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⟦86f3bb672⟧ TextFile

    Length: 15557 (0x3cc5)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »MAIL_HELP«


└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 


@node !Commands.Mail

  Package Mail provides operations for creating, sending, replying,
  forwarding, and remailing messages as well as operations for creating
  and managing mailboxes.

  The Environment Editor provides three types of images related to Mail:
  mailboxes, read messages, and transmit messages (send, reply, forward,
  and remail).  Many of the operations in package !Commands.Common apply
  to one or more of these types of windows.  

  The Environment Editor provides three types of images related to Mail:
  mailboxes, read messages, and transmit messages (send, reply, forward,
  and remail).  Many of the operations in package !Commands.Common apply
  to one or more of these types of windows.

  The following procedures from package Common apply to mailboxes, read
  messages, and/or transmit messages, as indicated.  Operations from
  package Common that do not apply produce a message to that effect in
  the Message window.


  Abandons the window and the window is removed from the screen.  If the
  window is a mailbox window, any message windows related to that
  mailbox are also abandoned.  That is, open messages from that mailbox
  and any reply, forward, or remail message windows created from open
  messages from that mailbox are also abandoned.


  Causes a transmit message to be sent. If an invalid entry exists in
  the <USER_LIST> field, it will be underlined and the message will not
  be sent.

  Commit is not supported in a mailbox or a read message window.


  Creates a Command window below the current window.  The use clause in
  the Command window (use Editor, Common, Mail;) includes this package,
  so operations in this pack- age are visible in the Command window
  without qualification.


  Brings up a window with the image of that mailbox, when the cursor is
  positioned on a mailbox name. When the cursor is positioned on a
  message line within the mailbox, a window is brought up with the image
  of that message in the window.  In addition, if the message was
  previously unread (status N, for new), the status will change to
  indicate that it is a read message.

  Definition is not supported in a message window.


  Makes a previously sent message editable.  An editable message's entry
  fields become prompts but retain the previously entered information.
  The result is equivalent to that obtained when a previously executed
  command is completed in a Command window.

  Edit is not supported in a mailbox or a read message window.

  Finds the mailbox that contains the read message or the Main mailbox
  if the window is a transmit message.

  Enclosing is not supported for a mailbox window.


  Displays any newly arrived messages in a mailbox window and places the
  cursor on the first new message.

  Format is not supported in a message window.


  Causes a transmit message to be sent. If an invalid entry exists in
  the <USER_LIST> field, it will be underlined and the message will not
  be sent.

  Promote is not supported in a mailbox or a read message window.


  Creates a reply template for a selected message in a mailbox, unless
  the message was returned because it was previously undeliverable.  If
  the message was previously unde- liverable, Redo presents the original
  message ready to be resent.


  Commits the window and the window is removed from the screen.  If the
  window is a mailbox window, any message windows related to that
  mailbox are also committed.  That is, open messages from that mailbox
  and any reply, forward, or remail message windows created from open
  messages from that mailbox are also committed.

  Committing a mailbox window simply removes the window.

  Committing a read message window removes the window and places the
  cursor on the next undeleted message in the mailbox window (unless the
  mailbox window was also released).

  Committing a transmit window causes the message to be sent, removes
  the window, and places the cursor in the previously visited window.
  If the commit for a transmit window is as a result of committing a
  mailbox window, an invalid entry in the <USER LIST> field will be


  Displays any newly arrived messages in a mailbox window.

  Revert is not supported in a message window.


  Checks the validity of the <USER LIST> fields and underlines any
  erroneous entries.


  Changes the sort order in which messages are displayed in a mailbox.
  The order is changed to that specified by the Format parameter.
  Consult the help message for tthe Mail_Default_Sort_Order session
  switch for more information.

  Sort_Image is not supported in a message window.


  Changes the status of the selected message(s) to normal~char(208)that
  is, not deleted.  If the message is not already flagged for deletion,
  the operation has no effect.

