of Information and Computer Science -- University of California -- Irvine, California 92717 -- --*************************************************************************** -- Module : ayacc.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:28:24 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxayacc.ada -- $Header: ayacc.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:04:07 ada Exp $ -- $Log: ayacc.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:04:07 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 19:00:49 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with Source_File, File_Names, Options, Parser, Tokens_File, Output_File, Parse_Table, Text_IO, -- u_env, -- For getting the command line arguments Symbol_Table, -- Used for statistics only Rule_Table; -- Used for statistics only procedure Ayacc is Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: ayacc.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:04:07 ada Exp $"; copyright : constant string := "@(#) Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California."; copyright2 : constant string := "All rights reserved."; use Text_IO; Illegal_Argument_List : exception; procedure Initialize is separate; procedure Print_Statistics is separate; begin Initialize; Source_File.Open; Tokens_File.Open; Parser.Parse_Declarations; Parser.Parse_Rules; Parse_Table.Make_Parse_Table; Output_File.Make_Output_File; Tokens_File.Complete_Tokens_Package; Source_File.Close; Tokens_File.Close; if Options.Interface_to_C then Tokens_File.Make_C_Lex_Package; end if; Print_Statistics; exception when File_Names.Illegal_File_Name => Put_Line("Ayacc: Illegal Filename."); when Options.Illegal_Option | Illegal_Argument_List => null; when Parser.Syntax_Error => -- Error has already been reported. Source_File.Close; when Text_IO.Name_Error | Text_IO.Use_Error => null; -- Error has already been reported. when others => Put_Line ("Ayacc: Internal Error, Please Submit an LCR."); end Ayacc; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : ayacc_separates.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:28:51 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxayacc_separates.ada -- $Header: ayacc_separates.a,v 0.0 86/02/19 18:36:14 ada Exp $ -- $Log: ayacc_separates.a,v $ -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:36:14 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- -- Revision 0.1 88/03/16 -- Additional argument added to allow user to specify file extension -- to be used for generated Ada files. -- kn with String_Pkg; use String_Pkg; separate (Ayacc) procedure Initialize is use File_Names, Options; Input_File, Extension, Options : String_Type := Create (""); type Switch is ( On , Off ); C_Lex_Flag, Debug_Flag, Summary_Flag, Verbose_Flag : Switch; Invalid_Command_Line : exception; procedure Get_Arguments (File : out String_Type; C_Lex : out Switch; Debug : out Switch; Summary : out Switch; Verbose : out Switch; Extension : out String_Type) is separate; begin Get_Arguments (Input_File, C_Lex_Flag, Debug_Flag, Summary_Flag, Verbose_Flag, Extension); New_Line; Put_Line (" Ayacc (File => """ & Value (Input_File) & ""","); Put_Line (" C_Lex => " & Value (Mixed (Switch'Image(C_Lex_Flag))) & ','); Put_Line (" Debug => " & Value (Mixed (Switch'Image(Debug_Flag))) & ','); Put_Line (" Summary => " & Value (Mixed (Switch'Image(Summary_Flag))) & ','); Put_Line (" Verbose => " & Value (Mixed (Switch'Image(Verbose_Flag))) & ","); Put_Line (" Extension => """ & Value (Extension) & """);"); New_Line; if C_Lex_Flag = On then Options := Options & Create ("i"); end if; if Debug_Flag = On then Options := Options & Create ("d"); end if; if Summary_Flag = On then Options := Options & Create ("s"); end if; if Verbose_Flag = On then Options := Options & Create ("v"); end if; Set_File_Names (Value (Input_File), Value(Extension)); Set_Options (Value (Options)); exception when Invalid_Command_Line => raise Illegal_Argument_List; end Initialize; separate (Ayacc) procedure Print_Statistics is use Text_IO, Parse_Table, Rule_Table, Symbol_Table; begin if Options.Summary then Put_Line(Rule'Image(Last_Rule - First_Rule + 1) & " Productions"); Put_Line(Grammar_Symbol'Image (Last_Symbol(Nonterminal) - First_Symbol(Nonterminal) + 1) & " Nonterminals"); Put_Line(Grammar_Symbol'Image (Last_Symbol(Terminal) - First_Symbol(Terminal) + 1) & " Terminals"); Put_Line(Integer'Image(Number_of_States) & " States"); Put_Line (Integer'Image(Shift_Reduce_Conflicts) & " Shift/Reduce conflicts"); Put_Line (Integer'Image(Reduce_Reduce_Conflicts) & " Reduce/Reduce conflicts"); else if Shift_Reduce_Conflicts /= 0 then Put_Line (Integer'Image(Shift_Reduce_Conflicts) & " Shift/Reduce Conflicts"); end if; if Reduce_Reduce_Conflicts /= 0 then Put_Line (Integer'Image(Reduce_Reduce_Conflicts) & " Reduce/Reduce Conflicts"); end if; end if; end Print_Statistics; with Command_Line_Interface; use Command_Line_Interface; with String_Pkg; use String_Pkg; --VAX with Vms_Lib; separate (Ayacc.Initialize) procedure Get_Arguments (File : out String_Type; C_Lex : out Switch; Debug : out Switch; Summary : out Switch; Verbose : out Switch; Extension : out String_Type) is C_Lex_Argument : String_Type; Debug_Argument : String_Type; Summary_Argument : String_Type; Verbose_Argument : String_Type; Positional : Natural := 0; -- Number of positional parameters Total : Natural := 0; -- Total number of parameters Max_Parameters : constant := 6; Incorrect_Call : exception; function Convert_Switch is new Convert (Parameter_Type => Switch, Type_Name => "Switch"); procedure Put_Help_Message is begin New_Line; Put_Line (" -- Ayacc: An Ada Parser Generator."); New_Line; Put_Line (" type Switch is (On, Off);"); New_Line; Put_Line (" procedure Ayacc (File : in String;"); Put_Line (" C_Lex : in Switch := Off;"); Put_Line (" Debug : in Switch := Off;"); Put_Line (" Summary : in Switch := On;"); Put_Line (" Verbose : in Switch := Off;"); Put_Line (" Extension : in String := "".a"");"); New_Line; Put_Line (" -- File Specifies the Ayacc Input Source File."); Put_Line (" -- C_Lex Specifies the Generation of a 'C' Lex Interface."); Put_Line (" -- Debug Specifies the Production of Debugging Output"); Put_Line (" -- By the Generated Parser."); Put_Line (" -- Summary Specifies the Printing of Statistics About the"); Put_Line (" -- Generated Parser."); Put_Line (" -- Verbose Specifies the Production of a Human Readable"); Put_Line (" -- Report of States in the Generated Parser."); Put_Line (" -- Extension Specifies the file extension to be used for"); Put_Line (" generated Ada files."); New_Line; end Put_Help_Message; begin --VAX Vms_Lib.Set_Error; Command_Line_Interface.Initialize (Tool_Name => "Ayacc"); Positional := Positional_Arg_Count; Total := Named_Arg_Count + Positional; if Total = 0 then raise Incorrect_Call; elsif Total > Max_Parameters then Put_Line ("Ayacc: Too many parameters."); raise Incorrect_Call; end if; -- Get named values File := Named_Arg_Value ("File", ""); C_Lex_Argument := Named_Arg_Value ("C_Lex", "Off"); Debug_Argument := Named_Arg_Value ("Debug", "Off"); Summary_Argument := Named_Arg_Value ("Summary", "On"); Verbose_Argument := Named_Arg_Value ("Verbose", "Off"); Extension := Named_Arg_Value ("Extension", ".a"); -- Get any positional associations if Positional >= 1 then File := Positional_Arg_Value (1); if Positional >= 2 then C_Lex_Argument := Positional_Arg_Value (2); if Positional >= 3 then Debug_Argument := Positional_Arg_Value (3); if Positional >= 4 then Summary_Argument := Positional_Arg_Value (4); if Positional >= 5 then Verbose_Argument := Positional_Arg_Value (5); if Positional = Max_Parameters then Extension := Positional_Arg_Value (Max_Parameters); end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; Command_Line_Interface.Finalize; C_Lex := Convert_Switch (Value (C_Lex_Argument)); Debug := Convert_Switch (Value (Debug_Argument)); Summary := Convert_Switch (Value (Summary_Argument)); Verbose := Convert_Switch (Value (Verbose_Argument)); exception when Incorrect_Call | Invalid_Parameter | Invalid_Parameter_Order | Missing_Positional_Arg | Unreferenced_Named_Arg | Invalid_Named_Association | Unbalanced_Parentheses => Put_Help_Message ; raise Invalid_Command_Line ; end Get_Arguments; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. --| --| Notes: This routine contains the machine specific details of how --| Ayacc obtains the command line arguments from the host Operating --| System. This version assumes Verdix running on Unix machines. --| --| The only requirement on this subunit is that it place the string --| of characters typed by the user on the command line into the --| parameter "Command_Args". --| with A_Strings; use A_Strings; with U_Env; use U_Env; separate (Command_Line_Interface) procedure Read_Command_Line (Command_Args : out Command_Line_Type) is Unix_Command_Line : A_String := Empty; begin for i in Argv.all'First + 1 .. Argv.all'Last loop Unix_Command_Line := Unix_Command_Line & Argv (i) & " "; end loop; Unix_Command_Line := Pad_Right (Unix_Command_Line, To_Length => Maximum_Command_Length); Command_Args := Unix_Command_Line.S; end Read_Command_Line; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : command_line_interface.ada -- Component of : common_library -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 16:02:24 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/common_library/sccs/sxcommand_line_interface.ada with Text_IO; use Text_IO; with String_scanner; ---------------------------------------------------------------- Package body command_line_interface is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) command_line_interface.addisk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/common_library, Version 1.2"; --| Provides primitives for getting at the command line arguments. --| Overview Package sp renames String_pkg; Package ss renames String_scanner; type Name_value is --| Name/Value pair record Name: sp.String_type; --| Name of value Value: sp.String_type; --| Value associated with name Was_retrieved: boolean:=FALSE; --| Flag indicating whether name-value end record; -- association has been retrieved by tool type Token_type is (Ada_ID,Word,Bound_to,None); Package Token_type_IO is new Enumeration_IO(Token_type); use Token_type_IO; Maximum_Command_Length : constant := 1024; subtype Command_Line_Type is String (1 .. Maximum_Command_Length); Arg_string : Command_Line_Type; --| String obtained from operating system N_arg_count: Argument_count; --| Count of named args P_arg_count: Argument_count; --| Count of positional args Rejected: boolean := FALSE; Tool_Name : String_Type; Named_args: array(argument_index) of Name_value; Positional_args: array(argument_index) of sp.String_type; procedure Read_Command_Line (Command_Args : out Command_Line_Type) is separate; --** --| Description: Read_Command_Line is the machine dependent interface to --| the Operating System Command Line. --** ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Local functions: procedure Set_Tool_Name (To : in String) is begin Tool_Name := Create (To & ": "); end Set_Tool_Name; procedure CLI_Error (Error_Message : in String) is begin New_Line; Put_Line (Value (Tool_Name) & Error_Message); end CLI_Error; procedure Get_token( Scan_string : in out ss.Scanner; Argument : in out sp.String_type; Kind: in out Token_type ) is Last_arg: sp.String_type; Last_kind: Token_type; Found: boolean; Delimeter: sp.String_type; Delim_string: ss.Scanner; More_commas: boolean := FALSE; Tail: sp.String_type; begin if Rejected then Argument := Last_arg; Kind := Last_kind; Rejected := FALSE; else if ss.Is_sequence(" ,",Scan_string) then ss.Scan_sequence(" ,",Scan_string,Found,Delimeter); Delim_string := ss.Make_scanner(Delimeter); loop ss.Skip_space(Delim_string); exit when not ss.More(Delim_string); ss.Forward(Delim_string); if More_commas then CLI_Error ("Missing Positional Argument."); raise missing_positional_arg; end if; More_commas := TRUE; end loop; end if; if ss.Is_Ada_Id(Scan_string) then ss.Scan_Ada_Id(Scan_string,Found,Argument); if ss.Is_Literal("=>",Scan_string) or ss.Is_Literal("""",Scan_string) or ss.Is_sequence(" ,",Scan_string) or not ss.More(Scan_string) then Kind := Ada_ID; else if ss.Is_not_sequence(" ,",Scan_string) then ss.Scan_not_sequence(" ,",Scan_string,Found,Tail); Argument := sp."&"(Argument,Tail); Kind := Word; else ss.Scan_word(Scan_string,Found,Tail); Argument := sp."&"(Argument,Tail); Kind := Word; end if; end if; elsif ss.Is_Literal("=>",Scan_string) then ss.Scan_Literal("=>",Scan_string,Found); Argument := sp.Create("=>"); Kind := Bound_to; elsif ss.Is_quoted(Scan_string) then ss.Scan_quoted(Scan_string,Found,Argument); Kind := Word; elsif ss.Is_enclosed('(',')',Scan_string) then ss.Scan_enclosed('(',')',Scan_string,Found,Argument); Kind := Word; elsif ss.Is_not_sequence(" ,",Scan_string) then ss.Scan_not_sequence(" ,",Scan_string,Found,Argument); Kind := Word; elsif ss.Is_word(Scan_string) then ss.Scan_word(Scan_string,Found,Argument); Kind := Word; else Argument := sp.Create(""); Kind := None; end if; Last_kind := Kind; Last_arg := Argument; end if; end Get_token; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Save_named( Name : in sp.String_type; Value : in sp.String_type ) is begin N_arg_count := N_arg_count + 1; Named_args(N_arg_count).Name := Name; Named_args(N_arg_count).Value := Value; end Save_named; procedure Save_positional( Value : in sp.String_type ) is begin if N_arg_count > 0 then CLI_Error ("Invalid Parameter Order, " & "Positional arguments must precede Named."); raise invalid_parameter_order; end if; P_arg_count := P_arg_count + 1; Positional_args(P_arg_count) := Value; end Save_positional; procedure Reject_token is begin Rejected := TRUE; end Reject_token; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Initialize (Tool_Name : in String) is begin Set_Tool_Name (To => Tool_Name); declare type State_type is (Have_nothing,Have_Ada_ID,Have_bound_to); Start_Index : integer; --| End_Index: integer; --| Indices of characters in argument string Scan_string: ss.Scanner; --| Scanned argument string Argument: sp.String_Type; --| Argument scanned from argument string Kind: Token_type; --| Kind of argument- WORD, =>, Ada_ID Old_arg: sp.String_Type; --| Previously scanned argument Found: boolean; State: State_type := Have_nothing; --| State of argument in decision tree begin Start_Index := Arg_string'first; End_Index := Arg_string'first; N_arg_count := 0; P_arg_count := 0; -- Get the command line from the operating system Read_Command_Line (Arg_String); -- Remove trailing blanks and final semicolon for i in reverse Arg_string'range loop if Arg_string(i) /= ' ' then if Arg_string(i) = ';' then End_Index := i - 1; else End_Index := i; end if; exit; end if; end loop; Skip_Leading_White_Space : for i in Arg_String'First .. End_Index loop if Arg_String (i) /= ' ' and then Arg_String (i) /= Ascii.HT then Start_Index := i; exit Skip_Leading_White_Space; end if; end loop Skip_Leading_White_Space; Verify_Balanced_Parentheses : declare Left_Parens : Natural := 0; Right_Parens : Natural := 0; begin for i in Start_Index .. End_Index loop if Arg_String (i) = '(' then Left_Parens := Left_Parens + 1; elsif Arg_String (i) = ')' then Right_Parens := Right_Parens + 1; end if; end loop; if Left_Parens /= Right_Parens then CLI_Error ("Unbalanced Parentheses."); raise Unbalanced_Parentheses; end if; end Verify_Balanced_Parentheses; -- Convert argument string to scanner and remove enclosing parantheses Scan_string := ss.Make_scanner(sp.Create( Arg_string(Start_Index .. End_Index))); if ss.Is_enclosed('(',')',Scan_string) then ss.Mark(Scan_string); ss.Scan_enclosed('(',')',Scan_string,Found,Argument); ss.Skip_Space(Scan_string); if not ss.More(Scan_string) then ss.Destroy_Scanner(Scan_string); Scan_string := ss.Make_scanner(Argument); else ss.Restore(Scan_string); end if; end if; -- Parse argument string and save arguments loop Get_token(Scan_string,Argument,Kind); case State is when Have_nothing => case Kind is when Ada_ID => Old_arg := Argument; State := Have_Ada_ID; when Word => Save_positional(Argument); State := Have_nothing; when Bound_to => State := Have_nothing; CLI_Error ("Invalid Named Association."); raise invalid_named_association; when None => null; end case; when Have_Ada_ID => case Kind is when Ada_ID => Save_positional(Old_arg); Old_arg := Argument; State := Have_Ada_ID; when Word => Save_positional(Old_arg); Save_positional(Argument); State := Have_nothing; when Bound_to => State := Have_bound_to; when None => Save_positional(Old_arg); end case; when Have_bound_to => case Kind is when Ada_ID | Word => Save_named(Old_arg,Argument); State := Have_nothing; when Bound_to => State := Have_bound_to; CLI_Error ("Invalid Named Association."); raise invalid_named_association; when None => CLI_Error ("Invalid Named Association."); raise invalid_named_association; end case; end case; exit when Kind = None; end loop; end; end Initialize; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Named_arg_count --| Return number of named arguments return Argument_count is begin return N_arg_count; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Positional_arg_count --| Return number of positional arguments return Argument_count is begin return P_arg_count; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Positional_arg_value( --| Return an argument value N: Argument_index --| Position of desired argument ) return string is --| Raises: no_arg --| Effects: Return the Nth argument. If there is no argument at --| position N, no_arg is raised. --| N/A: modifies, errors begin if N > P_arg_count then CLI_Error ("Internal Error, Argument" & Argument_Index'Image (N) & " does not exist. Please submit an LCR."); raise no_arg; else return sp.Value(Positional_args(N)); end if; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Positional_arg_value( --| Return an argument value N: Argument_index --| Position of desired argument ) return sp.String_type is --| Raises: no_arg --| Effects: Return the Nth argument. If there is no argument at --| position N, no_arg is raised. --| N/A: modifies, errors begin if N > P_arg_count then CLI_Error ("Internal Error, Argument" & Argument_Index'Image (N) & " does not exist. Please submit an LCR."); raise no_arg; else return Positional_args(N); end if; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Named_arg_value(--| Return a named argument value Name: string; Default: string ) return string is --| Effects: Return the value associated with Name on the command --| line. If there was none, return Default. begin for i in 1..N_arg_count loop if sp.Equal(sp.Upper(Named_args(i).Name),sp.Upper(sp.Create(Name))) then Named_args(i).Was_retrieved := TRUE; return sp.Value(Named_args(i).Value); end if; end loop; return Default; end; function Named_arg_value(--| Return a named argument value Name: string; Default: string ) return String_Type is --| Effects: Return the value associated with Name on the command --| line. If there was none, return Default. begin return Create (Named_Arg_Value (Name, Default)); end Named_Arg_Value; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Named_arg_value(--| Return a named argument value Name: string; Default: sp.String_type ) return sp.String_type is --| Effects: Return the value associated with Name on the command --| line. If there was none, return Default. begin for i in 1..N_arg_count loop if sp.Equal(sp.Upper(Named_args(i).Name),sp.Upper(sp.Create(Name))) then Named_args(i).Was_retrieved := TRUE; return Named_args(i).Value; end if; end loop; return Default; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Arguments --| Return the entire argument string return string is --| Effects: Return the entire command line, except for the name --| of the command itself. begin return Arg_string; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Parse_Aggregate (Aggregate_Text : in String) return String_Lists.List is type State_type is (Have_Nothing, Have_Ada_ID, Have_Bound_To); First : Natural := Aggregate_Text'First; Last : Natural := Aggregate_Text'Last; Component_List : String_Lists.List := String_Lists.Create; Argument : sp.String_Type; --| Argument scanned from argument string Kind : Token_type; --| Kind of argument- WORD, =>, Ada_ID Scan_string : ss.Scanner; --| Scanned argument string Aggregate_Contents : String_Type; Enclosed_Aggregate_Found : Boolean := False; begin if Aggregate_Text'Length > 0 then Scan_String := SS.Make_Scanner (Create (Aggregate_Text (First .. Last))); SS.Scan_Enclosed ( '(', ')', Scan_String, Found => Enclosed_Aggregate_Found, Result => Aggregate_Contents, Skip => True); if Enclosed_Aggregate_Found then SS.Destroy_Scanner (Scan_String); Scan_String := SS.Make_Scanner (Aggregate_Contents); end if; Parse_Aggregate_String : loop Get_token(Scan_string, Argument, Kind); exit Parse_Aggregate_String when Kind = None; String_Lists.Attach (Component_List, Argument); end loop Parse_Aggregate_String; end if; return Component_List; end Parse_Aggregate; function Parse_Aggregate (Aggregate_Text : in String_Type) return String_Lists.List is begin return Parse_Aggregate (Value (Aggregate_Text)); end Parse_Aggregate; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Convert (Parameter_Text : in String) return Parameter_Type is begin return Parameter_Type'Value (Parameter_Text); exception when Constraint_Error => CLI_Error ("Invalid Parameter, """ & Value (Mixed (Parameter_Text)) & """ is not a legal value for type " & Value (Mixed (Type_Name)) & '.'); raise Invalid_Parameter; end Convert; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Finalize is --| Raises: unreferenced_named_arg begin for i in 1..Named_arg_count loop if Named_args(i).Was_retrieved = FALSE then CLI_Error ("Invalid Parameter Association, " & Value (Mixed (Named_Args (i).Name)) & " is not a valid Formal Parameter."); raise unreferenced_named_arg; end if; end loop; end Finalize; ------------------------------------------------------------------- end command_line_interface; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : command_line_interface_.ada -- Component of : common_library -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 16:03:08 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/common_library/sccs/sxcommand_line_interface_.ada with String_Lists; use String_Lists; with String_pkg; use String_pkg; -------------------------------------------------------------------- Package command_line_interface is --| Provides primitives for getting at the command line arguments. --| Overview --| This package provides a universal and portable interface to --| the arguments typed on a command line when a program is invoked. --| Each command line argument is either a Word (sequence of non-blank --| characters) or a quoted string, with embedded quotes doubled. --| --| Both named and positional arguments may be given on the command --| line. However, once a named parameter is used, all the subseqent --| parameters on the command line must be named parameters. For example, --| the commands --|- --| compile abc pqr xyz library => plib --| compile abc,pqr,unit=>xyz,library=>plib --|+ --| have one named argument and three positional arguments. This --| package separates the named parameters from the positional --| parameters, ignores spaces around the "bound to" (=>) symbol, and --| allows parameters to be separated by either spaces or commas, --| so these command lines are indistinguishable. --| --| At program elaboration time, the command line string is automatically --| obtained from the host operating system and parsed into --| individual arguments. The following operations may then be used: --|- --| Named_arg_count() Returns number of named arguments entered --| Positional_arg_count() Returns number of positional arguments --| Positional_arg_value(N) Returns the Nth positional argument --| Named_arg_value(Name, Dflt) Returns value of a named argument --| Arguments() Returns the entire command line --|+ ---------------------------------------------------------------- max_args: constant := 255; --| Maximum number of command line arguments (arbitrary). subtype Argument_count is integer range 0..max_args; --| For number of arguments subtype Argument_index is Argument_count range 1..Argument_count'last; --| Used to number the command line arguments. no_arg: exception; --| Raised when request made for nonexistent argument missing_positional_arg: exception; --| Raised when command line is missing positional argument (A,,B) invalid_named_association: exception; --| Raised when command line is missing named argument value (output=> ,A,B) unreferenced_named_arg: exception; --| Raised when not all named parameters have been retrieved invalid_parameter_order: exception; --| Raised when a positional parameter occurs after a named parameter -- in the command line --Invalid_Aggregate : exception; --| Raised when an aggregate does not begin and end with parentheses -- in Parse_Aggregate. Unbalanced_Parentheses : exception; --| Raised when the number of left paren's does not match the number --| of right paren's. Invalid_Parameter : exception; --| Raised when the conversion of a string to a parameter type is not --| possible. ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Initialize (Tool_Name : in String); --| Initializes command_line_interface --| N/A: modifies, errors, raises --------------------------------------------------------------------- function Named_arg_count --| Return number of named arguments return Argument_count; --| N/A: modifies, errors, raises function Positional_arg_count --| Return number of positional arguments return Argument_count; --| N/A: modifies, errors, raises ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Positional_arg_value( --| Return an argument value N: Argument_index --| Position of desired argument ) return string; --| Raises: no_arg --| Effects: Return the Nth argument. If there is no argument at --| position N, no_arg is raised. --| N/A: modifies, errors function Positional_arg_value( --| Return an argument value N: Argument_index --| Position of desired argument ) return String_type; --| Raises: no_arg --| Effects: Return the Nth argument. If there is no argument at --| position N, no_arg is raised. --| N/A: modifies, errors -------------------------------------------------------------------- function Named_arg_value(--| Return a named argument value Name: string; Default: string ) return string; --| Effects: Return the value associated with Name on the command --| line. If there was none, return Default. --| N/A: modifies, errors function Named_arg_value(--| Return a named argument value Name: string; Default: string ) return String_Type; --| Effects: Return the value associated with Name on the command --| line. If there was none, return Default. --| N/A: modifies, errors function Named_arg_value(--| Return a named argument value Name: string; Default: String_type ) return String_type; --| Effects: Return the value associated with Name on the command --| line. If there was none, return Default. --| N/A: modifies, errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Arguments --| Return the entire argument string return string; --| Effects: Return the entire command line, except for the name --| of the command itself. --| N/A: modifies, errors, raises ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Parse_Aggregate (Aggregate_Text : in String_Type) return String_Lists.List; function Parse_Aggregate (Aggregate_Text : in String) return String_Lists.List; --| Effects: Returns components of Aggregate_Text as a String_List. --| Raises : Invalid_Aggregate ---------------------------------------------------------------- generic type Parameter_Type is (<>); Type_Name : in String; function Convert (Parameter_Text : in String) return Parameter_Type; --| Raises: Invalid_Parameter ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Finalize ; --| Raises: unrecognized parameters --| Effects: If not all named parameters have been retrieved --| unrecognized parameters is raised. --| N/A: modifies, errors end command_line_interface; ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : file_names.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:29:16 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxfile_names.ada -- $Header: file_names.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:04:19 ada Exp $ -- $Log: file_names.a,v $ -- Revision 0,2 88/03/16 -- Set file names modified to include a file extension parameter. -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:04:19 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:36:22 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- -- The collection of all file names used by Ayacc -- package File_Names is procedure Set_File_Names(Input_File, Extension: in String); -- Sets the initial value of the file names -- according to the INPUT_FILE. function Get_Source_File_Name return String; function Get_Out_File_Name return String; function Get_Verbose_File_Name return String; function Get_Template_File_Name return String; function Get_Actions_File_Name return String; function Get_Shift_Reduce_File_Name return String; function Get_Goto_File_Name return String; function Get_Tokens_File_Name return String; function Get_C_Lex_File_Name return String; function Get_Include_File_Name return String; --RJS ========================================== function C_Lex_Unit_Name return String; function Goto_Tables_Unit_Name return String; function Shift_Reduce_Tables_Unit_Name return String; function Tokens_Unit_Name return String; --RJS ========================================== Illegal_File_Name: exception; -- Raised if the file name does not end with ".y" end File_Names; with STR_Pack; use STR_Pack; with String_Pkg; package body File_Names is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) file_names.ada, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: file_names.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:04:19 ada Exp $"; Max_Name_Length : constant := 50; Source_File_Name : STR(Max_Name_Length); Out_File_Name : STR(Max_Name_Length); Verbose_File_Name : STR(Max_Name_Length); Template_File_Name : STR(Max_Name_Length); Actions_File_Name : STR(Max_Name_Length); Shift_Reduce_File_Name : STR(Max_Name_Length); Goto_File_Name : STR(Max_Name_Length); Tokens_File_Name : STR(Max_Name_Length); C_Lex_File_Name : STR(Max_Name_Length); Include_File_Name : STR(Max_Name_Length); --RJS ========================================== function End_of_Unit_Name (Name : in String) return Natural is Dot_Position : Natural := Name'Last; begin while Dot_Position >= Name'First and then Name (Dot_Position) /= '.' loop Dot_Position := Dot_Position - 1; end loop; return Dot_Position - 1; end End_of_Unit_Name; function Get_Unit_Name (Filename : in String) return String is Filename_Without_Extension : constant String := Filename (Filename'First .. End_of_Unit_Name (Filename)); End_of_Directory : Natural := Filename_Without_Extension'Last; function Character_Is_Part_of_Unit_Name (Ch : in Character) return Boolean is begin return Ch in 'A' .. 'Z' or else Ch in 'a' .. 'z' or else Ch = '_'; end Character_Is_Part_of_Unit_Name; use String_Pkg; begin while End_of_Directory >= Filename_Without_Extension'First and then Character_Is_Part_of_Unit_Name ( Filename_Without_Extension (End_of_Directory)) loop End_of_Directory := End_of_Directory - 1; end loop; return Value (Mixed (Filename_Without_Extension (End_of_Directory + 1 .. Filename_Without_Extension'Last))); end Get_Unit_Name; function C_Lex_Unit_Name return String is Filename : constant String := Value_of (Upper_Case (C_Lex_File_Name)); begin return Get_Unit_Name (Filename); end C_Lex_Unit_Name; function Goto_Tables_Unit_Name return String is Filename : constant String := Value_of (Upper_Case (Goto_File_Name)); begin return Get_Unit_Name (Filename); end Goto_Tables_Unit_Name; function Shift_Reduce_Tables_Unit_Name return String is Filename : constant String := Value_of (Upper_Case (Shift_Reduce_File_Name)); begin return Get_Unit_Name (Filename); end Shift_Reduce_Tables_Unit_Name; function Tokens_Unit_Name return String is Filename : constant String := Value_of (Upper_Case (Tokens_File_Name)); begin return Get_Unit_Name (Filename); end Tokens_Unit_Name; --RJS ========================================== function Get_Source_File_Name return String is begin return Value_of(Source_File_Name); end; function Get_Out_File_Name return String is begin return Value_of(Out_File_Name); end; function Get_Verbose_File_Name return String is begin return Value_of(Verbose_File_Name); end; function Get_Template_File_Name return String is begin return Value_of(Template_File_Name); end; function Get_Actions_File_Name return String is begin return Value_of(Actions_File_Name); end; function Get_Shift_Reduce_File_Name return String is begin return Value_of(Shift_Reduce_File_Name); end; function Get_Goto_File_Name return String is begin return Value_of(Goto_File_Name); end; function Get_Tokens_File_Name return String is begin return Value_of(Tokens_File_Name); end; function Get_C_Lex_File_Name return String is begin return Value_of(C_Lex_File_Name); end; function Get_Include_File_Name return String is begin return Value_of(Include_File_Name); end; procedure Set_File_Names(Input_File, Extension: in String) is Base: STR(Max_Name_Length); begin if Input_File'Length < 3 or else (Input_File(Input_File'Last) /= 'y' and then Input_File(Input_File'Last) /= 'Y') or else Input_File(Input_File'Last - 1) /= '.' then raise Illegal_File_Name; end if; Assign(Input_File(Input_File'First..Input_File'Last-2), To => Base); Assign(Input_File, To => Source_File_Name); Assign(Base, To => Out_File_Name); Append(Extension, To => Out_File_Name); Assign(Base, To => Verbose_File_Name); Append(".verbose", To => Verbose_File_Name); Assign(Base, To => Tokens_File_Name); Append("_tokens" & Extension, To => Tokens_File_Name); Assign("yyparse.template", To => Template_File_Name); Assign(Base, To => Actions_File_Name); Append(".accs", To => Actions_File_Name); Assign(Base, To => Shift_Reduce_File_Name); Append("_shift_reduce" & Extension, To => Shift_Reduce_File_Name); Assign(Base, To => Goto_File_Name); Append("_goto" & Extension, To => Goto_File_Name); Assign(Base, To => C_Lex_File_Name); Append("_c_lex" & Extension, To => C_Lex_File_Name); Assign(Base, To => Include_File_Name); Append(".h", To => Include_File_Name); end Set_File_Names; end File_Names; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : goto_file.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:29:33 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxgoto_file.ada -- $Header: goto_file.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:04:27 ada Exp $ -- $Log: goto_file.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:04:27 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:36:31 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- package Goto_File is procedure Open_Write; procedure Close_Write; procedure Write(S: in String); procedure Write_Line(S: in String); procedure Write(C: in Character); end Goto_File; with Text_IO, Rule_Table, Symbol_Table, File_Names; use Text_IO, Rule_Table, Symbol_Table, File_Names; package body Goto_File is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) goto_file.ada, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: goto_file.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:04:27 ada Exp $"; The_File : File_Type; procedure Open_Write is begin Create(The_File, Out_File, Get_Goto_File_Name); Write_Line("package " & Goto_Tables_Unit_Name & " is"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" type Small_Integer is range -32_000 .. 