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⟦8b358d88a⟧ TextFile

    Length: 12608 (0x3140)
    Types: TextFile


└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 



                   Rational Environment Release Information

                               D_12_2_4 Release



       Copyright  1991 by Rational

       Part Number: 508-003207-004

       March 1991 (Software Rev. D_12_2_4)

       Rational   and  R1000  are  registered  trademarks  and  Rational
       Environment and Rational Subsystems are trademarks of Rational.

                             3320 Scott Boulevard
                      Santa Clara, California  95054-3197


                                                        D_12_2_4 Release

       1.  Overview

       This D_12_2_4 release of the Rational Environment  supports  the
       R1000 series 400.  Previous releases of the Environment cannot be
       run on the series 400  (either  the  System  or  the  Coprocessor

       For  the  most  part,  the  user-visible features of D_12_2_4 are
       identical to the  D_12_1_1  release,  which  supports  the  R1000
       series  100,  200,  and  300.   However, there are some important
       differences between the two releases.  In particular, D_12_2_4:
       *  Introduces new Environment login tokens.
       *  Fixes several problems in the D_12_1_1 release.
       *  Provides updated training software.

       This release note describes only the  Environment  features  that
       differ from the D_12_1_1 release.  Therefore, you should use this
       release note to supplement the D_12_1_1  release  note,  entitled
       Rational Environment Release Information D_12_1_1 Release.

       2.  Supported Configurations and Upgrades

       D_12_2_4 supports the following configurations of the R1000:
       *  Series 400, System and Coprocessor configurations.

       3.  Compatibility

       Same as D_12_1_1.

       4.  Upgrade Impact


       5.  Known Problems

       Same as for D_12_1_1, except:
       *  The problem listed in section 5.6 of the D_12_1_1 release note
          has been fixed.  That is, differences between two  generations
          can  now  be  displayed correctly, regardless of the nature of
          the differences.
       *  The problem listed in section 5.14  of  the  D_12_1_1  release
          note  now has a workaround.  This workaround is presented with
          change bars in section 5.1.

       RATIONAL     March 1991                                         1\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       5.1.  Workaround for Token Management Problem

       When a user session references any of a product's facilities, the
       referencing  session  acquires one of the product's tokens.  When
       all of the product's tokens are in use, any session attempting to
       use  the  product  will  have  to  wait  until  a  token has been

       A problem exists in D_12_2_4 with the way tokens are released.  A
       session  should release its token when it is finished -- that is,
       when the following two conditions are met:
       *  The session logs out.
       *  All of the session's background jobs have terminated.

       However, by default, the token is not  released  unless  a  third
       condition  also  is met: namely, that another session attempts to
       get the token.  Because of this third condition,  a  single  user
       could  effectively "lock up" a token indefinitely simply by using
       the product, logging off, and then logging back  in  first  thing
       the  next  morning.  If no other session has attempted to get the
       token in the meantime, the original user automatically re-obtains
       the  token,  even  if he or she doesn't actually use the relevant

    |  The workaround for this problem is to  periodically  execute  the
    |  Show_Tokens  command  from  another session to release any tokens
    |  that are implicitly attached  to  finished  sessions.   Executing
    |  Show_Tokens  after a user's session is finished prevents the user
    |  from re-obtaining a token unless he  or  she  actually  uses  the
    |  relevant product.  

       6.  New Environment Interfaces

       Same as D_12_1_1, except as noted in the following sections:

       6.1.  New Tokens for Managing Per-Session Pricing

       Declarations for managing per-session pricing in D_12_2_4 work as
       described in section 6.12 of the D_12_1_1 release note.  However,
       D_12_2_4  has  added  two  new  types of Environment login tokens
       which represent concurrent Environment  sessions  on  the  series
       400, namely:
       *  Full  Session,  which  represents  a  series  400  Environment
          session that permits complete Environment capabilities.
       *  Fundamental Session, which represents a series 400 Environment
          session  that  permits  only  basic  Environment capabilities.
          Fundamental  sessions  are  available  only  on  systems   for
          European sites.

       2                                         March 1991     RATIONAL\f

                                                        D_12_2_4 Release

       The Full Session token on a series 400 is equivalent to the Login
       token on a series 300.  Customers cannot transfer Login tokens to
       a  series  400  machine;  nor  can they transfer Full Session (or
       Fundamental Session) tokens to a series 300 machine.  Login, Full
       Session,  and  Fundamental  Session  may not be mixed on the same

       Because Fundamental Sessions are available only in  Europe,  they
       are  not  on  the  U.S. price list, and the number of Fundamental
       Session tokens is set to 0 for all U.S. customers.  The number of
       Login tokens on a series 400 system is always set to 0.