  Undo is not supported in a transmit message window.


  Selects the line on which the cursor is located.  Specifically, if
  nothing is selected, the procedure selects the line on which the
  cursor is located.  If a single line is already selected, the
  procedure has no effect.  If all lines are already selected, the
  procedure selects the line on which the cursor is located.


  Copies a highlighted set of messages from one mailbox into another
  mailbox in which the cursor is located.

  Object.Copy is not supported in a message window.


  Changes, to deleted, the status of the current read message window or
  of the selected message(s) in the current mailbox.  If the message is
  already flagged for deletion, the message(s) are expunged.  Existing
  message windows for deleted messages are also deleted.

  Object.Delete is not supported in a transmit message window.


  Selects the first line of the mailbox or the first line of the message.


  Creates a send message template from within the mailbox window.

  Object.Insert is not supported in a message window.


  Selects the last message of the mailbox or the last line of the message. 


  Moves a highlighted set of messages from one mailbox to another
  mailbox in which the cursor located.  If the selected switch and the
  cursor are both in the same set of switches, the procedure has no

  Object.Copy is not supported in a message window.


  Selects the next line.  If no line is selected, the procedure does
  nothing.  If all switches are selected, this procedure produces an


  Selects the line on which the cursor is located.  If no line is
  selected, the procedure selects the line on which the cursor is
  located.  If a line is selected, the procedure selects all lines in
  the mailbox or in the message.  Otherwise, the procedure has no


  Selects the previous line.  If no line is selected, the procedure does
  nothing.  If all lines are selected, this procedure produces an error.

@node !Commands.Mail.Answer

  procedure Answer (To_All : Boolean := False);

  Creates an interactive reply template for the selected message in a
  mailbox or for the current read message window.

  A reply template is a transmit message window that has a number of
  labeled fields and user-entry prompts.  The field labels are provided
  as protected text and cannot be edited.  The prompts identify the type
  of information allowed as input for the field, and they disappear when
  typed on.

  The From field is automatically filled with your username.

  The To field is also automatically filled in and is a protected field
  that contains the username of the sender of the message to which you
  are replying.  The Subject field contains Re: the Subject content of
  the message to which you are replying.


  To_All : Boolean := False;

  Specifies whether the reply is to be sent to all recipients of the
  original message. The default, false, specifies that the reply be sent
  only to the original sender.

@node !Commands.Mail.Create

  procedure Create (Mailbox  : String := ">>SIMPLE NAME<<";
                    For_User : String := "");

  Creates a mailbox with a specified name for the specified user.

  The mailbox is created in the specified user's home library in a
  directory called Mailbox.  If the directory does not exist, it is


  Mailbox : String := ">>SIMPLE NAME<<";

  Specifies the name for the mailbox.  The mailbox named Main is the
  mailbox into which mail is received.

  For_User : String := "";

  Specifies the username for whom the mailbox is to be created.  If the
  value of the parameter is the null string, the mailbox is created for
  the current user.

@node !Commands.Mail.Edit

  procedure Edit (Mailbox  : String := "MAIN";
                  For_User : String := "");

  Creates a mailbox window containing the image for the specified
  mailbox associated with the specified user.


  Mailbox : String := "MAIN";

  Specifies the name of the mailbox to be viewed.  The default is the
  Main mailbox.

  For_User : String := "";

  Specifies the username whose mailbox library is searched.  The default
  is the current username.

@node !Commands.Mail.Expunge

  procedure Expunge;

  Causes any mail messages that have been marked for deletion in a
  mailbox window to be expunged.

@node !Commands.Mail.Forward

  procedure Forward;

  Creates an interactive forward template for the selected message in a
  mailbox or for the current read message window.

  A forward template is a transmit message window that has a number of
  labeled fields and user-entry prompts.  The field labels are provided
  as protected text and cannot be edited.  The prompts identify the type
  of information allowed as input for the field, and they disappear when
  typed on.