32_000;"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" type Goto_Entry is record"); Write_Line(" Nonterm : Small_Integer;"); Write_Line(" Newstate : Small_Integer;"); Write_Line(" end record;"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" --pragma suppress(index_check);"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" subtype Row is Integer range -1 .. Integer'Last;"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" type Goto_Parse_Table is array (Row range <>) of " & "Goto_Entry;"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" Goto_Matrix : constant Goto_Parse_Table :="); Write_Line(" ((-1,-1) -- Dummy Entry."); end Open_Write; procedure Close_Write is begin Write_Line(""); Write_Line("subtype Rule is Natural;"); Write_Line("subtype Nonterminal is Integer;"); Write_Line(""); -- Write the rule length array -- Write( " Rule_Length : array (Rule range " & Rule'Image(First_Rule) & " .. " & Rule'Image(Last_Rule) & ") of Natural := ("); for R in First_Rule..Last_Rule loop Write( Natural'Image(Length_of(R))); if R = Last_Rule then Write_Line( ");"); elsif R mod 8 = 0 then Write_Line( ","); else Write( ','); end if; end loop; -- Write the lefth hand side array Write(" Get_LHS_Rule: array (Rule range " & Rule'Image(First_Rule) & " .. " & Rule'Image(Last_Rule) & ") of Nonterminal := ("); for R in First_Rule..Last_Rule loop if R = Last_Rule then Write_Line( Grammar_Symbol'Image(Get_LHS(R)) & ");"); elsif R mod 8 = 0 then Write_Line( Grammar_Symbol'Image(Get_LHS(R)) & ','); else Write(Grammar_Symbol'Image(Get_LHS(R)) & ','); end if; end loop; Write_Line("end " & Goto_Tables_Unit_Name & ";"); Close(The_File); end Close_Write; procedure Write(S: in String) is begin Put(The_File, S); end Write; procedure Write_Line(S: in String) is begin Put_Line(The_File, S); end Write_Line; procedure Write(C: in Character) is begin Put(The_File, C); end Write; end Goto_File; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : lalr_symbol_info.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:29:48 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxlalr_symbol_info.ada -- $Header: lalr_symbol_info.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:04:35 ada Exp $ -- $Log: lalr_symbol_info.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:04:35 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:36:38 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- -- -- -- Authors : David Taback , Deepak Tolani -- -- Copyright : 1987, University of California Irvine -- -- -- -- If you -- -- modify the source code or if you have any suggestions or questions -- -- regarding ayacc, we would like to hear from you. Our mailing -- -- addresses are : -- -- taback@icsc.uci.edu -- -- tolani@icsc.uci.edu -- -- -- with LR0_Machine, Ragged, Rule_Table, Symbol_Table, Symbol_Info, Set_Pack, Stack_Pack; use LR0_Machine, Rule_Table, Symbol_Table, Symbol_Info; with Text_IO; use Text_IO; package LALR_Symbol_Info is procedure Make_LALR_Sets; procedure Get_LA(State_ID : Parse_State; Item_ID : Item; Look_Aheads : in out Grammar_Symbol_Set); end LALR_Symbol_Info; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : lalr_symbol_info_body.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:30:08 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxlalr_symbol_info_body.ada -- $Header: lalr_symbol_info_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:04:40 ada Exp $ -- $Log: lalr_symbol_info_body.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:04:40 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:36:47 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- package body LALR_Symbol_Info is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) lalr_symbol_info_body.adadisk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc, Version 1.2"; package Relation is procedure Make_Reads_Relation; procedure Make_Includes_Relation; procedure Reads (LHS : Transition; RHS : in out Transition_Set); procedure Includes(LHS : Transition; RHS : in out Transition_Set); procedure Free_Includes; end Relation; package body Relation is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) lalr_symbol_info_body.adadisk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc, Version 1.2"; package Includes_Relation is new Ragged(Parse_State, Grammar_Symbol, Transition_Set, Transition_Set_Pack.Make_Null); procedure Make_Reads_Relation is begin -- Don't need to do anything. Get READS from the LR0 machine null; end Make_Reads_Relation; -- Implements Algorithm D1 in Park's paper -- "A New Analysis of LALR Formalisms" Park et al. -- ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, -- Vol 7,January 85. use Includes_Relation, Item_Set_Pack, Parse_State_Set_Pack, Transition_Set_Pack; procedure Make_Includes_Relation is Preds : Parse_State_Set; Pred_Loop : Parse_State_Iterator; Temp : Transition; A , B : Grammar_Symbol; R : Parse_State; I : Item; Items : Item_Set; Item_Index : Item_Iterator; begin Make_Array(First_Parse_State,Last_Parse_State); for Q in First_Parse_State .. Last_Parse_State loop -- Loop over all items [B ->B1 . A B2] in state Q -- Where A is a nonterminal and the string B2 is nullable. Get_Kernel(Q, Items); Closure(Items); Initialize(Item_Index, Items); while More(Item_Index) loop Next(Item_Index,I); -- Is the item of the form [B ->B1 . A B2] ? if I.Dot_Position = Length_of(I.Rule_ID) then goto Continue; -- Nothing to the right of dot elsif I.Dot_Position + 1 < Get_Null_Pos(I.Rule_ID) then goto Continue; -- B2 is not nullable end if; A := Get_RHS(I.Rule_ID, I.Dot_Position + 1); B := Get_LHS(I.Rule_ID); if Is_Terminal(A) then goto Continue; -- A is not a nonterminal end if; -- for all states R in PRED(Q,B1) (Q,A) INCLUDES (R,B) Make_Null(Preds); Get_Pred_Set(Q,I,Preds); Initialize(Pred_Loop, Preds); while More(Pred_Loop) loop Next(Pred_Loop, R); Temp.State_ID := R; Temp.Symbol := B; Insert(Temp, Into => Includes_Relation.Lval(Q,A).Value); end loop; <<Continue>> null; end loop; end loop; -- Free Make_Null(Preds); Make_Null(Items); end Make_Includes_Relation; procedure Free_Includes is begin Includes_Relation.Free_Array; end Free_Includes; use Grammar_Symbol_Set_Pack, Transition_Set_Pack; procedure Reads (LHS : Transition; RHS : in out Transition_Set) is Temp : Transition; Gotos : Grammar_Symbol_Set; Index : Grammar_Symbol_Iterator; begin Make_Null(RHS); Temp.State_ID := Get_Goto(LHS.State_ID, LHS.Symbol); Get_Transition_Symbols(Temp.State_ID, Nonterminals, Gotos); Initialize(Index, Gotos); while More(Index) loop Next(Index, Temp.Symbol); if Is_Nullable(Temp.Symbol) then Insert(Temp, Into => RHS); end if; end loop; -- Free Make_Null(Gotos); end Reads; use Includes_Relation, Transition_Set_Pack; procedure Includes (LHS : Transition; RHS : in out Transition_Set) is begin -- Free Make_Null(RHS); -- Could use fassign but dangerous Assign(RHS, Includes_Relation.Lval(LHS.State_ID,LHS.Symbol).Value); end Includes; end Relation; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- use Relation; package LALR_Sets_Pack is procedure Make_Dr_Sets; procedure Make_Read_Sets; procedure Make_Follow_Sets; procedure Follow( Trans : Transition; Follow_Set: in out Grammar_Symbol_Set); procedure Union_Follow_Sets( Trans : Transition; Follow_Set : in out Grammar_Symbol_Set); end LALR_Sets_Pack; package body LALR_Sets_Pack is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) lalr_symbol_info_body.adadisk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc, Version 1.2"; -- The DR, Read, and Follow sets are all stored in the same data -- structure in package lalr_sets. type Relation_Type is (Use_Reads, Use_Includes); package LALR_Sets is new Ragged(Parse_State, Grammar_Symbol, Grammar_Symbol_Set, Grammar_Symbol_Set_Pack.Make_Null); use LALR_Sets, Grammar_Symbol_Set_Pack, Transition_Set_Pack; procedure Make_Dr_Sets is Trans : Transition; -- gotos : transition_set; Goto_Index : Nt_Transition_Iterator; Term_Sym : Grammar_Symbol; Terms : Grammar_Symbol_Set; Term_Index : Grammar_Symbol_Iterator; begin -- Make storage to hold the DR sets. LALR_Sets.Make_Array(First_Parse_State, Last_Parse_State); -- DR(P,Symbol) = { x is a terminal|P -Symbol-> Next_State -x->} for P in First_Parse_State..Last_Parse_State loop -- Get all transitions (Symbol,Next_State) out of state P -- get_transitions(P, nonterminals, gotos); Initialize(Goto_Index, P); while More(Goto_Index) loop Next(Goto_Index, Trans); Get_Transition_Symbols(Trans.State_ID, Terminals, Terms); Initialize(Term_Index, Terms); while More(Term_Index) loop Next(Term_Index, Term_Sym); Insert(Term_Sym, Into => LALR_Sets.Lval(P,Trans.Symbol).Value); end loop; end loop; end loop; -- make_null(gotos); Make_Null(Terms); end Make_Dr_Sets; procedure Initialize_N(X: in out Integer) is begin X := 0; end Initialize_N; procedure Digraph(R : Relation_Type) is package N is new Ragged(Parse_State, Grammar_Symbol, Integer, Initialize_N); package Transition_Stack is new Stack_Pack(Transition); use Transition_Stack, Transition_Set_Pack; Trans_Stack : Stack; Symbol : Grammar_Symbol; Gotos : Grammar_Symbol_Set; Goto_Index : Grammar_Symbol_Iterator; Trans : Transition; procedure Traverse(X: Transition) is Infinity : constant Integer := Integer'Last; Depth : Integer; Minimum : Integer; Y, Top : Transition; RHS_Set : Transition_Iterator; Related : Transition_Set; begin Push(Trans_Stack,X); Depth := Depth_of_Stack(Trans_Stack); N.Lval(X.State_ID,X.Symbol).Value := Depth; -- Should take a procedure parameter instead of a key if R = Use_Reads then Reads(X, Related); else Includes(X, Related); end if; Initialize(RHS_Set, Related); while More(RHS_Set) loop Next(RHS_Set, Y); if N.Lval(Y.State_ID, Y.Symbol).Value = 0 then Traverse(Y); end if; Minimum := N.Rval(Y.State_ID, Y.Symbol).Value; if Minimum < N.Rval(X.State_ID, X.Symbol).Value then N.Lval(X.State_ID, X.Symbol).Value := Minimum; end if; Insert(LALR_Sets.Lval(Y.State_ID,Y.Symbol).Value, Into => LALR_Sets.Lval(X.State_ID,X.Symbol).Value); end loop; if N.Rval(X.State_ID, X.Symbol).Value = Depth then loop Top := Top_Value(Trans_Stack); N.Lval(Top.State_ID,Top.Symbol).Value:= Infinity; Assign(LALR_Sets.Lval(Top.State_ID, Top.Symbol).Value, LALR_Sets.Rval(X.State_ID, X.Symbol).Value); Pop(Trans_Stack, Top); exit when Top = X; end loop; end if; -- Free Make_Null(Related); exception when Value_Range_Error => Put_Line("Ayacc: Value Range Error in Traverse"); raise; when Stack_Underflow => Put_Line("Ayacc: Stack Underflow in Traverse"); raise; when others => Put_Line("Ayacc: Unexpected Error in Traverse"); raise; end Traverse; begin -- digraph Make_Stack(Trans_Stack); N.Make_Array(First_Parse_State, Last_Parse_State); -- Call traverse(X) for all unexamined nonterminal transitions X for State in First_Parse_State .. Last_Parse_State loop Get_Transition_Symbols(State, Nonterminals, Gotos); Initialize(Goto_Index, Gotos); while More(Goto_Index) loop Next(Goto_Index, Symbol); if N.Lval(State, Symbol).Value = 0 then Trans.State_ID := State; Trans.Symbol := Symbol; Traverse(Trans); end if; end loop; end loop; Free_Stack(Trans_Stack); N.Free_Array; -- Free Make_Null(Gotos); exception when Value_Range_Error => Put_Line("Ayacc: Value Range Error in Digraph"); raise; when Stack_Underflow => Put_Line("Ayacc: Stack Underflow in Digraph"); raise; when others => Put_Line("Ayacc: Unexpected Error in Digraph"); raise; end Digraph; procedure Make_Read_Sets is begin Digraph(Use_Reads); end Make_Read_Sets; procedure Make_Follow_Sets is begin Digraph(Use_Includes); Free_Includes; end Make_Follow_Sets; procedure Follow( Trans : Transition; Follow_Set : in out Grammar_Symbol_Set) is begin Make_Null(Follow_Set); Assign(Follow_Set, LALR_Sets.Lval(Trans.State_ID,Trans.Symbol).Value); -- used to rval end Follow; procedure Union_Follow_Sets( Trans : Transition; Follow_Set: in out Grammar_Symbol_Set) is begin Insert(LALR_Sets.Rval(Trans.State_ID,Trans.Symbol).Value, Into => Follow_Set); end Union_Follow_Sets; end LALR_Sets_Pack; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- use Relation, LALR_Sets_Pack; procedure Make_LALR_Sets is begin Make_Dr_Sets; Make_Reads_Relation; Make_Read_Sets; Make_Includes_Relation; Make_Follow_Sets; end Make_LALR_Sets; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- use Grammar_Symbol_Set_Pack, Parse_State_Set_Pack; procedure Get_LA(State_ID : Parse_State; Item_ID : Item; Look_Aheads : in out Grammar_Symbol_Set) is Predecessors : Parse_State_Set; Pred_Loop : Parse_State_Iterator; Temp : Transition; begin Make_Null(Look_Aheads); Temp.Symbol := Get_LHS(Item_ID.Rule_ID); Make_Null(Predecessors); Get_Pred_Set(State_ID, Item_ID ,Predecessors); Initialize(Pred_Loop, Predecessors); while More(Pred_Loop) loop Next(Pred_Loop, Temp.State_ID); Union_Follow_Sets(Temp, Look_Aheads); end loop; -- Free Make_Null(Predecessors); end Get_LA; end LALR_Symbol_Info; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : lexical_analyzer.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:30:26 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxlexical_analyzer.ada -- $Header: lexical_analyzer.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:05:14 ada Exp $ -- $Log: lexical_analyzer.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:05:14 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:36:57 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with Source_File; package Lexical_Analyzer is function Get_Lexeme_Text return String; -- Scanned text. type Ayacc_Token is (Token, Start, Left, Right, Nonassoc, Prec, With_Clause, Use_Clause, Identifier, Character_Literal, Comma, Colon, Semicolon, Vertical_Bar, Left_Brace, Mark, Eof_Token); function Get_Token return Ayacc_Token; function Line_Number return Natural; -- Current line of source file procedure Handle_Action(Rule, Rule_Length : Integer); procedure Print_Context_Lines renames Source_File.Print_Context_Lines; procedure Dump_Declarations; Illegal_Token : exception; end Lexical_Analyzer; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : lexical_analyzer_body.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:30:42 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxlexical_analyzer_body.ada -- $Header: lexical_analyzer_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:05:27 ada Exp $ -- $Log: lexical_analyzer_body.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:05:27 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:37:05 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with Actions_File, Source_File, STR_Pack, Tokens_File, Text_IO; use Actions_File, Source_File, STR_Pack, Tokens_File, Text_IO; package body Lexical_Analyzer is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) lexical_analyzer_body.adadisk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: lexical_analyzer_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:05:27 ada Exp $"; Max_Lexeme_Length : constant := 80; Current_Line_Number: Natural := 1; Lexeme_Text : STR(Max_Lexeme_Length); function Get_Lexeme_Text return String is begin return Value_of(Lexeme_Text); end Get_Lexeme_Text; function Line_Number return Natural is begin return Source_Line_Number; end Line_Number; procedure Skip_Comment is Ch: Character; begin loop Get_Char(Ch); if Ch = Eof then Unget_Char(Ch); exit; elsif Ch = Eoln then Current_Line_Number := Current_Line_Number + 1; exit; end if; end loop; end Skip_Comment; function Get_Token return Ayacc_Token is Ch: Character; begin loop Assign("", To => Lexeme_Text); loop Get_Char(Ch); if Ch = Eoln then Current_Line_Number := Current_Line_Number + 1; end if; exit when Ch /= ' ' and then Ch /= Eoln and then Ch /= Ascii.Ht; end loop; case Ch is when '-' => Get_Char(Ch); if Ch = '-' then Skip_Comment; else raise Illegal_Token; end if; when ':' => Append(Ch, To => Lexeme_Text); return Colon; when ';' => Append(Ch, To => Lexeme_Text); return Semicolon; when ',' => Append(Ch, To => Lexeme_Text); return Comma; when '%' => Append(Ch, To => Lexeme_Text); if Peek_Next_Char = '%' then Get_Char(Ch); Append(Ch, To => Lexeme_Text); return Mark; else loop Get_Char(Ch); if Ch not in 'A'..'Z' and then Ch not in 'a'..'z' then Unget_Char(Ch); exit; end if; Append(Ch, To => Lexeme_Text); end loop; Upper_Case(Lexeme_Text); if Value_of(Lexeme_Text) = "%TOKEN" then return Token; elsif Value_of(Lexeme_Text) = "%START" then return Start; elsif Value_of(Lexeme_Text) = "%LEFT" then return Left; elsif Value_of(Lexeme_Text) = "%RIGHT" then return Right; elsif Value_of(Lexeme_Text) = "%NONASSOC" then return Nonassoc; elsif Value_of(Lexeme_Text) = "%PREC" then return Prec; elsif Value_of (Lexeme_Text) = "%WITH" then return With_Clause; elsif Value_of (Lexeme_Text) = "%USE" then return Use_Clause; else raise Illegal_Token; end if; end if; when '|' => Append(Ch, To => Lexeme_Text); return Vertical_Bar; when '{' => Append(Ch, To => Lexeme_Text); return Left_Brace; when Eof => return Eof_Token; when ''' => Append(Ch, To => Lexeme_Text); Get_Char(Ch); if Ch /= Eof and Ch /= Eoln then Append(Ch, To => Lexeme_Text); Get_Char(Ch); if Ch /= ''' then raise Illegal_Token; else Append(Ch, To => Lexeme_Text); end if; return Character_Literal; end if; when 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '.' | '_' => Append(Ch, To => Lexeme_Text); loop Get_Char(Ch); if Ch in 'a'..'z' or else Ch in 'A'..'Z' or else Ch in '0'..'9' or else Ch = '.' or else Ch = '_' then Append(Ch, To => Lexeme_Text); else Unget_Char(Ch); exit; end if; end loop; Upper_Case(Lexeme_Text); return Identifier; when others => raise Illegal_Token; end case; end loop; end Get_Token; procedure Handle_Action(Rule, Rule_Length : Integer) is Char : Character; Base : Integer; begin Actions_File.Writeln; Actions_File.Write("when " & Integer'Image(Rule) & " =>"); Actions_File.Writeln; Actions_File.Write("--#line " & Integer'Image(Current_Line_Number)); Actions_File.Writeln; loop Get_Char(Char); if Char = '-' and then Peek_Next_Char = '-' then loop Actions_File.Write(Char); Get_Char(Char); exit when Char = Eoln; end loop; end if; case Char is when '"' => Actions_File.Write(Char); loop Get_Char(Char); Actions_File.Write(Char); exit when Char = '"'; end loop; -- handle special case '"' where there is no matching ". when ''' => Actions_File.Write(Char); if Peek_Next_Char= '"' then Get_Char(Char); if Peek_Next_Char = ''' then Actions_File.Write(Char); -- '"' Get_Char(Char); -- ''' Actions_File.Write(Char); else UnGet_Char(Char); -- '"' end if; end if; when '$' => Actions_File.Writeln; Get_Char(Char); if Char = '$' then Actions_File.Write("yyval"); elsif Char in '0'..'9' then Base := Character'Pos(Char) - Character'Pos('0'); while Peek_Next_Char in '0'..'9' loop Get_Char(Char); Base := Base * 10 + Character'Pos(Char) - Character'Pos('0'); end loop; if Base > Rule_Length then Put_Line("Ayacc: Illegal use of $"&Integer'Image(Base)); raise Illegal_Token; end if; Base := Base - Rule_Length; if Base = 0 then Actions_File.Write("yy.value_stack(yy.tos)"); else Actions_File.Write("yy.value_stack(yy.tos" & Integer'Image(Base) & ")"); end if; else Put_Line("Ayacc: Illegal symbol following $"); raise Illegal_Token; end if; when Eoln => Actions_File.Writeln; Current_Line_Number := Current_Line_Number + 1; when '}' => exit; when others => Actions_File.Write(Char); end case; end loop; Actions_File.Writeln; end Handle_Action; procedure Dump_Declarations is Ch : Character; Text : STR(Source_File.Maximum_Line_Length); begin Assign("", To => Text); loop Get_Char(Ch); exit when Ch = '}' ; case Ch is when '-' => Append(Ch, To => Text); if Peek_Next_Char = '-' then loop Get_Char(Ch); Append(Ch, To => Text); exit when Peek_Next_Char = Eoln or Peek_Next_Char = Eof; end loop; end if; when '"' => Append(Ch, To => Text); loop Get_Char(Ch); if Ch = Eoln or Ch = Eof then raise Illegal_Token; end if; Append(Ch, To => Text); exit when Ch = '"'; end loop; when Eoln => Tokens_File.Writeln(Value_of(Text)); Assign("", To => Text); Current_Line_Number := Current_Line_Number + 1; when Eof => exit; when others => Append(Ch, To => Text); end case; end loop; Tokens_File.Writeln(Value_of(Text)); end Dump_Declarations; end Lexical_Analyzer; with Unchecked_Deallocation; package body Lists is procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Element_Type, Element_Pointer); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Attach (List1 : in out List; List2 : in List) is Endoflist1 : Element_Pointer; --| Attach List2 to List1. --| If List1 is null return List2 --| If List1 equals List2 then raise CircularList --| Otherwise get the pointer to the last element of List1 and change --| its Next field to be List2. begin if List1.Head = null then List1 := List2; elsif List1 = List2 then raise Circularlist; else Endoflist1 := List1.Tail; Endoflist1.Next := List2.Head; List1.Tail := List2.Tail; end if; end Attach; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Attach (L : in out List; Element : in Itemtype) is Old_Tail, New_Element : Element_Pointer; --| Create a list containing Element and attach it to the end of L begin New_Element := new Element_Type'(Item => Element, Next => null); if L.Head = null then L.Head := New_Element; L.Tail := New_Element; else Old_Tail := L.Tail; Old_Tail.Next := New_Element; L.Tail := New_Element; end if; end Attach; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Attach (Element1 : in Itemtype; Element2 : in Itemtype) return List is Newlist : List; --| Create a new list containing the information in Element1 and --| attach Element2 to that list. begin Newlist.Head := new Element_Type'(Item => Element1, Next => null); Newlist.Tail := NewList.Head; Attach (Newlist, Element2); return Newlist; end Attach; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Attach (Element : in Itemtype; L : in out List) is --| Create a new cell whose information is Element and whose Next --| field is the list L. This prepends Element to the List L. Old_Head, New_Head : Element_Pointer; begin if L.Head = null then L.Head := new Element_Type'(Item => Element, Next => null); L.Tail := L.Head; else Old_Head := L.Head; New_Head := new Element_Type'(Item => Element, Next => Old_Head); L.Head := New_Head; end if; end Attach; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Attach (List1 : in List; List2 : in List) return List is --| Attach List2 to List1. --| If List1 is null return List2 --| If List1 equals List2 then raise CircularList --| Otherwise get the pointer to the last element of List1 and change --| its Next field to be List2. End_Of_List1 : Element_Pointer; New_List : List; begin if List1.Head = null then return List2; elsif List1 = List2 then raise Circularlist; else End_Of_List1 := List1.Tail; End_Of_List1.Next := List2.Head; New_List.Head := List1.Head; New_List.Tail := List2.Tail; return New_List; end if; end Attach; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Attach (L : in List; Element : in Itemtype) return List is New_Element : Element_Pointer; New_List : List; End_Of_List : Element_Pointer; --| Create a list called New_List and attach it to the end of L. --| If L is null return New_List --| Otherwise get the last element in L and make its Next field --| New_List. begin New_Element := new Element_Type'(Item => Element, Next => null); if L.Head = null then New_List := (Head => New_Element, Tail => New_Element); else End_Of_List := L.Tail; End_Of_List.Next := New_Element; New_List := (Head => L.Head, Tail => New_Element); end if; return New_List; end Attach; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Attach (Element : in Itemtype; L : in List) return List is New_Element : Element_Pointer; begin if L.Head = null then New_Element := new Element_Type'(Item => Element, Next => null); return (Head => New_Element, Tail => New_Element); else New_Element := new Element_Type'(Item => Element, Next => L.Head); return (Head => New_Element, Tail => L.Tail); end if; end Attach; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Copy (L : in List) return List is --| If L is null return null --| Otherwise recursively copy the list by first copying the information --| at the head of the list and then making the Next field point to --| a copy of the tail of the list. Current_Element : Element_Pointer := L.Head; New_List : List := (Head => null, Tail => null); begin while Current_Element /= null loop Attach (New_List, Current_Element.Item); Current_Element := Current_Element.Next; end loop; return New_List; end Copy; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --generic -- with function Copy (I : in Itemtype) return Itemtype; function Copydeep (L : in List) return List is --| If L is null then return null. --| Otherwise copy the first element of the list into the head of the --| new list and copy the tail of the list recursively using CopyDeep. Current_Element : Element_Pointer := L.Head; New_List : List := (Head => null, Tail => null); begin while Current_Element /= null loop Attach (New_List, Copy (Current_Element.Item)); Current_Element := Current_Element.next; end loop; return New_List; end Copydeep; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Create return List is --| Return the empty list. begin return (Head => null, Tail => null); end Create; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Deletehead (L : in out List) is New_Head : Element_Pointer; --| Remove the element of the head of the list and return it to the heap. --| If L is null EmptyList. --| Otherwise save the Next field of the first element, remove the first --| element and then assign to L the Next field of the first element. begin if L.Head = null then raise Emptylist; else New_Head := L.Head.Next; Free (L.Head); L.Head := New_Head; end if; end Deletehead; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Deleteitem (L : in out List; Element : in Itemtype) is --| Remove the first element in the list with the value Element. --| If the first element of the list is equal to element then --| remove it. Otherwise, recurse on the tail of the list. Current_Element, Previous_Element : Element_Pointer; begin if L.Head = null then raise Itemnotpresent; elsif Equal (L.Head.Item, Element) then Deletehead (L); else Current_Element := L.Head.Next; Previous_Element := L.Head; while Current_Element /= null and then not Equal (Current_Element.Item, Element) loop Previous_Element := Current_Element; Current_Element := Current_Element.Next; end loop; if Current_Element = null then raise Itemnotpresent; else if Current_Element = L.Tail then L.Tail := Previous_Element; end if; Previous_Element.Next := Current_Element.Next; Free (Current_Element); end if; end if; end Deleteitem; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Deleteitems (L : in out List; Element : in Itemtype) is Delete_List_Is_Empty : Boolean := True; New_List_Is_Empty : Boolean := True; Old_Tail : Element_Pointer; Current_Element : Element_Pointer := L.Head; New_List, Delete_List : List; procedure Append (Element : in out Element_Pointer; To_List : in out List) is begin if To_List.Head = null then To_List.Head := Element; To_List.Tail := Element; else Old_Tail := To_List.Tail; To_List.Tail := Element; Old_Tail.Next := To_List.Tail; end if; end Append; begin while Current_Element /= null loop if Equal (Current_Element.Item, Element) then Append (Element => Current_Element, To_List => Delete_List); Delete_List_Is_Empty := False; else Append (Element => Current_Element, To_List => New_List); New_List_Is_Empty := False; end if; Current_Element := Current_Element.Next; end loop; if Delete_List_Is_Empty then raise Itemnotpresent; else Delete_List.Tail.Next := null; Destroy (Delete_List); end if; if not New_List_Is_Empty then New_List.Tail.Next := null; end if; L := New_List; end Deleteitems; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Destroy (L : in out List) is Current_Element : Element_Pointer := L.Head; Element_To_Delete : Element_Pointer; --| Walk down the list removing all the elements and set the list to --| the empty list. begin if L.Head /= null then while Current_Element /= null loop Element_To_Delete := Current_Element; Current_Element := Current_Element.Next; Free (Element_To_Delete); end loop; L := (Head => null, Tail => null); end if; end Destroy; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Firstvalue (L : in List) return Itemtype is --| Return the first value in the list. begin if L.Head = null then raise Emptylist; else return L.Head.Item; end if; end Firstvalue; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Isinlist (L : in List; Element : in Itemtype) return Boolean is Current_Element : Element_Pointer := L.Head; --| Check if Element is in L. If it is return true otherwise return false. begin while Current_Element /= null and then not Equal (Current_Element.Item, Element) loop Current_Element := Current_Element.Next; end loop; return Current_Element /= null; end Isinlist; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Isempty (L : in List) return Boolean is --| Is the list L empty. begin return L.Head = null; end Isempty; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Lastvalue (L : in List) return Itemtype is --| Return the value of the last element of the list. Get the pointer --| to the last element of L and then return its information. begin if L.Head = null then raise Emptylist; else return L.Tail.Item; end if; end Lastvalue; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Length (L : in List) return Integer is --| Recursively compute the length of L. The length of a list is --| 0 if it is null or 1 + the length of the tail. Current_Element : Element_Pointer := L.Head; List_Length : Natural := 0; begin while Current_Element /= null loop List_Length := List_Length + 1; Current_Element := Current_Element.Next; end loop; return List_Length; end Length; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Makelistiter (L : in List) return Listiter is --| Start an iteration operation on the list L. Do a type conversion --| from List to ListIter. begin return Listiter (L); end Makelistiter; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function More (L : in Listiter) return Boolean is --| This is a test to see whether an iteration is complete. begin return L.Head /= null; end More; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Next (Place : in out Listiter; Info : out Itemtype) is --| This procedure gets the information at the current place in the List --| and moves the ListIter to the next postion in the list. --| If we are at the end of a list then exception NoMore is raised. Next_Element : Element_Pointer := Place.Head; begin if Next_Element = null then raise Nomore; else Info := Next_Element.Item; Place.Head := Next_Element.Next; end if; end Next; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Replacehead (L : in out List; Info : in Itemtype) is --| This procedure replaces the information at the head of a list --| with the given information. If the list is empty the exception --| EmptyList is raised. begin if L.Head = null then raise Emptylist; else L.Head.Item := Info; end if; end Replacehead; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Replacetail (L : in out List; Newtail : in List) is List_Head_Item : Itemtype; --| This destroys the tail of a list and replaces the tail with --| NewTail. If L is empty EmptyList is raised. begin if L.Head = null then raise Emptylist; else List_Head_Item := L.Head.Item; Destroy (L); L := Attach (List_Head_Item, Newtail); end if; end Replacetail; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Tail (L : in List) return List is --| This returns the list which is the tail of L. If L is null Empty --| List is raised. begin if L.Head = null then raise Emptylist; else return (Head => L.Head.Next, Tail => L.Tail); end if; end Tail; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Equal (List1 : in List; List2 : in List) return Boolean is Placeinlist1 : Element_Pointer := List1.Head; Placeinlist2 : Element_Pointer := List2.Head; Contents1 : Itemtype; Contents2 : Itemtype; --| This function tests to see if two lists are equal. Two lists --| are equal if for all the elements of List1 the corresponding --| element of List2 has the same value. Thus if the 1st elements --| are equal and the second elements are equal and so up to n. --| Thus a necessary condition for two lists to be equal is that --| they have the same number of elements. --| This function walks over the two list and checks that the --| corresponding elements are equal. As soon as we reach --| the end of a list (PlaceInList = null) we fall out of the loop. --| If both PlaceInList1 and PlaceInList2 are null after exiting the loop --| then the lists are equal. If they both are not null the lists aren't --| equal. Note that equality on elements is based on a user supplied --| function Equal which is used to test for item equality. begin while (Placeinlist1 /= null) and then (Placeinlist2 /= null) loop if not Equal (Placeinlist1.Item, Placeinlist2.Item) then return False; end if; Placeinlist1 := Placeinlist1.Next; Placeinlist2 := Placeinlist2.Next; end loop; return ((Placeinlist1 = null) and then (Placeinlist2 = null)); end Equal; end Lists; generic type Itemtype is private; --| This is the data being manipulated. with function Equal (X, Y : in Itemtype) return Boolean is "="; --| This allows the user to define --| equality on ItemType. For instance --| if ItemType is an abstract type --| then equality is defined in terms of --| the abstract type. If this function --| is not provided equality defaults to --| =. package Lists is --| This package provides singly linked lists with elements of type --| ItemType, where ItemType is specified by a generic parameter. --| Overview --| When this package is instantiated, it provides a linked list type for --| lists of objects of type ItemType, which can be any desired type. A --| complete set of operations for manipulation, and releasing --| those lists is also provided. For instance, to make lists of strings, --| all that is necessary is: --| --| type StringType is string(1..10); --| --| package Str_List is new Lists(StringType); use Str_List; --| --| L:List; --| S:StringType; --| --| Then to add a string S, to the list L, all that is necessary is --| --| L := Create; --| Attach(S,L); --| --| --| This package provides basic list operations. --| --| Attach append an object to an object, an object to a list, --| or a list to an object, or a list to a list. --| Copy copy a list using := on elements --| CopyDeep copy a list by copying the elements using a copy --| operation provided by the user --| Create Creates an empty list --| DeleteHead removes the head of a list --| DeleteItem delete the first occurrence of an element from a list --| DeleteItems delete all occurrences of an element from a list --| Destroy remove a list --| Equal are two lists equal --| FirstValue get the information from the first element of a list --| IsInList determines whether a given element is in a given list --| IsEmpty returns true if the list is empty --| LastValue return the last value of a list --| Length Returns the length of a list --| MakeListIter prepares for an iteration over a list --| More are there any more items in the list --| Next get the next item in a list --| ReplaceHead replace the information at the head of the list --| ReplaceTail replace the tail of a list with a new list --| Tail get the tail of a list --| --| N/A: Effects, Requires, Modifies, and Raises. --| Notes --| Programmer Buddy Altus --| Types --| ----- type List is private; type Listiter is private; --| Exceptions --| ---------- Circularlist : exception; --| Raised if an attemp is made to --| create a circular list. This --| results when a list is attempted --| to be attached to itself. Emptylist : exception; --| Raised if an attemp is made to --| manipulate an empty list. Itemnotpresent : exception; --| Raised if an attempt is made to --| remove an element from a list in --| which it does not exist. Nomore : exception; --| Raised if an attemp is made to --| get the next element from a list --| after iteration is complete. --| Operations --| ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Attach ( --| appends List2 to List1 List1 : in out List; --| The list being appended to. List2 : in List --| The list being appended. ); --| Raises --| CircularList --| Effects --| Appends List1 to List2. This makes the next field of the last element --| of List1 refer to List2. This can possibly change the value of List1 --| if List1 is an empty list. This causes sharing of lists. Thus if --| user Destroys List1 then List2 will be a dangling reference. --| This procedure raises CircularList if List1 equals List2. If it is --| necessary to Attach a list to itself first make a copy of the list and --| attach the copy. --| Modifies --| Changes the next field of the last element in List1 to be List2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Attach ( --| Creates a new list containing the two --| Elements. Element1 : in Itemtype; --| This will be first element in list. Element2 : in Itemtype --| This will be second element in list. ) return List; --| Effects --| This creates a list containing the two elements in the order --| specified. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Attach ( --| List L is appended with Element. L : in out List; --| List being appended to. Element : in Itemtype --| This will be last element in l ist. ); --| Effects --| Appends Element onto the end of the list L. If L is empty then this --| may change the value of L. --| --| Modifies --| This appends List L with Element by changing the next field in List. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Attach ( --| Makes Element first item in list L. Element : in Itemtype; --| This will be the first element in list. L : in out List --| The List which Element is being --| prepended to. ); --| Effects --| This prepends list L with Element. --| --| Modifies --| This modifies the list L. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Attach ( --| attaches two lists List1 : in List; --| first list List2 : in List --| second list ) return List; --| Raises --| CircularList --| Effects --| This returns a list which is List1 attached to List2. If it is desired --| to make List1 be the new attached list the following ada code should be --| used. --| --| List1 := Attach (List1, List2); --| This procedure raises CircularList if List1 equals List2. If it is --| necessary to Attach a list to itself first make a copy of the list and --| attach the copy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Attach ( --| prepends an element onto a list Element : in Itemtype; --| element being prepended to list L : in List --| List which element is being added --| to ) return List; --| Effects --| Returns a new list which is headed by Element and followed by L. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Attach ( --| Adds an element to the end of a list L : in List; --| The list which element is being added to. Element : in Itemtype --| The element being added to the end of --| the list. ) return List; --| Effects --| Returns a new list which is L followed by Element. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Copy ( --| returns a copy of list1 L : in List --| list being copied ) return List; --| Effects --| Returns a copy of L. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- generic with function Copy (I : in Itemtype) return Itemtype; function Copydeep ( --| returns a copy of list using a user supplied --| copy function. This is helpful if the type --| of a list is an abstract data type. L : in List --| List being copied. ) return List; --| Effects --| This produces a new list whose elements have been duplicated using --| the Copy function provided by the user. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Create --| Returns an empty List return List; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Deletehead ( --| Remove the head element from a list. L : in out List --| The list whose head is being removed. ); --| Raises --| EmptyList --| --| Effects --| This will return the space occupied by the first element in the list --| to the heap. If sharing exists between lists this procedure --| could leave a dangling reference. If L is empty EmptyList will be --| raised. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Deleteitem ( --| remove the first occurrence of Element --| from L L : in out List; --| list element is being removed from Element : in Itemtype --| element being removed ); --| Raises --| ItemNotPresent --| Effects --| Removes the first element of the list equal to Element. If there is --| not an element equal to Element than ItemNotPresent is raised. --| Modifies --| This operation is destructive, it returns the storage occupied by --| the elements being deleted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Deleteitems ( --| remove all occurrences of Element --| from L. L : in out List; --| The List element is being removed from Element : in Itemtype --| element being removed ); --| Raises --| ItemNotPresent --| --| Effects --| This procedure walks down the list L and removes all elements of the --| list equal to Element. If there are not any elements equal to Element --| then raise ItemNotPresent. --| Modifies --| This operation is destructive the storage occupied by the items --| removed is returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Destroy ( --| removes the list L : in out List --| the list being removed ); --| Effects --| This returns to the heap all the storage that a list occupies. Keep in --| mind if there exists sharing between lists then this operation can leave --| dangling references. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Firstvalue ( --| returns the contents of the first record of the --| list L : in List --| the list whose first element is being --| returned ) return Itemtype; --| Raises --| EmptyList --| --| Effects --| This returns the Item in the first position in the list. If the list --| is empty EmptyList is raised. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Isempty ( --| Checks if a list is empty. L : in List --| List being checked. ) return Boolean; -- Pragma Inline (Isempty); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Isinlist ( --| Checks if element is an element of --| list. L : in List; --| list being scanned for element Element : in Itemtype --| element being searched for ) return Boolean; --| Effects --| Walks down the list L looking for an element whose value is Element. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Lastvalue ( --| Returns the contents of the last record of --| the list. L : in List --| The list whose first element is being --| returned. ) return Itemtype; --| Raises --| EmptyList --| --| Effects --| Returns the last element in a list. If the list is empty EmptyList is --| raised. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Length ( --| count the number of elements on a list L : in List --| list whose length is being computed ) return Integer; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Makelistiter ( --| Sets a variable to point to the head --| of the list. This will be used to --| prepare for iteration over a list. L : in List --| The list being iterated over. ) return Listiter; --| This prepares a user for iteration operation over a list. The iterater is --| an operation which returns successive elements of the list on successive --| calls to the iterator. There needs to be a mechanism which marks the --| position in the list, so on successive calls to the Next operation the --| next item in the list can be returned. This is the function of the --| MakeListIter and the type ListIter. MakeIter just sets the Iter to the --| the beginning of the list. On subsequent calls to Next the Iter --| is updated with each call. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function More ( --| Returns true if there are more elements in --| the and false if there aren't any more --| the in the list. L : in Listiter --| List being checked for elements. ) return Boolean; -- Pragma Inline (More); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Next ( --| This is the iterator operation. Given --| a ListIter in the list it returns the --| current item and updates the ListIter. --| If ListIter is at the end of the list, --| More returns false otherwise it --| returns true. Place : in out Listiter; --| The Iter which marks the position in --| the list. Info : out Itemtype --| The element being returned. ); --| The iterators subprograms MakeListIter, More, and Next should be used --| in the following way: --| --| L: List; --| Place: ListIter; --| Info: SomeType; --| --| --| Place := MakeListIter(L); --| --| while ( More(Place) ) loop --| Next(Place, Info); --| process each element of list L; --| end loop; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Replacehead ( --| Replace the Item at the head of the list --| with the parameter Item. L : in out List; --| The list being modified. Info : in Itemtype --| The information being entered. ); --| Raises --| EmptyList --| Effects --| Replaces the information in the first element in the list. Raises --| EmptyList if the list is empty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Replacetail ( --| Replace the Tail of a list --| with a new list. L : in out List; --| List whose Tail is replaced. Newtail : in List --| The list which will become the --| tail of Oldlist. ); --| Raises --| EmptyList --| --| Effects --| Replaces the tail of a list with a new list. If the list whose tail --| is being replaced is null EmptyList is raised. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Tail ( --| returns the tail of a list L L : in List --| the list whose tail is being returned ) return List; --| Raises --| EmptyList --| --| Effects --| Returns a list which is the tail of the list L. Raises EmptyList if --| L is empty. If L only has one element then Tail returns the Empty --| list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Equal ( --| compares list1 and list2 for equality List1 : in List; --| first list List2 : in List --| second list ) return Boolean; --| Effects --| Returns true if for all elements of List1 the corresponding element --| of List2 has the same value. This function uses the Equal operation --| provided by the user. If one is not provided then = is used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private type Element_Type; type Element_Pointer is access Element_Type; -- type List is access element_type; type List is record Head : Element_Pointer; Tail : Element_Pointer; end record; type Element_Type is record Item : Itemtype; Next : Element_Pointer; end record; type Listiter is new List; --| This prevents Lists being assigned to --| iterators and vice versa end Lists; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : lr0_machine.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:30:58 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxlr0_machine.ada -- $Header: lr0_machine.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:06:19 ada Exp $ -- $Log: lr0_machine.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:06:19 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:37:14 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with Rule_Table, Symbol_Table, Set_Pack; use Rule_Table, Symbol_Table; package LR0_Machine is type Parse_State is range -1..5_000; Null_Parse_State : constant Parse_State := -1; type Item is record Rule_ID : Rule; Dot_Position : Natural; end record; type Transition is record Symbol : Grammar_Symbol; State_ID : Parse_State; end record; function "<" (Item_1, Item_2 : Item) return Boolean; function "<" (Trans_1, Trans_2 : Transition) return Boolean; package Parse_State_Set_Pack is new Set_Pack(Parse_State, "<"); package Item_Set_Pack is new Set_Pack(Item, "<"); package Transition_Set_Pack is new Set_Pack(Transition, "<"); package Grammar_Symbol_Set_Pack is new Set_Pack(Grammar_Symbol, "<"); subtype Parse_State_Set is Parse_State_Set_Pack.Set; subtype Item_Set is Item_Set_Pack.Set; subtype Transition_Set is Transition_Set_Pack.Set; subtype Grammar_Symbol_Set is Grammar_Symbol_Set_Pack.Set; subtype Parse_State_Iterator is Parse_State_Set_Pack.Set_Iterator; subtype Item_Iterator is Item_Set_Pack.Set_Iterator; subtype Transition_Iterator is Transition_Set_Pack.Set_Iterator; subtype Grammar_Symbol_Iterator is Grammar_Symbol_Set_Pack.Set_Iterator; procedure LR0_Initialize; -- must be called first. function First_Parse_State return Parse_State; function Last_Parse_State return Parse_State; function Get_Goto (State_ID : Parse_State; Sym : Grammar_Symbol) return Parse_State; -- Returns the predecessor states of STATE_ID and the item I. -- Must be called with PRED_SET empty! procedure Get_Pred_Set (State_ID : in Parse_State; I : in Item; Pred_Set : in out Parse_State_Set); type Transition_Type is (Terminals, Nonterminals, Grammar_Symbols); procedure Get_Transitions (State_ID : in Parse_State; Kind : in Transition_Type; Set_1 : in out Transition_Set); procedure Get_Transition_Symbols (State_ID : in Parse_State; Kind : in Transition_Type; Set_1 : in out Grammar_Symbol_Set); procedure Get_Kernel (State_ID : in Parse_State; Set_1 : in out Item_Set); procedure Closure (Set_1 : in out Item_Set); -- -- The following routines allow the user to iterate over the -- items in the kernel of a particular state. -- type Kernel_Iterator is limited private; procedure Initialize (Iterator : in out Kernel_Iterator; State_ID : in Parse_State); function More(Iterator : Kernel_Iterator) return Boolean; procedure Next(Iterator : in out Kernel_Iterator; I : out Item); -- -- The following routines allow the user to iterate over the -- nonterminal transitions of a particular state -- type Nt_Transition_Iterator is limited private; procedure Initialize (Iterator : in out Nt_Transition_Iterator; State_ID : in Parse_State); function More (Iterator : Nt_Transition_Iterator) return Boolean; procedure Next (Iterator : in out Nt_Transition_Iterator; Trans : out Transition); -- The following routines allow iteration over the Terminal transitions -- of a particular state. type T_Transition_Iterator is limited private; -- For Terminals procedure Initialize (Iterator : in out T_Transition_Iterator; State_ID : in Parse_State); function More (Iterator : T_Transition_Iterator) return Boolean; procedure Next (Iterator : in out T_Transition_Iterator; Trans : out Transition); To_Many_States : exception; No_More_Iterations : exception; State_Out_of_Bounds : exception; --RJS pragma inline(more); --DEC Ada Bug: , next); private type Item_Array_Index is range 0..5_000; -- An arbitrarily big number type Item_Array; type Item_Array_Pointer is access Item_Array; type Kernel_Iterator is record Kernel : Item_Array_Pointer; Curser : Item_Array_Index; end record; type Transition_Array; type Transition_Array_Pointer is access Transition_Array; type Nt_Transition_Iterator is record Nonterm_Trans : Transition_Array_Pointer; Curser : Integer; -- Use a derived type instead ??? end record; type T_Transition_Iterator is record Term_Trans : Transition_Array_Pointer; Curser : Integer; end record; end LR0_Machine; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : lr0_machine_body.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:31:19 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxlr0_machine_body.ada -- $Header: lr0_machine_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:06:56 ada Exp $ -- $Log: lr0_machine_body.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:06:56 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:37:23 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with Symbol_Info, Text_IO; use Text_IO; package body LR0_Machine is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) lr0_machine_body.ada, Version 1.2"; use Parse_State_Set_Pack; use Item_Set_Pack; use Grammar_Symbol_Set_Pack; use Transition_Set_Pack; type Item_Array is array (Item_Array_Index range <>) of Item; -- The type declarations for storing the nonterminal transitions of -- the DFA in the states. type Transition_Array is array(Integer range <>) of Transition; -- Note: terminal_goto is not yet used. type State is record Nonterminal_Goto : Transition_Array_Pointer := null; --& terminal_goto : transition_array_pointer := null; Kernel : Item_Array_Pointer := null; Preds : Parse_State_Set; end record; type State_Array is array (Parse_State range <>) of State; type State_Array_Pointer is access State_Array; --& Due to a bug in the Verdix 4.06 compiler, we cannot have the --& 'terminal_goto' declaration in type state. (Everything will compile, --& but when it is run we get a bus error.) --& The following declarations are used to get around the Verdix bug. type State_2 is record Terminal_Goto : Transition_Array_Pointer := null; end record; type State_Array_2 is array(Parse_State range <>) of State_2; type State_Array_Pointer_2 is access State_Array_2; State_Info_2 : State_Array_Pointer_2; --& End of Verdix bug fix. First_State : constant Parse_State := 0; Last_State : Parse_State; Max_State : Parse_State; -- estimated max State_Info : State_Array_Pointer := null; -- The pointer to array of state information. Estimated_Number_of_States : Integer; -- -- -- The following arrays are used for looking up a state given -- -- the transition symbol. TERMINAL_GOTOS holds the states that -- -- have terminal transitions into them, NONTERMINAL_GOTOS holds -- -- states that have nonterminal transitions into them and -- -- OVERFLOW_GOTOS holds the overflow from the previous arrays. -- -- -- type Goto_Array is array (Grammar_Symbol range <>) of Parse_State; type Overflow_Array is array (Parse_State range<>) of Parse_State; type Goto_Array_Pointer is access Goto_Array; type Overflow_Array_Pointer is access Overflow_Array; Terminal_Gotos : Goto_Array_Pointer; Nonterminal_Gotos : Goto_Array_Pointer; Overflow_Gotos : Overflow_Array_Pointer; -- This array is used to store the items generated by get_closure -- and closure. -- It is also declared to work around a VADS 5.1b bug for arrays whose -- bounds are set when the procedure is called (the memory is not -- dealocated when the procedure is exited). Closure_Items : Item_Array_Pointer; type Boolean_Array is array(Grammar_Symbol range <>) of Boolean; type Boolean_Array_Pointer is access Boolean_Array; Examined_Symbols : Boolean_Array_Pointer; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Find_State (Kernel_Set : Item_Set; Trans_Sym : Grammar_Symbol) return Parse_State; function "<" (Item_1, Item_2: Item) return Boolean is begin if Item_1.Rule_ID = Item_2.Rule_ID then return Item_1.Dot_Position < Item_2.Dot_Position; else return Item_1.Rule_ID < Item_2.Rule_ID; end if; end "<"; function "<" (Trans_1, Trans_2: Transition) return Boolean is begin if Trans_1.Symbol = Trans_2.Symbol then return Trans_1.State_ID < Trans_2.State_ID; else return Trans_1.Symbol < Trans_2.Symbol; end if; end "<"; procedure Get_Closure (State_ID : in Parse_State; Closure_Items : in Item_Array_Pointer; Last : out Item_Array_Index); procedure Make_LR0_States is Goto_Set : Item_Set; Current_State : Parse_State; Goto_State : Parse_State; Gotos : Transition_Array_Pointer; Nt_Trans : Transition; Nt_Trans_Set : Transition_Set; Nt_Trans_Iter : Transition_Iterator; T_Trans : Transition; T_Trans_Set : Transition_Set; T_Trans_Iter : Transition_Iterator; I : Item; Sym : Grammar_Symbol; Last : Item_Array_Index; -- The last item in closure_items. Kernel : Item_Array_Pointer; Did_Goto : array(First_Symbol(Nonterminal)..Last_Symbol(Terminal)) of Boolean; -- did_goto(sym) = True if computed goto for sym. begin Current_State := 0; Generate_States: loop --& VADS version 4.06 corrupts memory on the following statement --& did_goto := (others => false); --& Therefore, we do it the hard way. for S in Did_Goto'range loop Did_Goto(S) := False; end loop; --& End bug hack. Make_Null(Nt_Trans_Set); Make_Null(T_Trans_Set); Get_Closure(Current_State, Closure_Items, Last); -- generate goto's for current state -- -- This is somewhat hacked but... -- For simplicity, the kernel Items are appended to -- the end of the CLOSURE_ITEMS array so that the -- reflexive transitive closure of the state is in closure_items. -- (GET_CLOSURE only puts the transitive closure -- into closure_items). -- This assumes that CLOSURE_ITEMS is large enough to hold the -- closure + kernel. This assumtion should hold for all -- but contrived grammars (I hope). Kernel := State_Info(Current_State).Kernel; for Item_Index in Kernel.all'range loop Last := Last + 1; Closure_Items(Last) := Kernel(Item_Index); end loop; for Item_Index in 1..Last loop I := Closure_Items(Item_Index); if I.Dot_Position < Length_of(I.Rule_ID) then Sym := Get_RHS(I.Rule_ID, I.Dot_Position + 1); -- generate goto on SYM if not done yet. if not Did_Goto(Sym) then Did_Goto(Sym) := True; -- get the items in goto of sym Make_Null(Goto_Set); I.Dot_Position := I.Dot_Position + 1; Insert(I, Into => Goto_Set); for J in Item_Index+1..Last loop I := Closure_Items(J); if I.Dot_Position < Length_of(I.Rule_ID) then I.Dot_Position := I.Dot_Position + 1; if Get_RHS(I.Rule_ID, I.Dot_Position) = Sym then Insert(I, Into => Goto_Set); end if; end if; end loop; Goto_State := Find_State(Goto_Set, Sym); Make_Null(Goto_Set); if Is_Nonterminal(Sym) then Nt_Trans := (Symbol => Sym, State_ID => Goto_State); Insert(Nt_Trans, Into => Nt_Trans_Set); else -- terminal transition T_Trans := (Symbol => Sym, State_ID => Goto_State); Insert(T_Trans, Into => T_Trans_Set); end if; Insert(Current_State, Into => State_Info(Goto_State).Preds); end if; end if; end loop; -- at this point, all the goto's for the current -- state have been generated. State_Info(Current_State).Nonterminal_Goto := new Transition_Array(1..Size_of(Nt_Trans_Set)); Gotos := State_Info(Current_State).Nonterminal_Goto; Initialize(Nt_Trans_Iter, Nt_Trans_Set); for S in 1..Size_of(Nt_Trans_Set) loop Next(Nt_Trans_Iter, Nt_Trans); Gotos(S) := Nt_Trans; end loop; State_Info_2(Current_State).Terminal_Goto := new Transition_Array(1..Size_of(T_Trans_Set)); Gotos := State_Info_2(Current_State).Terminal_Goto; Initialize(T_Trans_Iter, T_Trans_Set); for S in 1..Size_of(T_Trans_Set) loop Next(T_Trans_Iter, T_Trans); Gotos(S) := T_Trans; end loop; Make_Null(Nt_Trans_Set); Make_Null(T_Trans_Set); Current_State := Current_State + 1; exit Generate_States when Current_State > Last_State; end loop Generate_States; end Make_LR0_States; -- This procedure allocates the arrays for computing the LR(0) states. -- The number of states is not known at this point, so it is -- estimated using a formula taken from -- -- Purdom, P. W.: "The Size of LALR(1) Parsers," BIT, VOL. 14, -- No. 3, July 1974, pp.326-337 -- -- The formula is -- Number of states = 0.5949 * C + 0.02 -- -- where C is the number of rules plus the total number of symbols on -- the right hand side. We round this figures a little... procedure LR0_Initialize is C : Integer := 0; First_Item: constant Item := (Rule_ID => First_Rule, Dot_Position => 0); begin -- estimate the number of states -- for R in First_Rule..Last_Rule loop C := C + 1 + Length_of(R); end loop; Estimated_Number_of_States := Integer(0.6 * Float(C) + 1.0); -- Increase the estimate by 25% just in case -- Max_State := 2 + Parse_State(1.25 * Float(Estimated_Number_of_States)); if Max_State < 100 then Max_State := 100; end if; -- Initialize the state array -- State_Info := new State_Array(0..Max_State); State_Info(First_State).Kernel := new Item_Array(1..1); State_Info(First_State).Kernel(1) := First_Item; Make_Null(State_Info(First_State).Preds); --& Hack state_info_2 State_Info_2 := new State_Array_2(0..Max_State); Last_State := 0; -- set up the goto arrays -- Terminal_Gotos := new Goto_Array (First_Symbol(Terminal)..Last_Symbol(Terminal)); Nonterminal_Gotos := new Goto_Array (First_Symbol(Nonterminal)..Last_Symbol(Nonterminal)); Overflow_Gotos := new Overflow_Array(First_State..Max_State); -- Initialize them to the null_parse_state -- --& more Verdix BUGS --& terminal_gotos.all := --& (terminal_gotos.all'range => null_parse_state); --& --& nonterminal_gotos.all := --& (nonterminal_gotos.all'range => null_parse_state); --& Start Verdix bug fix for I in Terminal_Gotos.all'range loop Terminal_Gotos(I) := Null_Parse_State; end loop; for I in Nonterminal_Gotos.all'range loop Nonterminal_Gotos(I) := Null_Parse_State; end loop; --& End Verdix Bug fix -- initialize closure_items to the size of the maximum closure -- i. e. the number of rules in the grammar. -- Hack: The size is increased by 15 to hold any kernel that -- might be appended to closure_items. It is hoped -- that no kernel is greater that 15. If a kernel is greater -- than 15, it is hoped that #rules+15 > transitive closure -- of any state. Closure_Items := new Item_Array (1..Item_Array_Index(Last_Rule-First_Rule+1+15)); Examined_Symbols := new Boolean_Array (First_Symbol(Nonterminal)..Last_Symbol(Nonterminal)); Make_LR0_States; end LR0_Initialize; function First_Parse_State return Parse_State is begin return First_State; -- a constant; end First_Parse_State; function Last_Parse_State return Parse_State is begin return Last_State; end Last_Parse_State; procedure Get_Closure (State_ID : in Parse_State; Closure_Items : in Item_Array_Pointer; Last : out Item_Array_Index) is --- use Symbol_Info; Sym : Grammar_Symbol; Iterator : Item_Iterator; Temp_Item : Item; New_Item : Item; Index : Yield_Index; Last_Index : Yield_Index; Closure_Index : Item_Array_Index; -- for looping thru Closure_Items Next_Free : Item_Array_Index; -- next free in closure_items Kernel_Ptr : Item_Array_Pointer; -- points to kernel begin -- examined_symbols := (others => false); for I in Examined_Symbols.all'range loop Examined_Symbols(I) := False; end loop; New_Item.Dot_Position := 0; -- Used to add closure items. Next_Free := 1; -- first add all the items directly derivable from kernel to closure. Kernel_Ptr := State_Info(State_ID).Kernel; for T in Kernel_Ptr.all'range loop Temp_Item := Kernel_Ptr(T); if Temp_Item.Dot_Position < Length_of(Temp_Item.Rule_ID) then Sym := Get_RHS(Temp_Item.Rule_ID, Temp_Item.Dot_Position+1); if Is_Nonterminal(Sym) and then not Examined_Symbols(Sym) then Examined_Symbols(Sym) := True; for I in Nonterminal_Yield_Index(Sym).. Nonterminal_Yield_Index(Sym+1) - 1 loop New_Item.Rule_ID := Nonterminal_Yield(I); Closure_Items(Next_Free) := New_Item; Next_Free := Next_Free + 1; end loop; end if; end if; end loop; -- Now compute the closure of the items in Closure_Items. Closure_Index := 1; while Closure_Index < Next_Free loop Temp_Item := Closure_Items(Closure_Index); if Temp_Item.Dot_Position < Length_of(Temp_Item.Rule_ID) then Sym := Get_RHS(Temp_Item.Rule_ID, Temp_Item.Dot_Position+1); if Is_Nonterminal(Sym) and then not Examined_Symbols(Sym) then Examined_Symbols(Sym) := True; for I in Nonterminal_Yield_Index(Sym).. Nonterminal_Yield_Index(Sym+1) - 1 loop New_Item.Rule_ID := Nonterminal_Yield(I); Closure_Items(Next_Free) := New_Item; Next_Free := Next_Free + 1; end loop; end if; end if; Closure_Index := Closure_Index + 1; end loop; Last := Next_Free - 1; end Get_Closure; procedure Closure(Set_1: in out Item_Set) is use Symbol_Info; Next_Free : Item_Array_Index; -- index of next free in Closure_Items Sym : Grammar_Symbol; Iterator : Item_Iterator; Temp_Item : Item; New_Item : Item; Index : Yield_Index; Last_Index : Yield_Index; Closure_Index : Item_Array_Index; -- for looping thru Closure_Items begin Next_Free := 1; -- examined_symbols := (others => false); for I in Examined_Symbols.all'range loop Examined_Symbols(I) := False; end loop; New_Item.Dot_Position := 0; -- Used to add closure items. -- first add all the items directly derivable from set_1 to closure. Initialize(Iterator, Set_1); while More(Iterator) loop Next(Iterator, Temp_Item); if Temp_Item.Dot_Position < Length_of(Temp_Item.Rule_ID) then Sym := Get_RHS(Temp_Item.Rule_ID, Temp_Item.Dot_Position+1); if Is_Nonterminal(Sym) and then not Examined_Symbols(Sym) then Examined_Symbols(Sym) := True; for I in Nonterminal_Yield_Index(Sym).. Nonterminal_Yield_Index(Sym+1) - 1 loop New_Item.Rule_ID := Nonterminal_Yield(I); Closure_Items(Next_Free) := New_Item; Next_Free := Next_Free + 1; end loop; end if; end if; end loop; -- Now comput the closure of the items in Closure_Items. Closure_Index := 1; while Closure_Index < Next_Free loop Temp_Item := Closure_Items(Closure_Index); if Temp_Item.Dot_Position < Length_of(Temp_Item.Rule_ID) then Sym := Get_RHS(Temp_Item.Rule_ID, Temp_Item.Dot_Position+1); if Is_Nonterminal(Sym) and then not Examined_Symbols(Sym) then Examined_Symbols(Sym) := True; for I in Nonterminal_Yield_Index(Sym).. Nonterminal_Yield_Index(Sym+1) - 1 loop New_Item.Rule_ID := Nonterminal_Yield(I); Closure_Items(Next_Free) := New_Item; Next_Free := Next_Free + 1; end loop; end if; end if; Closure_Index := Closure_Index + 1; end loop; -- Now add all the closure items to set_1. for I in 1..Next_Free-1 loop Insert(Closure_Items(I), Into => Set_1); end loop; end Closure; function Find_State(Kernel_Set : Item_Set; Trans_Sym : Grammar_Symbol) return Parse_State is Last : constant Item_Array_Index := Item_Array_Index(Size_of(Kernel_Set)); Temp_Item : Item; Iterator : Item_Set_Pack.Set_Iterator; Kernel : Item_Array(1..Last); S : Parse_State; begin if Last = 0 then Put_Line("Ayacc: Possible Error in Find_State."); return Null_Parse_State; end if; -- Copy kernel_set into the array KERNEL to compare it -- to exiting states. Initialize(Iterator, Kernel_Set); for I in 1..Last loop -- last = # of items in kernel_set Next(Iterator, Kernel(I)); end loop; -- Look for state in existing states -- if Is_Terminal(Trans_Sym) then S := Terminal_Gotos(Trans_Sym); else S := Nonterminal_Gotos(Trans_Sym); end if; while S /= Null_Parse_State loop -- Uncomment the following 3 lines of code when you -- you use a bug free compiler. --&if kernel = state_info(S).kernel.all then --&return S; --&end if; -- The following code is to fix a bug in the Verdix compiler -- remove it when you use a bug free compiler. if Kernel'Last /= State_Info(S).Kernel.all'Last then goto Continue; end if; for J in Kernel'range loop if Kernel(J).Rule_ID /= State_Info(S).Kernel(J).Rule_ID or else Kernel(J).Dot_Position /= State_Info(S).Kernel(J).Dot_Position then goto Continue; end if; end loop; return S; -- The end of verdix compiler bug fix. <<Continue>> S := Overflow_Gotos(S); end loop; -- Didn't find state, create a new state. -- Last_State := Last_State + 1; State_Info(Last_State).Kernel := new Item_Array(1..Last); State_Info(Last_State).Kernel.all := Kernel; Make_Null(State_Info(Last_State).Preds); -- Save state number in list of transitions on symbol Trans_Sym. if Is_Terminal(Trans_Sym) then Overflow_Gotos(Last_State) := Terminal_Gotos(Trans_Sym); Terminal_Gotos(Trans_Sym) := Last_State; else Overflow_Gotos(Last_State) := Nonterminal_Gotos(Trans_Sym); Nonterminal_Gotos(Trans_Sym) := Last_State; end if; return Last_State; end Find_State; function Get_Goto(State_ID : Parse_State; Sym : Grammar_Symbol) return Parse_State is Gotos : Transition_Array_Pointer; begin Gotos := State_Info(State_ID).Nonterminal_Goto; for S in Gotos.all'range loop if Sym = Gotos(S).Symbol then return Gotos(S).State_ID; end if; end loop; Put_Line("Ayacc: Possible Error in Get_Goto."); return Null_Parse_State; end Get_Goto; procedure Get_Pred_Set (State_ID : in Parse_State; I : in Item; Pred_Set : in out Parse_State_Set) is ---- New_Item : Item; Temp_Item : Item; Iterator : Parse_State_Iterator; Pred_State : Parse_State; begin if I.Dot_Position = 0 then Insert(State_ID, Into => Pred_Set); else Temp_Item := State_Info(State_ID).Kernel(1); if Get_RHS(Temp_Item.Rule_ID, Temp_Item.Dot_Position) = Get_RHS(I.Rule_ID, I.Dot_Position) then New_Item := (I.Rule_ID, I.Dot_Position - 1); Initialize(Iterator, State_Info(State_ID).Preds); while More(Iterator) loop Next(Iterator, Pred_State); Get_Pred_Set(Pred_State, New_Item, Pred_Set); end loop; end if; end if; end Get_Pred_Set; procedure Get_Transitions (State_ID : in Parse_State; Kind : in Transition_Type; Set_1 : in out Transition_Set) is Gotos : Transition_Array_Pointer; begin Make_Null(Set_1); if Kind = Terminals or else Kind = Grammar_Symbols then Gotos := State_Info_2(State_ID).Terminal_Goto; for S in reverse Gotos.all'range loop Insert(Gotos(S), Into => Set_1); end loop; end if; if Kind /= Terminals then Gotos := State_Info(State_ID).Nonterminal_Goto; for S in reverse Gotos.all'range loop Insert(Gotos(S), Into => Set_1); end loop; return; end if; end Get_Transitions; procedure Get_Transition_Symbols (State_ID : in Parse_State; Kind : in Transition_Type; Set_1 : in out Grammar_Symbol_Set) is Gotos : Transition_Array_Pointer; begin Make_Null(Set_1); if Kind = Terminals or else Kind = Grammar_Symbols then Gotos := State_Info_2(State_ID).Terminal_Goto; for S in reverse Gotos.all'range loop Insert(Gotos(S).Symbol, Into => Set_1); end loop; end if; if Kind = Terminals then return; end if; if Kind = Nonterminals or else Kind = Grammar_Symbols then Gotos := State_Info(State_ID).Nonterminal_Goto; for S in reverse Gotos.all'range loop Insert(Gotos(S).Symbol, Into => Set_1); end loop; end if; end Get_Transition_Symbols; procedure Get_Kernel (State_ID : in Parse_State; Set_1 : in out Item_Set) is begin Make_Null(Set_1); for I in State_Info(State_ID).Kernel.all'range loop Insert(State_Info(State_ID).Kernel(I), Into => Set_1); end loop; end Get_Kernel; procedure Initialize(Iterator : in out Kernel_Iterator; State_ID : in Parse_State) is begin if State_ID in First_State..Last_State then Iterator.Kernel := State_Info(State_ID).Kernel; Iterator.Curser := 1; else raise State_Out_of_Bounds; end if; end Initialize; function More(Iterator: Kernel_Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Iterator.Curser <= Iterator.Kernel.all'Last; end More; procedure Next(Iterator: in out Kernel_Iterator; I : out Item) is begin I := Iterator.Kernel(Iterator.Curser); Iterator.Curser := Iterator.Curser + 1; end Next; procedure Initialize (Iterator : in out Nt_Transition_Iterator; State_ID : in Parse_State) is begin if State_ID in First_State..Last_State then Iterator.Nonterm_Trans := State_Info(State_ID).Nonterminal_Goto; Iterator.Curser := 1; else raise State_Out_of_Bounds; end if; end Initialize; function More(Iterator : Nt_Transition_Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Iterator.Curser <= Iterator.Nonterm_Trans.all'Last; end More; procedure Next (Iterator: in out Nt_Transition_Iterator; Trans : out Transition) is begin Trans := Iterator.Nonterm_Trans(Iterator.Curser); Iterator.Curser := Iterator.Curser + 1; end Next; ----------------------------------------------------- -- terminal interator stuff. procedure Initialize (Iterator : in out T_Transition_Iterator; State_ID : in Parse_State) is begin if State_ID in First_State..Last_State then Iterator.Term_Trans := State_Info_2(State_ID).Terminal_Goto; Iterator.Curser := 1; else raise State_Out_of_Bounds; end if; end Initialize; function More(Iterator : T_Transition_Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Iterator.Curser <= Iterator.Term_Trans.all'Last; end More; procedure Next (Iterator: in out T_Transition_Iterator; Trans : out Transition) is begin Trans := Iterator.Term_Trans(Iterator.Curser); Iterator.Curser := Iterator.Curser + 1; end Next; end LR0_Machine; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : options.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:31:39 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxoptions.ada -- $Header: options.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:08:15 ada Exp $ -- $Log: options.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:08:15 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:37:34 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- package Options is procedure Set_Options(S: in String); -- SET_OPTIONS sets the debug and verbose flags according -- the the string S. -- If S contains the characters 'v' or 'V', the verbose -- option is set. -- If S contains the charactars 'c' or 'C', the vebose conflicts -- option is set. -- If S contains the characters 'd' or 'D', the debug -- option is set. -- If S contains the characters 's' or 'S', the summary option -- is set. function Verbose return Boolean; -- Returns TRUE if the verbose file is to be created. function Verbose_Conflict return Boolean; -- Returns TRUE if only the states involved in conflicts -- are to printed. function Debug return Boolean; -- Returns TRUE if the YYPARSE procedure should generate -- debugging output. function Summary return Boolean; -- Returns TRUE if a summary of statistics of the generated -- parser should be printed. function Interface_to_C return Boolean; function Loud return Boolean; -- Returns TRUE if Ayacc should output useless and annoying information -- while it is running. Illegal_Option: exception; end Options; package body Options is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) options.ada, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: options.