       RATIONAL     March 1991                                         3\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       Note   that  the  Show_Tokens  command  shows  all  token  types,
       regardless of the type of machine:

       Product   Users                Limit Current Buy_Out
       --------  -------------------  ----- ------- -------
       Login                              0     0    12
       X Interface                        0     0    12
       Full Session                       2     2    12
       Fundamental Session                0     0    12
       Design_Facility                    0     0    12

       6.2.  New Declarations in Package Work_Order_Implementation

       Package  !Implementation.Work_Order_Implementation  contains  two
       new functions:

       function Create_User_Name (The_Order : Work_Order_Handle) 
          return String;

       function Close_User_Name (The_Order : Work_Order_Handle) 
          return String;

       Note  that  this package also contains a changed declaration; see
       section 7.2.

       7.  Changes from D_10_20_0

       Same as D_12_1_1, except as noted below.

       7.1.  Changes to Workorders

       Bugs were fixed so that using  Archive.Save  or  Archive.Copy  on
       large   (300   Kb   to   400  Kb)  workorders  no  longer  raises

       7.2.  Spec Change in Package Work_Order_Implementation

       A      change      has      been      made       to       package
       !Implementation.Work_Order_Implementation'Spec.     This   change
       affect tools you plan to port to an R1000 running  D_12_2_4.   In
       particular,  you  must  recompile any customer-created tools that
       were created under previous Environment releases if  those  tools
       are                        compiled                       against
       !Implementation.Work_Order_Implementation'Spec.  Furthermore, you
       may  need  to  modify  those tools to accommodate a change to the
       parameter      list      in      the      generic       procedure
       Work_Order_Operations.Traverse_Comments.   This  change  fixes  a
       problem in D_12_1_1.

       4                                         March 1991     RATIONAL\f

                                                        D_12_2_4 Release

       The generic procedure now has the following specification,  which
       provides a new parameter called User_Name:

           with procedure Visit (The_User    : User_Id;
                                 User_Name   : String;
                                 The_Comment : String;
                                 The_Element : Element_Name;
                                 The_Time    : Calendar.Time);
       procedure Traverse_Comments
                    (For_Work_Order : Work_Order_Handle; Success : out

       Note  that  package  Work_Order_Implementation  also contains new
       declarations; see section 6.2.

       8.  Documentation

       Hardcopy documentation is the same as for D_12_1_1.

       Online documentation is the same as for D_12_1_1, except  that  a
       few  minor  problems  with the online help for switches have been

       9.  Training

       D_12_2_4 includes release 1_0_0  of  the  training  software  for
       current courses.  It includes software for the following courses:

       Rational Environment Training: System Management
       Rational Environment Training: Fundamentals
       Rational Environment Training: Advanced Topics
       Rational   Environment  Training:  Subsystems  and  Configuration
       Rational Environment Training: Project Development Methods
       Rational Environment Training: Toolsmithing
       Rational Network Training
       Rational Design Facility Training: DOD-STD-2167
       Rational   Design   Facility   Training:   DOD-STD-2167   Product
       Rational Design Facility Training: Fundamentals and DOD-STD-2167A
       Rational Design Facility Training:
          Toolsmithing and DOD-STD-2167A Customization
       Rational     Universal    Host    Training:          MC68020/Bare
       Cross-Development Facility
       Rational Universal Host Training:
          MC68020/OS-2000 Cross-Development Facility

       The training software for the following course is  not  available

       RATIONAL     March 1991                                         5\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       Rational  Universal Host Training: MC68020/UNIX Cross-Development

       To save disk space, the courses are in archived format.  See  the
       separate    hardcopy   "Training   Release   1_0_0   Installation
       Procedures"  for  instructions  for  restoring  the  archive  and
       installing individual courses.

       6                                         March 1991     RATIONAL\f

                                                        D_12_2_4 Release


       1.  Overview                                                    1
       2.  Supported Configurations and Upgrades                       1
       3.  Compatibility                                               1
       4.  Upgrade Impact                                              1
       5.  Known Problems                                              1
          5.1.  Workaround for Token Management Problem                2
       6.  New Environment Interfaces                                  2
          6.1.  New Tokens for Managing Per-Session Pricing            2
          6.2.  New Declarations in Package Work_Order_Implementation  4
       7.  Changes from D_10_20_0                                      4
          7.1.  Changes to Workorders                                  4
          7.2.  Spec Change in Package Work_Order_Implementation       4
       8.  Documentation                                               5
       9.  Training                                                    5

       RATIONAL     March 1991                                       iii\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       iv                                        March 1991     RATIONAL\f