DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 5358 (0x14ee) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Testmate_Preferences; with Test_Set_Interpreter; with Tms; with Log; with Profile; with Resolved_Name; with Parameter_Utility; with Predefined_Script_Conditions; with System; with Po_Exceptions; with Debug_Tools; with Alpha_String_Prolog; with Alpha_String_Epilog; with Basic_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String_Tests; with Basic_Alpha_Numeric_String_Tests; with Basic_Alpha_String_Tests; with Save_Version_Information; with Test_Invoke; with Predefined_Script_Prolog; with Predefined_Script_Epilog; procedure Alpha_Set_Script (Test_Log_Name : in String := ""; Test_Run_Name : in String := ""; Controls : in String := Testmate_Preferences. The_Script_Execution_Control; The_Context : in String := Testmate_Preferences.The_Test_Context; Apply_Coverage_Analyzer : in Boolean := False) is The_Resolved_Test_Run_Name : constant String := Resolved_Name ("ALPHA_SET_script", "_run", Test_Run_Name); The_Resolved_Log_Name : constant String := Resolved_Name (The_Resolved_Test_Run_Name, "_log", Test_Log_Name); Full_Test_Set_Name : constant String := "!USERS.TESTMATE_USER_1.TOOLS.STRING_SUPPORT.REV1_WORKING.TEST.SETS.ALPHA_SET"; Full_Script_Name : constant String := "!USERS.TESTMATE_USER_1.TOOLS.STRING_SUPPORT.REV1_WORKING.TEST.SCRIPTS.ALPHA_SET_script"; Simple_Script_Name : constant String := "ALPHA_SET_script"; procedure Test_Pre_Condition is begin null; end Test_Pre_Condition; function User_Test_Pre_Condition (Condition_Name : in String; Condition_Params : in String) return Boolean is begin if Condition_Name /= "" then raise Predefined_Script_Conditions.Incompatibile_Test_Case; end if; return True; end User_Test_Pre_Condition; procedure User_Test_Prolog (Prolog_Name : in String; Prolog_Params : in String) is Param1 : constant String := Parameter_Utility.Extract_Param (Prolog_Params, 1); begin if Prolog_Name = "alpha_string_prolog" then Alpha_String_Prolog (Param1); elsif Prolog_Name /= "" then raise Predefined_Script_Conditions.Incompatibile_Test_Case; end if; end User_Test_Prolog; procedure User_Test_Epilog (Epilog_Name : in String; Epilog_Params : in String) is Param1 : constant String := Parameter_Utility.Extract_Param (Epilog_Params, 1); begin if Epilog_Name = "alpha_string_epilog" then Alpha_String_Epilog (Param1); elsif Epilog_Name /= "" then raise Predefined_Script_Conditions.Incompatibile_Test_Case; end if; end User_Test_Epilog; procedure Evaluation_Action (Eval_Name : in String; Eval_Params : in String) is begin if Eval_Name /= "" then raise Predefined_Script_Conditions.Incompatibile_Test_Case; end if; end Evaluation_Action; procedure Test_Driver (Driver_Name : in String; Driver_Params : in String) is Param1 : constant String := Parameter_Utility.Extract_Param (Driver_Params, 1); begin if Driver_Name = "basic_alpha_numeric_underscore_string_tests" then Basic_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String_Tests; elsif Driver_Name = "basic_alpha_numeric_string_tests" then Basic_Alpha_Numeric_String_Tests; elsif Driver_Name = "basic_alpha_string_tests" then Basic_Alpha_String_Tests (Param1); elsif Driver_Name /= "" then raise Predefined_Script_Conditions.Incompatibile_Test_Case; end if; end Test_Driver; procedure Test_Case_Invoke is new Test_Invoke (Test_Driver, Apply_Coverage_Analyzer); procedure Alpha_Set_Script_Execution is new Test_Set_Interpreter (Save_Version_Information => Save_Version_Information); begin Predefined_Script_Prolog (Test_Set_Name => Full_Test_Set_Name, Test_Script_Name => Full_Script_Name, Test_Run_Name => The_Resolved_Test_Run_Name, Context_Name => The_Context, Controls_Name => Controls, Test_Log_Name => The_Resolved_Log_Name, Apply_Coverage_Analyzer => Apply_Coverage_Analyzer); Alpha_Set_Script_Execution (Full_Test_Set_Name); Predefined_Script_Epilog; exception when Predefined_Script_Conditions.User_Script_Halt | Predefined_Script_Conditions.Script_Halt | Po_Exceptions.Reported_Error => Predefined_Script_Epilog; when System.Nonexistent_Page_Error => Log.Put_Line ("It is likely that TestMate is not running, please verify"); when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unhandled Exception --> " & Debug_Tools.Get_Raise_Location); Predefined_Script_Epilog; end Alpha_Set_Script;