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:08:15 ada Exp $"; Verbose_Option : Boolean := False; Verbose_Conflict_Option : Boolean := False; Debug_Option : Boolean := False; Interface_to_C_Option : Boolean := False; Summary_Option : Boolean := False; Loud_Option : Boolean := False; procedure Set_Options(S: in String) is begin for I in S'First..S'Last loop case S(I) is when 'v' | 'V' => Verbose_Option := True; when 'c' | 'C' => Verbose_Conflict_Option := True; when 'd' | 'D' => Debug_Option := True; when 'i' | 'I' => Interface_to_C_Option := True; when 's' | 'S' => Summary_Option := True; when 'l' | 'L' => Loud_Option := True; when others => raise Illegal_Option; end case; end loop; end Set_Options; function Verbose return Boolean is begin return Verbose_Option; end; function Verbose_Conflict return Boolean is begin return Verbose_Conflict_Option; end; function Debug return Boolean is begin return Debug_Option; end; function Interface_to_C return Boolean is begin return Interface_to_C_Option; end; function Summary return Boolean is begin return Summary_Option; end; function Loud return Boolean is begin return Loud_Option; end; end Options; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : output_file.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:31:54 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxoutput_file.ada -- $Header: output_file.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:08:21 ada Exp $ -- $Log: output_file.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:08:21 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:37:42 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- -- Creates the parser package Output_File is procedure Make_Output_File; end Output_File; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : output_file_body.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:32:10 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxoutput_file_body.ada -- $Header: output_file_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:08:26 ada Exp $ -- $Log: output_file_body.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:08:26 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:37:50 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with Actions_File, File_Names, Lexical_Analyzer, Options, Parse_Table, Parse_Template_File, Source_File, Text_IO; use Actions_File, File_Names, Lexical_Analyzer, Options, Parse_Table, Parse_Template_File, Source_File, Text_IO; package body Output_File is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) output_file_body.ada, Version 1.2"; Outfile : File_Type; procedure Open is begin Create(Outfile, Out_File, Get_Out_File_Name); end Open; procedure Close is begin Close(Outfile); end Close; -- Make the parser body section by reading the source -- -- and template files and merging them appropriately -- procedure Make_Output_File is Text : String(1..260); Length : Natural; I : Integer; begin Open; -- Open the output file. -- Read the first part of the source file up to '##' -- or to end of file. while not Source_File.Is_End_of_File loop Source_File.Read_Line(Text, Length); if Length > 1 then I := 1; while (I < Length - 1 and then Text(I) = ' ') loop I := I + 1; end loop; if Text(I..I+1) = "##" then exit; end if; end if; Put_Line(Outfile, Text(1..Length)); end loop; Parse_Template_File.Open; -- Copy the header from the parse template loop Parse_Template_File.Read(Text,Length); if Length > 1 and then Text(1..2) = "%%" then exit; else Put_Line(Outfile, Text(1..Length)); end if; end loop; Put_Line (Outfile, " package yy_goto_tables renames"); Put_Line (Outfile, " " & Goto_Tables_Unit_Name & ';'); Put_Line (Outfile, " package yy_shift_reduce_tables renames"); Put_Line (Outfile, " " & Shift_Reduce_Tables_Unit_Name & ';'); Put_Line (Outfile, " package yy_tokens renames"); Put_Line (Outfile, " " & Tokens_Unit_Name & ';'); -- Copy the first half of the parse template loop Parse_Template_File.Read(Text,Length); if Length > 1 and then Text(1..2) = "%%" then exit; else Put_Line(Outfile, Text(1..Length)); end if; end loop; -- Copy declarations and procedures needed in the parse template Put_Line (Outfile," DEBUG : constant boolean := " & Boolean'Image (Options.Debug) & ';'); -- Consume Template Up To User Action Routines. loop Parse_Template_File.Read(Text,Length); if Length > 1 and then Text(1..2) = "%%" then exit; else Put_Line(Outfile, Text(1..Length)); end if; end loop; Actions_File.Open(Actions_File.Read_File); loop exit when Actions_File.Is_End_of_File; Actions_File.Read_Line(Text,Length); Put_Line(Outfile, Text(1..Length)); end loop; Actions_File.Delete; -- Finish writing the template file loop exit when Parse_Template_File.Is_End_of_File; Parse_Template_File.Read(Text,Length); Put_Line(Outfile, Text(1..Length)); end loop; Parse_Template_File.Close; -- Copy rest of input file after ## while not Source_File.Is_End_of_File loop Source_File.Read_Line(Text, Length); Put_Line(Outfile, Text(1..Length)); end loop; Close; end Make_Output_File; end Output_File; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : parse_table.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:32:58 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxparse_table.ada -- $Header: parse_table.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:08:33 ada Exp $ -- $Log: parse_table.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:08:33 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:37:58 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- -- This package build the shift reduce table and the goto table and -- writes it to the shift_reduce_file, and goto_file. If the verbose option -- is set, the states generated and their coresponding actions are written -- to the verobose_file. -- The parse table produced is an LALR(1) parse table. -- The number of conflicts resulting from the grammar -- can be determinied by calling the funciton REDUCE_REDUCE_CONFLICTS and -- SHIFT_REDUCE_CONFLICTS, after calling MAKE_PARSE_TABLE. package Parse_Table is procedure Make_Parse_Table; -- These functions must be called AFTER Make_parse_Table function Shift_Reduce_Conflicts return Natural; function Reduce_Reduce_Conflicts return Natural; function Number_of_States return Natural; function Size_of_Goto_Table return Natural; function Size_of_Action_Table return Natural; end Parse_Table; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : parse_table_body.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:33:16 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxparse_table_body.ada -- $Header: parse_table_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:08:38 ada Exp $ -- $Log: parse_table_body.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:08:38 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:39:53 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with LALR_Symbol_Info, LR0_Machine, Symbol_Table, Rule_Table, Text_IO, Symbol_Info, Verbose_File, Options, Goto_File, Shift_Reduce_File; use LALR_Symbol_Info, LR0_Machine, Symbol_Table, Rule_Table, Text_IO, Symbol_Info, Options; package body Parse_Table is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) parse_table_body.ada, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: parse_table_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:08:38 ada Exp $"; Show_Verbose : Boolean; -- Set to options.verbose -- -- The following declarations are for the "action" table. -- type Action_Type is (Undefined, Error, Shift, Reduce, Accept_Input); -- UNDEFINED and ERROR are the same accept you cannot replace -- ERROR entries by a default reduction. type Action_Table_Entry(Action : Action_Type := Undefined) is record case Action is when Shift => State_ID : Parse_State; when Reduce => Rule_ID : Rule; when Accept_Input | Error | Undefined => null; end case; end record; type Action_Table_Array is array(Grammar_Symbol range <>) of Action_Table_Entry; type Action_Table_Array_Pointer is access Action_Table_Array; Action_Table_Row : Action_Table_Array_Pointer; Default_Action : Action_Table_Entry; -- -- The following declarations are for the "goto" table -- type Goto_Table_Array is array(Grammar_Symbol range <>) of Parse_State; type Goto_Table_Array_Pointer is access Goto_Table_Array; Goto_Table_Row : Goto_Table_Array_Pointer; -- type Goto_Offset_Array is array(Parse_State range <>) of Integer; type Goto_Offset_Array_Pointer is access Goto_Offset_Array; Goto_Offset : Goto_Offset_Array_Pointer; type Action_Offset_Array is array(Parse_State range <>) of Integer; type Action_Offset_Array_Pointer is access Action_Offset_Array; Action_Offset : Action_Offset_Array_Pointer; -- Error_Code : constant := -1000; -- generated parser must use these Accept_Code : constant := -1001; Num_of_Goto_Entries : Integer := 0; Num_of_Action_Entries : Integer := 0; Num_Shift_Reduce_Conflicts : Natural := 0; Num_Reduce_Reduce_Conflicts : Natural := 0; function Shift_Reduce_Conflicts return Natural is begin return Num_Shift_Reduce_Conflicts; end; function Reduce_Reduce_Conflicts return Natural is begin return Num_Reduce_Reduce_Conflicts; end; function Number_of_States return Natural is begin return Natural(LR0_Machine.Last_Parse_State + 1); end; function Size_of_Goto_Table return Natural is begin return Num_of_Goto_Entries; end; function Size_of_Action_Table return Natural is begin return Num_of_Action_Entries; end; procedure Print_Goto_Row_Verbose is begin for Sym in Goto_Table_Row.all'range loop if Goto_Table_Row(Sym) /= Null_Parse_State then Verbose_File.Write(Ascii.Ht); Verbose_File.Print_Grammar_Symbol(Sym); Verbose_File.Write(" " & Ascii.Ht); Verbose_File.Write_Line ("goto " & Parse_State'Image(Goto_Table_Row(Sym))); end if; end loop; end Print_Goto_Row_Verbose; procedure Print_Goto_Row(State: in Parse_State) is S: Parse_State; begin Goto_Offset(State) := Num_of_Goto_Entries; Goto_File.Write_Line ("-- State " & Parse_State'Image(State)); for I in Goto_Table_Row.all'range loop S := Goto_Table_Row(I); if S /= -1 then Goto_File.Write(","); Goto_File.Write("(" & Grammar_Symbol'Image(I) & "," & Parse_State'Image(S) & ")" ); Num_of_Goto_Entries := Num_of_Goto_Entries + 1; if Num_of_Goto_Entries mod 4 = 0 then Goto_File.Write_Line(""); end if; end if; end loop; Goto_File.Write_Line(""); end Print_Goto_Row; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Print_Action_Row(State: in Parse_State) is Temp : Action_Table_Entry; X : Integer; Default : Integer; function Get_Default_Entry return Integer is begin for I in Action_Table_Row.all'range loop if Action_Table_Row(I).Action = Reduce then return -Integer(Action_Table_Row(I).Rule_ID); end if; end loop; return Error_Code; end Get_Default_Entry; begin Action_Offset(State) := Num_of_Action_Entries; Shift_Reduce_File.Write_Line ("-- state " & Parse_State'Image(State)); Default := Get_Default_Entry; for I in Action_Table_Row.all'range loop Temp := Action_Table_Row(I); case Temp.Action is when Undefined => X := Default; when Shift => X := Integer(Temp.State_ID); when Reduce => X := - Integer(Temp.Rule_ID); when Accept_Input => X := Accept_Code; when Error => X := Error_Code; end case; if X /= Default then Shift_Reduce_File.Write(","); Shift_Reduce_File.Write("(" & Grammar_Symbol'Image(I) & ","); Shift_Reduce_File.Write(Integer'Image(X) & ")" ); Num_of_Action_Entries := Num_of_Action_Entries + 1; if Num_of_Action_Entries mod 4 = 0 then Shift_Reduce_File.Write_Line(""); end if; if Show_Verbose then Verbose_File.Write(" " & Ascii.Ht); Verbose_File.Print_Grammar_Symbol(I); Verbose_File.Write(" " & Ascii.Ht); if X = Accept_Code then Verbose_File.Write_Line("accept"); elsif X = Error_Code then Verbose_File.Write_Line("error"); elsif X > 0 then -- SHIFT Verbose_File.Write_Line("shift " & Integer'Image(X)); else -- REDUCE Verbose_File.Write_Line("reduce " & Integer'Image(-X)); end if; end if; end if; end loop; if Show_Verbose then Verbose_File.Write(" " & Ascii.Ht); Verbose_File.Write("default " & Ascii.Ht); if Default = Accept_Code then Verbose_File.Write_Line("accept"); elsif Default = Error_Code then Verbose_File.Write_Line("error"); else -- reduce. never shift Verbose_File.Write_Line("reduce " & Integer'Image(-Default)); end if; end if; Shift_Reduce_File.Write(","); Shift_Reduce_File.Write("(" & Grammar_Symbol'Image(-1) & ","); Shift_Reduce_File.Write(Integer'Image(Default) & ")" ); Num_of_Action_Entries := Num_of_Action_Entries + 1; if Num_of_Action_Entries mod 4 = 0 then Shift_Reduce_File.Write_Line(""); end if; Shift_Reduce_File.Write_Line(""); end Print_Action_Row; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Init_Table_Files is begin Goto_Offset := new Goto_Offset_Array (First_Parse_State..Last_Parse_State); Action_Offset := new Action_Offset_Array (First_Parse_State..Last_Parse_State); Goto_File.Open_Write; Shift_Reduce_File.Open_Write; end Init_Table_Files; procedure Finish_Table_Files is begin Goto_File.Write_Line(");"); Goto_File.Write_Line("-- The offset vector"); Goto_File.Write("GOTO_OFFSET : array (0.."); Goto_File.Write(Parse_State'Image(Goto_Offset.all'Last) & ')'); Goto_File.Write_Line(" of Integer :="); Goto_File.Write("("); for I in Goto_Offset.all'First .. Goto_Offset.all'Last-1 loop Goto_File.Write(Integer'Image(Goto_Offset(I)) & ","); if I mod 10 = 0 then Goto_File.Write_Line(""); end if; end loop; Goto_File.Write (Integer'Image(Goto_Offset(Goto_Offset.all'Last))); Goto_File.Write_Line(");"); Goto_File.Close_Write; Shift_Reduce_File.Write_Line(");"); Shift_Reduce_File.Write_Line("-- The offset vector"); Shift_Reduce_File.Write("SHIFT_REDUCE_OFFSET : array (0.."); Shift_Reduce_File.Write (Parse_State'Image(Action_Offset.all'Last) & ')'); Shift_Reduce_File.Write_Line(" of Integer :="); Shift_Reduce_File.Write("("); for I in Action_Offset.all'First..Action_Offset.all'Last-1 loop Shift_Reduce_File.Write (Integer'Image(Action_Offset(I)) & ","); if I mod 10 = 0 then Shift_Reduce_File.Write_Line(""); end if; end loop; Shift_Reduce_File.Write (Integer'Image(Action_Offset(Action_Offset.all'Last))); Shift_Reduce_File.Write_Line(");"); Shift_Reduce_File.Close_Write; end Finish_Table_Files; procedure Compute_Parse_Table is use Transition_Set_Pack; use Item_Set_Pack; use Grammar_Symbol_Set_Pack; Trans : Transition; Nonterm_Iter : Nt_Transition_Iterator; Term_Iter : T_Transition_Iterator; Item_Set_1 : Item_Set; Item_Iter : Item_Iterator; Temp_Item : Item; Lookahead_Set : Grammar_Symbol_Set; Sym_Iter : Grammar_Symbol_Iterator; Sym : Grammar_Symbol; -- these variables are used for resolving conflicts Sym_Prec : Precedence; Rule_Prec : Precedence; Sym_Assoc : Associativity; -- recduce by r or action in action_table_row(sym); procedure Report_Conflict(R: Rule; Sym : in Grammar_Symbol) is begin if Show_Verbose then Verbose_File.Write("*** Conflict on input "); Verbose_File.Print_Grammar_Symbol(Sym); Verbose_File.Write_Line; Verbose_File.Write(Ascii.Ht); Verbose_File.Write("Reduce " & Rule'Image(R)); Verbose_File.Write(Ascii.Ht); Verbose_File.Write("or"); Verbose_File.Write(Ascii.Ht); end if; case Action_Table_Row(Sym).Action is when Shift => Num_Shift_Reduce_Conflicts := Num_Shift_Reduce_Conflicts + 1; if Show_Verbose then Verbose_File.Write("Shift "); Verbose_File.Write_Line (Parse_State'Image(Action_Table_Row(Sym).State_ID)); end if; when Reduce => Num_Reduce_Reduce_Conflicts := Num_Reduce_Reduce_Conflicts + 1; if Show_Verbose then Verbose_File.Write("Reduce "); Verbose_File.Write_Line (Rule'Image(Action_Table_Row(Sym).Rule_ID)); end if; when Accept_Input => if Show_Verbose then Verbose_File.Write("Accept???"); -- won't happen end if; Put_Line("Ayacc: Internal Error in Report Conflict!"); when Error => if Show_Verbose then Verbose_File.Write_Line("Error???"); -- won't happen end if; Put_Line("Ayacc: Internal Error in Report Conflict!"); when Undefined => Put_Line("Ayacc: Internal Error in Report Conflict!"); end case; if Show_Verbose then Verbose_File.Write_Line; end if; end; begin Action_Table_Row := new Action_Table_Array (First_Symbol(Terminal)..Last_Symbol(Terminal)); Goto_Table_Row := new Goto_Table_Array (First_Symbol(Nonterminal)..Last_Symbol(Nonterminal)); Init_Table_Files; for S in First_Parse_State..Last_Parse_State loop --& The verdix compiler apparently ALOCATES more memory for the following --& assignments. We commented them out and replaced these statements by --& the for loops --& action_table_row.all := --& (action_table_row.all'range => (action => undefined)); --& goto_table_row.all := --& (goto_table_row.all'range => null_parse_state); for I in Action_Table_Row.all'range loop Action_Table_Row(I) := (Action => Undefined); end loop; for I in Goto_Table_Row.all'range loop Goto_Table_Row(I) := Null_Parse_State; end loop; Make_Null(Item_Set_1); Get_Kernel(S, Item_Set_1); if Show_Verbose then Verbose_File.Write_Line("------------------"); Verbose_File.Write_Line("State " & Parse_State'Image(S)); Verbose_File.Write_Line; Verbose_File.Write_Line("Kernel"); Verbose_File.Print_Item_Set(Item_Set_1); end if; Closure(Item_Set_1); if Show_Verbose then Verbose_File.Write_Line; Verbose_File.Write_Line("Closure"); Verbose_File.Print_Item_Set(Item_Set_1); Verbose_File.Write_Line; Verbose_File.Write_Line; end if; -- Make Shift Entries -- Initialize(Term_Iter, S); while More(Term_Iter) loop Next(Term_Iter, Trans); if Trans.Symbol = End_Symbol then Action_Table_Row(Trans.Symbol) := (Action => Accept_Input); else Action_Table_Row(Trans.Symbol) := (Action => Shift, State_ID => Trans.State_ID); end if; end loop; -- Make Goto Entries -- Initialize(Nonterm_Iter, S); while More(Nonterm_Iter) loop Next(Nonterm_Iter, Trans); Goto_Table_Row(Trans.Symbol) := Trans.State_ID; end loop; -- Make Reduce Entries ---- Initialize(Item_Iter, Item_Set_1); -- check for degenerate reduce -- if Size_of(Item_Set_1) = 1 then Next(Item_Iter, Temp_Item); if Temp_Item.Dot_Position = Length_of(Temp_Item.Rule_ID) and then Temp_Item.Rule_ID /= First_Rule then Action_Table_Row(First_Symbol(Terminal)) := (Action => Reduce, Rule_ID => Temp_Item.Rule_ID); end if; goto Continue_Loop; end if; -- The following is really messy. It used to be ok before -- we added precedence. Some day we should rewrite it. while More(Item_Iter) loop Next(Item_Iter, Temp_Item); if Temp_Item.Dot_Position = Length_of(Temp_Item.Rule_ID) and then Temp_Item.Rule_ID /= First_Rule then Make_Null(Lookahead_Set); Get_LA(S, Temp_Item, Lookahead_Set); Initialize(Sym_Iter, Lookahead_Set); while More(Sym_Iter) loop Next(Sym_Iter, Sym); case Action_Table_Row(Sym).Action is when Undefined => Action_Table_Row(Sym) := (Action => Reduce, Rule_ID => Temp_Item.Rule_ID); when Shift => Sym_Prec := Get_Precedence(Sym); Rule_Prec := Get_Rule_Precedence(Temp_Item.Rule_ID); if Sym_Prec = 0 or else Rule_Prec = 0 then Report_Conflict(Temp_Item.Rule_ID, Sym); elsif Rule_Prec > Sym_Prec then Action_Table_Row(Sym) := (Action => Reduce, Rule_ID => Temp_Item.Rule_ID); elsif Sym_Prec > Rule_Prec then null; -- already ok else Sym_Assoc := Get_Associativity(Sym); if Sym_Assoc = Left_Associative then Action_Table_Row(Sym) := (Action => Reduce, Rule_ID => Temp_Item.Rule_ID); elsif Sym_Assoc = Right_Associative then null; elsif Sym_Assoc = Nonassociative then Action_Table_Row(Sym) := (Action => Error); else Put_Line("Ayacc: Possible Error in " & "Conflict Resolution."); end if; end if; when Reduce => Report_Conflict(Temp_Item.Rule_ID, Sym); when Error => Put_Line("Ayacc: Internal Error in Conflict!!!"); Put_Line("Ayacc: Use Verbose Option!"); Report_Conflict(Temp_Item.Rule_ID, Sym); when Accept_Input => Put_Line("Ayacc: Internal Error in Conflict!!!"); Put_Line("Ayacc: Use Verbose Option!"); Report_Conflict(Temp_Item.Rule_ID, Sym); end case; end loop; end if; end loop; <<Continue_Loop>> if Show_Verbose then Print_Goto_Row_Verbose; end if; Print_Goto_Row(S); Print_Action_Row(S); end loop; Finish_Table_Files; end Compute_Parse_Table; procedure Make_Parse_Table is begin Show_Verbose := Options.Verbose; if Show_Verbose then Verbose_File.Open; end if; Symbol_Info.Initialize; if Options.Loud then Put_Line("Ayacc: Making LR(0) Machine."); end if; LR0_Machine.LR0_Initialize; if Options.Loud then Put_Line("Ayacc: Making Follow Sets."); end if; Make_LALR_Sets; if Options.Loud then Put_Line("Ayacc: Making Parse Table."); end if; Compute_Parse_Table; if Show_Verbose then Verbose_File.Close; end if; end Make_Parse_Table; end Parse_Table; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : parse_template_file.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:33:32 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxparse_template_file.ada -- $Header: parse_template_file.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:09:47 ada Exp $ -- $Log: parse_template_file.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:09:47 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:40:09 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with Text_IO, File_Names; use Text_IO, File_Names; with String_Pkg; use String_Pkg; package body Parse_Template_File is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) parse_template_file.ada, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: parse_template_file.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:09:47 ada Exp $"; File_Pointer : Natural := 0; type File_Data is array (Positive range <>) of String_Type; -- Verdix 5.2 Compiler Bug will not accept aggregate size as implied constraint -->> YYParse_Template_File : File_Data := -- Verdix 5.2 Compiler Bug YYParse_Template_File : File_Data (1 .. 262) := ( -- Start of File Contents Create ("procedure YYParse is"), Create (""), Create (" -- Rename User Defined Packages to Internal Names."), Create ("%%"), Create (""), Create (" use yy_tokens, yy_goto_tables, yy_shift_reduce_tables;"), Create (""), Create (" procedure yyerrok;"), Create (" procedure yyclearin;"), Create (""), Create (" package yy is"), Create (""), Create (" -- the size of the value and state stacks"), Create (" stack_size : constant Natural := 300;"), Create (""), Create (" -- subtype rule is natural;"), Create (" subtype parse_state is natural;"), Create (" -- subtype nonterminal is integer;"), Create (""), Create (" -- encryption constants"), Create (" default : constant := -1;"), Create (" first_shift_entry : constant := 0;"), Create (" accept_code : constant := -1001;"), Create (" error_code : constant := -1000;"), Create (""), Create (" -- stack data used by the parser"), Create (" tos : natural := 0;"), Create (" value_stack : array(0..stack_size) of yy_tokens.yystype;"), Create (" state_stack : array(0..stack_size) of parse_state;"), Create (""), Create (" -- current input symbol and action the parser is on"), Create (" action : integer;"), Create (" rule_id : rule;"), Create (" input_symbol : yy_tokens.token;"), Create (""), Create (""), Create (" -- error recovery flag"), Create (" error_flag : natural := 0;"), Create (" -- indicates 3 - (number of valid shifts after an error occurs)"), Create (""), Create (" look_ahead : boolean := true;"), Create (" index : integer;"), Create (""), Create (" -- Is Debugging option on or off"), Create ("%%"), Create (""), Create (" end yy;"), Create (""), Create (""), Create (" function goto_state"), Create (" (state : yy.parse_state;"), Create (" sym : nonterminal) return yy.parse_state;"), Create (""), Create (" function parse_action"), Create (" (state : yy.parse_state;"), Create (" t : yy_tokens.token) return integer;"), Create (""), Create (" pragma inline(goto_state, parse_action);"), Create (""), Create (""), Create (" function goto_state(state : yy.parse_state;"), Create (" sym : nonterminal) return yy.parse_state is"), Create (" index : integer;"), Create (" begin"), Create (" index := goto_offset(state);"), Create (" while integer(goto_matrix(index).nonterm) /= sym loop"), Create (" index := index + 1;"), Create (" end loop;"), Create (" return integer(goto_matrix(index).newstate);"), Create (" end goto_state;"), Create (""), Create (""), Create (" function parse_action(state : yy.parse_state;"), Create (" t : yy_tokens.token) return integer is"), Create (" index : integer;"), Create (" tok_pos : integer;"), Create (" default : constant integer := -1;"), Create (" begin"), Create (" tok_pos := yy_tokens.token'pos(t);"), Create (" index := shift_reduce_offset(state);"), Create (" while integer(shift_reduce_matrix(index).t) /= tok_pos and then"), Create (" integer(shift_reduce_matrix(index).t) /= default"), Create (" loop"), Create (" index := index + 1;"), Create (" end loop;"), Create (" return integer(shift_reduce_matrix(index).act);"), Create (" end parse_action;"), Create (""), Create ("-- error recovery stuff"), Create (""), Create (" procedure handle_error is"), Create (" temp_action : integer;"), Create (" begin"), Create (""), Create (" if yy.error_flag = 3 then -- no shift yet, clobber input."), Create (" if yy.debug then"), Create (" put_line(""Ayacc.YYParse: Error Recovery Clobbers "" &"), Create (" yy_tokens.token'image(yy.input_symbol));"), Create (" end if;"), Create (" if yy.input_symbol = yy_tokens.end_of_input then -- don't discard,"), Create (" if yy.debug then"), Create (" put_line(""Ayacc.YYParse: Can't discard END_OF_INPUT, quiting..."");"), Create (" end if;"), Create (" raise yy_tokens.syntax_error;"), Create (" end if;"), Create (""), Create (" yy.look_ahead := true; -- get next token"), Create (" return; -- and try again..."), Create (" end if;"), Create (""), Create (" if yy.error_flag = 0 then -- brand new error"), Create (" yyerror(""Syntax Error"");"), Create (" end if;"), Create (""), Create (" yy.error_flag := 3;"), Create (""), Create (" -- find state on stack where error is a valid shift --"), Create (""), Create (" if yy.debug then"), Create (" put_line(""Ayacc.YYParse: Looking for state with error as valid shift"");"), Create (" end if;"), Create (""), Create (" loop"), Create (" if yy.debug then"), Create (" put_line(""Ayacc.YYParse: Examining State "" &"), Create (" yy.parse_state'image(yy.state_stack(yy.tos)));"), Create (" end if;"), Create (" temp_action := parse_action(yy.state_stack(yy.tos), error);"), Create (""), Create (" if temp_action >= yy.first_shift_entry then"), Create (" yy.tos := yy.tos + 1;"), Create (" yy.state_stack(yy.tos) := temp_action;"), Create (" exit;"), Create (" end if;"), Create (""), Create (" Decrement_Stack_Pointer :"), Create (" begin"), Create (" yy.tos := yy.tos - 1;"), Create (" exception"), Create (" when Constraint_Error =>"), Create (" yy.tos := 0;"), Create (" end Decrement_Stack_Pointer;"), Create (""), Create (" if yy.tos = 0 then"), Create (" if yy.debug then"), Create (" put_line(""Ayacc.YYParse: Error recovery popped entire stack, aborting..."");"), Create (" end if;"), Create (" raise yy_tokens.syntax_error;"), Create (" end if;"), Create (" end loop;"), Create (""), Create (" if yy.debug then"), Create (" put_line(""Ayacc.YYParse: Shifted error token in state "" &"), Create (" yy.parse_state'image(yy.state_stack(yy.tos)));"), Create (" end if;"), Create (""), Create (" end handle_error;"), Create (""), Create (" -- print debugging information for a shift operation"), Create (" procedure shift_debug(state_id: yy.parse_state; lexeme: yy_tokens.token) is"), Create (" begin"), Create (" put_line(""Ayacc.YYParse: Shift ""& yy.parse_state'image(state_id)&"" on input symbol ""&"), Create (" yy_tokens.token'image(lexeme) );"), Create (" end;"), Create (""), Create (" -- print debugging information for a reduce operation"), Create (" procedure reduce_debug(rule_id: rule; state_id: yy.parse_state) is"), Create (" begin"), Create (" put_line(""Ayacc.YYParse: Reduce by rule ""&rule'image(rule_id)&"" goto state ""&"), Create (" yy.parse_state'image(state_id));"), Create (" end;"), Create (""), Create (" -- make the parser believe that 3 valid shifts have occured."), Create (" -- used for error recovery."), Create (" procedure yyerrok is"), Create (" begin"), Create (" yy.error_flag := 0;"), Create (" end yyerrok;"), Create (""), Create (" -- called to clear input symbol that caused an error."), Create (" procedure yyclearin is"), Create (" begin"), Create (" -- yy.input_symbol := yylex;"), Create (" yy.look_ahead := true;"), Create (" end yyclearin;"), Create (""), Create (""), Create ("begin"), Create (" -- initialize by pushing state 0 and getting the first input symbol"), Create (" yy.state_stack(yy.tos) := 0;"), Create (""), Create (" loop"), Create (""), Create (" yy.index := shift_reduce_offset(yy.state_stack(yy.tos));"), Create (" if integer(shift_reduce_matrix(yy.index).t) = yy.default then"), Create (" yy.action := integer(shift_reduce_matrix(yy.index).act);"), Create (" else"), Create (" if yy.look_ahead then"), Create (" yy.look_ahead := false;"), Create (" yy.input_symbol := yylex;"), Create (" end if;"), Create (" yy.action :="), Create (" parse_action(yy.state_stack(yy.tos), yy.input_symbol);"), Create (" end if;"), Create (""), Create (" if yy.action >= yy.first_shift_entry then -- SHIFT"), Create (""), Create (" if yy.debug then"), Create (" shift_debug(yy.action, yy.input_symbol);"), Create (" end if;"), Create (""), Create (" -- Enter new state"), Create (" yy.tos := yy.tos + 1;"), Create (" yy.state_stack(yy.tos) := yy.action;"), Create (" yy.value_stack(yy.tos) := yylval;"), Create (""), Create (" if yy.error_flag > 0 then -- indicate a valid shift"), Create (" yy.error_flag := yy.error_flag - 1;"), Create (" end if;"), Create (""), Create (" -- Advance lookahead"), Create (" yy.look_ahead := true;"), Create (""), Create (" elsif yy.action = yy.error_code then -- ERROR"), Create (" handle_error;"), Create (""), Create (" elsif yy.action = yy.accept_code then"), Create (" if yy.debug then"), Create (" put_line(""Ayacc.YYParse: Accepting Grammar..."");"), Create (" end if;"), Create (" exit;"), Create (""), Create (" else -- Reduce Action"), Create (""), Create (" -- Convert action into a rule"), Create (" yy.rule_id := -1 * yy.action;"), Create (""), Create (" -- Execute User Action"), Create (" -- user_action(yy.rule_id);"), Create (" case yy.rule_id is"), Create ("%%"), Create (""), Create (" when others => null;"), Create (" end case;"), Create (""), Create (" -- Pop RHS states and goto next state"), Create (" yy.tos := yy.tos - rule_length(yy.rule_id) + 1;"), Create (" yy.state_stack(yy.tos) := goto_state(yy.state_stack(yy.tos-1) ,"), Create (" get_lhs_rule(yy.rule_id));"), Create (""), Create (" yy.value_stack(yy.tos) := yyval;"), Create (""), Create (" if yy.debug then"), Create (" reduce_debug(yy.rule_id,"), Create (" goto_state(yy.state_stack(yy.tos - 1),"), Create (" get_lhs_rule(yy.rule_id)));"), Create (" end if;"), Create (""), Create (" end if;"), Create (" end loop;"), Create (""), Create ("end yyparse;") ); -- End of File Contents procedure Open is begin File_Pointer := YYParse_Template_File'First; end Open; procedure Close is begin File_Pointer := 0; end Close; procedure Read (S: out String; Length : out Integer) is Next_Line : constant String := String_Pkg.Value (YYParse_Template_File (File_Pointer)); begin S := Next_Line & (1 .. S'Length - Next_Line'Length => ' '); Length := Next_Line'Length; File_Pointer := File_Pointer + 1; exception when Constraint_Error => if Is_End_of_File then raise End_Error; else raise Status_Error; end if; end; function Is_End_of_File return Boolean is begin return File_Pointer = (YYParse_Template_File'Last + 1); end Is_End_of_File; end Parse_Template_File; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : parse_template_file_.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:33:46 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxparse_template_file_.ada -- $Header: parse_template_file.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:09:47 ada Exp $ -- $Log: parse_template_file.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:09:47 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:40:09 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- package Parse_Template_File is Eof : constant Character := Ascii.Nul; procedure Open; procedure Read (S: out String; Length : out Integer); procedure Close; function Is_End_of_File return Boolean; end Parse_Template_File; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : parser.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:32:26 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxparser.ada -- $Header: parser.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:10:10 ada Exp $ -- $Log: parser.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:10:10 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:40:20 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- -- -- -- The parser for the user source file -- -- -- package Parser is -- Parse the declarations section procedure Parse_Declarations; -- Parse the rules section procedure Parse_Rules; -- Self-explanatory Syntax_Error : exception; end; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : parser_body.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:32:43 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxparser_body.ada -- $Header: parser_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:10:24 ada Exp $ -- $Log: parser_body.