  The From field is automatically filled with your username.

  The Subject field contains [From: username; Subject information].  The
  username refers to the original creator of the message and the Subject
  information refers to the subject of the message being forwarded.

@node !Commands.Mail.New_Messages

  function New_Messages return Natural;

  Returns the number of unread messages in the Main mailbox.

  If the mailbox is locked, the value returned is 99999999.

  return Natural;

  Returns the number of unread messages in the Main mailbox.  If the
  mailbox is locked, the value returned is 99999999.

@node !Commands.Mail.Reload_Name_Map

  procedure Reload_Name_Map;

  Causes the Environment editor to reread the Name_Map file.

  This allows recognition of any new entries added since the session was

@node !Commands.Mail.Remail

  procedure Remail;

  Creates an interactive remail template for the selected message in a
  mailbox or for the current read message window.

  A remail template is a transmit message window that has a number of
  labeled fields and user-entry prompts.  The field labels are provided
  as protected text and cannot be edited.  The prompts identify the type
  of information allowed as input for the field, and they disappear when
  typed on.

  The  From  field  is  automatically  filled with the originator of the
  message being remailed.

  The message to be remailed is automatically inserted into the message
  and cannot be added to.

@node !Commands.Mail.Reply

  procedure Reply (To_All : Boolean := False) renames Answer;

  Creates an interactive reply template for the selected message in a
  mailbox or for the current read message window.

  A reply template is a transmit message window that has a number of
  labeled fields and user-entry prompts.  The field labels are provided
  as protected text and cannot be edited.  The prompts identify the type
  of information allowed as input for the field, and they disappear when
  typed on.

  The From field is automatically filled with your username.

  The To field is also automatically filled and is a protected field
  that contains the username of the sender of the message to which you
  are replying.  The Subject field contains Re: the Subject content of
  the message to which you are replying.

  To_All : Boolean := False;

  Specifies whether the reply is to be sent to all recipients of the
  original message.  The default, false, specifies that the reply be
  sent only to the original sender.


  procedure Answer

@node !Commands.Mail.Send

  procedure Send;

  Creates an interactive reply template for the selected message in a
  mailbox or for the current read message window.

  A send template is a transmit message window that has a number of
  labeled fields and user-entry prompts.  The field labels are provided
  as protected text and cannot be edited.  The prompts identify the type
  of information allowed as input for the field, and they disappear when
  typed on.

  The From field is automatically filled with your username.

@node !Commands.Mail.Send_Message

  procedure Send_Message (To       : String := ">>USER_NAMES<<";
                          Subject  : String := "";
                          Text     : String := "";
                          Cc       : String := "";
                          From     : String :=
                          Response : String := "<PROFILE>");

  Composes and sends a message as specified by the parameters. 


  To : String := ">>USER_NAMES<<";

  Specifies the username(s) and mailing list(s) to whom the message is
  to be sent.  Usernames and mailing list entries are specified as
  comma-separated lists.

  Usernames are simple login names and can, optionally, be appended with
  @system name, where system name is a valid network system name.

  Mailing lists are specified as simple names terminated by the string
  :; or as _file name, where file name is the name of a text file which
  contains the mailing list.

  Username and mailing list parameters are validated against the
  system's name map unless the @system name is used.

  Subject : String := "";

  Specifies the subject field content for the message.  The default is
  the null string.

  Text : String := "";

  Specifies the message body content for the message.  The default is
  the null string.

  Cc : String := "";

  Specifies a list of recipients to receive a carbon copy of the
  message.  Entries for this parameter are the same as the entries for
  the To parameter.

  From : String := "System_Utilities.User_Name";

  Specifies the username from whom the message originated.  The default
  is the username associated with the current session.

  Response : String := "<PROFILE>";

  Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what
  activities to use during the execution of this command.  The default
  is the job response profile.