DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 3635 (0xe33) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦516dceb10⟧ Bits:30000751 8mm tape, Rational 1000, RCI_VADS └─ ⟦9a14c9417⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Debug_Tools; with Log; with Switch_Implementation; with System; package body Rcf_Switch_Implementation is package Si renames Switch_Implementation; package Naming renames Directory.Naming; subtype Field_Enum is Natural; Target_Key_Suffix : constant String := ""; function Switch_Class_Name return String is begin return "Rcf" & Target_Key_Suffix; end Switch_Class_Name; function Get_Switch_File (For_View : Directory.Object) return Directory.Version is Switch_File_Obj : Directory.Object; Switch_File : Directory.Version; E_Status : Directory.Error_Status; N_Status : Naming.Name_Status; begin Directory.Control_Point.Get_Switch_Object (Unit => Directory.Ada.Get_Unit (For_View), The_File => Switch_File_Obj, Status => E_Status); if Directory."/=" (E_Status, Directory.Successful) then Log.Put_Line ("Got " & Directory.Error_Status'Image (E_Status) & " while trying to get switch file for view " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (For_View), Profile.Warning_Msg); return Directory.Nil; end if; Directory.Traversal.Get_Version (Switch_File_Obj, Switch_File, E_Status); if Directory."=" (E_Status, Directory.Successful) then return Switch_File; else Log.Put_Line ("Got " & Directory.Error_Status'Image (E_Status) & " while trying to get switch file for view " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (For_View), Profile.Warning_Msg); end if; return Directory.Nil; end Get_Switch_File; function Value (Name : String; Switch_File : Directory.Version) return Boolean is Full_Switch_Name : constant String := Switch_Class_Name & '.' & Name; Field : Field_Enum; begin return Boolean'(Switch_Implementation.Value (Switch_File, Full_Switch_Name)); exception when Si.Undefined_Switch_Name => Log.Put_Line ("Undefined switch name " & Full_Switch_Name, Profile.Negative_Msg); return False; when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unhandled exception " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name, Profile.Negative_Msg); return False; end Value; function Is_Host_Only (For_View : Directory.Object) return Boolean is begin if Directory."=" (For_View, Directory.Nil) then return True; end if; return Value (Host_Only_Switch, Get_Switch_File (For_View => For_View)); end Is_Host_Only; function Trace_On (For_View : Directory.Object) return Boolean is begin return Value (Trace_Command_Output_Switch, Get_Switch_File (For_View => For_View)); end Trace_On; function Value (Name : String; Switch_File : Directory.Object) return String is Full_Switch_Name : constant String := Switch_Class_Name & '.' & Name; Null_Str : constant String := ""; begin return String'(Switch_Implementation.Value (Get_Switch_File (Switch_File), Full_Switch_Name)); exception when Si.Undefined_Switch_Name => Log.Put_Line ("Undefined switch name " & Full_Switch_Name, Profile.Negative_Msg); return Null_Str; end Value; end Rcf_Switch_Implementation;