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:10:24 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:40:31 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- -- -- -- The body of the parser for the specification file -- -- -- with Text_IO; use Text_IO; with Lexical_Analyzer; use Lexical_Analyzer; with STR_Pack; use STR_Pack; with Symbol_Table; use Symbol_Table; with Rule_Table; use Rule_Table; with Actions_File; use Actions_File; with Tokens_File; use Tokens_File; with String_Pkg; package body Parser is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) parser_body.ada, Version 1.2"; Found_Error : Boolean := False; Start_Defined : Boolean := False; procedure Nonfatal_Error(Message: in String) is begin Print_Context_Lines; --RJS Put_Line("--- " & Message); New_Line; Put_Line ("Ayacc: " & Message); Found_Error := True; end Nonfatal_Error; procedure Fatal_Error(Message: in String) is begin Print_Context_Lines; --RJS Put_Line("--- " & Message); New_Line; Put_Line ("Ayacc: " & Message); raise Syntax_Error; end Fatal_Error; procedure Augment_Grammar(Users_Start_Symbol : in Grammar_Symbol) is -- Inserts S' -> S $end as a rule in the rule table. Start_Sym : Grammar_Symbol; Augmented_Rule : Rule; begin Start_Defined := True; Augmented_Rule := Make_Rule(Start_Symbol); Append_RHS(Augmented_Rule, Users_Start_Symbol); Append_RHS(Augmented_Rule, End_Symbol); end Augment_Grammar; -- -- -- A recursive descent parser for the rules in the -- -- grammar. -- procedure Parse_Rules is T : Ayacc_Token; Current_Rule : Rule; LHS : Grammar_Symbol; -- -- -- Gets an action from the file and writes it to -- -- the actions file. -- -- -- -- -- -- Parses a sequence of Symbols -- -- -- procedure Symbols is ID : Grammar_Symbol; Got_Action : Boolean := False; Precedence_Level : Precedence; begin loop T := Get_Token; exit when T = Vertical_Bar or T = Semicolon or T = Prec; -- Do we have an action in the middle of a rule? if Got_Action then Got_Action := T = Left_Brace; Handle_Nested_Rule(Current_Rule); end if; case T is -- Update the current rule when Character_Literal => ID := Insert_Terminal(Get_Lexeme_Text); Append_RHS(Current_Rule, ID); -- Update the current rule and add to symbol table when Identifier => ID := Insert_Identifier(Get_Lexeme_Text); Append_RHS(Current_Rule, ID); -- Got an action when Left_Brace => Handle_Action(Integer(Current_Rule), Integer(Length_of(Current_Rule))); Got_Action := True; when others => Fatal_Error("Unexpected symbol"); end case; end loop; if T = Prec then if Got_Action then Fatal_Error("%prec cannot be preceded by an action"); raise Syntax_Error; end if; T := Get_Token; if T /= Identifier and T /= Character_Literal then Fatal_Error("Expecting a terminal after %prec"); end if; ID := Insert_Identifier(Get_Lexeme_Text); if Is_Nonterminal(ID) then Fatal_Error("Expecting a terminal after %prec"); end if; Precedence_Level := Get_Precedence(ID); if Precedence_Level = 0 then Fatal_Error("Terminal following %prec has no precedence"); else Set_Rule_Precedence(Current_Rule, Precedence_Level); end if; T := Get_Token; case T is when Left_Brace => Handle_Action(Integer(Current_Rule), Integer(Length_of(Current_Rule))); T := Get_Token; when Semicolon | Vertical_Bar => null; when others => Fatal_Error("Illegal token following %prec"); end case; end if; end Symbols; -- -- -- Parse an ayacc grammar rule -- -- -- procedure Rule is begin T := Get_Token; if T /= Colon then Fatal_Error("Expecting a colon after the LHS of the rule"); else Current_Rule := Make_Rule(LHS); Symbols; end if; while (T = Vertical_Bar) loop -- Make a new rule with the current LHS grammar symbol Current_Rule := Make_Rule(LHS); Symbols; end loop; if T /= Semicolon then Fatal_Error("Expecting a semicolon"); end if; end Rule; -- -- -- Parse a sequence of grammar rules -- -- -- procedure Rules is begin T := Get_Token; if T = Identifier then -- Make the left hand side of the rule LHS := Insert_Identifier(Get_Lexeme_Text); if Is_Terminal(LHS) then Fatal_Error("Terminals cannot be on the LHS of a rule"); end if; if not Start_Defined then Augment_Grammar(LHS); end if; Rule; Rules; elsif T /= Mark then Fatal_Error("Expecting next section"); end if; end Rules; begin -- parse_rules Actions_File.Initialize; Rules; Actions_File.Finish; -- Check for empty grammars. If the grammar is empty then -- create a rule S -> $end. if not Start_Defined then Append_RHS(Make_Rule(Start_Symbol), End_Symbol); end if; exception when Illegal_Token => Fatal_Error("illegal token"); end Parse_Rules; -- -- -- Parse the declarations section of the source -- -- -- procedure Parse_Declarations is Precedence_Level : Precedence := 0; Next_Token : Ayacc_Token; ID : Grammar_Symbol; procedure Parse_Start_Symbol is Users_Start_Symbol : Grammar_Symbol; begin if Start_Defined then Fatal_Error("The start symbol has been defined already."); end if; if Next_Token /= Identifier then if Next_Token = Lexical_Analyzer.Eof_Token then Fatal_Error("Unexpected end of file before first '%%'"); else Fatal_Error("Expecting identifier"); end if; end if; Users_Start_Symbol := Insert_Identifier(Get_Lexeme_Text); if Is_Nonterminal(Users_Start_Symbol) then Augment_Grammar(Users_Start_Symbol); else Fatal_Error("Attempt to define terminal as start_symbol"); end if; Next_Token := Get_Token; end Parse_Start_Symbol; procedure Parse_Token_List(Precedence_Value : in Precedence; Associativity_Value : in Associativity) is Temp_Sym : Grammar_Symbol; begin loop if Next_Token /= Identifier and then Next_Token /= Character_Literal then if Next_Token = Lexical_Analyzer.Eof_Token then Fatal_Error("Unexpected end of file before first '%%'"); else Fatal_Error("Expecting token declaration"); end if; end if; Temp_Sym := Insert_Terminal(Get_Lexeme_Text, Precedence_Value, Associativity_Value); Next_Token := Get_Token; if Next_Token = Comma then Next_Token := Get_Token; elsif Next_Token = Semicolon then Next_Token := Get_Token; exit; elsif Next_Token /= Identifier and then Next_Token /= Character_Literal then exit; end if; end loop; exception when Illegal_Entry => -- I think only trying to insert the "start symbol" -- in a token list will cause this exception Fatal_Error("Illegal symbol as token"); end Parse_Token_List; procedure Parse_Package_Name_List(Context_Clause : in Ayacc_Token) is use String_Pkg; begin if Tokens_Package_Header_Has_Been_Generated then Fatal_Error ("Context Clause Specifications May Not " & "Appear After Ada Declarations."); else case Context_Clause is when With_Clause => Tokens_File.Write ("with "); when Use_Clause => Tokens_File.Write ("use "); when others => Fatal_Error ("Illegal Context Clause Specification"); end case; loop if Next_Token /= Identifier then if Next_Token = Lexical_Analyzer.Eof_Token then Fatal_Error("Unexpected end of file before first '%%'"); else Fatal_Error("Expecting Package Name"); end if; end if; Tokens_File.Write (' ' & Value (Mixed (Get_Lexeme_Text))); Next_Token := Get_Token; if Next_Token = Comma then Next_Token := Get_Token; Tokens_File.Write (","); elsif Next_Token = Semicolon then Next_Token := Get_Token; Tokens_File.Writeln (";"); exit; elsif Next_Token /= Identifier then Tokens_File.Writeln (";"); exit; else Tokens_File.Write (","); end if; end loop; end if; end Parse_Package_Name_List; begin Next_Token := Get_Token; loop case Next_Token is when Start => Next_Token := Get_Token; Parse_Start_Symbol; if Next_Token = Semicolon then Next_Token := Get_Token; end if; when Token => Next_Token := Get_Token; Parse_Token_List(0, Undefined); when Nonassoc => Next_Token := Get_Token; Precedence_Level := Precedence_Level + 1; Parse_Token_List(Precedence_Level, Nonassociative); when Right => Next_Token := Get_Token; Precedence_Level := Precedence_Level + 1; Parse_Token_List(Precedence_Level, Right_Associative); when Left => Next_Token := Get_Token; Precedence_Level := Precedence_Level + 1; Parse_Token_List(Precedence_Level, Left_Associative); when Mark => exit; when Lexical_Analyzer.Eof_Token => Fatal_Error("Unexpected end of file before first %%"); when Left_Brace => Start_Tokens_Package; Dump_Declarations; -- to the TOKENS file. Next_Token := Get_Token; when With_Clause => Next_Token := Get_Token; Parse_Package_Name_List (With_Clause); when Use_Clause => Next_Token := Get_Token; Parse_Package_Name_List (Use_Clause); when others => Fatal_Error("Unexpected symbol"); end case; end loop; exception when Illegal_Token => Fatal_Error("Bad symbol"); when Redefined_Precedence_Error => Fatal_Error("Attempt to redefine precedence"); end Parse_Declarations; end Parser; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : ragged.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:34:00 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxragged.ada -- $Header: ragged.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:11:22 ada Exp $ -- $Log: ragged.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:11:22 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:40:45 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- -- Remeber to get rid of rval as soon as all bugs have been eliminated -- from routines that use this package. generic type Row_Index is (<>); type Col_Index is (<>); type Item is limited private; with procedure Null_Value(Value : in out Item); package Ragged is -- Cell and index should be private but for efficency and for subtle -- problems that arise when type item is implemeted as a limited private -- in an external package, cell and index are kept visible. type Cell; type Index is access Cell; pragma Controlled(Index); type Hidden_Type is limited private; type Cell is record Value : Item; Hidden : Hidden_Type; end record; -- Use for retrieving the value of array(x,y). Raises value range -- error if no such location has been allocated yet. -- eg: value := rval(x,y).value; function Rval(X: Row_Index; Y: Col_Index) return Index; -- Use for setting a value in array(x,y). Allocates new storage -- if the location does not exist yet. Can also use it if you -- require a preinitialization value -- eg: lval(x,y).value := value; -- if lval(x,y).value = 0 then ... function Lval(X: Row_Index; Y: Col_Index) return Index; procedure Make_Array(Lower, Upper: Row_Index); procedure Initialize(Iterator : out Index; Row : Row_Index); procedure Next(Iterator : in out Index); procedure Free_Array; Value_Range_Error : exception; private type Hidden_Type is record Column : Col_Index; Next : Index; end record; end Ragged; with Unchecked_Deallocation; package body Ragged is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) ragged.ada, Version 1.2"; -- The ragged array is implemented as a vector indexed by row -- of linked lists of (column,value) pairs in sorted order. type Cells is array( Row_Index range<> ) of Index; type Cells_Ptr is access Cells; pragma Controlled(Cells_Ptr); Vector : Cells_Ptr; procedure Make_Array(Lower, Upper: Row_Index) is begin Vector := new Cells(Lower..Upper); for I in Vector.all'range loop Vector(I) := null; end loop; end Make_Array; function New_Cell(Column : Col_Index; Next : Index) return Index is Temp : Index; begin Temp := new Cell; Temp.Hidden.Column := Column; Temp.Hidden.Next := Next; -- Will this work or do I need to null_value vector ? Null_Value(Temp.Value); return Temp; end New_Cell; function Lval(X: Row_Index; Y: Col_Index) return Index is Ptr, Last : Index; begin -- If a new cell is created its value field is uninitialized. -- Add to the beginning of the list ? if Vector(X) = null or else Vector(X).Hidden.Column > Y then Ptr := Vector(X); Vector(X) := New_Cell(Y,Ptr); return Vector(X); end if; -- Add in the middle of the list ? Ptr := Vector(X); while Ptr /= null loop if Ptr.Hidden.Column = Y then return Ptr; elsif Ptr.Hidden.Column > Y then Last.Hidden.Next := New_Cell(Y,Ptr); return Last.Hidden.Next; end if; Last := Ptr; Ptr := Ptr.Hidden.Next; end loop; -- Add at the end of the list Last.Hidden.Next := New_Cell(Y,null); return Last.Hidden.Next; end Lval; function Rval(X: Row_Index; Y: Col_Index) return Index is Ptr : Index; begin Ptr := Vector(X); while Ptr /= null and then Ptr.Hidden.Column < Y loop Ptr := Ptr.Hidden.Next; end loop; if Ptr = null or else Ptr.Hidden.Column > Y then raise Value_Range_Error; else -- ptr.hidden.column = y return Ptr; end if; end Rval; procedure Initialize(Iterator : out Index; Row : Row_Index) is begin Iterator := Vector(Row); end; procedure Next(Iterator : in out Index) is begin Iterator := Iterator.Hidden.Next; end; -- procedure free(i: index); -- pragma interface(c,free); procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation(Cell, Index); procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation(Cells, Cells_Ptr); procedure Free_Array is Traverse : Index; begin for I in Vector.all'range loop while Vector(I) /= null loop Traverse := Vector(I); Vector(I) := Vector(I).Hidden.Next; Null_Value(Traverse.Value); -- free value if its a ptr Free(Traverse); end loop; end loop; Free(Vector); end Free_Array; end Ragged; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : rule_table.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:34:14 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxrule_table.ada -- $Header: rule_table.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:11:37 ada Exp $ -- $Log: rule_table.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:11:37 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:40:56 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with Symbol_Table; use Symbol_Table; package Rule_Table is -- This package is used to store and access the rules -- of the input grammar. Max_Rules : constant := 1_000; -- An arbitrary upper bound. type Rule is range 0..Max_Rules - 1; function Make_Rule(LHS: Grammar_Symbol) return Rule; procedure Append_RHS(R: in Rule; RHS: in Grammar_Symbol); function Get_LHS (R: Rule) return Grammar_Symbol; function Get_RHS (R: Rule; Position: Positive) return Grammar_Symbol; function Get_Null_Pos (R: Rule) return Natural; function Get_Rule_Precedence (R: Rule) return Precedence; function Length_of(R: Rule) return Natural; function First_Rule return Rule; function Last_Rule return Rule; function Number_of_Rules return Natural; procedure Set_Rule_Precedence (R: in Rule; Prec: in Precedence); procedure Set_Null_Pos (R: in Rule; Position: in Natural); procedure Handle_Nested_Rule (Current_Rule : in out Rule); --RJS pragma inline(get_lhs, get_null_pos, get_rule_precedence, length_of); --& pragma inline(first_rule, last_rule); end Rule_Table; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : rule_table_body.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:34:28 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxrule_table_body.ada -- $Header: rule_table_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:11:44 ada Exp $ -- $Log: rule_table_body.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:11:44 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:41:08 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- package body Rule_Table is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) rule_table_body.ada, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: rule_table_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:11:44 ada Exp $"; -- Rules are implemented as an array of linked lists Number_of_Nested_Rules : Integer := 0; type RHS_Element; type RHS_Pointer is access RHS_Element; type RHS_Element is record RHS_Symbol: Grammar_Symbol; Next : RHS_Pointer; end record; type Rule_Entry is record LHS_Symbol : Grammar_Symbol; RHS : RHS_Pointer; Length : Natural; Null_Pos : Natural; Prec : Precedence; end record; Rule_List: array(Rule) of Rule_Entry; Next_Free_Rule: Rule := 0; function Get_Rule_Precedence(R : Rule) return Precedence is begin return Rule_List(R).Prec; end Get_Rule_Precedence; function Make_Rule(LHS: Grammar_Symbol) return Rule is R : Rule := Next_Free_Rule; begin Rule_List(R) := (LHS, RHS => null, Length => 0, Null_Pos => 0, Prec => 0); Next_Free_Rule := Next_Free_Rule + 1; return R; end Make_Rule; procedure Append_RHS(R: in Rule; RHS: in Grammar_Symbol) is Temp_Pointer: RHS_Pointer; begin if Is_Terminal(RHS) then Rule_List(R).Prec := Get_Precedence(RHS); end if; if Rule_List(R).RHS = null then Rule_List(R).RHS := new RHS_Element'(RHS, null); else Temp_Pointer := Rule_List(R).RHS; while Temp_Pointer.Next /= null loop Temp_Pointer := Temp_Pointer.Next; end loop; Temp_Pointer.Next := new RHS_Element'(RHS, null); end if; Rule_List(R).Length := Rule_List(R).Length + 1; end Append_RHS; function Get_LHS(R: Rule) return Grammar_Symbol is begin return Rule_List(R).LHS_Symbol; end Get_LHS; function Get_Null_Pos(R: Rule) return Natural is begin return Rule_List(R).Null_Pos; end Get_Null_Pos; procedure Set_Null_Pos(R : in Rule; Position: in Natural) is begin Rule_List(R).Null_Pos := Position; end Set_Null_Pos; function Get_RHS(R: Rule; Position: Positive) return Grammar_Symbol is Temp_Pointer: RHS_Pointer; begin Temp_Pointer := Rule_List(R).RHS; for I in 2..Position loop Temp_Pointer := Temp_Pointer.Next; end loop; return Temp_Pointer.RHS_Symbol; end Get_RHS; function Length_of(R: Rule) return Natural is begin return Rule_List(R).Length; end Length_of; function First_Rule return Rule is begin return 0; end First_Rule; function Last_Rule return Rule is begin return Next_Free_Rule - 1; end Last_Rule; function Number_of_Rules return Natural is begin return Natural(Next_Free_Rule) - 1; end Number_of_Rules; procedure Handle_Nested_Rule(Current_Rule : in out Rule) is Temp : Rule_Entry; LHS : Grammar_Symbol; New_Rule : Rule; begin -- Make a new rule prefixed by $$N Number_of_Nested_Rules := Number_of_Nested_Rules + 1; LHS := Insert_Identifier("$$" & Integer'Image(Number_of_Nested_Rules)); New_Rule := Make_Rule(LHS); Append_RHS(Current_Rule,LHS); -- Exchange the rule positions of the new rule and the current rule -- by swapping contents and exchanging the rule positions Temp := Rule_List(Current_Rule); Rule_List(Current_Rule) := Rule_List(New_Rule); Rule_List(New_Rule) := Temp; Current_Rule := New_Rule; end Handle_Nested_Rule; procedure Set_Rule_Precedence(R: in Rule; Prec: in Precedence) is begin Rule_List(R).Prec := Prec; end Set_Rule_Precedence; end Rule_Table; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : set_pack.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:34:47 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxset_pack.ada -- $Header: set_pack.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:11:51 ada Exp $ -- $Log: set_pack.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:11:51 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:41:22 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- -- Uses the predefined equality operator "=" on variables of type Universe generic type Universe is private; with function "<" (Element_1, Element_2: Universe) return Boolean; package Set_Pack is type Set is limited private; procedure Make_Null (Set_1: in out Set); procedure Insert (Element : in Universe; Into : in out Set); procedure Insert (Set_1 : in Set; Into : in out Set); procedure Delete (Element : in Universe; From : in out Set); procedure Assign (Object : in out Set; Value : in Set); -- Nulls value ! procedure Fassign(Object : in out Set; Value : in out Set); function Is_Member (Element: Universe; Of_Set: Set) return Boolean; function Is_Empty (Set_1: Set) return Boolean; function Size_of (Set_1: Set) return Natural; function "=" (Set_1 : Set; Set_2 : Set) return Boolean; type Set_Iterator is limited private; procedure Initialize (Iterator : in out Set_Iterator; Using : in Set); function More (Iterator: Set_Iterator) return Boolean; procedure Next (Iterator: in out Set_Iterator; Element: out Universe); No_More_Elements : exception; -- raised if you call NEXT when MORE is false. --RJS pragma inline(is_empty, size_of, more, next); private type Cell; type Link is access Cell; type Set is record Size : Natural; Head : Link := null; end record; type Set_Iterator is new Link; end Set_Pack; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : set_pack_body.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:35:14 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxset_pack_body.ada -- $Header: set_pack_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:11:59 ada Exp $ -- $Log: set_pack_body.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:11:59 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:41:30 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- package body Set_Pack is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) set_pack_body.ada, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: set_pack_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:11:59 ada Exp $"; type Cell is record Value : Universe; Next : Link; end record; Extras : Link; -- For garbage collection. function Get_Node return Link; --RJS pragma inline(get_node); function Get_Node return Link is Temp_Link : Link; begin if Extras = null then return new Cell; else Temp_Link := Extras; Extras := Extras.Next; Temp_Link.Next := null; return Temp_Link; end if; end Get_Node; procedure Make_Null (Set_1: in out Set) is Temp_Link : Link; begin if Set_1.Head = null then Set_1.Size := 0; return; end if; -- Find tail of set_1 -- Temp_Link := Set_1.Head; while Temp_Link.Next /= null loop Temp_Link := Temp_Link.Next; end loop; -- Add set_1 elements to the extras stack -- Temp_Link.Next := Extras; Extras := Set_1.Head; Set_1 := (Size => 0, Head => null); end Make_Null; procedure Assign (Object : in out Set; Value : in Set) is Temp_1, Temp_2: Link; begin if Object = Value then return; else Make_Null(Object); end if; if Value.Head = null then return; end if; Object.Head := Get_Node; Object.Head.Value := Value.Head.Value; Object.Head.Next := null; Temp_1 := Object.Head; Temp_2 := Value.Head.Next; while Temp_2 /= null loop Temp_1.Next := Get_Node; Temp_1.Next.all := (Value => Temp_2.Value, Next => null); Temp_1 := Temp_1.Next; Temp_2 := Temp_2.Next; end loop; Temp_1.Next := null; Object.Size := Value.Size; end Assign; procedure Insert (Element : in Universe; Into : in out Set) is Temp_Link : Link; Temp_Link_2 : Link; begin if Into.Head = null or else Element < Into.Head.Value then Temp_Link := Get_Node; Temp_Link.all := (Value => Element, Next => Into.Head); Into.Head := Temp_Link; Into.Size := Into.Size + 1; return; end if; if Into.Head.Value = Element then return; end if; Temp_Link := Into.Head; while Temp_Link.Next /= null loop if Element = Temp_Link.Next.Value then -- Already in the list. return; elsif Element < Temp_Link.Next.Value then exit; -- Found place to insert. else Temp_Link := Temp_Link.Next; end if; end loop; -- insert element -- Temp_Link_2 := Get_Node; Temp_Link_2.Next := Temp_Link.Next; Temp_Link_2.Value := Element; Temp_Link.Next := Temp_Link_2; Into.Size := Into.Size + 1; end Insert; procedure Insert (Set_1 : in Set; Into : in out Set) is Temp, Trav1, Trav2 : Link; begin if Set_1.Head = null then return; elsif Set_1.Head = Into.Head then return; elsif Into.Head = null then Assign(Into, Set_1); return; end if; if Set_1.Head.Value < Into.Head.Value then Temp := Into.Head; Into.Head := Get_Node; Into.Head.all := (Set_1.Head.Value, Temp); Trav1 := Set_1.Head.Next; Into.Size := Into.Size + 1; elsif Set_1.Head.Value = Into.Head.Value then Trav1 := Set_1.Head.Next; else Trav1 := Set_1.Head; end if; Trav2 := Into.Head; while Trav1 /= null loop while Trav2.Next /= null and then Trav2.Next.Value < Trav1.Value loop Trav2 := Trav2.Next; end loop; if Trav2.Next = null then while Trav1 /= null loop Trav2.Next := Get_Node; Trav2.Next.all := (Trav1.Value, null); Trav1 := Trav1.Next; Trav2 := Trav2.Next; Into.Size := Into.Size + 1; end loop; return; end if; if Trav2.Next.Value /= Trav1.Value then Temp := Trav2.Next; Trav2.Next := Get_Node; Trav2.Next.all := (Trav1.Value, Temp); Trav2 := Trav2.Next; Into.Size := Into.Size + 1; end if; Trav1 := Trav1.Next; end loop; end Insert; procedure Delete (Element : in Universe; From : in out Set) is Temp_Link : Link; T : Link; begin if From.Head = null then return; elsif Element < From.Head.Value then return; elsif Element = From.Head.Value then Temp_Link := From.Head; From.Head := From.Head.Next; From.Size := From.Size - 1; Temp_Link.Next := Extras; Extras := Temp_Link; return; end if; Temp_Link := From.Head; while Temp_Link.Next /= null and then Temp_Link.Next.Value < Element loop Temp_Link := Temp_Link.Next; end loop; if Temp_Link.Next /= null and then Temp_Link.Next.Value = Element then T := Temp_Link.Next; Temp_Link.Next := Temp_Link.Next.Next; T.Next := Extras; Extras := T; From.Size := From.Size - 1; end if; end Delete; procedure Fassign (Object : in out Set; Value : in out Set) is begin -- Free the contents of OBJECT first. Object := Value; Value := (Head => null, Size => 0); end Fassign; function Is_Member (Element: Universe; Of_Set: Set) return Boolean is Temp_Link : Link; begin Temp_Link := Of_Set.Head; while Temp_Link /= null and then Temp_Link.Value < Element loop Temp_Link := Temp_Link.Next; end loop; return Temp_Link /= null and then Temp_Link.Value = Element; end Is_Member; function Is_Empty (Set_1: Set) return Boolean is begin return Set_1.Head = null; end Is_Empty; function Size_of (Set_1: Set) return Natural is begin return Set_1.Size; end Size_of; function "=" (Set_1 : Set; Set_2 : Set) return Boolean is Link_1, Link_2: Link; begin if Set_1.Size /= Set_2.Size then return False; end if; Link_1 := Set_1.Head; Link_2 := Set_2.Head; while Link_1 /= null and then Link_2 /= null loop if Link_1.Value /= Link_2.Value then exit; end if; Link_1 := Link_1.Next; Link_2 := Link_2.Next; end loop; return Link_1 = Link_2; -- True if both equal to null end "="; procedure Initialize (Iterator : in out Set_Iterator; Using : in Set) is begin Iterator := Set_Iterator(Using.Head); end Initialize; function More (Iterator: Set_Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Iterator /= null; end More; procedure Next (Iterator: in out Set_Iterator; Element: out Universe) is begin Element := Iterator.Value; Iterator := Set_Iterator(Iterator.Next); exception when Constraint_Error => raise No_More_Elements; end Next; end Set_Pack; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : shift_reduce_file.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:35:35 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxshift_reduce_file.ada -- $Header: shift_reduce_file.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:12:13 ada Exp $ -- $Log: shift_reduce_file.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:12:13 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:41:42 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- package Shift_Reduce_File is procedure Open_Write; procedure Write(S: in String); procedure Write_Line(S: in String); procedure Write(C: in Character); procedure Close_Write; end Shift_Reduce_File; with Text_IO, File_Names; use Text_IO, File_Names; package body Shift_Reduce_File is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) shift_reduce_file.ada, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: shift_reduce_file.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:12:13 ada Exp $"; The_File : File_Type; procedure Open_Write is begin Create(The_File, Out_File, Get_Shift_Reduce_File_Name); Write_Line("package " & Shift_Reduce_Tables_Unit_Name & " is"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" type Small_Integer is range -32_000 .. 32_000;"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" type Shift_Reduce_Entry is record"); Write_Line(" T : Small_Integer;"); Write_Line(" Act : Small_Integer;"); Write_Line(" end record;"); Write_Line(" pragma Pack(Shift_Reduce_Entry);"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" subtype Row is Integer range -1 .. Integer'Last;"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" --pragma suppress(index_check);"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" type Shift_Reduce_Array is array " & "(Row range <>) of Shift_Reduce_Entry;"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" Shift_Reduce_Matrix : constant Shift_Reduce_Array :="); Write_Line(" ( (-1,-1) -- Dummy Entry"); New_Line(The_File); end Open_Write; procedure Close_Read is begin Delete(The_File); end Close_Read; procedure Close_Write is begin Write_Line("end " & Shift_Reduce_Tables_Unit_Name & ";"); Close(The_File); end Close_Write; procedure Write(S: in String) is begin Put(The_File, S) ; end; procedure Write_Line(S: in String) is begin Put_Line(The_File, S); end Write_Line; procedure Write(C: in Character) is begin Put(The_File,C); end; end Shift_Reduce_File; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : source_file.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:35:54 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxsource_file.ada -- $Header: source_file.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:12:23 ada Exp $ -- $Log: source_file.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:12:23 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:41:53 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- package Source_File is --. This package provides input from the source file to the lexical --. analyzer. --. UNGET will work to unget up to one character. You can unget more --. characters until you try to unget an EOLN where the exception --. PUSHBACK_ERROR is raised. --. The next character in the input stream --. can be looked at using PEEK_NEXT_CHAR without affecting the input --. stream. procedure Open; procedure Close; procedure Get_Char (Ch: out Character); procedure Unget_Char (Ch: in Character); function Peek_Next_Char return Character; function Is_End_of_File return Boolean; function Source_Line_Number return Natural; --RJS: Added to make internal Ayacc buffers consistent with -- source line length. ----v function Maximum_Line_Length return Natural; Eof : constant Character := Ascii.Nul; Eoln : constant Character := Ascii.Lf; procedure Print_Context_Lines; --. Prints the previous line followed by the current line --. followed by a pointer to the position of the source file. --. Intended for printing error messages. procedure Read_Line(Source_Line: out String; Last: out Natural); --. Used to dump the contents of the --. source file one line at a time. It is intended to be be used --. to dump the Ada section code (after the third %%) of the --. source file. Pushback_Error : exception; end Source_File; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : source_file_body.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:36:09 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxsource_file_body.ada -- $Header: source_file_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:12:32 ada Exp $ -- $Log: source_file_body.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:12:32 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:42:02 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with Text_IO, File_Names; use Text_IO; package body Source_File is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) source_file_body.ada, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: source_file_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:12:32 ada Exp $"; Input_File : File_Type; Max_Line_Length : constant := 260; type Long_STR is record Name : String(1..Max_Line_Length); Length : Natural := 0; end record; Current_Line : Long_STR; Previous_Line : Long_STR; Column_Number : Natural; -- column number of current_line. Line_Number : Natural; Get_New_Line : Boolean := True; End_of_Source_File : Boolean := False; procedure Open is use File_Names; begin Open(Input_File, In_File, Get_Source_File_Name); Current_Line := ((others => ' '), 0); Previous_Line := ((others => ' '), 0); Column_Number := 1; Line_Number := 0; exception when Name_Error | Use_Error => Put_Line("Ayacc: Error Opening """ & Get_Source_File_Name & """."); raise; end Open; procedure Close is begin Close(Input_File); end Close; function Is_End_of_File return Boolean is begin return End_of_File(Input_File); end Is_End_of_File; function Source_Line_Number return Natural is begin return Line_Number; end Source_Line_Number; function Maximum_Line_Length return Natural is begin return Max_Line_Length; end Maximum_Line_Length; procedure Get_Char(Ch: out Character) is begin if Get_New_Line then Previous_Line := Current_Line; Get_Line(Input_File, Current_Line.Name, Current_Line.Length); Get_New_Line := False; Column_Number := 1; Line_Number := Line_Number + 1; end if; if Column_Number > Current_Line.Length then if End_of_File(Input_File) then Ch := Eof; End_of_Source_File := True; return; end if; Ch := Eoln; Get_New_Line := True; else Ch := Current_Line.Name(Column_Number); Column_Number := Column_Number + 1; end if; end Get_Char; -- Note: You can't correctly peek at next character if the last character -- read is a EOLN. It is assumed that the lexical analyzer won't -- call this function in that case. function Peek_Next_Char return Character is begin if Column_Number > Current_Line.Length then if End_of_File(Input_File) then return Eof; else return Eoln; end if; end if; return Current_Line.Name(Column_Number); end Peek_Next_Char; procedure Unget_Char(Ch : in Character) is begin if Get_New_Line then Get_New_Line := False; elsif End_of_Source_File then End_of_Source_File := False; elsif Column_Number = 1 then Put_Line("Ayacc: Error in Unget_Char, Attempt to 'unget' an EOLN"); raise Pushback_Error; else Column_Number := Column_Number - 1; end if; end Unget_Char; procedure Print_Context_Lines is Ptr_Location : Integer := 0; begin -- Print previous line followed by current line -- Put(Integer'Image(Line_Number-1) & Ascii.Ht); Put_Line(Previous_Line.Name(1..Previous_Line.Length)); Put(Integer'Image(Line_Number) & Ascii.Ht); Put_Line(Current_Line.Name(1..Current_Line.Length)); -- Correct for any tab characters so that the pointer will -- point to the proper location on the source line. for I in 1..Column_Number - 1 loop if Current_Line.Name(I) = Ascii.Ht then -- Adjust for tab. Ptr_Location := (((Ptr_Location / 8) + 1) * 8); else Ptr_Location := Ptr_Location + 1; end if; end loop; Put(Ascii.Ht); for I in 1..Ptr_Location - 1 loop Put('-'); end loop; Put('^'); end Print_Context_Lines; procedure Read_Line(Source_Line: out String; Last: out Natural) is begin Get_Line(Input_File, Source_Line, Last); Line_Number := Line_Number + 1; end Read_Line; end Source_File; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : stack.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:36:24 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxstack.ada -- $Header: stack.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:12:46 ada Exp $ -- $Log: stack.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:12:46 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:42:12 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- -- -- -- Authors : David Taback , Deepak Tolani -- -- Copyright : 1987, University of California Irvine -- -- -- -- If you -- -- modify the source code or if you have any suggestions or questions -- -- regarding ayacc, we would like to hear from you. Our mailing -- -- addresses are : -- -- taback@icsc.uci.edu -- -- tolani@icsc.uci.edu -- -- -- generic type Element is private; package Stack_Pack is type Stack is limited private; Stack_Underflow : exception; function Top_Value (S: in Stack) return Element; function Depth_of_Stack (S: in Stack) return Natural; procedure Make_Stack(S: out Stack); procedure Push(S: in out Stack; Value: in Element); procedure Pop (S: in out Stack; Value: out Element); procedure Free_Stack(S: in out Stack); private type Node; type Link is access Node; pragma Controlled(Link); type Stack is record Tos : Natural; Top : Link; Extras : Link; end record; end Stack_Pack; with Unchecked_Deallocation; package body Stack_Pack is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) stack.ada, Version 1.2"; type Node is record Datum : Element; Next : Link; end record; function Top_Value (S: in Stack) return Element is begin if S.Top = null then raise Stack_Underflow; else return S.Top.Datum; end if; end Top_Value; function Depth_of_Stack (S: in Stack) return Natural is begin return S.Tos; end Depth_of_Stack; procedure Make_Stack(S: out Stack) is begin S := (Tos => 0, Top | Extras => null); end Make_Stack; procedure Push(S: in out Stack; Value: in Element) is New_Node : Link; begin S.Tos := S.Tos + 1; if S.Extras = null then New_Node := new Node; else New_Node := S.Extras; S.Extras := S.Extras.Next; end if; New_Node.all := (Datum => Value, Next => S.Top); S.Top := New_Node; end Push; procedure Pop (S: in out Stack; Value: out Element) is Temp : Link; begin if S.Tos = 0 then raise Stack_Underflow; end if; Value := S.Top.Datum; Temp := S.Top.Next; S.Top.Next := S.Extras; S.Extras := S.Top; S.Top := Temp; S.Tos := S.Tos - 1; end Pop; procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation(Node, Link); -- procedure free(x : link); -- pragma interface(c , free); procedure Free_List(List: in out Link) is Temp : Link; begin Temp := List; while Temp /= null loop List := List.Next; Free(Temp); Temp := List; end loop; end Free_List; procedure Free_Stack(S: in out Stack) is begin Free_List(S.Top); Free_List(S.Extras); end Free_Stack; end Stack_Pack; -- Module : stack_pkg.ada -- Component of : common_library -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 16:32:31 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/common_library/sccs/sxstack_pkg.ada -- $Source: /nosc/work/abstractions/stack/RCS/stack.bdy,v $ -- $Revision: 1.3 $ -- $Date: 85/02/01 10:19:36 $ -- $Author: ron $ -- $Source: /nosc/work/abstractions/stack/RCS/stack.bdy,v $ -- $Revision: 1.3 $ -- $Date: 85/02/01 10:19:36 $ -- $Author: ron $ with unchecked_deallocation; package body stack_pkg is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) stack_pkg.ada, Version 1.2"; --| Overview: --| Implementation scheme is totally described by the statements of the --| representation invariants and abstraction function that appears in --| the package specification. The implementation is so trivial that --| further documentation is unnecessary. use elem_list_pkg; -- Constructors: function create return stack is begin return new stack_rec'(size => 0, elts => create); end create; procedure push(s: in out stack; e: elem_type) is begin s.size := s.size + 1; s.elts := attach(e, s.elts); exception when constraint_error => raise uninitialized_stack; end push; procedure pop(s: in out stack) is begin DeleteHead(s.elts); s.size := s.size - 1; exception when EmptyList => raise empty_stack; when constraint_error => raise uninitialized_stack; end pop; procedure pop(s: in out stack; e: out elem_type) is begin e := FirstValue(s.elts); DeleteHead(s.elts); s.size := s.size - 1; exception when EmptyList => raise empty_stack; when constraint_error => raise uninitialized_stack; end pop; function copy(s: stack) return stack is begin if s = null then raise uninitialized_stack; end if; return new stack_rec'(size => s.size, elts => copy(s.elts)); end; -- Queries: function top(s: stack) return elem_type is begin return FirstValue(s.elts); exception when EmptyList => raise empty_stack; when constraint_error => raise uninitialized_stack; end top; function size(s: stack) return natural is begin return s.size; exception when constraint_error => raise uninitialized_stack; end size; function is_empty(s: stack) return boolean is begin return s.size = 0; exception when constraint_error => raise uninitialized_stack; end is_empty; -- Heap Management: procedure destroy(s: in out stack) is procedure free_stack is new unchecked_deallocation(stack_rec, stack); begin destroy(s.elts); free_stack(s); exception when constraint_error => -- stack is null return; end destroy; end stack_pkg; -- Module : stack_pkg_.ada -- Component of : common_library -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 16:33:02 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/common_library/sccs/sxstack_pkg_.ada -- $Source: /nosc/work/abstractions/stack/RCS/stack.spc,v $ -- $Revision: 1.5 $ -- $Date: 85/02/01 09:57:17 $ -- $Author: ron $ -- $Source: /nosc/work/abstractions/stack/RCS/stack.spc,v $ -- $Revision: 1.5 $ -- $Date: 85/02/01 09:57:17 $ -- $Author: ron $ with lists; --| Implementation uses lists. (private) generic type elem_type is private; --| Component element type. package stack_pkg is --| Overview: --| This package provides the stack abstract data type. Element type is --| a generic formal parameter to the package. There are no explicit --| bounds on the number of objects that can be pushed onto a given stack. --| All standard stack operations are provided. --| --| The following is a complete list of operations, written in the order --| in which they appear in the spec. Overloaded subprograms are followed --| by (n), where n is the number of subprograms of that name. --| --| Constructors: --| create --| push --| pop (2) --| copy --| Query Operations: --| top --| size --| is_empty --| Heap Management: --| destroy --| Notes: --| Programmer: Ron Kownacki type stack is private; --| The stack abstract data type. -- Exceptions: uninitialized_stack: exception; --| Raised on attempt to manipulate an uninitialized stack object. --| The initialization operations are create and copy. empty_stack: exception; --| Raised by some operations when empty. -- Constructors: function create return stack; --| Effects: --| Return the empty stack. procedure push(s: in out stack; e: elem_type); --| Raises: uninitialized_stack --| Effects: --| Push e onto the top of s. --| Raises uninitialized_stack iff s has not been initialized. procedure pop(s: in out stack); --| Raises: empty_stack, uninitialized_stack --| Effects: --| Pops the top element from s, and throws it away. --| Raises empty_stack iff s is empty. --| Raises uninitialized_stack iff s has not been initialized. procedure pop(s: in out stack; e: out elem_type); --| Raises: empty_stack, uninitialized_stack --| Effects: --| Pops the top element from s, returns it as the e parameter. --| Raises empty_stack iff s is empty. --| Raises uninitialized_stack iff s has not been initialized. function copy(s: stack) return stack; --| Raises: uninitialized_stack --| Return a copy of s. --| Stack assignment and passing stacks as subprogram parameters --| result in the sharing of a single stack value by two stack --| objects; changes to one will be visible through the others. --| copy can be used to prevent this sharing. --| Raises uninitialized_stack iff s has not been initialized. -- Queries: function top(s: stack) return elem_type; --| Raises: empty_stack, uninitialized_stack --| Effects: --| Return the element on the top of s. Raises empty_stack iff s is --| empty. --| Raises uninitialized_stack iff s has not been initialized. function size(s: stack) return natural; --| Raises: uninitialized_stack --| Effects: --| Return the current number of elements in s. --| Raises uninitialized_stack iff s has not been initialized. function is_empty(s: stack) return boolean; --| Raises: uninitialized_stack --| Effects: --| Return true iff s is empty. --| Raises uninitialized_stack iff s has not been initialized. -- Heap Management: procedure destroy(s: in out stack); --| Effects: --| Return the space consumed by s to the heap. No effect if s is --| uninitialized. In any case, leaves s in uninitialized state. private package elem_list_pkg is new lists(elem_type); subtype elem_list is elem_list_pkg.list; type stack_rec is record size: natural := 0; elts: elem_list := elem_list_pkg.create; end record; type stack is access stack_rec; --| Let an instance of the representation type, r, be denoted by the --| pair, <size, elts>. Dot selection is used to refer to these --| components. --| --| Representation Invariants: --| r /= null --| elem_list_pkg.length(r.elts) = r.size. --| --| Abstraction Function: --| A(<size, elem_list_pkg.create>) = stack_pkg.create. --| A(<size, elem_list_pkg.attach(e, l)>) = push(A(<size, l>), e). end stack_pkg; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : str_pack.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:36:46 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxstr_pack.ada -- $Header: str_pack.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:01 ada Exp $ -- $Log: str_pack.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:01 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:42:23 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- package STR_Pack is -- This package contains the type declarations and procedures -- for the minimal string minipulation needed by ayacc. Maximum : constant := 1024; --RJS 120; subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. Maximum; type STR(Maximum_Length : Index) is limited private; function Length_of (S: STR) return Integer; function Value_of (S: STR) return String; function Is_Empty (S: STR) return Boolean; procedure Assign (Value: in STR; To: in out STR); procedure Assign (Value: in String; To: in out STR); procedure Assign (Value: in Character; To: in out STR); procedure Append (Tail: in Character; To: in out STR); procedure Append (Tail: in String; To: in out STR); procedure Append (Tail: in STR; To: in out STR); procedure Upper_Case(S: in out STR); procedure Lower_Case(S: in out STR); function Upper_Case (S : in STR) return STR; function Lower_Case (S : in STR) return STR; --RJS pragma inline (length_of, --RJS value_of, is_empty, append); private type STR(Maximum_Length : Index) is record Name : String(1..Maximum_Length); Length : Index := 0; end record; end STR_Pack; package body STR_Pack is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) str_pack.ada, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: str_pack.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:01 ada Exp $"; function Upper_Case (S : in STR) return STR is Upper_STR : STR (S.Name'Length) := S; begin for I in 1..S.Length loop if S.Name(I) in 'a'..'z' then Upper_STR.Name(I) := Character'Val(Character'Pos(S.Name(I)) - Character'Pos('a') + Character'Pos('A')); end if; end loop; return Upper_STR; end Upper_Case; function Lower_Case (S : in STR) return STR is Lower_STR : STR (S.Name'Length) := S; begin for I in 1..S.Length loop if S.Name(I) in 'A'..'Z' then Lower_STR.Name(I) := Character'Val(Character'Pos(S.Name(I)) - Character'Pos('A') + Character'Pos('a')); end if; end loop; return Lower_STR; end Lower_Case; procedure Upper_Case(S: in out STR) is begin S := Upper_Case (S); end Upper_Case; procedure Lower_Case(S: in out STR) is begin S := Lower_Case (S); end Lower_Case; procedure Assign (Value: in STR; To: in out STR) is begin To := Value; end Assign; procedure Assign (Value: in String; To: in out STR) is begin To.Name(1..Value'Length) := Value; To.Length := Value'Length; end Assign; procedure Assign (Value: in Character; To: in out STR) is begin To.Name(1) := Value; To.Length := 1; end Assign; procedure Append (Tail: in STR; To: in out STR) is F, L : Natural; begin F := To.Length + 1; L := F + Tail.Length - 1; To.Name(F..L) := Tail.Name(1..Tail.Length); To.Length := L; end Append; procedure Append (Tail: in String; To: in out STR) is F, L: Natural; begin F := To.Length + 1; L := F + Tail'Length - 1; To.Name(F .. L) := Tail; To.Length := L; end Append; procedure Append (Tail: in Character; To: in out STR) is begin To.Length := To.Length + 1; To.Name(To.Length) := Tail; end Append; function Length_of(S: STR) return Integer is begin return S.Length; end Length_of; function Value_of(S: STR) return String is begin return S.Name(1..S.Length); end Value_of; function Is_Empty(S: STR) return Boolean is begin return S.Length = 0; end Is_Empty; end STR_Pack; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : str_pack.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:36:46 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxstr_pack.ada -- $Header: str_pack.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:01 ada Exp $ -- $Log: str_pack.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:01 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:42:23 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- package STR_Pack is -- This package contains the type declarations and procedures -- for the minimal string minipulation needed by ayacc. -- COMPILER BUG : -- maximun discriminat value. note that the discriminant is ignored -- in this implementation to work around a bug in VADS 5.41 Maximum : constant := 1024; --RJS 120; -- COMPILER BUG : -- estimated 'safe' constant. note that a constraint error may -- result if a string length exceeds this limit. in particular, -- command line strings in package command_line_interface.a have -- a maximum length of 1024. WATCH OUT. it is ASSUMED that -- no command lines will exceed 512. Vads_5_41_Maximum : constant := 512; subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. Maximum; type STR(Maximum_Length : Index) is limited private; function Length_of (S: STR) return Integer; function Value_of (S: STR) return String; function Is_Empty (S: STR) return Boolean; procedure Assign (Value: in STR; To: in out STR); procedure Assign (Value: in String; To: in out STR); procedure Assign (Value: in Character; To: in out STR); procedure Append (Tail: in Character; To: in out STR); procedure Append (Tail: in String; To: in out STR); procedure Append (Tail: in STR; To: in out STR); procedure Upper_Case(S: in out STR); procedure Lower_Case(S: in out STR); function Upper_Case (S : in STR) return STR; function Lower_Case (S : in STR) return STR; --RJS pragma inline (length_of, --RJS value_of, is_empty, append); private type STR(Maximum_Length : Index) is record -- COMPILER BUG : -- must make upper bound of string independent -- of discriminant due to a compiler error in -- VADS 5.41 --Name : String(1..Maximum_Length); Name : String(1..Vads_5_41_Maximum); Length : Index := 0; end record; end STR_Pack; package body STR_Pack is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) str_pack.ada, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: str_pack.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:01 ada Exp $"; function Upper_Case (S : in STR) return STR is -- COMPILER BUG : -- the discriminant and the string length may not -- correspond --Upper_STR : STR (S.Name'Length) := S; Upper_STR : STR (S.Maximum_Length) := S; begin for I in 1..S.Length loop if S.Name(I) in 'a'..'z' then Upper_STR.Name(I) := Character'Val(Character'Pos(S.Name(I)) - Character'Pos('a') + Character'Pos('A')); end if; end loop; return Upper_STR; end Upper_Case; function Lower_Case (S : in STR) return STR is -- COMPILER BUG : -- the discriminant and the string length may not -- correspond --Lower_STR : STR (S.Name'Length) := S; Lower_STR : STR (S.Maximum_Length) := S; begin for I in 1..S.Length loop if S.Name(I) in 'A'..'Z' then Lower_STR.Name(I) := Character'Val(Character'Pos(S.Name(I)) - Character'Pos('A') + Character'Pos('a')); end if; end loop; return Lower_STR; end Lower_Case; procedure Upper_Case(S: in out STR) is begin S := Upper_Case (S); end Upper_Case; procedure Lower_Case(S: in out STR) is begin S := Lower_Case (S); end Lower_Case; procedure Assign (Value: in STR; To: in out STR) is begin To := Value; end Assign; procedure Assign (Value: in String; To: in out STR) is begin To.Name(1..Value'Length) := Value; To.Length := Value'Length; end Assign; procedure Assign (Value: in Character; To: in out STR) is begin To.Name(1) := Value; To.Length := 1; end Assign; procedure Append (Tail: in STR; To: in out STR) is F, L : Natural; begin F := To.Length + 1; L := F + Tail.Length - 1; To.Name(F..L) := Tail.Name(1..Tail.Length); To.Length := L; end Append; procedure Append (Tail: in String; To: in out STR) is F, L: Natural; begin F := To.Length + 1; L := F + Tail'Length - 1; To.Name(F .. L) := Tail; To.Length := L; end Append; procedure Append (Tail: in Character; To: in out STR) is begin To.Length := To.Length + 1; To.Name(To.Length) := Tail; end Append; function Length_of(S: STR) return Integer is begin return S.Length; end Length_of; function Value_of(S: STR) return String is begin return S.Name(1..S.Length); end Value_of; function Is_Empty(S: STR) return Boolean is begin return S.Length = 0; end Is_Empty; end STR_Pack; -- Module : string_lists.ada -- Component of : common_library -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 16:34:39 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/common_library/sccs/sxstring_lists.ada with String_Pkg; with Lists; package String_Lists is new Lists(String_Pkg.String_Type, String_Pkg.Equal); -- Module : string_pkg.ada -- Component of : common_library -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 16:35:20 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/common_library/sccs/sxstring_pkg.ada -- $Source: /nosc/work/abstractions/string/RCS/string.bdy,v $ -- $Revision: 1.3 $ -- $Date: 85/02/01 10:58:51 $ -- $Author: ron $ -- $Source: /nosc/work/abstractions/string/RCS/string.bdy,v $ -- $Revision: 1.3 $ -- $Date: 85/02/01 10:58:51 $ -- $Author: ron $ with unchecked_deallocation; with lists, stack_pkg; package body string_pkg is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) string_pkg.ada, Version 1.2"; --| Overview: --| The implementation for most operations is fairly straightforward. --| The interesting aspects involve the allocation and deallocation of --| heap space. This is done as follows: --| --| 1. A stack of accesses to lists of string_type values is set up --| so that the top of the stack always refers to a list of values --| that were allocated since the last invocation of mark. --| The stack is called scopes, referring to the dynamic scopes --| defined by the invocations of mark and release. --| There is an implicit invocation of mark when the --| package body is elaborated; this is implemented with an explicit --| invocation in the package initialization code. --| --| 2. At each invocation of mark, a pointer to an empty list --| is pushed onto the stack. --| --| 3. At each invocation of release, all of the values in the --| list referred to by the pointer at the top of the stack are --| returned to the heap. Then the list, and the pointer to it, --| are returned to the heap. Finally, the stack is popped. package string_list_pkg is new lists(string_type); subtype string_list is string_list_pkg.list; type string_list_ptr is access string_list; package scope_stack_pkg is new stack_pkg(string_list_ptr); subtype scope_stack is scope_stack_pkg.stack; use string_list_pkg; use scope_stack_pkg; scopes: scope_stack; -- See package body overview. -- Utility functions/procedures: function enter(s: string_type) return string_type; --| Raises: illegal_alloc --| Effects: --| Stores s, the address of s.all, in current scope list (top(scopes)), --| and returns s. Useful for functions that create and return new --| string_type values. --| Raises illegal_alloc if the scopes stack is empty. function match_string(s1, s2: string; start: positive := 1) return natural; --| Raises: no_match --| Effects: --| Returns the minimum index, i, in s1'range such that --| s1(i..i + s2'length - 1) = s2. Returns 0 if no such index. --| Requires: --| s1'first = 1. -- Constructors: function Empty_String return String_Type is begin return Create (""); end Empty_String; function create(s: string) return string_type is subtype constr_str is string(1..s'length); dec_s: constr_str := s; begin return enter(new constr_str'(dec_s)); -- DECada bug; above code (and decl of dec_s) replaces the following: -- return enter(new constr_str'(s)); end create; function "&"(s1, s2: string_type) return string_type is begin if is_empty(s1) then return enter(make_persistent(s2)); end if; if is_empty(s2) then return enter(make_persistent(s1)); end if; return create(s1.all & s2.all); end "&"; function "&"(s1: string_type; s2: string) return string_type is begin if s1 = null then return create(s2); end if; return create(s1.all & s2); end "&"; function "&"(s1: string; s2: string_type) return string_type is begin if s2 = null then return create(s1); end if; return create(s1 & s2.all); end "&"; function substr(s: string_type; i: positive; len: natural) return string_type is begin if len = 0 then return null; end if; return create(s(i..(i + len - 1))); exception when constraint_error => -- on array fetch or null deref raise bounds; end substr; function splice(s: string_type; i: positive; len: natural) return string_type is begin if len = 0 then return enter(make_persistent(s)); end if; if i + len - 1 > length(s) then raise bounds; end if; return create(s(1..(i - 1)) & s((i + len)..length(s))); end splice; function insert(s1, s2: string_type; i: positive) return string_type is begin if i > length(s1) then raise bounds; end if; if is_empty(s2) then return create(s1.all); end if; return create(s1(1..(i - 1)) & s2.all & s1(i..s1'last)); end insert; function insert(s1: string_type; s2: string; i: positive) return string_type is begin if i > length(s1) then raise bounds; end if; return create(s1(1..(i - 1)) & s2 & s1(i..s1'last)); end insert; function insert(s1: string; s2: string_type; i: positive) return string_type is begin if not (i in s1'range) then raise bounds; end if; if s2 = null then return create(s1); end if; return create(s1(s1'first..(i - 1)) & s2.all & s1(i..s1'last)); end insert; procedure lc(c: in out character) is begin if ('A' <= c) and then (c <= 'Z') then c := character'val(character'pos(c) - character'pos('A') + character'pos('a')); end if; end lc; procedure uc(c: in out character) is begin if ('a' <= c) and then (c <= 'z') then c := character'val(character'pos(c) - character'pos('a') + character'pos('A')); end if; end uc; function lower(s: string) return string_type is s2: string_type := create(s); begin for i in s2'range loop lc(s2(i)); end loop; return s2; end lower; function lower(s: string_type) return string_type is begin if s = null then return null; end if; return lower(s.all); end lower; function Mixed (S: String) return String_Type is Mixed_String : String_Type := Create (S); begin if Mixed_String'Length /= 0 then UC (Mixed_String(Mixed_String'First)); for i in Mixed_String'First + 1 .. Mixed_String'Last loop if Mixed_String(i-1) = '_' then UC (Mixed_String(i)); else LC (Mixed_String(i)); end if; end loop; return Mixed_String; else return Empty_String; end if; end Mixed; function Mixed (S : String_Type) return String_Type is begin if s = null then return Empty_String; else return Mixed (S.all); end if; end Mixed; function upper(s: string) return string_type is s2: string_type := create(s); begin for i in s2'range loop uc(s2(i)); end loop; return s2; end upper; function upper(s: string_type) return string_type is begin if s = null then return null; end if; return upper(s.all); end upper; -- Heap Management: function make_persistent(s: string_type) return string_type is subtype constr_str is string(1..length(s)); begin if s = null or else s.all = "" then return null; else return new constr_str'(s.all); end if; end make_persistent; function make_persistent(s: string) return string_type is subtype constr_str is string(1..s'length); begin if s = "" then return null; else return new constr_str'(s); end if; end make_persistent; procedure real_flush is new unchecked_deallocation(string, string_type); --| Effect: --| Return space used by argument to heap. Does nothing if null. --| Notes: --| This procedure is actually the body for the flush procedure, --| but a generic instantiation cannot be used as a body for another --| procedure. You tell me why. procedure flush(s: in out string_type) is begin if s /= null then real_flush(s); end if; -- Actually, the if isn't needed; however, DECada compiler chokes -- on deallocation of null. end flush; procedure mark is begin push(scopes, new string_list'(create)); end mark; procedure release is procedure flush_list_ptr is new unchecked_deallocation(string_list, string_list_ptr); iter: string_list_pkg.ListIter; top_list: string_list_ptr; s: string_type; begin pop(scopes, top_list); iter := MakeListIter(top_list.all); while more(iter) loop next(iter, s); flush(s); -- real_flush is bad, DECada bug -- real_flush(s); end loop; destroy(top_list.all); flush_list_ptr(top_list); exception when empty_stack => raise illegal_dealloc; end release; -- Queries: function is_empty(s: string_type) return boolean is begin return (s = null) or else (s.all = ""); end is_empty; function length(s: string_type) return natural is begin if s = null then return 0; end if; return(s.all'length); end length; function value(s: string_type) return string is subtype null_range is positive range 1..0; subtype null_string is string(null_range); begin if s = null then return null_string'(""); end if; return s.all; end value; function fetch(s: string_type; i: positive) return character is begin if is_empty(s) or else (not (i in s'range)) then raise bounds; end if; return s(i); end fetch; function equal(s1, s2: string_type) return boolean is begin if is_empty(s1) then return is_empty(s2); end if; return (s2 /= null) and then (s1.all = s2.all); -- The above code replaces the following. (DECada buggy) -- return s1.all = s2.all; -- exception -- when constraint_error => -- s is null -- return is_empty(s1) and is_empty(s2); end equal; function equal(s1: string_type; s2: string) return boolean is begin if s1 = null then return s2 = ""; end if; return s1.all = s2; end equal; function equal(s1: string; s2: string_type) return boolean is begin if s2 = null then return s1 = ""; end if; return s1 = s2.all; end equal; --|======================================================================== function Equivalent (Left, Right : in String_Type) return Boolean is begin return Equal (Upper (Left), Upper (Right)); end Equivalent; function Equivalent (Left : in String; Right : in String_Type) return Boolean is begin return Equivalent (Create (Left), Right); end Equivalent; function Equivalent (Left : in String_Type; Right : in String) return Boolean is begin return Equivalent (Left, Create (Right)); end Equivalent; --|======================================================================== function "<" (s1: string_type; s2: string_type) return boolean is begin if is_empty(s1) then return (not is_empty(s2)); else return (s1.all < s2); end if; -- Got rid of the following code: (Think that DECada is buggy) --return s1.all < s2.all; --exception --when constraint_error => -- on null deref --return (not is_empty(s2)); -- one of them must be empty end "<"; function "<"(s1: string_type; s2: string) return boolean is begin if s1 = null then return s2 /= ""; end if; return s1.all < s2; end "<"; function "<"(s1: string; s2: string_type) return boolean is begin if s2 = null then return false; end if; return s1 < s2.all; end "<"; function "<="(s1: string_type; s2: string_type) return boolean is begin if is_empty(s1) then return true; end if; return (s1.all <= s2); -- Replaces the following: (I think DECada is buggy) --return s1.all <= s2.all; --exception --when constraint_error => -- on null deref --return is_empty(s1); -- one must be empty, so s1<=s2 iff s1 = "" end "<="; function "<="(s1: string_type; s2: string) return boolean is begin if s1 = null then return true; end if; return s1.all <= s2; end "<="; function "<="(s1: string; s2: string_type) return boolean is begin if s2 = null then return s1 = ""; end if; return s1 <= s2.all; end "<="; function match_c(s: string_type; c: character; start: positive := 1) return natural is begin if s = null then return 0; end if; for i in start..s.all'last loop if s(i) = c then return i; end if; end loop; return 0; end match_c; function match_not_c(s: string_type; c: character; start: positive := 1) return natural is begin if s = null then return 0; end if; for i in start..s.all'last loop if s(i) /= c then return i; end if; end loop; return 0; end match_not_c; function match_s(s1, s2: string_type; start: positive := 1) return natural is begin if (s1 = null) or else (s2 = null) then return 0; end if; return match_string(s1.all, s2.all, start); end match_s; function match_s(s1: string_type; s2: string; start: positive := 1) return natural is begin if s1 = null then return 0; end if; return match_string(s1.all, s2, start); end match_s; function match_any(s, any: string_type; start: positive := 1) return natural is begin if any = null then raise any_empty; end if; return match_any(s, any.all, start); end match_any; function match_any(s: string_type; any: string; start: positive := 1) return natural is begin if any = "" then raise any_empty; end if; if s = null then return 0; end if; for i in start..s.all'last loop for j in any'range loop if s(i) = any(j) then return i; end if; end loop; end loop; return 0; end match_any; function match_none(s, none: string_type; start: positive := 1) return natural is begin if is_empty(s) then return 0; end if; if is_empty(none) then return 1; end if; return match_none(s, none.all, start); end match_none; function match_none(s: string_type; none: string; start: positive := 1) return natural is found: boolean; begin if is_empty(s) then return 0; end if; for i in start..s.all'last loop found := true; for j in none'range loop if s(i) = none(j) then found := false; exit; end if; end loop; if found then return i; end if; end loop; return 0; end match_none; -- Utilities: function enter(s: string_type) return string_type is begin -- ATTACHING TO THE END OF THE LIST IS ENTIRELY TOO SLOW AND UNNECESSARY -- top(scopes).all := attach(top(scopes).all, s); top(scopes).all := attach(s, top(scopes).all); return s; exception when empty_stack => raise illegal_alloc; end enter; function match_string(s1, s2: string; start: positive := 1) return natural is offset: natural; begin offset := s2'length - 1; for i in start..(s1'last - offset) loop if s1(i..(i + offset)) = s2 then return i; end if; end loop; return 0; exception when constraint_error => -- on offset := s2'length (= 0) return 0; end match_string; begin -- Initialize the scopes stack with an implicit mark. scopes := create; mark; end string_pkg; -- Module : string_pkg_.ada -- Component of : common_library -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 16:35:52 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/common_library/sccs/sxstring_pkg_.ada -- $Source: /nosc/work/abstractions/string/RCS/string.spc,v $ -- $Revision: 1.1 $ -- $Date: 85/01/10 17:51:46 $ -- $Author: ron $ -- $Source: /nosc/work/abstractions/string/RCS/string.spc,v $ -- $Revision: 1.1 $ -- $Date: 85/01/10 17:51:46 $ -- $Author: ron $ package string_pkg is --| Overview: --| Package string_pkg exports an abstract data type, string_type. A --| string_type value is a sequence of characters. The values have arbitrary --| length. For a value, s, with length, l, the individual characters are --| numbered from 1 to l. These values are immutable; characters cannot be --| replaced or appended in a destructive fashion. --| --| In the documentation for this package, we are careful to distinguish --| between string_type objects, which are Ada objects in the usual sense, --| and string_type values, the members of this data abstraction as described --| above. A string_type value is said to be associated with, or bound to, --| a string_type object after an assignment (:=) operation. --| --| The operations provided in this package fall into three categories: --| --| 1. Constructors: These functions typically take one or more string_type --| objects as arguments. They work with the values associated with --| these objects, and return new string_type values according to --| specification. By a slight abuse of language, we will sometimes --| coerce from string_type objects to values for ease in description. --| --| 2. Heap Management: --| These operations (make_persistent, flush, mark, release) control the --| management of heap space. Because string_type values are --| allocated on the heap, and the type is not limited, it is necessary --| for a user to assume some responsibility for garbage collection. --| String_type is not limited because of the convenience of --| the assignment operation, and the usefulness of being able to --| instantiate generic units that contain private type formals. --| ** Important: To use this package properly, it is necessary to read --| the descriptions of the operations in this section. --| --| 3. Queries: These functions return information about the values --| that are associated with the argument objects. The same conventions --| for description of operations used in (1) is adopted. --| --| A note about design decisions... The decision to not make the type --| limited causes two operations to be carried over from the representation. --| These are the assignment operation, :=, and the "equality" operator, "=". --| See the discussion at the beginning of the Heap Management section for a --| discussion of :=. --| See the spec for the first of the equal functions for a discussion of "=". --| --| The following is a complete list of operations, written in the order --| in which they appear in the spec. Overloaded subprograms are followed --| by (n), where n is the number of subprograms of that name. --| --| 1. Constructors: --| Empty_String --| create --| "&" (3) --| substr --| splice --| insert (3) --| lower (2) --| upper (2) --| mixed (2) --| 2. Heap Management: --| make_persistent (2) --| flush --| mark, release --| 3. Queries: --| is_empty --| length --| value --| fetch --| equal (3) --| equivalent (3) --| "<" (3), --| "<=" (3) --| match_c --| match_not_c --| match_s (2) --| match_any (2) --| match_none (2) --| Notes: --| Programmer: Ron Kownacki type string_type is private; bounds: exception; --| Raised on index out of bounds. any_empty: exception; --| Raised on incorrect use of match_any. illegal_alloc: exception; --| Raised by value creating operations. illegal_dealloc: exception; --| Raised by release. -- Constructors: function Empty_String return String_Type; --| Raises: Illegal_Alloc --| Effects: returns String_Pkg.Create (""); pragma Inline (Empty_String); function create(s: string) return string_type; --| Raises: illegal_alloc --| Effects: --| Return a value consisting of the sequence of characters in s. --| Sometimes useful for array or record aggregates. --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) function "&"(s1, s2: string_type) return string_type; --| Raises: illegal_alloc --| Effects: --| Return the concatenation of s1 and s2. --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) function "&"(s1: string_type; s2: string) return string_type; --| Raises: illegal_alloc --| Effects: --| Return the concatenation of s1 and create(s2). --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) function "&"(s1: string; s2: string_type) return string_type; --| Raises: illegal_alloc --| Effects: --| Return the concatenation of create(s1) and s2. --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) function substr(s: string_type; i: positive; len: natural) return string_type; --| Raises: bounds, illegal_alloc --| Effects: --| Return the substring, of specified length, that occurs in s at --| position i. If len = 0, then returns the empty value. --| Otherwise, raises bounds if either i or (i + len - 1) --| is not in 1..length(s). --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) function splice(s: string_type; i: positive; len: natural) return string_type; --| Raises: bounds, illegal_alloc --| Effects: --| Let s be the string, abc, where a, b and c are substrings. If --| substr(s, i, length(b)) = b, for some i in 1..length(s), then --| splice(s, i, length(b)) = ac. --| Returns a value equal to s if len = 0. Otherwise, raises bounds if --| either i or (i + len - 1) is not in 1..length(s). --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) function insert(s1, s2: string_type; i: positive) return string_type; --| Raises: bounds, illegal_alloc --| Effects: --| Return substr(s1, 1, i - 1) & s2 & --| substr(s1, i, length(s1) - i + 1). --| equal(splice(insert(s1, s2, i), i, length(s2)), s1) holds if no --| exception is raised by insert. --| Raises bounds if is_empty(s1) or else i is not in 1..length(s1). --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) function insert(s1: string_type; s2: string; i: positive) return string_type; --| Raises: bounds, illegal_alloc --| Effects: --| Return substr(s1, 1, i - 1) & s2 & --| substr(s1, i, length(s1) - i + 1). --| equal(splice(insert(s1, s2, i), i, length(s2)), s1) holds if no --| exception is raised by insert. --| Raises bounds if is_empty(s1) or else i is not in 1..length(s1). --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) function insert(s1: string; s2: string_type; i: positive) return string_type; --| Raises: bounds, illegal_alloc --| Effects: --| Return s1(s1'first..i - 1) & s2 & --| s1(i..length(s1) - i + 1). --| equal(splice(insert(s1, s2, i), i, length(s2)), s1) holds if no --| exception is raised by insert. --| Raises bounds if i is not in s'range. --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) function lower(s: string) return string_type; --| Raises: illegal_alloc --| Effects: --| Return a value that contains exactly those characters in s with --| the exception that all upper case characters are replaced by their --| lower case counterparts. --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) function lower(s: string_type) return string_type; --| Raises: illegal_alloc --| Effects: --| Return a value that is a copy of s with the exception that all --| upper case characters are replaced by their lower case counterparts. --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) function upper(s: string) return string_type; --| Raises: illegal_alloc --| Effects: --| Return a value that contains exactly those characters in s with --| the exception that all lower case characters are replaced by their --| upper case counterparts. --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) function upper(s: string_type) return string_type; --| Raises: illegal_alloc --| Effects: --| Return a value that is a copy of s with the exception that all --| lower case characters are replaced by their upper case counterparts. --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) function Mixed (S: String) return String_Type; --| Raises: Illegal_Alloc --| Effects: --| Return a value that contains exactly those characters in s with --| the exception that all upper case characters are replaced by their --| lower case counterparts with the exception of the first character and --| each character following an underscore which are forced to upper case. --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) function Mixed (S: String_Type) return String_Type; --| Raises: Illegal_Alloc --| Effects: --| Return a value that contains exactly those characters in s with --| the exception that all upper case characters are replaced by their --| lower case counterparts with the exception of the first character and --| each character following an underscore which are forced to upper case. --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly --| released. (See procedures mark/release.) -- Heap Management (including object/value binding): -- -- Two forms of heap management are provided. The general scheme is to "mark" -- the current state of heap usage, and to "release" in order to reclaim all -- space that has been used since the last mark. However, this alone is -- insufficient because it is frequently desirable for objects to remain -- associated with values for longer periods of time, and this may come into -- conflict with the need to clean up after a period of "string hacking." -- To deal with this problem, we introduce the notions of "persistent" and -- "nonpersistent" values. -- -- The nonpersistent values are those that are generated by the constructors -- in the previous section. These are claimed by the release procedure. -- Persistent values are generated by the two make_persistent functions -- described below. These values must be disposed of individually by means of -- the flush procedure. -- -- This allows a description of the meaning of the ":=" operation. For a -- statement of the form, s := expr, where expr is a string_type expression, -- the result is that the value denoted/created by expr becomes bound to the -- the object, s. Assignment in no way affects the persistence of the value. -- If expr happens to be an object, then the value associated with it will be -- shared. Ideally, this sharing would not be visible, since values are -- immutable. However, the sharing may be visible because of the memory -- management, as described below. Programs which depend on such sharing are -- erroneous. function make_persistent(s: string_type) return string_type; --| Effects: --| Returns a persistent value, v, containing exactly those characters in --| value(s). The value v will not be claimed by any subsequent release. --| Only an invocation of flush will claim v. After such a claiming --| invocation of flush, the use (other than :=) of any other object to --| which v was bound is erroneous, and program_error may be raised for --| such a use. function make_persistent(s: string) return string_type; --| Effects: --| Returns a persistent value, v, containing exactly those chars in s. --| The value v will not be claimed by any subsequent release. --| Only an invocation of flush will reclaim v. After such a claiming --| invocation of flush, the use (other than :=) of any other object to --| which v was bound is erroneous, and program_error may be raised for --| such a use. procedure flush(s: in out string_type); --| Effects: --| Return heap space used by the value associated with s, if any, to --| the heap. s becomes associated with the empty value. After an --| invocation of flush claims the value, v, then any use (other than :=) --| of an object to which v was bound is erroneous, and program_error --| may be raised for such a use. --| --| This operation should be used only for persistent values. The mark --| and release operations are used to deallocate space consumed by other --| values. For example, flushing a nonpersistent value implies that a --| release that tries to claim this value will be erroneous, and --| program_error may be raised for such a use. procedure mark; --| Effects: --| Marks the current state of heap usage for use by release. --| An implicit mark is performed at the beginning of program execution. procedure release; --| Raises: illegal_dealloc --| Effects: --| Releases all heap space used by nonpersistent values that have been --| allocated since the last mark. The values that are claimed include --| those bound to objects as well as those produced and discarded during --| the course of general "string hacking." If an invocation of release --| claims a value, v, then any subsequent use (other than :=) of any --| other object to which v is bound is erroneous, and program_error may --| be raised for such a use. --| --| Raises illegal_dealloc if the invocation of release does not balance --| an invocation of mark. It is permissible to match the implicit --| initial invocation of mark. However, subsequent invocations of --| constructors will raise the illegal_alloc exception until an --| additional mark is performed. (Anyway, there is no good reason to --| do this.) In any case, a number of releases matching the number of --| currently active marks is implicitly performed at the end of program --| execution. --| --| Good citizens generally perform their own marks and releases --| explicitly. Extensive string hacking without cleaning up will --| cause your program to run very slowly, since the heap manager will --| be forced to look hard for chunks of space to allocate. -- Queries: function is_empty(s: string_type) return boolean; --| Effects: --| Return true iff s is the empty sequence of characters. function length(s: string_type) return natural; --| Effects: --| Return number of characters in s. function value(s: string_type) return string; --| Effects: --| Return a string, s2, that contains the same characters that s --| contains. The properties, s2'first = 1 and s2'last = length(s), --| are satisfied. This implies that, for a given string, s3, --| value(create(s3))'first may not equal s3'first, even though --| value(create(s3)) = s3 holds. Thus, "content equality" applies --| although the string objects may be distinguished by the use of --| the array attributes. function fetch(s: string_type; i: positive) return character; --| Raises: bounds --| Effects: --| Return the ith character in s. Characters are numbered from --| 1 to length(s). Raises bounds if i not in 1..length(s). function equal(s1, s2: string_type) return boolean; --| Effects: --| Value equality relation; return true iff length(s1) = length(s2) --| and, for all i in 1..length(s1), fetch(s1, i) = fetch(s2, i). --| The "=" operation is carried over from the representation. --| It allows one to distinguish among the heap addresses of --| string_type values. Even "equal" values may not be "=", although --| s1 = s2 implies equal(s1, s2). --| There is no reason to use "=". function equal(s1: string_type; s2: string) return boolean; --| Effects: --| Return equal(s1, create(s2)). function equal(s1: string; s2: string_type) return boolean; --| Effects: --| Return equal(create(s1), s2). --|=========================================================================== --| Overview: Equivalent is the Case Insensitive version of Equal function Equivalent (Left, Right : in String_Type) return Boolean; function Equivalent (Left : in String; Right : in String_Type) return Boolean; function Equivalent (Left : in String_Type; Right : in String) return Boolean; --|=========================================================================== function "<"(s1: string_type; s2: string_type) return boolean; --| Effects: --| Lexicographic comparison; return value(s1) < value(s2). function "<"(s1: string_type; s2: string) return boolean; --| Effects: --| Lexicographic comparison; return value(s1) < s2. function "<"(s1: string; s2: string_type) return boolean; --| Effects: --| Lexicographic comparison; return s1 < value(s2). function "<="(s1: string_type; s2: string_type) return boolean; --| Effects: --| Lexicographic comparison; return value(s1) <= value(s2). function "<="(s1: string_type; s2: string) return boolean; --| Effects: --| Lexicographic comparison; return value(s1) <= s2. function "<="(s1: string; s2: string_type) return boolean; --| Effects: --| Lexicographic comparison; return s1 <= value(s2). function match_c(s: string_type; c: character; start: positive := 1) return natural; --| Raises: no_match --| Effects: --| Return the minimum index, i in start..length(s), such that --| fetch(s, i) = c. Returns 0 if no such i exists, --| including the case where is_empty(s). function match_not_c(s: string_type; c: character; start: positive := 1) return natural; --| Raises: no_match --| Effects: --| Return the minimum index, i in start..length(s), such that --| fetch(s, i) /= c. Returns 0 if no such i exists, --| including the case where is_empty(s). function match_s(s1, s2: string_type; start: positive := 1) return natural; --| Raises: no_match. --| Effects: --| Return the minimum index, i, in start..length(s1), such that, --| for all j in 1..length(s2), fetch(s2, j) = fetch(s1, i + j - 1). --| This is the position of the substring, s2, in s1. --| Returns 0 if no such i exists, including the cases --| where is_empty(s1) or is_empty(s2). --| Note that equal(substr(s1, match_s(s1, s2, i), length(s2)), s2) --| holds, providing that match_s does not raise an exception. function match_s(s1: string_type; s2: string; start: positive := 1) return natural; --| Raises: no_match. --| Effects: --| Return the minimum index, i, in start..length(s1), such that, --| for all j in s2'range, s2(j) = fetch(s1, i + j - 1). --| This is the position of the substring, s2, in s1. --| Returns 0 if no such i exists, including the cases --| where is_empty(s1) or s2 = "". --| Note that equal(substr(s1, match_s(s1, s2, i), s2'length), s2) --| holds, providing that match_s does not raise an exception. function match_any(s, any: string_type; start: positive := 1) return natural; --| Raises: no_match, any_empty --| Effects: --| Return the minimum index, i in start..length(s), such that --| fetch(s, i) = fetch(any, j), for some j in 1..length(any). --| Raises any_empty if is_empty(any). --| Otherwise, returns 0 if no such i exists, including the case --| where is_empty(s). function match_any(s: string_type; any: string; start: positive := 1) return natural; --| Raises: no_match, any_empty --| Effects: --| Return the minimum index, i, in start..length(s), such that --| fetch(s, i) = any(j), for some j in any'range. --| Raises any_empty if any = "". --| Otherwise, returns 0 if no such i exists, including the case --| where is_empty(s). function match_none(s, none: string_type; start: positive := 1) return natural; --| Raises: no_match --| Effects: --| Return the minimum index, i in start..length(s), such that --| fetch(s, i) /= fetch(none, j) for each j in 1..length(none). --| If (not is_empty(s)) and is_empty(none), then i is 1. --| Returns 0 if no such i exists, including the case --| where is_empty(s). function match_none(s: string_type; none: string; start: positive := 1) return natural; --| Raises: no_match. --| Effects: --| Return the minimum index, i in start..length(s), such that --| fetch(s, i) /= none(j) for each j in none'range. --| If not is_empty(s) and none = "", then i is 1. --| Returns 0 if no such i exists, including the case --| where is_empty(s). private type string_type is access string; --| Abstract data type, string_type, is a constant sequence of chars --| of arbitrary length. Representation type is access string. --| It is important to distinguish between an object of the rep type --| and its value; for an object, r, val(r) denotes the value. --| --| Representation Invariant: I: rep --> boolean --| I(r: rep) = (val(r) = null) or else --| (val(r).all'first = 1 & --| val(r).all'last >= 0 & --| (for all r2, val(r) = val(r2) /= null => r is r2)) --| --| Abstraction Function: A: rep --> string_type --| A(r: rep) = if r = null then --| the empty sequence --| elsif r'last = 0 then --| the empty sequence --| else --| the sequence consisting of r(1),...,r(r'last). end string_pkg; -- Module : string_scanner.ada -- Component of : common_library -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 16:36:26 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/common_library/sccs/sxstring_scanner.ada with String_Pkg; use String_Pkg; with Unchecked_Deallocation; package body String_Scanner is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) string_scanner.ada, Version 1.2"; White_Space : constant string := " " & ASCII.HT; Number_1 : constant string := "0123456789"; Number : constant string := Number_1 & "_"; Quote : constant string := """"; Ada_Id_1 : constant string := "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; Ada_Id : constant string := Ada_Id_1 & Number; procedure Free_Scanner is new Unchecked_Deallocation(Scan_Record, Scanner); pragma Page; function Is_Valid( T : in Scanner ) return boolean is begin return T /= null; end Is_Valid; function Make_Scanner( S : in String_Type ) return Scanner is T : Scanner := new Scan_Record; begin T.text := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent(S); return T; end Make_Scanner; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Destroy_Scanner( T : in out Scanner ) is begin if Is_Valid(T) then String_Pkg.Flush(T.text); Free_Scanner(T); end if; end Destroy_Scanner; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function More( T : in Scanner ) return boolean is begin if Is_Valid(T) then if T.index > String_Pkg.Length(T.text) then return false; else return true; end if; else return false; end if; end More; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Get( T : in Scanner ) return character is begin if not More(T) then raise Out_Of_Bounds; end if; return String_Pkg.Fetch(T.text, T.index); end Get; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Forward( T : in Scanner ) is begin if Is_Valid(T) then if String_Pkg.Length(T.text) >= T.index then T.index := T.index + 1; end if; end if; end Forward; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Backward( T : in Scanner ) is begin if Is_Valid(T) then if T.index > 1 then T.index := T.index - 1; end if; end if; end Backward; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Next( T : in Scanner; C : out character ) is begin C := Get(T); Forward(T); end Next; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Position( T : in Scanner ) return positive is begin if not More(T) then raise Out_Of_Bounds; end if; return T.index; end Position; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Get_String( T : in Scanner ) return String_Type is begin if Is_Valid(T) then return String_Pkg.Make_Persistent(T.text); else return String_Pkg.Make_Persistent(""); end if; end Get_String; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Get_Remainder( T : in Scanner ) return String_Type is S_Str : String_Type; begin if More(T) then String_Pkg.Mark; S_Str := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent( String_Pkg.Substr(T.text, T.index, String_Pkg.Length(T.text) - T.index + 1)); String_Pkg.Release; else S_Str := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent(""); end if; return S_Str; end Get_Remainder; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Mark( T : in Scanner ) is begin if Is_Valid(T) then if T.mark /= 0 then raise Scanner_Already_Marked; else T.mark := T.index; end if; end if; end Mark; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Restore( T : in Scanner ) is begin if Is_Valid(T) then if T.mark /= 0 then T.index := T.mark; T.mark := 0; end if; end if; end Restore; pragma Page; function Is_Any( T : in Scanner; Q : in string ) return boolean is N : natural; begin if not More(T) then return false; end if; String_Pkg.Mark; N := String_Pkg.Match_Any(T.text, Q, T.index); if N /= T.index then N := 0; end if; String_Pkg.Release; return N /= 0; end Is_Any; pragma Page; procedure Scan_Any( T : in Scanner; Q : in string; Found : out boolean; Result : in out String_Type ) is S_Str : String_Type; N : natural; begin if Is_Any(T, Q) then N := String_Pkg.Match_None(T.text, Q, T.index); if N = 0 then N := String_Pkg.Length(T.text) + 1; end if; Result := Result & String_Pkg.Substr(T.text, T.index, N - T.index); T.index := N; Found := true; else Found := false; end if; end Scan_Any; pragma Page; function Quoted_String( T : in Scanner ) return integer is Count : integer := 0; I : positive; N : natural; begin if not Is_Valid(T) then return Count; end if; I := T.index; while Is_Any(T, """") loop T.index := T.index + 1; if not More(T) then T.index := I; return 0; end if; String_Pkg.Mark; N := String_Pkg.Match_Any(T.text, """", T.index); String_Pkg.Release; if N = 0 then T.index := I; return 0; end if; T.index := N + 1; end loop; Count := T.index - I; T.index := I; return Count; end Quoted_String; pragma Page; function Enclosed_String( B : in character; E : in character; T : in Scanner ) return natural is Count : natural := 1; I : positive; Inx_B : natural; Inx_E : natural; Depth : natural := 1; begin if not Is_Any(T, B & "") then return 0; end if; I := T.index; Forward(T); while Depth /= 0 loop if not More(T) then T.index := I; return 0; end if; String_Pkg.Mark; Inx_B := String_Pkg.Match_Any(T.text, B & "", T.index); Inx_E := String_Pkg.Match_Any(T.text, E & "", T.index); String_Pkg.Release; if Inx_E = 0 then T.index := I; return 0; end if; if Inx_B /= 0 and then Inx_B < Inx_E then Depth := Depth + 1; else Inx_B := Inx_E; Depth := Depth - 1; end if; T.index := Inx_B + 1; end loop; Count := T.index - I; T.index := I; return Count; end Enclosed_String; pragma Page; function Is_Word( T : in Scanner ) return boolean is begin if not More(T) then return false; else return not Is_Any(T, White_Space); end if; end Is_Word; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Word( T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out String_Type; Skip : in boolean := false ) is S_Str : String_Type; N : natural; begin if Skip then Skip_Space(T); end if; if Is_Word(T) then String_Pkg.Mark; N := String_Pkg.Match_Any(T.text, White_Space, T.index); if N = 0 then N := String_Pkg.Length(T.text) + 1; end if; Result := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent (String_Pkg.Substr(T.text, T.index, N - T.index)); T.index := N; Found := true; String_Pkg.Release; else Found := false; end if; return; end Scan_Word; pragma Page; function Is_Number( T : in Scanner ) return boolean is begin return Is_Any(T, Number_1); end Is_Number; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Number( T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out String_Type; Skip : in boolean := false ) is C : character; S_Str : String_Type; begin if Skip then Skip_Space(T); end if; if not Is_Number(T) then Found := false; return; end if; String_Pkg.Mark; while Is_Number(T) loop Scan_Any(T, Number_1, Found, S_Str); if More(T) then C := Get(T); if C = '_' then Forward(T); if Is_Number(T) then S_Str := S_Str & "_"; else Backward(T); end if; end if; end if; end loop; Result := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent(S_Str); String_Pkg.Release; end Scan_Number; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Number( T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out integer; Skip : in boolean := false ) is F : boolean; S_Str : String_Type; begin Scan_Number(T, F, S_Str, Skip); if F then Result := integer'value(String_Pkg.Value(S_Str)); end if; Found := F; end Scan_Number; pragma Page; function Is_Signed_Number( T : in Scanner ) return boolean is I : positive; C : character; F : boolean; begin if More(T) then I := T.index; C := Get(T); if C = '+' or C = '-' then T.index := T.index + 1; end if; F := Is_Any(T, Number_1); T.index := I; return F; else return false; end if; end Is_Signed_Number; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Signed_Number( T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out String_Type; Skip : in boolean := false ) is C : character; S_Str : String_Type; begin if Skip then Skip_Space(T); end if; if Is_Signed_Number(T) then C := Get(T); if C = '+' or C = '-' then Forward(T); end if; Scan_Number(T, Found, S_Str); String_Pkg.Mark; if C = '+' or C = '-' then Result := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent(("" & C) & S_Str); else Result := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent(S_Str); end if; String_Pkg.Release; String_Pkg.Flush(S_Str); else Found := false; end if; end Scan_Signed_Number; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Signed_Number( T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out integer; Skip : in boolean := false ) is F : boolean; S_Str : String_Type; begin Scan_Signed_Number(T, F, S_Str, Skip); if F then Result := integer'value(String_Pkg.Value(S_Str)); end if; Found := F; end Scan_Signed_Number; pragma Page; function Is_Space( T : in Scanner ) return boolean is begin return Is_Any(T, White_Space); end Is_Space; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Space( T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out String_Type ) is S_Str : String_Type; begin String_Pkg.Mark; Scan_Any(T, White_Space, Found, S_Str); Result := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent(S_Str); String_Pkg.Release; end Scan_Space; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Skip_Space( T : in Scanner ) is S_Str : String_Type; Found : boolean; begin String_Pkg.Mark; Scan_Any(T, White_Space, Found, S_Str); String_Pkg.Release; end Skip_Space; pragma Page; function Is_Ada_Id( T : in Scanner ) return boolean is begin return Is_Any(T, Ada_Id_1); end Is_Ada_Id; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Ada_Id( T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out String_Type; Skip : in boolean := false ) is C : character; F : boolean; S_Str : String_Type; begin if Skip then Skip_Space(T); end if; if Is_Ada_Id(T) then String_Pkg.Mark; Next(T, C); Scan_Any(T, Ada_Id, F, S_Str); Result := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent(("" & C) & S_Str); Found := true; String_Pkg.Release; else Found := false; end if; end Scan_Ada_Id; pragma Page; function Is_Quoted( T : in Scanner ) return boolean is begin if Quoted_String(T) = 0 then return false; else return true; end if; end Is_Quoted; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Quoted( T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out String_Type; Skip : in boolean := false ) is Count : integer; begin if Skip then Skip_Space(T); end if; Count := Quoted_String(T); if Count /= 0 then Count := Count - 2; T.index := T.index + 1; if Count /= 0 then String_Pkg.Mark; Result := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent (String_Pkg.Substr(T.text, T.index, positive(Count))); String_Pkg.Release; else Result := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent(""); end if; T.index := T.index + Count + 1; Found := true; else Found := false; end if; end Scan_Quoted; pragma Page; function Is_Enclosed( B : in character; E : in character; T : in Scanner ) return boolean is begin if Enclosed_String(B, E, T) = 0 then return false; else return true; end if; end Is_Enclosed; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Enclosed( B : in character; E : in character; T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out String_Type; Skip : in boolean := false ) is Count : natural; begin if Skip then Skip_Space(T); end if; Count := Enclosed_String(B, E, T); if Count /= 0 then Count := Count - 2; T.index := T.index + 1; if Count /= 0 then String_Pkg.Mark; Result := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent(String_Pkg.Substr(T.text, T.index, positive(Count))); String_Pkg.Release; else Result := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent(""); end if; T.index := T.index + Count + 1; Found := true; else Found := false; end if; end Scan_Enclosed; pragma Page; function Is_Sequence( Chars : in String_Type; T : in Scanner ) return boolean is begin return Is_Any(T, String_Pkg.Value(Chars)); end Is_Sequence; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Is_Sequence( Chars : in string; T : in Scanner ) return boolean is begin return Is_Any(T, Chars); end Is_Sequence; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Sequence( Chars : in String_Type; T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out String_Type; Skip : in boolean := false ) is I : positive; Count : integer := 0; begin if Skip then Skip_Space(T); end if; if not Is_Valid(T) then Found := false; return; end if; I := T.index; while Is_Any(T, Value(Chars)) loop Forward(T); Count := Count + 1; end loop; if Count /= 0 then String_Pkg.Mark; Result := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent (String_Pkg.Substr(T.text, I, positive(Count))); Found := true; String_Pkg.Release; else Found := false; end if; end Scan_Sequence; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Sequence( Chars : in string; T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out String_Type; Skip : in boolean := false ) is begin String_Pkg.Mark; Scan_Sequence(String_Pkg.Create(Chars), T, Found, Result, Skip); String_Pkg.Release; end Scan_Sequence; pragma Page; function Is_Not_Sequence( Chars : in String_Type; T : in Scanner ) return boolean is N : natural; begin if not Is_Valid(T) then return false; end if; String_Pkg.Mark; N := String_Pkg.Match_Any(T.text, Chars, T.index); if N = T.index then N := 0; end if; String_Pkg.Release; return N /= 0; end Is_Not_Sequence; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Is_Not_Sequence( Chars : in string; T : in Scanner ) return boolean is begin return Is_Not_Sequence(String_Pkg.Create(Chars), T); end Is_Not_Sequence; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Not_Sequence( Chars : in string; T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out String_Type; Skip : in boolean := false ) is N : natural; begin if Skip then Skip_Space(T); end if; if Is_Not_Sequence(Chars, T) then String_Pkg.Mark; N := String_Pkg.Match_Any(T.text, Chars, T.index); Result := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent (String_Pkg.Substr(T.text, T.index, N - T.index)); T.index := N; Found := true; String_Pkg.Release; else Found := false; end if; end Scan_Not_Sequence; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Not_Sequence( Chars : in String_Type; T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out String_Type; Skip : in boolean := false ) is begin Scan_Not_Sequence(String_Pkg.Value(Chars), T, Found, Result, Skip); end Scan_Not_Sequence; pragma Page; function Is_Literal( Chars : in String_Type; T : in Scanner ) return boolean is N : natural; begin if not Is_Valid(T) then return false; end if; String_Pkg.Mark; N := String_Pkg.Match_S(T.text, Chars, T.index); if N /= T.index then N := 0; end if; String_Pkg.Release; return N /= 0; end Is_Literal; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Is_Literal( Chars : in string; T : in Scanner ) return boolean is Found : boolean; begin String_Pkg.Mark; Found := Is_Literal(String_Pkg.Create(Chars), T); String_Pkg.Release; return Found; end Is_Literal; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Literal( Chars : in String_Type; T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Skip : in boolean := false ) is begin if Skip then Skip_Space(T); end if; if Is_Literal(Chars, T) then T.index := T.index + String_Pkg.Length(Chars); Found := true; else Found := false; end if; end Scan_Literal; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Literal( Chars : in string; T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Skip : in boolean := false ) is begin String_Pkg.Mark; Scan_Literal(String_Pkg.Create(Chars), T, Found, Skip); String_Pkg.Release; end Scan_Literal; pragma Page; function Is_Not_Literal( Chars : in string; T : in Scanner ) return boolean is N : natural; begin if not Is_Valid(T) then return false; end if; String_Pkg.Mark; N := String_Pkg.Match_S(T.text, Chars, T.index); if N = T.index then N := 0; end if; String_Pkg.Release; return N /= 0; end Is_Not_Literal; ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Is_Not_Literal( Chars : in String_Type; T : in Scanner ) return boolean is begin if not More(T) then return false; end if; return Is_Not_Literal(String_Pkg.Value(Chars), T); end Is_Not_Literal; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Not_Literal( Chars : in string; T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out String_Type; Skip : in boolean := false ) is N : natural; begin if Skip then Skip_Space(T); end if; if Is_Not_Literal(Chars, T) then String_Pkg.Mark; N := String_Pkg.Match_S(T.text, Chars, T.index); Result := String_Pkg.Make_Persistent(String_Pkg.Substr(T.text, T.index, N - T.index)); T.index := N; Found := true; String_Pkg.Release; else Found := false; return; end if; end Scan_Not_Literal; ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Not_Literal( Chars : in String_Type; T : in Scanner; Found : out boolean; Result : out String_Type; Skip : in boolean := false ) is begin Scan_Not_Literal(String_Pkg.Value(Chars), T, Found, Result, Skip); end Scan_Not_Literal; end String_Scanner; pragma Page; -- Module : string_scanner_.ada -- Component of : common_library -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 16:37:08 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/common_library/sccs/sxstring_scanner_.ada with String_Pkg; use String_Pkg; package String_Scanner is --| Functions for scanning tokens from strings. pragma Page; --| Overview --| This package provides a set of functions used to scan tokens from --| strings. After the function make_Scanner is called to convert a string --| into a string Scanner, the following functions may be called to scan --| various tokens from the string: --|- --| Make_Scanner Given a string returns a Scanner --| Destroy_Scanner Free storage used by Scanner --| More Return TRUE iff unscanned characters remain --| Forward Bump the Scanner --| Backward Bump back the Scanner --| Get Return character --| Next Return character and bump the Scanner --| Get_String Return String_Type in Scanner --| Get_Remainder Return String_Type in Scanner from current Index --| Mark Mark the current Index for Restore --| Restore Restore the previously marked Index --| Position Return the current position of the Scanner --| Is_Word Return TRUE iff Scanner is at a non-blank character --| Scan_Word Return sequence of non blank characters --| Is_Number Return TRUE iff Scanner is at a digit --| Scan_Number (2) Return sequence of decimal digits --| Is_Signed_Number Return TRUE iff Scanner is at a digit or sign --| Scan_Signed_Number (2) --| sequence of decimal digits with optional sign (+/-) --| Is_Space Return TRUE iff Scanner is at a space or tab --| Scan_Space Return sequence of spaces or tabs --| Skip_Space Advance Scanner past white space --| Is_Ada_Id Return TRUE iff Scanner is at first character of ada id --| Scan_Ada_Id Scan an Ada identifier --| Is_Quoted Return TRUE iff Scanner is at a double quote --| Scan_Quoted Scan quoted string, embedded quotes doubled --| Is_Enclosed Return TRUE iff Scanner is at an enclosing character --| Scan_Enclosed Scan enclosed string, embedded enclosing character doubled --| Is_Sequence Return TRUE iff Scanner is at some character in sequence --| Scan_Sequence Scan user specified sequence of chars --| Is_Not_Sequence Return TRUE iff Scanner is not at the characters in sequence --| Scan_Not_Sequence Scan string up to but not including a given sequence of chars --| Is_Literal Return TRUE iff Scanner is at literal --| Scan_Literal Scan user specified literal --| Is_Not_Literal Return TRUE iff Scanner is not a given literal --| Scan_Not_Literal Scan string up to but not including a given literal --|+ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Out_Of_Bounds : exception; --| Raised when a operation is attempted on a --| Scanner that has passed the end Scanner_Already_Marked : exception; --| Raised when a Mark is attemped on a Scanner --| that has already been marked ---------------------------------------------------------------- type Scanner is private; --| Scanner type ---------------------------------------------------------------- pragma Page; function Make_Scanner( --| Construct a Scanner from S. S : in String_Type --| String to be scanned. ) return Scanner; --| Effects: Construct a Scanner from S. --| N/A: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Destroy_Scanner( --| Free Scanner storage T : in out Scanner --| Scanner to be freed ); --| Effects: Free space occupied by the Scanner. --| N/A: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- function More( --| Check if Scanner is exhausted T : in Scanner --| Scanner to check ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff additional characters remain to be scanned. --| N/A: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Forward( --| Bump scanner T : in Scanner --| Scanner ); --| Effects: Update the scanner position. --| N/A: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Backward( --| Bump back scanner T : in Scanner --| Scanner ); --| Effects: Update the scanner position. --| N/A: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Get( --| Return character T : in Scanner --| Scanner to check ) return character; --| Raises: Out_Of_Bounds --| Effects: Return character at the current Scanner position. --| The scanner position remains unchanged. --| N/A: Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Next( --| Return character and bump scanner T : in Scanner; --| Scanner to check C : out character --| Character to be returned ); --| Raises: Out_Of_Bounds --| Effects: Return character at the current Scanner position and update --| the position. --| N/A: Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Position( --| Return current Scanner position T : in Scanner --| Scanner to check ) return positive; --| Raises: Out_Of_Bounds --| Effects: Return a positive integer indicating the current Scanner position, --| N/A: Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Get_String( --| Return contents of Scanner T : in Scanner --| Scanner ) return String_Type; --| Effects: Return a String_Type corresponding to the contents of the Scanner --| N/A: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Get_Remainder( --| Return contents of Scanner from index T : in Scanner ) return String_Type; --| Effects: Return a String_Type starting at the current index of the Scanner --| N/A: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Mark( T : in Scanner ); --| Raises: Scanner_Already_Marked --| Effects: Mark the current index for possible future use --| N/A: Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Restore( T : in Scanner ); --| Effects: Restore the index to the previously marked value --| N/A: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- pragma Page; function Is_Word( --| Check if Scanner is at the start of a word. T : in Scanner --| Scanner to check ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff Scanner is at the start of a word. --| N/A: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_word( --| Scan sequence of non blank characters T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff a word found Result : out String_Type;--| Word scanned from string Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan T for a sequence of non blank --| characters. If at least one is found, return Found => TRUE, --| Result => <the characters>. --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable. --| N/A: Raises, Modifies, Errors pragma Page; function Is_Number( --| Return TRUE iff Scanner is at a decimal digit T : in Scanner --| The string being scanned ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff Scan_Number would return a non-null string. --| N/A: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Number( --| Scan sequence of digits T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff one or more digits found Result : out String_Type;--| Number scanned from string Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan T for a sequence of digits. --| If at least one is found, return Found => TRUE, Result => <the digits>. --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Number( --| Scan sequence of digits T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff one or more digits found Result : out integer; --| Number scanned from string Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan T for a sequence of digits. --| If at least one is found, return Found => TRUE, Result => <the digits>. --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors pragma Page; function Is_Signed_Number( --| Check if Scanner is at a decimal digit or --| sign (+/-) T : in Scanner --| The string being scanned ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff Scan_Signed_Number would return a non-null --| string. --| N/A: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Signed_Number( --| Scan signed sequence of digits T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff one or more digits found Result : out String_Type;--| Number scanned from string Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan T for a sequence of digits preceeded with optional sign. --| If at least one digit is found, return Found => TRUE, --| Result => <the digits>. --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Signed_Number( --| Scan signed sequence of digits T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff one or more digits found Result : out integer; --| Number scanned from string Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan T for a sequence of digits preceeded with optional sign. --| If at least one digit is found, return Found => TRUE, --| Result => <the digits>. --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors pragma Page; function Is_Space( --| Check if T is at a space or tab T : in Scanner --| The string being scanned ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff Scan_Space would return a non-null string. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Space( --| Scan sequence of white space characters T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff space found Result : out String_Type --| Spaces scanned from string ); --| Effects: Scan T past all white space (spaces --| and tabs. If at least one is found, return Found => TRUE, --| Result => <the characters>. --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Skip_Space( --| Skip white space T : in Scanner --| String to be scanned ); --| Effects: Scan T past all white space (spaces and tabs). --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors pragma Page; function Is_Ada_Id( --| Check if T is at an Ada identifier T : in Scanner --| The string being scanned ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff Scan_Ada_Id would return a non-null string. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Ada_Id( --| Scan Ada identifier T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff an Ada identifier found Result : out String_Type;--| Identifier scanned from string Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan T for a valid Ada identifier. --| If one is found, return Found => TRUE, Result => <the characters>. --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors pragma Page; function Is_Quoted( --| Check if T is at a double quote T : in Scanner --| The string being scanned ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff T is at a quoted string (eg. ... "Hello" ...). --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Quoted( --| Scan a quoted string T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff a quoted string found Result : out String_Type;--| Quoted string scanned from string Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan at T for an opening quote --| followed by a sequence of characters and ending with a closing --| quote. If successful, return Found => TRUE, Result => <the characters>. --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable. --| A pair of quotes within the quoted string is converted to a single quote. --| The outer quotes are stripped. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors pragma Page; function Is_Enclosed( --| Check if T is at an enclosing character B : in character; --| Enclosing open character E : in character; --| Enclosing close character T : in Scanner --| The string being scanned ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff T as encosed by B and E (eg. ... [ABC] ...). --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Enclosed( --| Scan an enclosed string B : in character; --| Enclosing open character E : in character; --| Enclosing close character T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff a quoted string found Result : out String_Type;--| Quoted string scanned from string Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan at T for an enclosing character --| followed by a sequence of characters and ending with an enclosing character. --| If successful, return Found => TRUE, Result => <the characters>. --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable. --| The enclosing characters are stripped. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors pragma Page; function Is_Sequence( --| Check if T is at some sequence characters Chars : in String_Type; --| Characters to be scanned T : in Scanner --| The string being scanned ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff T is at some character of Chars. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Is_Sequence( --| Check if T is at some sequence characters Chars : in string; --| Characters to be scanned T : in Scanner --| The string being scanned ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff T is at some character of Chars. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Sequence( --| Scan arbitrary sequence of characters Chars : in String_Type;--| Characters that should be scanned T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff a sequence found Result : out String_Type;--| Sequence scanned from string Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan T for a sequence of characters C such that C appears in --| Char. If at least one is found, return Found => TRUE, --| Result => <the characters>. --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors --| Notes: --| Scan_Sequence("0123456789", S, Index, Found, Result) --| is equivalent to Scan_Number(S, Index, Found, Result) --| but is less efficient. ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Sequence( --| Scan arbitrary sequence of characters Chars : in string; --| Characters that should be scanned T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff a sequence found Result : out String_Type;--| Sequence scanned from string Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan T for a sequence of characters C such that C appears in --| Char. If at least one is found, return Found => TRUE, --| Result => <the characters>. --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors --| Notes: --| Scan_Sequence("0123456789", S, Index, Found, Result) --| is equivalent to Scan_Number(S, Index, Found, Result) --| but is less efficient. pragma Page; function Is_Not_Sequence( --| Check if T is not at some seuqnce of character Chars : in String_Type; --| Characters to be scanned T : in Scanner --| The string being scanned ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff T is not at some character of Chars. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Is_Not_Sequence( --| Check if T is at some sequence of characters Chars : in string; --| Characters to be scanned T : in Scanner --| The string being scanned ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff T is not at some character of Chars. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Not_Sequence( --| Scan arbitrary sequence of characters Chars : in String_Type;--| Characters that should be scanned T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff a sequence found Result : out String_Type;--| Sequence scanned from string Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan T for a sequence of characters C such that C does not appear --| in Chars. If at least one such C is found, return Found => TRUE, --| Result => <the characters>. --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Not_Sequence( --| Scan arbitrary sequence of characters Chars : in string; --| Characters that should be scanned T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff a sequence found Result : out String_Type;--| Sequence scanned from string Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan T for a sequence of characters C such that C does not appear --| in Chars. If at least one such C is found, return Found => TRUE, --| Result => <the characters>. --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors pragma Page; function Is_Literal( --| Check if T is at literal Chars Chars : in String_Type; --| Characters to be scanned T : in Scanner --| The string being scanned ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff T is at literal Chars. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Is_Literal( --| Check if T is at literal Chars Chars : in string; --| Characters to be scanned T : in Scanner --| The string being scanned ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff T is at literal Chars. --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Literal( --| Scan arbitrary literal Chars : in String_Type;--| Literal that should be scanned T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff a sequence found Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan T for a litral Chars such that Char matches the sequence --| of characters in T. If found, return Found => TRUE, --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Literal( --| Scan arbitrary literal Chars : in string; --| Literal that should be scanned T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff a sequence found Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan T for a litral Chars such that Char matches the sequence --| of characters in T. If found, return Found => TRUE, --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors pragma Page; function Is_Not_Literal( --| Check if T is not at literal Chars Chars : in string; --| Characters to be scanned T : in Scanner --| The string being scanned ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff T is not at literal Chars --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Is_Not_Literal( --| Check if T is not at literal Chars Chars : in String_Type; --| Characters to be scanned T : in Scanner --| The string being scanned ) return boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff T is not at literal Chars --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Not_Literal( --| Scan arbitrary literal Chars : in string; --| Literal that should be scanned T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff a sequence found Result : out String_Type;--| String up to literal Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan T for a litral Chars such that Char does not match the --| sequence of characters in T. If found, return Found => TRUE, --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Scan_Not_Literal( --| Scan arbitrary literal Chars : in String_Type;--| Literal that should be scanned T : in Scanner; --| String to be scanned Found : out boolean; --| TRUE iff a sequence found Result : out String_Type;--| String up to literal Skip : in boolean := false --| Skip white spaces before scan ); --| Effects: Scan T for a litral Chars such that Char does not match the --| sequence of characters in T. If found, return Found => TRUE, --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE --| Modifies: Raises, Modifies, Errors pragma Page; private pragma List(off); type Scan_Record is record text : String_Type; --| Copy of string being scanned index : positive := 1; --| Current position of Scanner mark : natural := 0; --| Mark end record; type Scanner is access Scan_Record; pragma List(on); end String_Scanner; pragma Page; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : symbol_info.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:37:08 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxsymbol_info.ada -- $Header: symbol_info.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:15 ada Exp $ -- $Log: symbol_info.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:15 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:42:36 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with Symbol_Table, Rule_Table; use Symbol_Table, Rule_Table; package Symbol_Info is -- -- The following array declarations are used to compute the -- the rules that have a particular symbol on the left hand -- side. NONTERMINAL_YIELD contains the rules and -- NONTERMINAL_YIELD_OFFSET contains the offset into the first array -- indexed by a particular nonterminal. The user of this package -- should not attempt to alter the contents of these arrays. They -- are visible in the spec only for efficiency reasons. -- type Yield_Index is new Integer; type Rule_Array is array (Yield_Index range <>) of Rule; type Offset_Array is array (Grammar_Symbol range <>) of Yield_Index; type Rule_Array_Pointer is access Rule_Array; type Offset_Array_Pointer is access Offset_Array; Nonterminal_Yield : Rule_Array_Pointer; Nonterminal_Yield_Index : Offset_Array_Pointer; --- procedure Initialize; function Is_Nullable(Sym: Grammar_Symbol) return Boolean; Undefined_Nonterminal : exception; -- raised if a nonterminal doesn't appear on left hand side of -- any rule. --RJS pragma inline(is_nullable); end Symbol_Info; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : symbol_info_body.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:37:23 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxsymbol_info_body.ada -- $Header: symbol_info_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:25 ada Exp $ -- $Log: symbol_info_body.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:25 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:46:56 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with Text_IO; package body Symbol_Info is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) symbol_info_body.ada, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: symbol_info_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:25 ada Exp $"; type Nullables_Array is array (Grammar_Symbol range <>) of Boolean; type Nullables_Array_Pointer is access Nullables_Array; Nullables : Nullables_Array_Pointer; -- -- initializes the elements of the array pointed to by -- NULLABLES to false if they cannot derive the empty -- string and TRUE if they can derive the empty string. -- procedure Find_Nullables is Sym_Position : Natural; Nonterminal_Sym : Grammar_Symbol; RHS_Sym : Grammar_Symbol; No_More_Added : Boolean; Rule_Length : Natural; begin --& Verdix 4.06 bug --& nullables.all := (nullables.all'range => false); --& bug fix for S in Nullables.all'range loop Nullables(S) := False; end loop; --& end bug fix -- First determine the symbols that are trivially nullable. for R in First_Rule..Last_Rule loop if Length_of(R) = 0 then Nullables(Get_LHS(R)) := True; end if; end loop; loop No_More_Added := True; for R in First_Rule..Last_Rule loop Nonterminal_Sym := Get_LHS(R); if not Nullables(Nonterminal_Sym) then Sym_Position := 1; Rule_Length := Length_of(R); while Sym_Position <= Rule_Length loop RHS_Sym := Get_RHS(R, Sym_Position); exit when Is_Terminal(RHS_Sym) or else not Nullables(RHS_Sym); Sym_Position := Sym_Position + 1; end loop; if Sym_Position > Rule_Length then Nullables(Nonterminal_Sym) := True; No_More_Added := False; end if; end if; end loop; exit when No_More_Added; end loop; end Find_Nullables; function Is_Nullable(Sym: Grammar_Symbol) return Boolean is begin return Nullables(Sym); end Is_Nullable; procedure Make_Rules_Null_Position is Null_Position : Integer; RHS_Sym : Grammar_Symbol; begin for R in First_Rule..Last_Rule loop Null_Position := Length_of(R); while Null_Position /= 0 loop RHS_Sym := Get_RHS(R, Null_Position); if Is_Terminal(RHS_Sym) or else not Nullables(RHS_Sym) then exit; end if; Null_Position := Null_Position - 1; end loop; Set_Null_Pos(R, Null_Position); end loop; end Make_Rules_Null_Position; procedure Find_Rule_Yields is use Text_IO; -- To report undefined nonterminals Found_Undefined_Nonterminal: Boolean := False; Current_Index : Yield_Index; begin -- First initialize the arrays to the correct size -- Nonterminal_Yield := new Rule_Array (Yield_Index(First_Rule)..Yield_Index(Last_Rule)); Nonterminal_Yield_Index := new Offset_Array (First_Symbol(Nonterminal)..Last_Symbol(Nonterminal) + 1); Current_Index := Yield_Index(First_Rule); for Sym in First_Symbol(Nonterminal)..Last_Symbol(Nonterminal) loop Nonterminal_Yield_Index(Sym) := Current_Index; for R in First_Rule..Last_Rule loop if Get_LHS(R) = Sym then Nonterminal_Yield(Current_Index) := R; Current_Index := Current_Index + 1; end if; end loop; if Nonterminal_Yield_Index(Sym) = Current_Index then Found_Undefined_Nonterminal := True; Put_Line ("Ayacc: Nonterminal " & Get_Symbol_Name(Sym) & " does not appear on the " & "left hand side of any rule."); end if; end loop; Nonterminal_Yield_Index(Last_Symbol(Nonterminal) + 1) := Current_Index; -- So you can easily determine the end of the list in loops -- bye comparing the index to the index of sym+1. if Found_Undefined_Nonterminal then raise Undefined_Nonterminal; end if; end Find_Rule_Yields; -- First detect nonterminals that can't be derived from the start symbol. -- Then detect nonterminals that don't derive any token string. -- -- NOTE: We should use Digraph to do this stuff when we -- have time to put it in. procedure Check_Grammar is use Text_IO; -- to report errors type Nonterminal_Array is array (Grammar_Symbol range <>) of Boolean; Ok : Nonterminal_Array (First_Symbol(Nonterminal)..Last_Symbol(Nonterminal)); More : Boolean; I : Natural; Rule_Length : Natural; Found_Error : Boolean := False; RHS_Sym, LHS_Sym: Grammar_Symbol; Bad_Grammar : exception; -- Move this somewhere else!!! begin -- check if each nonterminal is deriveable from the start symbol -- -- To be added! We should use digraph for this -- check if each nonterminal can derive a terminal string. -- --& Verdix 4.06 bug --& ok := (ok'range => false); --& bug fix for S in Ok'range loop Ok(S) := False; end loop; --& end bug fix More := True; while More loop More := False; for R in First_Rule..Last_Rule loop LHS_Sym := Get_LHS(R); if not Ok(LHS_Sym) then I := 1; Rule_Length := Length_of(R); while I <= Rule_Length loop RHS_Sym := Get_RHS(R, I); if Is_Nonterminal(RHS_Sym) and then not Ok(RHS_Sym) then exit; end if; I := I + 1; end loop; if I > Rule_Length then -- nonterminal can derive terminals Ok(LHS_Sym) := True; More := True; end if; end if; end loop; end loop; for J in Ok'range loop if not Ok(J) then Put_Line ("Ayacc: Nonterminal " & Get_Symbol_Name(J) & " does not derive a terminal string"); Found_Error := True; end if; end loop; if Found_Error then raise Bad_Grammar; end if; end Check_Grammar; procedure Initialize is begin Nullables := new Nullables_Array (First_Symbol(Nonterminal) .. Last_Symbol(Nonterminal)); Find_Rule_Yields; Check_Grammar; Find_Nullables; Make_Rules_Null_Position; end Initialize; end Symbol_Info; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : symbol_table.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:37:38 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxsymbol_table.ada -- $Header: symbol_table.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:41 ada Exp $ -- $Log: symbol_table.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:41 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:47:05 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- package Symbol_Table is type Symbol_Type is (Start, Nonterminal, Terminal); type Grammar_Symbol is range -5_000..5_000; type Precedence is range 0..5_000; type Associativity is (Left_Associative, Right_Associative, Nonassociative, Undefined); function Insert_Identifier(Name: in String) return Grammar_Symbol; function Insert_Terminal (Name: String; Prec: Precedence := 0; Assoc: Associativity := Undefined) return Grammar_Symbol; function Get_Associativity(ID: Grammar_Symbol) return Associativity; function Get_Precedence (ID: Grammar_Symbol) return Precedence; function Get_Symbol_Name (ID: Grammar_Symbol) return String; function First_Symbol (Kind: Symbol_Type) return Grammar_Symbol; function Last_Symbol (Kind: Symbol_Type) return Grammar_Symbol; function Start_Symbol return Grammar_Symbol; function End_Symbol return Grammar_Symbol; function Is_Terminal (ID: Grammar_Symbol) return Boolean; function Is_Nonterminal (ID: Grammar_Symbol) return Boolean; Illegal_Entry, Redefined_Precedence_Error : exception; --RJS pragma inline(is_terminal, is_nonterminal); end Symbol_Table; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : symbol_table_body.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:37:53 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxsymbol_table_body.ada -- $Header: symbol_table_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:55 ada Exp $ -- $Log: symbol_table_body.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:13:55 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:54:02 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- package body Symbol_Table is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) symbol_table_body.ada, Version 1.2"; Next_Free_Terminal : Grammar_Symbol := 0; Next_Free_Nonterminal : Grammar_Symbol := -1; Start_Symbol_Pos, End_Symbol_Pos : Grammar_Symbol; type String_Pointer is access String; type Table_Entry(ID : Grammar_Symbol); type Entry_Pointer is access Table_Entry; type Table_Entry(ID :Grammar_Symbol) is record Name : String_Pointer; Next : Entry_Pointer; case ID is when 0..Grammar_Symbol'Last => -- Terminal Prec : Precedence; Assoc : Associativity; when others => -- Nonterminal null; end case; end record; Hash_Table_Size : constant := 613; -- A large prime number type Hash_Index is range 0..Hash_Table_Size-1; Hash_Table : array(Hash_Index) of Entry_Pointer; -- -- Create a 'dynamic' array for looking up an entry -- for a given grammar_symbol. -- Block_Size : constant Grammar_Symbol := 100; type Lookup_Array is array(Grammar_Symbol range 0..Block_Size-1) of Entry_Pointer; type Block; type Block_Pointer is access Block; type Block is record Lookup : Lookup_Array; Next : Block_Pointer := null; end record; -- have separate blocks for terminals and nonterminals. Terminal_Blocks, Nonterminal_Blocks : Block_Pointer := new Block; procedure Make_Lookup_Table_Entry (ID : in Grammar_Symbol; Entry_Ptr : in Entry_Pointer) is ID_Block : Block_Pointer; Block_Number : Integer; begin if ID >= 0 then ID_Block := Terminal_Blocks; else ID_Block := Nonterminal_Blocks; end if; Block_Number := Integer (abs ID / Block_Size); for I in 1..Block_Number loop if ID_Block.Next = null then ID_Block.Next := new Block; end if; ID_Block := ID_Block.Next; end loop; ID_Block.Lookup((abs ID) mod Block_Size) := Entry_Ptr; end Make_Lookup_Table_Entry; function Get_Lookup_Table_Entry(ID: Grammar_Symbol) return Entry_Pointer is ID_Block : Block_Pointer; begin if ID >= 0 then ID_Block := Terminal_Blocks; else ID_Block := Nonterminal_Blocks; end if; for I in 1.. abs ID / Block_Size loop ID_Block := ID_Block.Next; end loop; return ID_Block.Lookup((abs ID) mod Block_Size); end Get_Lookup_Table_Entry; -- some day someone should put in a good hash function. function Hash_Value (S : String) return Hash_Index is H : Integer; Mid : Integer; begin Mid := (S'First + S'Last) / 2; H := ((Character'Pos(S(S'First)) + Character'Pos(S(Mid)) + Character'Pos(S(S'Last))) * S'Length * 16 ) mod Hash_Table_Size; return Hash_Index(H); end Hash_Value; function Insert_Identifier (Name: in String) return Grammar_Symbol is Index : Hash_Index; Entry_Ptr : Entry_Pointer; begin Index := Hash_Value(Name); Entry_Ptr := Hash_Table(Index); if Entry_Ptr = null then Entry_Ptr := new Table_Entry(Next_Free_Nonterminal); Entry_Ptr.Name := new String(1..Name'Length); Entry_Ptr.Name.all := Name; Hash_Table(Index) := Entry_Ptr; Make_Lookup_Table_Entry(Next_Free_Nonterminal, Entry_Ptr); Next_Free_Nonterminal := Next_Free_Nonterminal - 1; else loop if Entry_Ptr.Name.all = Name then return Entry_Ptr.ID; end if; if Entry_Ptr.Next = null then exit; end if; Entry_Ptr := Entry_Ptr.Next; end loop; Entry_Ptr.Next := new Table_Entry(Next_Free_Nonterminal); Entry_Ptr := Entry_Ptr.Next; Entry_Ptr.Name := new String(1..Name'Length); Entry_Ptr.Name.all := Name; Make_Lookup_Table_Entry(Next_Free_Nonterminal, Entry_Ptr); Next_Free_Nonterminal := Next_Free_Nonterminal - 1; end if; return Next_Free_Nonterminal + 1; end Insert_Identifier; function Insert_Terminal (Name : String; Prec : Precedence := 0; Assoc : Associativity := Undefined) return Grammar_Symbol is Index : Hash_Index; Entry_Ptr : Entry_Pointer; begin Index := Hash_Value(Name); Entry_Ptr := Hash_Table(Index); if Entry_Ptr = null then Entry_Ptr := new Table_Entry(Next_Free_Terminal); Entry_Ptr.Name := new String(1..Name'Length); Entry_Ptr.Name.all := Name; Entry_Ptr.Assoc := Assoc; Entry_Ptr.Prec := Prec; Hash_Table(Index) := Entry_Ptr; Make_Lookup_Table_Entry(Next_Free_Terminal, Entry_Ptr); Next_Free_Terminal := Next_Free_Terminal + 1; else loop if Entry_Ptr.Name.all = Name then if Entry_Ptr.ID < 0 then -- Look out for nonterminals raise Illegal_Entry; end if; if Prec /= 0 then if Entry_Ptr.Prec /= 0 then raise Redefined_Precedence_Error; end if; Entry_Ptr.Prec := Prec; Entry_Ptr.Assoc := Assoc; end if; return Entry_Ptr.ID; end if; if Entry_Ptr.Next = null then exit; end if; Entry_Ptr := Entry_Ptr.Next; end loop; Entry_Ptr.Next := new Table_Entry(Next_Free_Terminal); Entry_Ptr := Entry_Ptr.Next; Entry_Ptr.Name := new String(1..Name'Length); Entry_Ptr.Name.all := Name; Entry_Ptr.Assoc := Assoc; Entry_Ptr.Prec := Prec; Make_Lookup_Table_Entry(Next_Free_Terminal, Entry_Ptr); Next_Free_Terminal := Next_Free_Terminal + 1; end if; return Next_Free_Terminal - 1; end Insert_Terminal; function Get_Associativity (ID: Grammar_Symbol) return Associativity is begin return Get_Lookup_Table_Entry(ID).Assoc; end; function Get_Precedence (ID: Grammar_Symbol) return Precedence is begin return Get_Lookup_Table_Entry(ID).Prec; end; function Get_Symbol_Name (ID: Grammar_Symbol) return String is begin return Get_Lookup_Table_Entry(ID).Name.all; end; function First_Symbol (Kind: Symbol_Type) return Grammar_Symbol is begin if Kind = Terminal then return 0; else return Next_Free_Nonterminal + 1; end if; end; function Last_Symbol (Kind: Symbol_Type) return Grammar_Symbol is begin if Kind = Terminal then return Next_Free_Terminal - 1; else return -1; end if; end; function First_Terminal return Grammar_Symbol is begin return 0; end; function Last_Terminal return Grammar_Symbol is begin return Next_Free_Terminal - 1; end; function Start_Symbol return Grammar_Symbol is begin return Start_Symbol_Pos; end; function End_Symbol return Grammar_Symbol is begin return End_Symbol_Pos; end; function Is_Terminal (ID: Grammar_Symbol) return Boolean is begin return ID >= 0; end; function Is_Nonterminal (ID: Grammar_Symbol) return Boolean is begin return ID < 0; end; begin End_Symbol_Pos := Insert_Terminal("END_OF_INPUT"); Start_Symbol_Pos := Insert_Identifier("$accept"); -- declare a dummy symbol to insert the "error" token. declare Dummy_Sym : Grammar_Symbol; begin Dummy_Sym := Insert_Terminal("ERROR"); end; end Symbol_Table; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : tokens_file.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:38:10 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxtokens_file.ada -- $Header: tokens_file.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:14:22 ada Exp $ -- $Log: tokens_file.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:14:22 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:54:11 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- package Tokens_File is procedure Open; procedure Start_Tokens_Package; function Tokens_Package_Header_Has_Been_Generated return Boolean; --| Returns: True iff Start_Tokens_Package has been called. procedure Complete_Tokens_Package; procedure Make_C_Lex_Package; -- yylex that interfaces to C!!! -- Creates the #define also!! procedure Close; procedure Write (S : in String); procedure Writeln(S: in String); end Tokens_File; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : tokens_file_body.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:38:23 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxtokens_file_body.ada -- $Header: tokens_file_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:14:29 ada Exp $ -- $Log: tokens_file_body.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:14:29 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:54:19 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with File_Names, Source_File, Symbol_Table, Text_IO; with String_Pkg; package body Tokens_File is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) tokens_file_body.ada, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: tokens_file_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:14:29 ada Exp $"; Package_Header_Generated : Boolean := False; T_File: Text_IO.File_Type; procedure Open is use Text_IO; begin Create(T_File, Out_File, File_Names.Get_Tokens_File_Name); end Open; function Tokens_Package_Header_Has_Been_Generated return Boolean is begin return Package_Header_Generated; end Tokens_Package_Header_Has_Been_Generated; procedure Start_Tokens_Package is begin if not Package_Header_Generated then Writeln("package " & File_Names.Tokens_Unit_Name & " is"); Writeln(""); Package_Header_Generated := True; end if; end Start_Tokens_Package; procedure Close is use Text_IO; begin Close(T_File); end Close; procedure Write(S: in String) is use Text_IO; begin Put(T_File,S); end Write; procedure Writeln(S: in String) is use Text_IO; begin Put_Line(T_File,S); end Writeln; procedure Complete_Tokens_Package is Tokens_On_Line: Natural := 1; use String_Pkg; use Symbol_Table; begin if not Package_Header_Generated then Start_Tokens_Package; end if; Writeln(" YYLVal, YYVal : YYSType; "); Writeln(" type Token is"); Write(" ("); for I in First_Symbol(Terminal)..Last_Symbol(Terminal)-1 loop if Tokens_On_Line = 4 then Write(Value (Mixed (Get_Symbol_Name(I)))); Writeln(","); Write(" "); Tokens_On_Line := 1; else Write(Value (Mixed (Get_Symbol_Name(I)))); Write(", "); end if; Tokens_On_Line := Tokens_On_Line + 1; end loop; Write(Value (Mixed (Get_Symbol_Name(Last_Symbol(Terminal))))); Writeln(" );"); Writeln(""); Writeln(" Syntax_Error : exception;"); Writeln(""); Writeln("end " & File_Names.Tokens_Unit_Name & ";"); end Complete_Tokens_Package; procedure Make_C_Lex_Package is use Symbol_Table, Text_IO; The_Define_File : File_Type; The_Ada_File : File_Type; type Symbol_Rec is record Name : String(1..Source_File.Maximum_Line_Length); Length : Natural; end record; Sym_Name : Symbol_Rec; function Convert(S : String) return Symbol_Rec is Result : Symbol_Rec; begin Result.Name(1..S'Length) := S; Result.Length := S'Length; return Result; end; begin Create(The_Ada_File, Out_File, File_Names.Get_C_Lex_File_Name); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, "with " & File_Names.Tokens_Unit_Name & "; use " & File_Names.Tokens_Unit_Name & ";"); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, "package " & File_Names.C_Lex_Unit_Name & " is"); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " function YYLex return Token;"); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, "end " & File_Names.C_Lex_Unit_Name & ";"); New_Line(The_Ada_File); New_Line(The_Ada_File); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, "package body " & File_Names.C_Lex_Unit_Name & " is"); New_Line(The_Ada_File); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " function Get_Token return Integer;"); New_Line(The_Ada_File); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " pragma Interface(C, Get_Token);"); New_Line(The_Ada_File); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " type Table is array(0..255) of Token;"); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " Literals : constant Table := Table'("); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " 0 => End_of_Input,"); Create(The_Define_File, Out_File, File_Names.Get_Include_File_Name); Put_Line(The_Define_File, "/* C_Lex Token Definition for type " & File_Names.Tokens_Unit_Name & ".Token; */"); New_Line (The_Define_File); for I in First_Symbol(Terminal)..Last_Symbol(Terminal) loop Sym_Name := Convert(Get_Symbol_Name(I)); if Sym_Name.Name(1) /= ''' then Put(The_Define_File,"#define "); Put(The_Define_File, Sym_Name.Name(1..Sym_Name.Length)); Put_Line(The_Define_File, " " & Grammar_Symbol'Image(I + 256)); else Put(The_Ada_File, " " & Integer'Image(Character'Pos(Sym_Name.Name(2))) & " => "); Put(The_Ada_File, Sym_Name.Name(1..Sym_Name.Length) & ','); New_Line(The_Ada_File); end if; end loop; Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " others => Error); "); New_Line(The_Ada_File); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " function YYLex return Token is"); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " Token_Value : Integer;"); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " begin"); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " Token_Value := Get_Token;"); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " if Token_Value > 255 then"); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " return Token'Val(Token_Value-256);"); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " else "); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " return Literals(Token_Value); "); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " end if; "); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, " end YYLex; "); Put_Line(The_Ada_File, "end " & File_Names.C_Lex_Unit_Name & ";"); Close(The_Ada_File); Close(The_Define_File); end; end Tokens_File; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : verbose_file.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:38:37 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxverbose_file.ada -- $Header: verbose_file.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:14:39 ada Exp $ -- $Log: verbose_file.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:14:39 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:54:29 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with Symbol_Table, Rule_Table, LR0_Machine; use Symbol_Table, Rule_Table, LR0_Machine; package Verbose_File is procedure Open; procedure Close; procedure Write (Ch : in Character); procedure Write (S : in String); procedure Write_Line (S : in String := ""); procedure Print_Item (Item_1 : in Item); procedure Print_Item_Set (Set_1 : in Item_Set); procedure Print_Grammar_Symbol (Sym: in Grammar_Symbol); procedure Print_Rule (R : in Rule); end Verbose_File; -- Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. -- All rights reserved. -- -- The primary authors of ayacc were David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Enhancements were made by Ronald J. Schmalz. -- -- Send requests for ayacc information to ayacc-info@ics.uci.edu -- Send bug reports for ayacc to ayacc-bugs@ics.uci.edu -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are -- duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, -- advertising materials, and other materials related to such -- distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed -- by the University of California, Irvine. The name of the -- University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Module : verbose_file_body.ada -- Component of : ayacc -- Version : 1.2 -- Date : 11/21/86 12:38:50 -- SCCS File : disk21~/rschm/hasee/sccs/ayacc/sccs/sxverbose_file_body.ada -- $Header: verbose_file_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:14:46 ada Exp $ -- $Log: verbose_file_body.a,v $ -- Revision 0.1 86/04/01 15:14:46 ada -- This version fixes some minor bugs with empty grammars -- and $$ expansion. It also uses vads5.1b enhancements -- such as pragma inline. -- -- -- Revision 0.0 86/02/19 18:54:37 ada -- -- These files comprise the initial version of Ayacc -- designed and implemented by David Taback and Deepak Tolani. -- Ayacc has been compiled and tested under the Verdix Ada compiler -- version 4.06 on a vax 11/750 running Unix 4.2BSD. -- with Text_IO, File_Names; use Text_IO; package body Verbose_File is SCCS_ID : constant String := "@(#) verbose_file_body.ada, Version 1.2"; Rcs_ID : constant String := "$Header: verbose_file_body.a,v 0.1 86/04/01 15:14:46 ada Exp $"; V_File : File_Type; -- The verbose file procedure Open is use File_Names; begin Create(V_File, Out_File, Get_Verbose_File_Name); end Open; procedure Close is begin Close(V_File); end Close; procedure Write(Ch : in Character) is begin Put(V_File, Ch); end Write; procedure Write(S : in String) is begin Put(V_File, S); end Write; procedure Write_Line(S : in String := "") is begin Put_Line(V_File, S); end Write_Line; procedure Print_Grammar_Symbol(Sym: in Grammar_Symbol) is begin Put(V_File, Get_Symbol_Name(Sym)); end; procedure Print_Item(Item_1 : in Item) is begin Put(V_File, "(" & Rule'Image(Item_1.Rule_ID) & ") "); Put(V_File, Get_Symbol_Name(Get_LHS(Item_1.Rule_ID)) & Ascii.Ht & ": "); if Item_1.Dot_Position = 0 then Put(V_File, "_ "); end if; for I in 1..Length_of(Item_1.Rule_ID) loop Put(V_File, Get_Symbol_Name(Get_RHS(Item_1.Rule_ID, I))); Put(V_File, " "); if I = Item_1.Dot_Position then Put(V_File, "_ "); end if; end loop; end Print_Item; procedure Print_Item_Set(Set_1: in Item_Set) is use Item_Set_Pack; Iterator : Item_Iterator; Temp_Item : Item; begin Initialize(Iterator, Set_1); while More(Iterator) loop Next(Iterator, Temp_Item); Print_Item(Temp_Item); New_Line(V_File); end loop; end Print_Item_Set; procedure Print_Rule(R : in Rule) is begin Put(V_File, "(" & Rule'Image(R) & ") "); Put(V_File, Get_Symbol_Name(Get_LHS(R)) & Ascii.Ht & ": "); for I in 1..Length_of(R) loop Put(V_File, Get_Symbol_Name(Get_RHS(R, I))); Put(V_File, " "); end loop; end Print_Rule; end Verbose_File;